Meaning of word tripped

  • 1


    1) /vt/ расцеплять; 2) /vt, in passive/ расцепить

    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > tripped

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > tripped

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > tripped

  • 4

    1) сцеплял; 2) расцеплял; 3) сцепляемый

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > tripped

  • 5

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped

  • 6

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. slipped (verb) erred; miscued; mistaken; slipped; stumbled

    2. sprang (verb) hopped; loped; skipped; skittered; sprang; sprang or sprung/sprung

    English-Russian base dictionary > tripped

  • 7

    1. выключил; выключенный

    2. опрокинул; опрокинутый

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > tripped

  • 8

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > tripped

  • 9

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > tripped

  • 10
    tripped out

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > tripped out

  • 11
    tripped out

    околпаченный, тормознутын, шизанутый, отключенный: What didу ah telling me yesterday? I could not dig it cause you sounded too tripped out.— Что ты мне вчера.говорил? Я ничего не понял. Ты был какой-то отмороженный.

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > tripped out

  • 12
    tripped line

    1. отключённая линия

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > tripped line

  • 13
    tripped position

    1. положение СРАБОТАЛ автоматического выключателя

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > tripped position

  • 14
    tripped breaker

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped breaker

  • 15
    tripped current

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped current

  • 16
    tripped flower

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped flower

  • 17
    tripped line

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped line

  • 18
    tripped off

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped off

  • 19
    tripped out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > tripped out

  • 20
    tripped flower

    English-russian biological dictionary > tripped flower


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tripped — Trip Trip (tr[i^]p), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Tripped} (tr[i^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Tripping}.] [OE. trippen; akin to D. trippen, Dan. trippe, and E. tramp. See {Tramp}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To move with light, quick steps; to walk or move lightly; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tripped out — mod. great; excellent. □ This party is really tripped out, right? □ We had a tripped out time in class today. The teacher brought his pet rabbit …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • tripped out — {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Incoherent, confused, faulty of speech, illogical; as if under the influence of drugs or alcohol. * /It was hard to make sense of anything Fred said yesterday, he sounded so tripped out./ See: SPACED OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • tripped out — {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Incoherent, confused, faulty of speech, illogical; as if under the influence of drugs or alcohol. * /It was hard to make sense of anything Fred said yesterday, he sounded so tripped out./ See: SPACED OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • tripped out — adj slang informal Incoherent, confused, faulty of speech, illogical; as if under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It was hard to make sense of anything Fred said yesterday, he sounded so tripped out. See: spaced out …   Словарь американских идиом

  • tripped — trɪp n. voyage, journey; stumble, fall; error, blunder; control lever; sensory experience caused by hallucinogenic drugs (Slang); obsession, preoccupation (Slang); intense experience v. stumble, fall; cause to stumble; make an error in conduct,… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tripped up — failed, erroneous, incorrect, faulty …   English contemporary dictionary

  • TRIPPED — …   Useful english dictionary

  • tripped-out — adj a. under the influence of LSD or a similar hallucinogenic drug b. exhibiting signs of euphoria or eccentricity caused by, or typical of, the use of LSD …   Contemporary slang

  • tripped him — made him fall, placed a pitfall in front of him, caused him to stumble …   English contemporary dictionary

  • trip — trip1 W2S2 [trıp] n 1.) a visit to a place that involves a journey, for pleasure or a particular purpose trip to ▪ Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland? trip from ▪ The Palace is only a short trip from here. business/school/shopping etc trip ▪ a …   Dictionary of contemporary English




1. A going from one place to another; a journey.

2. A stumble or fall.

3. A maneuver causing someone to stumble or fall.

4. A mistake.

5. Slang

a. A hallucinatory experience induced by a psychedelic drug: an acid trip.

b. An intense, stimulating, or exciting experience: a power trip.

6. Slang

a. A usually temporary but absorbing interest or preoccupation: He’s on another health food trip.

b. A certain way of life or situation: «deny that his reclusiveness is some sort of deliberate star trip» (Patricia Bosworth).

7. A light or nimble tread.


a. A device, such as a pawl, for triggering a mechanism.

b. The action of such a device.

v. tripped, trip·ping, trips


1. To stumble.

2. To move nimbly with light rapid steps; skip.

3. To be released, as a tooth on an escapement wheel in a watch.

4. To make a trip.

5. To make a mistake: tripped up on the last question.

6. Slang To have a drug-induced hallucination.

1. To cause to stumble or fall.

2. To trap or catch in an error or inconsistency.

3. To release (a catch, trigger, or switch), thereby setting something in operation.

4. Nautical

a. To raise (an anchor) from the bottom.

b. To tip or turn (a yardarm) into a position for lowering.

c. To lift (an upper mast) in order to remove the fid before lowering.


trip the light fantastic

To dance.

[Middle English, act of tripping, from trippen, to trip, from Old French tripper, to stamp the foot, of Germanic origin.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. an outward and return journey, often for a specific purpose

2. any tour, journey, or voyage

3. a false step; stumble

4. any slip or blunder

5. a light step or tread

6. a manoeuvre or device to cause someone to trip

7. (Mechanical Engineering)

a. any catch on a mechanism that acts as a switch

b. (as modifier): trip button.

8. (Chemistry) a surge in the conditions of a chemical or other automatic process resulting in an instability

9. (Recreational Drugs) informal a hallucinogenic drug experience

10. informal any stimulating, profound, etc, experience

vb, trips, tripping or tripped

11. (often foll by: up, or when intr, by on or over) to stumble or cause to stumble

12. to make or cause to make a mistake or blunder

13. (often foll by: up) to trap or catch in a mistake

14. (intr) to go on a short tour or journey

15. (intr) to move or tread lightly

16. (Recreational Drugs) (intr) informal to experience the effects of LSD or any other hallucinogenic drug

17. (tr)

a. to activate (a mechanical trip)

b. trip a switch to switch electric power off by moving the switch armature to disconnect the supply

[C14: from Old French triper to tread, of Germanic origin; related to Low German trippen to stamp, Middle Dutch trippen to walk trippingly, trepelen to trample]

ˈtrippingly adv

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. tripped, trip•ping. n.

1. a traveling from one place to another; journey or voyage.

2. a journey or run made by a boat, train, or the like, between two points.

3. a single course of travel taken as part of one’s duty, work, etc.: my weekly trip to the bank.

4. a stumble; misstep.

5. a sudden impeding or catching of a person’s foot so as to throw the person down.

6. a slip, error, or blunder.

7. a light, nimble step or movement of the feet.

8. a projection on a moving part that strikes a control lever to stop, reverse, or control a machine, as a printing press.

9. Slang.

a. an instance or period of being under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug, esp. LSD.

b. the euphoria, hallucinations, etc., experienced during such a period.

c. a stimulating or exciting experience.

d. any experience.

e. any intense interest or preoccupation: She’s been on a nostalgia trip all week.


10. to stumble: to trip on a toy.

11. to make a slip or mistake, as in conversation or conduct.

12. to step lightly or nimbly; skip.

13. to tip or tilt.

14. Slang. to be under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug, esp. LSD (often fol. by out).


15. to cause to stumble (often fol. by up).

16. to cause to fail; obstruct.

17. to cause to make a slip or error (often fol. by up).

18. to catch in a slip or error.

19. to tip or tilt.

20. to break out (a ship’s anchor) by turning over or lifting from the bottom by a line attached to the crown of the anchor.

21. to operate, start, or set free (a mechanism, weight, etc.) by suddenly releasing a catch, clutch, or the like.

22. to release or operate suddenly (a catch, clutch, etc.).


trip the light fantastic, to go dancing.

[1350–1400; Middle English trippen to step lightly < Old French trip(p)er < Middle Dutch; compare early Dutch trippen, Dutch trippelen (frequentative with -el), akin to Old English treppan to tread]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • trip — A group of goats.
  • rustication — A trip to the country.
  • safari — From Swahili, from Arabic safar, «journey, trip.»
  • supplant — Literally means «trip up,» from Latin supplantare, «trip up, overthrow.»

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a flock or troop; a brood or litter.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘journey’

A journey is the process of travelling from one place to another by land, air, or sea.

There is a direct train from London Paddington to Penzance. The journey takes around 5 hours.

This service will save thousands of long-distance lorry journeys on Britain’s roads.

2. ‘trip’

A trip is the process of travelling from one place to another, staying there, usually for a short time, and coming back again.

Lucy is away on a business trip to Milan.

They went on a day trip to the seaside.

3. ‘voyage’

A voyage is a long journey from one place to another in a ship or spacecraft.

The ship’s voyage is over.

…the voyage to the moon in 1972.

4. ‘excursion’

An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing.

The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace.

5. verbs used with ‘journey’, ‘trip’, ‘voyage’ and ‘excursion’

You make or go on a journey.

He made the long journey to India.

You take or go on a trip.

We took a bus trip to Manchester.

You make a voyage.

The ship made the 4,000-kilometre voyage across the Atlantic.

You go on an excursion.

Students went on an excursion to the Natural History Museum.

Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘do’ with any of these words. Don’t say, for example, ‘We did a bus trip‘.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: tripped
Gerund: tripping

I trip
you trip
he/she/it trips
we trip
you trip
they trip
I tripped
you tripped
he/she/it tripped
we tripped
you tripped
they tripped
Present Continuous
I am tripping
you are tripping
he/she/it is tripping
we are tripping
you are tripping
they are tripping
Present Perfect
I have tripped
you have tripped
he/she/it has tripped
we have tripped
you have tripped
they have tripped
Past Continuous
I was tripping
you were tripping
he/she/it was tripping
we were tripping
you were tripping
they were tripping
Past Perfect
I had tripped
you had tripped
he/she/it had tripped
we had tripped
you had tripped
they had tripped
I will trip
you will trip
he/she/it will trip
we will trip
you will trip
they will trip
Future Perfect
I will have tripped
you will have tripped
he/she/it will have tripped
we will have tripped
you will have tripped
they will have tripped
Future Continuous
I will be tripping
you will be tripping
he/she/it will be tripping
we will be tripping
you will be tripping
they will be tripping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been tripping
you have been tripping
he/she/it has been tripping
we have been tripping
you have been tripping
they have been tripping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been tripping
you will have been tripping
he/she/it will have been tripping
we will have been tripping
you will have been tripping
they will have been tripping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been tripping
you had been tripping
he/she/it had been tripping
we had been tripping
you had been tripping
they had been tripping
I would trip
you would trip
he/she/it would trip
we would trip
you would trip
they would trip
Past Conditional
I would have tripped
you would have tripped
he/she/it would have tripped
we would have tripped
you would have tripped
they would have tripped

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. trip - a journey for some purpose (usually including the return)trip — a journey for some purpose (usually including the return); «he took a trip to the shopping center»

flight — a scheduled trip by plane between designated airports; «I took the noon flight to Chicago»

journey, journeying — the act of traveling from one place to another

junket — a trip taken by an official at public expense

round trip — a trip to some place and back again

run — a regular trip; «the ship made its run in record time»

run — a short trip; «take a run into town»

trek — any long and difficult trip

errand — a short trip that is taken in the performance of a necessary task or mission

service call — a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service

2. trip - a hallucinatory experience induced by drugstrip — a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs; «an acid trip»

hallucination — illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder

3. trip - an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a falltrip — an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; «he blamed his slip on the ice»; «the jolt caused many slips and a few spills»


fall, tumble, spill — a sudden drop from an upright position; «he had a nasty spill on the ice»

misadventure, mischance, mishap — an instance of misfortune

4. trip - an exciting or stimulating experiencetrip — an exciting or stimulating experience

head trip

experience — an event as apprehended; «a surprising experience»; «that painful experience certainly got our attention»

5. trip - a catch mechanism that acts as a switchtrip — a catch mechanism that acts as a switch; «the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water»


catch, stop — a restraint that checks the motion of something; «he used a book as a stop to hold the door open»

6. trip - a light or nimble treadtrip — a light or nimble tread; «he heard the trip of women’s feet overhead»

step — the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down; «he walked with unsteady steps»

7. trip - an unintentional but embarrassing blundertrip — an unintentional but embarrassing blunder; «he recited the whole poem without a single trip»; «he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later»; «confusion caused his unfortunate misstep»

misstep, trip-up, stumble

blooper, blunder, boo-boo, botch, bungle, flub, foul-up, pratfall, bloomer — an embarrassing mistake

Verb 1. trip - miss a step and fall or nearly falltrip — miss a step and fall or nearly fall; «She stumbled over the tree root»


move — move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; «He moved his hand slightly to the right»

founder — stumble and nearly fall; «the horses foundered»

2. trip - cause to stumbletrip — cause to stumble; «The questions on the test tripped him up»

trip up

3. trip - make a trip for pleasuretrip — make a trip for pleasure    

jaunt, travel

junket, junketeer — go on a pleasure trip

travel to, visit — go to certain places as for sightseeing; «Did you ever visit Paris?»

journey, travel — undertake a journey or trip

ply, run — travel a route regularly; «Ships ply the waters near the coast»

commute — travel back and forth regularly, as between one’s place of work and home

peregrinate — travel around, through, or over, especially on foot; «peregrinate the bridge»

4. trip - put in motion or move to acttrip — put in motion or move to act; «trigger a reaction»; «actuate the circuits»

activate, actuate, set off, spark, spark off, touch off, trigger, trigger off

initiate, pioneer — take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; «This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants»

5. trip - get high, stoned, or druggedtrip — get high, stoned, or drugged; «He trips every weekend»

trip out, turn on, get off

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. journey, outing, excursion, day out, run, drive, travel, tour, spin (informal), expedition, voyage, ramble, foray, jaunt, errand, junket (informal), awayday On the Thursday we went out on a day trip.


1. stumble, fall, fall over, slip, tumble, topple, stagger, misstep, lose your balance, make a false move, lose your footing, take a spill She tripped and broke her hip.

3. (Informal) take drugs, get high (informal), get stoned (slang), get loved-up (informal), get off your face (slang), turn on (slang) One night I was tripping on acid.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. A usually short journey taken for pleasure:

2. An act or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true:

3. Slang. An illusion of perceiving something that does not really exist:

4. Slang. A temporary concentration of interest:


1. To catch the foot against something and lose one’s balance:

Idioms: lose one’s footing, make a false step.

3. To make or go on a journey:

4. To release or move (a switch, for example) in order to activate, deactivate, or control a device:

phrasal verb
trip up

To make an error or mistake:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.





putspotaknuti se


ferî, ferîalaghrasatrítla


걸려 넘어지다여행




izletpotovanjespotaknitispotakniti se



chuyến đivấp




3. (on drugs) to be trippingestar colocado
they were all tripping out on acidtodos estaban colocados con ácido


3. (= set off) [+ mechanism, switch] → activar

4. (= dance) to trip the light fantastic (o.f.) → mover el esqueleto

trip over

trip up

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




trip recorder

n (Aut) → Tageszähler m

trip switch

n (Elec) → Sicherheitsschalter m

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. n

b. (Drugs slang) → trip m inv, viaggio

trip over

trip up

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(trip) past tense, past participle tripped verb

1. (often with up or over) to (cause to) catch one’s foot and stumble or fall. She tripped and fell; She tripped over the carpet.

2. to walk with short, light steps. She tripped happily along the road.


a journey or tour. She went on / took a trip to Paris.

ˈtripper noun

a person who has made a journey for pleasure. The resort was full of trippers.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رِحْلَة, يُعَثِّرُ výlet, zakopnout rejse, snuble Reise, stolpern σκουντουφλώ, ταξίδι αναψυχής tropezar, viaje kompastua, matka trajet, trébucher put, spotaknuti se inciampare, viaggio つまずく, 旅行 걸려 넘어지다, 여행 reisje, struikelen tur, utløse podróż, potknąć się tropeçar, viagem путешествие, путешествовать resa, snubbla การเดินทาง, สะดุด ayağı takılmak, yolculuk chuyến đi, vấp 旅程, 绊倒

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


1. n. viaje;

2. slang, uso de drogas alucinatorias.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • Have a good trip!
  • This is my first trip to …
  • A first class round trip to … (US)
    A first class return to … (UK)
  • How long is the trip? (US)
    How long is the journey? (UK)
  • The trip takes two hours (US)
    The journey takes two hours (UK)

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi (pret & pp tripped; ger tripping) tropezar, dar un traspié

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Мои примеры


thermally tripped circuit breaker — выключатель с тепловой защитой  
tripped current — ток расцепления  
thermally-tripped circuit-breaker — выключатель с тепловой защитой  
tripped breaker — сработавший выключатель  
tripped flower — раскрывшийся цветок  
tripped line — линия без напряжения; обесточенная линия; отключённая линия  
tripped off — блокированный  

Примеры с переводом

He tripped on the bottom step.

Он споткнулся о нижнюю ступеньку.

He tripped over a stone and tumbled.

Он споткнулся о камень и упал.

He tripped and fell.

Он споткнулся и упал.

The questions on the test tripped him up.

Вопросы этого теста сбили его с толку.

I would have won if I had not tripped.

Я бы выиграл, если бы не споткнулся.

He tripped on the bottom stair and almost fell.

Он споткнулся о нижнюю ступеньку и чуть не упал.

He tripped up a witness by artful questions.

Он запутал свидетеля хитро поставленными вопросами.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Baggio was tripped inside the penalty area.

She was showboating for the cameras when she tripped and fell.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

trip  — поездка, путешествие, экскурсия, рейс, спотыкаться, опрокидывать
triply  — трижды, три раза, трехслойный

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We had this unbelievable faith that no business has done, quite frankly, and we tripped along the way doing it, but within two years, we were in 40-plus countries. So we ran at an amazing pace, and this is where venture capitalists play a role. Making Groupon into what it is today, we had no role in it; the entrepreneurs did it.

Peter Barris





Tripped is a verb.




I trip

you trip

he/she/it trips

we trip

you trip

they trip

Present continuous

I am tripping

you are tripping

he/she/it is tripping

we are tripping

you are tripping

they are tripping

Present perfect

I have tripped

you have tripped

he/she/it has tripped

we have tripped

you have tripped

they have tripped

Present perfect continuous

I have been tripping

you have been tripping

he/she/it has been tripping

we have been tripping

you have been tripping

they have been tripping

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I tripped

you tripped

he/she/it tripped

we tripped

you tripped

they tripped

Past continuous

I was tripping

you were tripping

he/she/it was tripping

we were tripping

you were tripping

they were tripping

Past perfect

I had tripped

you had tripped

he/she/it had tripped

we had tripped

you had tripped

they had tripped

Past perfect continuous

I had been tripping

you had been tripping

he/she/it had been tripping

we had been tripping

you had been tripping

they had been tripping

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will trip

you will trip

he/she/it will trip

we will trip

you will trip

they will trip

Future continuous

I will be tripping

you will be tripping

he/she/it will be tripping

we will be tripping

you will be tripping

they will be tripping

Future perfect

I will have tripped

you will have tripped

he/she/it will have tripped

we will have tripped

you will have tripped

they will have tripped

Future perfect continuous

I will have been tripping

you will have been tripping

he/she/it will have been tripping

we will have been tripping

you will have been tripping

they will have been tripping

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would tripped

you would tripped

he/she/it would tripped

we would tripped

you would tripped

they would tripped

Conditional continuous

I would be tripping

you would be tripping

he/she/it would be tripping

we would be tripping

you would be tripping

they would be tripping

Conditional perfect

I would have tripped

you would have tripped

he/she/it would have tripped

we would have tripped

you would have tripped

they would have tripped

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been tripping

you would have been tripping

he/she/it would have been tripping

we would have been tripping

you would have been tripping

they would have been tripping

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you trip
we let´s trip
you trip

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.

Synonyms and antonyms of tripped in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «tripped» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «tripped» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of tripped to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of tripped from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «tripped» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

হোঁচট খেয়েছি

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

η τελική

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of tripped


The term «tripped» is quite widely used and occupies the 33.675 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «tripped» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of tripped

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «tripped».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «tripped» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «tripped» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about tripped


Famous quotes and sentences with the word tripped.

Some people really trip on success or popularity. My friends would talk to me about that, about tripping on all this stuff, but you know what I tripped on? I started buying property.

We had this unbelievable faith that no business has done, quite frankly, and we tripped along the way doing it, but within two years, we were in 40-plus countries. So we ran at an amazing pace, and this is where venture capitalists play a role. Making Groupon into what it is today, we had no role in it; the entrepreneurs did it.

People try to put ownership on things: ‘That’s mine, that’s my joke.’ No such thing. Like if you tripped or stumbled and people go, ‘Oh, that’s Charlie Chaplin.’ You know what I mean? You can’t own a joke. You can be the guy that tells it the best, but you can’t own a joke. Nowhere can you own a laugh.

In terms of being vulgar, I don’t think you need to be violent unless it’s slapstick, violence to yourself. That can be funny — we’ve all tripped and fallen on our faces.

I’m very klutzy. I’ve fallen off horses, I’ve tripped with my high-heeled boots over a stunt guy.

I auditioned for Robert Redford once and I was so starstruck I couldn’t even speak. I had a mic wire at a screen test clipped to me and then I got kind of nervous and I paced in a circle and then took a step and tripped and fell on my face. You just have to forgive yourself and keep going on.

I’m the most uncoordinated clumsy, klutzy person. I always had a bruise, I always tripped and fell.

I was in a play in elementary school and had to jump up and run away. I was nervous and tripped and fell down and everyone laughed. Their laughter made me relax, so I pretended it was part of the show.

A stepping-stone can be a stumbling block if we can’t see it until after we have tripped over it.

Every year before a big competition, I get hurt doing stuff I should not be doing. One year it was my little brother’s 12th birthday. We all played hide-and-seek late at night. I climbed up a 30-foot tree, thinking he’d never catch me. I tripped and fell on one of the branches and I hit my head.


Discover the use of tripped in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to tripped and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

After her father moves the family from Iowa, Kat has to deal with being the smart new girl—and the daughter of the science teacher—at Dover Academy, but she quickly makes friends with Mouse and the two team up to solve crimes at the …

Alex De Campi, Federica Manfredi, 2007

Heartbreaking yet painfully refreshing, And Then She Tripped is a story of teenage romance which fractures because of the need to grow up and to leave a first love behind.


Direct Support Maintenance Manual: Test Set, Laser Infrared …

Troubleshooting Procedure — Continued MALFUNCTION TESTOR
INSPECTION CORRECTIVE ACTION Step3. Power Source Check: Set the ON/
TRIPPED OFF circuit breaker to TRIPPED OFF. Remove the ac power cable
assembly (2) from …


Northridge Earthquake: Lifeline Performance and …

A survey of the performance of over 400 SGS Vs at over 1 60 locations was
performed (Strand, 1995). Most surveyed SGSVs within 29 km (18 mi.) of the
mainshock’s epicenter tripped. At California State University at Northridge (CSUN
), one of …


Experience Mind and Value Philosophival Essays

ters, thermostats, clocks, adding machines, or complex computers. Thus, to revert
to our example, the question arises: why let Lx represent P is M, L2 C is P, L3 C is
M, and construct the machine in such a way that when Lx and L2 are tripped …


Report of the Zahid Mubarek Inquiry (Vols. 1 and 2)

Those switches were supposed to be tripped by the night patrol officer as he did
his rounds. Each switch was linked to a computerised clock in the administrative
section which recorded the fact that the switch had been tripped. The clock did …

Zahid Mubarek Inquiry, 2006


Head and Neck Injuries in Sports

Frequency Percent Single mechanisms Pushed /checked from behind 48 26.4
Pushed/checked 26 14.3 Tripped on ice 24 13.2 Slide 12 6.6 Tripped by player 5
2.7 Multiple mechanisms Slide + pushed /checked from behind 5 2.7 Tripped on


ARC Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation

F1 Only feeder breaker tripped F2 Breakers UT2 and UT1 tripped F3 Breakers
UT4andUT3 tripped F4 Breakers 52G1 and ST1 tripped F5 Breakers 52G2 and
ST2 tripped F6 Breakers ST4,UT1, UT2,UT3, and UT4 tripped F7 Breakers ST1,
ST2 …


Living Safely, Aging Well: A Guide to Preventing Injuries at …

Continued 1465 Decorative yard equipment 11,620 3,033 Fell onto mailbox 0214
Dishwashers 9,239 2,652 Tripped over open door andfell 4079 Footstools,
ottomans, hassocks 8,768 2,499 Tripped over orfell off of 4051 Sheets or pillow …


Prediction and Prevention of Tripped Rollovers

This project focuses on the development of a new real-time rollover index that can detect both tripped and un-tripped rollovers. A new methodology is developed for estimation of unknown inputs in a class of nonlinear dynamic systems.

Gridsada Phanomchoeng, Rajesh Rajamani, University of Minnesota. Center for Transportation Studies, 2012


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term tripped is used in the context of the following news items.

New Taipei post office ordered to pay woman who tripped over dog

A post office in New Taipei must provide a woman NT$170,000 (US$5,400) in compensation for her injuries incurred from tripping over a dog at the post office, … «WantChinaTimes, Jun 15»

Medford man claims he tripped, stabbed roommate after argument

A Medford man claimed he stabbed his roommate in the abdomen when he tripped while sharpening his knife, court documents say. Jonathan D. Wareham, 37, … «, May 15»

Inbetweeners’ Blake Harrison handcuffed to Georgina Campbell on …

Tripped was commissioned following an original pilot by Jamie Mathieson (Doctor Who), entitled Alt. The 4×60 minute series is written and co-created by Harry … «Daily Mail, Apr 15»

Tripped & Aliens: 2 new sci-fi comedy dramas coming to E4

Tripped began life as Alt, a parallel world comedy pilot written by Doctor Who and Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel’s Jamie Mathieson. In its first … «Den Of Geek, Apr 15»

Anpara D plant tripped hours after inauguration

According to the centre, the unit tripped around 5.30pm on March 31. The reason for tripping has been cited as high turbine vibration. Officials at the UP Rajya … «Times of India, Apr 15»

Woman in Avenue van attack claims ‘horn’: I tripped

The woman who was caught on video vandalising a Toyota Hilux van on Ariapita Avenue, Woodbrook, has apologised for her actions, saying that she “tripped” … «Trinidad Guardian, Apr 15»

Stiller just happy nobody tripped during ‘Zoolander’ stunt

Ben Stiller as Derek Zoolander and Owen Wilson as Hansel walk the runway at the Valentino Fashion Show during Paris Fashion Week at Espace Ephemere … «Page Six, Mar 15»

Hoffman Estates hospital alarm tripped by construction crew

Hoffman Estates hospital alarm tripped by construction crew … hospital clinic lockdown is over after an alarm alerting police to an active shooter was tripped. «WLS-TV, Mar 15»

Tripped up suspect apprehended by police

A man’s attempt to run from a collision in Turlock came to an end when an involved citizen tripped him up. Jose Navarro, 33, was arrested Saturday on suspicion … «The Turlock Journal, Feb 15»

Woman who tripped on man’s bag at airport seeks P5M

BACOLOD — The 64-year-old woman who was injured after tripping on a bag at the Bacolod Silay Airport has filed a criminal complaint against a Bacolod … «ABS CBN News, Feb 15»


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I told you, he must have tripped and fell.

Послушайте, я же вам сказал, он, должно быть, споткнулся и упал.

Like the guy said, he must have tripped and fell.

Как сказал тот парень, он, должно быть, споткнулся и упал.

I was so scared that I ran this way, and then I tripped.

Я так испугалась, что побежала в эту сторону, а потом споткнулась.

On entering the garden, his horse tripped on a wire strung between two trees.

Едва ступив на землю сада, лошадь споткнулась о проволоку, растянутую между двумя деревьями.

Fire alarm was tripped on the tenth floor

Пожарная сигнализация сработала на 10 этаже, где у нас ремонт.

I think we tripped an alarm.

Кажется, из-за нас сработала сигнализация.

I think he panicked halfway across, tripped and fell.

Я думаю, он запаниковал на половине пути, споткнулся и упал.

In the third step, he tripped and crashed down.

На третьем шаге он споткнулся и рухнул вниз.

He is thought to have tripped and lost consciousness on the snowy mountainside.

Он споткнулся и потерял сознание в снежных горах.

Tom tripped and fell flat on his face in the snow.

Том споткнулся и упал плашмя лицом в снег.

I tripped on the reality of this ecology of creativity just last week.

Я споткнулся о нашу систему творчества буквально на прошлой неделе.

He tripped and fell and killed himself.

The hand of the bandaged arm gripped his shoulder, and he was suddenly tripped and flung backwards upon the bed.

Рука перевязана рука схватила его за плечо, и он вдруг споткнулся и бросился обратно на кровать.

I have been meaning to shorten the rope on the boat but maybe she tripped on the mooring.

Я собирался укоротить верёвку на лодке, но, возможно, она споткнулась о мостки.

She was filming herself, and she tripped.

Official story was that she tripped and fell down the stairs, broke her neck.

Официальная версия — она споткнулась и упала с лестницы, сломав шею.

A young woman tripped and fell at a party.

Молодая девушка споткнулась и упала на вечеринке.

You just tripped and fell on the red carpet.

Ты только что споткнулась и упала на красной ковровой дорожке.

The story was she tripped on a carpet at home.

История была такая, что она дома споткнулась о ковёр.

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