Meaning of word totalled

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > totalled

  • 2

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > totalled

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > totalled

  • 4

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > totalled

  • 5

    (v) составить

    * * *



    Новый англо-русский словарь > totalled

  • 6

    1) достигал; 2) достигаемый

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > totalled

  • 7


    English-Russian project management dictionary > totalled

  • 8

    разбито тотально, совершенно, напрочь, до состояния «восстановлению не подлежит». Например, машина после аварии.

    American slang. English-Russian dictionary > TOTALLED

  • 9

    English-Russian smart dictionary > totalled

  • 10

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. added (verb) added; cast; figured; footed; summed; tallied; totalized; toted; totted

    2. amounted (verb) added up; aggregated; amounted; came/come; numbered; ran; ran into/run into; ran to/run to; reached; summed into; summed to

    3. finished (verb) demolished; destroyed; dynamited; finished; ruined; sank; shattered; smashed; torpedoed; undid; wracked; wrecked

    English-Russian base dictionary > totalled

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > totalled

  • 12

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > totalled

  • 13
    totalled list

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > totalled list

  • 14
    car was totalled

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > car was totalled

  • 15

    1. приставной

    2. добавленный; добавлен

    added part — дополнительная, добавленная часть упражнения

    3. добавлять; дополнительный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. supplementary (adj.) additional; adjunct; another; auxiliary; collateral; else; extra; farther; fresh; further; more; new; other; supplementary

    2. total (adj.) aggregate; combined; complete; entire; total

    3. annexed (verb) annexed; appended; subjoined; took on/taken on

    4. cast (verb) added; cast; figured; footed; summed; tallied; totaled or totalled; totalized; totalled; toted; totted

    English-Russian base dictionary > added

  • 16

    1. собранный; собран

    2. суммировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. collective (adj.) accumulated; collated; collective; compiled; concentrated; consolidated; gathered; massed; summed

    2. amounted (verb) added up; amounted; came/come; numbered; ran; ran into/run into; ran to/run to; reached; summed into; summed to; totaled or totalled; totalled

    3. gathered (verb) accrued; accumulated; amassed; collected; garnered; gathered; pile up; roll up

    English-Russian base dictionary > aggregated

  • 17

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. added up (verb) added up; aggregated; came/come; numbered; ran; ran into/run into; ran to/run to; reached; summed into; summed to; totaled or totalled; totalled

    2. approached (verb) approached; corresponded to; equaled or equalled; matched; partook of/partaken of; rivaled or rivalled; touched

    English-Russian base dictionary > amounted

  • 18

    разрушать; разрушенный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. smashed (adj.) annihilated; destroyed; devastated; killed; overturned; ravished; shattered; smashed; wrecked

    2. destroyed (verb) annihilated; atomized; decapitated; decimated; destroyed; destructed; dissolved; dynamited; finished; pulled down; pulverized; quenched; rubbed out; ruined; sank; shattered; shot; smashed; tore down/torn down; torpedoed; totaled or totalled; totalled; undid; undid/undone; unmade; wracked; wrecked

    3. levelled (verb) dismantled; knock down; levelled; pull down; pulverised; razed; tear down

    English-Russian base dictionary > demolished

  • 19

    a узорный, узорчатый; фигурный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. added (verb) added; cast; footed; summed; tallied; totaled or totalled; totalized; totalled; toted; totted

    2. cast (verb) calculated; cast; ciphered; computed; estimated; reckoned

    3. decided (verb) concluded; decided; determined; resolved; ruled; settled

    English-Russian base dictionary > figured

  • 20

    1. a законченный, завершённый; совершенный; отделанный

    2. a спец. готовый; обработанный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accomplished (adj.) accomplished; consummate; elegant; experienced; gifted; perfected; practiced; proficient; qualified; ripe; virtuosic

    2. completed (adj.) complete; completed; concluded; consummated; done with; down; ended; full; full-fledged; plenary; terminated

    3. polished (adj.) brushed; burnished; polished; rubbed; sanded; smoothed; varnished

    4. practised (adj.) practised; skilled

    5. through (adj.) done; done for; through; washed-up

    6. closed (verb) ceased; closed; completed; concluded; consummated; determined; did/done; ended; halted; terminated; wound up; wrap up; wrapped up

    7. finished (verb) carried off; carry off; cut off; destroyed; dispatched; downed; finished; killed; laid low; slew; took off/taken off

    8. murdered (verb) assassinated; cooled; did in/done in; executed; knocked off; liquidated; murdered; put away; rubbed out; slew/slain

    10. spent (verb) consumed; depleted; drained; eat up; exhausted; expended; play out; ran through/run through; run through; spent; use up; used up; washed up; went/gone

    11. totalled (verb) demolished; dynamited; ruined; sank; shattered; smashed; torpedoed; totalled; undid; wracked; wrecked

    Антонимический ряд:

    incomplete; inelegant; inexperienced; maladroit; unqualified; unrefined

    English-Russian base dictionary > finished


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

См. также в других словарях:

  • totalled — 1. mod. wrecked; damaged beyond repair. (From totally wrecked.) □ The car was totalled. There was nothing that could be saved. □ There’s a place in the city that will buy totalled cars. 2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ Tom was too totalled to talk …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Totalled — Total To tal, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Totaled}or {Totalled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Totaling} or {Totalling}.] 1. To bring to a total; also, to reach as a total; to amount to. [Colloq.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. to determine the total of (a set of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • totalled — adjective Destroyed Several totalled cars were being picked over for usable parts …   Wiktionary

  • Totalled — Leddet foran determinaten i et substan tivsyntagme f.eks. alle, begge. Syn. prædeterminator. Se Determinator. Ex: alle de små børn …   Danske encyklopædi

  • totalled — to·tal || təʊtl n. sum; whole v. sum up, amount to, come to adj. entire, complete, absolute …   English contemporary dictionary

  • totalled — allotted …   Anagrams dictionary

  • totalled — adj. wrecked; demolished; destroyed …   English slang

  • totalled — A car accident in which a vehicle has sustained severe damage so that the cost to repair it is more than what the vehicle is worth. In this case, it is written off …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • totalled — past of total …   Useful english dictionary

  • allotted — totalled …   Anagrams dictionary

  • Charlie Macartney — Personal information Full name Char …   Wikipedia

English is used differently in different parts of the world. This is evident in several ways. One of the most obvious differences is in spelling conventions between American and British English.

The words totaled and totalled offer a clear illustration of these spelling differences. One of these words is the preferred in British English, while the other has become standard in American English.

Continue reading for an exploration of the differences between these two spellings, and for help deciding whether totalled or totaled is correct, based on your intended audience.

What is the Difference Between Totaled and Totalled?

In this article, I will compare totaled vs. totalled. I will also use each in a sentence. Plus, I will discuss a helpful trick that will help you decide whether to use totaled or totalled in your own writing.

When to Use Totaled

totaled versus totalledWhat does totaled mean? Totaled is a verb. It can function as the past tense for total, which means to add. You can see examples of this sense of the verb below.

  • Marie totaled up our expenses, and found that we owed the hotel $5,726.21, all told.
  • The two forwards totaled five goals between them over the past seven matches.

In American English, totaled also refers to an item which has sustained damage so great that the cost of repairs exceeds its appraised value.

This usage is informal, and typically refers to vehicles that have been in accidents. It can be a verb, where it typically means to wreck, or an adjective, where it means having sustained damage that exceeds its value. See the following sentences as examples.

  • Mark had too much to drink and totaled his car on the interstate.
  • Mark’s insurance company determined that his 1991 Buick LeSabre is now considered totaled, since it has a bent frame and is only worth $400.
  • A non-profit organization is raising money to replace its van used to transport young children after it was totaled in a nine car crash last week. –

Totaled is the standard form of this word in American English, following the convention of dropping the double letter in Americanized spelling. See also canceled, labeled, traveled, etc.

When to Use Totalled

Definition of totalled definition and definition of totaled definitionWhat does totalled mean? Totalled is the British English spelling of the same word. It can also be used as a past tense of total.

For example,

  • The accountant totalled up her billable hours and sent the company an invoice.
  • Data from market researchers Nielsen showed that spending at bargain stores totalled £4.9bn in the year to July, up 17% from the previous year. –The Guardian

British English speakers do not typically use totalled to describe a wrecked vehicle.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Define totalled and define totaledHere is a helpful trick to remember totalled vs. totaled in your writing.

You should use totaled with primarily American audiences, and totalled with predominantly British audiences.

You can remember that totalled is the British English version since it shares the double L with the British towns Bexhill-on-Sea, Gillingham, and New Mills. Just as these towns have a double L and are British, so totalled has a double L and is British.


Is it totaled or totalled? Totaled and totalled are two spellings of the same word.

  • Totaled is preferred in American English.
  • Totalled is standard in British English.

By noticing the LL that totalled shares with several British towns, you can remember to reserve totalled for use with British audiences.

If you still need help, you can always refer back to this article for additional guidance.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Totaled and Totalled?
  • 2 When to Use Totaled
  • 3 When to Use Totalled
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Actual deployment totalled 364 person-months, resulting in an unutilized balance under mission subsistence allowance.

Показатель фактического развертывания наблюдателей составил 364 человеко-месяца, в результате чего образовался неизрасходованный остаток средств по статье суточных участников миссии.

Global trade in textiles and clothing totalled $390 billion in 2003.

В 2003 году стоимостной объем глобальной торговли текстильными изделиями и одеждой составил 390 млрд. долларов.

The expenditure on public education in 1991/92 totalled £10.2 million.

Расходы на образование в 1991/92 финансовом году составили 10,2 млн. фунтов стерлингов.

Benefits totalled $3.5 billion in 1993/94.

Суммы, выплаченные в 1993/94 году, составили 3,5 млрд. долларов.

Sales revenues in 2012 totalled approximately €39.5 million.

Выручка от продаж в 2010 году составила около 39,5 миллионов евро.

In 1997, these premiums totalled approximately $340,000.

В 1997 году общая сумма этих премий составила примерно 340000 долл. США.

These totalled 2,557 and 7,098 metric tonnes, respectively.

В общей сложности объем веществ, фигурирующих в заявках, составил 2557 и 7098 метрических тонн, соответственно.

Such seizures totalled 12.8 tons in 2006.

В 2006 году общий объем таких изъятий составил 12,8 тонны.

Tourism revenues in 2019 totalled about $2 billion.

Доходы от туризма в 2019 году составили около $ 2 млрд.

Programme expenditures for regular resources in 2005 totalled $243.3 million.

Расходы на осуществление программы по статье регулярных расходов в 2005 году составили 243,3 млн. долл. США.

In 1997, programme and administrative expenditures totalled $960 million.

В 1997 году совокупный объем программных и административных расходов составил 960 млн. долл. США.

The cost of transporting that food totalled more than $400 million.

Расходы в связи с транспортировкой этого продовольствия составили более 400 млн. долл. США.

Derivative transactions with customers totalled USD 7 billion in 2011.

Объем деривативных сделок с клиентами за 2011 год составил 7 млрд долл.

Bilateral commitments in 1992 totalled $4 billion.

Двусторонние обязательства в 1992 году составили 4 млрд. долл. США.

Savings for technical repair totalled $24,200.

Экономия по статье технического ремонта составила 24200 долл. США.

The prior-period adjustments totalled $723,000.

Корректировки за предыдущие периоды составили 723000 долл. США.

Revenue for the year totalled $45.47 million.

Общий объем поступлений за год составил 45,47 млн. долл. США.

The needs identified totalled $62.7 million.

Объем выявленных потребностей составил 62,7 млн. долл. США.

His travel costs totalled approximately $370,000.

Его путевые расходы составили примерно 370000 долл. США.

Such transfers totalled $27.9 million.

Объем таких переводов составил 27,9 млн. долл. США.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 3509. Точных совпадений: 3509. Затраченное время: 121 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «totalled» в словаре английский языка.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть автоматический перевод определения на русский языке.



Списание — это уменьшение признанного значения чего-либо. В бухгалтерском учете это признание уменьшенного или нулевого значения актива. В отчетах по налогу на прибыль это сокращение налогооблагаемого дохода, как признание определенных расходов, необходимых для получения дохода. A write-off is a reduction of the recognized value of something. In accounting, this is a recognition of the reduced or zero value of an asset. In income tax statements, this is a reduction of taxable income, as a recognition of certain expenses required to produce the income.




I total

you total

he/she/it totals

we total

you total

they total

Present continuous

I am totalling

you are totalling

he/she/it is totalling

we are totalling

you are totalling

they are totalling

Present perfect

I have totalled

you have totalled

he/she/it has totalled

we have totalled

you have totalled

they have totalled

Present perfect continuous

I have been totalling

you have been totalling

he/she/it has been totalling

we have been totalling

you have been totalling

they have been totalling



I totalled

you totalled

he/she/it totalled

we totalled

you totalled

they totalled

Past continuous

I was totalling

you were totalling

he/she/it was totalling

we were totalling

you were totalling

they were totalling

Past perfect

I had totalled

you had totalled

he/she/it had totalled

we had totalled

you had totalled

they had totalled

Past perfect continuous

I had been totalling

you had been totalling

he/she/it had been totalling

we had been totalling

you had been totalling

they had been totalling



I will total

you will total

he/she/it will total

we will total

you will total

they will total

Future continuous

I will be totalling

you will be totalling

he/she/it will be totalling

we will be totalling

you will be totalling

they will be totalling

Future perfect

I will have totalled

you will have totalled

he/she/it will have totalled

we will have totalled

you will have totalled

they will have totalled

Future perfect continuous

I will have been totalling

you will have been totalling

he/she/it will have been totalling

we will have been totalling

you will have been totalling

they will have been totalling



I would totalled

you would totalled

he/she/it would totalled

we would totalled

you would totalled

they would totalled

Conditional continuous

I would be totalling

you would be totalling

he/she/it would be totalling

we would be totalling

you would be totalling

they would be totalling

Conditional perfect

I would have totalled

you would have totalled

he/she/it would have totalled

we would have totalled

you would have totalled

they would have totalled

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been totalling

you would have been totalling

he/she/it would have been totalling

we would have been totalling

you would have been totalling

they would have been totalling



you total
we let´s total
you total


Present Participle



Синонимы и антонимы слова totalled в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «totalled», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

Перевод слова «totalled» на 25 языков

online translator


Посмотрите перевод слова totalled на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.

Переводы слова totalled с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «totalled» на английский языке.

Переводчик с английский языка на китайский язык


1,325 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на испанский язык


570 миллионов дикторов



510 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на хинди язык


380 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на арабский язык


280 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на русский язык


278 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на португальский язык


270 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на бенгальский язык


260 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на французский язык

ont totalisé

220 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на малайский язык


190 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на немецкий язык


180 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на японский язык


130 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на корейский язык


85 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на яванский язык


85 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на вьетнамский язык


80 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на тамильский язык


75 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на маратхи язык


75 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на турецкий язык


70 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на итальянский язык

pari a

65 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на польский язык


50 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на украинский язык


40 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на румынский язык

s-au ridicat

30 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на греческий язык

ανήλθαν σε

15 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на африкаанс язык


14 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на шведский язык


10 миллионов дикторов

Переводчик с английский языка на норвежский язык


5 миллионов дикторов

Тенденции использования слова totalled




Слово используется достаточно часто

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «totalled» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова totalled

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «totalled».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «totalled» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «totalled» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове totalled


Поиск случаев использования слова totalled в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову totalled, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


Renal Transplantation: Sense and Sensitization

Remarks 339 not recorded, 74 ‘positive’; ignored at analysis, totalled 10
transplants 116 not recorded; included at analysis as unsensitized, totalled 62
transplants 163 not recorded, all re/new registrations; ignored at analysis, totalled
zero …

S.M. Gore, B.A. Bradley, 1988


Transport and the Activity of the Conference: General Report …

The two pipelines in service at the end of 1975, the Malaga-Puertollano (crude)
and the Rota-Zaragoza (products), totalled 1,102 km. The latter originally
transported defence supplies but has now been converted for civil use. ‘ These
pipelines …

European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 1977


Certain Plastic Encapsulated Integrated Circuits, Inv. …

… units units built built built built built built built at at at at at at at monthly
production at the FAM is a the the the the the the the FAM FAM FAM FAM FAM
FAM FAM ] Wilson Tr. 744. totalled totalled totalled totalled totalled totalled
totalled E C 1 [ C ] …

U.S. International Trade Commission


Certain Plastic Encapsulated Integrated Circuits, Inv. …

Since January 1991, average monthly production at the FAM is a little less than [
C ] Wilson Tr. 744. FF E 75. In 1990, net units built at the FAM totalled [ C ] Wilson
Tr. 744; RX-383. FF E 76. In 1989, net units built at the FAM totalled [ C ] RX-383


Middle East Record 1968

Exports totalled IL89.7m and imports 1L 168.7m. While 57% of exports went to
Jordan (via the bridges), almost 90% of imports came from Israel. Industrial
products made up 69% of the exports to Israel and 74% of imports from Israel, the
rest …


Trends in Transport Investment and Expenditure in 1980. …

Internal traffic fell slightly (-0.9 million tonnes) while international traffic increased
slightly (+0.4 million tonnes). Transit traffic remained virtually unchanged. In
France, inland waterway traffic totalled 92.9 million tonnes in 1980 compa?€
d_with …

European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 1984


In the Matter of Certain Plastic Encapsulated Integrated …

Since January 1991, average monthly production at the FAM is a little less than [
C ] Wilson Tr. 744. FF E 75. In 1990, net units built at the FAM totalled [ C ] Wilson
Tr. 744; RX-383. FF E 76. In 1989, net units built at the FAM totalled [ C ] RX-383

United States International Trade Commission, 1992


Bahrain Mineral & Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide

Production of oil products at the Bahrain Refinery during the first half of 1997
totalled 252,000 barrels a day, less by 7.4% than the same period of 1996.
Production of associated gas liquids during the first half of 1997 amounted to
10,669 daily, …

IBP USA Staff, USA International Business Publications, 2013


Unveiling Protectionism: Regional Responses to Remaining …

Fibres Domestic consumption of textile fibres totalled 960,300 tons (figure l), an
increase 3.1 per cent from 2005. Of this amount, 450,000 tons were cotton fibre
and 510,300 tons were man-made fibres. Of the total consumption of man-made


Twenty-Second Annual Report and Resolutions of the Council …

In the Netherlands, the 137 -km pipeline linking Rotterdam to Vlissingen-E st
came on stream in 1974, By the end of the year, pipelines in service totalled 613
km. Total pipeline throughput at the German/Dutch frontier totalled 20, 2 million …

European Conference of Ministers of Transport, 1976


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин totalled в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

Michigan mother given brand new Chevrolet after head-on crash …

… after a fatal car crash in Saginaw left her and her 8-year-old daughter severely injured, and her family’s sole form of transportation — an SUV — totalled. «Daily Mail, Июл 15»

US coal trading volumes totalled 11.1 mil st in June, up 53.8% from …

US coal futures trading volumes totaled roughly 11.1 million st in June, up 53.8% from the previous month, with the Central Appalachia rail (CSX) contract having … «Platts, Июл 15»

Driver injured, truck totalled after running into Wausau church

WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAU) — One man was injured after crashing a delivery van into a Wausau church Thursday afternoon. Wausau Police Department Lieutenant … «WSAU, Июл 15»

BRIEF-Shenzhen Sunwin Intelligent’s new contracts totalled 158.6 …

Says newly signed contracts totalled 158.6 million yuan ($25.58 million) in Q2. Source text in Chinese: Further company coverage: ($1 = 6.2000 … «Reuters, Июн 15»

Crown travel costs totalled nearly $500000 last year

Saskatchewan Crown corporations spent $468,000 on out-of-province travel in 2014, while the top earner — SaskTel CEO Ron Styles — netted $546,844 in … «Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Июн 15»

Car totalled on Yellowhead by flying sheet of wood

A Spruce Grove woman is feeling lucky she was able to walk away relatively unhurt after a rogue sheet of wood totalled her car on the Yellowhead Wednesday. «, Июн 15»

Nigeria’s Q1 import from China totalled N387.5bn, says NBS

The total value of Nigeria’s merchandise trade at the end of the first quarter (1Q) of 2015, stood at N4,875.4 billion compared with the preceding quarter value of … «Daily Sun, Май 15»

Gallery’s exhibition of ‘totalled art’ already a smash success

Because art, like a car, or anything else that you can insure, can be “totalled”. A careless glass of white wine at an exhibition opening and a $120,000 painting … «The Australian, Май 15»

Revealed: Cost of care at Carstairs State Hospital where treatment …

Revealed: Cost of care at Carstairs State Hospital where treatment of eight patients has totalled £5million EACH. 00:01, 3 May 2015; By Craig McDonald … «Scottish Daily Record, Май 15»

DECC: UK solar PV capacity totalled 5.7GW

The UK’s overall solar PV capacity at the end of March stood at just over 5.7GW, according to figures released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change … «Solar Power Portal, Апр 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Totalled [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».


There are many meanings of total, but they all have something to do with completeness. A total is a whole or complete amount, and «to total» is to add numbers or to destroy something.


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To add up; to calculate the sum of.

When we totalled the takings, we always got a different figure.



To equal a total of; to amount to.

That totals seven times so far.



To demolish; to wreck completely. (from total loss)

Honey, I’m OK, but I’ve totaled the car.

Еще значения (2)



To amount to; to add up to.

It totals nearly a pound.




Several totalled cars were being picked over for usable parts.

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In math, you total numbers by adding them: the result is the total. If you add 8 and 8, the total is 16. If a car is totaled in an accident, it has been completely destroyed. A total defeat is a complete and utter defeat with no chance of recovering. The total resources of a company are all its resources, everything it has.

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