Персональный Сократ > soaked
soaked to the skin / bone — промокший до костей, до нитки
Англо-русский современный словарь > soaked
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > soaked
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > soaked
пропитывать; пропитанный
Синонимический ряд:
1. drenched (adj.) drenched; flooded; immersed; marinated; sodden; soggy; sopping; soppy; soused; very wet; waterlogged
2. wet (adj.) damp; dripping; madid; moist; moistened; saturate; saturated; soaking; watery; wet; wringing-wet
3. drank/drunk or drank (verb) boozed; drank/drunk or drank; guzzled; imbibed; nipped; swigged; swilled; tanked up; tippled
4. drenched (verb) deluged; doused; drenched; drowned; impregnated; saturated; seethed; soaked; soddened; sopped; soused; steeped; waterlogged; wet or wetted; wetted
5. engaged (verb) busied; engaged; engrossed; immersed; occupied
English-Russian base dictionary > soaked
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > soaked
Англо-русский технический словарь > soaked
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > soaked
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > soaked
English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > soaked
размоченный, топлый
* * *
Новый англо-русский словарь > soaked
• 1) пропитал; 2) намочил; 3) вымочил; 4) впитанный
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > soaked
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > soaked
English-Russian scientific dictionary > soaked
1. пропитался; пропитал; впитанный
2. пропитал; впитанный
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > soaked
English-Russian mining dictionary > soaked
English-Russian big medical dictionary > soaked
English-Russian mining dictionary > soaked
пропитал; намочил; вымочил; впитанный
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > soaked
soaked to the skin
до ниточки промокший
What a downpour: I’m soaked to the skin.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > soaked to the skin
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См. также в других словарях:
soaked — [səukt US soukt] adj 1.) very wet or wearing very wet clothes = ↑drenched ▪ I was soaked and very cold. ▪ It was raining so hard we were quickly soaked through (=completely wet) . ▪ He came in from the barn, soaked to the skin . ▪ Her shoes got… … Dictionary of contemporary English
soaked — [ soukt ] adjective extremely wet: She was shivering and soaked with sweat. soaked through (=wet all the way through): Our tent is soaked through. soaked to the skin/bone: Most of the walkers were soaked to the skin. blood soaked: a pile of blood … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Soaked — Chanson par Muse Pays Royaume Uni Sortie 2006 … Wikipédia en Français
soaked — index full Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
soaked — [adj] saturated dank, drenched, dripping, drowned, soaking, sodden, soggy, sopping, soppy, soused, water logged, wet, wringing wet; concept 603 … New thesaurus
-soaked — [[t] soʊkt[/t]] 1) COMB in ADJ: usu ADJ n soaked combines with nouns such as rain and blood to form adjectives which describe someone or something that is extremely wet or extremely damp because of the thing mentioned. …the possibility of a… … English dictionary
soaked — UK [səʊkt] / US [soʊkt] adjective extremely wet She was shivering and soaked with sweat. soaked through (= wet all the way through): Our tent is soaked through. soaked to the skin/bone: Most of the walkers were soaked to the skin. blood soaked: a … English dictionary
soaked — [[t]so͟ʊkt[/t]] ADJ: usu v link ADJ If someone or something gets soaked or soaked through, water or some other liquid makes them extremely wet. I have to check my tent it got soaked last night in the storm… My goodness, you re soaked through.… … English dictionary
soaked — adjective (not before noun) 1 very wet or wearing very wet clothes: The rain s coming on heavier we re going to get soaked. | soaked through (=completely wet): Get those clothes off; they re soaked right through! | soaked to the skin (=wearing… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
soaked — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ get ADVERB ▪ absolutely, completely, thoroughly ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Soaked — Soak Soak, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Soaked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Soaking}.] [OE. soken, AS. socian to sioak, steep, fr. s?can, s?gan, to suck. See {Suck}.] 1. To cause or suffer to lie in a fluid till the substance has imbibed what it can contain; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Мои примеры
soaked through — насквозь промокший
fuel-soaked spark plug — свеча зажигания, залитая бензином
oil soaked sand — песок, пропитанный нефтью; нефтенасыщенный песок
oil soaked — пропитанный нефтью
oil-soaked — пропитанный нефтью; промасленный
cold soaked — охлаждённый до температуры рабочей среды
get soaked — размокать; промокать
idea soaked into him — мысль наконец дошла до него
resin-soaked — засмолённый
be soaked in sweat — пропотеть
Примеры с переводом
I was soaked by the rain.
Я промокла под дождём (до нитки).
His shirt was soaked with sweat.
Его рубашка была мокрой от пота.
The rice has soaked up all the water.
Рис впитал всю воду.
She got soaked through in the rain.
Она промокла под дождём до нитки.
I soaked up knowledge like blotting paper.
Я впитывал знания как губка.
We soaked up sunshine.
Мы нежились на солнышке.
I soaked in the hot tub for an hour.
Я целый час отмокал в горячей ванне /джакузи/.
ещё 15 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He relaxed and soaked in the tub.
…the downpour was so heavy that we were soaked by the time we got to the car…
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Возможные однокоренные слова
soak — впитывать, впитываться, вымочить, замачивание, впитывание, пьяница
soaker — проливной дождь, пьяница
soaking — намокание, промокание, набухание, пропитывающий, промачивающий
v. soaked, soak·ing, soaks
a. To immerse in liquid for a period of time: Soak the beans in water before cooking.
b. To make thoroughly wet or saturated: I soaked the flowers with the hose. We got soaked by the rain.
a. To absorb (liquid, for example) through pores or interstices: Use the bread to soak up the gravy.
b. To be exposed to: went to the beach to soak up the sun.
c. Informal To experience or take in mentally, especially eagerly and easily: soaked up the music scene.
3. To remove (a stain, for example) by continued immersion: soaked out the grease spots.
4. Informal
a. To drink (alcoholic liquor), especially to excess.
b. To make (a person) drunk.
5. Slang To charge (a person) an inordinate amount for something: people were getting soaked during the gas shortage.
1. To be immersed in liquid: The beans are soaking.
a. To seep into or permeate something: Water soaked into the soil.
b. To be taken in mentally: The speaker paused to let her words soak in.
3. Slang To drink to excess.
1. The act or process of soaking: had a long soak in the bath.
2. Liquid in which something may be soaked.
3. Slang A drunkard.
soak′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | besotted, blind drunk, blotto, crocked, fuddled, pie-eyed, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soused, sozzled, squiffy, pixilated, plastered, cockeyed, loaded, wet, stiff, tight drunk, inebriated, intoxicated — stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); «a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors»; «helplessly inebriated» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
مَنْقُوعيَخْتَرِق الماءُ الثِّياب
promočenýpromočený skrz naskrz
흠뻑 젖은
ướt đẫm
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
(səuk) verb
1. to (let) stand in a liquid. She soaked the clothes overnight in soapy water.
2. to make very wet. That shower has completely soaked my clothes.
3. (with in, ~into, ~through etc) (of a liquid) to penetrate. The blood from his wound has soaked right through the bandage.
soaked adjective
(often with through). She got soaked (through) in that shower.
rain-soaked / blood-soaked clothing
ˈsoaking adjective
very wet. She took off her soaking garments.
soaking wet
soaking; very wet. I’ve washed my hair and it’s still soaking wet.
soak up
to draw in or suck up; to absorb. You’d better soak that spilt coffee up with a cloth.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مَنْقُوع promočený gennemblødt durchnässt μουλιασμένος empapado, remojado läpimärkä trempé promočen fradicio ずぶぬれの 흠뻑 젖은 doorweekt gjennombløt przemoknięty ensopado промокший dyblöt เปียกชุ่ม ıslak ướt đẫm 湿透的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
You should soak those dirty clothes before you wash them.
The beans soaked in water overnight.
He relaxed and soaked in the tub.
After planting the seeds, soak the soil.
She soaked the dog with the hose.
His shirt was soaked with sweat.
I was soaked by the rain.
The oil soaked into the wood.
Sweat soaked through his shirt.
Rain soaked through her jacket.
I had a long, hot soak in the tub.
felt sorry for the town soak, who couldn’t hold a job
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Recent Examples on the Web
Designer Nicole Arnold chose a Victoria + Albert soaking tub in a soothing shade of green (shown at the top of this page) for a client’s McKinney condo.
—Ryan Conner, Dallas News, 6 Apr. 2023
Sweat soaked his shirt and his expression was pained.
—Bill Pennington Doug Mills, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023
The master bedroom has two large walk-in closets and the adjoining bathroom has a marble tiled walk-in shower with a bench as well as a deep soaking tub.
—Mary Carole Mccauley, Baltimore Sun, 5 Apr. 2023
Guests can choose between a range of accommodation styles, from guest rooms in the main lodge to premium options like lakefront condos and luxury homes with soaking tubs, pool tables, and floor-to-ceiling windows.
—Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 3 Apr. 2023
Using mulch that crusts over in the summer can result in sending all that valuable water out to the street and down the storm sewer rather than soaking into the ground.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 31 Mar. 2023
Lightly dampen the matzah with water (run quickly under a faucet, so as not to completely soak), then place two sheets on top of the layer of marinara.
—Jennifer Stempel, Sun Sentinel, 30 Mar. 2023
Rice water is the nutrient-rich water that’s leftover after rice has been soaked, Rick Wellman, a hairstylist and color expert at the Salon Project in New York City, tells SELF.
—Melanie Rud, SELF, 16 Mar. 2023
Evacuations ordered:Sedona areas are under evacuation order after rain soaks Arizona How much water will be released? SRP could release 10,000 acre-feet this spring, or more than 3 billion gallons, which is enough to support about 30,000 households for one year.
—Perry Vandell, The Arizona Republic, 15 Mar. 2023
Between therapeutic soaks, visit the spa for reflexology, craniosacral therapy, and more.
—Leah Silverman, Town & Country, 11 Apr. 2023
Two heated hammam stones are also available for a break between soaks.
—Hannah Walhout, Travel + Leisure, 10 Apr. 2023
So why opt for a dry technique over a quick soak?
—Megan Decker, refinery29.com, 7 Mar. 2023
Deep bathtubs invite a lingering soak.
—Laura Manske, Forbes, 7 Mar. 2023
Castle Hot Springs Springs Eternal Spa at Omni Bedford Springs Resort, Bedford, Pennsylvania Set on natural springs, this spa’s signature feature is its Bedford Bath Ritual, a sequence of warm and cool mineral soaks.
—Brian Underwood, Women’s Health, 15 Feb. 2023
The outdoor soak pool is illuminated by string lights and the stars.
—Medgina Saint-elien, House Beautiful, 10 Feb. 2023
The one-two punch of CBD and lavender will have her feeling at ease and, after a good soak, rejuvenated.
—Christian Gollayan, Men’s Health, 14 Jan. 2023
Once one side is clean, turn the filter around and let the other side soak.
—Andrea Crowley, Better Homes & Gardens, 8 Aug. 2022
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘soak.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 soak /soʊk/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 soak
soak′er, n.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: soak /səʊk/ vb
Etymology: Old English sōcian to cook; see suck ˈsoaker n ˈsoaking n , adj ‘soaked‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
soaked — перевод на русский
But you are soaked.
— Но ты промокла.
Are you soaking?
— Ты промокла?
I’m soaked to the skin!
Я так промокла.
You are soaked.
Ты промокла!
Nor to get soaked in our own house.
И не для того, чтобы она промокла в нашей обители
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The breach itself is soaked in Void stuff. In the end, it’ll close itself.
Брешь сама пропитана Пустотностью, она закроется сама.
It has to soak in the same wine in which it will be partly cooked.
Каждая должна быть пропитана в соответствии с рецептом.
The cord on this pulley is soaked with acid.
Верёвка в этом блоке пропитана кислотой.
The rope is soaked in it.
Вся веревка им пропитана.
Now, why would anybody soak a rope in kerosene?
Зачем веревка пропитана керосином?
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Its incredible, I’m going to change, I’m soaked.
Потрясающий улов! Я весь мокрый.
God, you’re soaking.
— Боже, ты весь мокрый
You’re soaking!
Ты весь мокрый.
Oh, God, you’re soaked.
О, Боже, ты весь мокрый.
Come on, he’s soaking.
Он весь мокрый.
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Oh, man. Let me soak you in.
Позвольте мне впитать вас.
Something about soaking up the atmosphere.
Что-то о том, чтобы впитать атмосферу. Я не совсем понял.
Looks like Mr. Goodwrench has been too busy throwing his back into his living to soak up pop culture.
Похоже, что мистер Автомеханик был слишком занят, зарабатывая себе на пропитание, чтобы впитать немного поп-культуры.
When big business can soak up more local media…
Когда большой бизнес может впитать все больше и больше местных СМИ
I want to live in France and Spain and Italy and just soak up life and put it on a canvas, even if it means being a waitress in crappy cafés for five years, I don’t care.
Я хочу пожить во Франции, в Испании, в Италии, и просто впитать в себя жизнь и отразить это на холсте, даже если это подразумевает подработку официанткой в дерьмовых кафешках в течение пяти лет, мне все равно.
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LENA: Lt’s much better if you soak it in vinegar overnight. HENRY:
Будет лучше, если замочить в уксусе на ночь.
I’ll give them a good soak tonight.
Надо замочить их сегодня вечером и порошка побольше.
I’m gonna have to soak it.
Придётся замочить.
Soaking his underwear in meat?
Замочить трусы в мясе?
Frances, did you ask Cook to soak the raisins?
Фрэнсис, ты попросила замочить изюм?
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She’s completely soaked.
Она насквозь промокла.
— And completely soaked.
— И насквозь промокла.
She’s 120 pounds soaking wet.
В ней 54 килограмма, и она насквозь промокла.
She’s soaking wet.
Она насквозь промокла.
You’re soaking.
Ты насквозь промокла.
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Soaking up knowledge like a sponge.
Впитывает знания, как губка.
It…soaks up germs.
Она… впитывает микробов.
— The fat soaks up their scent.
Жир впитывает их запах.
Underpads soak up urine.
Оно впитывает мочу.
Yet here I stand beside you, my cock soaking in the same shit.
Еще тут я стою рядом с тобой, мой член впитывает то же дерьмо.
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Jesus Christ, I’m soaking wet.
Боже, я насквозь промок.
You were soaking wet from the rain and I had a mad impulse to throw you down on the lunar surface and commit interstellar perversion with you.
Ты была насквозь мокрой от дождя и у меня был безумный импульс бросить тебя вниз, на поверхность Луны и совершить с тобой межзвездное извращение.
You’re soaking wet.
Да ты насквозь мокрый.
I am soaking wet…
Я насквозь промок…
Soaking wet!
Я насквозь промокла!
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Let it soak through.
Надо хорошо намочить.
All what I’m saying is that you could take , say, a broom, soak it in brake fluid, the other end put me in the ass me stalling on a trampoline, in an elevator that goes up, and j’écrirais something better on the walls, that’s all…
Все, что хочу сказать, это что вы могли бы взять, например, метлу, намочить ее в тормозной жидкости, засунуть другой конец мне в задницу подкинуть меня на трамплине в едущем лифте и я бы на стене написал песню получше, всего-то.
You have to soak it or you get nothing.
Его надо намочить, иначе у вас ничего не получится.
This is important to me, so why don’t you just skedaddle on out and let me soak up some of these righteous rhymes.
Это важно для меня, и почему бы тебе не сдернуть отсюда и не дать мне намочить некоторые из этих превосходных рифм.
I need to soak the clothes to plug the cracks on the door.
Надо намочить одежду и заделать щели в двери
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Just gonna lie here and soak.
Буду лежать здесь и отмокать…
I suppose you’re wondering why you’re soaking… in Reg’s eleven secret herbs and spices.
Полагаю, вам интересно, почему вас посадили отмокать… в настой трав и специй.
I leave them soaking in my fridge in milk for a couple of hours.
Я оставляю их отмокать в молоке на пару часов в холодильнике.
You leave them soaking in milk in the fridge for a couple of hours.
Ты оставляешь их отмокать в молоке на пару часов в холодильнике.
You keep soaking.
Вы тут пока продолжать отмокать.
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Besides, soaked rice has another undeniable advantage.
Кроме того, замоченный рис имеет еще одно неоспоримое преимущество.
When I got home my shoes were totally soaked.
Когда приходили к месту ночлега, наша обувь была вся ободрана.
It should be soaked for 4 hours.
Однако он должен быть запеченный в течение четырех часов.
Everything, including myself, was completely soaked.
Все же остальные, включая меня, были полностью закутаны.
Anybody within shouting distance would’ve gotten completely soaked.
Любой, кто на дистанции слышимости этих воплей, будет полностью мокрым.
We descended into a cesspool and we soaked…
Мы спустились к выгребной яме, ну и все пропиталось…
They were totally dry before I soaked them.
Они были полностью сухими, и я написал в них.
This may leave you and your surroundings soaked.
Это может сбить с толку и вас, и ваше окружение.
Everything got soaked including my camera.
Drain them after you have soaked them.
Распуститься они должны после того, как вы посадите их в грунт.
Soybeans are washed and soaked for 12h.
Сначала соевые бобы нужно промыть и замочить на 12 часов.
I was soaked and uncomfortable by lunchtime.
Я был подавленным и сонным уже в обеденное время.
His clothing were soaked with gasoline.
Предполагается, что его одежда была пропитана бензином.
Our visitors were also soaked, even those with umbrellas.
Впрочем, люди подготовленные — приехали даже с зонтиками.
It can even protect wood and other things that can be soaked for water for a long time.
Также он может размножаться в древесине и других материалах, способных длительное время сохранять влажность.
The next morning, eat these soaked walnuts with breakfast or as healthy mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack.
На следующее утро съешьте эти пропитанные грецкие орехи с завтраком или как здоровые дневные закуски.
Within a few minutes, my clothes were soaked with sweat.
Через некоторое время моя одежда стала мокрой от пота.
Substrate in the pot must be soaked thoroughly.
Субстрат в горшке нужно промачивать основательно.
Their soaked clothes clung to their bodies.
Намокшая одежда будет прилипать к их телам.
I soaked all that information up and understood it all.
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When my hands and sleeves are soaked from the vegetable showers I move on. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Got these guys just after midnight on an all night rain soaked evening of fishing! ❋ Unknown (2009)
On the Juliana, surgeon Henry Kelsall worried about convicts lying in soaked bedding after the deck above leaked during fierce storms. ❋ Maev Kennedy (2010)
(I see that Kennedy got his gin soaked butt in on this idiocy). ❋ Unknown (2009)
All subtle and rain soaked it is — you creep around a deserted New Mombasa gathering clues. ❋ Unknown (2009)
As nurses prepared the emergency room at the U.S. hospital, Colonel Robert Rush, deputy commander for clinical services, sweat-soaked from a workout, pulled an ER doctor aside. ❋ Unknown (2009)
I remember John Edwards coming out to the rain soaked despondent Kerry supporters at 1: AM at Faneuil Hall telling them to “Keep hope alive” while Kerry was too much of a wussy to do it himself. ❋ Unknown (2010)
One of my bedroom windows didn’t close properly, and sometimes I’d wake up soaked from the rain. ❋ Dr. Lisa (2008)
Ruralshire Constabulary, along with twenty three other forces, were persuaded to send officers for mutual aid to police about ten rain soaked, bedraggled vegans in a muddy field. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2008)
An evocative setting, dark water shimmering at night, rain soaked cobblestones on the quai. ❋ Unknown (2008)
Drain soaked beans and then place back in the pot. ❋ Homesick Texan (2007)
But two questions are bugging me right now, as I try to live life as a cyclist who doesn’t arrive in work soaked from a sudden downpour: ❋ Stephen Tall (2007)
Vast, silent deserts give way to the suffocating vegetation of rain soaked jungles. ❋ Unknown (2006)
Person #1- «Man last night i got totally soaked»
Person #2- «WHy what happened?»
Person #1- «[YO man], [me and] that girl [totally fucked]!» ❋ Belinda Fox (2008)
[Man], [that dude] is [SOAKED]!!! ❋ Shinytown (2016)
man when [we got] [to the] [bar] we were just soaked ❋ Kudge (2006)
Jimmy:[WHATT]!! [He Hit Me] With A [Grenade Launcher] Bullet That Didn’t Even Explode!!
Tom:Haha U Just Got Soaked! ❋ L0Lman (2011)
When a [submarine] implodes at great depths, [the people] die from [incineration]. Man, you’re soaked! ❋ John Walls (2003)
My girl is [one of those] [religious] bitches, all she will let me do is [soak]. ❋ PathfinderMain (2020)
She didn’t [wanna] [have sex] but she let me soak for [20 minutes]. ❋ Blamo212299 (2010)
Convince your [Mormon] GF that you are not «[soaking]» properly and need to continue to adjust [the angle]. ❋ Jackie O Face (2011)
boy: hey you wanna go [soak] in my parents [hot tub] tonight, they’re out of town?
girl: let’s just soak on their [California King] instead.
boy: oh i didn’t know you were into the real soaking, deal. ❋ Jerr Bear (2010)
[Mormon]: Wanna do some [soaking]?
Regular Sigma Chad: it’s [cock warming] stupid [mormon] ❋ Ston3rBon3r (2021)
- 1 Английский
- 1.1 Морфологические и синтаксические свойства
- 1.2 Произношение
- 1.3 Семантические свойства
- 1.3.1 Значение
- 1.3.2 Синонимы
- 1.3.3 Антонимы
- 1.3.4 Гиперонимы
- 1.3.5 Гипонимы
- 1.4 Родственные слова
- 1.5 Этимология
- 1.6 Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания
Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]
сравн. ст. | превосх. ст. |
more soaked | most soaked |
Корень: —.
- МФА (США): [səʊkt]
Семантические свойства[править]
- пропитанный, мочёный ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
Родственные слова[править]
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Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]
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