Meaning of word reviewed

Мои примеры


a short blurb of each book you’d like reviewed — краткая аннотация каждой книги, отзывы о которой вы хотите прочитать.  
that paper was favorably reviewed — получить хороший отзыв  
film was kindly reviewed in papers — фильм получил в прессе положительную оценку  
reviewed against the original — сверенный с оригиналом  
reviewed by — рассмотрено; утверждено; проверено  
prices will be reviewed every month — обсуждаться заново каждый месяц; цены будут пересматриваться  
right to have the sentence reviewed — право на пересмотр приговора  

Примеры с переводом

The ruling will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Это решение будет пересмотрено Верховным Судом.

The decision will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

Решение будет пересмотрено Верховным Судом.

The court declared that Brown’s case should be reviewed.

Суд заявил, что дело Брауна должно быть пересмотрено.

The company’s hazardous waste containment plan is being reviewed.

План предотвращения распространения опасных отходов этой компании в настоящее время пересматривается.

She reviewed her notes for the speech.

Она ещё раз просмотрела свои заметки для речи.

The book was reviewed in this magazine.

Рецензия на данную книгу была напечатана в этом журнале.

The committee reviewed the applications.

Комиссия рассмотрела эти заявки.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He reviewed the proposal with a jaundiced eye.

…the judges reviewed their jottings one last time before selecting the pinot noir as the best wine of the tasting overall…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

review  — обзор, рассмотрение, пересмотр, просмотр, пересмотреть, рассматривать
reviewer  — рецензент, обозреватель

reviewed — перевод на русский

I want to read the reviews.

Хочу дочитать отзывы…

How were the reviews?

— Как отзывы?

You see… What reviews!

Ах, какие отзывы…

I got great reviews from the critics.

Получил прекрасные отзывы критиков.

I was well reviewed.

Получил хорошие отзывы.

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It’s that review that Blair wrote on our last picture. Have you seen it?

Этот обзор, что Блэр написал на нашу картину.

You’ll all make the Law Review.

Вы все сдадите обзор права.

Please God, they give a good review.

Господи, они напишут прекрасный обзор.

Favorable Wentz review could be quite useful.

Благоприятный обзор от Венца был бы весьма кстати!

And a good review from him and his Seattle paper could give us a lot of business.

А хороший обзор от него в его сиэтлской газете мог бы здорово помочь нашему заведению!

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You were told to review every crew member’s file.

Тебе сказали просмотреть все личные дела команды.

— Can we review our status, Sy?

— Мы можем просмотреть состояние, Cай?

I’ve had time to review it since our last encounter.

У меня была возможность просмотреть её, с нашей последней встречи.

Everybody had a chance to review her file?

Все имели возможность просмотреть ее файл?

— Doctor, it’s not my place to say… but you might want to review the code notes for tonight. — Well, there was an injection you gave Miss Reyes… that wasn’t in the notes.

— Доктор, это не моё дело говорить вам,… но вы возможно захотите просмотреть сегодняшние записи расшифровок.

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A friend don’t write that kind of review.

Друзья не пишут такие рецензии.

I cut some lines in his review of dad’s premiere last night.

Я вычеркнул несколько строк из его рецензии на папину премьеру.

Now come the press reviews, the arguments…

Теперь будут рецензии в газетах, обсуждения…

You’ve always wanted to hear the reviews.

Ты всегда хотела слышать рецензии.

Reviews can’t hurt us now.

Рецензии нас больше не ранят.

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A notorious case, as the defence said. A case which never should have been reopened. A case which the defence is obliged to review now.

Печально известное, как мы уже заметили… дело, к которому не следовало возвращаться, но которое нам придется теперь заново пересмотреть.

Governor Rampton has asked the Utah Board of Pardons to review Gilmore’s deat sentence at their next meeting, that means the execution… Hi. cannot take place as scheduled.

Губернатор Рэмптон попросил Совет Помилования штата Юта пересмотреть смертный приговор Гилмора на своей следующей встрече, что означает что приговор не будет выполнен по расписанию.

We, of the Board of Pardons, are meeting here at the request of the governor to review your death sentence.

Мы, Совет Помилования, собрались здесь по просьбе губернатора чтобы пересмотреть твой смертный приговор.

Why can’t I just review the transcript?

Почему я не могу просто пересмотреть отчёт?

There’s charts to be reviewed, supplies inventoried…

Нужно пересмотреть списки, провести инвентаризацию…

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I’ve thoroughly reviewed your brief request and a change of venue.

Я рассмотрел ваше предложение, перенести судебное слушание.

I’ll get to the point. I’ve thoroughly reviewed your brief request in that change of venue.

Я рассмотрел ваше предложение, перенести судебное слушание.

I reviewed your flight plan.

Я рассмотрел свою программу.

In fact, I’ve reviewed your records.

Фактически я рассмотрел ваши отчеты.

So I’ve had a chance to review all the evidence against you, and I’ve got a strategy to ensure your case never goes to trial.

Итак, я рассмотрел все обвинения против Вас, и разработал стратегию, которая поможет избежать срок.

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Now, no criminal charges will be filed against you at this time, and you are released on your own recognizance… for a six-month period ofpsychometric probation, to include monthly review by an I.C.C. psychiatric technician.

На данный момент против вас не будут выдвинуты уголовные обвинения, и вы можете быть свободны. Но шесть месяцев… вы будете находиться под психометрическим наблюдением… включая ежемесячные проверки у психиатра компании I.C.C.

The damage report’s ready for your review.

Отчет о повреждениях для Вашей проверки.

That’s a lot to review.

Это очень большой объем материала для проверки.

Welcome, everyone, to the official debate section of the charter review.

Добро пожаловать на официальную часть проверки, Переговоры.

I have to go in for a final review before I can pick up my green card.

Мне нужно прийти к ним… для последней проверки перед тем, как я смогу забрать свою грин-карту.

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The latter reviews of the film have shown, that it was just the way Arno was depicted in the book.

Последующие оценки фильма показали, ЧТО на ОСНОВЕ КНИГИ Арно представляли себе ИМЭННО ТЗКИМ.

A decision like this can’t be made without proper, you know, review.

Потому что такое решение невозможно принять без правильной, ну этой, оценки.

Here’s a little tip for your performance review.

Небольшой совет для оценки твоей работы.

I actually got a five-star review online.

Вообще-то мне за нее дали высшие оценки в интернет-рецензии.

The FDA and PhRMA quickly realized that if Dr. Burzynski’s discovery would be given a fair review process, not only would chemotherapy and radiation dwindle into obscurity, financially crippling the industry, but it would also mean that for the first time in history, all of that income would funnel away from PhRMA and into the lap of one single scientist who holds the exclusive patent rights.

FDA и PhRMA быстро осознали, что если открытие др. Буржински пройдет справедливый процесс оценки, то не только химиотерапия и облучение канут в Лету, вызвав финансовый паралич индустрии, но ещё это будет значить, что впервые в истории вся прибыль потечет мимо PhRMA прямо в руки одного учёного, эксклюзивного держателя патента.

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I’ve been reviewing Darin’s internship journal.

Я просматривала журнал интернатуры Дарина.

I have been reviewing my notes on prior incidents with Zatarcs.

Я просматривала свои записи о предыдущих случаях с Зетарками.

I was just reviewing the same work I was doing over a month ago.

Я просто просматривала работу, которую делала месяц назад.

She was still reviewing them when I left.

Когда я ушел, она все еще их просматривала.

I spent all night reviewing every interview

Я всю ночь просматривала интервью

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Maybe we ought to review our security procedures.

Надо проверить систему охраны.

I just wanted to review a few things.

Мне нужно было кое-что проверить.

Well, you asked to review the guest list for the party.

Вы хотели проверить список приглашенных гостей.

Oh, I couldn’t sleep, So I thought I’d review our liability insurance, But I’m having a little trouble focusing.

Я не могла уснуть, поэтому я решила проверить нашу задолженность по страховке, но не могу сосредоточиться.

I must also review decades of artifact retrieval and personnel files.

Я также должен проверить все отчеты о найденных и доставленных артефактах и личные дела

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
review⇒ vtr (check, read) проверять, просматривать несов + вин
    проверить, просмотреть сов + вин
  Can you review my message before you send it?
  Не мог бы ты просмотреть моё сообщение перед отправкой?
review vtr (re-examine) пересматривать, обдумывать несов
    пересмотреть, обдумать сов
  Let me review what happened to see if we can do anything about it.
  Позвольте мне обдумать случившееся, чтобы решить, можно ли что-нибудь сделать.
review vtr (critique, article) (искусство) написать рецензию сов + ж вин
    написать отчёт, написать отзыв сов + м вин
  The reporter reviewed the new product for the newspaper.
  Журналист написал для газеты отчёт о новом продукте .
review n (critique, article) (искусство) рецензия ж
    критическая статья прил + ж
    отчёт, отзыв м
  The review did not say many good things about this car.
  В статье-отзыве было сказано мало хорошего об этой машине.
review n (analysis) рассмотрение, изучение ср
    обзор, анализ м
  Her review of the scientific study found no problems with the reasoning or methods used.
  Анализ научного исследования не выявил проблем с аргументацией или используемыми методами.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

review [rɪˈvjuː]
n (of situation, policy etc) пересмо́тр; (MIL) смотр#; (of book, film etc) реце́нзия; (magazine) обозре́ние
vt (situation, policy etc) пересма́тривать (пересмотре́ть*perf)
(MIL) проводи́ть*(провести́*perf) смотр +gen
; (book, film etc) рецензи́ровать (отрецензи́ровать perf)

to come under review рассма́триваться (impf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.


Changes to the building had to be made after the review by the safety inspectors.

After hours of review, the committee made its decision.

The medical records were sent to the doctor for review.

I read the book reviews in the newspaper.

The educational software was sent to teachers for review.


Scientists are reviewing the results of the study.

I need time to review the situation.

The ruling will be reviewed by the Supreme Court.

The committee reviewed the applications.

The television show will review last year’s major events.

She reviewed her notes for the speech.

The television show will review last year’s major events.

The biography reviewed her accomplishments.

Critics have not yet reviewed the movie.

The book was reviewed in this magazine.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Congress has now received the Pentagon and State Department’s classified after-action reviews, 90-day assessments that were completed last spring before the 2022 midterm elections.

Naomi Lim, Washington Examiner, 8 Apr. 2023

Both the superintendent and Church Church Hittle + Antrim Law, the firm that conducted the third-party review, declined to share the findings with NBC News.

Elizabeth Chuck, NBC News, 8 Apr. 2023

The administration said detailed reviews conducted by the State Department and the Pentagon, which the White House said would be transmitted privately to Congress on Thursday, were highly classified and would not be released publicly.

Zeke Miller And Nomaan Merchant,, 7 Apr. 2023

This article provides a comprehensive list of the 29 best laundry detergent sheets reviews in 2023.

Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023

The reviews were terrific….

Scott Bradfield, The New Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

The greenhouse has several see-through compost bins to show how quickly new prototypes will biodegrade in a variety of conditions. Eat Drink D-FW The latest food and drink reviews, recipes and info on the D-FW food scene.

Erin Booke, Dallas News, 6 Apr. 2023

Most recently, ‘This Book Is Gay’ went under a formal review as part of investigations into bomb threats sent to several public schools.

Ct Jones, Rolling Stone, 5 Apr. 2023

That project, however, is still under review.

Susannah Bryan, Sun Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2023

After accepting the job on the Plains, Freeze only had the opportunity to review cutups of each quarterbacks’ film, the good and the bad.

Tom Green |, al, 9 Apr. 2023

Closed sessions followed to review the city manager and city attorney. VISTA The Vista City Council met Thursday for a workshop on Mobility and Transportation.

Laura Groch, San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 Apr. 2023

Those entities — Mötley Crüe Inc.; Mötley Crüe Touring Inc.; Red, White and Crue Inc.; Masters 2000 Inc.; Cruefest LLC; Mötley Records LLC; and Masters 2008 LLC — are listed as defendants in the lawsuit, which demands that Mars be allowed to review the band’s business records.

Mckenna Oxenden,, 8 Apr. 2023

Bragg asks the publisher to delay its release by asking for 60 days to review its manuscript.

Nadine El-bawab, ABC News, 7 Apr. 2023

Alex Warner is an editor & strategist for who occasionally receives products to review and writes about her personal favorites.

Alex Warner, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

In March, two Google employees, whose jobs are to review the company’s artificial intelligence products, tried to stop Google from launching an A.I. chatbot.

Karen Weise, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

Silver gave the plaintiffs and defendants time to review an extensive metric for improving health care and conditions of confinement in Arizona prisons before issuing the final version Friday.

The Arizona Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Bill Faflick, executive director of Kansas State High School Activities Association, said his organization would need to review the administration’s proposal before comment.

Collin Binkley, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘review.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives. Some of these examples may show the adjective use.

The author is quick to point out, however, that the models reviewed do not account for all error data.

Most of the research reviewed in the preceding nine categories tends to favor the 2-gen over the 1-gen model.

For instance, the findings reviewed in section 4.3 of the target article are compatible with a role for a motor emulator during visual imagery.

Consequently, we reviewed and tested a wide range of possible factors for possible use as controls.

Finally, practical discussion on the teaching of specific spoken genres is reviewed and probable future directions are discussed.

The studies reviewed exemplify the process of mediation and the effects of differing mediation tools on the collaborative activity.

The current debates in the study of dreaming are reviewed from one perspective in this interesting series of articles.

This effect was well demonstrated in the studies we reviewed, since trematode infection led to reduced or completely inhibited reproductive activity in all studies reviewed.

We have also reviewed studies involving animal models, the analysis of human antibody sequences and studies of, and using, computer modelling and crystal structure.

Transcripts that were difficult to score were reviewed by both coders and resolved by conference.

There were several differences in the effects of stress at different stages of development on memory and the hippocampus in the studies reviewed above.

All copy will be reviewed by the editorial staff and is subject to editing.

In patients with an atrioventricular anastomosis, cine recordings were reviewed for systolic regurgitation from the rudimentary right ventricle into the right atrium.

However, few of the articles reviewed used a qualitative methodology; of the 52 primary research articles, only six used a qualitative approach.

Overall, however, the evidence reviewed here does not support the evolutionary hypothesis.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Other forms: reviews; reviewed; reviewing

To review means to look back over something for evaluation or memory. «The year in review» is a popular form of news feature near the end of December.

If your boss wants to give you a review, she wants to look over the history of your job performance. A doctor might review your medical record to help diagnose your sickness. The review of a book or movie often evaluates the work in question based on its strong and weak points, sometimes ending with a recommendation (or a dismissal). Before a big test, you might want to review («brush up on») your notes.

Definitions of review

  1. verb

    look at again; examine again

    review your situation”



  2. verb

    look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember

    reviewed her achievements with pride”


    look back, retrospect

  3. verb

    refresh one’s memory

    reviewed the material before the test”


    brush up, refresh

  4. noun

    practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory

  5. noun

    a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion


    recap, recapitulation

    see moresee less



    recapitulation of the main ideas of a speech (especially in reverse order)

    type of:


    a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic

  6. noun

    a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment

  7. noun

    (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data

  8. noun

    (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court)

    see moresee less


    bill of review

    a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it

    judicial review

    review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court

    strict scrutiny

    the most stringent standard of review a court applies to determine whether a law is constitutional

    type of:

    legal proceeding, proceeding, proceedings

    (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked

  9. “She
    reviews books for the New York Times”



  10. noun

    a new appraisal or evaluation

  11. noun

    an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)

  12. noun

    a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art

  13. noun

    a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians

  14. noun

    a formal or official examination

    “the platoon stood ready for



  15. verb

    hold a review (of troops)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘review’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation.

the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts.

an exercise designed or intended for study of this kind.

a general survey of something, especially in words; a report or account of something.

an inspection or examination by viewing, especially a formal inspection of any military or naval force, parade, or the like.

a periodical publication containing articles on current events or affairs, books, art, etc.: a literary review.

a judicial reexamination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.

a second or repeated view of something.

a viewing of the past; contemplation or consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.

Bridge. a recapitulation of the bids made by all players.

verb (used with object)

to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.

to view, look at, or look over again.

to inspect, especially formally or officially: to review the troops.

to survey mentally; take a survey of: to review the situation.

to discuss (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review; write a critical report upon.

to look back upon; view retrospectively.

to present a survey of in speech or writing.

Law. to reexamine judicially: a decision to review the case.

Bridge. to repeat and summarize (all bids made by the players).

verb (used without object)

to write reviews; review books, movies, etc., as for a newspaper or periodical: He reviews for some small-town newspaper.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

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Origin of review

First recorded in 1555–65; from Middle French revue, noun use of feminine past participle of revoir “to see again,” ultimately from Latin revidēre, equivalent to re-re- + vidēre “to see”; see view

synonym study for review

1. Review, criticism imply careful examination of something, formulation of a judgment, and statement of the judgment, usually in written form. A review is a survey over a whole subject or division of it, or especially an article making a critical reconsideration and summary of something written: a review of the latest book on Chaucer. A criticism is a judgment, usually in an article, either favorable or unfavorable or both: a criticism of a proposed plan. The words are interchanged when referring to motion pictures or theater, but review implies a somewhat less formal approach than criticism in referring to literary works: movie reviews; play reviews; book reviews.


re·view·a·ble, adjectivere·view·a·bil·i·ty, nounre·view·less, adjectivenon·re·view·a·bil·i·ty, noun

non·re·view·a·ble, adjectivepre·re·view, noun, verb (used with object)re·re·view, verbun·re·view·a·ble, adjectiveun·re·viewed, adjectivewell-re·viewed, adjective


review , revue (see synonym study at the current entry)

Words nearby review

reverter, revest, revet, revetment, rev-head, review, reviewal, review bomb, review copy, reviewer, revile Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a basic definition of review?

A review is judgement or discussion of the quality of something. Review also means to go over a subject again as part of study or to look at something another time. Review has many other senses as both a noun and a verb.

A review is a critique of something—a look at something’s good and bad points. Reviews are very common in every industry, and many people rely on them to learn more about something they are interested in, especially something they want to buy. A person who writes a review is a reviewer.

  • Real-life examples: You can find reviews of almost anything online, such as movies, books, vacation spots, and schools. Websites like Amazon, Google Maps, and Rotten Tomatoes offer reviews of things. Most companies will even boast about good reviews that they get.
  • Used in a sentence: I want to see the new movie because I heard it got good reviews. 

Review is used in this sense as a verb to mean to write or otherwise create (like a video) a review of something.

  • Used in a sentence: Cho began her career by reviewing television shows for her YouTube channel. 

Review is also used to mean to go over a subject again to master it or to remember the material better. Your school teachers likely reviewed previous lessons with your class more than once before a test. When studying a new language, you will review words and grammar rules many times to help commit them to memory.

  • Real-life examples: One of the main reasons teachers assign homework is so students will review the topics they learned that day. College students will often review an entire semester’s worth of notes the night before an important exam.
  • Used in a sentence: Diego reviewed the geometry chapters with his tutor to understand the math better. 

Review is used in this sense as a noun to refer to an exercise or session that involves reviewing subject matter.

  • Used in a sentence: Prof. Lopez led the review of the properties of the noble gases. 

As a verb, review can also mean to read, view, or look at something again.

  • Real-life examples: Someone putting together furniture will likely review the directions many times before they’re done. A chef will review a recipe that they are trying for the first time to make sure they don’t make a mistake. A writer will review their work for errors or grammar mistakes before giving it to an editor.
  • Used in a sentence: Lola reviewed her letter to Santa Claus to make sure she included everything she wanted. 

Where does review come from?

The first records of review come from around 1555. It ultimately comes from a combination of the Latin revidēre, meaning “to see again.”

Did you know … ?

How is review used in real life?

Review is a very common word that often refers to criticisms of products or to reexamining information to understand it better.

I’m happy to announce that, after almost a year, I have watched every episode of the Simpsons available on disney+. My review: pretty good.

— Mac Bacon (@therealmacbacon) December 1, 2020

Spanish teacher: We’ll review for the exam tomorrow. The entire class: Um the exam is tomorrow?

— Carson Artrip (@CarsonArtrip) December 19, 2017

Battery works! Got it up and running. Now I just need to review the directions on how to use the darn thing.

— batgrl1970 (@batgrl1970) May 7, 2009

Try using review!

Is review used correctly in the following sentence?

Most critic reviews of the movie said it was terrible and not worth the ticket price.

Words related to review

analysis, audit, check, inspection, report, revision, scrutiny, survey, appraisal, article, assessment, column, comment, commentary, criticism, discussion, essay, evaluation, investigation, judgment

How to use review in a sentence

  • When in doubt, scour budget blanket reviews to make sure the one you’re eyeing will satisfy your dreams.

  • The task force was meant to conclude its review and give advice in time for administrators to update the 2021-2022 academic calendar.

  • Marshall wrote in an email to VOSD that the Housing Commission staff have done an expansive review of research and methods other jurisdictions have used.

  • If your business has a great review rating and flattering reviews, you’re very likely to earn a spot in the Google 3-Pack.

  • After earning rave reviews early in the pandemic, Newsom is now under heavy fire, even from allies, for his handling of the coronavirus.

  • In an email exchange a friend said many had repeated this same succinct review but they could never elaborate.

  • “[I]ndeed, the Civil War was more or less administered from there,” an Esquire review asserts.

  • The tweets linking to the National Review, that bastion of LGBT equality.

  • In any case, I welcome the conversation as part of the review of the upcoming slate that we’re doing tomorrow.

  • John L. Smith is a columnist with the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

  • And now I am going on to a review of the broad facts of the educational organization of our present world.

  • We haven’t even seen a review of the piece; the footlights go up with a jump, and now the curtain rises.

  • Nothing will be easier then to throw the Poles into the shade of the picture, or to occupy the foreground with a brilliant review.

  • She did not perceive that she was talking like her father as the sleek geldings ambled in review before them.

  • It would have been a sort of review—in the face of the city of Dublin, in open defiance of all order and government.

British Dictionary definitions for review

verb (mainly tr)

to look at or examine againto review a situation

to look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events, etc); rememberhe reviewed his achievements with pride

to inspect, esp formally or officiallythe general reviewed his troops

to read through or go over in order to correct

law to re-examine (a decision) judicially

to write a critical assessment of (a book, film, play, concert, etc), esp as a profession


Also called: reviewal the act or an instance of reviewing

a general survey or reporta review of the political situation

a critical assessment of a book, film, play, concert, etc, esp one printed in a newspaper or periodical

  1. a publication containing such articles
  2. (capital when part of a name)the Saturday Review

a second consideration; re-examination

a retrospective survey

a formal or official inspection

US and Canadian the process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in preparation for an examinationAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): revision

law judicial re-examination of a case, esp by a superior court

a less common spelling of revue

Derived forms of review

reviewable, adjectivereviewer, noun

Word Origin for review

C16: from French, from revoir to see again, from Latin re- re- + vidēre to see

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

repeat revise разница

В английском языке слова repeat, revise и review похожи по значению. Более того, на русский их можно перевести одинаково — «повторять». Сегодня мы разберем, в чем разница между repeat, revise, review в английском языке и как они используются.

Все три слова можно перевести, как «повторять», но это будут разные «повторять». В первую очередь нужно разобрать, чем отличаются repeat и revise.

  • repeat — повторять, говоря или делая что-то много раз.

К примеру, вы можете повторить вопрос, задав его еще раз, вы можете повторить слово несколько раз, вы можете повторить какое-то действие.

Could you repeat your question, please? — Вы не могли бы, пожалуйста, повторить вопрос?

The experiment went well, we can repeat it tomorrow. — Эксперимент прошел хорошо, мы можем повторить его завтра.

  • revise — повторять какой-то материал, просматривая, освежая его в памяти, готовиться к экзамену, тесту. Характерно для британского английского.

Мы можем сказать revise smt — «повторять что-то» (освежить в памяти) или revise for smt — «готовиться к чему-то», к какому-то экзамену, тесту. Можно эти два варианта объединить и сказать revise smt for smt — «повторить что-то к чему-то».

I need to revise geometry. — Мне нужно повторить геометрию (готовясь к какой-то проверке знаний).

I need to revise for the test. — Мне нужно подготовиться (повторить какой-то материал) к тесту.

I need to revise geometry for the test. — Мне нужно повторить геометрию к тесту.

  • review — синоним revise в значении, описанном выше (повторять материал, готовиться к тесту), но более характерный для американского английского.

Используется так же, как его британский синоним.

I need to review geometry. — Мне нужно повторить геометрию (готовясь к какой-то проверке знаний).

I need to review for the test. — Мне нужно подготовиться (повторить какой-то материал) к тесту.

I need to review geometry for the test. — Мне нужно повторить геометрию к тесту.

Учтите, что слова repeat, revise, review — многозначные, здесь я разбираю лишь те их значениях, которые связаны с повторением. К примеру, review может значить «делать обзор, писать отзыв о чем-то», но данной темы это значение не касается.

Типичные ошибки

Типичная ошибка — это использовать repeat в значении «повторять к уроку, экзамену».

  • Неправильно: I repeated math for the test.
  • Правильно: I revised math for the test.


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