v. re·gret·ted, re·gret·ting, re·grets
1. To feel sorry, disappointed, distressed, or remorseful about: I regret not speaking to her before she left.
2. To remember with a feeling of loss or sorrow; mourn: «He almost regretted the penury which he had suffered during the last two years since the desperate struggle merely to keep body and soul together had deadened the pain of living» (W. Somerset Maugham).
1. A feeling of sorrow, disappointment, distress, or remorse about something that one wishes could be different.
2. A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone or passed out of existence: «We have both had flashes of regret for those vanished, golden people» (Anne Rivers Siddons).
3. regrets A courteous expression of regret, especially at having to decline an invitation.
[Middle English regretten, to lament, from Old French regreter : re-, re- + -greter, to weep (perhaps of Germanic origin).]
re·gret′ter n.
Synonyms: regret, sorrow, grief, anguish, woe, heartbreak
These nouns denote mental distress. Regret has the broadest range, from mere disappointment to a painful sense of dissatisfaction or self-reproach, as over something lost or done: She looked back with regret on the pain she had caused her family. He had no regrets about leaving his job.
Sorrow connotes sadness caused by misfortune, affliction, or loss; it can also imply contrition: «sorrow for his … children, who needed his protection, and whom he could not protect» (James Baldwin).
Grief is deep, acute personal sorrow, as that arising from irreplaceable loss: «Grief fills the room up of my absent child, / Lies in his bed, walks up and down with me» (Shakespeare).
Anguish implies agonizing, excruciating mental pain: «I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement» (Abraham Lincoln).
Woe is intense, often prolonged wretchedness or misery: «the deep, unutterable woe / Which none save exiles feel» (W.E. Aytoun).
Heartbreak is overwhelming grief: «Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak» (Shakespeare).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vb (tr) , -grets, -gretting or -gretted
1. (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to feel sorry, repentant, or upset about
2. to bemoan or grieve the death or loss of
3. a sense of repentance, guilt, or sorrow, as over some wrong done or an unfulfilled ambition
4. a sense of loss or grief
5. (plural) a polite expression of sadness, esp in a formal refusal of an invitation
[C14: from Old French regrete, of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse grāta to weep]
reˈgretful adj
reˈgretfully adv
reˈgretfulness n
reˈgrettable adj
reˈgrettably adv
reˈgretter n
Usage: Regretful and regretfully are sometimes wrongly used where regrettable and regrettably are meant: he gave a regretful smile; he smiled regretfully; this is a regrettable (not regretful) mistake; regrettably (not regretfully), I shall be unable to attend
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
v. -gret•ted, -gret•ting,
n. v.t.
1. to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.).
2. to think of with a sense of loss.
3. a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc.
4. a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, etc.
5. regrets, a polite, usu. formal refusal of an invitation.
[1300–50; Middle English regretten (v.) < Middle French regreter, Old French]
re•gret′ter, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Remorse is as the heart in which it grows —Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Coleridge’s poem, Remorse, continues as follows: “If that be gentle, it drops balmy dews of true repentance; but if proud and gloomy, it is the poison tree, that pierces to the inmost.”
- Repentance, like the sea, is always open to the ventures —Shimoni Yalkut
- Repentance, without amendment, is like continually pumping without mending the leak —Lewis W. Dilwyn
- Repentance follows crime … as changes follow time —Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Regret is like a mountaintop from which we survey our dead life, a mountaintop on which we pause and ponder, and very often looking into the twilight we ask ourselves whether it would be well to send a letter or some token —George Moore
- The pang of regret, sharp as a sword thrust —L. P. Hartley
- Regret is like tears seeping through closed eyelids —Galway Kinnell
- (When I fall) let me fall without regret like a leaf —Wendell Berry
- Remorseless as an alarm clock —Anon
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
– be sorry
1. sadness and disappointment
Regret and be sorry are both used to say that someone feels sadness or disappointment about something that has happened, or about something they have done. Regret is more formal than be sorry.
You can say that you regret something or are sorry about it.
I immediately regretted my decision.
Astrid was sorry about leaving abruptly.
You can also say that you regret or are sorry that something has happened.
Pisarev regretted that no real changes had occurred.
He was sorry he had agreed to stay.
You can also say that you regret doing something.
None of the women I spoke to regretted making this change.
Be Careful!
Don’t say that you ‘are sorry doing‘ something.
2. apologizing
When you are apologizing to someone for something that has happened, you can say that you are sorry about it.
I‘m sorry about the mess – I’ll clean up.
You can also report someone’s apology by saying that they are sorry about something.
She was very sorry about all the trouble she’d caused.
Be Careful!
Don’t say that you are ‘sorry for‘ something.
In conversation, don’t apologize by saying that you ‘regret’ something. Regret is only used in formal letters and announcements.
London Transport regrets any inconvenience caused by these delays.
3. giving bad news
When you are giving someone some bad news, you can begin by saying ‘I‘m sorry to tell you…’. In a formal letter, you say ‘I regret to inform you…’.
I‘m very sorry to tell you this, but she’s dead.
I regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: regretted
Gerund: regretting
Imperative |
regret |
regret |
Present |
I regret |
you regret |
he/she/it regrets |
we regret |
you regret |
they regret |
Preterite |
I regretted |
you regretted |
he/she/it regretted |
we regretted |
you regretted |
they regretted |
Present Continuous |
I am regretting |
you are regretting |
he/she/it is regretting |
we are regretting |
you are regretting |
they are regretting |
Present Perfect |
I have regretted |
you have regretted |
he/she/it has regretted |
we have regretted |
you have regretted |
they have regretted |
Past Continuous |
I was regretting |
you were regretting |
he/she/it was regretting |
we were regretting |
you were regretting |
they were regretting |
Past Perfect |
I had regretted |
you had regretted |
he/she/it had regretted |
we had regretted |
you had regretted |
they had regretted |
Future |
I will regret |
you will regret |
he/she/it will regret |
we will regret |
you will regret |
they will regret |
Future Perfect |
I will have regretted |
you will have regretted |
he/she/it will have regretted |
we will have regretted |
you will have regretted |
they will have regretted |
Future Continuous |
I will be regretting |
you will be regretting |
he/she/it will be regretting |
we will be regretting |
you will be regretting |
they will be regretting |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been regretting |
you have been regretting |
he/she/it has been regretting |
we have been regretting |
you have been regretting |
they have been regretting |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been regretting |
you will have been regretting |
he/she/it will have been regretting |
we will have been regretting |
you will have been regretting |
they will have been regretting |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been regretting |
you had been regretting |
he/she/it had been regretting |
we had been regretting |
you had been regretting |
they had been regretting |
Conditional |
I would regret |
you would regret |
he/she/it would regret |
we would regret |
you would regret |
they would regret |
Past Conditional |
I would have regretted |
you would have regretted |
he/she/it would have regretted |
we would have regretted |
you would have regretted |
they would have regretted |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | regret — sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; «he drank to drown his sorrows»; «he wrote a note expressing his regret»; «to his rue, the error cost him the game»
ruefulness, sorrow, rue sadness, unhappiness — emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being contriteness, contrition, attrition — sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation compunction, remorse, self-reproach — a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed) |
Verb | 1. | regret — feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
rue, repent feel, experience — undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; «She felt resentful»; «He felt regret» |
2. | regret — feel sad about the loss or absence of
miss — feel or suffer from the lack of; «He misses his mother» |
3. | regret — decline formally or politely; «I regret I can’t come to the party»
refuse, decline — show unwillingness towards; «he declined to join the group on a hike» regret — express with regret; «I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard» |
4. | regret — express with regret; «I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard»
inform — impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; «I informed him of his rights» regret — decline formally or politely; «I regret I can’t come to the party» fear — be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement; «I fear I won’t make it to your wedding party» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. be or feel sorry about, feel remorse about, be upset about, rue, deplore, bemoan, repent (of), weep over, bewail, cry over spilt milk She regrets having given up her home.
be or feel sorry about be happy about, be satisfied with, rejoice over, have not looked back, feel satisfaction with
2. mourn, miss, lament, weep over, sigh over, grieve for or over, pine for or over I regret the passing of the old era.
2. sorrow, disappointment, grief, sadness, unhappiness, lamentation, dejection He expressed great regret.
sorrow pleasure, satisfaction, contentment, callousness, lack of compassion, impenitence
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
To feel or express sorrow for:
1. Unhappiness caused by the failure of one’s hopes, desires, or expectations:
2. A statement of acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon.Used in plural:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
eftirsjá; harmur; söknuîursjá eftir
gailėtissu liūdesiu
sự ân hậntiếc
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. n
b. regrets npl (excuses) → scuse fpl
2. vt (news, death) → essere dispiaciuto/a per, essere desolato/a per
he is very ill, I regret to say → purtroppo è molto malato
I regret that I will be unable to attend your party (frm) → mi rincresce (di) non poter venire alla vostra festa
we regret to inform you that … (frm) → siamo spiacenti di informarla che…
I regret that I/he cannot help → mi rincresce (di) non poter aiutare/che lui non possa aiutare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(rəˈgret) – past tense, past participle reˈgretted – verb
to be sorry about. I regret my foolish behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful.
a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong. I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death.
reˈgretful adjective
feeling regret.
reˈgretfully adverb
with regret. Regretfully, we have had to turn down your offer.
reˈgrettable adjective
a regrettable mistake.
reˈgrettably adverb
regrettable is spelt with two ts.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ نَدَم, يَنْدَمُ عَلَى lítost, litovat fortryde, sorg Bedauern μεταμέλεια, μετανιώνω lamentar, pesar katua, katumus regret, regretter žaljenje, zažaliti rammarico, rimpiangere 後悔, 後悔する 후회, 후회하다 betreuren, spijt anger, beklage pożałować, żal arrepender-se, arrependimento, pesar сожаление, сожалеть ånger, ångra เสียใจ, ความเสียใจ pişman olmak, pişmanlık sự ân hận, tiếc 后悔, 遗憾
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. sentimiento de pesar; remordimiento; sentir, lamentar, deplorar;
I ___ to tell you → siento decirle, decirte.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > regretting
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > regretting
English-Russian big medical dictionary > regretting
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sorry
fill the bill
1) быть единственным объектом внимания, затмить успехом всех остальных, занимать первое место [первонач. выражение тк. в отношении актёра, имя которого занимало всю афишу;
For many years he had ceased regretting, even vaguely, the son who had not been born; Fleur filled the bill in his heart. (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part I, ch. I) — Сомс давно перестал жалеть, хотя бы смутно, о нерожденном сыне. Флер целиком заполонила его сердце.
World title fights this year for three British boxers… Brain Curvis (Wales)… tops the bill… so far. (‘Daily Worker’) — Звание чемпиона мира в этом году оспаривают три английских боксера. Пока… турнирную таблицу возглавляет Брейн Кервис (Уэльс)
2) подходить во всех отношениях, удовлетворять всем требованиям, вполне соответствовать своему назначению, вполне устраивать
Mrs Brodie had cooked for Mrs Radcliffe for nearly three years… Mrs Brodie filled the bill perfectly. (N. Coward, ‘Collected Short Stories’, ‘The Kindness of Mrs Radcliffe’) — Миссис Броди была поварихой миссис Радклиф почти три года… Ею не могли нахвалиться.
‘Do you think I’d fill the bill?’ ‘Of course you would, Augie.’ (S. Bellow, ‘The Adventures of Augie March’, ch. XXI) — — Как вы думаете, гожусь я для этой работы? — Конечно, годитесь, Оджи.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > fill the bill
1. a печальный, грустный; скорбный
2. a жалобный
Синонимический ряд:
1. deploring (adj.) deploring; grieving; mournful; pathetic; regretting; sad; sobbing; woeful
2. grieving (noun) grieving; lamentation; languishing; mourning; sorrowing
3. deploring (verb) bemoaning; bewailing; deploring; moaning; weeping
English-Russian base dictionary > lamenting
fill the bill
1) быть eдинcтвeнным oбъeктoм внимaния, зaтмить уcпexoм вcex ocтaльныx, зaнять пepвoe мecтo [
пepвoнaч. aмep.
oб aктёpe, имя кoтopoгo зaнимaлo вcю aфишу]
For many years he had ceased regretting, even vaguely, the son who had not been born; Fleur filled the bill in his heart (J. Galsworthy). We can discuss it now, clause by clause. But time’s getting on, gentlemen. Personally I think it about fills the bill (J. Galsworthy)
2) пoдxoдить вo вcex oтнoшeнияx, удoвлeтвopять вceм тpeбoвaниям, впoлнe cooтвeтcтвoвaть cвoeму нaзнaчeнию; впoлнe уcтpaивaть (кoгo-л.)
Mrs. Brodie had cooked for Mrs. Radcliffe for nearly three years… Mrs Brodie filled the bill perfectly (N. Coward)
Concise English-Russian phrasebook > fill the bill
См. также в других словарях:
regretting — index contrite, repentant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
regretting — regretting, regrettingly see regret v … Useful english dictionary
Regretting — Regret Re*gret , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Regretted} ( t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Regretting}.] [F. regretter, OF. regreter; L. pref. re re + a word of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. gr[=e]tan to weep, Icel. gr[=a]ta. See {Greet} to lament.] To experience … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
regretting — re·gret || rɪ gret n. sorrow, remorse, anguish v. feel sorrow, feel remorseful, rue … English contemporary dictionary
Models of deafness — See also: Hearing impairment and Deaf culture Various models of deafness are rooted in either the social or biological sciences. These are the medical (or infirmity) model, the social model, and the cultural model. The model used can affect… … Wikipedia
Remorse — This article is about the emotion. For the episode of the TV series House, see Remorse (House). Remorse is an emotional expression of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an act which they deem to be shameful, hurtful,… … Wikipedia
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List of minor DC Comics characters — Throughout its history, DC Comics has introduced many, many characters. Most of them have been minor characters. These characters range from supporting characters, heroes, and/or villains that appear infrequently to those that only take part in a … Wikipedia
List of minor recurring characters in Star Trek: Enterprise — This is a list of minor characters from the science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise. Characters are ordered alphabetically by family name, and only characters who played a significant recurring role in the series are listed.… … Wikipedia
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
сожалея о том
сожалея об
сожалеть об
сожалеть о том
жалеть о том
сожаления о
сожалею об
сожалеете об
жалеет об
сожалел о
с сожалением отмечая
сожалеет о том
жалеть об
I live every day regretting what I am.
You can spend your life regretting what you’ve lost.
Вы можете прожить всю жизнь, сожалея о том, что упустили.
Donna sometimes resorts to him for help, more often than not regretting it.
Донна иногда обращается к нему за помощью, чаще всего не сожалея об этом.
My heart likes what it sees, not too regretting the missed opportunities.
Моё сердце любит то, что видит, не слишком сожалея об упущенных возможностях.
Sometimes we spend time regretting what is past.
Иногда мы тратим время, сожалея о том, что в уже прошлом.
Several non governmental organizations issued statement regretting what happened with those media professionals.
Несколько неправительственных организаций выступили с заявлением, сожалея о том, что случилось с этими профессионалами СМИ.
If you don’t take the time to tune, you’ll find yourself regretting it; the notifications will consume you.
Если Вы не торопитесь, чтобы настроить, вы сможете найти себе сожалея об этом; в уведомлениях будет потреблять вас.
Stop wasting time regretting what you did a year ago.
Хватит тратить время на сожаления о том, что вы делали в прошлом году.
She’ll be regretting it now.
Хотя, знаешь, она, наверное, жалеет об этом.
I’m regretting not getting waffles.
I’m regretting sharing this one.
You’re probably regretting inviting me out here.
I was now regretting starting this conversation.
But others wither, bitterly regretting their choices.
Но некоторые «увядают», горько сожалея о своем выборе.
Maybe I’ll be regretting the decision soon.
Может быть, очень скоро я пожалею о своем решении.
He was already regretting his generosity.
I am still regretting that mistake.
They are probably both regretting it.
I know pakistanis are regretting about it now.
And, I’m shamefully regretting another birthday.
И да, как то буднично подкрался очередной день рождения.
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Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:
regret [rɪˈgrɛt]
n (sorrow) сожале́ние
vt сожале́ть (impf) о +prp
; (death) опла́кивать (опла́кать*perf)
to regret that … сожале́ть (impf), что …
we regret to inform you that … мы с сожале́нием сообща́ем Вам, что …
* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.
‘regretting‘ также найдено в этих статьях:
Asked by: Reanna Berge
Score: 4.4/5
(63 votes)
Regret is the emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past, because the consequences of the decision were unfavorable.
Regret is related to perceived opportunity.
What does it mean when someone says I regret?
If you regret something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it. … Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment, which is caused by something that has happened or something that you have done or not done.
Can I say Im regretting?
You can say that you regret something or are sorry about it. I immediately regretted my decision.
What to do when you are regretting?
How to Overcome Regret
- Own up to it. Accept your responsibility in the negative experience.
- Move on. Let go of what you cannot and could not control.
- Apologize. …
- Free yourself. …
- Learn from it. …
- Say thanks.
What does regretful mean?
: feeling or showing regret : sad or disappointed.
39 related questions found
What is a better word for sorry?
In this page you can discover 99 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sorry, like: sorrowful, apologetic, regretful, grieved, remorseful, contrite, penitent, melted, regret, pitiful and beggarly.
Does regret mean sorry?
Regret and be sorry are both used to say that someone feels sadness or disappointment about something that has happened, or about something they have done. Regret is more formal than be sorry. You can say that you regret something or are sorry about it.
How do I stop regretting a decision?
Below, you’ll find seven actionable tips for surviving a poor decision.
- Accept your emotions. …
- Then, focus on the cold, hard facts. …
- Don’t let the bad decision consume you. …
- Forgive yourself. …
- Accept your regret. …
- If your regret is all-consuming, try practicing gratitude. …
- Create a decision-making process for the future.
How do I stop regretting?
5 Steps to Overcoming Regret
- Accept the reality of the thing you regret. The mistakes are real. …
- Forgive yourself. Show yourself the same kind of mercy you want others to extend when you have wronged them. …
- Make amends. …
- Forget what is behind you. …
- Do the opposite of what you regret.
How do I stop regretting in life?
Here are 15 ways to avoid regrets later on in your life:
- Don’t follow someone else’s dreams. …
- Stop taking your loved ones for granted. …
- Stop pretending to be someone else. …
- Don’t burn all your bridges. …
- Always tell the truth. …
- Live in the moment. …
- Don’t give up on true love. …
- Make others happy.
Is regretted?
A feeling of sorrow, disappointment, distress, or remorse about something that one wishes could be different. 2. A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone or passed out of existence: «We have both had flashes of regret for those vanished, golden people» (Anne Rivers Siddons). 3.
How do you show regret?
Regret statements usually sound like this:
- «I’m sorry that you took it like that.»
- «I’m not making excuses, but you do that too.»
- «I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to make you mad.»
- «Why can’t you let it go? It’s in the past.»
- «You know I didn’t mean that.»
- «Please forgive me.
What is your biggest regret in life?
The Top 20 Regrets in Life. “I spent so much time trying to please others that I neglected my own needs.” “When I was forced to choose between work and family, I chose work.” “I did some pretty ugly things to get ahead, and my conscience never let me forget them.”
Do you regret meaning?
If you regret something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it. Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment, which is caused by something that has happened or something that you have done or not done.
Is regret a feeling?
Regret is a negative emotion that occurs when a person believes his or her past actions or behaviors, if changed, may have achieved a better outcome. Regret is often closely associated with feelings of guilt and shame. We often express the emotion of regret to others in the form of an apology.
What do u regret the most?
- 12 Things People Regret the Most Before They Die. …
- I wish I had spent more time with the people I love. …
- I wish I had worried less. …
- I wish I had forgiven more. …
- I wish I had stood up for myself. …
- I wish I had lived my own life. …
- I wish I had been more honest. …
- I wish I had worked less.
Can’t stop regretting the past?
21 Ways To Stop Regretting The Past And Finally Move On
- Make a regret bonfire. Either metaphorical or real. …
- Ask a different question. …
- Break the cycle. …
- Apologize. …
- Prevent further regret. …
- Put things in perspective. …
- Give yourself a second chance. …
- Give others a chance.
Should you regret your mistakes?
It’s okay to make mistakes. But it’s not okay to sit idle and allow life to pass you by because you’re too afraid of regretting your decisions. However, one likely outcome of making mistakes and failing in life is that you learn the art of self-forgiveness. … So forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Why do I always regret my decision?
Counterfactual thinking drives regret. This means that the easier it is to imagine a different, better outcome for a situation, the more likely we are to regret that decision. Regret is most intense when you feel you’ve come close to a major success and missed the opportunity because of poor planning or inaction.
What are the consequences of poor decision making?
Some EFFECTS of bad D.M.: we compromise ourselves – our self-worth, values, needs…. they generate anxiety, distress, shame, guilt, self-hate…. they’re a waste of our precious life, talents, abilities, potential….
How do I know I made the right decision?
- You’re going to be at least a little scared. …
- The loud voices will start sounding. …
- You’re going to feel uncomfortable. …
- You’re going to question yourself. …
- You’re going to feel your confidence grow. …
- You’re going to make new and wonderful friends. …
- You’ll find yourself making more and more decisions more quickly.
How do I stop myself from making bad decisions?
15 Things to Quit Today to Stop Making BAD Decisions
- Quit avoiding reality. …
- Quit living in the past. …
- Quit making excuses. …
- Quit putting yourself last. …
- Quit settling for less. …
- Quit refusing to listen to good advice. …
- Quit being so impulsive. …
- Quit being so emotional.
Does regret mean guilt?
The difference is that guilt is felt when what you have done was intentionally done to cause the other person harm or pain in some way. Regret is felt when you inadvertently caused pain or harm (perceived or real) to someone and that you wish you could change the past.
Can you be sorry about something but not regret it?
Take the phrase “I’m sorry,” which usually indicates that people feel regret or remorse for having caused someone pain: they wish they hadn’t done what they did or had done what they didn’t do. … That is, people can feel momentarily badly that they did something wrong, but not regret it.
What does regret feel like?
Regret is a negative cognitive or emotional state that involves blaming ourselves for a bad outcome, feeling a sense of loss or sorrow at what might have been, or wishing we could undo a previous choice that we made. For young people in particular, regret, although painful to experience, can be a helpful emotion.
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I think it’s nice to have children. I didn’t have many, and while I don’t sit around regretting it, I maybe would have liked a couple more. But it wasn’t meant to be, and I didn’t want it badly enough.
Regretting is a verb.
Regret is a negative conscious and emotional reaction to personal past acts and behaviors. Regret is often expressed by the term «sorry.» Regret is often a feeling of sadness, shame, embarrassment, depression, annoyance, or guilt, after one acts in a manner and later wishes not to have done so. Regret is distinct from guilt, which is a deeply emotional form of regret — one which may be difficult to comprehend in an objective or conceptual way. In this regard, the concept of regret is subordinate to guilt in terms of its emotional intensity. By comparison, shame typically refers to the social aspect of guilt or regret as imposed by the society or culture, which has substantial bearing in matters of honor. It is also distinct from remorse, which is a more direct and emotional form of regret over a past action that is considered by society to be hurtful, shameful, or violent. Unlike regret, it includes a strong element of desire for apology to others rather than an internal reflection on one’s actions, and may be expressed in order to reduce the punishment one receives.
I regret
you regret
he/she/it regrets
we regret
you regret
they regret
Present continuous
I am regretting
you are regretting
he/she/it is regretting
we are regretting
you are regretting
they are regretting
Present perfect
I have regretted
you have regretted
he/she/it has regretted
we have regretted
you have regretted
they have regretted
Present perfect continuous
I have been regretting
you have been regretting
he/she/it has been regretting
we have been regretting
you have been regretting
they have been regretting
Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.
I regretted
you regretted
he/she/it regretted
we regretted
you regretted
they regretted
Past continuous
I was regretting
you were regretting
he/she/it was regretting
we were regretting
you were regretting
they were regretting
Past perfect
I had regretted
you had regretted
he/she/it had regretted
we had regretted
you had regretted
they had regretted
Past perfect continuous
I had been regretting
you had been regretting
he/she/it had been regretting
we had been regretting
you had been regretting
they had been regretting
Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,
I will regret
you will regret
he/she/it will regret
we will regret
you will regret
they will regret
Future continuous
I will be regretting
you will be regretting
he/she/it will be regretting
we will be regretting
you will be regretting
they will be regretting
Future perfect
I will have regretted
you will have regretted
he/she/it will have regretted
we will have regretted
you will have regretted
they will have regretted
Future perfect continuous
I will have been regretting
you will have been regretting
he/she/it will have been regretting
we will have been regretting
you will have been regretting
they will have been regretting
The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.
I would regretting
you would regretting
he/she/it would regretting
we would regretting
you would regretting
they would regretting
Conditional continuous
I would be regretting
you would be regretting
he/she/it would be regretting
we would be regretting
you would be regretting
they would be regretting
Conditional perfect
I would have regretting
you would have regretting
he/she/it would have regretting
we would have regretting
you would have regretting
they would have regretting
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been regretting
you would have been regretting
he/she/it would have been regretting
we would have been regretting
you would have been regretting
they would have been regretting
Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.
you regret
we let´s regret
you regret
The imperative is used to form commands or requests.
Past participle
Present Participle
Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.
Synonyms and antonyms of regretting in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «regretting» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «regretting» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of regretting to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of regretting from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «regretting» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
hối hận
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
εκφράζοντας τη λύπη του
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of regretting
The term «regretting» is regularly used and occupies the 55.208 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «regretting» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of regretting
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «regretting».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «regretting» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «regretting» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about regretting
Famous quotes and sentences with the word regretting.
I want to say that probably 24 hours after I told CBS that I was stepping down at my 65th birthday, I was already regretting it. And I regretted it every day since.
I felt that I ostracized myself by my behavior, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake? Why have I made so many mistakes?
I’m taking a philosophy class and regretting it with everything in me. I’m taking one college class per semester. Philosophy is studying what you already know and dismantling it. I thought it would be right up my alley. I can’t tell you how much it’s not me.
I think it’s nice to have children. I didn’t have many, and while I don’t sit around regretting it, I maybe would have liked a couple more. But it wasn’t meant to be, and I didn’t want it badly enough.
I don’t go around regretting things that don’t happen.
There’s no point regretting things. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Life’s too short to worry about things I’ve said.
I don’t believe in regretting — one should try to move on. My mum was good at that. She was deeply in love with my father, and he died when I was nine. She remarried, and her second husband died, too. I saw the grieving process she went through. My mother had this way of moving on. It was a fine trait.
Discover the use of regretting in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to regretting and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The Ongoing Conflicts of an Ex-gangmember: Regretting the …
The literature reviews issues faced by Latinos such as poverty, lack of education and social injustice. Also, the literature reviews narratives as important instruments in communication for the social work profession.
A Dictionary in Sanscrit and English Translated, Amended and …
(JET) Regretting, missing any thing or person. a. W much, fifa to be sad, W? and
m afi’s. “flew mfn. (mam-7i) Regretting, wishing or. sorrowing for, distressed,
sorrowful. f. (4″) A woman whose husband or lover is absent. 3. Sq much, if; to be
sad, …
Horace Hayman Wilson, 1832
Hollywoodaholic: Confessions of a Screenwriter
I cautiously made my way up the bank of the river toward the taxis and the tour
buses, regretting all forms of transportation and inconvenience that had put me in
this spot. Regretting getting up at four A.M. Regretting an hour taxi ride through …
A Dictionary in Sanskrit and English Translated Amended and …
(-^T) Regretting, missing any thing or person, e. ^7T much, ^rfz to be sad, «STS*
and 2T«s affs. Wifan mfn. (-7r:-7n-ff) Regretting, wishing or sorrowing for,
distressed, sorrowful, f. (-«TT) A woman whose husband or lover is absent, e. ^5
much …
Horace Hayman Wilson, 1832
Pros and Cons: A Debaters Handbook
Sport,. regretting. the. commercialisation. of. The influence of money in sport has
long been present, but in recent years, the sums involved have risen
exponentially. Gone are the days of local footballers earning small sums of
money playing …
Debbie Newman, Trevor Sather, Ben Woolgar, 2013
Tho I made you cry tho I broke your heart Please don’t leave me here all alone
You can see I love you lets make another start Won’t you say that you’ll be mine
my own I’m regretting — regretting — regretting I know that I’m sorry for the things
Masked Inversion in French
Le gouvernement nous a semblé corrumpu (*sans en parler à personne). «The
government seemed corrupt to us (without speaking about it to anyone).» e.
Hervé a une vielle bagnole sans le regretter. «Herve has an old car without
regretting it.
New Cambridge Advanced English Teacher’s Book
pessimistic about the chances OR regretting the impossibility of it / hope we can
have a talk today. = straightforward expression of hope OR more forceful request
for time to talk I’m hoping we can have a talk today. = straightforward expression …
love a little, die a little smile a little, live a little one day triumphant, one day
begging one day try a little, one day regretting I saw the sea, I told my tale I read
John Keats, I know his truth the sky, the breeze, the sparkling corn through which
Choice, Behavioral Economics, and Addiction
An addict who goes for all precommitments there are that are not too expensive
has no reason for rationally regretting anything, and no real reason, no rational
ground, for being frustrated in her addiction. Self-blame would be appropriate if …
Rudolph Eugene Vuchinich, Nick Heather, 2003
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term regretting is used in the context of the following news items.
J.R. Smith on Regretting Opting Out of Contract: ‘Yes and No’
Asked if he regretted his decision to decline his contract option, Smith said “Uh, I mean, yes and no. […] No because I’ve gotten offers that I wanted, I mean … «SLAM Online, Jul 15»
Ariana Grande Said To Be Regretting Her Anti-American Donut …
Will Ariana Grande need to apologize One Last Time?! Reportedly, on Wednesday the pop diva expressed regret to those close to her after she was criticized for … «, Jul 15»
Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Why They’re Both Having Regrets …
Are Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner already regretting their decision to get a divorce? ‘Their feelings are all over the place,’ has … «Hollywood Life, Jul 15»
Ed Goldman: Regretting (and not forgetting) some of the things I’ve …
Ed Goldman: Regretting (and not forgetting) some of the things I’ve said. Jun 10, 2015, 8:45am PDT. Industries & Tags: Workplace. Share. Order Reprints · Save … «Sacramento Business Journal, Jun 15»
F1 Canadian Grand Prix: Alonso insists he is ‘not regretting …
“No definitely not [regretting joining McLaren],” he insisted. “I was here for five years talking to you about finishing third, fourth or fifth and that was a lot of … «, Jun 15»
Lawrenceburg regretting $218k restaurant deal
LAWRENCEBURG, IN (FOX19) — A months-long FOX19 investigation’s analyzed more than a decade’s worth of taxpayer-backed grants Lawrenceburg handed … «WXIX, Jun 15»
Is Parineeti Chopra regretting losing ‘Piku’?
If the industry grapevine is to be believed, Parineeti Chopra is kind of regretting having lost out on the opportunity to work in Shoojit Sircar’s ‘Piku’. The actress … «Mid-Day, May 15»
As scoring drops, NHL regretting legalization of two-line passes?
BOSTON — DECEMBER 31: A detail of the red line is seen with skate marks on it during practice prior to Bridgestone’s presentation of 2010 NHL Winter Classic … «Yahoo Sports, May 15»
Greece is rapidly regretting that it welcomed Syriza with open arms
WHAT happened in Greece can happen elsewhere — that was the promise of Syriza, to Sinn Féin, at a meeting in the House of Commons in February. It was a … «Irish Examiner, Apr 15»
Radamel Falcao must be regretting move to Manchester United …
Radamel Falcao’s former Monaco team-mate Nabil Dirar believes the Colombian must be regretting his failed loan move to Manchester United even though he … «Daily Mail, Apr 15»
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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Regret Re*gret», v. t. [imp. & p. p. Regretted (-t[e^]d); p.
pr. & vb. n. Regretting.] [F. regretter, OF. regreter; L.
pref. re- re- + a word of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth.
gr[=e]tan to weep, Icel. gr[=a]t
See Greet to lament.]
To experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a
sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account
of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an
error; to regret lost opportunities or friends.Calmly he looked on either life, and here
Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear.
—Pope.In a few hours they [the Israelites] began to regret
their slavery, and to murmur against their leader.
—Macaulay.Recruits who regretted the plow from which they had
been violently taken.
n. The act by which something is regretted. vb. (present participle of regret English)
v. feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about [syn: repent, rue]
feel sad about the loss or absence of
decline formally or politely; «I regret I can’t come to the party»
be sorry; «I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard»
[also: regretting, regretted]
n. sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; «he drank to drown his sorrows»; «he wrote a note expressing his regret»; «to his rue, the error cost him the game» [syn: sorrow, rue, ruefulness]
[also: regretting, regretted]
Usage examples of «regretting».
Everybody was regretting the lack of actors, and the impossibility of enjoying the pleasures of the theatre.
Her sallies made me laugh and recalled the happy moments I had passed with her, but the idea of her happiness prevented my regretting having yielded my rights to another.
He died soon after at Liege, and his wife told me of the circumstance, saying that he had expired regretting his inability to pay his debts.
Arlbery appeared to her indelicate, unkind, and ungenerous, and regretting she had ever seen, and repenting she had ever known her, she sunk upon a chair in a passionate burst of tears.
Instantly regretting her impulsiveness, she rubbed her stinging palm and bit her lower lip to keep from crying over her own stupidity.
I felt that it gave new strength to my hopes, and that feeling prevented me from regretting my heavy loss, but grateful for the great generosity of my benefactor I was fully determined on keeping my promise.
On the 6th May she wrote, regretting that she was unable to send some crawfish soup, but that the rivers were too high for the peasants to secure the crawfish.
Laurus is regretting that each affinity bond is unique and impregnable.
I was only regretting that life consisted of anything else but cottages and yourself.
His curiosity was excited, and, instead of regretting his extracted promise to join the cavalcade, he rejoiced that an opportunity was thus afforded him of perhaps solving a problem in the secret of which he now began to feel extremely interested.
Indeed my mother, who had not previously been known for her appreciation of female company, was no doubt regretting the arrangement but was unable to dismantle it.
I ventured, suddenly regretting that I had no job other than that of looking after Digby.
He sighed, still regretting the textile, and reached for his wine glass, taking a tiny cautious sip.
I received yesterday a letter from Mildred regretting your departure from Baltimore, and expressing the pleasure she derived from having been with you even a short week.
He asked her permission to wait there until the shower was over, and praised her nice white floor, regretting that we had marred its beauty.
- Dictionary
- R
- Regretting
- US Pronunciation
- UK Pronunciation
- [ri-gret]
- /rɪˈgrɛt/
- /rɪˈgretɪŋ/
- US Pronunciation
- [ri-gret]
- /rɪˈgrɛt/
Definitions of regretting word
- verb with object regretting to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it. 1
- verb with object regretting to think of with a sense of loss: to regret one’s vanished youth. 1
- noun regretting a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc. 1
- noun regretting a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, disappointment, etc. 1
- noun regretting regrets, a polite, usually formal refusal of an invitation: I sent her my regrets. 1
- noun regretting a note expressing regret at one’s inability to accept an invitation: I have had four acceptances and one regret. 1
Information block about the term
Origin of regretting
First appearance:
before 1300
One of the 15% oldest English words
1300-50; Middle English regretten (v.) < Middle French regreter, Old French, equivalent to re- re- + -greter, perhaps < Germanic (cf. greet2)
Historical Comparancy
Parts of speech for Regretting
regretting popularity
A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 92% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.
This word is included in each student’s vocabulary. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title.
Synonyms for regretting
adj regretting
- complaining — to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault: He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor.
- lamenting — to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence.
adjective regretting
- ashamed — If someone is ashamed, they feel embarrassed or guilty because of something they do or they have done, or because of their appearance.
Top questions with regretting
- how to stop regretting?
- what does regretting mean?
See also
- All definitions of regretting
- Synonyms for regretting
- Related words to regretting
- Sentences with the word regretting
- regretting pronunciation
Matching words
- Words starting with r
- Words starting with re
- Words starting with reg
- Words starting with regr
- Words starting with regre
- Words starting with regret
- Words starting with regrett
- Words starting with regretti
- Words starting with regrettin
- Words starting with regretting
- Words ending with g
- Words ending with ng
- Words ending with ing
- Words ending with ting
- Words containing the letters r
- Words containing the letters r,e
- Words containing the letters r,e,g
- Words containing the letters r,e,g,t
- Words containing the letters r,e,g,t,i
- Words containing the letters r,e,g,t,i,n
- Words containing r
- Words containing re
- Words containing reg
- Words containing regr
- Words containing regre
- Words containing regret
Meaning of REGRETTING in English
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Regret
Webster’s English dictionary.
Английский словарь Webster.