Meaning of word production

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Production may refer to:

Economics and businessEdit

  • Production (economics)
  • Production, the act of manufacturing goods
  • Production, in the outline of industrial organization, the act of making products (goods and services)
  • Production as a statistic, gross domestic product
  • Production line

Arts, entertainment, and mediaEdit

Motion picturesEdit

  • Production, film distributor of a company
  • Production, phase of filmmaking
  • Production, video production

Other uses in arts, entertainment, and mediaEdit

  • Production (album), by Mirwais, 2000
  • Production, category of illusory magic trick
  • Production, phase of video games development
  • Production, Record producer’s role
  • Production, theatrical performance

Science and technologyEdit

  • Production, deployment environment where changes go «live» and users interact with it
  • Production (computer science), formal-grammar concept
  • Primary production, the production of new biomass by autotrophs in ecosystems
  • Productivity (ecology), the wider concept of biomass production in ecosystems

See alsoEdit

  • Consumption (economics)
  • Means of production
  • Producer (disambiguation)
  • Product (disambiguation)
  • Production rule (disambiguation)
  • Production system (disambiguation)
  • 1

    production 1. продукция; 2. продуцирование; 3. производство; 4. продуктивность, производительность

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > production

  • 2

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > production

  • 3

    1) производи́тельность; вы́работка, добы́ча

    2) произво́дство; изготовле́ние;

    3) проду́кция; изде́лия

    4) (худо́жественное) произведе́ние; постано́вка (пьесы, кинокартины)




    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > production

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > production

  • 5

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > production

  • 6

    Politics english-russian dictionary > production

  • 7

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > production

  • 8

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > production

  • 9

    2) выработка; производительность

    4) нефт. добыча

    5) нефт. дебит

    7) ведение телевизионной передачи; выпуск телевизионных программ

    9) матем. порождение

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > production

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > production

  • 11

    1) производство, изготовление; добыча

    2) производительность, выработка

    3) продукт; продукция, изделие

    4) предъявление (документов)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > production

  • 12


    1) производство; изготовление; выработка, добыча

    2) продукция, продукт, изделие

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > production

  • 13

    1. производство; изготовление

    2. продукция; изделие

    3. произведение

    4. производительность, выработка

    5. картонажное производство

    6. картонажная продукция

    7. изготовление прессованного картона

    8. изделие из прессованного картона

    9. газетное производство

    10. газетная продукция

    11. полиграфическое производство

    12. печатная продукция

    13. производство печатных машин

    14. полиграфическое машиностроение

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > production

  • 14


    agricultural production сельскохозяйственное производство annual production годовой объем производства batch production серийное производство bulk production массовое производство daily production дневная выработка daily production дневная производительность excess production перепроизводство full-scale production серийное производство household production домашнее производство (товары и услуги, произведенные и потребленные в домашнем хозяйстве, без использования рыночных каналов) housing production жилищное строительство industrial production промышленное производство intermittent production выпуск продукции с перерывами job production изготовление продукции по заказам job production мелкосерийное производство large-scale production крупносерийное производство large-scale production массовое производство large-scale production серийное производство line production поточное производство line production размещение оборудования для поточного производства long-run production массовое производство monthly production месячная выработка monthly production месячная производительность municipal production муниципальное производство national production отечественное производство niche production продукция для незанятого рынка товаров oil production добыча нефти one-off production разовое производство own production собственное производство petty production мелкое производство potential production производственный потенциал primary production основное производство production выработка production добыча production изготовление production предъявление, представление (документа, доказательства и т.д.) production предъявление документа production продукция, изделия production продукция; изделия production продукция production (художественное) произведение; постановка (пьесы, кинокартины) production производительность, выработка, добыча production производительность; выработка, добыча production производительность production производственный production производство, изготовление production производство; изготовление; production on a commercial scale производство в промышленном масштабе production производство production attr. производственный; production standard норма выработки; production workers рабочие (в отличие от служащих) production before court обращение в суд production for inspection предъявление для осмотра production for stock изготовление продукции на склад production in court обращение в суд production of evidence предъявление доказательств production of evidence предъявление улики production of evidence at alternative court показания свидетеля в альтернативном суде production of witness before court показания свидетеля в суде production производство; изготовление; production on a commercial scale производство в промышленном масштабе production attr. производственный; production standard норма выработки; production workers рабочие (в отличие от служащих) production attr. производственный; production standard норма выработки; production workers рабочие (в отличие от служащих) profitable production рентабельное производство quantity production поточно-массовое производство record production рекордный объем продукции scale production крупномасштабное производство scale production массовое производство serial production серийное производство series production серийное производство single piece production единичное производство single piece production индивидуальное производство single piece production штучное производство stock production создание запасов surplus production избыточное производство wholesale production массовое производство wholesale production производство для оптовой продажи wholesome production экологически чистое производство

    English-Russian short dictionary > production

  • 15

    1. n производство, изготовление; выработка; добыча

    production control — планирование, регулирование или контроль производства

    2. n производительность, выработка; добыча

    3. n продукция, продукт, изделие

    4. n постановка

    5. n произведение

    6. n предъявление

    7. n проведение

    8. n физ. образование, генерация, генерирование; рождение

    9. n биол. продуцирование

    10. n юр. предъявление в суде документа

    11. n правило вывода, порождающее правило

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. creation (noun) construction; creation; engendering; making; manufacture; manufacturing; origination; producing

    3. exhibition (noun) composition; display; drama; exhibition; opus; performance; piece; stage show; staging; work; work of art

    4. extension (noun) elongation; extension; lengthening; prolongation; prolongment; protraction

    5. output (noun) output; outturn; produce; product; turnout

    English-Russian base dictionary > production

  • 16


    1. производство, изготовление; выработка; добыча

    mass /quantity, high-volume/ production, production in bulk — массовое производство

    batch /lot/ production — а) серийное производство; б) изготовление продукции партиями

    in-line, production, production on the line — поточное производство

    production car — серийный /серийно выпускаемый, массовый/ автомобиль

    production of coal [of ore, of oil] — добыча угля [руды, нефти]

    production of textiles — выработка /производство/ текстильных изделий

    costs of production, production costs — издержки производства

    process of production, production process — а) производственный процесс; б) технология

    pilot production — опытное /опытно-промышленное/ производство

    production control — планирование, регулирование контроль производства

    production engineering — а) организация производственного процесса; б) технологическое проектирование

    production line — поточная линия; технологическая линия

    production unit — а) единица продукции; б) производственная единица

    the new car is now in production — начато серийное производство автомобиля новой модели

    2. производительность, выработка; добыча

    weekly [monthly] production — недельная [месячная] производительность /выработка/

    production rate — производительность; норма выработки

    3. продукция, продукт, изделие

    4. 1) постановка ()

    a new production of ❝Hamlet❞ — новая постановка «Гамлета»

    2) произведение ()

    5. предъявление ()

    6. проведение ()


    образование, генерация, генерирование; рождение ()


    предъявление в суде документа

    1) продукция

    2) правило вывода, порождающее правило (

    production rule)

    НБАРС > production

  • 17




    производство, производственная деятельность, изготовление, выработка

    clothes [cars, food] production — производство одежды [автомобилей, продуктов питания]

    production personnel [staff] — производственный персонал, производственные работники

    production engineering — организация производства; технология производства; инженерное обеспечение производства

    production data — производственная информация, показатели хода производственного процесса, технологические показатели

    production scheme [model] — схема [модель] производства, технологическая схема производства, производственная модель



    domestic production, wholesale production, factor of production, factors of production, production clerk, production control, production director 1), production orientation, production downtime, production manager, production supervisor, production unit, production worker, globalization of production, distribution, exchange, consumption DERIVATIVES: overproduction, underproduction

    coal [oil, iron ore] production, production of coal [of oil, of iron ore] — добыча угля [нефти, железной руды]




    разведение, выращивание



    продукция, объем производства




    предъявление, представление, предоставление




    представление, постановка, пьеса; шоу; фильм; телепрограмма

    production personnel [staff] — творческий персонал


    * * *

    производство: процесс превращения сырья и материалов в готовые к потреблению изделия.

    * * *

    Добыча (полезных ископаемых); производство

    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > production

  • 18

    Англо-русский словарь по робототехнике > production

  • 19

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > production

  • 20

    1) производство; выпуск продукции

    2) продукция; изделия

    3) производительность; выработка

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > production

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • production — [ prɔdyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • producion 1283; du lat. productus I ♦ Dr., admin. 1 ♦ Document, pièce qu on présente. 2 ♦ Le fait, l action de présenter un document, une pièce, etc. (⇒ présentation). Production de pièces à un procès. Production de témoins …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Production I.G. — Logo de Production I.G., Inc. 株式会社プロダクション・アイジー [1] Création 15 décembre 1987 …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Production IG — Production I.G Logo de Production I.G., Inc. 株式会社プロダクション・アイジー [1] Création 15 décembre 1987 …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Production I.G — Тип кабусики гайся Год основания 1987 Расположение …   Википедия

    • production — Production, Productio. La production d une partie, Instrumentum litis. Il pense que les juges asserront jugement sur sa seule production, Suis tabulis causam dicit. Les pieces et productions des parties, Litis instrumentum, Copiae sacculariae,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

    • Production — may be:In Economics: * Production, the act of making products (goods and services) * Production, the act of manufacturing goods * Production as statistic, gross domestic productIn Entertainment: * Production, phase of filmmaking * Production,… …   Wikipedia

    • Production I.G — Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) Gründung 15. Dezember 1987 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Production I.G — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Production I.G. Tipo Estudio de animación Fundación 15 de Diciembre de 1987 Fundador(es) Mitsuhisa Ishikawa Sede …   Wikipedia Español

    • production — I (operation) noun execution, industry, manifestation, manufacture II (output) noun accomplishment, attainment, business, compilation, composition, constitution, construction, consummation, creation, discharge, disclosure, dispatch, effectuation …   Law dictionary

    • production — Production. s. f. v. Ouvrage, effet. Il se dit également des Ouvrages de la nature, & de ceux de l art & de l esprit. Toutes les productions de la nature sont admirables. c est une des belles productions de l art. on a vû plusieurs productions de …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

    • Production — Pro*duc tion, n. [L. productio a lengthening, prolonging: cf. F. production. See {Produce}. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    One conclusion of an expert after visiting several FCR production plants in Kenya is, that FCR tiles are a highly suitable technology for village level production”,,,, If we accept this we need to consider ways of accelerating their dissemination through local manufacture of the hardware together with supplementary promotional activities such as training courses for small manufacturers, demonstrations for building authorities and contractors, etc. ❋ Unknown (1987)

    Mines, factories and mills of all kinds, large business houses and stores, together with those farms whose owners would employ hired labor for the production of goods to be sold at profit, would all be looked upon as being among the _principal means of production_. ❋ Joseph J. Mereto (N/A)

    _Capital employed in production is wholly consumed in the process of production_. ❋ John O’Rourke (N/A)

    Money is not the wealth of a nation, but production is wealth; so _ordered production_ is the main object for humanity. ❋ Alfred Korzybski (1914)

    Oriental tongue, _principle_, production, or natural or original source, the word _Priapus_ may be translated _principle of production_ or of ❋ John Davenport (1833)

    One in production is a young-couples take on the «Real Housewives» reality series, but with cameras in the bedroom. ❋ Russell Adams (2010)

    Whether chicken has actually been used in production is not certain unless you witness the process. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    The increase in production is a result of improved recovery technologies, further discoveries in the field, and improved field management. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    Silver while showing some growth in production is matched by new industrial uses and a renewed interest in silver as an investment. ❋ Canadian Silver Bug/Green Assassin Brigade (2006)

    «Heroin production is booming in Afghanistan, undermining democracy and putting money in the coffers of terrorists, according to a U.N. report Thursday that called on U.S. and NATO-led forces to get more involved in fighting drug traffickers,» reports the New York Times. ❋ Unknown (2004)

    The crucial question of the development of democracy in production is the introduction of the system of electing heads of enterprises, shops, and departments. ❋ Unknown (1988)

    Hence, by the term production, in its widest sense, we mean simply the bringing forth of new goods — the discovery of new utilities, the change or transformation of already existing goods into new utilities, (184) the creation of means for the satisfaction of human wants, out of the aggregate of matter originally present in the world. ❋ Wilhelm Roscher (1855)

    There is no need to install the relevant software at each location and the web-based nature of the solution also means that it is simpler to involve people simultaneously at each step of the label production process, making collaboration much easier. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    The title production process requires a very unique skill set and level of experience —

    7We use the term production rather than implementation, which is perhaps more common. ❋ DAVID A. LAX (1986)

    [I saw] you in [my mate’s] production ❋ Maroofh (2009)

    [Jeanette] [worked] so hard today that she thought [productful] was a word. ❋ Slickpimp19 (2011)

    If you were really [productive], you would not be [searching] the definition of the word in [urban dictionary] ❋ GrilledGoat (2021)

    [Can you] be [productive]! ❋ Xtreme (2020)

    [hey man], you [holding] any product? ❋ Eegerageabeav (2004)

    [hay] man da product [jus] came in today, lets go [scoop it up]. ❋ Deejay (2004)

    [Gotz] to put [mo] product out on da [skreets] ❋ Dirty (2004)

    When I [threw] a [fork] at [gln], his productability for eating increased. ❋ Good Milk Darren (2008)

    That [server] [has been] productional for [weeks]. ❋ Irqzero (2006)

    I’m [using] product in [my hair] [today]. ❋ Leflyman (2004)



    : a literary or artistic work


    : a work presented to the public (as on the stage or screen or over the air)


    : something exaggerated out of proportion to its importance



    : the creation of utility


    : the making of goods available for use


    : total output especially of a commodity or an industry


    often attributive

    : something not specially designed or customized and usually mass-produced


    Example Sentences

    the production of grain weapons

    the body’s production of red blood cells

    I took a course in film production.

    He has a job in television production.

    We saw a stage production of the novel.

    The director wants her in his next production.

    the annual production of coal

    a rise in oil production

    See More

    Recent Examples on the Web

    If production stops at 30, that would imply there would be no bothering with reloads after the doomsday torpedoes are launched.

    Sébastien Roblin, Popular Mechanics, 10 Apr. 2023

    Construction is set to kick off during the third quarter of this year, with production starting about halfway through 2024, Chinese state media outlet Xinhua reported.

    Andrea Guzman, Fortune, 10 Apr. 2023

    Director Mark Mylod reveals in the behind-the-episode feature that since the series shoots on film and can only shoot for 10 minutes at a time, production had to hide reels of film throughout the set for quick changes.

    Josh Wigler, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Apr. 2023

    Smith has had an excellent close to the season, but Jackson’s production served as a reminder of how valuable his athleticism can be.

    Dustin Dopirak, The Indianapolis Star, 8 Apr. 2023

    Ndya’s split-screen production doubles as an ode to iconic Black women in cinema who’ve helped pave the way, like Cicely Tyson and Diahann Carroll, and as an imaginative meditation on the future of cinema.

    Martine Thompson, ELLE, 8 Apr. 2023

    Even farm production is only 14.1 cents, according to the GAO report.

    Maria Halkias, Dallas News, 8 Apr. 2023

    Easter candy production nearly rivals Halloween’s – and arguments about which is the best type can be equally contentious.

    Andrea Wurzburger, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

    The reason teams want the speedy Cooks is his consistent production throughout his first nine seasons in the NFL.

    oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘production.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of production was
    in the 15th century

    Dictionary Entries Near production

    Cite this Entry

    “Production.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on production

    Last Updated:
    12 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    производство, продукция, добыча, производственный


    - производство, изготовление; выработка; добыча

    - производительность, выработка; добыча

    weekly [monthly] production — недельная [месячная] производительность /выработка/
    production rate — производительность; норма выработки
    production is falling off — производительность понижается

    - продукция, продукт, изделие

    the newest production of the factories — новейшая продукция заводов

    - постановка (пьесы, фильма и т. п.)

    a new production of Hamlet — новая постановка «Гамлета»
    production department — производственный отдел (киностудии)
    production manager — а) начальник производственного отдела (киностудии); б) директор кинокартины
    production script — постановочный киносценарий
    production still — фотография рабочего момента (съемки кинофильма)

    - произведение (литературы, искусства)

    production of genious — творение гения

    - предъявление (билета и т. п.)

    on production of one’s pass — по предъявлении пропуска

    - проведение (линии и т. п.)
    - физ. образование, генерация, генерирование; рождение (частиц)
    - биол. продуцирование
    - юр. предъявление в суде документа
    - продукция
    - правило вывода, порождающее правило (тж. production rule)

    Мои примеры


    the production of grain — производство зерна  
    the annual production of coal — годовая добыча угля  
    a rise in oil production — рост добычи нефти  
    a graceless production of the play — лишённая изящества постановка этой пьесы  
    commodity production — товарное производство  
    to drop the rate of production — сокращать уровень производства  
    to equalize costs of production — уравнивать издержки производства  
    production expenditures — производственные затраты  
    a freeze on production — приостановка производства  
    mass production — массовое, поточное, серийное производство  
    production model — модель производства  
    to overfulfil the production plan — перевыполнить производственный план  

    Примеры с переводом

    Production slowed.

    Производство замедлилось.

    Production is up this quarter.

    В этом квартале уровень производства повысился.

    The factory’s production has been cut back.

    Завод сократил количество выпускаемой продукции.

    The factory has had to slow down production.

    Предприятию пришлось снизить темпы производства.

    Defense Production Act

    Закон о военном производстве

    They export most of their agricultural production.

    Основную часть своей сельскохозяйственной продукции они отправляют на экспорт.

    I think we should go for increased production this year.

    Думаю, в этом году нам надо стремиться увеличить производительность.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    product  — продукт, продукция, изделие, произведение, результат, продукт реакции, плоды
    reproduction  — репродукция, воспроизведение, воспроизводительный
    overproduction  — перепроизводство
    underproduction  — недопроизводство
    productionize  — пускать в производство, запускать в производство, массовое, серийное

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): production
    мн. ч.(plural): productions



    From Middle English produccioun, from Old French production, from Latin prōductiō, prōductiōnem (a lengthening, prolonging). See produce.


    • IPA(key): /pɹəˈdʌkʃən/


    production (countable and uncountable, plural productions)

    1. The act of producing, making or creating something. [from 15th c.]

      The widget making machine is being used for production now.

    2. The act of bringing something forward, out, etc., for use or consideration. [from 15th c.]
      • 1910, Saki [pseudonym; Hector Hugh Munro], “The Lost Sanjak”, in Reginald in Russia and Other Sketches, London: Methuen & Co. [], →OCLC, pages 16–17:

        I tramped to a neighbouring market-town, and, late as the hour was, the production of a few shillings procured me supper and a night’s lodging in a cheap coffee-house.

    3. The act of being produced.

      The widgets are coming out of production now.

    4. The total amount produced.

      They hope to increase spaghetti production next year.

      • 1658, Thomas Browne, “The Garden of Cyrus. []. Chapter III.”, in Hydriotaphia, Urne-buriall, [] Together with The Garden of Cyrus, [], London: [] Hen[ry] Brome [], →OCLC; reprinted as Hydriotaphia (The English Replicas), New York, N.Y.: Payson & Clarke Ltd., 1927, →OCLC, page 136:

        The exiguity and ſmallneſſe of ſome ſeeds extending to large productions is one of the magnalities of nature, ſomewhat illuſtrating the work of the Creation, and vaſt production from nothing.

    5. The presentation of a theatrical work.

      We went to a production of Hamlet.

    6. An occasion or activity made more complicated than necessary.

      He made a simple meal into a huge production.

    7. That which is manufactured or is ready for manufacturing in volume (as opposed to a prototype or conceptual model).

      This is the final production model.

    8. The act of lengthening out or prolonging.
    9. (zoology) An extension or protrusion.
    10. (computing) A rewrite rule specifying a symbol substitution that can be recursively performed to generate new symbol sequences. (More information on Wikipedia.)

      Each production is implemented with a function.

    11. (programming, uncountable) The environment where finished code runs, as opposed to staging or development.
    12. (Scotland, law, in the plural) Written documents produced in support of the action or defence.
    13. (linguistics) Writing viewed as the process of producing a text in any medium (written, spoken, signed, multimodal, nonverbal), consisting of several steps such as conceptualization, formulation, expression and revision.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • productionise, productionize
    • production line


    • Japanese: プロダクション (purodakushon)


    the act of producing

    • Albanian: prodhim (sq) m
    • Arabic: إِنْتَاج‎ m (ʔintāj)
    • Armenian: արտադրություն (hy) (artadrutʿyun), արտադրում (hy) (artadrum), թողարկում (hy) (tʿołarkum)
    • Azerbaijani: istehsal (az) (of a certain good), hazırlama (of a certain good), istehsalat (az) (as a process), hasilat (az) (of natural resources), çıxarılma (of natural resources)
    • Belarusian: вытво́рчасць (be) f (vytvórčascʹ), вытво́рчасьць f (vytvórčasʹcʹ) (Taraškievica)
    • Bulgarian: произво́дство (bg) n (proizvódstvo)
    • Burmese: ထုတ်လုပ်မှု (htutluphmu.)
    • Catalan: producció (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Cantonese: 生產生产 (yue) (sang1 caan2)
      Dungan: сынцан (sɨncan)
      Mandarin: 生產生产 (zh) (shēngchǎn)
      Min Nan: 生產生产 (zh-min-nan) (seng-sán / sng-sán)
    • Czech: výroba (cs) f, produkce (cs) f
    • Danish: produktion (da) c
    • Dutch: productie (nl) f
    • Esperanto: produktado
    • Estonian: tootmine
    • Faroese: framleiðsla f
    • Finnish: valmistaminen (fi), tuotanto (fi), valmistus (fi), produksiyon
    • French: production (fr) f
    • Galician: produción (gl) f
    • Georgian: წარმოება (c̣armoeba)
    • German: Produktion (de) f, Herstellung (de) f
    • Greek: παραγωγή (el) f (paragogí)
    • Hebrew: תְּפוּקָה (he) f (tfuká)
    • Hindi: उत्पादन (hi) m (utpādan)
    • Hungarian: termelés (hu)
    • Icelandic: framleiðsla f
    • Indonesian: produksi (id)
    • Italian: produzione (it) f
    • Japanese: 生産 (ja) (せいさん, seisan), 製造 (ja) (せいぞう, seizō)
    • Kazakh: өнім (önım), өндіріс (öndırıs)
    • Khmer: ផលិតកម្ម (km) (phaʼlitaʼkam)
    • Korean: 생산(生産) (ko) (saengsan), 제조(製造) (ko) (jejo)
    • Kyrgyz: өндүрүш (ky) (öndürüş)
    • Lao: ການຜະລິດ (kān pha lit)
    • Latvian: ražošana f, producēšana f
    • Lithuanian: gamyba f
    • Lü: ᦂᦱᧃᦵᦣᧆᦉᦱᧂᧉ (k̇aanhedṡaang²)
    • Macedonian: производство n (proizvodstvo)
    • Malay: pengeluaran
    • Malayalam: ഉൽപാദനം (ml) (ulpādanaṃ)
    • Maori: whakanaonga
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: үйлдвэрлэл (mn) (üjldverlel)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: produksjon (no) m
      Nynorsk: produksjon m
    • Occitan: produccion (oc) f
    • Persian: تولید (fa) (towlid)
    • Polish: wytwarzanie (pl) n, produkcja (pl) f
    • Portuguese: produção (pt) f
    • Romanian: producere (ro)
    • Russian: произво́дство (ru) n (proizvódstvo), изготовле́ние (ru) n (izgotovlénije), добы́ча (ru) f (dobýča) of mineral wealths, вы́работка (ru) f (výrabotka)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: произво̀дња f
      Roman: proizvòdnja (sh) f
    • Slovak: výroba f, produkcia f
    • Slovene: proizvodnja f
    • Spanish: producción (es) f, elaboración (es) f
    • Swedish: produktion (sv) c
    • Tagalog: produksiyon, pangangalalang
    • Tajik: тавлид (tavlid)
    • Telugu: ఉత్పత్తి (te) (utpatti)
    • Thai: การผลิต (th) (gaan-pà-lìt)
    • Turkish: üretim (tr)
    • Ukrainian: виробни́цтво n (vyrobnýctvo), ви́роблення n (výroblennja)
    • Uyghur: ئىشلەپ چىقىرىش(ishlep chiqirish)
    • Uzbek: ishlab chiqarish
    • Vietnamese: sự sản xuất (vi)
    • Yiddish: אויסאַרבעטונג‎ f (oysarbetung)
    • Zhuang: swnghcanj, guhhong

    the act of being produced

    • Armenian: արտադրություն (hy) (artadrutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: произво́дство (bg) (proizvódstvo)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 生產生产 (zh) (shēngchǎn)
    • Czech: produkce (cs)
    • Dutch: productie (nl) f
    • Finnish: tuotanto (fi), valmistus (fi)
    • French: production (fr)
    • German: Produktion (de) f
    • Italian: produzione (it) f
    • Latvian: ražošana f, producēšana f
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: produksjon (no) m
    • Portuguese: produção (pt) f
    • Romanian: producție (ro)
    • Russian: произво́дство (ru) n (proizvódstvo)
    • Serbo-Croatian: proizvòdnja (sh) f
    • Tagalog: pangangalalang
    • Ukrainian: виробни́цтво n (vyrobnýctvo)

    the total amount produced

    • Armenian: արտադրություն (hy) (artadrutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: проду́кция (bg) f (prodúkcija)
    • Catalan: producció (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 產量产量 (zh) (chǎnliàng)
    • Czech: výroba (cs) f, produkce (cs) f
    • Esperanto: produktado
    • Finnish: tuotanto (fi), valmistus (fi)
    • French: production (fr)
    • German: Produktion (de) f
    • Greek: παραγωγή (el) f (paragogí)
    • Italian: produzione (it) f
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: بەرھەم (ckb) (berhem)
    • Latvian: produkcija f, ražība f
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: produksjon (no) m
    • Portuguese: produção (pt) f
    • Romanian: producție (ro)
    • Russian: производи́тельность (ru) f (proizvodítelʹnostʹ), продукти́вность (ru) f (produktívnostʹ)
    • Scottish Gaelic: toradh m
    • Serbo-Croatian: proizvòdnja (sh) f
    • Spanish: producción (es) f
    • Swedish: produktion (sv) c
    • Ukrainian: виробни́цтво n (vyrobnýctvo)

    the presentation of a theatrical work

    • Armenian: բեմականացում (hy) (bemakanacʿum), բեմադրություն (hy) (bemadrutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: постано́вка (bg) f (postanóvka)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 製作制作 (zh) (zhìzuò)
    • Esperanto: enscenigo
    • German: Inszenierung (de) f
    • Greek: παράσταση (el) f (parástasi)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: oppsetning (no) m or f, teateroppsetning m or f
    • Portuguese: produção (pt) f
    • Romanian: reprezentare (ro), înscenare (ro)
    • Russian: представле́ние (ru) n (predstavlénije), постано́вка (ru) f (postanóvka)
    • Swedish: produktion (sv) c

    an occasion or activity made more complicated than necessary



    Borrowed from Latin productio, productionem.


    • IPA(key): /pʁɔ.dyk.sjɔ̃/


    production f (plural productions)

    1. production

    Derived terms[edit]

    • chaîne de production


    • produire
    • produit

    Further reading[edit]

    • “production”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

    show 63 types…
    hide 63 types…
    book, volume

    physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together


    a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge

    by-product, byproduct, spin-off

    a product made during the manufacture of something else


    something that can be provided as the product of development

    end product, output

    final product; the things produced

    brainchild, inspiration

    a product of your creative thinking and work


    an object worked on; a result produced by working


    product consisting of a paperback periodic publication as a physical object

    newspaper, paper

    the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher

    output, outturn, turnout

    what is produced in a given time period


    products made on a lathe

    piece of work, work

    a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing

    fruit, yield

    an amount of a product

    film, flick, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, moving picture, moving-picture show, pic, picture, picture show

    a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement


    a book of blank pages with pockets or envelopes; for organizing photographs or stamp collections etc

    coffee-table book

    an elaborate oversize book suitable for displaying on a coffee table


    the output of something in a season


    a book (or manuscript) consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages

    follow-up, followup

    a piece of work that exploits or builds on earlier work

    handcraft, handicraft, handiwork, handwork

    a work produced by hand labor

    hardback, hardcover

    a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers


    work made of iron (gratings or rails or railings etc)


    a record book as a physical object


    work consisting of (or resembling) lace fabric


    a decorative work made of wood and covered with lacquer and often inlaid with ivory or precious metals


    work made of leather

    chef-d’oeuvre, masterpiece

    the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman


    the metal parts of something


    a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction

    body of work, oeuvre, work

    the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)


    ornamental work (such as embroidery or latticework) having a pattern of openings

    order book

    a book in which customers’ orders are entered; usually makes multiple copies of the order

    paper-back book, paperback, paperback book, soft-cover, soft-cover book, softback, softback book

    a book with paper covers

    picture book

    a book consisting chiefly of pictures


    a piece of work composed of or decorated in many colors


    decorative work made of silver

    sketch block, sketch pad, sketchbook

    a book containing sheets of paper on which sketches can be drawn


    output relative to input; the amount passing through a system from input to output (especially of a computer program over a period of time)


    the end-product created by shaping something on a lathe

    caning, wicker, wickerwork

    work made of interlaced slender branches (especially willow branches)


    work made of wood; especially moldings or stairways or furniture

    work in progress

    a piece of work that is not yet finished


    work consisting of a piece of metal being machined


    a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda


    a copy of a printed work offered for distribution


    a movie that is made to be shown on television

    feature, feature film

    the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater

    final cut

    the final edited version of a movie as approved by the director and producer

    home movie

    a film made at home by an amateur photographer

    collage film

    a movie that juxtaposes different kinds of footage

    coming attraction

    a movie that is advertised to draw customers


    a movie featuring shooting and violence

    short subject

    a brief film; often shown prior to showing the feature

    docudrama, documentary, documentary film, infotainment

    a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

    cinema verite

    a movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a director

    film noir

    a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters

    skin flick

    a pornographic movie

    rough cut

    the first print of a movie after preliminary editing

    silent movie, silent picture, silents

    a movie without a soundtrack

    slow motion

    a movie that apparently takes place at a slower than normal speed; achieved by taking the film at a faster rate

    talkie, talking picture

    a movie with synchronized speech and singing

    3-D, 3D, three-D

    a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance

    musical, musical comedy, musical theater

    a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing

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