Meaning of word littering

замусоривание, замусориваниее


- замусоривание

Мои примеры


littering of surface — засорение поверхности  

Примеры с переводом

No littering. Penalty $500.

Не мусорить. Штраф $500.

Littering results in an automatic fine.

Разбрасывание мусора автоматически влечёт за собой штраф.

He had to pay a fine for littering.

Ему пришлось заплатить штраф за то, что он намусорил.

He got angry when I politely remonstrated with him about littering.

Он сердился, когда я вежливо указал ему на то, что не стоит мусорить.

Возможные однокоренные слова

litter  — помет, мусор, сор, носилки, выводок, приплод, мусорить, сорить, подстилать
littery  — захламленный, в беспорядке

  • 1


    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > littering

  • 2

    НБАРС > littering

  • 3

    1. засорение

    2. замусоривание

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > littering

  • 4

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > littering

  • 5
    littering up

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > littering up

  • 6

    Новый англо-русский словарь > littering

  • 7

    English-Russian dog training dictionary > littering

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > littering

  • 9

    English-Russian smart dictionary > littering

  • 10

    English-Russian base dictionary > littering

  • 11

    мусорящий; замусоривающий; замусоривание

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > littering

  • 12
    littering of surface

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > littering of surface

  • 13
    littering litter of surface

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > littering litter of surface

  • 14
    littering of surface

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > littering of surface

  • 15

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > LITTERING PROHIBITED

  • 16



    1) сор м, му́сор м

    2) подсти́лка ж




    «no littering» — «не сори́ть»

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > litter

См. также в других словарях:

  • littering — 1540s, of animals, process of bringing forth young in a single birth, verbal noun from prp. of LITTER (Cf. litter) (v.). Meaning act of furnishing with bedding is from c.1600. That of act of dropping litter is from 1900 …   Etymology dictionary

  • littering — is dumping, throwing, placing, depositing or leaving, or causing to be dumped, thrown, deposited or left any refuse of any kind or any object or substance which tends to pollute, mar or deface, into, upon or about: (a) Any public street, highway …   Black’s law dictionary

  • littering — is dumping, throwing, placing, depositing or leaving, or causing to be dumped, thrown, deposited or left any refuse of any kind or any object or substance which tends to pollute, mar or deface, into, upon or about: (a) Any public street, highway …   Black’s law dictionary

  • Littering — Typische Littering Szene, hier in Hongkong Littering ist ein aus dem Englischen stammender Begriff, der das achtlose Wegwerfen und Liegenlassen von Abfall in der Umgebung bezeichnet. Littering ist ein strafrechtlich verfolgbares Delikt und kann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Littering — Litter Lit ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Littered} (l[i^]t t[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Littering}.] 1. To supply with litter, as cattle; to cover with litter, as the floor of a stall. [1913 Webster] Tell them how they litter their jades. Bp. Hackett.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Littering — Lit|te|ring das; <aus gleichbed. engl. littering zu to litter »durch weggeworfene Abfälle (einen Ort) verschmutzen«> Vermüllung der Umwelt durch achtlos weggeworfene Abfälle …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Littering behavior — Many factors contribute to why people choose to litter, according to Francis McAndrew s book, Environmental Psychology . He argues the presence of other litter is a powerful instigator. Studies confirm that litter begets litter . A disconnect… …   Wikipedia

  • littering of waters — vandens tarša statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Kenksmingųjų medžiagų (buitinių ir pramoninių nutekamųjų vandenų, žemės ūkio atliekų, transporto išmetamųjų dujų, naftos ir jos produktų, radioaktyviųjų medžiagų, trąšų,… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • littering — noun The dropping of litter …   Wiktionary

  • littering — lit·ter || lɪtÉ™(r) n. refuse, trash; disorder; number of young born to an animal at one time; curtained couch suspended between poles and carried by men or animals; stretcher; bedding for humans or animals (made of straw, rushes, etc.) v. toss …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Littering — Lịt|te|ring, das; s <englisch> (das Wegwerfen von Müll in die Umgebung) …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

littering — перевод на русский

Not littering the sidewalks, that’s section 43.

Мусор на тротуарах, раздел 4З.

They took me up to the apartment, and except for some paper and litter… and wire coat hangers lying around, it was completely empty.

Отвели меня в квартиру, а там остались только бумаги, мусор и несколько «плечиков» на полу.

Down on the dusty earth The field’s litter soils our feet

Внизу земля покрыта прахом,… и мусор липнет к подошвам.

They towered over children who’d come to see little cute Wombles who gathered litter and lived in a burrow. — They loomed over them like that.

Эти исполины нависали над детишками, которые пришли посмотреть, как милые крошки Уомблы, живущие в норках, собирают мусор.

Litter, dog shit.

Мусор, собачье дерьмо.

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Littering is wrong.

Мусорить нехорошо.

I don’t wanna, you know, litter.

Не хочу мусорить

He wears a dog costume, and teaches kids not to litter.

Он носит костюм собаки и учит детей не мусорить.

See that clown Who thinks it’s okay to litter?

Видишь того клоуна, который думает, что мусорить на этой чудесной площадке — это нормально?

I’ll never litter again. I’ll keep all my trash.

Совенок, нет, я никогда не буду мусорить, я всегда буду хранить весь мой мусор, нет, совенок, нет!

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«I emptied the cat litter, it’s up to here.

«Я разбросал наполнитель, вот тут вот.

The cat litter?

Кошачий наполнитель?

Also the cat litter spread about all over the place.

К тому же, везде разбросан наполнитель для лотка.

Let’s work backwards as to how that could possibly be a plot line that you pee’d in cat litter.

Давай сперва выясним, что за сюжет мог привести тебя к деуринации в кошачий наполнитель.

Why did they choose kitty litter as the filling?

Почему они выбрали именно наполнитель?

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I’m gonna set up a litter box for Mrs. Whiskerson.

Я собираюсь сделать лоток для миссис Вискерсон.

Then why did you let me eat Friskies and make bo-bo in a litter box?

Тогда почему вы кормили меня Фрискисом и заставляли какать в лоток?

— I’m changing light bulbs and cleaning the cat’s litter box.

— Меняю лампочки и чищу кошачий лоток.

Change my kitty litter?

Поменять кошачий лоток?

Kitty litter box.

Кошачий лоток.

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— Yes! The strongest of the litter.

— Самый красивый из всего помёта.

— You know, the one from Ruen’s litter.

Ну, помните, тот, который из помета Руин.

— Two litter.

— Два помета.

Are they out of the same litter?

Они из одного помета?

Accept , dear friend from the new litter.

Прими, любезный друг, из нового помёта.

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Saved by Kitty Litter.

Спас Кошачий Туалет.

I see a litter box.

— Я вижу кошачий туалет.

We’re The Mopes You Send To Empty The Litter Box.

Мы тупицы, которых отправляют выносить кошачий туалет.

’cause, you know, the beach is one big litter box

Потому что, ну вы знаете, пляж это один большой кошачий туалет.

You turned my sister’s apartment into a kitty litter box.

Ты превратил квартиру моей сестры в кошачий туалет.

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They’ll snatch the litter right under your noses.

Они у тебя под носом выводок возьмут.

But afterward you should be able to bear a full litter.

После этого ты сможешь вынашивать целый выводок.

One of Sydney’s old roommates found a whole litter, and, uh, I thought of you.

Одна подруга Сидни нашла целый выводок, и я подумал о тебе.

A whole litter of them.

— Целый выводок.

There were sometimes up to seven kittens in that litter.

У неё бывал выводок по 7 котят.

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Kinda looks like cat litter.

Выглядит, как наполнитель для кошачьего туалета.

And get some kitty litter.

И купи наполнитель для кошачьего туалета.

It tastes like cat litter.

На вкус как наполнитель для кошачьего туалета.

So, suggest, if you may, some uses of kitty litter that don’t involve a kitty.

Итак, предположите, если можете, как можно использовать наполнитель для кошачьего туалета без котенка.

There’s an episode of Jonathan Creek where I wee’d in some cat litter.

В одной серии «Джоната Крика» я помочился в наполнитель для кошачьего туалета.

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Hey, kids… if you have an open wound, get some dirt or kitty litter and rub it in there to stop the bleeding.

Привет, дети. При открытой ране возьмите грязь или кошачий наполнитель и втирайте, пока кровь не остановится.

Throw in some kitty litter and you got the sad woman trifecta.

Добавь еще кошачий наполнитель, и получишь трио женщины-неудачницы.

Is that kitty litter?

Это что, кошачий наполнитель?

There was incense and candles and kitty litter.

Там был ладан, свечи и кошачий наполнитель.

Your kryptonite is kitty litter?

Твой криптонит — это кошачий наполнитель?

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Is it your pleasure that I bid them bring your litter, Princess?

Не угодно ли тебе, царевна, чтобы я приказал принести твои носилки?

Picked up litter!

Подхватили носилки!

Is it your pleasure that I bid them bring your litter, Princess?

Позвольте принести же Вам носилки, принцесса?

Prepare my litter!

Готовь мои носилки!

So I disobeyed orders and built a litter, and I dragged him to the nearest med-post.

И я не подчинился приказу, соорудил носилки, и дотащил его до ближайшей санчасти.

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мусор m





разбрасывание мусора








They have huge fines for littering, spitting, and smoking in public areas.

У них огромные штрафы за мусор, плевки и курение в общественных местах.

Debris-choked waterways, open sewers, excessive air pollution and plastic littering the streets are an obvious result of unrestrained economic growth.

Заполненные мусором водоемы, открытые канализационные люки, чрезмерное загрязнение воздуха и пластиковый мусор на улицах — очевидный результат несдержанного экономического роста.

In addition to littering our landfills, they also wind up in the ocean and can cause serious harm to marine animals.

Помимо засорения наших свалок, они также оказываются в океане и могут нанести серьезный вред морским животным.

I think that this approach to the problem of garbage littering our planet will not leave anyone indifferent.

Такой подход к проблеме засорения нашей планеты мусором никого не оставит равнодушным.

Aggravated assault, littering, possession of the drug Red Rapture, theft.

Нападение с отягчающими, замусоривание, хранение наркотиков «Красный восторг» кража.

No littering, smoking, chanting, or speaking to reporters.

Никакого замусоривания, курения, пения или разговора с репортерами.

I should take you in for littering.

Мне стоит тебя арестовать за мусор.

They got tickets… for littering.

Им выписали штраф… за мусор.

There should be some sort of a penalty or fine for littering.

Нужно установить какой-нибудь штраф или наказание за мусор.

Concern over the ‘technical littering‘ of space and the problem posed by space debris was expressed.

Была выражена озабоченность по поводу «технического засорения» космоса и проблемы, порождаемой космическим мусором.

In terms of waste management, this puts the onus on companies to rectify issues such as littering and pollution due to waste.

С точки зрения обращения с отходами, это возлагает на компании ответственность за устранение таких проблем, как мусор и загрязнение в результате производства.

Damage to cultural resources may arise from vandalism, littering, pilferage and illegal removal of cultural heritage items.

Повреждение культурных ресурсов может возникнуть в результате вандализма, засорения, хищения и незаконного вывоза предметов культурного наследия.

‘Today we have taken an important step to reduce littering and plastic pollution in our oceans and seas.

Сегодня мы сделали важный шаг по уменьшению засорения и загрязнения пластиком наших океанов и морей.

Not littering the sidewalks, that’s section 43.

Мусор на тротуарах, раздел 4З.

According to Singapore Criminal Lawyer, jaywalking and littering are among the most common offenses committed on the island.

По словам сингапурского адвоката по уголовным делам, сойка и мусор являются одними из самых распространенных преступлений, совершаемых на острове.

When Skylab reentered the atmosphere and crashed in Australia in 1979, Australian government fined NASA $400 for littering.

Когда космический аппарат «Skylab» вернулся в атмосферу Земли и приземлился в Австралии в 1979 году, австралийское правительство выписало штраф NASA 400$ за мусор.

We cannot stop because people are continuously littering.

Мы не можем остановиться, потому что люди постоянно мусорят.

Everyone else was busy munching and littering.

Другие были заняты на обжиге, литье и шлифовке.

Someone thinks that not littering in the forest and not killing animals is ecological tourism already.

Кто-то считает, что не мусорить в лесу и не убивать зверей — это уже экологический туризм.

Sadly, people are found littering the road or any other public place with impunity.

К сожалению, люди безнаказанно засоряют дорогу или любое другое общественное место.

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Table of Contents

  1. Where did the word littering come from?
  2. When was the word littering first used?
  3. What is the difference between litter and rubbish?
  4. Is Garbage an American word?
  5. Which is not a synonym for waste rubbish garbage litter factor?
  6. What is the opposite of a waste of time?
  7. What is the difference between garbage and refuse?
  8. What can refuse?
  9. What is example of garbage?
  10. What are the 5 R’s of zero waste living?
  11. What are 7 R’s?
  12. What is five R’s?
  13. What does 5Rs mean?
  14. What is example of reuse?
  15. What are the 4 R’s of waste management?
  16. What is the benefit of 5Rs?
  17. What are the six R’s of sustainability?
  18. How can we use 5r in our daily life?
  19. What is the main reason for practicing the 5Rs?
  20. How can I practice the 5Rs at home?
  21. How can you help your community be clean and green by using 5 R’s?
  22. Which one of the following is among R’s of sustainability?
  23. What are the 5 R’s of sustainability?
  24. What are the 8 R’s?
  25. What is the full form of 3r?
  26. Who invented 3Rs?
  27. What does 3R Class 8 mean?
  28. What is the full form of 4R?
  29. What is 4R principle in Class 8?

to strew (a place) with scattered objects, rubbish, etc.: to be fined for littering the sidewalk. to supply (an animal) with litter for a bed. to use (straw, hay, etc.) for litter. to cover (a floor or other area) with straw, hay, etc., for litter.

Where did the word littering come from?

The word litter is ultimately derived from Latin lectus, meaning “bed.” From lectus also comes the French word lit of the same meaning, which provides the base for litiere, an Old French word that was the name for both a bed and the aforementioned vehicle.

When was the word littering first used?

This sense of “stuff thrown on the floor” eventually, in the 18th century, gave us “litter” meaning “rubbish or odds and ends scattered or strewn about,” but didn’t produce the noun “littering” until 1960.

What is the difference between litter and rubbish?

As verbs the difference between rubbish and litter is that rubbish is (british) to denounce, to criticise, to denigrate, to disparage while litter is to drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it (as discarding in public areas rather than trash receptacles).

Is Garbage an American word?

usage note: In American English, the words garbage and trash are most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. …the smell of rotting garbage… She threw the bottle into the trash. Garbage and trash are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically.

Which is not a synonym for waste rubbish garbage litter factor?

Rubbish, garbage and litter, all the three words are equivalent to waste material.

What is the opposite of a waste of time?

What is the opposite of waste time?

hurry fly
make haste lose no time
step on it get a move on
leave finish
complete hurry up

What is the difference between garbage and refuse?

As nouns the difference between garbage and refuse is that garbage is useless or disposable material; waste material of any kind while refuse is collectively, items or material that have been discarded; rubbish, garbage or refuse can be (obsolete) refusal.

What can refuse?

Here are some examples of refusing materials:

  • Refuse what you do not need.
  • Bring your own Tupperware to restaurants.
  • Carry a reusable bag in your car or purse.
  • Carry a water bottle and hot drink cup.
  • Remove your self from junk mail and not desired magazines.
  • Request no plastic ware in take-out, if eating at home.

What is example of garbage?

Examples include municipal solid waste (household trash/refuse), hazardous waste, wastewater (such as sewage, which contains bodily wastes (feces and urine) and surface runoff), radioactive waste, and others.

What are the 5 R’s of zero waste living?

In 2013, Bea Johnson gave the world the Five Rs in her book Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide to Simplifying Your Life by Reducing Your Waste. They are: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. Accept the things you need, and refuse the rest.

What are 7 R’s?

The 7 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Repurpose, Reuse, Recycle, Rot, Rethink | Dunedin, FL.

What is five R’s?

The 5 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

What does 5Rs mean?

5Rs – Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse and Rethink.

What is example of reuse?

One example of conventional reuse is the doorstep delivery of milk in glass bottles; other examples include the retreading of tires and the use of returnable/reusable plastic boxes, shipping containers, instead of single-use corrugated fiberboard boxes.

What are the 4 R’s of waste management?

Good waste management follows the 4 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover, as well as avoiding illegal dumping and littering.

What is the benefit of 5Rs?

They are: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot. The Five Rs give us a new framework for dealing with waste in our lives, in part by helping us acknowledge the habits that lead to more waste and more trash.

What are the six R’s of sustainability?

An activity where students look at the 6Rs of sustainability, recycle, reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, rethink.

How can we use 5r in our daily life?

You must have come across the five R’s to save the environment: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle. Reuse: This is actually even better than recycling because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the ‘reuse’ strategy, you simply use things again and again.

What is the main reason for practicing the 5Rs?

Answer: Practicing the 5 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot, and Rethink) allows YOU to send less trash to our local landfill while producing jobs, saving energy, and preserving our natural resources.

How can I practice the 5Rs at home?


  1. Go for reusable water cups or bottles instead of plastic bottles.
  2. Stock the breakroom with traditional reusable plates and silverware instead of disposable paper plates and plastic cutlery.
  3. Refill your printer cartridges instead of buying new ones.
  4. Reuse boxes and packaging material from the mail for future packages.

How can you help your community be clean and green by using 5 R’s?


  1. Limit the amount of time you drive, if possible walk.
  2. Use high efficiency light bulbs to conserve energy.
  3. Do not waste paper and things to reduce trash.
  4. Save water & energy.
  5. Eat at home.
  6. Avoid printing in Schools.

Which one of the following is among R’s of sustainability?

The three R’s stands for: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This rule is part of the waste hierarchy which is a process used to protect the environment and conserve resources through a priority approach.

What are the 5 R’s of sustainability?

Five actions should respectively be taken if possible before recycling any products. These R’s include: refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose and finally, recycle. This is an important methodology for businesses to follow to ensure they can reduce waste and boost their recycling efforts.

What are the 8 R’s?

So, more tools to fight the battle, the “Eight Rs”: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Repair, Regift, Recycle, Repeat.

What is the full form of 3r?

The 3Rs stands for: Reduce: Reduction of waste generation 〈Don’t be wasteful.

Who invented 3Rs?

William Russell and Rex Burch developed the concept of the Three Rs during the 1950s, and described them in their book The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique (1959): Replacement. Reduction.

What does 3R Class 8 mean?

The three R’s stand for Reduce,Reuse and Recycle.

What is the full form of 4R?

The 4R means Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Restore.

What is 4R principle in Class 8?

Reuse – Resources can be reused wherever possible. We need not produce resources on large scale which may lead to exploitation of natural resources. Instead we can reuse them. Recycle – Resources can be recycled wherever possible so that they can be used again and again.

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