Meaning of word individual

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This article is about individuality in general. For Strawson’s metaphysics as described in his book: Individuals, see P. F. Strawson. For other uses, see Individual (disambiguation).

An individual is that which exists as a distinct entity. Individuality (or self-hood) is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly (in the case of humans) of being a person unique from other people and possessing one’s own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. The concept of an individual features in diverse fields, including biology, law, and philosophy.


From the 15th century and earlier (and also today within the fields of statistics and metaphysics) individual meant «indivisible», typically describing any numerically singular thing, but sometimes meaning «a person». From the 17th century on, individual has indicated separateness, as in individualism.[1]


Although individuality and individualism are commonly considered to mature with age/time and experience/wealth, a sane adult human being is usually considered by the state as an «individual person» in law, even if the person denies individual culpability («I followed instructions»).

An individual person is accountable for their actions/decisions/instructions, subject to prosecution in both national and international law, from the time that they have reached age of majority, often though not always more or less coinciding with the granting of voting rights, responsibility for paying tax, military duties, and the individual right to bear arms (protected only under certain constitutions).


Individuals may stand out from the crowd, or may blend in with it.


In Buddhism, the concept of the individual lies in anatman, or «no-self.» According to anatman, the individual is really a series of interconnected processes that, working together, give the appearance of being a single, separated whole. In this way, anatman, together with anicca, resembles a kind of bundle theory. Instead of an atomic, indivisible self distinct from reality, the individual in Buddhism is understood as an interrelated part of an ever-changing, impermanent universe (see Interdependence, Nondualism, Reciprocity).


Early empiricists such as Ibn Tufail[2] in early 12th century Islamic Spain, and John Locke in late 17th century England, introduced the idea of the individual as a tabula rasa («blank slate»), shaped from birth by experience and education. This ties into the idea of the liberty and rights of the individual, society as a social contract between rational individuals, and the beginnings of individualism as a doctrine.


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel regarded history as the gradual evolution of Mind as it tests its own concepts against the external world.[3] Each time the mind applies its concepts to the world, the concept is revealed to be only partly true, within a certain context; thus the mind continually revises these incomplete concepts so as to reflect a fuller reality (commonly known as the process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis). The individual comes to rise above their own particular viewpoint,[4] and grasps that they are a part of a greater whole[5] insofar as they are bound to family, a social context, and/or a political order.


With the rise of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard rejected Hegel’s notion of the individual as subordinated to the forces of history. Instead, he elevated the individual’s subjectivity and capacity to choose their own fate. Later Existentialists built upon this notion. Friedrich Nietzsche, for example, examines the individual’s need to define his/her own self and circumstances in his concept of the will to power and the heroic ideal of the Übermensch. The individual is also central to Sartre’s philosophy, which emphasizes individual authenticity, responsibility, and free will. In both Sartre and Nietzsche (and in Nikolai Berdyaev), the individual is called upon to create their own values, rather than rely on external, socially imposed codes of morality.


Ayn Rand’s Objectivism regards every human as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to their own life, a right derived from their nature as a rational being. Individualism and Objectivism hold that a civilized society, or any form of association, cooperation or peaceful coexistence among humans, can be achieved only on the basis of the recognition of individual rights — and that a group, as such, has no rights other than the individual rights of its members. The principle of individual rights is the only moral base of all groups or associations. Since only an individual man or woman can possess rights, the expression «individual rights» is a redundancy (which one has to use for purposes of clarification in today’s intellectual chaos), but the expression «collective rights» is a contradiction in terms. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).[6][7]


In biology, the question of the individual is related to the definition of an organism, which is an important question in biology and philosophy of biology, despite there having been little work devoted explicitly to this question.[8] An individual organism is not the only kind of individual that is considered as a «unit of selection».[8] Genes, genomes, or groups may function as individual units.[8]

Asexual reproduction occurs in some colonial organisms so that the individuals are genetically identical. Such a colony is called a genet, and an individual in such a population is referred to as a ramet. The colony, rather than the individual, functions as a unit of selection. In other colonial organisms the individuals may be closely related to one another but differ as a result of sexual reproduction.

One of the most accepted hypotheses is the definition of an organism that emerged from Piast’s lather of lifeness. According to this idea, life can be described as a phenomenon (Continuum of self-maintainable information) and its individual organism can be described as a distinct element of this continuum. The ability to define entity boundaries is a key trait of distinctness, which can be achieved either through physical means, such as maintaining an open system through a cell, or through informational means, such as maintaining transmission to another host as seen in parasitic entities like viruses.[9]

See also[edit]

Look up individual in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Action theory
  • Autonomy
  • Consciousness
  • Cultural identity
  • Identity
  • Independent
  • Individual time trial
  • Person
  • Self (philosophy)
  • Self (psychology)
  • Self (sociology)
  • Self (spirituality)
  • Structure and agency
  • Will (philosophy)


  1. ^ Abbs 1986, cited in Klein 2005, pp. 26–27
  2. ^ G. A. Russell (1994), The ‘Arabick’ Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England, pp. 224–62, Brill Publishers, ISBN 90-04-09459-8.
  3. ^ «Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel». Retrieved 2019-11-22.
  4. ^ Zovko, Jure (2018-05-12). «Hegel’s concept of education from the point of view of his idea of ‘second nature’«. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 50 (6–7): 652–661. doi:10.1080/00131857.2017.1374842. ISSN 0013-1857. S2CID 149279317.
  5. ^ Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Di Giovanni, George (Translator) (19 August 2010). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Science of Logic (Cambridge Hegel Translations). (Kindle ed.). Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 2019-11-22.
  6. ^ Ayn Rand, «Individualism». Ayn Rand Lexicon.
  7. ^ Ayn Rand (1961), «Individual Rights». Ayn Rand Lexicon.
  8. ^ a b c Wilson, R (2007). «The biological notion of individual». Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  9. ^ Piast, Radosław W. (2019-06-07). «Shannon’s information, Bernal’s biopoiesis and Bernoulli distribution as pillars for building a definition of life». Journal of Theoretical Biology. 470: 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.03.009. ISSN 0022-5193.

Further reading[edit]

  • Gracie, Jorge J. E. (1988) Individuality: An Essay on the Foundations of Metaphysics. State University of New York Press.
  • Klein, Anne Carolyn (1995) Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self. ISBN 0-8070-7306-7.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • individuall (obsolete)


PIE word

From Medieval Latin indīviduālis, from Latin indīviduum (an indivisible thing), neuter of indīviduus (indivisible, undivided), from in + dīviduus (divisible), from dīvidō (divide).


  • IPA(key): /ˌɪndɪˈvɪd͡ʒ(ʊ)əl/, /ˌɪndə-/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ɪndɪˈvɪd͡ʒʊ(ə)l/, /ɪndɪˈvɪdjʊ(ə)l/


individual (plural individuals)

  1. A person considered alone, rather than as belonging to a group of people.

    He is an unusual individual.

  2. (law) A single physical human being as a legal subject, as opposed to a legal person such as a corporation.
    • 1982, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
      Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination […].
  3. An object, be it a thing or an agent, as contrasted to a class.
    • 2006, Steven French, “Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory”, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy[1]:

      It is typically held that chairs, trees, rocks, people and many of the so-called ‘everyday’ objects we encounter can be regarded as individuals.

  4. (statistics) An element belonging to a population.


person considered alone

  • Albanian: individ (sq) m
  • Arabic: فَرْد (ar) m (fard)
  • Armenian: անհատ (hy) (anhat), առանձնյակ (hy) (aṙanjnyak) (biology)
  • Azerbaijani: fərd (az)
  • Belarusian: індыві́д m (indyvíd)
  • Bengali: ব্যক্তি (bn) (bokti)
  • Bulgarian: индиви́д (bg) m (indivíd)
  • Burmese: ပုဂ္ဂိုလ် (my) (pugguil)
  • Catalan: individu (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 個體个体 (zh) (gètǐ), 個人个人 (zh) (gèrén), 私人 (zh) (sīrén)
  • Czech: jedinec (cs) m, jednotlivec (cs) m
  • Danish: individ (da) n
  • Dutch: enkeling (nl) m, individu (nl) n
  • Esperanto: unuopulo
  • Estonian: indiviid
  • Finnish: yksilö (fi)
  • French: individu (fr) m
  • Galician: individuo (gl) m
  • Georgian: პიროვნება (ṗirovneba), ინდივიდი (individi)
  • German: Individuum (de) n
  • Greek: άτομο (el) n (átomo)
  • Hebrew: פרט (he) m (prat)
  • Hindi: व्यक्ति (hi) m (vyakti)
  • Hungarian: individuum, egyén (hu)
  • Ido: individuo (io)
  • Italian: individuo (it), soggetto (it)
  • Japanese: 個人 (ja) (こじん, kojin), 個体 (ja) (こたい, kotai), 私人 (ja) (しじん, shijin)
  • Kazakh: индивидуум (individuum), индивид (individ)
  • Khmer: បុគ្គល (km) (bokkŭəl)
  • Korean: 개인 (ko) (gaein), 개체 (gaeche), 사인 (ko) (sain)
  • Kyrgyz: индивидуум (individuum), индивид (individ)
  • Lao: ບຸກຄົນ (lo) (buk khon), ພົນ (phon)
  • Latin: indīviduum n
  • Latvian: indivīds m
  • Lithuanian: individas m
  • Macedonian: индивидуа f (individua)
  • Malay: individu (ms)
  • Maori: tangata (mi)
  • Navajo: hwó
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: individ (no) n, enkeltperson m, menneske (no) n
    Nynorsk: individ n, enkeltperson m
  • Pali: puggala m
  • Pashto: فرد (ps) m (fard)
  • Persian: فرد (fa) (fard)
  • Plautdietsch: Persoon (nds) f
  • Polish: indywiduum (pl) n, jednostka (pl) f
  • Portuguese: indivíduo (pt) m
  • Romanian: individ (ro)
  • Russian: индиви́дуум (ru) m (indivíduum), лицо́ (ru) n (licó), ли́чность (ru) f (líčnostʹ), осо́ба (ru) f (osóba), индиви́д (ru) m (indivíd), персо́на (ru) f (persóna), о́собь (ru) f (ósobʹ) (biology)
  • Sanskrit: व्यक्ति (sa) m (vyakti)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: поједи́нац m, поједи́нка f, индиви́дуа f
    Roman: pojedínac (sh) m, pojedinka f, indivídua (sh) f
  • Slovak: jedinec m, jednotlivec m
  • Slovene: posameznik (sl) m, posameznica f
  • Spanish: individuo (es) m
  • Swedish: individ (sv) c, enskild (sv) c
  • Tajik: фард (fard)
  • Telugu: వ్యక్తి (te) (vyakti)
  • Thai: บุคคล (th) (bùk-kon)
  • Turkish: birey (tr)
  • Ukrainian: індиві́д m (indyvíd), індиві́дуум m (indyvíduum)
  • Urdu: فرد(fard)
  • Uzbek: fard (uz), individuum (uz)
  • Vietnamese: cá nhân (vi), cá thể (vi)

single human as legal subject

  • Azerbaijani: fiziki şəxs
  • Bulgarian: личност (bg) f (ličnost)
  • Finnish: henkilö (fi), luonnollinen henkilö (fi)
  • Georgian: ფიზიკური პირი (piziḳuri ṗiri), ცალკე პირი (calḳe ṗiri)
  • Hungarian: magánszemély (hu), magánember (hu)
  • Japanese: 個人 (ja) (こじん, kojin)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: enkeltperson m
    Nynorsk: enkeltperson m
  • Polish: osoba fizyczna (pl) f
  • Russian: физи́ческое лицо́ (ru) n (fizíčeskoje licó)

element belonging to a population


individual (comparative more individual, superlative most individual)

  1. Relating to a single person or thing as opposed to more than one.
    • 2013 June 1, “End of the peer show”, in The Economist, volume 407, number 8838, page 71:

      Finance is seldom romantic. But the idea of peer-to-peer lending comes close. This is an industry that brings together individual savers and lenders on online platforms. Those that want to borrow are matched with those that want to lend.

    As we can’t print them all together, the individual pages will have to be printed one by one.

  2. Intended for a single person as opposed to more than one person.

    individual personal pension; individual cream cakes

  3. Not divisible without losing its identity.


  • (relating to a single person or thing): single, self-standing
  • (intended for a single person or thing): personal, single


  • (relating to a single person or thing): collective
  • (intended for a single person or thing): group, joint, shared


  • individualism
  • individuality
  • individually
  • individualness


relating to a single person or thing

  • Asturian: individual (ast)
  • Azerbaijani: fərdi (az), şəxsi (az)
  • Belarusian: асо́бны (be) (asóbny), аддзе́льны (addzjélʹny), асабі́сты (asabísty), індывідуа́льны (indyviduálʹny)
  • Bulgarian: отделен (bg) (otdelen), индивидуален (bg) (individualen)
  • Catalan: individual (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 單個单个 (zh) (dāngè), 獨個独个 (dúgè)
  • Czech: jednotlivý (cs)
  • Dutch: individueel (nl)
  • Finnish: yksittäinen (fi)
  • French: individuel (fr)
  • Galician: individual
  • Georgian: ინდივიდუალური (individualuri)
  • German: einzeln (de), individuell (de)
  • Hungarian: egyes (hu), egyedi (hu), különálló (hu)
  • Italian: singolo (it), specifico (it)
  • Japanese: 個々の (ja) (ここの, koko-no)
  • Latin: indīviduālis
  • Maori: takitahi
  • Norman: îndividuel (Jersey)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: enkelt (no), individuell
  • Old English: ānlīepe
  • Polish: indywidualny (pl), oddzielny (pl), pojedynczy (pl)
  • Portuguese: individual (pt)
  • Romanian: individual (ro)
  • Russian: отде́льный (ru) (otdélʹnyj), индивидуа́льный (ru) (individuálʹnyj), едини́чный (ru) (jediníčnyj), ча́стный (ru) (částnyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: air leth
  • Spanish: individual (es)
  • Swedish: enskild (sv)
  • Turkish: bireysel (tr)
  • Ukrainian: особи́стий (osobýstyj), індивідуа́льний (indyviduálʹnyj), осі́бний (osíbnyj)

intended for a single person

  • Azerbaijani: bir nəfərlik, bir nəfər üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş
  • Bulgarian: личен (bg) (ličen)
  • Catalan: individual (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 個別个别 (zh) (gèbié)
  • Czech: individuální (cs)
  • Dutch: individueel (nl)
  • Finnish: yksilöllinen (fi)
  • Galician: individual
  • German: individuell (de)
  • Hungarian: egyéni (hu)
  • Italian: individuale (it), personale (it)
  • Latin: proprius (la)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: individuell
  • Polish: indywidualny (pl)
  • Portuguese: individual (pt)
  • Romanian: individual (ro)
  • Russian: индивидуа́льный (ru) (individuálʹnyj), персона́льный (ru) (personálʹnyj), ли́чный (ru) (líčnyj), ча́стный (ru) (částnyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: air leth
  • Spanish: individual (es)
  • Swedish: individuell (sv)

Translations to be checked

  • French: (please verify) individuel (fr) m, (please verify) individuelle (fr) f
  • German: (please verify) Einzel-
  • Hebrew: (please verify) פרטי(p»rati)
  • Irish: (please verify) aonánach
  • Japanese: (please verify) 個人 (ja) (こじん, kojin)
  • Slovene: (please verify) posamezen
  • Swedish: (please verify) individuell (sv), (please verify) enskild (sv)
  • Telugu: (please verify) వ్యక్తిగత (vyaktigata), (please verify) వైయక్తిక (vaiyaktika)

Further reading[edit]

  • individual in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “individual”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • «individual» in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 161.



  • (Balearic, Valencian) IPA(key): /ˈal/
  • (Central) IPA(key): /ˈal/


individual (masculine and feminine plural individuals)

  1. individual

Derived terms[edit]

  • individualisme
  • individualista
  • individualitzar
  • individualment


  • individu
  • individualitat

Further reading[edit]

  • “individual” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.



individual m or f (plural individuais)

  1. individual

Derived terms[edit]

  • individualismo
  • individualista
  • individualizar
  • individualmente


  • individuo
  • individualidade

Further reading[edit]

  • “individual” in Dicionario da Real Academia Galega, Royal Galician Academy.



  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ĩ.d͡ʒˈaw/ [ĩ.d͡ʒʊˈaʊ̯], (faster pronunciation) /ĩ.d͡ʒi.viˈdwaw/ [ĩ.d͡ʒi.viˈdwaʊ̯]
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ĩ.di.viˈdwal/ [ĩ.di.viˈðwaɫ]
  • Hyphenation: in‧di‧vi‧du‧al


individual m or f (plural individuais)

  1. individual

Derived terms[edit]

  • individualismo
  • individualista
  • individualmente

Further reading[edit]

  • “individual” in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa.



From French individuel.


individual m or n (feminine singular individuală, masculine plural individuali, feminine and neuter plural individuale)

  1. individual



  • individualism
  • individualist
  • individualitate



  • IPA(key): /indibiˈdwal/ [ĩn̪.d̪i.β̞iˈð̞wal]
  • Rhymes: -al
  • Syllabification: in‧di‧vi‧dual


individual (plural individuales)

  1. individual
  2. case-by-case
  3. one-on-one (e.g., relationship or bond)
  4. one-man (e.g., a one-man show)
  5. personal, individualized

Derived terms[edit]

  • cama individual
  • individualismo
  • individualista
  • individualizar
  • individualmente
  • persecución individual
  • trineo individual


  • individualidad
  • individuo


individual m (plural individuales)

  1. place mat

Further reading[edit]

  • “individual”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014

If they are parts of an individual, plants also are subject to considerable changes during their _individual_ lives. ❋ Charles Darwin (1845)

‘Although there exists nothing IN NATURE except individual bodies, exhibiting distinct individual _effects, according to individual_ ❋ Delia Bacon (1835)

But because the will has here become individual it must be deceived in such a manner for it to discern by the sense of the _individual_ what the sense of the species has presented to it; in other words, imagine it is pursuing ends concerning the individual, when in reality it is pursuing merely general ends (using the word general in its strictest sense). ❋ Arthur Schopenhauer (1824)

There are individual cases in which I’ve agreed with the “Catholic League”: When *individual* Catholics who are no longer around to defend themselves are slandered; or when tax-money is used for bigotted “artisitc” purposes. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Individual Responsibility: Inherent in the ideas of John Locke in the concept that the individual is the government. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But what voting doesn’t do for the individual is allow him to influence who gets elected. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Those of us within the Elders of Sodom see a cross and it may not trouble us, we may even prefer to assume the individual is actually wholly tolerant, but this is despite it being a symbol which says to us, “I disapprove of your sexuality; I subscribe to a belief system which condemns your actions as mortal sins.” ❋ Hal Duncan (2010)

In any of these circumstances, if the officer develops reasonable suspicion that the individual is an illegal alien, the obligation that Kobach discusses kicks in. ❋ Unknown (2010)

If the individual is acquitted, THEN, and only then should the state hold hearings as to whether to deny the individual the role of being a parent. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The source told CNN, Given who the individual is and how people can perceive things, it is interesting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But a morality that focuses solely on the individual does not consider that the individual is also a citizen in a community, a country, a world, a web of interconnection whose integrity depends on caring for each other as we care for ourselves. ❋ Birute Regine (2010)

This dullness of vision regarding the importance of the general welfare to the individual is the measure of the failure of our schools and churches to teach the spiritual significance of genuine democracy. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It seems this individual is attempting to stop some one, me from taking an active part in bringing this missing home! ❋ Unknown (2010)

Criteria are not met for Conduct Disorder, and, if the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for Antisocial personality disorder. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If this individual is to be the leader of this country will she lead us to total defeat. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The agency until that time had dealt with what we call individual cases-individuals fleeing persecution. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And in this model, the individual is at the center, rather than the services he or she uses. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Def1) Jane- «I love you so much, Bill, you’re just such an individual»
Bill- «What? I’m not doing anything special, I’m just living life»
Ellen- «I’m an individual. I’m not controlled by the [mindless drone] that is mainstream culture. I don’t get my ideas by watching MTV like everyone else. I listen to [Arcade Fire]. I have a red streak in my hair. Why are people such sheep?»
Drederick- «Bitch shut the fuck up, you and your friends all look the same and every high school has a group of you sorry losers. You [arn’t] unique, and you arn’t individual»
Def2) Everyone is an individual. But not everyone realizes that, so we get cultural bullshit from a few lame high school kids. ❋ Malcolm X-Terminator (2008)

individual example- catholic person likes hardcore, buys at [american eagle],and doesnt go for rules. basically not like some idiots who go i cant buy at [abercrombie] cuz its for [preps]. ❋ Tbs Freak (2005)

«[Remember] [Johnny], you are an individual, just [like everyone] else.» ❋ Scrooby (2006)

I wore a [black shirt] today.
[Next day] a [white shirt]. ❋ Insert Name Here4446 (2005)

Bitch: [i like your shoes].individual: thanks dog, they were only [five bucks]!!
Bitch: where’d you get them?individual: er, hot topic, lame i know haha. i dont really prefer the whole goth scene and that store, but i liked the shoes.
(Bitch takes [mental note])
…the next day
Bitch: look at my shoes dog.individual: those are the ones i was weraing yesterday.
Bitch: i know i got them at hot topic.individual: fuck. ❋ NewSLANG (2007)

an [individual person] or an individual [object] ❋ UrbandictionaryGottheit (2016)

Person1 : [Do you] like a [new job]?
Person2 : No . It’s my individual [problem]. ❋ A_Off (2020)

[UD] made me put this here for [pepole] who need an [example], individual ❋ Dinkymcsinky (2008)

John: ummm, dude? why are you doing that?
[Finn]: why not?
John: because the [popular people] say that that’s not cool!
Finn: i don’t care what they think. they aren’t the boss of me!
John: wow. that’s awesome. you’re an individual, aren’t you?
Finn: i don’t like [labels], bro.
John yup, you’re an individual alright ❋ A-person_yay (2014)

[Fall out boy] are awesome, because [Im] individual…. Just [like everyone] else! ❋ TomCuk (2007)

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  • 1

    individual [ˏɪndɪˊvɪdʒυǝl]

    1) отде́льный, едини́чный, ча́стный;

    2) характе́рный, осо́бенный; оригина́льный;

    3) ли́чный, индивидуа́льный;

    1) индиви́дуум; о́собь

    2) ли́чность, челове́к;



    челове́к, осо́ба;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > individual

  • 2

    individual identification code

    код индивидуального опознавания

    individual tour

    перевозка отдельного туриста

    individual ventilation

    индивидуальная вентиляция

    individual ventilation system

    система индивидуальной вентиляции

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > individual

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > individual

  • 4

    individual 1. особь, индивид(уум); 2. характерный, особенный

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > individual

  • 5

    1. [͵ındıʹvıdʒʋəl]

    1. личность, человек, отдельное лицо, индивидуум;

    тж. физическое лицо

    agreeable individual — приятный /покладистый/ человек

    2. [͵ındıʹvıdʒʋəl]

    1. личный, индивидуальный; предназначенный для одного лица

    individual tastes [efforts, traits] — личные /индивидуальные/ вкусы [усилия, черты]

    individual peculiarities /characteristics/ — индивидуальные особенности

    individual attention to smb, smth. — индивидуальный подход к кому-л., чему-л.

    2. 1) отдельный, частный

    individual question — частный /отдельный/ вопрос

    individual case — единичный /частный/ случай

    each individual person [word, tree] — отдельное лицо [слово, дерево]

    2) одиночный

    individual fire [airplane] — одиночный огонь [самолёт]

    3. характерный, особенный, присущий отдельному лицу

    an individual style of writing — индивидуальный /оригинальный/ стиль письма

    an individual style of speaking [dressing] — особая манера говорить [одеваться]

    НБАРС > individual

  • 6

    1. a личный, индивидуальный; предназначенный для одного лица

    2. a отдельный, частный

    3. a воен. часто одиночный

    4. a характерный, особенный, присущий отдельному лицу

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. characteristic (adj.) characteristic; diacritic; diagnostic; distinctive; distinguishing; idiosyncratic; peculiar; proper; typical

    2. discrete (adj.) discrete; lone; secluded; separate; solitary

    3. own (adj.) own; personal; personalized; private

    4. several (adj.) respective; several; singular

    5. single (adj.) definite; distinct; especial; particular; single; special; specific

    6. human (noun) body; creature; human; life; man; mortal; party; personage; soul; wight

    7. person (noun) animal; child; human being; one; person; self; unit; woman

    8. thing (noun) being; entity; existence; existent; material; matter; object; something; stuff; substance; thing

    Антонимический ряд:

    collective; common; general; group

    English-Russian base dictionary > individual

  • 7





    отдельный, частный; единичный; самостоятельный




    личный, индивидуальный, персональный



    individual market, individual auditor, individual buyer, individual consumer, individual action, individual ageing, individual conflict of interest, individual consumption, individual demand, individual goods, individual interview, individual ownership, individual psychology, individual supply, individual farmer, individual level data, individual terror






    отдельный представитель




    индивидуум, индивид, лицо, личность, особа, человек



    , пренебр. единоличник, индивидуал

    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > individual

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > individual

  • 9


    individual индивидуальный individual индивидуум individual личность individual личный, индивидуальный, отдельный individual личный individual отдельное лицо, личность, индивидуум individual отдельный individual физическое лицо individual характерный individual частный individual человек private individual частное лицо social work with individuals социальная работа с отдельными лицами

    English-Russian short dictionary > individual

  • 10

    1.индивидуальный; персональный

    2.отдельное лицо

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > individual

  • 11

    Англо-русский технический словарь > individual

  • 12

    1) личный, индивидуальный; individual freedom (или liberty) свобода личности

    2) характерный, особенный; оригинальный; she has an individual style of dressing у нее своеобразный стиль в одежде

    3) отдельный, единичный, частный; individual peasant крестьянин-единоличник; individual fire


    одиночный огонь

    1) личность, человек; agreeable individual приятный человек; private individual


    частное лицо

    2) индивидуум; особь

    * * *

    1 (a) индивидуальный

    2 (n) индивидуум; отдельное лицо; физическое лицо

    * * *

    1) личный, индивидуальный 2) человек

    * * *

    [in·di·vid·u·al || ‚ɪndɪ’vɪdjʊəl]
    личность, человек, особа, индивидуум, особь
    личный, индивидуальный, единоличный, единичный, отдельный, частный, одиночный, оригинальный, особенный

    * * *












    * * *

    1. прил.
    1) индивидуальный, личный, отдельный, персональный, предназначенный для одного человека
    2) а) единственный
    б) характерный
    3) единичный
    2. сущ.
    1) а) отдельный представитель
    б) зоол. особь
    2) а) индивидуум; лицо
    б) разг., уничижит. единоличник

    Новый англо-русский словарь > individual

  • 13

    личность, человек; юр. отдельное лицо

    личный, индивидуальный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > individual

  • 14

    1. единичный

    2. индивидуальный

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > individual

  • 15






    2) тот или иной

    Selection of an individual graphic display is achieved by… Выбор той или иной видеограммы производится [ нажатием клавиши мыши];

    However, the requirements may be different on the individual pipe support detail drawing Однако на том или ином рабочем чертеже опоры трубопровода эти требования могут оказаться разными

    3) одиночный; отдельный; каждый отдельный

    4) некоторый

    Individual gun steels show a fairly wide variability Некоторые орудийные стали обнаруживают достаточно большую вариабельность экспериментальных данных

    5) собственный

    This will require individual modules to be heated and ventilated with individual supply and exhaust systems Это (по)требует обеспечения отопления и вентиляции отдельных модулей с использованием собственных приточно-вытяжных систем

    6) конкретный

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > individual

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > individual

  • 17

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > individual

  • 18

    1) человек, лицо

    2) личный, индивидуальный

    3) отдельный, единичный; самостоятельный

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > individual

  • 19

    [ˌɪndɪ’vɪʤuəl], [-djuəl]


    1) индивидуальный, личный, отдельный, персональный, предназначенный для одного человека


    2) единственный, неповторимый


    3) характерный, особенный; оригинальный


    4) единичный, отдельный, частный




    3) индивидуум; лицо, личность, особа, человек


    Англо-русский современный словарь > individual

  • 20



    1) ли́чный, индивидуа́льный

    2) отде́льный



    челове́к м

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > individual


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • individual — I adjective detached, deviating, different, differentiated, discrete, disjoined, disjunct, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, exceptional, extracted, extraordinary, independent, individualized, isolated, nonconforming, nonuniform, particular …   Law dictionary

  • individual — INDIVIDUÁL, Ă, individuali, e, adj. 1. Care este propriu unui individ; personal, specific. ♦ Care priveşte sau aparţine unui singur exemplar dintr o categorie de lucruri sau de fiinţe. 2. Care este executat de individ. Muncă individuală. ♦… …   Dicționar Român

  • Individual — In di*vid u*al (?; 135), a. [L. individuus indivisible; pref. in not + dividuus divisible, fr. dividere to divide: cf. F. individuel. See {Divide}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Not divided, or not to be divided; existing as one entity, or distinct being or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • individual — When used as a noun, individual should denote a single person in contrast with a group of people or with society as a whole: the role of the individual in the community / She continues to treat them as individuals. It is less satisfactory, and… …   Modern English usage

  • individual — adjetivo 1. Del individuo: libertad individual, rasgos individuales. 2. Que es para un solo individuo: camas individuales, habitaciones individuales. nombre* individual …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Individual — In di*vid u*al, n. 1. A single person, animal, or thing of any kind; a thing or being incapable of separation or division, without losing its identity; especially, a human being; a person. Cowper. [1913 Webster] An object which is in the strict… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • individual — adj. 2 g. 1. Do indivíduo. = PESSOAL ≠ COLETIVO 2. Próprio do indivíduo. = PARTICULAR, PECULIAR 3. Que é destinado apenas a uma pessoa. 4. Que é feito apenas por uma pessoa (ex.: exposição individual). ≠ COLETIVO • s. m. 5. O que é referente… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • individual — adj 1 particular, specific, *special, especial Analogous words: *single, sole, separate, particular Antonyms: general Contrasted words: generic, *universal, common 2 peculiar, distinctive, * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • individual — [adj] distinctive, exclusive alone, characteristic, definite, diacritic, diagnostic, different, discrete, distinct, especial, express, idiosyncratic, indivisible, lone, odd, only, original, own, particular, peculiar, personal, personalized,… …   New thesaurus

  • individual — [in΄də vij′o͞o əl; ] often [ in΄divij′əl] adj. [ML individualis < L individuus (< in , IN 2 + dividuus, divisible < dividere, to DIVIDE) + AL] 1. Obs. not divisible; not separable 2. existing as a single, separate thing or being; single; …   English World dictionary

  • individual — individual. См. индивидуум. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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[ in-duhvij-oo-uhl ]

/ ˌɪn dəˈvɪdʒ u əl /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a single human being, as distinguished from a group.

a person: A strange individual came around asking if we wanted to buy any lamps.

a distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.

a group considered as a unit.


  1. a single organism capable of independent existence.
  2. a member of a compound organism or colony.

Cards. a duplicate-bridge tournament in which each player plays the same number of hands in partnership with every other player, individual scores for each player being kept for each hand.


single; particular; separate: It’s standard practice to number individual copies of a limited edition.

intended for the use of one person only: Servers handed out individual portions of a pizza to guests at the party.

of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular person or thing: The decor was highly reflective of his individual tastes.

distinguished by special, singular, or markedly personal characteristics; exhibiting unique or unusual qualities: She was known for her highly individual style of painting.

existing as a distinct, indivisible entity, or considered as such; discrete: It can be difficult to replace individual parts of a tea set if one breaks.

belonging to a set or group of which each is different or of a different design from the others: For Christmas they got a set of individual coffee cups.



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Origin of individual

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English, from Medieval Latin indīviduālis, equivalent to Latin indīviduus “indivisible” (from in- negative prefix + dīviduus “divided or divisible into two parts”) + -ālis adjective suffix; cf. in-3, divide, -al1

synonym study for individual

usage note for individual

1, 2. As a synonym for person, individual is standard, occurring in all varieties of speech and writing: Three individuals entered the room, each carrying a sheaf of papers. Some object to this use, insisting that individual can mean only “a single human being, as distinguished from a group”: An individual may have concerns that are ignored by their party.


in·ter·in·di·vid·u·al, adjectivenon·in·di·vid·u·al, adjectivesu·per·in·di·vid·u·al, adjective, nounsu·per·in·di·vid·u·al·ly, adverb

trans·in·di·vid·u·al, adjective


individual , person (see usage note at the current entry)

Words nearby individual

indite, indium, indiv., indivertible, individ., individual, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individuality, individualize Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to individual

lone, original, particular, personal, respective, separate, single, singular, sole, special, specific, child, entity, human being, man, party, person, woman, characteristic, diacritic

How to use individual in a sentence

  • In addition, she says, “I do worry about the vaccine hesitant group of individuals.”

  • However, the marketers’ internal models typically don’t get into the specifics of individual media channels.

  • In some states, like Nebraska, individual counties are expanding access to mail-in voting in absence of a statewide directive.

  • It remains to be seen if it will be picked up as an individual piece of legislation.

  • In the past decade, Los Angeles and other counties throughout California have stopped using gang injunctions because research has proven them harmful to families, communities, the individual and eventually society.

  • Each individual race involves an unusual collaboration between researchers, manufacturers, and public-health entities.

  • Can they determine that individual citizens should not have access to rights provided by the Constitution?

  • For anything to work, including law itself, there must be ample room for individual responsibility.

  • Neither individual would go on the record due to the sensitivity of discussing personnel matters.

  • Mistletoes infections can kill individual trees and stands of trees, and most mistletoe species attack specific tree species.

  • Individual samples may be slightly alkaline, especially after a full meal.

  • The individual prisms are usually slender, with one beveled, wedge-like end, but are sometimes needle-like.

  • This, as a piece of pure economics, does not interest the individual employer a particle.

  • A ten-hour day, speaking in general terms and leaving out individual exceptions, is probably more productive than a day of twelve.

  • They wage war as a tribe on account of wrongs done to a private individual.

British Dictionary definitions for individual


of, relating to, characteristic of, or meant for a single person or thing

separate or distinct, esp from others of its kind; particularplease mark the individual pages

characterized by unusual and striking qualities; distinctive

obsolete indivisible; inseparable


a single person, esp when regarded as distinct from others


  1. a single animal or plant, esp as distinct from a species
  2. a single member of a compound organism or colony


  1. Also called: particular an object as opposed to a property or class
  2. an element of the domain of discourse of a theory

Derived forms of individual

individually, adverb

Word Origin for individual

C15: from Medieval Latin indīviduālis, from Latin indīviduus indivisible, from in- 1 + dīviduus divisible, from dīvidere to divide

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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