Meaning of word hang on

уцепиться, прицепиться, крепко держаться, зависеть от, повиснуть, виснуть


- опереться, держаться; уцепиться

help! I can’t hang on any longer! — помогите! Я больше не могу держаться!
goats hanging on to the rock — козы, прилепившиеся к склону горы
we must hang on until reinforcements arrive — нужно продержаться, пока не придёт подкрепление
the boy is always hanging on to his mother’s apron strings — мальчик всё время цепляется за мамину юбку

- не отпускать, не отходить (ни на шаг)

he has hung on to me all day — он не отходил от меня целый день

- разг. идти к цели (не смотря на трудности)

The team hung on for victory. — Команда упорно стремилась к победе.
your task is difficult but you must hang on till it is done — задача у вас трудная, но вы должны выполнить её во что бы то ни стало

- разг. ждать; ожидать (часто у телефона)

hang on (for) a moment — подождите минутку
hang on! — а) не уходите!; б) не вешайте трубку!
I’ll hang on till five to meet you — я подожду вас до пяти

- внимательно слушать

to hang on / to smb.’s words — внимательно слушать, ловить каждое слово
she hung on his every word — она ловила каждое его слово

- зависеть (от чего-либо)

everything hangs on tonight’s game — все зависит от сегодняшней игры
A lot hangs on this decision. — От этого решения зависит многое.

- разг. перекладывать вину на другого

it is unfair to hang the loss on Williams — несправедливо вешать проигрыш на Уильямса

Мои примеры


to hang on for dear life — цепляться за жизнь  
to hang on by on’s /the/ eyelashes /eye brows/ — а) настойчиво требовать, упорно добиваться (чего-л.); б) быть на краю гибели, висеть на волоске  
to hang on by the skin of one’s teeth — держаться из последних сил  
to hang on like grim death — вцепиться мёртвой хваткой  
to hang one on — напиваться до чёртиков (сленг)  
every payday he hangs one on — с каждой получки он напивается до чёртиков  

Примеры с переводом

Hang on tight!

Держитесь крепче!

Hang on! I’ll be back in a minute.

Подождите меня! Я вернусь через минуту.

Don’t worry. Just hang on in there.

Не беспокойтесь. Просто ждите там.

Hang on a minute — let me catch my breath!

Подожди минутку, дай мне отдышаться!

Hang on to your father’s hands.

Крепко держись за руку отца.

I’ll hang on here until the others come.

Я подожду здесь, пока подойдут другие.

Hang on while I grab a cup of coffee.

Подожди немного, я прихвачу (с собой) чашечку кофе.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

hang  — висеть, вешать, развесить, подвешивать, вид, наклон, смысл, манера, склон, скат
on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


You know what, sweetie, hang on.

Look, no, hang on a second.

Слушай, нет, подожди секунду.

Then focus on it and hang on.

Тогда сфокусируйся на этом и держись.

OK, honey, hang on, hang on.

Capsules may hang on the tree for up to 2 years.

Они вполне могут висеть на дереве до 2 лет.

Three swords hang on the wall above him and one is next to him.

Один из мечей находится возле его «ложа», три других висят на стене у него над головой.

For example, the ancient clock belonged to my great-grandmother, and now hang on the wall in my house.

Например, старинные часы принадлежали ещё моей прабабушке, а теперь висят на стене в моём доме.

Almost 6000 of these records have been restored and now hang on the walls of the prison.

Почти 6,000 из этих портретов были восстановлены и теперь висят на тюремных стенах.

Small cupboards hang on the walls.

Черные ящики по-прежнему висят на стенах.

Small doors hang on hinges, thus simplifying installation and disassembly.

Небольшие дверцы висят на петлях, упрощая тем самым монтаж и демонтаж.

You just hang on, okay?

Не думай о фильме. Держись, хорошо?

Okay, hang on — We-We haven’t paid any money.

Так, подожди, мы не платили никаких денег.

You’re in charge… Julián, hang on a second, please.

Ты отвечаешь за… Хулиан, пожалуйста, подожди минутку.

No, hang on, hang on, hang on.

Right, hang on, hang on. 20 in…

Hang on, hang on, I have something for you.

Above him hang on the wall three swords.

Рядом с ним на стене подвешены три меча острием вниз.

You better hang on before you lose your seat.

Ты лучше бери трубку, пока не лишилась места в нем.

Something you could hang on the wall of your barracks.

Что-нибудь такое, что вы могли бы повесить на стенку в своих бараках.

For weeks his life seemed to hang on a thread.

В течение нескольких недель его жизнь, казалось, висела на волоске.

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hang on (third-person singular simple present hangs on, present participle hanging on, simple past and past participle hung on)

  1. (idiomatic, chiefly imperative) To wait a moment.

    Hang on. Let me check.

  2. To hold, grasp, or grip.

    Hang on to the handle so you don’t drop it.

    • 1886, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, H.L. Brækstad, transl., Folk and Fairy Tales, page 271:

      «If you’ll come along, then hang on!» said Hans, and the man had to hang on and limp along on one leg, whether he would or no; and when he tried to tear himself loose, he made it still worse for himself, for he was very nearly falling on his back whenever he struggled to get free.

    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 7, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      Old Applegate, in the stern, just set and looked at me, and Lord James, amidship, waved both arms and kept hollering for help. I took a couple of everlasting big strokes and managed to grab hold of the skiff’s rail, close to the stern. Then, for a jiffy, I hung on and fought for breath.

  3. (idiomatic) To keep; to store something for someone.

    Hang on to my jacket until I get back.

  4. (idiomatic) To pay close attention to, or regard with (possibly obsequious) admiration.

    The audience hangs on his every word.

  5. (idiomatic) To continually believe in something; to have faith in.

    He’s got a philosophy he hangs on to.

  6. (idiomatic) To persevere.

    Just hang on and keep going; this pain won’t last forever.

    • 1972, Lou Reed (lyrics and music), “Perfect Day”:

      It’s such a perfect day, I’m glad I spend it with you / Such a perfect day you just keep me hanging on / You just keep me hanging on

    • 1973, “Time”, in The Dark Side of the Moon, performed by Pink Floyd:

      Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way

  7. (idiomatic) To depend upon.
    Synonym: hang upon

    Everything hangs on whether the boss agrees.


  • (wait a moment): See also Thesaurus:wait
  • (hold, grasp, or grip): See also Thesaurus:grasp
  • (store something for someone): keep, store
  • (continually believe in something): keep faith
  • (persevere): See also Thesaurus:persevere


wait a minute

  • Finnish: odottaa (fi)
  • German: kurz warten
  • Hungarian: várj/várjon egy kicsit (literally wait a bit [informal/formal]), máris jövök/megnézem (literally I’ll come/check it out right away)
  • Japanese: どっこい (dokkoi)
  • Maori: tāria
  • Portuguese: esperar aí
  • Scottish Gaelic: dad ort
  • Swedish: vänta nu
  • Tagalog: sandali (tl)

to keep; to store something for someone

to pay close attention to, or regard with admiration

See also[edit]

  • hold
  • hold on
  • hold up


  • Hong’an

hang on

1. verb To physically hold something. Hang on tight so that you don’t fall.

2. To suspend something from some surface or thing. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between «hang» and «on.» We always hang our stockings on the mantle on Christmas Eve.

3. To wait. Often used as an imperative. Hang on, I can’t find my keys in my bag. A: «There’s a customer waiting.» B: «She’ll just have to hang on a minute.»

4. To try to assign responsibility for something to someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between «hang» and «on.» Don’t hang our lateness on me—I was actually ready on time!

5. To persist. I don’t know how much longer I can hang on without a job.

6. To depend on someone or something. Whether or not I enjoy this weekend hangs on what the doctor tells me when he calls.

7. To keep something for someone. Can you hang on to my mail until I’m back in town?

8. To wait on the phone. Please hang on while I transfer your call.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

hang something on someone or something

to drape or hook something on someone or something. (See also .) Hangthissign on Walter and see how he looks. Please hang this sign on the front door.

hang something on someone

Sl. to blame something on someone; to frame someone for something. (See also hang something on someone or something.) Don’t try to hang the blame on me! The sheriff tried to hang the bank robbery on Jed.

hang on

 (to someone or something) and hold on (to someone or something)

1. Lit. to grasp someone or something. She hung on to her husband to keep warm. She sat there and hung on, trying to keep warm.

2. Fig. to detain someone or something. Please hang on to Tom if he’s still there. I need to talk to him.

hang on


1. to wait awhile. Hang on a minute. I need to talk to you. Hang on. Let me catch up with you.

2. to survive for awhile. I think we can hang on without electricity for a little while longer.

3. [for an illness] to linger or persist. This cold has been hanging on for a month. This is the kind of flu that hangs on for weeks.

4. be prepared for fast or rough movement. (Usually a command.) Hang on! The train is going very fast. Hang on! We’re going to crash!

5. to pause in a telephone conversation. Please hang on until I get a pen. If you’ll hang on, I’ll get her.

hang on

(someone’s) every word Cliché to listen closely or with awe to what someone says. I am hanging on your every word. Please go on. The audience hung on her every word throughout the speech.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

hang on

1. hang on to. Cling tightly to something, retain, as in Hang on to those papers before they blow away. [Mid-1800s] Also see hang on to your hat.

2. Continue persistently, persevere, as in This cough is hanging on much longer than I expected, or He was hanging on, hoping business would improve when interest rates went down. This usage was sometimes embellished to hang on by one’s eyelashes or eyebrows or eyelids , meaning «to persist at any cost.» [Second half of 1800s]

3. Keep a telephone connection open, as in Please hang on, I’ll see if he’s in. [First half of 1900s]

4. Wait for a short time, be patient, as in Hang on, I’m getting it as fast as I can. [First half of 1900s]

5. Depend on, as in Our plans hang on their decision about the new park. [Colloquial; second half of 1900s]

6. Blame on, as in They’ll try to hang that robbery on the same gang, but I don’t think they’ll succeed. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]

7. hang one on. Get very drunk, as in Come on, let’s go and hang one on. [Slang; mid-1900s] Also see the subsequent idioms beginning with hang on.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

hang on


1. To affix or mount something to some place or fixture that holds it and prevents it from falling: Please hang your hats on the hooks of the coat rack. I hung the picture on the wall.

2. To cling tightly to something: The cat hung on to the draperies until I was able to get it down.

3. To wait for a short period of time: Hang on, would you? I’ll be there in a moment.

4. To continue persistently; persevere: The family is hanging on despite financial problems.

5. To depend on something or someone for an outcome: My whole future could hang on the results of this test.

6. To blame something on someone, especially unfairly: We lost the game, but you can’t hang that on me.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

hang something on someone

tv. to blame something on someone; to frame someone for something. Don’t try to hang the blame on me!

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (something) to go on
  • a thing of the past
  • (something) is the new (something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn’t (do something) if I were you
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a casualty of (something)

intransitive verb


: to keep hold : hold on to something


: to persist tenaciously

a cold that hung on all spring


hang on to

: to hold, grip, or keep tenaciously

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

The claim: Image shows Nashville shooter’s bedroom A March 28 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) features a screenshot of a tweet that includes a picture of a cluttered bedroom with several flags, including the transgender and democratic socialist flags, hung on the walls.

Hannah Hudnall, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

Either way, these will look chic hanging on your wall.

Kate Mcgregor, Better Homes & Gardens, 22 Mar. 2023

Linus Ullmark and Brandon Carlo, hanging on Jeremy Swayman’s every word, shouldered their way into a clutch of a dozen or more reporters who gathered around the Bruins goalie Sunday after his 7-0 shutout win (26 stops) over the Sabres in Buffalo.

Kevin Paul Dupont,, 20 Mar. 2023

Framed platinum and gold records from bands like Dokken hang on the wall behind him.

Matt Wake |, al, 17 Mar. 2023

As for Jaime, getting played with a fake idol was not nearly as embarrassing as being left hanging on a high-five by Matthew for an absurdly awkward amount of time.

Dalton Ross,, 16 Mar. 2023

The players’ eyes were locked on the 33-year-old, hanging on her every word.

Marisa Ingemi, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 Mar. 2023

Centerville big man Baboucarr Njie was called for a technical for hanging on the rim with 10.3 seconds left, opening the door for the Panthers to pull within three once again at 50-47.

Shelby Dermer, The Enquirer, 9 Mar. 2023

The finalists can be seen on a loop in a digital frame, while the winners hang on the museum’s walls.

Molly Enking, Smithsonian Magazine, 9 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘hang on.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

circa 1719, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of hang on was
circa 1719

Dictionary Entries Near hang on

Cite this Entry

“Hang on.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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