Meaning of word got around

get around

1. To spread among a number of people, as of news, rumors, etc. When news of this tax scandal gets around, your career in politics will be finished!

2. slang To have sex with many different partners. I’d practice safe sex with him if I were you—I hear he tends to get around.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

get around someone or something


1. Lit. to cluster around someone or something. Tell every one to get around the cat so she won’t run away. Let’s get around Mary and sing «Happy Birthday» to her.

2. . to manage to go around someone or something. We couldn’t get around the fallen tree, so we turned back. Mary couldn’t get around the people standing in the hallway.

3. Fig. to avoid or elude an authority or regulation that constitutes a barrier; to circumvent someone or something in order to get one’s way. We knew she would oppose us, so we got around her and got it approved by someone else. I know I can find a way to get around the rule.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

get around

1. Also, get round. Circumvent or evade, as in He managed to get around the rules for visiting hours. [Late 1800s]

2. Also, get round. Convince or win over by flattery or cajoling, as in Karen knew just how to get around her father, or I’ll try to get round him but I’m not sure it’ll work. [Mid-1800s]

3. Travel from place to place; also, be active socially. For example, It’s hard to get around without a car, or Mary is never without a date-she really gets around. [First half of 1900s] Also see get about, def. 1.

4. Become known, circulate, as in Reports of her resignation got around quickly. [c. 1950] Also see get about, def. 2.

5. get around to or get round to. Find the time or occasion for, as in Dean never gets around to cleaning up the garage. [Late 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

get around


1. To travel from place to place in some region: I use a bicycle to get around my neighborhood. It is hard to get around town without a car.

2. To become known; circulate: The rumors got around quickly. It eventually got around that the movie star had been arrested.

3. To be known to many different people in different social settings: You certainly get around; you seem to know everybody!

4. Slang To engage in numerous amorous affairs with a variety of people; be promiscuous: The team captain really gets around.

5. To circumvent, avoid, or evade something: The debater managed to get around the real issues.

6. To cause someone to circumvent or evade something: Your advice got me around the problem easily.

7. To do something when the right opportunity arises or when it is convenient: I haven’t gotten around to finishing my schoolwork yet. Eventually we’ll get around to building a new balcony.

8. To convince someone; change someone’s mind: My friends’ constant pleas finally got me around to joining them on their trip.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • get round
  • get round (someone)
  • get round (something)
  • want
  • scoop
  • get the scoop (on someone or something)
  • word gets around
  • good
  • more at 11
  • break a story
  • 1
    get around


    1) Общая лексика: подойти, приблизиться, обойти , путешествовать , добраться , избежать (чего-л.) , удосужиться, удосуживаться, быть подвижным, обвести

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get around

  • 2
    get around

    Персональный Сократ > get around

  • 3
    get around

    1. II

    2. XVI

    3. XVII

    get around to doing smth. get around to reading these books выбрать время /собраться/ прочесть эти книги и т. д., I’ll get around to doing it some day я когда-нибудь доберусь до этого; when I got around to buying tickets it was too late когда я, наконец, собрался купить билеты, было уже поздно

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > get around

  • 4
    get around

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > get around

  • 5
    get around to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get around to

  • 6
    get around

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > get around

  • 7
    get around

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > get around

  • 8
    get around


    1. = get about 1, 2, 3

    2. = get round 2

    after a long delay he got around to writing the letter — после длительной задержки он наконец написал это письмо

    НБАРС > get around

  • 9
    get around

    фраз. гл.

    1) навещать, посещать

    Do get your new boyfriend round to see us. — Обязательно приводи к нам своего нового парня.


    3) распространяться, становиться известным

    Stories have been getting round concerning the government’s secret intentions. — Поползли слухи о тайных намерениях правительства.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > get around

  • 10
    get around

    get along — жить; прожить; обходиться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. avoid (verb) avoid; duck; elude; escape; evade; shun

    2. circulate (verb) circle; circulate; fly about; get about; go about; go around; move around; spread; travel; wander

    3. hedge (verb) bypass; circumvent; dodge; hedge; side-step; skirt

    English-Russian base dictionary > get around

  • 11
    get around to

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > get around to

  • 12
    get around

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > get around

  • 13
    get around (to)

    Общая лексика:

    добраться , удосужиться, удосуживаться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get around (to)

  • 14
    get around


    обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-либо; заставить сделать по-своему


    навещать, посещать; приводить в гости


    распространять(ся), становиться известным


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > get around

  • 15
    get around to

    находить время, вернуться после перерыва

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > get around to

  • 16
    get around

    подойти, приближаться, распространиться, становиться известным

    * * *

    1) передвигаться
    2) обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; заставить сделать по-своему
    3) обходить (закон, вопрос и т. п.)
    4) навещать, посещать; приводить в гости

    Новый англо-русский словарь > get around

  • 17
    get around

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > get around

  • 18
    get around


    . to make oneself a figure of importance in the underworld

    English-Russian dictionary of the underworld > get around

  • 19
    get around to doing something

     собраться делать что-то

    Let’s get around to cleaning the house.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > get around to doing something

  • 20
    get around a law

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get around a law


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • get around — {v.} 1a. To go to different places; move about. * /Mary s father really gets around; Monday he was in Washington; Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York./ * /Fred broke his leg, but he is able to get about on crutches./ 1b.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get around — {v.} 1a. To go to different places; move about. * /Mary s father really gets around; Monday he was in Washington; Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York./ * /Fred broke his leg, but he is able to get about on crutches./ 1b.… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get around — (something) to find a way to avoid a problem. He was trying to get around paying tax on that income …   New idioms dictionary

  • get around to — (doing something) to find time to do something. I wanted to see that movie but never got around to it …   New idioms dictionary

  • get around — phrasal verb Word forms get around : present tense I/you/we/they get around he/she/it gets around present participle getting around past tense got around past participle got around 1) [intransitive] to go or travel to different places At the age… …   English dictionary

  • get around to — verb do something despite obstacles such as lack of time (Freq. 4) He finally got around to painting the windows • Hypernyms: ↑act, ↑move • Verb Frames: Somebody s VERB ing * * * get around to ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • get around — (in BRIT, also use get round) 1) PHRASAL VERB To get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it. [V P n] None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth. Syn: get over 2) PHRASAL VERB… …   English dictionary

  • get around to — phrasal verb get around to or get round to [transitive] Word forms get around to : present tense I/you/we/they get around to he/she/it gets around to present participle getting around to past tense got around to past participle got around to get… …   English dictionary

  • get around — v 1a. To go to different places; move about. Mary s father really gets around; Monday he was in Washington; Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York. Fred broke his leg, but he is able to get about on crutches. 1b. or get about To …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get around — verb a) To move to the other side of an obstruction. It might be a while before we can get around from this traffic jam. b) To come around something. Theres no trail going through. We cant get around to the lake. Syn: get round …   Wiktionary

  • get around — v. (d; intr.) ( to find time ) to get around to (we finally got around to answering our correspondence) * * * [ getə raʊnd] (d; intr.) ( to find time ) to get around to (we finally got around to answering our correspondence) …   Combinatory dictionary

got around — перевод на русский

It’ll take four or five hours to get around this cliff.

Понадобится часа четыре или пять, чтобы обойти эту скалу.

If I wrote an article in November 1936… showing that there were 17 ways… to get around the dead man statutes…

Если я написал статью в ноябре 1936 года… показывающую, что имеется 17 путей… чтобы обойти законы о покойных… мне не надо говорить, что Mr.

He had a reputation that was hard to get around.

У него была репутация которую было трудно обойти.

We can get around that.

Это можно обойти.

I can get around a city like New York, but I… sometimes need a point in the right direction.

Я могу обойти город подобно Нью-Йорку, но я… иногда нуждайтесь в правильном направлении.

Показать ещё примеры для «обойти»…

I just hadn’t got around to it yet.

Просто я не успел до них добраться.

We never got around to that.

Он не успел сказать.

I didn’t get around to it.

— Нет, не успел.

— Never got around to telling you.

— Я не успел тебе сказать.

No, I couldn’t get around to it yesterday.

Нет. Я вчера не успел.

Показать ещё примеры для «успел»…

That way, he can get around by himself.

Таким образом, он может передвигаться самостоятельно.

It’s gonna be hard to get around when your toes are permanently curled.

Будет немного трудновато передвигаться, когда твои пальцы скрючены.

At least you can still get around on your own.

В конце концов, ты всё ещё можешь передвигаться на своих двоих.

You can get around pretty easy on a Wraith ship.

По кораблю Рейфов можно передвигаться довольно легко.

He can’t get around.

Он не может передвигаться.

Показать ещё примеры для «передвигаться»…

When you do finally get around to it, I’ll be the one covered in flies with a belly that protrudes halfway to bloody Boston!

К тому времени когда все будет готово, тут все уже покроется мухами с животом на пол пути в кровавый бостон!

Well, that’s just what I was getting around to, ma’am.

Ну, это только, то на что хватило времени, мэм.

I did never… get around to putting these in the book proper.

У меня… не было времени вклеить эти фотографии.

It’s about time we got around to doing Fusion!

Сейчас самое время делать Слияние!

I never got around to it.

У него времени не было.

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get around (third-person singular simple present gets around, present participle getting around, simple past got around, past participle (UK) got around or (US) gotten around)

  1. To move to the other side of (something, such as an obstruction) by deviating from a direct course or following a curved path.
    The tide was too high, and we couldn’t get around the rocks.
    There’s no trail going through. We can’t get around to the lake.
    We’ll get a good view of the mountains when we get around the bend.
  2. (figuratively) To avoid or bypass an obstacle.
    Tax consultants look for ways to get around the law.
  3. To circumvent the obligation and performance of a chore; to get out of.
    How did you get around having to write the executive report?
    My brother always gets around cleaning his room himself.
  4. To transport oneself from place to place.
    How’s he gonna get around without a car?
    Granny uses a wheelchair to get around.
  5. To visit numerous different places.
    • 1964, Brian Wilson and Mike Love, I Get Around (Beach Boys song).
      I’m gettin’ bugged driving up and down the same old strip
      I gotta find a new place where the kids are hip
      My buddies and me are getting real well known
      Yeah, the bad guys know us and they leave us alone
      I get around (get around round round I get around)
      From town to town (get around round round I get around)
  6. (slang) To be sexually promiscuous.
    Wow, she really gets around.
  7. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see get,‎ around.


The terms below need to be checked and allocated to the definitions (senses) of the headword above. Each term should appear in the sense for which it is appropriate. For synonyms and antonyms you may use the templates {{syn|en|...}} or {{ant|en|...}}.
  • get round
  • go around

Derived terms[edit]

  • get around to
  • word gets around


Translations to be checked


  • don’t argue, don’t-argue, outranged

The English phrasal verb GET AROUND has the following meanings:

1. Get around = to become known

(intransitive) When something becomes known, especially news. This phrasal verb is sometimes used in a negative way, as in when something becomes known by a lot of people, especially when it should not be known.

  • The photo that I posted online got around very quickly.
  • Word got around the office that Mark was getting married.
  • Lisa has trouble keeping a secret. Once she knows your secret, it will get around in no time.

2. Get around = to go to different places.

(intransitive) When someone moves about or can go to different places without any difficulty, especially if you are old or have a health issue. It means to go from place to place. Synonyms include move, travel, and go places.

  • I don’t have my own car, but I still manage to get around.
  • Since Jason broke his leg, it is difficult for him to get around.
  • My grandmother gets around in a wheelchair.

3. Get around = to avoid a problem or rule

(transitive) To find a way to avoid a problem or difficulty. To find a way of doing something that is against the rules but without actually breaking them. Synonyms are to avoid, evade, circumvent, or bypass.

  • I don’t have much experience so I tried to get around this during the interview by showing I am willing to learn.
  • Some international companies find a way to get around the local tax rules.
  • The website required me to enter a password, but I got around it and was able to read their articles.

Notice this regional difference:
Get around => American English
Get round => British English
With this meaning, get round is used in British English instead of get around.

Get around – Summary Chart

GET AROUND - Meaning and examples of the English Phrasal Verb GET AROUND

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