Meaning of word generally

The term generally refers to loans given to borrowers with weak credit. ❋ Nick Timiraos (2011)

As you can see, the term generally gets us somewhere between a man and a sandwich! ❋ Tim Jahnigen (2011)

Thats a matter of definition, but as the term generally is defined in France, no. ❋ Mark Caro (2009)

Criteria are confusing, but the term generally refers to learning problems in which the defining characteristic is the failure to learn, in spite of average or better intelligence, and in the absence of such primary contributing factors as emotional disorders, sensory impairment and gross neurological dysfunction. ❋ Judith Marks Mishne (1986)

Fifty years later, University of Florida researchers began developing Florida-friendly varieties of highbush berries, the term generally used for cultivated blueberries. ❋ The Huffington Post News Editors (2011)

The term generally describes politically motivated killings of public officials while the law of war limits targeting to those with military roles, even if they are civilians. ❋ Unknown (2011)

«Recordation is a term generally used in the context of Historic American Building Surveys or Historic American Engineering Records,» NASA’s federal preservation officer Jennifer Groman told collectSPACE in an e-mail. ❋ Unknown (2012)

But while familiar brands like Coors’ «Silver Bullet» and Bud may still dominate refrigerators and football commercials, craft beers a term generally tied to a brewery’s modest size, traditional methods and independent ownership are steadily boosting their market share. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Medium format is a term generally associated with film cameras, though digital medium format models do exist other than Samsung’s prototype. ❋ Kat Hannaford (2011)

Consider that, by the end of this period, the word generally used to say “you” was you. ❋ Leslie Dunton-Downer (2010)

While «cow» is the word generally used to describe these bovines, in industry parlance it specifically refers to a female that has already given birth. ❋ Marshall Eckblad (2011)

First, the term generally came to include same sex unions and only then was there a political campaign to get government to recognize them assuch. ❋ Unknown (2010)

That could mean introducing «labour market reforms» (an interesting choice of language here), which generally is code for being able to sack workers and destroy the power of trade unions. ❋ Unknown (2009)

According to Wikipedia, “metrosexual” is “…a neologism generally applied to heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance, or whose lifestyle displays attributes stereotypically seen among gay men.” ❋ Jack Canfield (2009)

The term generally originates from spasticity, a medical condition characterised by hypertonia, or a high degree of muscle tightness. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A fairly good indicator of bin Laden’s status in Sudan, at any given time, is the status of Hassan al-Turabi, who, using the term generally, was his sponsor. al-Turabi follows a different drummer than many, having negotiated support agreements with Saddam and the Kurds. ❋ Unknown (2009)

She challenged cultural studies academics who had spent about two decades interrogating the ideological bases for value judgements to counter the common sense understanding of the term generally historical and educational with definitions of their own, suggesting that ‘quality’ television could be innovative television that pushed the boundaries of the medium. ❋ Kirsty (2008)

Ex 1: Remember [basic becky], her sh*t is old that she has become generic.
Ex2: person 1: omg she is [so BASIC]! Person 2: [oh please] that would be a compliment to her, she is straight up Generic… ❋ Gmoneyx3 (2015)

Non-Millennial: All Millennials are so PC it hurts.
Millennial: Uh, I’m part of [Generation Y] and I don’t even give [two shits] about political correctness.
Non-Millennial: Really?
Millennial: Yeah. Instead of going with [generation generalization], how about we all just stop generalizing the hell out of different generations and actually work together to make this world a much better place for us to live in. ❋ CelticEagle (2019)

The general, dubbed el ghhheneral (Spanish for the general) during the Cold War, was Americas secret weapon in case of a soviet nuclear attack. If it ever reaches its full potential of girth and length it is capable of world annihilation. This was a key factor in ensuring a victory and discouraging the more widespread adoption of communism. The general, or gran [polla], is also credited with averting [the Cuban missile crisis] and the Russian flop in the [miracle on ice] game of 1980.
The general, with its numerous veins and capillaries, is able to pump 21,000 gallons of blood per second through its enlarged tissue. Far surpassing the average per gallon of water output that the beloved eyesore that is niagra falls manages ❋ Heinous Gypsy (2015)

[rules]: no [memes] in #[general] ❋ JarvisBanned (2020)

[Taylor] gave me a [generous] amount of [cash] for my trip. ❋ #Hugatree (2017)

Ad by prostitute: «Young attractive woman specify height, weight, bra size, hair color, eye color, looking for a generous man. I am in my early twenties and I feel like I need a mature man who is serious and in control of his life.»
Ad by potential client: «Mature, suburban family father, and professional [man looking] for a young woman who will share her interests with me. I own my house, my car is paid and my job gives me great [financial security]. I am generous by nature and I will [pamper] the right woman.» ❋ Mlu008 (2008)

1 & 3. [Generic] [meds] have [generic] [packaging] and are a lot less expensive.
4. Some people think they’re generic too. ❋ Downstrike (2004)

That guy that just [moved to] [the 4th] floor is so [generaled]. ❋ Your World (2007)

«americans are all [racists]»
«[how are you going] to [generalize] a whole fucking country like that» ❋ PI55 (2018)

«He’s from [the eighties] generation, because he was born in ’81. I’m from the [sixties] generation [’cause] I was born in ’66.» ❋ The Hobgibbon (2005)

- обычно, как правило

what time do you generally get up? — когда ты обычно встаёшь?
I generally go to the theatre on Sundays — я, как правило, хожу в театр по воскресеньям

- в общем смысле, вообще

generally speaking — вообще говоря; в общих чертах
generally and particularly — в общем и в частности

- широко, повсеместно; в большинстве случаев

generally received — общепринятый
an opinion generally held — широко распространённое мнение, общее мнение
the new plan was generally welcomed [accepted] — новый план был повсеместно встречен с одобрением [принят]
it is generally assumed that … — принято считать /обычно считают/, что …

I had a generally good day.

В целом, день у меня был хороший.

Frogs generally feed at night.

Лягушки, как правило, питаются в ночное время.

I generally get in to work by 8.00.

Как правило, я прихожу на работу к восьми.

He was generally punctual to a minute.

Обычно он был пунктуален до минуты.

It was generally a positive conversation.

В целом, это был конструктивный разговор.

He talked generally about his plans.

О своих планах он говорил вообще, не вдаваясь в подробности.

This style of music is generally referred to the 18th century.

Музыку такого стиля обычно относят к восемнадцатому веку.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

…he generally likened a root canal to some horrible form of torture…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

general  — общий, генеральный, обычный, генерал, полководец
generalism  — общее утверждение, общее место, эрудированность

  • 1

    1) обы́чно, как пра́вило; в це́лом;

    2) в о́бщем смы́сле, вообще́

    3) широ́ко́ ( распространённый); в большинстве́ слу́чаев, бо́льшей ча́стью;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > generally

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > generally

  • 3


    generally в общем смысле, вообще generally как правило generally обычно, как правило; в целом; it is generally recognized общепризнано generally обычно generally широко (распространенный); в большинстве случаев, большей частью; the plan was generally welcomed план был одобрен большинством generally обычно, как правило; в целом; it is generally recognized общепризнано generally широко (распространенный); в большинстве случаев, большей частью; the plan was generally welcomed план был одобрен большинством

    English-Russian short dictionary > generally

  • 4



    1) обычно, как правило, обыкновенно, в целом

    Children generally get up very early. — Дети обычно встают очень рано.

    We generally do not get home before six. — Мы обычно/как правило приходим домой не раньше шести.

    2) вообще, в общем смысле, в общих чертах, собственно говоря

    Generally speaking, there is no creating difference between these statements. — Вообще-то между этими утверждениями нет большой разницы.

    She spoke generally about this event. — Она говорила об этом событии в общих чертах.

    3) большей частью, вообще, в большинстве, повсеместно

    The members of the committee were generally in favour of the proposal and voted almost unanimously. — Члены комитета в большинстве своем высказались в пользу этого предложения и проголосовали за него почти единогласно.


    (1.) Generally 1. — обычно, как правило, определяет предикативные члены предложения: children generally get up very early дети обычно встают очень рано. (2.) Generally 2. относится ко всему предложению, чаще всего стоит в начале отделяется запятой. (3.) Generally 3. относится к непредикативным членам предложения. (4.) For generally 1., See always, adv; USAGE (1.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > generally

  • 5


    1. обычно, как правило

    what time do you generally get up? — когда ты обычно встаёшь?

    I generally go to the theatre on Sundays — я, как правило, хожу в театр по воскресеньям

    2. в общем смысле, вообще

    generally speaking — вообще говоря; в общих чертах

    3. широко, повсеместно; в большинстве случаев

    an opinion generally held — широко распространённое мнение, общее мнение

    the new plan was generally welcomed [accepted] — новый план был повсеместно встречен с одобрением [принят]

    it is generally assumed that… — принято считать /обычно считают/, что…

    НБАРС > generally

  • 6


    как правило (AS a rule, generally, as a general rule)

    в общем (in general, generally, in all, on the whole, altogether, all in all)

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > generally

  • 7

    ˈdʒenərəlɪ нареч.
    1) обычно, как правило;
    в целом Syn: usually, commonly
    2) в общем смысле, вообще generally speaking ≈ вообще говоря
    3) редк. широко (распространенный) ;
    в большинстве случаев, большей частью The opinion of the meeting was generally favourable to the amendment. ≈ Мнение собрания было по большей части благосклонным в отношении повестки дня. Syn: extensively
    обычно, как правило — what time do you * get up? когда ты обычно встаешь? — I * go to the theatre on Sundays я, как правило, хожу в театр по воскресеньям в общем смысле, вообще — * speaking вообще говоря, в общих чертах — * and particularly в общем и в частности широко, повсеместно;
    в большинстве случаев — * received общепринятый — an opinion * held широко распространенное мнение, общее мнение — the new plan was * welcomed новый план был повсеместно встречен с одобрением — it is assumed that… принято считать /обычно считают/, что…
    generally в общем смысле, вообще ~ как правило ~ обычно, как правило;
    в целом;
    it is generally recognized общепризнано ~ обычно ~ широко (распространенный) ;
    в большинстве случаев, большей частью;
    the plan was generally welcomed план был одобрен большинством
    ~ обычно, как правило;
    в целом;
    it is generally recognized общепризнано
    ~ широко (распространенный) ;
    в большинстве случаев, большей частью;
    the plan was generally welcomed план был одобрен большинством

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > generally

  • 8

    1. adv обычно, как правило

    2. adv в общем смысле, вообще

    3. adv широко, повсеместно; в большинстве случаев

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. commonly (adj.) commonly; in general; often; ordinarily; regularly; usually

    2. almost (other) about; all but; almost; approximately; in round numbers; nearly; roughly; thereabouts

    3. altogether (other) all in all; altogether; by and large; en masse; on the whole

    4. chiefly (other) chiefly; in general; in the main; largely; mainly; mostly; overall; predominantly; primarily; principally

    5. globally (other) comprehensively; generically; globally; universally

    6. usually (other) as a rule; by ordinary; commonly; frequently; ordinarily; usually

    Антонимический ряд:

    infrequently; occasionally; rarely; seldom

    English-Russian base dictionary > generally

  • 9



    1) обычно, как правило; в целом

    — generally adopted
    — generally used


    2) в общем смысле, вообще

    3) в большинстве случаев, большей частью

    The opinion of the meeting was generally favourable to the amendment. — Мнение собрания было по большей части благосклонным в отношении поправок.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > generally

  • 10


    в общем смысле; вообще; широко, повсеместно

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > generally

  • 11

    Англо-русский технический словарь > generally

  • 12


    1) обычно, как правило; в целом; it is generally recognized общепризнано

    2) в общем смысле, вообще

    3) широко (распространенный); в большинстве случаев, большей частью; the plan was generally welcomed план был одобрен большинством

    * * *

    1 (0) в общем; в основном; в целом

    2 (d) в общем; вообще; обычно

    * * *

    вообще; обычно

    * * *

    [gen·er·al·ly || ‘dʒenərəlɪ]
    обычно, как правило, в целом, в общем, в общем смысле, вообще, в большинстве случаев, большей частью

    * * *











    * * *

    1) обычно, как правило; в целом
    2) в общем смысле
    3) редк. широко (распространенный); в большинстве случаев, большей частью

    Новый англо-русский словарь > generally

  • 13

    1) в целом

    2) чаще всего

    3) за редким исключением

    it is generally accepted that… принято считать, что…; широко распространено мнение о том, что…;

    A is generally considered to… Принято считать, что А…

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > generally

  • 14

    English-Russian word troubles > generally

  • 15

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > generally

  • 16

    ˈdʒenərəlɪшироко, большинством, в общем смысле, вообще,обычно

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > generally

  • 17

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Generally

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > generally

  • 19


    обычно, как правило; в целом

    в общем смысле, вообще

    широко (распространенный); в большинстве случаев, большей частью

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > generally

  • 20

    обычно, вообще; в общем смысле; большей частью

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > generally


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Generally — Concepteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GeneRally — Concepteur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GeneRally — Разработчик Ханну Рёбино, Юкка Рёбино Дата выпуска 16 мая 2002 …   Википедия

  • GeneRally — Entwickler Hannu Jukka Räbinä Erstveröffent lichung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Generally — Gen er*al*ly, adv. 1. In general; commonly; extensively, though not universally; most frequently. [1913 Webster] 2. In a general way, or in general relation; in the main; upon the whole; comprehensively. [1913 Webster] Generally speaking, they… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • generally — [jen′ər əl ē, jen′rə lē, jen′ər lē] adv. 1. to or by most people; widely; popularly; extensively [a generally accepted usage] 2. in most instances; usually; as a rule 3. in a general way or sense; without reference to details or individual cases; …   English World dictionary

  • generally — I adverb as a rule, chiefly, commonly, customarily, extensively, for the most part, habitually, in general, in most cases, in the main, in the usual course of things, mainly, most frequently, most often, naturally, normally, on the whole,… …   Law dictionary

  • generally — including everyone; in a general way, without reference to particulars, mid 14c., from GENERAL (Cf. general) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • generally — mostly, chiefly, mainly, principally, *largely, greatly …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • generally — [adv] mainly, in most cases about, all in all, almost always, altogether, approximately, as a rule, broadly, by and large, chiefly, commonly, conventionally, customarily, en masse, extensively, for the most part, habitually, largely, mostly,… …   New thesaurus

  • generally — ► ADVERB 1) in most cases. 2) without regard to particulars or exceptions. 3) widely …   English terms dictionary



From Middle English generally, generalliche, equivalent to general +‎ -ly.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ɹə.liː/, IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ə.ɹə.li/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ɚ.li/, IPA(key): /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ɚ.ə.li/


generally (comparative more generally, superlative most generally)

  1. Popularly or widely.

    It is generally known that the Earth is round.

  2. As a rule; usually.

    I generally have a walk in the afternoon.

    • 1661, John Fell, The Life of the most learned, reverend and pious Dr. H. Hammond
      During the whole time of his abode in the university he generally spent thirteen hours of the day in study; by which assiduity besides an exact dispatch of the whole course of philosophy, he read over in a manner all classic authors that are extant []
    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter I, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC, page 2:

      He used to drop into my chambers once in a while to smoke, and was first-rate company. When I gave a dinner there was generally a cover laid for him. I liked the man for his own sake, and even had he promised to turn out a celebrity it would have had no weight with me.

    • 1922, Michael Arlen, “3/19/2”, in “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days:

      Ivor had acquired more than a mile of fishing rights with the house ; he was not at all a good fisherman, but one must do something ; one generally, however, banged a ball with a squash-racket against a wall.

  3. Without reference to specific details.

    Generally speaking …

    • 1848, Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son
      “There ain’t no drain of nothing short handy, is there?” said the Chicken, generally. “This here sluicing night is hard lines to a man as lives on his condition.”
      Captain Cuttle proffered a glass of rum []
  4. In the general case, without exception.

    It is generally true that the angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees.

  5. (obsolete) Collectively; as a whole; without omissions.
    • }


  • (popularly or widely): commonly
  • (as a rule; usually): basically, by and large, commonly, ordinarily, mostly, regularly, wontedly; see also Thesaurus:mostly or Thesaurus:usually or Thesaurus:normally
  • (without reference to specific details): generically; see also Thesaurus:generally
  • (collectively): collaboratively, en masse; see also Thesaurus:jointly

Derived terms[edit]

  • generally speaking


popularly or widely

  • Arabic: عُمُومًا(ʕumūman)
  • Armenian: ընդհանրապես (hy) (əndhanrapes)
  • Azerbaijani: ümumilikdə, ümumiyyətlə, ümumiyyətcə, ümumiliklə
  • Bashkir: ғөмүмән (ğömümän)
  • Catalan: generalment (ca)
  • Finnish: yleensä (fi), tavallisesti (fi)
  • French: généralement (fr), en général (fr)
  • Galician: xeralmente (gl)
  • Georgian: ფართოდ (partod), ზოგადად (zogadad)
  • German: allgemein (de), gewöhnlich (de), im Allgemeinen (de)
  • Indonesian: secara umum
  • Italian: in genere (it), generalmente (it)
  • Japanese: 広く (ひろく, hiroku), 汎く (あまねく, amaneku), 通常 (ja) (tsūjō), 一般に (ja) (ippan ni)
  • Latin: plērumque
  • Maltese: ġeneralment
  • Middle English: generally
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: generelt (no), allment
  • Occitan: generalament
  • Old English: ġewunelīċe
  • Polish: powszechnie (pl)
  • Portuguese: geralmente (pt), em geral
  • Russian: вообще́ (ru) (voobščé), широко́ (ru) (širokó)
  • Scottish Gaelic: san fharsaingeachd
  • Serbo-Croatian: opće
  • Spanish: generalmente (es), por lo general
  • Turkish: genellikle (tr)
  • Yiddish: בכלל(bikhlal)

as a rule; usually

  • Armenian: սովորաբար (hy) (sovorabar), ընդհանրապես (hy) (əndhanrapes)
  • Azerbaijani: ümumilikdə, ümumiyyətlə, ümumiyyətcə, ümumiliklə, bir qayda olaraq, ümumən
  • Bashkir: ғәҙәттә (ğäðättä)
  • Breton: peurvuiañ (br), peurliesañ (br)
  • Bulgarian: обикновено (bg) (obiknoveno)
  • Catalan: generalment (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 通常 (zh) (tōngcháng), 一般 (zh) (yībān)
  • Dutch: in het algemeen
  • Esperanto: ĝenerale
  • Finnish: yleensä (fi), tavallisesti (fi)
  • French: généralement (fr)
  • Galician: xeralmente (gl)
  • Georgian: როგორც წესი (rogorc c̣esi), საერთოდ (saertod), ჩვეულებრივ (čveulebriv)
  • German: hauptsächlich (de), überhaupt (de), üblicherweise (de)
  • Greek: συνήθως (el) (syníthos)
  • Hebrew: בְּדֶּרֶךְ כְּלָל (he) (b’dérech klal), בד»כ(acronym)
  • Hungarian: általában (hu)
  • Indonesian: biasanya (id)
  • Italian: in genere (it), di solito (it)
  • Japanese: 通常 (ja) (tsūjō), 一般に (ja) (ippan ni)
  • Latin: ferē (la), fermē
  • Maori: ko te tikanga
  • Middle English: generally
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: vanligvis, hovedsakelig (no), som oftest
  • Old English: ġewunelīċe
  • Polish: zwykle (pl), zazwyczaj (pl), z reguły (pl)
  • Portuguese: geralmente (pt), em geral
  • Russian: обы́чно (ru) (obýčno), как пра́вило (ru) (kak právilo)
  • Scottish Gaelic: san fharsaingeachd
  • Serbo-Croatian: obično (sh)
  • Spanish: generalmente (es), por lo general
  • Swedish: i största allmänhet
  • Turkish: çoğunlukla (tr)
  • Ukrainian: зазвича́й (zazvyčáj), як пра́вило (jak právylo)
  • Volapük: in valem
  • Walloon: å pus sovint (wa)
  • Yiddish: בכלל(bikhlal)

without reference to specific details

  • Armenian: ընդհանրապես (hy) (əndhanrapes)
  • Azerbaijani: ümumilikdə, ümumiyyətlə, ümumiyyətcə, ümumiliklə
  • Bashkir: дөйөм (döyöm), ғөмүмән (ğömümän)
  • Bulgarian: общо взето (obšto vzeto)
  • Finnish: yleisesti (fi)
  • French: généralement (fr)
  • Georgian: ზოგადად (zogadad), მეტწილად (meṭc̣ilad)
  • German: allgemein (de), generell (de)
  • Greek: γενικά (el) (geniká)
  • Hungarian: általánosságban
  • Indonesian: umumnya (id)
  • Irish: de ghnáth
  • Italian: in generale, a grandi linee
  • Japanese: 通常 (ja) (tsūjō), 一般に (ja) (ippan ni), 大まかに (ōmaka ni)
  • Middle English: generally
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: generelt (no), allment
  • Polish: ogólnie (pl)
  • Portuguese: de modo geral, em geral
  • Russian: вообще́ (ru) (voobščé), по большо́му счёту (po bolʹšómu sčótu)
  • Scottish Gaelic: san fharsaingeachd
  • Serbo-Croatian: općenito
  • Spanish: generalmente (es)
  • Ukrainian: взагалі́ (uk) (vzahalí), в ціло́му (uk) (v cilómu)

Middle English[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • generali, generaliche, generallich, generalliche, generaly, generalyche


From general +‎ -ly (adverbial suffix).


  • IPA(key): /ˌdʒɛnəˈraː(l)liː/, /ˈdʒɛnəra(l)liː/, /-liːtʃ(ə)/



  1. exceptionlessly, always (without exception)
  2. widely, usually (as a rule)
  3. generally (without reference to detail)


  • English: generally


  • “ǧenerāllī, adv.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.

Generally means «usually» or «broadly.» If something is generally true, it is usually true. If you generally dislike birthday celebrations, don’t be mad when no one throws you a party.

If something is right generally, then it’s right most of the time, though perhaps not in every case. Generally, dogs are more playful than cats. Generally, young people are healthier than old people. Generally, people like music. This word is handy when you need to say something that is true for most, but not all, people or things. This word helps you to generalize.

Definitions of generally

  1. adverb

    usually; as a rule

  2. adverb

    without distinction of one from others

  3. adverb

    without regard to specific details or exceptions

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘generally’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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