Meaning of word formation in english

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For the geological formation, see Word Formation. For the study of the origin and historical development of words, see Etymology.

In linguistics, word formation is an ambiguous term[1] that can refer to either:

  • the processes through which words can change[2] (i.e. morphology), or
  • the creation of new lexemes in a particular language


A common method of word formation is the attachment of inflectional or derivational affixes.


Examples include:

  • the words governor, government, governable, misgovern, ex-governor, and ungovernable are all derived from the base word (to) govern[3]


Inflection is modifying a word for the purpose of fitting it into the grammatical structure of a sentence.[4] For example:

  • manages and managed are inflected from the base word (to) manage[1]
  • worked is inflected from the verb (to) work
  • talks, talked, and talking are inflected from the base (to) talk[3]



Examples includes:

  • etc. from et caetera

Acronyms & Initialisms[edit]

An acronym is a word formed from the first letters of other words.[5] For example:

  • NASA is the acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • IJAL (pronounced /aidʒæl/) is the acronym for International Journal of American Linguistics

Acronyms are usually written entirely in capital letters, though some words originating as acronyms, like radar, are now treated as common nouns.[6]

Initialisms are similar to acronyms, but where the letters are pronounced as a series of letters. For example:

  • ATM for Automated Teller Machine
  • SIA for Singapore International Airlines[1]


In linguistics, back-formation is the process of forming a new word by removing actual affixes, or parts of the word that is re-analyzed as an affix, from other words to create a base.[3] Examples include:

  • the verb headhunt is a back-formation of headhunter
  • the verb edit is formed from the noun editor[3]
  • the word televise is a back-formation of television

The process is motivated by analogy: edit is to editor as act is to actor. This process leads to a lot of denominal verbs.

The productivity of back-formation is limited, with the most productive forms of back-formation being hypocoristics.[3]


A lexical blend is a complex word typically made of two word fragments. For example:

  • smog is a blend of smoke and fog
  • brunch is a blend of breakfast and lunch.[5]
  • stagflation is a blend of stagnation and inflation[1]
  • chunnel is a blend of channel and tunnel,[1] referring to the Channel Tunnel

Although blending is listed under the Nonmorphological heading, there are debates as to how far blending is a matter of morphology.[1]


Compounding is the processing of combining two bases, where each base may be a fully-fledged word. For example:

  • desktop is formed by combining desk and top
  • railway is formed by combining rail and way
  • firefighter is formed by combining fire and fighter[3]

Compounding is a topic relevant to syntax, semantics, and morphology.[2]

Word formation vs. Semantic change[edit]

There are processes for forming new dictionary items which are not considered under the umbrella of word formation.[1] One specific example is semantic change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be difficult to define as a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Bauer, L. (1 January 2006). «Word Formation». Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (Second Edition). Elsevier: 632–633. doi:10.1016/b0-08-044854-2/04235-8. ISBN 9780080448541. Retrieved 17 December 2021.
  2. ^ a b Baker, Anne; Hengeveld, Kees (2012). Linguistics. Malden, MA.: John Wiley & Sons. p. 23. ISBN 978-0631230366.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Katamba, F. (1 January 2006). «Back-Formation». Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (Second Edition): 642–645. doi:10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/00108-5. ISBN 9780080448541.
  4. ^ Linguistics : the basics. Anne, July 8- Baker, Kees Hengeveld. Malden, MA.: John Wiley & Sons. 2012. p. 217. ISBN 978-0-631-23035-9. OCLC 748812931.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  5. ^ a b Aronoff, Mark (1983). «A Decade of Morphology and Word Formation». Annual Review of Anthropology. 12: 360. doi:10.1146/
  6. ^ Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew (2018). An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure (2nd ed.). Edinburgh University Press. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-4744-2896-5.

See also[edit]

  • Neologism


  1. Word-formation.
    General notes.

  2. Affixation.

  3. Compounding

  4. Reduplication.

  5. Phrasal

  6. Conversion

  7. Substantivation.

  8. Adjectivization.

  9. Phrasal

  10. Shortening.

  11. Abbreviation.

  12. Back-formation

  13. Blending.

  14. Minor
    types of word-formation: change of stress.

  15. Sound
    interchange (Gradation).

  16. Sound
    imitation (Onomatopoeia).

  17. Lexicalization
    of the plural of nouns.

1. Word-formation

is the process of creating new words from the material available in
the word-stock according to certain structural and semantic patterns
specific for the given language.

types of word-formation in Modern English possess different degrees
of productivity. Some of them are highly-productive
conversion, substantivation, compounding, shortening, forming phrasal
verbs); others are semi-productive
blending, reduplication, lexicalization of the plural of nouns,
sound-imitation), and non-productive
interchange, change of stress).

2. Affixation

is a word-formative process in which words are created by adding
word-building affixes to stems. Affixation includes preftxation,
new words with the help of prefixes, and suffixation,
forming new words with the help of suffixes.

etymological point of view affixes are classified according to their
origin into native
-er, -nese, -ing, un-, mis-, etc.) and borrowed
e.g. -tion, -ment, -ance, -re-, sub-, etc.; Greek, e,g. -ist, -ism,
anti-, etc.).

can also be classified into
-ness, -able, -y, -ize, un- re-, dis- etc.) and non-productive
-th, -hood, -en, -ous, etc.).

and a root constitute the meaning of the word, the root morpheme
forming its semantic centre, affixes playing a dependent role in the
of the word.

and suffixes are semantically distinctive,
have their own
and a root constitute the meaning of the word, the root morpheme
forming its semantic centre, affixes playing a dependent role in the
meaning of the word.

or concretize the meaning of the word. The main
prefixes are:

  1. prefixes
    with a negative
    un-, in-, il-, ir-, im-, dis-, de-, non-);

  2. prefixes
    with different
    anti-, co-, counter-, inter-, mis-, over-, en-, post-, pre-, re-,
    self, semi-, sub-, ultra-, super-, undre-).

    a grammatical meaning they indicate or derive a certain part of
    speech. Most of frequently used suffixes are:

  1. noun-forming:
    (-or), -tion (-sion), -ity, -ance, -ence, -ment, -ness, -ics, -ture,
    -sure, -age, -ing;

  2. verb-forming:
    (-ise), -fy (-ify), -en, -ate;

  3. adjective-forming:
    -ible, -al, (-ial), -fill, -less, -ive;

  4. adverb-forming:
    -ward (-wards).

3. Compounding

words produced by combining two or more stems, which occur in the
language as free forms. They may be classified proceeding
from different criteria:

to the parts of speech to which they belong (e.g. cut-throat,
nouns, watch
making , tooth-picker-
nouns; bring
up, sit down

compound verbs, life-giving,

compound adjectives, etc.);

to the means of composition used to link their ICs (immediate
constituents) together (e.g. classroom,
timetable, H-bomb, grey-green,


to the structure of their ICs (e.g. gasometre,
handicraft, Anglo-Saxon,

to their semantic characteristics (e.g forget-me-not,
up-to-date, son-in-law,

classification of compounds according to the means of joining their
ICs together distinguishes between the following structural types:

  1. juxtapositional
    (neutral) compounds
    ICs are merely placed one after another: classroom,
    timetable, heartache, whitewash, hunting-knife, weekend, grey-green,
    deep-blue, U-turn,

  2. morphological
    ICs joined together with a vowel or a consonant as a linking
    element, e.g. gasometre,
    electromotive, postman,

  3. syntactic
    compounds (integrated phrases)
    are the result of the process of semantic isolation and structural
    integration of free word-groups, e.g. blackboard
    board), highway
    way), forget-me-not
    me not), bull’s
    eye, go-between, known-all, brother-in-law, upside-down,

classification of compounds according to the structure of their ICs
includes the following groups:

1. Compounds consisting of simple stems: railway, key-board,
snow-white, bookshelf, scarecrow, browbeat, etc.

2. Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a derived stem:
chain-smoker, shoe-maker, pen-holder, snow-covered, moon-tit,

3, Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a clipped stem:
photo-intelligence, bacco-box, maths- mistress, T-shirt, TV-set,
X-mas, etc.

4. Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a compound stem:
wastepaper-basket, newspaper-ownership, etc.

Compounds of Group 2 should not be mixed with derivational compounds
(Group 5) in which the second component doesn’t occur as a free
form. Derivational compounds are built by adding a suffix to phrases
of the A+N, N+N, Num+N type.

chain-smoker (N + (V = -er)):: slim-waisted ((A + N) + -ed).

many English words one can find unstressed stems approaching the
status of derivational affixes. They have generalized meaning and
their combining
capacity is very great. Such morphemes are called semi-affixes.

can be used in preposition (semi-prefixes,
half-, ill-, mini-, midi-, maxi-, self-) and in postposition
-man, -land,
-monger, -wright, -worthy, -proof, -like, -way(s)).

4. Reduplication

reduplication compounds are made by doubling a stem (often a
pseudomorpheme). Reduplicative compounds fall into three main

  1. Reduplicative
    compounds proper whose ICs are identical in their form, e.g.:
    murmur, bye-bye, blah-blah, pooh-pooh, goody-goody, etc.

  2. Ablaut
    (gradational) compounds whose ICs have different root-vowels, e.g:
    riff-raff, dilly-dally, ping-pong, chit-chat, singsong, etc.

  3. Rhyme
    compounds whose ICs are joined to rhyme, e.g.: willy-nilly,
    helter-skelter, hoity-toity, namby-pamby, walkie-talkie, etc.

5. Phrasal

verbs are combinations of a verb and adverb or a verb and preposition
(or verb with both adverb and preposition).

verbs may be either non-idiomatic or idiomatic. Non-idiomatic phrasal
verbs can retain their primary local meaning, e.g.: come in, come
out, come out of, take off, put down, etc. They may also have a kind
of perfective colouring, e.g. add up, eat up, drink up, swallow up,
rise up, etc.

idiomatic compounds meaning cannot be derived from ICs, e.g.: bring
up — виховувати,
bear out — підтверджувати,
give in – піддаватися,
out — сваритися,
take in — обманювати,

modern English fiction one can often come across verbs which denote
an action and at the same time modify it in occasional colligations
with prepositions
or adverbs e.g. He
then tiptoed down to dinner. We forced our way into the buffet.

6. Conversion

is a special type of affixless derivation where a newly-formed word
acquires a paradigm and syntactic functions different from those of
the original word (by conversion we mean derivation of a new word
from the stem of a different part of speech without the adding of any

a result the two words are homonymous, having the same morphological
structure and belonging to different parts of speech. As
a matter of fact, all parts of speech can be drawn into the
wordbuilding process of conversion to a certain extent. Its
derivational patterns are varied,
the most widespread among them being N —► V, V
A —► V.

example: N+V:
a face-to face, a walk-to walk, a
tube — to tube, a pen — to pen. V—>N:
to make-a make, to bite-a bite,
smoke — a smoke, to talk — a talk.

narrow-to narrow, empty-to empty, cool-to

7. Substantiation

is the process in which adjectives (or participles) acquire the
paradigm and syntactic functions of nouns. One should distinguish two
main types of substantivation: complete
and partial.


substantivized adjectives
the full paradigm of a noun, i.e. singular and plural case forms.
They may be associated with various determiners (definite, indefinite
and zero articles, demonstrative and possessive pronouns, etc.), e.g.
official, the official, officials, the officials, official’s,
officials this official, our officials,
Complete substantivation is often regarded as a pattern of conversion
(A N), though it may be argued, since, as a rule, it is the
result of ellipsis in an attributive phrase: a conservative
—► a
a convertible.

the case of partial
do not acquire the full paradigm of a noun. They fall into several

  1. partially
    substantivized adjectives (PSA) or participles
    are singular in form though plural in meaning. They are used with
    the definite article and denote a group or a class of people, e.g.
    rich, the accused, the English, the blind, the twing,

  2. PSA
    mostly in the plural and denoting a group or a class of people, e.g.
    greens, buffs, blues,

  3. PSA
    mostly in plural and denoting inanimate things, e.g. sweets,
    ancients, eatables,

  4. PSA
    properties as substantive abstract notions, e.g. the
    good, the evil, the beautiful, the singular,

  5. PSA
    languages, e.g. English,
    German, Ukrainian, Italian,

8. Adjectivization

of nouns by nouns is highly frequent in Modern English. Non-adjuncts
should not be considered as adjectives produced by means
of conversion. Nevertheless, some nouns may undergo the process of
adjectivization and function as attributes with idiomatic meanings,
e.g.: coffee-table
(n.) —> coffee-table (adj.) — «Of a large size and richly

9. Phrasal

built from phrasal verbs as a result of a combined effect of
compounding, conversion, and change of stress. They consist of ICs
identical to those of the corresponding phrasal verbs, but obtain, as
a rule, the single-stress pattern and either solid or hyphenated
spelling, e.g.: to
down —>
breakdown (a break-down).

10. Shortenings

exist two main ways of shortening: contraction
(initial shortening).

should distinguish between four types of contraction:

  1. Final
    clipping (apocope), i.e. omission of the final part of the word,
    e.g.: doc (< doctor), lab (< laboratory), mag -(<
    magazine), prefab (< prefabricated),
    vegs (< vegetables), Al (< Albert), Nick (< Nickolas), Phil
    (< Philip), etc.

  2. Initial
    clipping (apheresis), i.e. omission of the fore part of the word,
    e.g.: phone (< telephone), plane (< aeroplane), story (<
    history), van (< caravan), drome (< airdrome), Dora (<
    Theodora), Fred (< Alfred), etc.

  1. Medial
    clipping (syncope), i.e. omission of the middle part of the word,
    e.g.: maths (< mathematics), fancy (< fantasy), specs -(<
    spectacles), binocs
    (< binoculars), through (<thorough), etc.

  2. Mixed
    clipping, where the fore and the final parts of the word are dipped,
    e.g.: tec (< detective), flu (<influenza), fridge (<
    refrigerator), stach (< moustache), Liz (< Elizabeth), etc.

may be combined with affixation, i,e. by adding the suffixes -y, -ie,
-o, to clippings, e.g.: hanky (<handkerchief), comfy
unkie (<uncle), ammo (< Ammunition), etc.

11. Abbreviation

(initial shortenings) are words produced by shortening the ICs of
phrasal terms up to their initial letters. Abbreviations are
into 5 groups:

  1. Acronyms
    which are read in accordance with the rules of orthoepy as though
    they were ordinary words, e.g.: UNO /’ju:nou/ (< United Nations
    Organization), UNESCO /’ju:’neskou/ (< United Nations Educational
    Scientific and Cultural Organization), NATO /’neitou/ (< North
    Treaty Organization), SALT /so:lt/ (<Strategic Arms Limitation
    Talks), STEM /stem/ (< scanning transmission electron
    microscope), radar /reida/ (< radio detecting and ranging), etc.

  2. Alphabetic
    which letters get their full alphabetic pronunciation and a full
    stress, e.g.: USA /’ju:es’ei/ (< the United States ofAmerica),
    B.B.C. /’bi:’bi:’si:/ (< the British Broadcasting Corporation),
    M.P. /’em’pi:/ {<
    of Parliament), F.B.I. /’efbir’ai/ (< FederalBureau
    of Investigation), etc.

abbreviations are sometimes used for famous persons’ names, eg.: B.B.
(< Brigitte Bardot), FDR (< Franklin Delano Roosevelt), G.B.S.
(< George Bernard Shaw), etc.


in which the first IC is a letter (letters) and the second a complete
word, e.g.: A-bomb (<
bomb), V-day (<

day), Z-hour (< zero hour), L-driver (< learner-driver), ACD
solution (<acid citrate dextrose solution), etc.

or both ICs of compound abbreviations may be clipped, e.g.:
mid-August, Interpol (< International police), hi-fi (< high
fidelity), sci-fic (< science
fiction), etc.

4) Graphic
are used in texts for economy of space. They are pronounced as the
corresponding unabbreviated words,
(< Mister), m. (< mile), fl. (< foot/feet), v. (< verb),
ltd. (< limited), govt. (< government), usu. (< usually),
pp. (< pages, Co (< Company), X-mas
(< Christmas), etc.

5) Latin
sometimes are not read as Latin words but as separate letters or are
substituted by their English equivalents, e.g.:

/ai’i:/-that is, a.m. /ei’em/-before midday, in the morning, e.g.
-for example, Id. -in the same place, cf. -compare, etc.

12. Back-formation

is the derivation of new words (mostly verbs) by means of subtracting
a suffix or other element resembling it, e.g.: butle < butler,
< combustion, greed < greedy, lase < laser, luminisce <
luminiscent, sculpt < sculptor, etc.

13. Blending

is the formation of new lexical units by means of merging fragments
of words into one new word, or combining the elements of one word
a notional word, e.g.: smog (< smoke+fog), radiotrician
(radio+electrician), drunch (drinks+lunch), cinemagnate
(cinema+magnate), etc.

14. Minor
types of word-formation: change of stress

nouns and verbs of Romanic origin have a distinctive stress pattern.
Such nouns, as a rule, are forestressed, and verbs have a stress on
the second
syllable, e.g. ‘accent (a):: ac’cent (v.), ‘contest (n.):: ‘con’test
(v.), ‘record (n.):: re’cord (v.), etc.

same distinctive stress pattern is observed in some pairs of
adjectives and verbs, e.g.: ‘absent (a):: ab’sent (v.) ‘abstract (a)
::ab’stract(v.), etc.

interchange (Gradation)

belonging to different parts of speech may be differentiated due to
the sound interchange in the root, e.g.: food (a):: feed (v.), gold
(a):: gild (v,), strong (a):: strength (n), etc.

16. Sound
imitation (Onomatopoeia)

(onomatopoeic) words are made by imitating sounds produced by living
beings and inanimate objects, e.g.: babble, bang, buzz, crash,
giggle, hiss, moo, purr, rustle, etc.

17. Lexicalization
of the plural of the nouns

are cases when the grammatical form of the plural of nouns becomes
isolated from the paradigm and acquires a new lexical meaning. This
leads to the appearance of new lexical units, cf: look “погляд”
looks «зовнішність».


  1. Be
    ready to discuss the subject matter of word-formation

  2. Tell
    about affixation

  3. What
    do you know about compounding (composition)?

  4. Give
    examples of reduplication

  5. What
    are phrasal verbs and phrasal nouns?

  6. What
    can you tell about conversion?

  7. Comment
    on the substantivation and adjectivization.

  8. Tell
    about shortening: contractions and abbreviations.

  9. What
    is back-formation?

  10. Give
    examples of blending.

  11. Comment
    on the minor types of word-formation.

  12. What
    is the difference between gradation and onomatopoeia?

  13. What
    does «lexicalization of the plural of nouns» stand for ?

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Word formation is a very important aspect of most languages, and English is no exception. The term «word formation» refers to the processes through which new words are created. Given its significance in the English language and in Cambridge English exams, this short article will outline the basic word formation processes. Let’s go!

word formation processes in english

  1. Compounding
  2. Derivation: prefixes and suffixes
  3. Conversion
  4. Blending
  5. Abbreviation
    • Clipping
    • Acronyms
  6. Novel creation
  7. Creative re-spelling
  8. Loan words
  9. Download this post as a PDF


It means creating a word by adding up two or more different words. Compound words have a new meaning, which is obviously related to the meanings of the other words. For example:

  • book + case = bookcase
  • sign + post = signpost
  • watch + man = watchman

Not all compound words are written together. Sometimes they can by hyphenated (con guión) or separate, such as «traffic lights» or «ice-cream». Some, such as «ice-cream» can be written with our without a hyphen.

Derivation: prefixes and suffixes

This process is normally done through suffixation or prefixation, that is to say, adding a suffix or a prefix. For instance:

  • urgent (adjective) + -cy = urgency (noun)
  • ir- + responsible (adjective) + -y = irresponsibly (adverb)
  • national (adjective) + -ise = nationalise


Conversion happens when a word changes from one word class to another. For instance, the verb to google is formed from the noun Google; or the noun read (as in a good read) is formed from the verb to read. For example:

  • I emailed this document to John. (emailed is a verb formed from the noun email)
  • He was bullied at school as a child. (bullied is a verb formed from the noun bully)


This involves taking a part of two different words to make a new word, like merging two words based on the sounds of these words. This is extremely popular in the English language, and it produces hundreds of new words every year whose meanings is a mixture of the meanings of the original words. In some cases, these are informal, but there are many that have become a natural part of standard English. Let’s see some examples:

  • channel + tunnel = chunnel 
  • motor + hotel = motel
  • work + alcoholic = workaholic


When we abbreviate a word, we form another word by shortening it or simply by using only part of the word:

  • Perambulator –> pram
  • Veterinary –> vet

In general, we can talk about two types of abbreviation: clipping and acronyms.


This means literally clipping the word, which means «cutting» the word to make it shorter. This normally makes the word more informal and/or appealing. Some examples are:

  • advertisement = ad
  • hamburger = burger
  • demonstration = demo


Acronyms, which are a form of abbreviation, are words formed by using only the first letter(s) of the words. By creating an acronym, we are reducing the meaning of a whole phrase o sentence to a single word. Let’s see some popular examples:

  • laughing out loud = LOL
  • United Nations = UN
  • radio detection and ranging = radar

Novel creation

This basically means coming up with a completely new word without any of the processes above. These words are typically referred to as «neologisms». Some examples are:

  • puzzle
  • bash
  • gimmick
  • gadget

Creative re-spelling

This involves spelling a word differently in order to make it more practical, attractive, or to fulfil some particular aim, usually commercial. For example:

  • because –> bcoz
  • light –> lite
  • forever –> 4eva
  • Combat –> Kombat

Loan words

In linguistics, a loan happens when we take a word directly from a foreign language. Some examples of loan words in English are:

  • solo
  • pizza
  • tapas
  • negro
  • carpe diem
  • cul de sac

In general, when we loan a word, the spelling doesn’t usually change. However, some other changes may occur, like creating a plural form which doesn’t exist in the original language. As for pronunciation, we usually pronounce them with an «English accent», so it varies slightly from the original pronunciation.

As far as Cambridge English exams go, it’s derivation (prefixes & suffixes) that concerns us most, as it is present in two of the parts of the section of Use of English B2 and Use of English C1.

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And, until the next article, don’t forget to keep smiling!

How are words formed? Are there any rules by which words are formed? Let’s find out. This article will walk you through what word formation is, the various types of word formation and the rules to be adhered to when forming words. The number of examples given will make your learning process more effective and easier. Check it out.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Word Formation?
  • Types of Word Formation with Examples
  • Rules to be Followed When Forming Words
  • Test Your Understanding of Word Formation
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Word Formation in English

The English language is known for its wonderful quality of the way in which words and sentences are formed and used. Formation of new words from an existing root word by adding a syllable or another word is the general process; however, there are multiple ways in which it can be done.

Types of Word Formation with Examples

The formation of words is classified into four types based on how the process of formation is carried out. They are:

  • By adding prefixes
  • By adding suffixes
  • Converting from one word class to another
  • Forming compound words

Let us look at each type of word formation in detail.

Adding Prefixes

The term ‘prefix’ refers to one or more alphabets added to the stem of a word, mostly to make it negative. The most commonly used prefixes include ‘in-’, ‘un-’, ‘dis-’, ‘im-’, ‘ir-’, etc. Look at the examples given below for a clearer understanding of how prefixes are used to form new words.

Examples of Word Formation by the Addition of Prefixes

  • Discipline – indiscipline
  • Just – unjust
  • Tidy – untidy
  • Respect – disrespect
  • Understand – misunderstand
  • Comfortable – uncomfortable
  • Comfort – discomfort
  • Responsible – irresponsible
  • Honest – dishonest
  • Happy – unhappy
  • Polite – impolite
  • Experience – inexperience
  • Practical – impractical
  • Important – unimportant
  • Legal – illegal
  • Ethical – unethical
  • Potent – impotent

Adding Suffixes

A suffix is a short syllable added at the end of a base word. The addition of suffixes usually changes the word class of the particular word. The most common suffixes include ‘-ment’, ‘-ness’, ‘-ity’, ‘-ous’, ‘-tion’, ‘-sion’, ‘-al’, ‘-able’, ‘-ible’, ‘-ive’, ‘-ly’, ‘-ate’, ‘-er’, ‘-or’, etc. Check out the following examples to see how suffixes are added.

Examples of Word Formation by the Addition of Suffixes

  • Comprehend (verb) – comprehension (noun) – comprehensible (adjective)
  • Inform (verb) – information (noun) – informative (adjective)
  • Invest (verb) – Investment (noun) – Investor (noun)
  • Write (verb) – writer (noun)
  • Authorise (verb) – authorisation (noun)
  • Move (verb) – movement (noun)
  • Add (verb) – addition (noun)
  • Happy (adjective) – happiness (noun)
  • Conserve (verb) – conservation (noun)
  • Wide (Adjective) – widen (verb)
  • Manage (verb) – manageable (adjective) – manager (noun)
  • Courage (noun) – courageous (adjective)
  • Brave (adjective) – bravery (noun)
  • Profit (noun) – profitable (adjective)
  • Quick (adjective) – quickly (adverb)
  • Happy (adjective) – happily (adverb)
  • Sad (adjective) – sadness (noun)


The process of conversion focuses solely on changing the word class of the particular word. If you have noticed, you would have seen how some nouns are used to perform the role of a verb or an adjective acting like a noun just by the addition of another word or slightly altering the spelling of the actual word.

Examples of Word Formation by Conversion

  • The rich should help the poor.

Adjectives such as ‘rich’ and ‘poor’ are used as nouns by using them with the article ‘the’.

  • Everyone is talented.

‘Talented’ – a past participle is used as an adjective in the above sentence. The word is formed by adding the suffix ‘ed’ to the end of the noun ‘talent’.

  • There will definitely be a lot of ups and downs in life.

Prepositions ‘up’ and ‘down’ are used as nouns by adding ‘s’ to the end of it.

  • He texted me about the meeting only at the last minute.

The noun ‘text’ used to refer to a text message sent on a phone is used as a verb in the sentence by adding an ‘ed’ to the end of the word.

  • The financial aid had to be approved before we could make a decision.

The noun ‘finance’ is used as an adjective by adding ‘ial’ to the end of it and the verb ‘decide’ is used as a noun by removing ‘de’ and adding ‘sion’ to the word.

Forming Compound Words

Compound words are formed by combining one part of speech with another to form a specific word class. There are many ways in which compound words are formed. Verbs are combined with adjectives to form compound verbs, a present participle is combined with a noun to form a compound noun, two nouns are combined to form a compound noun, an adjective and a noun are combined to form a compound noun, an adverb is combined with a noun to form a compound noun, an adjective is combined with a past participle to form a compound adjective and so on. Take a look at the following examples and go through the articles on compound nouns, compound words and compound adjectives to understand how they work.

Examples of Word Formation by Compounding

  • Over (adverb) + load (noun) – Overload
  • White (adjective) + wash (verb) – Whitewash
  • Black (adjective) + board (noun ) – Blackboard
  • Cup (noun) + board (noun) – Cupboard
  • Short (adjective) + hand (noun) – Shorthand
  • Swimming (present participle) + pool (noun) – Swimming pool
  • Three (adjective) + legged (past participle) – Three-legged
  • Break (verb) + Down (preposition) – Breakdown
  • Up (preposition) + town (noun) – Uptown
  • Copy (verb) + writer (noun) – Copywriter
  • Sun (noun) + rise (verb) – Sunrise
  • Count (verb) + down (preposition) – Countdown
  • Flash (verb) + mob (noun) – Flash mob
  • Master (noun) + piece (noun) – Masterpiece
  • Round (adjective) + table (noun) – Round-table

Rules to be Followed When Forming Words

Formation of words can be a very interesting exercise, but you have to be really careful when you are adding inflections or affixes. There are a few things you will need to bear in mind when you are forming words. Take a look at the following points to learn what they are.

  • Before making any change to the stem of the word, try to analyse what is the kind of meaning you want the word to convey and what role the word will have to play in the sentence.
  • In most cases, the beginning of the base word remains the same. Only when prefixes are added the word has a syllable added to the beginning of it. Notice that even in this case, the word is retained as such.
  • When suffixes are added, there are many instances where you will have to remove the last one or more alphabets of the word and add the suffix. However, there are words like ‘movement’ where the suffix is just added without any change in the spelling of the base word.
  • Here is one way to easily know which suffix has to be added to form a particular word class – most often, nouns end in ‘er’, ‘or’, ‘ist’, ‘ian’, ‘ion’, ‘ment’, ‘ness’, and ‘ity’; verbs end in ‘ise’, ‘ate’ and ‘en’; adjectives end in ‘able’, ‘ible’, ‘ive’, ‘ic’, ‘ed’, ‘ing’ and ‘al’; and adverbs normally end in ‘ly’.
  • When words are formed by conversion, be very careful. Make sure you know that you are converting them accurately and using them in the sentence properly.
  • When forming compound words, see to it that you hyphenate them if necessary, use the right combination of words and do not just mix and match any word.
  • Changing from one tense to another also can also be considered a type of word formation, as the word is inflected to indicate the twelve different tenses in the English language.
  • Forming degrees of comparison can also be put under word formation. In this case, the comparative and superlative degrees are formed by adding ‘er’ and ‘est’ to the end of the adjective. The comparative and superlative degrees of polysyllabic words are formed by using ‘more’ and ‘most’, respectively, along with the adjective.

Test Your Understanding of Word Formation

Exercise 1 – Add Prefixes and Suffixes

Add prefixes and suffixes to the following words.

1. Passion____

2. Remember____

3. ____conscious

4. Sense____

5. ____acceptable

6. Entertain____

7. ____representation

8. Neat____

9. Invent____

10. ____interpret

Answers for Exercise 1

1. Passionate

2. Remembrance

3. Unconscious/Subconscious

4. Sensible/Senseless

5. Unacceptable

6. Entertainment

7. Misrepresentation

8. Neatly/Neatness

9. Invention

10. Misinterpret

Exercise 2 – Conversion of Words

Go through the following words and convert them as directed.

1. Money (convert into adjective)

2. Brave (convert into noun)

3. Clean (convert into noun)

4. Prayer (convert into adjective)

5. Resemblance (convert into verb)

6. Slow (convert into adverb)

7. Treat (convert into noun)

8. Confession (convert into verb)

9. Vary (convert into adjective)

10. Beauty (convert into verb)

Answers for Exercise 2

1. Monetary

2. Bravery

3. Cleanliness

4. Prayerful

5. Resemble

6. Slowly

7. Treatment

8. Confess

9. Various/variable

10. Beautify

Exercise 3 – Form Compound Words

Go through the words in the box given below and use them to form ten compound words.

up, table, spend, load, green, machine, case, make, estimate, over, self

1. _______ confident

2. Washing _______

3. Time _______

4. Under _______

5. _______sufficient

6. Up_______

7. _______set

8. Suit_______

9. _______over

10. _______thrift

Answers for Exercise 3

1. Overconfident

2. Washing machine

3. Timetable

4. Underestimate

5. Self-sufficient

6. Upload

7. Upset

8. Suitcase

9. Makeover

10. Spendthrift

Frequently Asked Questions on Word Formation in English


What is word formation?

Word formation is the process by which new words are formed by adding an affix, another word or converting from one word class to another by removing and adding alphabets.


What are the four types of word formation?

The four types of word formation include:

  • Addition of prefix
  • Addition of suffix
  • Conversion from one word class to another
  • Forming compound words


Give some examples of word formation.

Here are some examples of the various types of word formation for your reference:

  • Practical – impractical (prefix)
  • Purpose – purposeful (suffix)
  • Silent – silence (conversion)
  • Dining + room – Dining room (compound word)
  • Small – smaller – smallest (degrees of comparison)

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Word formation is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Word formation

In linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be difficult to define: a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form. Word formation can also be contrasted with the formation of idiomatic expressions, although words can be formed from multi-word phrases.

Definition of word formation in the English dictionary

The definition of word formation in the dictionary is the formation of words, for example by adding prefixes or suffixes to roots.


Synonyms and antonyms of word formation in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «word formation» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of word formation to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of word formation from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «word formation» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

formación de palabras

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

शब्द गठन

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

تشكيل كلمة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

formação de palavras

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

শব্দ গঠন

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

la formation des mots

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Pembentukan perkataan

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

단어 형성

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Pambentukan tembung

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

hình thành từ

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

சொல் உருவாக்கம்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

शब्द रचना

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

sözcük yapımı

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

formazione delle parole

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

formarea cuvintelor

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

σχηματισμού λέξεων

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

woord vorming

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

ordet dannelse

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of word formation


The term «word formation» is regularly used and occupies the 58.863 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «word formation» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of word formation

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «word formation».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «word formation» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «word formation» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about word formation


Discover the use of word formation in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to word formation and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

The book draws on a wide range of sources, and general points are illustrated from a variety of languages.


Handbook of WordFormation

This volume traces the many strands of study in the field of word formation that have developed since the seminal work of Marchand and Lees in the 1960s.

Pavol Štekauer, Rochelle Lieber, 2006


WordFormation in English

The book’s didactic aim is to enable students with little or no prior linguistic knowledge to do their own practical analyses of complex words.


WordFormation in the World’s Languages: A Typological Survey

Fills a gap in cross-linguistic research by being the first systematic survey of the word-formation of the world’s languages.

Pavol Štekauer, Salvador Valera, Lívia Kőrtvélyessy, 2012


Cognitive Perspectives on Word Formation

This volume is the first one to illuminate diverse aspects of word formation from cognitive perspectives.

Alexander Onysko, Sascha Michel, 2010


Recent Trends in English WordFormation

Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies — Linguistics, grade: 1.0, University of Dusseldorf «Heinrich Heine» (English Linguistics), course: English Word-Formation, language: English, abstract: …


Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar


Heterogeneity in Wordformation Patterns: A Corpus-based …

This book presents an in-depth investigation of a highly heterogeneous word-formation pattern in English: the formation of nouns by suffixation with «-ee.


Deconstructing Morphology: Word Formation in Syntactic Theory

Her argument, that rules and vocabulary claimed to belong to the morphological level in fact belong to the levels of syntax and phonology, follows the work of Sproat, Toman, and others.


Processes and Paradigms in Wordformation Morphology

«This book is an attempt both to apply a theoretical model of morphology to a historical problem and to use a historical problem to test a theoretical model.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term word formation is used in the context of the following news items.

Obama’s use of n-word sparks debate on reclaiming taboo words

In light of U.S. President Barack Obama using the n-word in a podcast released … variables, changes at the grammatical level and in word formation processes. «CityNews, Jun 15»

‘Game of Thrones’: A brief history of the Dothraki language

All languages operate according to rules regarding syllable and word formation. By looking at just about any word in a given language, you can deduce some of … «Los Angeles Times, Jun 15»

‘Gnomium’ is an Upcoming Word Game with Interesting Mechanics …

I mean, it’s hard to recall a game that has word formation quite like this, but we’ll see just how it shakes out. Gnomium is promised to be free-to-play with … «Touch Arcade, May 15»

Where does the word cyber come from?

The most lasting word creation of the 1960s, though, was certainly cyborg, … spot in tech word formation, even supplanting previous cyber formations with its … «OUPblog, Mar 15»

WATCH: Five Airbus A350s perform spectacular formation flight

Cape Town — When we mention the word formation flight, we bet you think of light … to the skies for above Toulouse in France for an impressive formation flight. «News24, Oct 14»

Hey, grammar nerds! Stop freaking out about ‘alot.’

Try this little test: type get ahold of alot for awhile into your Microsoft Word. … Always remember: if historical word formation is an assembly line, Lucille Ball is … «The Week Magazine, Jul 14»

France Takes on Twitter, Bans the Word ‘Hashtag’

More often than not, they are English words that some linguistic purists believe will have a negative impact on «French word formation, phonetics and grammar, … «PC Magazine, Jan 13»

MIT Linguist Shigeru Miyagawa: Unique Languages, Universal …

But as written in Japanese, the word order is “Taro a book yesterday bought. … This type of word formation occurs occasionally in English today. We join a verb … «Asian Scientist Magazine, Feb 12»

Unique languages, universal patterns

But as written in Japanese, the word order is “Taro a book yesterday bought. … This type of word formation occurs occasionally in English today. We join a verb … «MIT News, Feb 12»

‘Linsanity’ Contender for Word of the Year, American Dialect Society …

“Linsanity,” the word that has encapsulated New York Knicks point guard Jeremy … feel for Chinese word formation,” Mair said in a blog post on the Philadelphia … «Bloomberg, Feb 12»


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