Meaning of word emphasis

акцент, особое внимание, ударение, подчеркивание, особое значение


- подчёркивание, ударение, эмфаза

to put /to lay, to place/ an emphasis on /upon/ smth. — делать ударение на чём-л., уделять особое внимание чему-л.
to lay special emphasis on smth. — подчёркивать /выделять/ что-л., придавать особое значение чему-л.
morality was the emphasis of his speech — основной упор в своей речи он сделал на моральную сторону дела

- лингв. ударение, акцент; выделение
- полигр. выделение в тексте (курсивом и т. п.); выделительный шрифт

emphasis added — «курсив мой» (помета в скобках)

- яркость (чувств); резкость; выразительность (жестов и т. п.)
- жив. резкость контуров

Мои примеры


an emphasis on conformity and control — акцент на подчинении и контроле  
particular / special emphasis — особое значение  
to place emphasis on a certain point — ставить акцент на определённом пункте  
current state emphasis — визуальный индикатор текущего состояния  
selected emphasis — индикатор выбранной позиции  
the dictionary places emphasis on examples — словарь делает акцент на примерах  
emphasis is placed on — делать упор на  
emphasis principle — принцип значимости  
advertising emphasis — рекламный акцент  
make an emphasis — придавать особое значение чему-либо; особо подчёркивать  
shift in emphasis — смещение акцентов  

Примеры с переводом

The course places emphasis on practical work.

Учебный курс, уделяет особое внимание практическим занятиям.

The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

Акцент должен быть на первом слоге.

In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.

В Японии, вежливость, имеет большое значение.

It’s a mistake to lay too much emphasis on grades.

Неверно придавать слишком большое значение оценкам.

There is a lot of emphasis on maintaining local traditions.

Большой акцент делается на сохранении местных традиций.

The coach put great emphasis on running.

Тренер делает большой упор на выносное нападение. (об американском футболе)

The course places emphasis on presentation and display.

В курсе делается акцент на способах подачи и демонстрации материала.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The emphasis now is on recycling household waste.

…a prep school with a long-established emphasis on sports…

‘And I can assure you,’ she said with emphasis, ‘that he is innocent.’

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Возможные однокоренные слова

overemphasis  — излишнее, чрезмерное подчеркивание, сильное ударение, излишнее ударение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): emphasis
мн. ч.(plural): emphases

You probably have seen these two terms in writing and have wondered the difference between them and when to use them. Both words are closely related to each other. But, what is the correct use for each one?

«Emphases» is the plural form of the word «emphasis.» We use «emphasis» when we name a single object. While «emphases» is used to refer to a list of things.

In this article, you will learn more about these words. We will talk about the origin of these words, what makes «emphases» the plural form of «emphasis.» We will see how they are similar to each other. Also, you will learn some other uses for this word. Before concluding, we will see some sample sentences using both terms.

Origin And Etymology Of Emphasis

The word emphasis comes from Latin and Greek. In Latin, the expression «emphasis» referred to the Greek word «emphainein,« which means «I show.»

The greek prefix «em-» could be translated to «in,» and the suffix «-phainein» means to exhibit.

Meaning Of The Word Emphasis

Emphasis is a variable noun. Some of its meanings include:

  • To give importance to a particular activity.
  • To draw people’s attention towards something.


Other Uses Of The Word Emphasis

Here are other uses of the word emphasis:

  • We can use it in our speech when we want to give weight to something meaningful.
  • People use it to express special attention to something in particular.
  • We can use it in writing to highlight an important word. For example, when you use bold or italic.
  • We refer to emphasis in phonetics to talk about the stressed syllable in words.

Emphasis Vs. Emphases: Phonetics


In both words, you will stress the first syllable. The main pronunciation difference between these words is the last vowel sound.

You will start with your mouth wide open to make the /e/ sound, the same vowel sound in the word «end.» Then you will close your lips to switch to the /m/ sound. After that, your lips move forward, placing your bottom lip in front of your teeth to pronounce the unvoiced /f/ sound. The next transition would be to the /s/ sound because the a is a schwa sound and doesn’t have any stress.

Here is where the difference occurs. To say «emphasis,» the «i» vowel sounds like a short /ɪ/, like the vowel sound in «it,» and you end with another /s/ sound.

To pronounce «emphases,» the «e» vowel sounds like a long /i/, just like the vowel sound in the word «bee,» and you end with another unvoiced /s/ sound.

Grammar Rules That Make Emphases The Plural Form Of Emphasis

There are English rules that dictate how we should form certain words. In the case of writing and speaking, grammar directs the rules.

The word «emphasis» is a regular noun ending in -is. We replace the -is for -es to change the word from singular to plural.

Other Nouns That Apply To This Rule

The same rule applies to all nouns ending in -is. Some other examples are:

  • Thesis Theses
  • Analysis Analyses
  • Synopsis Synopses
  • Nemesis Nemeses
  • Kinesis Kineses
  • Crisis Crises
  • Pelvis Pelves
  • Oasis Oases
  • This These
  • Axis Axes

Example Sentences Using Emphasis

Here we’ll show you some sample sentences using the word «emphasis»:

  • I’m always so nervous watching Miss universe; I don’t like it when the presenter pauses for emphasis before saying who won.
  • Anglia TV’s emphasis is on Norwich and the district.
  • The teacher asked us to use a yellow highlighter to give emphasis.
  • Job interviews are tricky; now, companies place particular emphasis on the candidate’s body language.
  • I don’t know if ever you noticed, but our boss put great emphasis on this month’s goal.
  • The evaluators thought he didn’t put the proper emphasis on questioning his ideas.

Example Sentences Using Emphases

Here we’ll show you some sample sentences using the word «emphases»:

  • In this course, we will analyze the emphases, difficulties, and principles of the different philosophers.
  • The emphases of this job opening are front-end development, main function modules, program management, and SQA.
  • Month after month, managers change emphases in this department.
  • It is challenging to recognize emphases in a sentence.
  • Within this company, there had always been diverse emphases and agendas.
  • They executed different emphases and methods in their practice.
  • Even though we are all working on the same project, we all have different emphases on development.

Other Terms Derived From The Word Emphasis

Emphasize: it is a regular verb. Emphasize means something important. Its past tense is «emphasized.» Other words that can substitute «emphasize» are:

  1. Accentuate
  2. Play up
  3. Intensify
  4. Exaggerate

Antonyms of the word «emphasize» are:

  1. Understate
  2. Downplay
  3. Diminish
  4. Underrate

Emphatic: it is an adjective that describes using emphasis to describe something. There is ambiguity with this adjective because it is also related to the word empathy. Even though the word «empathy» and the word «emphasis» are similar in writing, these words have different meanings. Other words that can substitute «emphatic» are:

  1. Insistent
  2. Forceful
  3. Strongly expressive
  4. Energetic

Antonyms of the word «emphasize» are:

  1. Deficient
  2. Weak
  3. Lacking force

Overemphasis: This means there is an excess of emphasis. You can convert «overemphasis» to a verb. The verb would be «overemphasized.»

Synonyms For The Word Emphasis


  • Importance
  • Stress
  • Priority
  • Mark
  • Significance
  • Enhancement

Other Uses Of Emphasis

In Art

Emphasis has a meaning in art, specifically in painting. «Emphasis» refers to the part of a painting where the artist wants you to focus. It happens when something seems off in the picture. Artists also use other resources to emphasize. Here’s a list of some of them:

  1. The artist can place different colors next to each other.
  2. You can find lines pointing to a particular area.
  3. A pattern replicated in the emphasized area.
  4. The artist can use any other element that attracts your attention.

In Writing

«Emphasis» in writing is different from «emphasis» in speaking. When you want to emphasize something, you can talk louder and cause more stress. But in writing, you have to make visual stress. Some resources you can use are:

  1. Italic
  2. Bold
  3. Underline
  4. Asterisks
  5. Capitalized letters
  6. Brackets

Use Of The Expression «Emphasis Mine»

When you see the expression «emphasis mine» in writing, the author uses a quote from another person. And the current writer made the emphasis you see in this quote. It helps you understand the original author didn’t emphasize the section.

Here you have an example of this usage:

«No man ought to offer his soul in exchange for money or power [emphasis mine].»

Emphasis Patrols

Emphasis patrol is a tool police use when they identify a high criminality rate in an area. It increases patrol’s presence in some neighborhoods. Having more officers in the field can help to stop any ongoing suspicious activity.

This tool is used on highways to prevent:

  1. Text and driving
  2. Drivers under the influence of alcohol and drugs
  3. High-speed drivers


Now you have learned the word «emphasis» comes from ancient Greek. The difference between «emphasis» and the term «emphases» is that the second one is the plural form of the first one.

These two words sound very similar when you pronounce them. You make the most stress in the last syllable. The most notable difference is the -is pronunciation versus the -es pronunciation. You now know how to pronounce it correctly.

We talked about how they are similar to each other and other uses for this word. We hope this information helps you understand a bit more of the English language.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.





Crazy, that driver. — Сумасшедший, этот водитель.

I knew he was going to cause trouble, and cause trouble he did! — Я знал, что от него нужно ждать неприятностей, и так оно и случилось!



But he did look upset, didn’t he, Ellen? — Но ведь он в самом деле выглядел расстроенным, правда, Элен?

And if I magnify Shakespeare, it is not so much for what he did do, as for what he did not do, or refrained from doing. — Если я и восхищаюсь Шекспиром, то не столько за то, что он , сколько за то, чего он не делал или от чего воздержался.

English-Russian grammar dictionary.


Смотреть что такое «Emphasis» в других словарях:

  • emphasis — emphasis, stress, accent, accentuation denote exerted force by which one thing stands out conspicuously among other things; they also often designate the effect produced or the means used in gaining this effect. Emphasis implies effort to bring… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • emphasis — em pha*sis ([e^]m f[.a]*s[i^]s), n.; pl. {Emphases} ([e^]m f[.a]*s[=e]z). [L., fr. Gr. e mfasis significance, force of expression, fr. emfai nein to show in, indicate; en in + fai nein to show. See {In}, and {Phase}.] 1. (Rhet.) A particular… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Emphasis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emphasis Información personal Origen Castellón, España …   Wikipedia Español

  • Emphasis — Thomas R. Kobayashi mieux connu sous le nom d Emphasis est un compositeur franco japonais de musique électronique. Né à Tokyo et vécu à Paris, il sera inspiré par ces différentes cultures dans sa musique. Il a passé son adolescence au lycée… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • emphasis — I noun accent, accentuation, affirmation, attention, concentration, consequence, consideration, distinction, distinctness, eminence, emphasis, energy, exclamation, force, force of expression, force of voice, forcibleness, highlight, ictus,… …   Law dictionary

  • emphasis — 1570s, from L. emphasis, from Gk. emphasis significance, indirect meaning, from emphainein to present, show, indicate, from en in (see EN (Cf. en ) (2)) + phainein to show (see PHANTASM (Cf. phantasm)). In Greek and Latin, it developed a sense of …   Etymology dictionary

  • emphasis — [em′fə sis] n. pl. emphases [em′fəsēz΄] [L < Gr emphasis, an appearing in, outward appearance < emphainein, to indicate < en , in + phainein, to show < IE base * bha , to shine > OE bonian, to polish] 1. force of expression,… …   English World dictionary

  • Emphasis — Emphasis, griech., in der Rhetorik der Nachdruck der Rede, namentlich durch Betonung; emphatisch, nachdrucksvoll …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • emphasis — [n] importance, prominence accent, accentuation, attention, decidedness, force, headline, highlight, impressiveness, insistence, intensity, moment, positiveness, power, preeminence, priority, significance, strength, stress, underlining,… …   New thesaurus

  • emphasis — ► NOUN (pl. emphases) 1) special importance, value, or prominence given to something. 2) stress laid on a word or words in speaking. ORIGIN Greek, originally in the sense appearance, show , later denoting a figure of speech in which more is… …   English terms dictionary

  • emphasis — noun 1 special importance/attention ADJECTIVE ▪ big (informal), considerable, great, heavy, huge ▪ schools that put a heavy emphasis on sporting achievement ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Emphatic» redirects here. For the psychology term, see Empathic.

Emphasis or emphatic may refer to:


  • Emphasis (telecommunications), intentional alteration of the amplitude-vs.-frequency characteristics of the signal meant to reduce adverse effects of noise
  • Cultural emphasis, alleged tendency of a language’s vocabulary to detail elements of the speakers’ culture


  • Emphasis (typography), visual enhancement a part of a text to make it noticeable
  • Emphasis point, a typographic marking used in some east Asian languages to indicate emphasis


  • Emphatic consonant, member of a phonological category of consonants in Semitic languages
  • Prosodic stress, speaking an important word more loudly or slowly so that it stands out
  • Do-support, a way to using additional words to call attention to important words
  • Intensifier, a way to using additional words to call attention to important words


  • Emphasis! (On Parenthesis), 2008 album by the Stanton Moore Trio
  • «Emphasis/Who Wants to Live Forever», 2002 single by After Forever
  • Emphatic (band), American rock band

Other uses[edit]

  • Emphatic Diaglott, 1864 Bible translation by Benjamin Wilson
  • ST Emphatic

See also[edit]

  • Prominence (disambiguation)
  • Stress (disambiguation)
  • Markedness, quality of a non-basic or less natural linguistic form



: force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something


: a particular prominence given in reading or speaking to one or more words or syllables


: special consideration of or stress or insistence on something


Example Sentences

Our candidate’s plan has a different emphasis.

a prep school with a long-established emphasis on sports

Recent Examples on the Web

Thus, his emphasis has been on putting phones in the hands of people, not just in cars or facilities or homes.

Diane Bell, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

Parallel to this single-minded focus on competitiveness was the clear emphasis the sessions gave to military matters.

Milton Ezrati, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

Improving against the run is an emphasis for a Dallas defense that, with more early-down success, hopes to increase the number of opportunities for its pass rush.

Sportsday Staff, Dallas News, 26 Mar. 2023

Complimenting a production’s lighting is traditionally the way critics avoid talking about everything else, but the enveloping atmosphere is the whole emphasis and advantage of Thomas Kail’s production of Sweeney.

Vulture, 26 Mar. 2023

There is a big difference between green lights on the bases during spring training and the regular season, but it’s been an emphasis throughout camp.

Bobby Nightengale, The Enquirer, 23 Mar. 2023

What’s less expected, however — and what really lingers once the dust has settled — is the series’ emphasis on the characters’ flawed humanity, and its disarming sense of empathy for their existential despair.

Angie Han, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Mar. 2023

One reason for this success is the emphasis Volkswagen is placing on its German roots.

Larry Griffin, Car and Driver, 15 Mar. 2023

Ultimately though, the differentiating factor for SPIN Labs will be its emphasis on music.

Sean Burch, SPIN, 14 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ’emphasis.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from Latin, «use of language to imply more than is actually said, implication» (Late Latin also «appearance,» Medieval Latin «prominence of expression, stress»), borrowed from Greek émphasis «appearance in a smooth surface, reflection, outward appearance, setting forth, exposition, significance, force of expression,» from empha-, stem in noun derivation of emphaínein «to exhibit, display, indicate,» emphaínesthai «to be reflected, become visible» (from em- en- entry 2 + phaínein «to bring to light, cause to appear,» and phaínesthai «to become visible, appear») + -sis -sis — more at fantasy entry 1, phase entry 1

Greek pha- can be a stem in nominal derivation of both phaínein and the verb phēmí, phánai «to speak, say,» so that prefixed words formed with it may have senses relating to both appearance and to speech or language, as is the case with émphasis. For the underlying relation between the two verbs see the note at ban entry 1.

First Known Use

1534, in the meaning defined at sense 1b

Time Traveler

The first known use of emphasis was
in 1534

Dictionary Entries Near emphasis

Cite this Entry

“Emphasis.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
5 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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