Meaning of word approve

утверждать, одобрять, санкционировать, апробировать, показывать, проявлять


- одобрять, считать правильным

to approve the policies of the government — одобрить политику правительства
I entirely approve that precaution — я полностью одобряю /считаю правильной/ эту меру предосторожности

- (of) высказываться или относиться одобрительно (к кому-л., чему-л.)

I approve of him — мне он нравится; я хорошо к нему отношусь
my fiancée’s mother does not approve of me — мать моей невесты относится ко мне неодобрительно

- одобрять, утверждать, санкционировать

to approve a report [a plan, the minutes of the meeting] — утверждать доклад [план, протокол совещания]
the minutes were read and approved — протокол был зачитан и утверждён
Congress approved the proposed budget — конгресс принял /утвердил/ предложенный бюджет

- арх. проявлять (себя); показывать (что-л. на деле)

to approve oneself — зарекомендовать себя, проявить себя (с положительной стороны)
to approve oneself a man of courage — показать себя мужественным человеком

- завышать ценность своего имущества

Мои примеры


to approve a label — утвердить ярлык  
to approve of smb.’s plan — одобрить чей-л. план  
to approve oneself an intrepid soldier — показать себя храбрым солдатом  
to approve clemency application — удовлетворить ходатайство о помиловании  
approve the budget — одобрить бюджет  
to pass [approve] the budget — принять [одобрить, утвердить] бюджет  
approve someone’s proceedings — одобрить чьи-л. действия  
approve of a resolution — одобрить резолюцию  
approve a schedule — утверждать график  
to approve a report — утверждать доклад  

Примеры с переводом

I don’t approve of your friends.

Мне не нравятся твои друзья.

I entirely approve of your choice.

Я всецело одобряю твой выбор.

I can’t approve your plan.

Я не могу одобрить /утвердить/ ваш план.

They approved the terms of contract.

Они утвердили условия контракта.

Do you approve of hunting after foxes?

Вы одобряете охоту на лис?

I don’t approve of his staying at their place.

Я против того, чтобы он останавливался у них.

The proposal was approved by the board.

Совет одобрил предложение.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We screen the kids’ music so that we can approve what they listen to.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disapprove  — не одобрять, неодобрительно относиться
approval  — утверждение, одобрение, согласие, рассмотрение
approved  — одобренный, апробированный, испытанный
approving  — одобрительный
approvable  — заслуживающий, достойный одобрения
approvement  — одобрение, похвала, доказательство вины, на основании показаний осведомителя
approver  — преступник, сознавшийся в преступлении и выдавший своих сообщников

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: approve
he/she/it: approves
ing ф. (present participle): approving
2-я ф. (past tense): approved
3-я ф. (past participle): approved

  • 1


    Глагол approve в своем наиболее распространенном значении ‘одобрять’ употребляется как с прямым дополнением (to approve a proposal), так ‘и с дополнением с предлогом of (to approve of a proposal), причем предложное дополнение встречается значительно чаще.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > approve

  • 2
    approve of

    approve of something
    to be in favor of someone/something
    одобрять кого-то/что-то

    Her father doesn’t approve of her boyfriend. Her mother doesn’t approve of smoking.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > approve of

  • 3

    approve the limitations

    утверждать ограничения

    approve the tariff

    утверждать тариф

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > approve

  • 4

    1) одобря́ть (of)


    refl. уст.

    пока́зывать, проявля́ть себя́;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > approve

  • 5

    Персональный Сократ > approve

  • 6

    1. III

    approve smth. approve smb.’s proposals одобрять чьи-л. предложения и т. д., I can’t approve your plan я не могу одобрить или утвердить ваш план

    2. IV

    approve smth. in some manner approve smth. warmly горяча и т. д. одобрить что-л.; I approve these measures entirely я полностью одобряю эти меры

    3. XI

    be approved by smb. these cars were approved by the engineers эти автомобили и r. д. были одобрены инженерами; be approved in some place manners approved in society манеры, принятые в обществе

    4. XVI

    approve of smth., smb. approve of smb.’s plan одобрить чей-л. план и r. д.; knowing all I can hardly approve of your conduct зная все /все обстоятельства/, я не могу одобрить ваше поведение; it was clear that he did not approve of my remark было ясно, что ему не понравилось мое замечание; they warmly approved of this plan они горячо и т. д. одобрили этот план; I don’t approve of your friends at all мне совсем не нравятся ваши друзья

    5. XVII

    approve of doing smth. approve of smb.’s going away одобрять чей-л. отъезд и т. д., положительно относиться к чьему-л. отъезду и т. д.; he approves of my learning French он одобряет то /положительно относится к тому/, что я изучаю французский [язык]; I don’t approve of his staying at their place я против того, чтобы он останавливался у них

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > approve

  • 7


    approve одобрять (of) approve одобрять approve подтверждать approve refl. показывать, проявлять себя; he approved himself a good pianist он показал себя хорошим пианистом approve принимать approve санкционировать approve считать правильным approve устанавливать подлинность approve утверждать (особ. постановление); санкционировать approve утверждать approve refl. показывать, проявлять себя; he approved himself a good pianist он показал себя хорошим пианистом

    English-Russian short dictionary > approve

  • 8


    1. 1) одобрять, считать правильным

    to approve the policies of the government — одобрить политику правительства

    I entirely approve that precaution — я полностью одобряю /считаю правильной/ эту меру предосторожности

    2) (of) высказываться относиться одобрительно ()

    I approve of him — мне он нравится; я хорошо к нему отношусь

    my fiancée’s mother does not approve of me — мать моей невесты относится ко мне неодобрительно

    2. одобрять, утверждать, санкционировать

    to approve a report [a plan, the minutes of the meeting] — утверждать доклад [план, протокол совещания]

    Congress approved the proposed budget — конгресс принял /утвердил/ предложенный бюджет


    проявлять (); показывать (

    на деле)

    to approve oneself — зарекомендовать себя, проявить себя ()

    to approve oneself a man of courage — показать себя мужественным человеком



    НБАРС > approve

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > approve

  • 10

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > approve

  • 11





    одобрять, считать правильным

    I entirely approve of your choice. — Я всецело одобряю твой выбор.



    одобрять, относиться одобрительно

    I can’t say that I entirely approve of chain restaurants. — Я не могу сказать, что полностью одобряю сетевые рестораны.

    Even though he is smart and funny, I know my family will not approve of him. — Несмотря на то, что он умный и забавный, я знаю, что моей семье он не понравится.




    одобрять, утверждать, согласовывать, санкционировать

    They approved the terms of contract. — Они согласовали условия контракта.

    The proposal was approved by the board. — Совет одобрил предложение.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > approve

  • 12



    to approve of smb.’s plan — одобрить чей-л. план

    I don’t approve of your friends. — Мне не нравятся твои друзья.

    I don’t approve of his staying at their place. — Я против того, чтобы он останавливался у них.



    2) утверждать ; санкционировать

    I can’t approve your plan. — Я не могу одобрить (утвердить) ваш план.

    The colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court-martial. — Приговор полкового трибунала утверждают полковник или старший офицер.



    показывать на деле; проявлять себя

    Англо-русский современный словарь > approve

  • 13

    1. v одобрять, считать правильным

    2. v высказываться или относиться одобрительно

    3. v одобрять, утверждать, санкционировать

    approve of — одобрять; санкционировать; утверждать

    4. v арх. проявлять; показывать

    5. v юр. завышать ценность своего имущества

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accept (verb) accept; approbate; countenance; esteem; favor; favour; go for; hold with; subscribe to

    4. appreciate (verb) applaud; appreciate; commend; praise; prize; recommend; support; value

    5. authorize (verb) accredit; adopt; authorise; authorize; certify; endorse; ok; okay; pass; validate

    Антонимический ряд:

    deny; disapprove; disavow; dislike; disown; reject; veto

    English-Russian base dictionary > approve

  • 14


    одобрять, утверждать

    to approve smth in principle — одобрять в принципе

    to approve smth narrowly — одобрять незначительным большинством голосов

    Politics english-russian dictionary > approve

  • 15



    1) утверждать, санкционировать

    I can’t approve your plan. — Я не могу утвердить ваш план.

    approve smth

    — approve smb’s plans

    2) одобрять, считать правильным

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > approve

  • 16


    утверждать, принимать, санкционировать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > approve

  • 17

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > approve

  • 18

    Англо-русский технический словарь > approve

  • 19



    одобрять; санкционировать, утверждать

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > approve

  • 20

    одобрять, утверждать; санкционировать

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > approve


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Approve — Ap*prove , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Approved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Approving}.] [OE. aproven, appreven, to prove, OF. aprover, F. approuver, to approve, fr. L. approbare; ad + probare to esteem as good, approve, prove. See {Prove}, and cf. {Approbate}.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • approve — UK US /əˈpruːv/ verb ► [T] to accept, allow, or officially agree to something: » The measure was approved by the Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs. »The aluminum producer could begin recalling workers on Tuesday if the union… …   Financial and business terms

  • approve — approve, endorse, sanction, accredit, certify mean to have or to express a favorable opinion of. Approve often means no more than this {daring them . . . to approve her conduct Conrad} Sometimes, however, it suggests esteem or admiration {Jane… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • approve of sb — approve of sb/sth ► to have a good opinion of someone or something: »Close to 90% of people approve of his handling of the crisis. Main Entry: ↑approve …   Financial and business terms

  • approve — ap·prove vt ap·proved, ap·prov·ing: to give formal or official sanction to: ratify Congress approved the proposed budget Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • approve — (v.) c.1300, to demonstrate, prove; mid 14c., to attest (something) with authority, from O.Fr. aprover (Mod.Fr. approuver) approve, agree to, from L. approbare to assent to as good, regard as good, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + probare to try,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • approve — [v1] agree something is good accept, acclaim, admire, applaud, appreciate, approbate, be big on*, commend, countenance, esteem, face it, favor, go along with, grin and bear it*, handle, like, live with*, praise, put up with, regard highly,… …   New thesaurus

  • approve — ► VERB 1) (often approve of) believe that someone or something is good or acceptable. 2) officially acknowledge as satisfactory. ORIGIN Old French aprover, from Latin approbare …   English terms dictionary

  • approve — [ə pro͞ov′] vt. approved, approving [ME aproven < OFr aprover < L approbare < ad , to + probare, to try, test < probus, good] 1. to give one s consent to; sanction; confirm 2. to be favorable toward; think or declare to be good,… …   English World dictionary

  • Approve — Ap*prove ([a^]p*pr[=oo]v ), v. t. [OF. aprouer; a (L. ad) + a form apparently derived fr. the pro, prod, in L. prodest it is useful or profitable, properly the preposition pro for. Cf. {Improve}.] (Eng. Law) To make profit of; to convert to one s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • approve of — index countenance, permit Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary



  • (General American, Received Pronunciation) enPR: ə-pro͞ovʹ, IPA(key): /əˈpɹuːv/
  • Rhymes: -uːv
  • Hyphenation: ap‧prove

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English aproven, appreoven, appreven, apreven, borrowed from Old French aprover, approver, approuvir, appreuver (to approve), from Latin approbō, from ad + probō (to esteem as good, approve, prove). Doublet of approbate. Compare prove.


approve (third-person singular simple present approves, present participle approving, simple past and past participle approved)

  1. (transitive) To officially sanction; to ratify; to confirm; to set as satisfactory.
    • 2013 August 10, “Can China clean up fast enough?”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:

      It has jailed environmental activists and is planning to limit the power of judicial oversight by handing a state-approved body a monopoly over bringing environmental lawsuits.

    Although we may disagree with it, we must nevertheless approve the sentence handed down by the court-martial.

  2. (transitive) To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of.

    We approve the measure of the administration, for it is an excellent decision.

  3. (transitive, archaic) To make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically.
    • 1848, Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History of England from the Accession Of James II
      He had approved himself a great warrior.
    • 1844, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: Second Series
      Opportunities to approve [] worth.
    • 1812-1818, Lord Byron, Child Harolde’s Piligrimage
      ‘T is an old lesson; Time approves it true.
    • 1764, Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto, III:
      He had long burned with impatience to approve his valour.
  4. (intransitive, followed by «of») To consider worthy (to); to be pleased (with); to accept.

    Her mother never approves of any of her boyfriends. She thinks nobody is good enough for her little girl.

    • 2016, Mitski, Your Best American Girl
      Your mother wouldn’t approve of how my mother raised me. But I do, I think I do. And you’re an all-American boy
    • 1995, The Verve, A Northern Soul
      Dad didn’t approve of me, do you? I’m alive with something inside of me.
    • 1848, Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History of England from the Accession Of James II
      They had not approved of the deposition of James.
    • 1758, Jonathan Swift, The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen
      Their address was in the most dutiful manner, approving of what her majesty had done toward a peace, and dissolve her parliament
  5. (archaic, transitive, usually with a reflexive pronoun) To show to be worthy; to demonstrate the merits of.
    • a. 1729, John Rogers, The Duty and Advantageous of Trust in God
      The first care and concern must be to approve himself to God.
Derived terms[edit]
  • approbation
  • approvable
  • approvably
  • approval
  • approved school
  • approver
  • I approve this message

to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial

  • Albanian: miratoj (sq)
  • Arabic: صَدَّقَ(ṣaddaqa), وَافَقَ(wāfaqa)
  • Armenian: հաստատել (hy) (hastatel)
  • Azerbaijani: təsdiq etmək (az), təsdiqləmək (az)
  • Basque: onetsi
  • Belarusian: ухваля́ць impf (uxvaljácʹ), ухвалі́ць pf (uxvalícʹ), адабра́ць impf (adabrácʹ), адо́брыць pf (adóbrycʹ)
  • Bulgarian: утвържда́вам impf (utvǎrždávam), утвърдя́ pf (utvǎrdjá), одобря́вам (bg) impf (odobrjávam), одобря́ pf (odobrjá)
  • Catalan: aprovar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 批准 (pai1 zeon2)
    Mandarin: 批准 (zh) (pīzhǔn), 贊成赞成 (zh) (zànchéng)
  • Czech: schvalovat (cs) impf, schválit (cs) pf
  • Danish: godkende (da)
  • Dutch: goedkeuren (nl)
  • Esperanto: aprobi (eo)
  • Estonian: heaks kiitma (et)
  • Finnish: hyväksyä (fi), vahvistaa (fi), antaa suostumus
  • French: approuver (fr)
  • Georgian: მოწონება (moc̣oneba), დადასტურება (dadasṭureba), დამტკიცება (damṭḳiceba), სანქციონირება (sankcionireba), სანქცირება (sankcireba)
  • German: billigen (de), genehmigen (de)
  • Greek: εγκρίνω (el) (egkríno)
    Ancient: δοκιμάζω (dokimázō), ἐγκρίνω (enkrínō)
  • Hebrew: אִשֵּׁר (he) (ishér)
  • Hindi: अनुमोदन करना (anumodan karnā)
  • Hungarian: jóváhagy (hu), engedélyez (hu), elfogad (hu), hozzájárul (hu)
  • Italian: approvare (it)
  • Japanese: 承認する (ja) (しょうにんする, shōnin suru), 賛成する (ja) (さんせいする, sansei suru)
  • Kazakh: мақұлдау (kk) (maqūldau), бекіту (kk) (bekıtu)
  • Khmer: យល់ព្រម (yŭəl prɔɔm)
  • Korean: 승인하다 (ko) (seung’inhada), 찬성하다 (ko) (chanseonghada)
  • Kyrgyz: бекитүү (ky) (bekitüü)
  • Lao: ອະນຸມັດ (ʼa nu mat)
  • Latin: approbō (la), consciscō, (Late) ratihabeo
  • Maori: ohia
  • Latvian: apstiprināt
  • Lithuanian: patvirtinti (lt), pritarti (lt)
  • Macedonian: одобрува impf (odobruva), одобри pf (odobri)
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: зөвшөөрөх (mn) (zövšööröx)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: godkjenne
  • Persian: تصویب کردن (fa) (tasvib kardan)
  • Polish: zatwierdzać (pl) impf, zatwierdzić (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: aprovar (pt), sancionar (pt)
  • Romanian: a aproba (ro)
  • Russian: утвержда́ть (ru) impf (utverždátʹ), утверди́ть (ru) pf (utverdítʹ), одобря́ть (ru) impf (odobrjátʹ), одо́брить (ru) pf (odóbritʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: одобра́вати impf, одо̀брити pf
    Roman: odobrávati (sh) impf, odòbriti (sh) pf
  • Slovak: schvaľovať impf, schváliť pf
  • Slovene: odobravati impf, odobriti pf
  • Spanish: aprobar (es), sancionar (es)
  • Swedish: godkänna (sv)
  • Tajik: тасвиб кардан (tasvib kardan), маъкул донистан (maʾkul donistan), тасдиқ кардан (tg) (tasdiq kardan), таҳсин кардан (tahsin kardan)
  • Thai: อนุมัติ (th) (à-nú-mát)
  • Turkish: onaylamak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: схва́лювати impf (sxváljuvaty), схвали́ти pf (sxvalýty), затве́рджувати impf (zatvérdžuvaty), затве́рдити pf (zatvérdyty)
  • Urdu: تَوثِیق کَرنا(tausīq karnā)
  • Uzbek: maʼqul topmoq, maʻqullamoq
  • Vietnamese: phê duyệt (vi)
  • Welsh: cymeradwyo (cy)

to regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of

  • Arabic: اِسْتَحَسَنَ(istaḥasana), وَافَقَ(wāfaqa), رَضِيَ(raḍiya)
  • Armenian: please add this translation if you can
  • Basque: onetsi
  • Belarusian: ухваля́ць impf (uxvaljácʹ), ухвалі́ць pf (uxvalícʹ), адабра́ць impf (adabrácʹ), адо́брыць pf (adóbrycʹ)
  • Bulgarian: одобря́вам (bg) impf (odobrjávam), одобря́ pf (odobrjá)
  • Catalan: aprovar (ca)
  • Czech: schvalovat (cs) impf, schválit (cs) pf
  • Danish: godkende (da)
  • Dutch: goedkeuren (nl)
  • Esperanto: aprobi (eo)
  • Finnish: hyväksyä (fi), suvaita (fi)
  • French: approuver (fr)
  • Georgian: მოწონება (moc̣oneba)
  • German: gutheißen (de), billigen (de)
  • Greek: εγκρίνω (el) (egkríno)
    Ancient: δοκιμάζω (dokimázō)
  • Hungarian: helyesel (hu), támogat (hu)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Latin: approbō (la), ratihabeo
  • Macedonian: одобрува impf (odobruva), одобри pf (odobri)
  • Maori: ohia
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: сайшаах (mn) (sajšaax)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: godkjenne
  • Polish: pochwalać (pl) impf, aprobować (pl) impf, zaaprobować (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: aprovar (pt)
  • Russian: одобря́ть (ru) impf (odobrjátʹ), одо́брить (ru) pf (odóbritʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: одобра́вати impf, одо̀брити pf
    Roman: odobrávati (sh) impf, odòbriti (sh) pf
  • Slovak: schvaľovať impf, schváliť pf
  • Slovene: odobravati impf, odobriti pf
  • Spanish: ver con buenos ojos
  • Swedish: godkänna (sv)
  • Thai: เห็นด้วย (th) (hěn-dûai)
  • Ukrainian: схва́лювати impf (sxváljuvaty), схвали́ти pf (sxvalýty)
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can
  • Welsh: cymeradwyo (cy)

to make or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance

  • Arabic: وَافَقَ(wāfaqa)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 贊成赞成 (zh) (zànchéng)
  • Dutch: instemmen met
  • Finnish: hyväksyä (fi)
  • French: approuver (fr)
  • German: bewilligen (de), gutheißen (de), billigen (de)
  • Greek: εγκρίνω (el) (egkríno)
  • Japanese: 賛成する (ja) (さんせいする, sansei suru)
  • Latin: scisco, ratihabeo
  • Norman: approuver
  • Polish: aprobować (pl) impf, zaaprobować (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: aprovar (pt)
  • Russian: одобря́ть (ru) impf (odobrjátʹ), одо́брить (ru) pf (odóbritʹ), относи́ться одобри́тельно impf (otnosítʹsja odobrítelʹno)
  • Spanish: aprobar (es)
  • Ukrainian: схва́лювати impf (sxváljuvaty), схвали́ти pf (sxvalýty)

(archaic in English) to show to be worthy; to demonstrate the merits of

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English approuen, approven, from Old French aprouer; a- + a form apparently derived from the pro, prod, in Latin prōsum (be useful or profitable). Compare with improve.


approve (third-person singular simple present approves, present participle approving, simple past and past participle approved)

  1. (transitive, law, English law) To make profit of; to convert to one’s own profit — said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.


  • approve in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913



From English approve.


  • IPA(key): /aː²² puːf⁵⁵/



  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese) to approve
    • 其實我見到佢批咗,跟番嗰個牌子,佢approve嘅呢,我就——批咗,我就冇去詳細睇㗎嘞。 [Cantonese, trad.]
      其实我见到佢批咗,跟番嗰个牌子,佢approve嘅呢,我就——批咗,我就冇去详细睇㗎嘞。 [Cantonese, simp.]

      From: 2016, 翁國財 [Yung Kwok Choi], 食水含鉛超標調查委員會 [Commission of Inquiry into Excess Lead Found in Drinking Water], P.60 of transcript
      kei4 sat6 ngo5 gin3 dou3 keoi5 pai1 zo2, gan1 faan1 go2 go3 paai4 zi2, keoi5 approve ge3 ne1, ngo5 zau6 — pai1 zo2, ngo5 zau6 mou5 heoi3 coeng4 sai3 tai2 gaa3 laak3. [Jyutping]
      (please add an English translation of this example)



v. ap·proved, ap·prov·ing, ap·proves

1. To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction: The Senate approved the treaty.

2. To consider right or good: «He came to ask me … whether I approved his choice altogether» (Jane Austen).

3. Obsolete To prove or attest.


To show, feel, or express approval: We didn’t approve of the decision.

[Middle English appreven, approven, from Old French aprover, from Latin approbāre : ad-, ad- + probāre, to test (from probus, good; see per in Indo-European roots).]

ap·prov′a·ble adj.

ap·prov′ing·ly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (when: intr, often foll by of) to consider fair, good, or right; commend (a person or thing)

2. (tr) to authorize or sanction

3. (tr) obsolete to demonstrate or prove by trial

[C14: from Old French aprover, from Latin approbāre to approve, from probāre to test, prove]

apˈprovingly adv




(Law) (tr) law to improve or increase the value of (waste or common land), as by enclosure

[C15: from Old French approuer to turn to advantage, from prou advantage]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. -proved, -prov•ing. v.t.

1. to speak or think favorably of: I approve your choice.

2. to find to be acceptable: Do you approve the plan?

3. to confirm or sanction formally; ratify: The Senate approved the bill.


4. to have a favorable view: They don’t approve of my friends.

[1300–50; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French aprover < Latin approbāre=ap- ap-1 + probāre to prove]

ap•prov′ing•ly, adv.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


— Its original sense was «prove, demonstrate.»

See also related terms for prove.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. ‘approve of’

If you approve of someone or something, you have a good opinion of them.

His mother did not approve of Julie.

Stefan approved of the whole affair.

Be Careful!
Don’t say that you ‘approve to‘ someone or something.

2. ‘approve’

If someone in authority approves a plan or idea, they formally agree to it and say that it can happen.

The White House approved the proposal.

The directors quickly approved the new deal.

Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘of’ for this meaning of approve. Don’t say, for example, ‘The directors quickly approved of the new deal‘.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: approved
Gerund: approving

I approve
you approve
he/she/it approves
we approve
you approve
they approve
I approved
you approved
he/she/it approved
we approved
you approved
they approved
Present Continuous
I am approving
you are approving
he/she/it is approving
we are approving
you are approving
they are approving
Present Perfect
I have approved
you have approved
he/she/it has approved
we have approved
you have approved
they have approved
Past Continuous
I was approving
you were approving
he/she/it was approving
we were approving
you were approving
they were approving
Past Perfect
I had approved
you had approved
he/she/it had approved
we had approved
you had approved
they had approved
I will approve
you will approve
he/she/it will approve
we will approve
you will approve
they will approve
Future Perfect
I will have approved
you will have approved
he/she/it will have approved
we will have approved
you will have approved
they will have approved
Future Continuous
I will be approving
you will be approving
he/she/it will be approving
we will be approving
you will be approving
they will be approving
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been approving
you have been approving
he/she/it has been approving
we have been approving
you have been approving
they have been approving
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been approving
you will have been approving
he/she/it will have been approving
we will have been approving
you will have been approving
they will have been approving
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been approving
you had been approving
he/she/it had been approving
we had been approving
you had been approving
they had been approving
I would approve
you would approve
he/she/it would approve
we would approve
you would approve
they would approve
Past Conditional
I would have approved
you would have approved
he/she/it would have approved
we would have approved
you would have approved
they would have approved

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. approve - give sanction toapprove — give sanction to; «I approve of his educational policies»

authorize, authorise, clear, pass — grant authorization or clearance for; «Clear the manuscript for publication»; «The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography»

sanction — give religious sanction to, such as through on oath; «sanctify the marriage»

visa — approve officially; «The list of speakers must be visaed»

confirm — support a person for a position; «The Senate confirmed the President’s candidate for Secretary of Defense»

disapprove, reject — deem wrong or inappropriate; «I disapprove of her child rearing methods»

2. approve - judge to be right or commendableapprove — judge to be right or commendable; think well of

pass judgment, evaluate, judge — form a critical opinion of; «I cannot judge some works of modern art»; «How do you evaluate this grant proposal?» «We shouldn’t pass judgment on other people»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verb agree to, second, allow, pass, accept, confirm, recommend, permit, sanction, advocate, bless, endorse, uphold, mandate, authorize, ratify, go along with, subscribe to, consent to, buy into (informal), validate, countenance, rubber stamp, accede to, give the go-ahead to (informal), give the green light to, assent to, concur in, greenlight, O.K. or okay (informal) MPs approved the bill by a majority of 97.
agree to veto, disallow, discountenance

approve of something or someone favour, like, support, respect, praise, appreciate, agree with, admire, endorse, esteem, acclaim, applaud, commend, be pleased with, big up (slang, chiefly Caribbean), have a good opinion of, regard highly, think highly of Not everyone approves of the festival.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To be favorably disposed toward:

2. To give one’s consent to:

Informal: OK.

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


استحسنيَرْضى عَن، يَسْتَحْسِنيُوافِقُيُوافَق عَلى





líka vel, fallast ásamòykkja




apstiprinātatzinīgi novērtētpiekrist




chấp thuận



approve of VI + PREP

2. to approve of sb: they don’t approve of my fiancéno les parece bien mi novio

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



viêtre d’accord
Do you approve? → Êtes-vous d’accord?

approve of

vt fus [+ choice, proposal, behaviour, idea] → approuver
I don’t approve of his choice → Je n’approuve pas son choix., Je désapprouve son choix.
They didn’t approve of his girlfriend
BUT Sa copine ne leur a pas plu.
My father did not approve of the marriage
BUT Mon père était contre ce mariage.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈpruːv) verb

1. (often with of) to be pleased with or think well of (a person, thing etc). I approve of your decision.

2. to agree to (something). The committee approved the plan.

apˈproval noun

the act or state of agreeing to or being pleased with (a person, thing etc). This proposal meets with my approval.

on approval

to be sent or given back to a shop etc if not satisfactory. She bought two dresses on approval.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يُوافِقُ schvalovat godkende genehmigen εγκρίνω aprobar hyväksyä approuver odobriti approvare 承認する 승인하다 goedkeuren godkjenne zatwierdzić aprovar одобрять godkänna อนุมัติ onaylamak chấp thuận 赞成

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. aprobar, aceptar, dar estimación.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

transitive verb


: to have or express a favorable opinion of

couldn’t approve such conduct



: to accept as satisfactory

hopes she will approve the date of the meeting


Choose the Right Synonym for approve

the parents approve of the marriage

endorse suggests an explicit statement of support.

publicly endorsed her for Senator

sanction implies both approval and authorization.

the President sanctioned covert operations

accredit and certify usually imply official endorsement attesting to conformity to set standards.

the board voted to accredit the college

must be certified to teach

Example Sentences

I don’t care if all the other parents are letting their kids do it; I still don’t approve.

The state has approved the building plans, so work on the new school can begin immediately.

Your supervisor must approve the report before it can be sent.

Recent Examples on the Web

If it were approved, Alabama would join a number of states with transportation commissions that are responsible for the programming and allocation of public funds for roadwork.

John Sharp | , al, 8 Apr. 2023

If the changes are approved, consumers can rest assured that any new ingredients will be clearly labeled.

Sarah Garone, Health, 7 Apr. 2023

If the merger is approved, that company will be controlled by Endeavor — and Emanuel will be McMahon’s boss.

Abraham Josephine Riesman, Washington Post, 7 Apr. 2023

If approved by the bankruptcy court, this financing would allow the company funding to continue these operations while seeking a buyer.

Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 7 Apr. 2023

Polling in the last few weeks suggests that voters believe politics played a role in the decision to indict Trump in New York, even if people approve of the indictment overall.

Erin B. Logan, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2023

Effective Thursday, the FDA says, Makena and its generics are no longer approved and cannot lawfully be distributed in interstate commerce.

Jen Christensen, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023

Those businesses can also obtain ag passes through the county if the city where they are located approves a similar program.

Deborah Sullivan Brennan, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

Some lawmakers suspect either bill will get bogged down in future legal challenges if ultimately approved, as has Measure 114, narrowly passed by Oregonians in November.

oregonlive, 6 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘approve.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Anglo-French apruer, approver, from Latin approbare, from ad- + probare to prove — more at prove

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 3

Time Traveler

The first known use of approve was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near approve

Cite this Entry

“Approve.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on approve

Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged


      vt     (motion, decision)
одобрять (одобрить    perf  )  ,   (publication, product)
утверждать (утвердить    perf  )

approve of  

      vt fus   одобрять (одобрить    perf  )

Translation English — Russian Collins Dictionary  

Context«approve«: examples and translations in context

Only then it would approve your loan. И только потом вам могли бы одобрить в выдаче займа.
Rigo needed to approve Operation Doomsday before it all happened. Риго нужно одобрить операцию «Судный день» прежде чем всё придет в движение.
All authors must approve the final manuscript before submission. В случае коллективного авторства все авторы должны утвердить окончательную рукопись перед подачей.
Regulatory authorities shall approve those costs only if they are reasonable and appropriate. Регулирующие органы должны утвердить эти расходы только в том случае, если они являются разумными и пропорциональными.
President Trump must not approve this arms deal, she said. Президент Трамп не должен одобрять эту сделку о торговле оружием», — продолжила она.
MINUSTAH continued to receive, review and approve proposals for quick-impact projects throughout Haiti. МООНСГ продолжала получать, анализировать и одобрять предложения о реализации проектов с быстрой отдачей на всей территории Гаити.

Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary.

approve — перевод на русский



Как вы думаете, ваш папа-генерал одобрил бы?

He approved the script.

Он одобрил текст.

I promise you we’ll do nothing tonight That the priest wouldn’t approve of.

Я обещаю тебе, что мы ничего не будем делать сегодня вечером, … чего бы не одобрил священник.

Yes, yes, I approved it.

Да, я одобрил его.

Of course, since you’ve approved the loan, the incident is closed.

Разумеется, с момента, как ты одобрил заем, инцидент был закрыт.

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You don’t expect me to approve of your being here.

Не думай, что я одобряю твой визит.

I approve and make sure the scripts are good before you even see them.

Я одобряю и убеждаюсь, что сценарий хорош, прежде, чем ты его видишь.

I don’t approve of me at all!

Я совсем себя не одобряю

And I certainly don’t approve of your personal initiative in this matter!

Тем паче я не одобряю вашу инициативу в этом деле.

I suppose he regrets the loss of his youthful vigor, but I can’t approve of so many injections.

Думаю, он печалится о потери своего юношеского задора но я не одобряю массивное лекарственное лечение.

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But I did not know it was going to be rubbed out of existence, Which it will be if this contract is approved.

Но я не знала, что она прекратит свое существование, как это будет, если настоящий договор будет одобрен.

This time the family approves.

Но этот брак впервые одобрен семьёй.

Global Two, wide turn approved.

Глобал 2, широкий поворот одобрен.

«Items one, comma, five, comma, seven, approved fullwise.

«Вопрос 1, запятая, 5, запятая, 7, запятая, полностью одобрен.

He falsified his research so RDU-90 could be approved and Devlin MacGregor could give you Provasic.

Он фальсифицировал данные чтобы РДУ-90 мог быть одобрен и Девлин МакГрегор мог продавать вам провазик.

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Have a minute to approve some copy?

Есть минутка утвердить копии?

You got 10 seconds to approve this operation or else I’m calling Central HQ and telling them all about your marijuana field.

У тебя есть 10 секунд утвердить эту операцию или я звоню в главный штаб и рассказываю им о твоей плантации марихуаны.

«Dear colleagues, today we are here to approve of a little unauthorized building right opposite the airport.»

«Дорогие коллеги, сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы утвердить строительство маленького незапланированного здания прямо напротив аэропорта»

The Synod must still approve you, Da’an. But if it is your will, I will vigorously support you.

Так или иначе, кандидатуру должен утвердить Синод, но, если ты пожелаешь, я употреблю все свое влияние, чтобы поддержать тебя.

They got to approve your outfit.

Они обязательно должны утвердить одежду.

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The urban town planning has been approved.

План был утверждён.

The text hasn’t been approved. What do you plan to say?

Доклад не утвержден, как ты будешь выступать?

If you check the order, you’ll see it’s been approved by the Director of investigations.

Если проверите приказ, то увидите, что он был утверждён главой отдела расследований.

They’ve been approved for temporary status by the student council.

Их временны статус утвержден студсоветом.

And this test isn’t exactly FDA approved, so let’s just keep it our little secret, okay?

Этот тест не совсем утвержден управлением по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами. Так что, пусть это будет наш маленький секрет, хорошо?

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He approved of us, but for reasons which were subtle, like his verse.

Такое одобрение могло растаять за одну ночь. Я так ему и сказал.

When their new drug gets approved on Monday anyone who holds the stock is going to be very, very rich.

Когда их лекарство получит одобрение в Понедельник, все владельцы акций станут очень-очень богатыми.


И Трейси сказала, что теперь ей всего лишь надо получить одобрение окружного менеджера, но это простая формальность.

I put my stuff out there and I pray they approve.

Я составляю каталоги, размещаю в них модели и надеюсь на одобрение.

I hope you approve.

Надеюсь на ваше одобрение.

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I hope you approve the new decoration of these rooms, madam?

Леди должна иметь собственную горничную. Я надеюсь, вам нравится новое оформление этой комнаты, мадам?

You don’t approve of these choices…

Вам не нравится подборка…

Surely you don’t approve of that.

Вам это нравится?

I should jolly well think I do approve, yes.

Думаю, что мне это нравится, да.

— I’m glad you approve.

— Я рад что вам нравится.

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I don’t think Dad would approve this kind of thing going on.

Не думаю, что папе понравилось бы происходящее.

— Then you approve of it?

— Значит, вам понравилось?

You approve?

Тебе понравилось?

I’m pleased you approve.

— Мы рады, что вам понравилось.

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They approved it and now don’t want it?

Дали разрешение и не хотят?

— We’re officially approved.

Посмотри у нас официальное разрешение.

We’re gonna need Pearlman to approve her wearing a wire.

Нам понадобится Перлман, чтобы получить разрешение на нательный микрофон.

You have been approved for a loan at 18%.

Вы получили разрешение на кредит под 18%.

I didn’t want anyone else to know in case I didn’t get approved.

Я не хотела, чтобы кто-то знал. А вдруг мне не дадут разрешение?

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I don’t know how they approved this.

Не пойму, как тебе разрешили.

It’s not approved, remember.

Но вы же не разрешили ее ставить.

We’ve been able to get Naomi breathing a little, but we need to remove the clot, and we need you to approve the treatment.

Мы смогли заставить Наоми снова немного дышать, но нам необходимо убрать тромб, и необходимо, чтобы вы разрешили лечение.

FDA just approved it last year, and it’s not the kind of medical treatment you’re likely to find in Mexico yet.

У нас их разрешили использовать только в прошлом году, поэтому, вряд ли данная методика дошла уже и до Мексики.

Did you really approve of Robbins storming my O.R., stealing my patient, humiliating me publicly?

Вы разрешили Роббинс захватить мою операционную, украсть моего пациента и публично меня унизить?

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