Meaning of word admitted

признанный, допущенный, общепризнанный


- признанный, общепризнанный

admitted fact — общепризнанный факт

- признавшийся

he’s an admitted thief — он сам признался, что он вор

Мои примеры


children are admitted half-price — на детские билеты скидка пятьдесят процентов  
admitted evidence — принятое судом доказательство  
admitted law — общепризнанная норма права  
admitted offence — преступление, признанное преступником  
admitted region — область допустимых значений  
be admitted to citizenship — получить гражданство  
admitted set-off — зачет требований, признанный истцом  
admitted by competitive examination — принятый по конкурсу  
admitted upon competitive examination — принятый по конкурсу  
the conjecture has been admitted to be incorrect — было признано, что эта гипотеза неверна  

Примеры с переводом

She was admitted to the university.

Её приняли в университет.

He admitted his errors

Он признал свои ошибки.

What time was she admitted?

В котором часу её приняли?

He admitted them into his office.

Он впустил их в свой кабинет.

He admitted to being a lawbreaker.

Он признался, что является правонарушителем.

‘I owe my parents a lot,’ he admitted.

— Я многим обязан своим родителям, — признался он.

They admitted counterfeiting documents.

Они признались в подделке документов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

All six men admitted conspiring to steal cars.

He admitted that their marriage was in trouble.

She admitted that she was unable to compromise.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

admit  — допускать, признавать, принимать, впустить, впускать, соглашаться, позволять
admittedly  — по общему признанию, предположительно, по общему согласию
unadmitted  — непризнанный

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I admitted that I was too nervous to talk about it.

Я признался, что я был слишком нервным, чтобы говорить об этом.

He has also admitted kidnapping several children.

Он также признался, что совершил похищения нескольких детей.

One middle-ranking police officer with whom I spoke afterwards admitted this.

Один из офицеров полиции среднего звена, с которыми я впоследствии беседовал, признал это.

But he admitted was had no evidence the fingerprint could be reconstructed.

Но он признал, что был не было никаких доказательств отпечатки пальцев могли бы быть реконструированы.

The actress admitted that in an interview.

Об этом актриса призналась в одном из своих интервью.

Elena admitted that everything really happened as the clairvoyant said.

Елена призналась, что все действительно случилось так, как говорила ясновидящая.

Neither defendant initially admitted ownership of the notes.

Ни один из ответчиков изначально не признал право собственности на ноты.

Bernard, as a true scientist admitted his mistake.

Бернар же, как подобает истинному ученому, признал свою ошибку.

The billionaire admitted that his government often helped.

При этом миллиардер признал, что государство ему часто помогало.

Zuckerberg admitted that security was something the company needed to improve.

Zuckerberg признал, что безопасность — это то, что нужно улучшить компании.

He admitted self-policing had not worked and legislation was needed.

Он признал, что самозащита не работала, и законодательство было необходимо.

Krasko admitted that this experience was unusual and interesting.

Краско призналась, что этот опыт был для нее необычным и интересным.

He admitted that management has an uphill task.

Он признал, что перед руководством пенитенциарной системы стоит тяжелейшая задача.

The assailant admitted that the stabbing was nationalistically motivated.

Нападавший признал, что удары ножом он делал, руководствуясь националистическими соображениями.

She later admitted being terrified that it might be her next.

Позже она призналась, будучи в ужасе, что она может быть следующей.

He basically admitted that his client was violent.

Да он же фактически признал, что его клиент — чудовище.

Larry admitted he lied about his alibi to protect his marriage.

Ларри признался, что солгал про своё алиби, чтобы защитить свой брак.

Moreover, he publically admitted he loved her.

Более того, он публично признался, что любит ее.

I barely admitted being bipolar to myself.

Я самой себе не могла признался, что у меня биполярность.

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  • 1

    admitted: admitted to official listing допущенный к официальной торговле на фондовой бирже admitted: admitted to official listing допущенный к официальной торговле на фондовой бирже no claim admitted претензии не принимаются

    English-Russian short dictionary > admitted

  • 2


    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > admitted

  • 3

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > admitted

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > admitted

  • 5

    1. a признанный, общепризнанный

    2. a признавшийся

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. acclaimed (adj.) accepted; acclaimed; accredited; accustomed; acknowledged; affirmed; allowed; recognized; settled

    2. brought into (adj.) brought into; inaugurated; initiated; installed

    4. acknowledged (verb) acknowledged; agreed; avowed; conceded; confessed; granted; let on; owned; owned up; recognised; recognized

    8. took/taken (verb) received; took in/taken in; took/taken

    English-Russian base dictionary > admitted

  • 6

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > admitted

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > admitted

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > admitted

  • 9

    допускал; допускаемый; признал; признаваемый; допускаться

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > admitted

  • 10


    1) признанный, общепризнанный

    2) признавшийся

    he’s an admitted thief — он сам признался, что он вор

    НБАРС > admitted

  • 11
    admitted to

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > admitted to

  • 12


    признанный, общепризнанный

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > admitted

  • 13

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > admitted

  • 14

    признанный, общепризнанный

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > admitted

  • 15

    Англо-русский технический словарь > admitted

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > admitted

  • 17


    признанный, общепризнанный

    признавшийся, сознавшийся


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > admitted

  • 18

    1 (a) допущенный; общепризнанный

    * * *

    признанный, общепризнанный

    * * *

    [ad’mit·ted || -tɪd]
    признанный, общепризнанный, допущенный

    * * *









    * * *

    1) признанный
    2) признавшийся
    3) мат. допустимый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > admitted

  • 19

    наделенный / облеченный правом / правами

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > admitted

  • 20









    English-Russian smart dictionary > admitted


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • admitted — I adjective accepted, acknowledged, allowed, approved, avowed, believed, conceded, confessed, credited, granted, prescriptive, professed, received, recognized, trusted, undoubted, unquestioned associated concepts: admitted and marked as an… …   Law dictionary

  • admitted — admitted; non·admitted; …   English syllables

  • Admitted — Ad*mit ted, a. Received as true or valid; acknowledged …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Admitted — Admit Ad*mit , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Admitted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Admitting}.] [OE. amitten, L. admittere, admissum; ad + mittere to send: cf. F. admettre, OF. admettre, OF. ametre. See {Missile}.] 1. To suffer to enter; to grant entrance, whether… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • admitted — leistinas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis NATO terminijos standartizacijoje – terminų vertinimo skalės įvertis, kuriuo parodoma, kad terminas gali būti vartojamas tam tikrai sąvokai įvardyti, bet tinka mažiau už teiktiną terminą. atitikmenys …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • admitted asset — see asset 2 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • admitted judgment — index cognovit Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • admitted maxim — index principle (axiom) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • admitted testimony — index evidence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Admitted Insurance — Insurance purchased from a company that is admitted (or licensed) in the state in which the policy was sold. Admitted insurance must also be sold by an agent who is licensed in that state. By contrast, many states will allow non admitted carriers …   Investment dictionary

  • Admitted Assets — Assets of an insurance company that are permitted by state law to be included in the company s financial statements. Although each state has discretion over its own insurance laws, there is a general consensus over which assets are suitable to… …   Investment dictionary

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Idioms.



v. ad·mit·ted, ad·mit·ting, ad·mits


a. To grant to be real, valid, or true; acknowledge or concede: Even proponents of the technology admit that it doesn’t always work as well as it should.

b. To disclose or confess (guilt or an error, for example). See Synonyms at acknowledge.

2. To afford opportunity for; permit: We must admit no delay in the proceedings.


a. To allow to enter: a crack in the wall that admitted some light.

b. To grant the right to enter: This ticket admits two to the performance of the play.

c. To accept into an organization or group: The college admits fine arts students.

d. To accept (someone) as an inpatient in a hospital.

e. To accept into evidence as relevant and otherwise admissible: The judge admitted the testimony of the expert.


1. To afford possibility: a problem that admits of no solution.

2. To allow entrance; afford access: a door admitting to the hall.

3. To make acknowledgment; confess: admitted to committing the crime; admitted to a weakness for sweets.

[Middle English amitten, admitten, from Old French amettre, admettre, from Latin admittere : ad-, ad- + mittere, to send.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Meaning admitted

What does admitted mean? Here you find 9 meanings of the word admitted. You can also add a definition of admitted yourself




(v) declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of(v) allow to enter; grant entry to(v) allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions [..]





A foreign national is deemed to be «admitted» to the United States after inspection and authorization by a U.S. immigration official and, the actual lawful act of entry into the United State [..]





  To acknowledge; confess.





To acknowledge; confess.





Two different meanings exist:





Two different meanings exist: Admitted / non-admitted can refer to whether or not a country requires an insured to purchase insurance from an insurer licensed in this country. This has now become an i [..]





An insurance carrier that has been approved by a state’s insurance department. These are typically easier to deal with than non-admitted carriers when it comes to claims filed against medical facili [..]





Applicant who is offered admission to a degree-granting program.





admit is a dictionary written by people like you and me.
Please help and add a word. All sort of words are welcome!

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  • Defenition of the word admitted

    • owned up to; «his admitted doubts»; «the conceded error»; «a confessed murderer»; «a self-confessed plagiarist»

Synonyms for the word admitted

    • conceded
    • confessed
    • self-confessed

Similar words in the admitted

    • acknowledged

See other words

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    • The interpretation of the word according
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    • The lexical meaning productive
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    • Meaning of the word prophesying
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word gainful
    • The origin of the word admittance
    • Synonym for the word let pass
    • Antonyms for the word admittedly
    • Homonyms for the word admits
    • Hyponyms for the word brashness
    • Holonyms for the word prophylactics
    • Hypernyms for the word admitting
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word determination
    • Translation of the word in other languages donate

Asked by: Jaquelin Bogisich

Score: 4.3/5
(6 votes)

admit — to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: «to admit a student to college.» accept — To admit to a group, organization, or place: «accepted me as a new member of the club.» To me, this is a matter of nuance. In the US, being accepted by a university is pretty much the same as being admitted to one.

What does admitted mean on application status?

Admit. If you receive a fat envelope in the mail with an admit decision, congratulations – you’ve been accepted to the university! This is a no-strings-attached decision, meaning you don’t need to meet any additional requirements or submit any additional information.

What does it mean if you are admitted to a college?

Admit: Congratulations, you’re in! You’ve been offered admission to the college you selected. Admit/deny: The school you applied to agreed to admit you, but has denied you financial aid. It’s up to you to figure out how you are going to pay for school. Deny: This unfortunately means you weren’t accepted.

What does it mean to be admitted?

1a : to allow scope for : permit admits no possibility of misunderstanding. b : to concede as true or valid admitted making a mistake. 2a : to allow entry (as to a place, fellowship, or privilege) an open window had admitted rain admitted to the club.

Is accepted and admitted the same thing?

They can both mean the same thing but «admitted» is usually paired with «to»: She has been admitted to York University. «Accepted» can work with many different prepositions but in this context the most appropriate would be: She has been accepted into York University.

37 related questions found

What is a good sentence for admitted?

1, He admitted causing a breach of the peace. 2, She admitted stealing the money from her employers. 3, He was admitted to the casualty ward. 4, She was admitted to hospital for observation.

How do you know if you’ve been admitted?

You can check your admission status on JAMB CAPS portal by follow the simple steps outlined below.

  • Go to JAMB portal at JAMB eFacility Portal. …
  • Login with your Email and Password.
  • Then locate and click on Check Admission Status.
  • If the page only shows Welcome, do not worry. …
  • Click on Admission Status on the left panel.

What does accepting an offer of admission mean?

Because an early action decision is not binding, meaning you don’t have to attend if accepted, students have the option to accept the offer or continue to pursue admission at other colleges through their regular or rolling admission programs. If you want to attend… Accept the offer of admission!

What happens when you accept admission?

After you’ve accepted an admissions offer, you will receive a letter from the college informing you about the things you need to get ready. Getting started on the various formalities right away will not only help you stay on top of things but may also offer you more options for you to choose from.

How do you know you got accepted to a college?

Estimated Decision Notification Date

These days, most college acceptance letters will arrive as either an email or application status update on a college’s own application portal. Afterward, you’ll usually receive a hard copy of your acceptance letter in the mail and further updates via email or mail.

What does tentatively admitted mean?

Tentative Admission – your application is being considered. however there is something missing that you need to. submit.

What does reviewed decision pending mean?

Reviewed–Decision Pending

We have received all the necessary documents. In the initial review your application was deemed more competitive than those already refused but less competitive than those already admitted, placing your application in the “grey zone”.

What happens if you get accepted to college but don’t go?

After making your decision, you should contact the colleges that you will not attend. … Most colleges will include a rejection form in the acceptance packet that you can mail back if you decide not to attend that school.

Can you accept a university offer and then decline?

You can accept your new offer before withdrawing your enrolment from the first institution. However, ensure you follow the institution’s procedures for withdrawing your enrolment by the appropriate census date, otherwise you’ll be charged fees.

Can a university reject you after acceptance?

Although colleges never like to do it, and thankfully don’t have to do it very often, it is possible for a college to revoke or rescind its offer of admission after the letter of acceptance has been sent. … The college will want to receive her diploma and her final senior grades to confirm acceptance.

Can you accept two offers of admission?

Yes, the student will accept more than one offer to give them more time to decide. … Some students are hoping that waitlist offers will still pull through, or financial aid offers are still being negotiated. Those cases are slightly different, but still problematic, if you’re not communicating with the schools.

Can I accept a waitlist offer and an acceptance?

Yes, while it may not be a rejection, there is still no guarantee that you will ultimately receive an offer letter. … If you ultimately receive an offer letter from a school that had waitlisted you, you can simply sacrifice the enrollment deposit and then accept the other school’s offer.

Can you change your mind after accepting a university offer?

Even if you’ve accepted an offer through UCAS, you can still change your mind. UCAS Clearing can help you join another course and make the right decision for your future.

Why is my admission status showing not admitted?

It simply means that you have not been offered provisional admission at your institution of choice. … It may be that your institution had not yet submitted your names to JAMB. Probably, your chosen institution was yet to release its admission list. So, just be patient and check the portal again later.

How do I know if I am admitted by JAMB?

Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password. After successfully logging in, scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status’ tab. Select your Exam year and Enter your registration number in the required column. Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status’ to access your admission status.

Does jamb give admission?

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board – JAMB as a body has the power to offer students admission. … This means that JAMB cannot offer any candidates admission without the school approving it.

What type of word is admitted?

admit is a verb, admissible is an adjective, admission is a noun:The criminal admitted his guilt. The evidence was not admissible in a court of law.

How do you use the word admitted?

Admitted sentence example

  1. He was admitted to the kindergarten on the sixth of April. …
  2. He admitted that he actually went because he had connections — heritage. …
  3. «I don’t know,» Bianca admitted after a hesitation. …
  4. «I miss my friend Wynn,» she admitted softly. …
  5. Before noon the next day the gardener was admitted to the palace.

What is being admitted at a hospital?

People are admitted to a hospital when they have a serious or life-threatening problem (such as a heart attack). … A doctor—the primary care doctor, a specialist, or an emergency department doctor—determines whether people have a medical problem serious enough to warrant admission to the hospital.

Do I need to tell colleges I’m not going there?

As soon as you have made up your mind, take a day to celebrate your decision and get down to informing the rejected colleges. … You do not need to give a detailed explanation and you don’t have to tell them which college you have chosen to attend.

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[ ad-mit-id ]

/ ædˈmɪt ɪd /


allowed to enter; granted entrance or entry: Whether you’re a newly admitted freshman or a current student, we wish you a positive, rewarding experience at Brooks College.When the camera’s shutter is opened, the admitted light prints the image of the negative on the unexposed film.

registered as an inpatient in a hospital: Observation patients have higher out-of-pocket costs than admitted patients while in the hospital, including exorbitant charges for many drugs.

acknowledged; confessed: The previous manager was an admitted alcoholic and was let go.

(of an argument, evidence, fact, etc.) allowed or accepted as valid and relevant: Before deliberations begin, the attorneys should review the list of offered and admitted evidence and jointly agree on it.

permitted to exercise a certain function or privilege: She is an admitted lawyer and a Ph.D. candidate in law at the University of New South Wales.


the simple past tense and past participle of admit.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?


half-ad·mit·ted, adjectivehalf-ad·mit·tedly, adverbnon·ad·mit·ted, adjectivenon·ad·mit·ted·ly, adverb

un·ad·mit·ted, adjectiveun·ad·mit·ted·ly, adverbwell-ad·mit·ted, adjective

Words nearby admitted

admissible, admission, admissive, admit, admittance, admitted, admittedly, admittee, admix, admixture, admonish Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to admitted

professed, approved, drafted, instructed, introduced, passed, received, proposed, accepted, acknowledged, common, established, familiar, noted, notorious, obvious, recognized, well-known, collected, earned

How to use admitted in a sentence

  • So, it comes as no surprise that the ultra-smart Smith would admit to mouthing other performers’ dialogue in scenes during the beginning run of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

  • Looking back on her idyllic childhood, Dugdale admitted it “was very good training in rifle practice.”

  • Claiming a mea culpa, Smith admitted during their sit-down that he made it difficult for Hubert, who never revealed her personal struggles to her co-workers.

  • Converting from a Ravens-style 3-4 to a Tampa 2-based 4-3 requires extensive changes in personnel, as Eberflus admitted in a town hall meeting after his hiring.

  • The police report noted that Arrudasouza had uttered a spontaneous confession admitting to the crime and that methamphetamine had influenced the events.

  • But the program is just six weeks long, the Pentagon admitted Monday.

  • But this may be a distinction without much of a difference—especially since Scalise admitted speaking before EURO.

  • A 59-year-old retired subway train driver, who gave his name only as Artist, admitted that he had family members in the NYPD.

  • Occasionally, guys and girls admitted outright they were looking for a potential significant other.

  • AFP admitted spending more than $10 million to back him in 2011 and 2012.

  • I admitted every one of these possibilities but said, every time, that taken together, they destroyed one another.

  • Proof was given to him, of Elizabeth having admitted Ripperda to private political discussions in the Altheim apartments.

  • Mrs. Kaye admitted her promptly and presented an unstained front, although her color was lower than usual.

  • Of course the more cold air admitted to pass through the fire, the more heat carried to the top of the stack.

  • A light-colored mulatto boy, in dress coat and bearing a diminutive silver tray for the reception of cards, admitted them.

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