Meaning of this word in english

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

значение этого слова

смысле этого слова

смысл этого слова

значении этого слова

значения этого слова

понимании этого слова

значение данного слова

значение слова

значением этого слова

значения этих слов

смысле слова

First, when we talk about autonomy, we need to clarify the meaning of this word.

Во-первых, когда мы говорим об автономии, мы должны уточнить значение этого слова.

Now that we understand the meaning of this word, you can continue to talk about the games.

Теперь, когда мы разобрались со значение этого слова, можно продолжить разговор об играх.

I am active, emotional in a good meaning of this word and I am also sensitive.

Я активный, эмоциональный, в хорошем смысле этого слова, и я также очень чувствительны.

The new trunk lines will act as international transport corridors in a broad meaning of this word.

Новые магистрали будут выполнять роль международных транспортных коридоров в широком смысле этого слова.

However most of the people might think that the meaning of this word might hint towards danger.

Однако большинство людей могут подумать, что смысл этого слова содержит намек на опасность.

Every person understands the meaning of this word in his/her own manner.

I can’t understand the meaning of this word.

Unfortunately, in the bad meaning of this word.

Another meaning of this word is «plundered».

Their job becomes their life, in a good meaning of this word.

A second meaning of this word it can mean rapidly, quickly, speedily.

It’s not necessary to explain the meaning of this word.

However the meaning of this word runs much deeper.

The exact meaning of this word today can not explain no scientist.

As for bilateral relations, they are being successfully developed in the most literal meaning of this word.

Что касается двусторонних отношений, они развиваются успешно, в самом прямом смысле этого слова.

In the first and only meaning of this word.

I don’t think they understand the meaning of this word.

Many do not know the true meaning of this word.

War, how much is invested in the meaning of this word.

The meaning of this word has become lighter now.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 171. Точных совпадений: 171. Затраченное время: 193 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


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The Arabic inscription Allah includes four vertical lines,


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Арабская надпись» Аллах» включает четыре вертикальных линии,


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Только контекст может определить конкретное значение этого слова( что также верно и в отношении всех других


in consuming luxury automotive brands.


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Бизнесмены( в традиционном смысле этого слова) в потреблении роскошных марок автомобилей

отнюдь не на первом месте.


Stanley Kowalski, Stella’s husband,


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Стэнли Ковальски, муж Стеллы,

воплощает собой грубость и естественность в самом неприятном значении этого слова.


These verses allow you to live not in the petty vanity


everyday life, but

in that great solitude where we remain people in the highest meaning of this word.


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стихи позволяют жить не в мелочной суете повседневности, а в том великом одиночестве,


about the Holy Spirit in his sensational interview, it becomes clearer why


Surah is called so.


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А если сопоставить значение этого слова( обильный, достаток) со


из сенсационного интервью Имама

Махди, где рассказывается о Святом Духе, то становится более понятно, почему


сура названа так.


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Это слово имеет довольно глубокое значение, хотя и было сильно искажено в понимании многих.


A true warrior, in don Juan’s meaning of this word, is a person with the correctly developed intent.


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Истинный воин, в дон- Хуановском смысле слова,- это и есть человек с верно развитым« намерением».


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Никто толком не знает, что это такое, но у меня есть ощущение этого слова.

the Primordial Universal Consciousness, dwelling in the primary spatial dimension.


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Изначальное Вселенское Сознание, сущее в изначальной пространственной мерности.


For sure, everybody knows what the term»investment»


but let us to specify the meaning of this word one more time.


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С понятием« инвестиции», наверняка, сталкивались все, но все, же еще раз уточним значение этого слова.


TV program Press-Press, with the full meaning of this word was held, unfortunately the way it

had been expected, journalists and respondents exchanged their roles.

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Передача« Пресс- пресс» состоялась в полном смысле этого слова, но, к сожалению, как и ожидалось,

с точностью до наоборот: журналисты и респондент обменялись ролями.

I guess with the rest


my»friends» we just failed to maintain true spiritual communication and


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Полагаю, что с остальными моими« друзьями» у нас просто не сложилось истинного духовного общения,




is a bazaar in the direct meaning of this word, but as the Odessa people say,»there you can buy everything and a little more.


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Да, это базар в прямом значении этого слова, но как говорят одесситы« там можно купить все и еще немного».


God- according to the principal meaning of this word[9,15-16]- is the Subtlest Oceanic Consciousness

That can be found only in the depths


one’s own developed spiritual heart.


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Наитончайшее Сознание, найти Которое можно лишь в глубинах своего развитого духовного сердца.


And it is quite another pair


shoes when a human being started writing in today’s meaning of this word: at first,

on sand, then on clay, later on papyrus and finally on paper.


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Совсем другое дело, когда человек начал писать в сегодняшнем понимании этого слова: сначала на песке,

потом на глине, затем на папирусе и наконец на бумаге.


Rather than help you to live through the humdrum and vanity


everyday life, these poems help you to live inside that engulfing


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стихи помогают жить не в мелочности и суете каждодневности, а в том громадном одиночестве,


Melanie, therefore, was going to ask Maximin what was the meaning of this word, pommes de terre;

but she had not yet spoken, and the lady knowing her thoughts, anticipated her words by saying,»Ah, my children, you do not understand me, I will speak differently;» and she then went on to repeat the very same sentence- beginning with the words,»If the harvest is spoilt,


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Мелани поэтому собиралась спросить Максимина, что значило это слово, pommes de terre; но она

еще не успела сказать, как Дама, зная ее мысли, предварила ее вопрос словами:» Ах, дети мои, вы меня не понимаете, Я скажу иначе,»- и затем она продолжила, повторив то же самое предложение, начиная со слов» Если урожай портится.


to reconcile the paradoxes


uses and sensitiveness.


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примирить парадоксы использования и чувствительности.




them ask us if it is the surname


the family that runs it, others are more curious about the origin


the name and


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Некоторые спрашивают нас, является ли это фамилией семьи, которая управляет им, другие более любопытны


происхождении имени, и есть даже те,


By the way,

people use the title


Apostle without thinking at the


of this word.

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Кстати, люди и сегодня используют термин“ апостол” не раздумывая над значением этого слова.

Word Of The Day


Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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Novelists, magicians, and other tricksters keep these words busy. Novelists love an allusion, an indirect reference to something like a secret treasure for the reader to find; magicians heart illusions, or fanciful fake-outs; but tricksters suffer from delusions, ideas that have no basis in reality.

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    что э́то (тако́е)? — what is this?

    что зна́чит э́то сло́во? — what does this word mean?

    он не зна́ет, что э́то зна́чит — he does not know what this means

    что (вы сказа́ли)? — what did you say?

    что е́сли он не придёт? — what if he does not come?

    что де́лать? — what is to be done?

    для чего́ э́то употребля́ется / слу́жит? — what is it (used) for?

    что он из себя́ представля́ет? — what kind of person is he?

    2) which

    он пришёл по́здно, что бы́ло необы́чно — he came late, which was unusual

    3) that, which;

    (та) кни́га, что на столе́ — the book that / which is on the table

    (та) кни́га, что он дал ей — the book (that) he gave her

    э́то всё, что там напи́сано — that is all that is written there

    всё, что он знал — all he knew

    э́то та са́мая кни́га, что он дал ей — this is the very book he gave her

    да́йте ему́ не э́то письмо́, а то, что она́ принесла́ вчера́ — don’t give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday

    е́сли что случи́тся — if anything happens


    что… что (одно… другое) — this… that; some… other

    что оста́вил, что взял с собо́й — this [some things] he left, that [other things] he took with him


    что вы! (нет, не верно) — no!, by no means!, far from it!

    что до — as for; with regard to, concerning

    что до него́, он согла́сен — as to / for him, he agrees

    что до меня́ — as for me; as far as I am concerned

    что ему́ до э́того — what does he care for / about it; what does it matter to him

    что ж, он сде́лает э́то сам — well [all right], he will do it himself

    что ж(е) из э́того?, ну и что ж(е)? — well, what of that?; so what does it mean?

    (ну и) что ж(е), что… — what does it matter if…

    ну и что ж, что он не умён — what does it matter if he is not too bright

    что за, что… за разг. (при вопросе: какой) — what; what kind / sort of; what

    что за кни́ги там?, что там за кни́ги? — what books are those?

    что э́то за де́рево? — what kind of tree is it?

    что и говори́ть вводн. сл. разг. — there is no denying; it has to be admitted; let’s face it

    что к чему́ — what is what

    не понима́ть, что к чему́ — not know what is what

    знать, что к чему́ — know the how and why of things; know a thing or two

    что ли разг. — perhaps, may be

    оста́вить э́то здесь, что ли? — shall I perhaps leave it here?

    что ни день, пого́да меня́ется — the weather changes every day

    что он ни ска́жет, интере́сно — whatever he says is interesting

    что бы ни случи́лось — whatever happens

    что по́льзы / про́ку / то́лку разг. — what is the use / sense

    что с ва́ми? — what is the matter with you?

    что тут тако́го? — what’s wrong with that?

    в чём де́ло?, что случи́лось? — what is the matter?

    не что ино́е как — nothing other than, nothing less than, nothing short of

    ни за что — 1) not for anything in the world 2) for nothing at all

    оста́ться ни при чём — get nothing for one’s pains

    с чего́ бы э́то вдруг? — what’s the cause?, now, why?

    то, что — what

    он по́мнит то, что она́ сказа́ла — he remembers what she said

    э́то не то, что он ду́мал — it is not what he thought

    э́то не то, чего́ он ожида́л — it is not what he expected

    уйти́ ни с чем — go away empty-handed; get nothing for one’s pains

    чего́ бы… не — what… wouldn’t

    чего́ бы он не дал за э́то! — what wouldn’t he give for that!

    чего́ до́брого разг. — may… for all I know

    он чего́ до́брого опозда́ет — he may be late for all I know

    чего́ сто́ит…! — см. стоить

    чего́ там разгова́ривать — what is the use of talking

    чего́ то́лько… не — what… not

    чего́ то́лько он не ви́дел! — what hasn’t he seen!, the things he has seen!; there’s precious [‘pre-] little he hasn’t seen!



    он сказа́л, что она́ придёт — he said (that) she would come

    э́то так про́сто, что ка́ждый поймёт — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    э́то тако́е тру́дное сло́во, что он не мо́жет его́ запо́мнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что — (the fact) that

    то, что он э́то сде́лал, их удиви́ло — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узна́л о том, что она́ уе́хала — he learnt that she had left

    они́ узна́ли [ду́мали, вообража́ли, предполага́ли], что он у́мный челове́к — they knew [thought, imagined, supposed] him to be a clever man

    они́ ожида́ли, что он придёт — they expected him to come


    что… что (как… так и) — whether… or

    он всегда́ мра́чный — что до́ма, что на рабо́те — he is always gloomy, whether at home or at work


    потому́… что — см. потому I



    что ты не ложи́шься спать? — why aren’t you going to bed?

    что же ты молча́ла? — why didn’t you say anything?

    что так? — why so?, why is that?; why not?

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > что

  • 2



    1) what

    он не знает, что это значит — he does not know what this means

    2) which

    он пришел поздно, что не было обычно — he came late, which was not usual

    3) that

    та книга, что на столе — the book that is on the table

    (та) книга, что он дал ей — the book that he gave her; the book he gave her

    это все, что там написано — that is all that is written there

    все, что он знал — all he knew

    дайте ему не это письмо, а то, что она принесла вчера — do not give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday


    к чему — what for, what’s the use of

    не за что — don’t mention it, no problem

    не к чему — there is no sense/point in doing

    не что иное как — nothing but, nothing else than, nothing more nor less than

    ни к чему — разг. it is of no use to smb.; there is no need to do smth.

    что к чему — what’s what, what it’s all about

    что ли — разг. perhaps, maybe, or something

    уйти ни с чем — to go away empty-handed, to go away having achieved nothing; to get nothing for one’s pains

    что ни слово, то ложь — every word is a lie



    то, что — (the fact) that

    он сказал, что она придет — he said (that) she would come

    это так просто, что каждый поймет — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    это такое трудное слово, что он не может его запомнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что он это сделал, их удивило — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узнал о том, что она уехала — he learnt that she had left

    они думали, что он умный человек — they thought him to be a clever man

    они ожидали, что он придет — they expected him to come

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > что

  • 3


    (рд. чего, дт. чему, вн. что, тв. чем, пр. чём)

    он не знает, что это значит — he does not know what this means

    для чего это употребляется, служит? — what is that used for?

    что он, она из себя представляет? — what is he, she, ., like?

    2. () which

    он пришёл поздно, что не было обычно — he came late, which was not usual

    (та) книга, что на столе — the book that is on the table

    (та) книга, что он дал ей — the book that he gave her; the book he gave her

    это всё, что там написано — that is all that is written there

    всё, что он знал — all he knew

    тот самый…, что — the same… that

    это та самая книга, что он дал ей — this is the very book that he gave her

    дайте ему не это письмо, а то, что она принесла вчера — do not give him this letter, but the one she brought yesterday

    то, что — what

    он помнит то, что она сказала — he remembers what she said

    это не то, что он думал — it is not what he thought

    это не то, чего он ожидал — it is not what he expected


    что… что () — this… that:

    что оставил, что взял с собой — this he left, that he took with him


    что за, что… за — () what; () what kind / sort of; () what (+ a an)

    что за книги там?, что там за книги? — what are those books over there?

    что до — with regard to, concerning

    что до него, он согласен — as to / for him, he agrees

    что до меня… — as far as I am concerned…

    что ему до этого — what does he, ., care for / about it; what does it matter to him, .

    что ж, он сделает это см — why, he will do it himself

    оставить это здесь, что ли? — perhaps leave it here; leave* it here, eh?

    что ни день, погода меняется — the weather changes every day

    что он ни скажет, интересно — whatever he says is interesting

    что пользы, что толку — what is the use / sense

    не что иное как — nothing other than, nothing less than, nothing short of

    хоть бы что — (; ) nothing (to); () make* nothing of (+ ); (; + ) think* nothing (+ ; of )

    в чём дело?, что случилось? — what is the matter?

    что и говорить — there is no denying, it cannot be denied

    не понимать, что к чему — not know* what is what

    знать, что к чему — know* the how and why of things

    уйти ни с чем — go* away empty-handed, having achieved nothing; get* nothing for one’s pains


    он сказал, что она придёт — he said (that) she would come

    это так просто, что каждый поймёт — it is so simple that anybody can understand it

    это такое трудное слово, что он не может его запомнить — it is such a difficult word that he cannot remember it

    то, что — (the fact) that

    то, что он это сделал, их удивило — (the fact) that he did it surprised them

    он узнал о том, что она уехала — he learnt that she had left

    они узнали, думали, воображали, предполагали , что он умный человек — they knew, thought, imagined, supposed, ., him to be a clever man*

    они ожидали, что он придёт — they expected him to come

    потому… что потому I




    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > что

  • 4


    mean, signify

    что означа́ет э́то сло́во? — what does this word mean?

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > означать

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    Что означает это слово?

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Что означает это слово?

  • 6

    to mean, to signify

    что э́то зна́чит? — what does it mean?, what’s all this about?

    что зна́чит э́то сло́во? — what’s the meaning of this word?

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > значить

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mean — The expected value of a random variable. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. mean mean 1 [miːn] adjective [only before a noun] STATISTICS average: • Analysts mean estimate is for earnings of 33 cents a share.   [m0] …   Financial and business terms

  • mean — The expected value of a random variable. Arithmetic average of a sample. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. mean mean 1 [miːn] adjective [only before a noun] STATISTICS average: • Analysts mean estimate is for earnings of 33 cents a share …   Financial and business terms

  • what — [ wat, hwat ] function word *** What can be used in the following ways: as a question pronoun (introducing a direct or indirect question): What do you want? Tell me what happened. as a relative pronoun (starting a relative clause that is subject …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mean# — mean adj Mean, ignoble, abject, sordid can all be applied to persons, their behavior, or the conditions in which they live with the meaning so low as to be out of keeping with human dignity or generally acceptable standards of human life or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mean — I [[t]mi͟ːn[/t]] VERB USES ♦ means, meaning, meant (Please look at category 19 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) VERB: no cont If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you… …   English dictionary

  • mean — I UK [miːn] / US [mɪn] verb [transitive] Word forms mean : present tense I/you/we/they mean he/she/it means present participle meaning past tense meant UK [ment] / US past participle meant *** Get it right: mean: When you want to say what… …   English dictionary

  • mean — mean1 W1S1 [mi:n] v [T] past tense and past participle meant [ment] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(have a particular meaning)¦ 2¦(intend to say something)¦ 3¦(intend to do something)¦ 4¦(result in something)¦ 5¦(be familiar)¦ 6¦(say something seriously)¦ 7¦(how… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mean — mean1 [ min ] (past tense and past participle meant [ ment ] ) verb transitive *** 1. ) to have a particular meaning: The word means something different in French. What does pulchritude mean? mean something by something: Everything depends on… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Word of Wisdom — For the Pentecostal usage of this term, see Word of wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is the common name of a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, [In the edition published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, it is… …   Wikipedia

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • What Is to Be Done? — This article is about Lenin s pamphlet. For other uses, see What Is to Be Done? (disambiguation). What to do? Burning Questions of Our Movement (Russian: Что делать? Shto delat’?) is a political pamphlet written by the Russian revolutionary… …   Wikipedia

значение, смысл, важность, значащий, значительный


- значение; смысл

- арх. намерение, цель, замысел


- (много)значительный; выразительный

meaning look — многозначительный /выразительный/ взгляд

- имеющий намерение

Мои примеры


a poem with subtle shades of meaning — стихотворение с тонкими оттенками значений  
the true meaning of the term — истинное значение этого выражения  
an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible — очерк с не всегда явно выраженным смыслом  
wrest a meaning from the old text — исказить смысл старого текста  
to catch a person’s meaning — уловить, понять чью-л. мысль  
lexical meaning — лексическое значение  
accepted meaning — общепринятое понимание  
clear meaning — ясное, понятное значение  
to misconstrue a meaning — неправильно понимать  
basic meaning — основное значение  
general meaning — общезначимость  
core of meaning — ядро значения  
deep meaning — глубокий смысл  

Примеры с переводом

What is the meaning of life?

В чём смысл жизни?

I cannot get at the meaning.

Я не могу понять, что это значит.

What is the meaning of this?

В чём смысл этого? / Что это означает?

I didn’t understand the meaning of his remark.

Я не понимаю смысла его высказывания.

I sensed the real meaning of his letter

Я понял истинный смысл его письма.

The word has a very precise meaning.

Это слово имеет очень конкретное значение.

What is the meaning of this sentence?

Что означает это предложение?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She mistook my meaning entirely.

His words were resonant with meaning.

Meaning resides within the text of the poem.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

mean  — средний, серединный, скупой, среднее, среднее значение, означать, значить
meaningful  — многозначительный, выразительный
meaningless  — бессмысленный
meaningly  — сознательно, многозначительно, нарочно
meanly  — подло, бедно, низко, слабо, скупо, скудно, мелочно
meanness  — подлость, низость, убожество, посредственность
unmeaning  — бессмысленный
undermeaning  — скрытый смысл

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): meaning
мн. ч.(plural): meanings

  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

The English Dictionary

WordReference is proud to offer three monolingual English dictionaries from two of the world’s most respected publishers—the WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English, the WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English, and the Collins Concise English Dictionary. These prestigious dictionaries contain more than 259409 words and phrases.

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Today, I’ll teach you some advanced English words. It will expand your advanced vocabulary. You might be thinking, it’s no use learning advanced vocabulary, but there are many benefits of advanced vocabulary.

It builds your communication skills. It plays an important role in language development. It will help you in professional success and you will be able to express your idea clearly.

There are many advantages of advanced English vocabulary, but I would love to describe it in more detail in another post.

Now, let’s learn 100 useful advanced English words with meaning and examples.

List of 100 Advanced Words with Meaning and Examples

Learning these advanced English words will make you feel more confident and more fluent when you are speaking English.

They will help you in improving reading comprehension, writing skills, and communication skills too. They will take your English to the next level.

Advanced Words with A

Amateur Meaning- Not professional.
Example- You are an amateur singer.
Amiable Meaning- Very friendly or pleasant
Example- She is not an amiable girl.
Auspicious Meaning- Favorable, congruent, propitious.
Example- It was really auspicious day for us!
Abrupt Meaning- Sudden, unexpected.
Example- He’s surprised by the abrupt change of exam’s date.
Ally Meaning- Friend, who helps and supports others.
Example- Is she an ally or an enemy?
Ascend Meaning- Move up or climb.
Example- He slowly ascended the stairs.
Ambiguous Meaning- Not clear, more than one meaning.
Example- The ending of the story was totally ambiguous.
Avarice Meaning- Greediness, excessive desire for wealth, or gain.
Example- Avarice can make you blind.
Appetite Meaning- Hunger.
Example- Was he suffering from lack of appetite?
Allegiance Meaning- Loyalty and faithfulness.
Example- It is their allegiance to the country.

Advanced Words With B

Blurry Meaning- Not clear to visible.
Example- These photographs are almost blurry.
Bland Meaning- No flavor, boring.
Example- The soup is a little bland.
Betray Meaning- Disloyal to someone or something.
Example- Never try to betray anyone.
To better Meaning- To improve the situation or life.
Example- She is always trying to better herself.

Advanced Words With C

Coherent Meaning- Logical, strategical.
Example- I have a coherent strategy for the exam.
Chaotic Meaning- In a state of chaos (total confusion and disorder).
Example- It was a chaotic situation for us.
Censure Meaning- To express strong disapproval or criticism
Example- We must not censure anybody until we know the truth.
Cumulative Meaning- Increasing quantity, strength or effect
Example- Learning new thing is cumulative process
Consequence Meaning- Result, effect or outcome, typically one that’s bad or unpleasant.
Example- That accident was the consequence of his reckless riding.
Courteous Meaning- Respectful, polite.
Example- She was kind-hearted and courteous.

Advanced Words With D

Diligent Meaning- Industrious, hard-working.
Example- Max is always a diligent student.
Dismal Meaning- Sad, gloomy, cheerless.
Example- I will not go due to the dismal weather.
Derive Meaning- To get or obtain something from something else.
Example- I’ll derive great benefit from this magnificent painting.
Denounce Meaning- Criticize someone or something publicly.
Example- Do not denounce her without evidence.
Destructive Meaning- Causing great damage.
Example- It was the most destructive cyclone in 30 years.
Disloyalty Meaning- Lack of loyalty, unfaithfulness.
Example- It was result of your disloyalty.
Desultory Meaning- Unclear plan or purpose.
Example- We should never make a desultory attempt at any exams.

Advanced Words With E

Extraordinary Meaning- Exceptional, remarkable.
Example- She is an extraordinary girl.
Eager Meaning- Enthusiastic, very keen.
Example- I am always eager to help others.
Elated Meaning- Extremely happy and excited.
Example- He was elated when he got a promotion.
Eccentric Meaning- Strange or unusual.
Example- She lost her job due to her eccentric behavior.
Endurance Meaning- Ability to endure an unpleasant or difficult situation.
Example- She has really a great power of endurance!
Eloquent Meaning- Fluent in speaking or writing / giving a clear or strong message.
Example- She is so honest and gave an eloquent speech.
Empathy Meaning- Ability to understand someone else’s feeling or experiences.
Example- I have deep empathy with birds.
Emancipation Meaning- Liberation (free from legal, social, or political restrictions).
Example- Women emancipation is so crucial for the development of a country.
Exclude Meaning- Prevent the entrance of someone or something.
Example- You must exclude sugar from your daily diet.
Effective Meaning- Successful or achieving the result.
Example- The decoration was simple yet effective.

Advanced Words With F

Flowed Meaning- Imperfect.
Example- This diamond ring is flowed.
Fabricate Meaning- Make up something fake or untrue.
Example- We should never fabricate anything.
Frugal Meaning- A person who spend only money when something is necessary.
Example- They are honest but frugal.
Famished Meaning- Extremely hungry.
Example- I’m really exhausted and famished.
Filthy Meaning- Extremely dirty.
Example- Your shirt is filthy. Wash it.
Fabricate Meaning- Making something false/ untrue to deceive someone.
Example- She was late, so she fabricated an excuse to avoid the problems.
Frown Meaning- Angry, sad, or confused expression.
Example- Do not frown at her!

Advanced Words With G

Gloomy Meaning- Dark, unhappy.
Example- I am tired of this gloomy weather.
Gullible Meaning- Easily to deceived or cheated.
Example- He isn’t a gullible person that he’ll believe in everything.
Generosity Meaning- Liberality, being generous, or kind.
Example- I am really thankful for your generosity.
Grief Meaning- Great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
Example- It will take years to get over grief at the death of her friend.

Advanced Words With H

Harsh Meaning- Unpleasant, unkind, or cruel.
Example- Julia was regretting of her harsh words.
Haughty Meaning- Unfriendly and disdainfully proud.
Example- Why are you being haughty?
Hypocrisy Meaning- Pretending to have qualities or beliefs that one does not really possess.
Example- He is against of hypocrisy, but his colleagues are hypocrites.
Humility Meaning- Quality of being humble
Example- Everyone knows that humility is the beginning of the wisdom.

Advanced Words With I

Inconvenient Meaning- causing trouble, discomfort, or difficulties.
Example- It was an inconvenient journey in a crowded bus.
Indolent Meaning- Lazy, inactive, sluggish, slothful or idle
Example- Why are you being indolent today?
Inadequate Meaning- Not good enough.
Example- I got inadequate information about it.
Inevitable Meaning- Unavoidable.
Example- Death is inevitable.
Infamous Meaning- Famous for something very bad.
Example- She is infamous for her dishonesty.
Irrelevant Meaning- Not related to a subject or something.
Example- This topic is utterly irrelevant.
Inferior Meaning- Worse than the average, lower in rank, quality or status.
Example- He feels inferior to other students in his class.
Impoverished Meaning- Very poor.
Example- They became impoverished during the pandemic.
Inconvenient Meaning- Causing trouble, discomfort, or difficulties.
Example- It was an inconvenient journey in a crowded bus.
Integrity Meaning- Honesty or probity, having moral principles.
Example- Why do you never admire her integrity.
Identical Meaning- Very similar or exactly the same.
Example- There were three identical blue balls in the box.
Ingenuous Meaning- Honest, sincere, innocent.
Example- She is an ingenuous and strong lady.
Illegible Meaning- Not clear enough to read.
Example- Her signature is almost illegible.

Advanced Words With L

Legible Meaning- Clear enough to read.
Example- My handwriting is neat and legible.
Legitimate Meaning- Valid or allowed by rules or laws, legal.
Example- His business is perfectly legitimate.
Lenient Meaning- Generous liberal.
Example- Our principal is very lenient.

Advanced Words With M

Mandatory Meaning- Required by law or rule.
Example- Education is Mandatory.
Mediocre Meaning- Average, not so good.
Example- He is a mediocre student.
Monotonous Meaning- No change, always same, or boring.
Example- The teacher lecture was really monotonous.
Meticulous Meaning- Very careful about anything.
Example- I am really meticulous about my goals.
Moderate Meaning- Average in intensity, amount, degree, or strength.
Example- The weather is clear, and the temperature is moderate today.
Minority Meaning- The smaller part or number.
Example- Only a minority of the students had participated in that contest.
Majority Meaning- The greater part or number.
Example- The majority of people were in favor of banning smoking in that area.
Miserable Meaning- Extremely unhappy or depressed.
Example- She had a miserable life in slum.
Merciless Meaning- Cruel, heartless, pitiless.
Example- He was such a merciless person.
Mesmerize Meaning- Fascinate, captivate or hypnotize.
Example- He was mesmerized by the beautiful voice of that girl.

Advanced Words With O

Obsolete Meaning- No longer used, out of date.
Example- We have got to replace some obsolete equipment.
Opponent Meaning- Competitor, contender.
Example- She is his opponent in the race.
Obscure Meaning- Not clear and difficult to see or understand.
Example- That meaning of that poem is full of obscure.
Opaque Meaning- Not transparent.
Example- That window glass is slightly opaque.
Outgoing Meaning- Friendly.
Example- She is shy, but her sister is outgoing.
Outspoken Meaning- Too direct, or frank in speak.
Example- She told me that she didn’t like my dress. She’s outspoken.

Advanced Words With P

Precious Meaning- Valuable, very special.
Example- Time is the most precious thing in life.
Pathetic Meaning- pitiful, very bad, miserable, useless
Example- That incident was just a pathetic moment for them.
Prompt Meaning- Immediate, quick.
Example- Thank you for your prompt respond.
Pungent Meaning- Very strong taste or smell, strong effect.
Example- The taste of this soup is bitter and pungent.

Advanced Words With R

Reckless Meaning- Careless of consequences.
Example- You mustn’t be reckless while driving.
Resilient Meaning- Strong, who can recover quickly.
Example- Don’t worry about her. She’s a resilient girl
Relevant Meaning- Related to a subject or something.
Example- I have some relevant information on this point.
Rectify Meaning- Make right or correct.
Example- I don’t know how to rectify this situation now
Rejoice Meaning- Great happiness.
Example- We rejoice in her achievement.

Advanced Words With S

Starling Meaning- Very surprising or very frightening.
Example- We had a starling story to tell.
Studious Meaning- Who loves to study a lot.
Example- He is polite and studious too.

Meaning- Full of sorrow, great sadness.
Example- It was such a sorrowful news for them.


Meaning- Importance.
Example- That historical monument has great significance for everyone.

Strengthen Meaning- Make or become stronger and effective.
Example- Regular exercise plays a significant role to strengthen the muscles.
Spendthrift Meaning- Who spends a lot of money.
Example- Are you a spendthrift?

Advanced Words With T

Trustworthy Meaning- Able to be trusted.
Example- That company isn’t trustworthy and safe for working.
Tremendous Meaning- Very great in amount or level.
Example- You have made a tremendous progress in your English.
Tragedy Meaning- Extremely sad situation or event.
Example- The traffic accident on that road was tragedy.
Tactful Meaning- Sensitive, careful.
Example- This is a tactful way to solve it.

Advanced Words With V

Vigorous Meaning- Strong, healthy.
Example- You need a vigorous exercise daily.
Vanish Meaning- Disappear suddenly or stop existing.
Example- Your smile vanished once again. What’s wrong with you?
Vast Meaning- Large in size, amount, or degree.
Example- I need enough time to complete the syllabus as it’s too vast.
Vague Meaning- Not clear.
Example- Your answer is absolutely vague on this topic.
Vital Meaning- Extremely important/ necessary.
Example- Kidneys play a vital role in our body.
Virtue Meaning- Noble quality, morality.
Example- Being humble to others is virtue.
Virtual Meaning- Real, genuine.
Example- Where is the virtual owner of the factory.

Advanced Words With W, Z

Witty Meaning- Too clever or intelligent.
Example- She is witty and kind.
Wage Meaning- Salary
Example- She gets a decent wage.
Worthwhile Meaning- Worth the time and effort.
Example- It was an exhausting work, but it was really worthwhile.
Woe Meaning- Extreme sadness.
Example- The ending of the story was full of woe.
Zeal Meaning- Enthusiasm.
Example- Show zeal on the occasion of a festival.

Try to use these advanced words in your own speech and writing because this is the best way to learn and memorize new words.

If you really want to master these advanced English words, you need to practice with using these words in your daily life when the opportunity arises.

Having a good vocabulary is important to facilitate speaking, reading, writing, and listening in any language.
Here are 60 new words in English with meanings to include in your list today!

Table of Contents
  1. An overview of new words in English
  2. Importance of new words in English
  3. New words in English (A-E)
  4. New words in English (F-J)
  5. New words in English (K-O)
  6. New words in English (P-T)
  7. Bonus words
  8. Key Takeaways 
  9. FAQs 

An overview of new words in English

Statistics by the Global Language Monitor (GLM) have revealed that there are approximately 1,019,729 words in the English language. The GLM also estimates that a new word is created almost every 98 minutes around the world! Being well-informed on the new words in English that have been added to recent editions of dictionaries can help you strengthen your vocabulary. Educators around the world classify vocabulary into four key types – listening vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and writing vocabulary.  

Importance of new words in English

The need to be able to communicate as clearly, concisely, and efficiently as possible has only been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a significant portion of our daily life shifted online, having a remarkable collection of words to use in English can help create excellent language skills.

If you have decided to update your current vocabulary, here are 60 new words in English with meanings to help you refine your language skills! 

1. Abnegation Denial; renunciation of a doctrine or belief. 
2. Ambigue An ambiguous expression or statement. 
3. Athleisure Comfortable and casual footwear & clothing designed for exercise and rigorous activity. 
4. Broigus Angry or irritated.
5. By-Catch  A catch of fish that cannot be put to commercial use. 
6. Blert A cowardly person, someone who is weak. 
7. Comp Providing products or services free of charge as a token of appreciation, a favor. 
8. Cryptocurrency Virtual or digital currency used on the internet. (This is among the new words in English that have emerged as a result of technological advancements in the industry of finance.)
9. Cringe To feel ashamed or embarrassed by what someone else is doing or saying. 
10. Deepfake A recording or image that has been altered convincingly to misinterpret what someone is doing or saying. (This is among the new words in English that have emerged as a result of technological advancements in the industry of finance.)
11. Delicense To deprive a vehicle, business, or person of their license (official permission to operate). 
12. Destigmatizing The process of removing social stigma or negative connotations associated with someone or something. 
13. Eradicate  To destroy something completely down to its roots. 
14. Ebullient Unrestrained joyously. 
15. Efface To remove, typically by erasing or rubbing. 

New words in English (F-J)

16. Fantoosh Showy; flashy; stylish; exotic; sophisticated. Used often to imply pretentiousness & ostentation. 
17. Functional Capable of or designed for a particular purpose. 
18. Fatuous Devoid of intelligence. 
19. Gratuitous Unwarranted or uncalled for. 
20. Gaffe A tactless or socially-awkward act. 
21. Galvanize To stimulate action. 
22. Hench A person with strong musculature; an individual with a remarkable physique. 
23. Hir A gender-neutral adjective is used to indicate possession. 
24. Hair Doughnut A doughnut-shaped sponge used to support a specific hair-do. 
25. Influencer An individual who changes or affects the way a larger group of people behave. 
26. Infirm Lack of vitality, or bodily & muscular strength.
27. Incessant Without any interruption. 
28. Jovial Displaying high-spirit merriment. 
29. Jaunt A journey taken typically for pleasure. 
30. Jaded Apathetic or bored after experiencing an excess of something. 

New words in English (K-O)

vocabulary - New words in English
Continuing to learn new words in English can give you the confidence to speak the language in professional as well as personal settings.
31. Kwell To talk proudly, admiringly, or enthusiastically about something. 
32. Knell The sound of a bell rung very slowly; a toll. 
33. Kip Informal word for ‘sleep’. 
34. LOL Abbreviated form for ‘Laugh Out Loud’. Used commonly for communicating informally on social media platforms. 
35. Lethargy To display an unusual lack of energy or inactivity. 
36. Largesse Generosity or kindness in bestowing money or gifts. 
37. Multifarious Diverse, or multifaceted. 
38. Municipal Related to a self-governing district.
39. Microfinance Financial services that are provided to individuals & communities in rural & developing areas. 
40. Nomophobia Anxiety about lack of access to a smartphone or mobile phone services. 
41. Naivete Lack of worldliness & sophistication. 
42. Nascent  The beginning; being born. 
43. Onboarding The process of integrating a new employee into a team or organization. 
44. Oat-Milk Milk prepared from oats; used commonly in cooking and in drinks. 
45. Onset The early stages, or beginning of. 

New words in English (P-T)

46. Pronoid A person who is convinced of others’ goodwill towards themselves.
47. Puggle A young platypus or echidna.
48. Pertinacious Someone who is stubborn & unyielding. 
49. Quotidian An event or task that is of daily occurrence. 
50. Quisling A traitor. (This word is also among the list of 50 difficult words in the English language!)
51. Quaff To swallow greedily or hurriedly in a single draught. 
52. Rat-Tamer Informal for a psychiatrist or a psychologist.
53. Recalcitrant Resistant to authority or force. 
54. Raconteur A person who is skilled in telling anecdotes. 
55. Sandboxing The restriction of a code or piece of software to a specific environment on a computer system that can be run securely. 
56. Self-isolate To deliberately isolate oneself from others; to undertake a period of self-imposed isolation. 
57. Shero A heroine; a hero of the female gender. 
58. Topophilia An emotional connection to a physical environment or a particular place. 
59. Truthiness Something of a seemingly truthful quality that is not supported by evidence or facts. 
60. Tract An area of land that is extended. 

Bonus words

  1. Abrogate– To revoke something formally.
  2. Abstruse– Difficult to understand.
  3. Accede- Yield to anothers’ wish or opinion.
  4. Blandishment– Flattery intended to persuade.
  5. Calumny– A false accusation of an offense.
  6. Circumlocution– An indirect way of expressing something
  7. Demagogue– A leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions
  8. Enervate– Weaken physically, emotionally, or morally.
  9. Sesquipedalian– A foot and a half long.
  10. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious– Something that is extraordinarily good.

Key Takeaways 

  • There is a constant introduction of new words in English added to dictionaries every year. 
  • Updating your vocabulary is an excellent way to communicate effectively. 
  • Vocabulary is recognized as of four types – reading, speaking, listening, and writing. 
  • The above list of words is a great way to improve your all-rounded vocabulary and knowledge of new English words!

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog. In case of any queries, reach out to us or drop a comment below!

Liked this blog? Read 5 English learning books to boost your language skills


Q1. How can I learn new words daily? 

Answer – Reading different kinds of material and literature is an excellent way to learn new words. Keep a dictionary handy, so you can refer to the meanings of the words. This can also help you remember them easily.  

Q2. Why has there been a surge in the new words added to dictionaries every year? 

Answer – Technology has played a significant role in promoting the spontaneous coining of new words. This is largely due to the need to communicate quickly and efficiently. 

Q3. What are ‘portmanteau’ words? 

Answer – ‘Portmanteau’ words or ‘blended’ words are words that combine the meaning of two discrete terms. For example – the word ‘bromance’ is a blend of the words ‘brother’ and ‘romance.’

Many English words have multiple meanings. This means that the same word, with the same spelling and pronunciation may have more than one meaning. Sometimes the meanings may be very different. This can be confusing for people learning English. You may wonder,” How do I know what the meaning is?” The best way is rely on context, illustrations, or diagrams in the text. However, if you still are not sure of the meaning, look it up. A dictionary will tell you all the meanings of any word. This posting cannot discuss every word with multiple meanings. There are simply too many of them. In this posting, however, I talk about 25 common words with multiple meanings. These are word you may see and hear in your daily life. I show you parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences for each meaning of each word.The download at the end will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

Here is the free English video lesson I taught on YouTube:

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You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Below is a list of common words with multiple meanings.


  1. bank

2. bark

3. bill

4. break

5. bug


6. charge

7. company

8. current


9. date

10. fair

11. fast

12. fly

13. hit


14. jam

15. left

16. mine

17. nail


18. patient

19. pool

20. pupil

21. run


22. season

23. set

24. take

25. turn

You now know many common English words with multiple meanings. Often you can guess the meaning of the word through context. If that is not helpful, however, don’t hesitate to look the word up. The download will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Idioms of the day

  1. no picnic–This means something is difficult and not pleasant. I’m glad I moved, but making all the preparations was no picnic
  2. turn a blind eye to–This means to not notice a very obvious problem. Her husband comes home drunk every night, but she turns a blind eye to his problems. She insists that he’s not an alcoholic. 

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