Meaning of the word young

God forgives the inattention at Mass of an old man when he sleeps; of a young man when he loves; and the wandering attention of an _old_ man blessed with a _young_ heart the Almighty will surely pardon, for He Himself must admire beauty, since He made it. ‘ ❋ Unknown (1905)

I knew there was no chance for Marian and Anne; they’re old maids, and I’m young — _young_. ❋ Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton (1902)

He could hardly refrain from a smile when he came across the sentence, «He was young enough to know better,» as he substituted in a large illegible hand the word _old_ for _young_. ❋ Mary Cholmondeley (1892)

«She couldn’t hev things a-gwine on so as they had been, and she was gwine to make these yer young ones keep better order;» for Dinah herself, somehow, indulged the illusion that she herself was the soul of order, and it was only the _young uns_, and the everybody else in the house, that were the cause of anything that fell short of perfection in this respect. ❋ Various (1887)

There would not be any thing essentially wrong in an attachment between these young people, if it sprang up naturally; only it would be necessary to impress upon them the fact that they were _young_, and that for years to come their minds should be largely occupied with other matters. ❋ Edward Payson Roe (1863)

«She couldn’t hev things a gwine on so as they had been, and she was gwine to make these yer young ones keep better order;» for Dinah herself, somehow, indulged the illusion that she, herself, was the soul of order, and it was only the _young uns_, and the everybody else in the house, that were the cause of anything that fell short of perfection in this respect. ❋ Harriet Beecher Stowe (1853)

Fled from her heart, yet she is young, is _young_; ❋ Fanny Kemble (1851)

WHEN Foote was one day lamenting his growing old, a _pert_ young fellow asked him what he would give to be as _young_ as he. ❋ Mark Lemon (1839)

The very best lesson for a horseman, young or old, is colt-breaking; and if in the attempt the _young_ horseman fails to do the colt justice, he will at least do him less injury than the country colt-breaker, or the generality of grooms. ❋ George Greenwood (1837)

Miss Carnaby heard the conversation of her young companions, and she gradually became conscious that William was not a boy; in fact, she began to wonder how she had ever thought so, for he, as she said unto herself, was «certainly a very interesting _young man_.» ❋ Alexander Leighton (1837)

«What a dreadful operation it must be,» said a young Irish young-gentlemen (all young gentlemen in the navy are not _young_), «but, for the honour of the service, he might take it any how, for the life of him.» ❋ Edward Howard (1820)

I mean, one of those Mugabe-esque banana republics, ok., but if a candidate/party can’t win an election on anything more than the idea that his opponent smoked a joint when he was young — or had a few too many drinks, for that matter, *when he was young* — what does that say about (a) the quality of our political discourse; (b) our worthiness to «lead the world»; and (c) the slavish devotion of so many people to the pronouncements of our government? ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

why did u break young princesa’s heart,never even called or wrote a common note to say you were still alive..young love,well it sounded sweet while it cute,all your break time rendezvous,discussing your future together. ❋ Princesa (2008)

«They ain’t ever anythin ‘as hard on the young uns as on the old uns,» asserted Captain Phippeny, «because — well, because they’re _young_, I guess. ❋ Annie Eliot Trumbull (1903)

I. ii.26 (18,4) Such comfort as do lusty young men feel] To say, and to say in pompous words, that a _young man shall feel_ as much in an assembly of beauties, _as young men feel in the month of April_, is surely to waste sound upon a very poor sentiment. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

Yalah, if he’s 16 and u are 17, then I’m 18 lorr: P * young young*; -) ❋ Unknown (2008)

Seeing the phrase «young directors» in the program, I assumed them to be angry, or at least following in the subversive footsteps of Mr. Jia’s student days. ❋ Joe Morgenstern (2011)

On retrospect, I should have usen the term young women instead of girls. ❋ Unknown (2005)

If he was referring specifically to young women, he should have used the term young women, as girl refers to a female child. ❋ Unknown (2005)

— Does anyone any longer know what we mean by the term young-adult literature? ❋ Unknown (2008)

1. Yea [d00dz], [lets go to the mall] and get us some young v.
2. Lets go smoke that young [cig]. ❋ Ivelostyourhope (2008)

[I’m going to] the young [party] [though]. ❋ Anon.JC (2010)

[Whattup] young?! Those folks are trippin! Ay young?! Did you see how he [snatched] that [rebound]! ❋ Balls Smartley (2011)

«i’m still young, i’ve got my [whole] life [ahead] of me» said [timmy] ❋ Jewishcracka (2005)

her [last name] is young. ❋ Joe (2005)


Ben — [‘Sup] Young?!
[Jerry] — Its [your world] Ben! How you be bro? ❋ Talk2me-JCH2 (2022)

«[Git] [off me] young before I steal [yo ass].» ❋ Juan (2005)

I tried to hit a drive over the [fairway] [bunker], but proper [Younged It] into the thick rough. ❋ Edward Young (Younged It) (2019)

[Whats up] young?
[Not much] [homie] ❋ Ninja 1106 (2020)

молодой, юный, младший, молодо, молодежь, детеныш


- молодой; юный

- молодой, нежный (о мясе, рыбе и т. п.)

fresh young lamb — (парное) мясо молодого барашка
young pork — поросятина
young cheese — кул. невыдержанный сыр

- новый, недавний

young country /nation/ — новое /недавно образовавшееся/ государство
young moon — молодая /новая/ луна
a young science — новая наука /отрасль науки/
young tide — начало прилива
young ice — тонкий лёд
the year [the century] is yet young — год [век] ещё только начинается
the night is yet young — ещё не поздно

- геол. новый, молодой; в юной, начальной стадии цикла эрозии

young river — юная /недавно возникшая/ река
young valley — молодая долина, долина в стадии молодости

- зелёный, неопытный

young in crime — недавно вступивший на путь преступлений
I was too young in the trade to be successful — я слишком мало проработал в этой области, чтобы добиться успеха

- младший, молодой (о членах одной семьи)

young Henry Jones — молодой /младший/ Генри Джонс; Генри Джонс младший
the young Mrs. Brown — молодая /младшая/ миссис Браун (о невестке)

- разг. маленький, небольшой

young fortune — небольшое состояние
lake like a young sea — озеро, похожее на море в миниатюре
we have a young hurricane outdoors — на дворе что-то вроде урагана; кажется, начинается ураган

- новый, свежий, прогрессивный
- живой, энергичный
- австрал. недавно приехавший

young hopeful — шутл. а) многообещающий юноша; б) девица, подающая надежды
young horse — сл. ростбиф
a young man in a hurry — ирон. горячая голова


- (часто the young) молодёжь

popular with the young — популярный среди молодёжи
old and young — стар и млад
books for the young — книги для детей и юношества

- молодняк (животных); детёныши; птенцы; молодь (рыбы)

to bring forth the young — щениться, котиться, телиться, пороситься и т. п. (о животных)
to be with young — с.-х. а) быть супорос(н)ой (о свинье); б) быть щенной (о собаке); в) быть стельной (о корове); г) быть котной или суягной (об овце); д) быть жерёбой (о кобыле)
a mother hen protecting her young — курица, защищающая (своих) цыплят

Мои примеры


a robin feeding her young — малиновка, которая кормит птенцов  
he is young for his age — он молодо выглядит  
a book for young people — книга для молодёжи  
a very forward young woman — очень нахальная девушка  
a hot young guitar player — страстный молодой гитарист  
young fellow — молодой человек  
young idea — свежая идея  
young lad — молодой парень  
likely young woman — привлекательная молодая женщина  
love’s young dream — пылкая и безрассудная любовь  
robust young man — здоровый крепкий юноша  
young / little shaver — юнец, мальчишка  

Примеры с переводом

I was young then.

Тогда я был молод.

A young cat is a kitten.

Детёныша кошки называют котёнком.

He’s younger than me.

Он моложе меня.

A young pig is a piglet.

Детёныша свиньи называют поросёнком.

He looks young for his age.

Он выглядит молодо для своего возраста.

Psychology is a young science.

Психология — наука молодая.

The lioness fought to protect her young.

Львица дралась, защищая своих детёнышей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their manners had sophisticated the young girls

She had a constant parade of young men coming to visit her.

…a young idealist who got caught up in the political fanaticism of the times…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): younger
прев. степ. (superlative): youngest

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Old English geong; related to Old Saxon, Old High German iung, Old Norse ungr, Latin iuvenis, Sanskrit yuvan.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Young can act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.



Young may refer to: ▪ Offspring, the product of reproduction of a new organism produced by one or more parents ▪ Youth, the time of life when one is young, often meaning the time between childhood and adulthood…

Definition of young in the English dictionary

The first definition of young in the dictionary is having lived, existed, or been made or known for a relatively short time. Other definition of young is youthful or having qualities associated with youth; vigorous or lively. Young is also of or relating to youth.

Synonyms and antonyms of young in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «young» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «young» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of young to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of young from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «young» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of young


The term «young» is very widely used and occupies the 967 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «young» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of young

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «young».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «young» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «young» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about young


Discover the use of young in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to young and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Advice for a Young Investigator

This recently rediscovered classic, first published in 1897, is an anecdotal guide for the perplexed new scientific investigator as well as a refreshing resource for the old pro.

Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 2004


Young Children’s Behaviour: Practical Approaches for …

«In the third edition of this landmark test, Louise Porter draws on current, evidence-based research to explore prominent theories about young children’s behaviour.


Our Young Family: The Descendants of Thomas and Naomi Hyatt …

This genealogy is the culmination of 45 years of research by best-selling author Perry Young. Containing more than 15,000 names in the index and more than 450 photographs, along with hundreds of stories, memoirs, letters, and documents.


Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child

The text emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyles and achieve their learning potential.


Babies and Young Children: Early Years Care and Education

Expanded and fully updated content promotes student confidence.New case studies relate theory to real-life situations.Encourages learning by progress checks, activities and ‘think about’ features.Enhances student understanding through clear …

Jo Brewster, Pauline Jones, 1999


Waging Heavy Peace Deluxe

The deluxe eBook edition of Waging Heavy Peace includes excerpts of more than fifteen Neil Young songs (personally selected by Young himself) such as “After the Gold Rush,” “Like a Hurricane,” and “The Needle and the Damage Done …


50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know Revised & …

50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know is a young man’s guide to becoming the type of guy that people respect and enjoy.

John Bridges, Bryan Curtis, 2012


50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know

This latest book in the series was written especially for boys ages 8-14, to teach them the basic skills every young man should have and every young man’s mother and grandmother want him to have.

John Bridges, Bryan Curtis, 2006


Teaching Languages to Young Learners

This book will develop readers’ understanding of children are being taught a foreign language.


50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know: What to Do, What to …

While the formal rules of etiquette are not taught the way they once were, good manners are as critical today as they ever were. 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know provides a modern update on the ageless idea that girls should know …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term young is used in the context of the following news items.

Birdman, Young Thug Named in Lil Wayne Shooting Indictment

The State of Georgia has indicted an associate of Young Thug and Birdman’s for shooting at Lil Wayne’s tour buses this past April. Jimmy Carlton Winfrey, who is … «, Jul 15»

Chris Young comes to rescue as Yanks bear down on 1st

Chris Young, a product of the legendary Bellaire High School baseball program that was run by Chuck Knoblauch’s father, turned Friday night into a local party … «New York Post, Jun 15»

Evan Young: Meet the High School Valedictorian Barred from Giving …

Evan Young, the 2015 valedictorian of Twin Peaks Charter Academy High School in Longmont, Colorado. His principal, BJ Buchmann, prevented him from … «Democracy Now!, Jun 15»

Iggy Azalea and Nick Young Are Engaged

Just two days after Nick Young told PEOPLE he was planning «a big surprise» for his girlfriend, Iggy Azalea, the Los Angeles Lakers player proposed to the … «People Magazine, Jun 15»

Obama Announces New Initiative to Help Young Minorities, As …

«The catalyst of those protests were the tragic deaths of young men and a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. In too many places in this … «National Journal, May 15»

Days of Our Lives, Young and the Restless Win Big at the Daytime …

Hosted by Tyra Banks, the ceremony also recognized Betty White, who was given the Lifetime Achievement Award, and featured a tribute to the late Joan Rivers. «TV Guide, Apr 15»

While We’re Young

Comedy really is hard. So it’s a kick when a filmmaker gets it right, as Noah Baumbach does in this stingingly funny take on aging. While We’re Young, which … «, Mar 15»

In His Final Game For Oregon, Young Provides One Last …

OMAHA, Neb. — In his last appearance wearing an Oregon uniform, Joseph Young gave the Ducks one more Herculean performance. The freshly crowned … «, Mar 15»

Ashley Young is Louis van Gaal’s type of player, the Manchester …

That Young, who has often flattered to deceive, is a cornerstone of Van Gaal’s style may puzzle even further. The statistics, however, tell a different story. «Daily Mail, Mar 15»

Newcastle United 0-1 Manchester United: Ashley Young scores …

In the aftermath of a remarkably freakish Manchester United winner at St James’ Park on Wednesday night, an unusually animated Louis van Gaal pinched … «Daily Mail, Mar 15»


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Discover all that is hidden in the words on educalingo

  • Defenition of the word young

    • Living being as genetically proceeding from an other one.
    • The offspring or descendants of an animal (in some languages, it is used to refer to humans).
    • In the early part of growth or life.
    • (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; «baby carrots»; «new potatoes»; «young corn»
    • (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; «young people»
    • any immature animal
    • young people collectively; «rock music appeals to the young»; «youth everywhere rises in revolt»
    • United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877)
    • United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955)
    • English poet (1683-1765)
    • United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959)
    • British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829)
    • United States civil rights leader (1921-1971)
    • United States film and television actress (1913-2000)
    • (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; «new potatoes»; «young corn»
    • young people collectively
    • (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity
    • not tried or tested by experience
    • being in its early stage
    • (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth
    • suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh

Synonyms for the word young

    • adolescent
    • babies
    • baby
    • babyish
    • brood
    • childish
    • children
    • early
    • fresh
    • immature
    • infantile
    • juvenile
    • litter
    • little
    • new
    • offspring
    • undeveloped
    • youth
    • youthful

Similar words in the young

    • adolescent
    • baby
    • boyish
    • boylike
    • childlike
    • childly
    • early
    • formative
    • girlish
    • immature
    • infant
    • infantile
    • junior
    • little
    • new
    • newborn
    • preadolescent
    • preteen
    • puppyish
    • puppylike
    • schoolboyish
    • schoolgirlish
    • small
    • teen
    • teenage
    • teenaged
    • tender
    • vernal
    • vulnerable
    • young
    • young’s
    • youngish
    • youngster
    • youngster’s
    • youngsters
    • youngstown
    • youngstown’s
    • youthful

Hyponyms for the word young

    • hatchling
    • orphan
    • spat
    • young bird
    • young fish
    • young mammal

Hypernyms for the word young

    • actress
    • age bracket
    • age group
    • animal
    • animate being
    • ballplayer
    • baseball player
    • beast
    • brute
    • civil rights activist
    • civil rights leader
    • civil rights worker
    • cohort
    • creature
    • Egyptologist
    • fauna
    • physicist
    • poet
    • religious leader
    • saxist
    • saxophonist

Antonyms for the word young

    • aged
    • old

See other words

    • What is jackson
    • The definition of thomas
    • The interpretation of the word anderson
    • What is meant by taylor
    • The lexical meaning moore
    • The dictionary meaning of the word wilson
    • The grammatical meaning of the word davis
    • Meaning of the word williams
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word johnson
    • The origin of the word hernandez
    • Synonym for the word wright
    • Antonyms for the word lopez
    • Homonyms for the word adams
    • Hyponyms for the word gonzalez
    • Holonyms for the word nelson
    • Hypernyms for the word carter
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word mitchell
    • Translation of the word in other languages perez

Recent Examples on the Web

Instead, the new lineup brought onto the stage included executive Keith Cox, a president at the Paramount Network, actors Mo Brings Plenty (Mo), Dawn Olivieri (Sarah Atwood), Josh Lucas (who plays younger John Dutton.

Bryan Alexander, USA TODAY, 2 Apr. 2023

Jazzmine had two older half-sisters who already were making their way into young adulthood.

Mike Perrin | , al, 2 Apr. 2023

After McGovern’s health issues pushed him into a role as director of football administration, Kelly finally looked outside his usual Rolodex of options for a young up-and-comer.

Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times, 2 Apr. 2023

Jameson’s presence, long with other young arms like Brandon Pfaadt and Tommy Henry in Triple-A Reno, would seemingly increase pressure on Bumgarner to pitch well early in the year, especially considering the Diamondbacks are hoping to field a contending team this year.

Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic, 2 Apr. 2023

In addition, talented young designers are making their mark on the industry including David Lopez Quincoces, who designs for Living Divani, Francesco Meda and Lukas Scherrer of Shibuleru.

Damon Johnstun, oregonlive, 2 Apr. 2023

The crowd was young, well dressed, and mostly ignoring the basketball game on the bar’s televisions.

Peter Slevin, The New Yorker, 2 Apr. 2023

At a rally at the Capitol where hundreds of people showed up demanding stricter gun laws, a young man stood out: the son of Matthew Sullivan, the chaplain at Covenant School, whose family was enmeshed in Nashville’s Presbyterian community.

Silvia Foster-frau, Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2023

Mukesh’s younger brother, Anil, runs the Reliance Group; the two wings of the Ambani family, perennial fodder for India’s tabloids, are known for not getting on terribly well.

Mark Rozzo, Town & Country, 2 Apr. 2023

In the months leading up to Zoe giving birth, she was also shown videos of orangutan mothers caring for their young to help the primate understand what to do with a new baby.

Brandon Livesay, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

The bees are named after cuckoo birds, which lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, who then feed and protect the intruder to the detriment of their own young.

Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 25 May 2018

Neighboring wasp queens like to visit an unguarded nest, snatch a baby from its cell, and bring it home to carve up and feed to their own young.

Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 10 Apr. 2015

Back in 2004, while promoting Man on Fire, Washington praised Fanning and her acting skills, even at that young of an age.

Benjamin Vanhoose, Peoplemag, 19 Oct. 2022

Janet Leigh plays a Phoenix secretary who embezzles $40,000 from her employer’s client and goes on the run before checking into a remote motel run by a mysterious young.

Ben Flanagan |, al, 26 Sep. 2022

Way back in 2004, while promoting Man on Fire, Washington praised Fanning and her acting skills, even at that young of an age.

Benjamin Vanhoose,, 16 June 2022

In the late 1970s, Jane Goodall’s research on chimpanzees in Gombe, Tanzania, showed that infanticide wasn’t only a male prerogative: The mother-daughter pair Pom and Passion also attacked the young of others, and ate them.

Rebecca Giggs, The Atlantic, 6 May 2022

Except that the young of any dairy cow is taken from the mother almost immediately.

Travis M. Andrews, Washington Post, 11 May 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘young.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.



Inherited from Middle English yong, yonge, from Old English ġeong, from Proto-West Germanic *jung, from Proto-Germanic *jungaz, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂yuh₁n̥ḱós, from *h₂yuh₁en- (young).


  • (Received Pronunciation, US) enPR: yŭng, IPA(key): /jʌŋ/
  • Rhymes: -ʌŋ


young (comparative younger, superlative youngest)

  1. In the early part of growth or life; born not long ago.
    • 1809 October 26, William Wordsworth, «The French Revolution as It Appeared to Enthusiasts at Its Commencement», Friend, No. 11, ll. 4–5:
      Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
      But to be young was very heaven!
    • 1813, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice:

      «What a charming amusement for young people this is, Mr. Darcy! There is nothing like dancing after all. I consider it as one of the first refinements of polished society.»

    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal’lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned, and, the first thing I knew, made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn.

    • 2013 July 19, Ian Sample, “Irregular bedtimes may affect children’s brains”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 6, page 34:

      Irregular bedtimes may disrupt healthy brain development in young children, according to a study of intelligence and sleeping habits.  ¶ Going to bed at a different time each night affected girls more than boys, but both fared worse on mental tasks than children who had a set bedtime, researchers found.

    a lamb is a young sheep;  these picture books are for young readers

  2. At an early stage of existence or development; having recently come into existence.

    the age of space travel is still young;   a young business

    • 1722, Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year, London: E. Nutt et al., p. 23,[1]
      [] while the Fears of the People were young, they were encreas’d strangely by several odd Accidents []
  3. (Not) advanced in age; (far towards or) at a specified stage of existence or age.
    • 1906, Robertson Nicoll, Tis Forty Years Since, quoted in T. P.’s Weekly, volume 8, page 462:
      And thou, our Mother, twice two centuries young,
      Bend with bright shafts of truth thy bow fresh-strung.

    How young is your dog?   Her grandmother turned 70 years young last month.

  4. Junior (of two related people with the same name).
    • 1841, The Museum of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art:
      The young Mr. Chester must be in the wrong, and the old Mr. Chester must be in the right.
  5. (of a decade of life) Early.
    • 1922, E. Barrington, “The Mystery of Stella” in “The Ladies!” A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, pp. 40-41,[2]
      [] Miss Hessy is as pretty a girl as eye can see, in her young twenties and a bit of a fortune to boot.
    • 1965, Muriel Spark, The Mandelbaum Gate, London: Macmillan, Part One, Chapter 1,
      Ephraim would be in his young thirties.
    • 2008, Alice Fisher, “Grown-up chic is back as high street goes upmarket,” The Guardian, 20 January, 2008,[3]
      [] while this may appeal to older, better-off shoppers, vast numbers, especially those in their teens and young twenties, still want fast, cheap fashion.
  6. Youthful; having the look or qualities of a young person.
    • 2013 August 3, “Revenge of the nerds”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8847:

      Think of banking today and the image is of grey-suited men in towering skyscrapers. Its future, however, is being shaped in converted warehouses and funky offices in San Francisco, New York and London, where bright young things in jeans and T-shirts huddle around laptops, sipping lattes or munching on free food.

    My grandmother is a very active woman and is quite young for her age.

  7. Of or belonging to the early part of life.

    The cynical world soon shattered my young dreams.

  8. (obsolete) Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.
    • c. 1598–1600 (date written), William Shakespeare, “As You Like It”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene i]:

      Come, come, elder brother, you are too young in this.


  • (born not long ago): youthful, junior; see also Thesaurus:young
  • (having qualities of a young person): youthful, juvenile
  • (of or belonging to the early part of life): juvenile
  • (inexperienced): underdeveloped, undeveloped, immature


  • (born not long ago): old, aged, grown up, senior, youthless, elderly
  • (having qualities of a young person): aged, old, youthless, mature, elderly
  • (of or belonging to the early part of life): senior, mature, elderly
  • (inexperienced): mature, experienced, veteran

Derived terms[edit]

  • bright young thing
  • Bright Young Thing
  • eat one’s young
  • sweet young thing
  • the good die young
  • the night is young
  • while we’re young
  • with young
  • you can’t put an old head on young shoulders
  • young adult
  • Young America
  • young at heart
  • young blood
  • young buck
  • young fogey
  • young gun
  • young lady
  • youngish
  • younglet
  • younglike
  • youngling
  • youngly
  • youngness
  • youngster


  • youth



young (plural young)

  1. (often as if a plural noun) Offspring, especially the immature offspring of animals.
    • 2010, Mammal Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide, page 21:
      There is a logic in this behavior: a mother will not come into breeding condition again unless her young is ready to be weaned or has died, so killing a baby may hasten []

    The lion caught a gnu to feed its young.

    The lion’s young are curious about the world around them.



  • Armenian: ձագ (hy) (jag)
  • Assyrian Neo-Aramaic: ܙܲܥܝܵܐ‎ m (zaʿyā), ܙܵܥܬܵܐ‎ f (zāʿtā)
  • Bulgarian: малко (bg) n (malko)
  • Chechen: кӏорни (kʼorni)
  • Dutch: jongen (nl) pl
  • Finnish: jälkeläiset (fi) pl, poikaset (fi) pl
  • French: petit (fr) m
  • German: Nachkomme (de) m, Nachwuchs (de) m, Brut (de) f, Abkömmling (de) m, Junge (de) n
  • Hungarian: kölyök (hu), kicsiny(e) (hu), fióka (hu)
  • Icelandic: ungviði n
  • Interlingua: pullo
  • Italian: piccoli (it) m pl, prole (it) f
  • Japanese: 子供 (ja) (kodomo)
  • Korean: 새끼 (ko) (saekki)
  • Maori: kūao (refers only to animals)
  • Polish: młode (pl) n pl
  • Portuguese: filhote (pt)
  • Romanian: pui (ro)
  • Russian: молодня́к (ru) m (molodnják), молодь (ru) f (molodʹ), детёныш (ru) m (detjónyš)
  • Santali: ᱜᱳᱱ (gon)
  • Scottish Gaelic: àl m
  • Swahili: dogo (sw)
  • Swedish: unge (sv) c
  • Welsh: llwdn (cy) m


young (third-person singular simple present youngs, present participle younging, simple past and past participle younged)

  1. (informal or demography) To become or seem to become younger.
    • 1993, Jacob S. Siegel, A Generation of Change, page 5:

      The aging (or younging) of a population refers to the fact that a population, as a unit of observation, is getting older (or younger).

  2. (informal or demography) To cause to appear younger.
    • 1984, US Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports[4], page 74:

      Medicare data was «younged» by a month to achieve conformity with the conventional completed ages recorded in the census.

  3. (geology) To exhibit younging.
    • 1994, R. Kerrich & D.A. Wyman, “The mesothermal gold-lamprophyre association”, in Mineralogy and Petrology, →DOI:

      Shoshonitic magmatism younged southwards in the Superior Province, commensurate with the southwardly diachronous accretion of allochthonous subprovinces.

    • 2001 November 23, Paul Tapponnier et al., “Oblique Stepwise Rise and Growth of the Tibet Plateau”, in Science[5], volume 294, number 5547, →DOI, pages 1671-1677:

      The existence of magmatic belts younging northward implies that slabs of Asian mantle subducted one after another under ranges north of the Himalayas.


  • Guyon

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of yong
  • 1

    young [jʌŋ]

    1) молодо́й, ю́ный; ю́ношеский;

    young one’s де́ти; детёныши; пте́нчики; зверёныши

    2) нео́пытный

    3) молодо́й, мла́дший (для обозначения двух людей в одной семье, носящих одно и то же имя)

    4) но́вый, неда́вний;

    a) молодёжь;

    б) но́вые ве́яния или иде́и

    1) молодёжь;

    2) детёныши

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > young

  • 2

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > young

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > young

  • 4

    1. [jʌŋ]

    (часто the young)

    1) молодёжь

    2) молодняк (); детёныши; птенцы; молодь ()

    to bring forth the young — щениться, котиться, телиться, пороситься ()

    to be with young — а) быть супорос(н)ой (); б) быть щенной (); в) быть стельной (); г) быть котной суягной (); д) быть жерёбой ()

    a mother hen protecting her young — курица, защищающая (своих) цыплят

    2. [jʌn]

    1. 1) молодой; юный

    young man — молодой человек, юноша ()

    my young man — мой молодой человек ()

    young woman — а) молодая женщина; б) девица, барышня ()

    young lady — (молодая) девица, юная леди, барышня

    young ones — а) дети, потомство; б) молодняк, детёныши ()

    young animal — зверёныш, детёныш животного

    young tree [plant] — молодое деревце [растение]

    young grass — зеленеющая /только пробивающаяся/ трава

    young people /folk/ — молодёжь, юношество

    a young family — а) молодая семья; б) семья с маленькими детьми

    in my young days — когда я был молод, в дни моей юности

    young love — первая /юношеская/ любовь

    young in heart /in mind/ — молодой /молод/ душой

    to die young — умереть молодым /в юности/

    2) молодой, нежный ()

    2. 1) новый, недавний

    young country /nation/ — новое /недавно образовавшееся/ государство

    young moon — молодая /новая/ луна

    a young science — новая наука /отрасль науки/

    the year [the century] is yet young — год [век] ещё только начинается


    новый, молодой; в юной, начальной стадии цикла эрозии

    young river — юная /недавно возникшая/ река

    young valley — молодая долина, долина в стадии молодости

    3. зелёный, неопытный

    I was too young in the trade to be successful — я слишком мало проработал в этой области, чтобы добиться успеха

    young Henry Jones — молодой /младший/ Генри Джонс; Генри Джонс младший

    the young Mrs. Brown — молодая /младшая/ миссис Браун ()

    lake like a young sea — озеро, похожее на море в миниатюре

    we have a young hurricane outdoors — на дворе что-то вроде урагана; кажется, начинается ураган

    6. новый, свежий, прогрессивный

    7. живой, энергичный

    young hopeful — а) многообещающий юноша; б) девица, подающая надежды

    НБАРС > young

  • 5

    1. n молодёжь

    2. n молодняк; детёныши; птенцы; молодь

    3. a молодой; юный

    young thing — молодое существо ; девочка, девчушка

    4. a молодой, нежный

    to stay young — оставаться молодым, сохранять молодость

    5. a новый, недавний

    6. a геол. новый, молодой; в юной, начальной стадии цикла эрозии

    7. a зелёный, неопытный

    8. a младший, молодой

    9. a разг. маленький, небольшой

    10. a новый, свежий, прогрессивный

    11. a живой, энергичный

    12. a австрал. недавно приехавший

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. immature (adj.) adolescent; callow; childlike; green; immature; infant; infantile; juvenile; new; pubescent; unfledged; unripe; youthful

    2. inexperienced (adj.) fresh; inexperienced; inexpert; raw; rude; unconversant; unexperienced; unfleshed; unpracticed; unseasoned; untried; unversed

    3. brood (noun) brood; juvenility; litter; offspring; progeny; youth

    Антонимический ряд:

    adults; aged; ancient; mature; old; parents; seasoned

    English-Russian base dictionary > young

  • 6


    young (тж. the young) собир. детеныши; to be with young быть супоросой, стельной и пр. young молодой, юный; юношеский; he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста; young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.) my young man (woman) разг. мой возлюбленный (моя возлюбленная); young one’s детеныши; птенчики; звереныши young новый, недавний; the night is young еще не поздно young (тж. the young) собир. детеныши; to be with young быть супоросой, стельной и пр. young (тж. the young) собир. молодежь; old and young стар и млад young молодой, младший (для обозначения двух людей в одной семье, носящих одно и то же имя) young молодой, юный; юношеский; he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста; young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.) young неопытный young новый, недавний; the night is young еще не поздно young blood молодежь young blood новые веяния или идеи young молодой, юный; юношеский; he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста; young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.) my young man (woman) разг. мой возлюбленный (моя возлюбленная); young one’s детеныши; птенчики; звереныши

    English-Russian short dictionary > young

  • 7

    1. прил.
    1) а) молодой, юный young at heart ≈ молодой сердцем young in spirit ≈ молодой душой He is young for his age. ≈ Он молодо выглядит для своего возраста. my young woman разг. ≈ моя возлюбленная б) неопытный Syn: youthful;
    unpractised, inexperienced
    2) недавний, новый Syn: new, novel
    3) молодой, младший( прибавляется перед именем — чтобы в одной семье различать двух людей с одинаковыми именами) ∙ young blood
    2. сущ.;
    1) молодежь Syn: youth
    2) детеныши Wild animals bring forth their youngs in the wilderness. ≈ Звери производят на свет своих детенышей в условиях дикой природы. ∙ be with young
    (часто the *) молодежь — popular with the * популярный среди молодежи — old and * стар и млад — books for the * книги для детей и юношества (часто the *) молодняк( животных) ;
    молодь (рыбы) — to bring forth the * щениться, котиться, телиться, пороситься и т. п.( о животных) — to be with * (сельскохозяйственное) быть супорос(н) ой (о свинье) ;
    быть щенной (о собаке) ;
    быть стельной (о корове) ;
    быть котной или суягной (об овце) ;
    быть жеребой (о кобыле) — a mother hen protecting her * курица, защищающая ( своих) цыплят молодой;
    юный — * girl молодая девушка — * man молодой человек, юноша( часто шутл.) — my * man (разговорное) мой молодой человек( о поклоннике, женихе) — * woman молодая женщина;
    девица, барышня( часто в обращении к девочке) — my * woman (разговорное) моя девушка (о возлюбленной, невесте) — * lady (молодая) девица, юная леди, барышня — my * lady (разговорное) моя барышня, моя девушка (о возлюбленной) — a * person молодая особа( о женщине) — the * person (юридическое) несовершеннолетний;
    несовершеннолетняя — * thing молодое существо( о ребенке или девушке) ;
    девочка, девчушка — * ones дети, потомство;
    молодняк, детеныши (животных) — * baby (новорожденный) младенец — * child маленький ребенок — * animal звереныш, детеныш животного — * tree молодое деревце — * grass зеленеющая /только пробивающаяся/ трава — * fruit( сельскохозяйственное) завязь( плода) ;
    зеленец (огурца) — * people /folk/ молодежь, юношество — a * family молодая семья;
    семья с маленькими детьми — in my * days когда я был молод, в дни моей юности — * looking моложавый — * love первая /юношеская/ любовь — * in heart /in mind/ молодой /молод/ душой — * stock( сельскохозяйственное) молодняк (скота) — to die * умереть молодым /в юности/ — to grow * again помолодеть — he is * for his age он молодо выглядит — he is not so * as he was он уже не молод молодой, нежный( о мясе, рыбе и т. п.) — fresh * lamb (парное) мясо молодого барашка — * pork поросятина — * cheese( кулинарное) невыдержанный сыр новый, недавний — * country /nation/ новое /недавно образовавшееся/ государство — * moon молодая /новая/ луна — a * science новая наука /отрасль науки/ — * tide начало прилива — * ice тонкий лед — the year is yet * год еще только начинается — the night is yet * еще не поздно (геология) новый, молодой;
    в юной, начальной стадии цикла эрозии — * river юная /недавно возникшая/ река — * valley молодая долина, долина в стадии молодости зеленый, неопытный — * in crime недавно вступивший на путь преступлений — I was too * in the trade to be successful я слишком мало проработал в этой области, чтобы добиться успеха младший, молодой (о членах одной семьи) — * Henry Jones молодой /младший/ Генри Джонс;
    Генри Джонс младший — the * Mrs. Brown молодая /младшая/ миссис Браун (о невестке) (разговорное) маленький, небольшой — * fortune небольшое состояние — lake like a * sea озеро, похожее на море в миниатюре — we have a * hurricane outdoors на дворе что-то вроде урагана;
    кажется, начинается ураган новый, свежий, прогрессивный живой, энергичный( австралийское) недавно приехавший > * hopeful многообещающий юноша;
    девица, подающая надежды > * horse (сленг) ростбиф > a * man in a hurry (ироничное) горячая голова
    young (тж. the young) собир. детеныши;
    to be with young быть супоросой, стельной и пр.
    ~ молодой, юный;
    he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста;
    young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.)
    my ~ man (woman) разг. мой возлюбленный( моя возлюбленная) ;
    young one’s детеныши;
    ~ новый, недавний;
    the night is young еще не поздно
    young (тж. the young) собир. детеныши;
    to be with young быть супоросой, стельной и пр. ~ (тж. the ~) собир. молодежь;
    old and young стар и млад ~ молодой, младший (для обозначения двух людей в одной семье, носящих одно и то же имя) ~ молодой, юный;
    he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста;
    young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.) ~ неопытный ~ новый, недавний;
    the night is young еще не поздно
    ~ blood молодежь ~ blood новые веяния или идеи
    ~ молодой, юный;
    he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста;
    young man молодой человек (тж. шутл.)
    my ~ man (woman) разг. мой возлюбленный (моя возлюбленная) ;
    young one’s детеныши;

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > young

  • 8



    1) молодой, юный

    He is young for his age. — Он молодо выглядит для своего возраста.

    I was but young at the work. — Просто я был недостаточно опытен для этой работы.


    3) недавний, новый


    4) младший




    маленький, миниатюрный




    1) употр. с гл. во мн. молодёжь

    I have nothing against miniskirts, but I think they’re strictly for the young. — Я не имею ничего против мини-юбок, но считаю, что они подходят только для молодых.


    2) вновь прибывшие, новички


    употр. с гл. во мн.

    детёныши, потомство

    Wild animals bring forth their young in the wilderness. — Звери производят на свет своих детенышей в условиях дикой природы.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > young

  • 9

    имя прилагательное:


    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > young

  • 10

    1) молодой, юный; юношеский; he is young for his age он молодо выглядит для своего возраста; young man молодой человек (

    тж. шутл.

    ); my young man (woman)


    мой возлюбленный (моя возлюбленная); young one’s детеныши; птенчики; звереныши

    2) новый, недавний; the night is young еще не поздно

    3) неопытный

    4) молодой, младший (для обозначения двух людей в одной семье, носящих одно и то же имя)

    young blood

    а) молодежь;

    б) новые веяния или идеи

    1) молодежь; old and young стар и млад

    2) детеныши

    to be with young быть супоросой, стельной и пр.

    * * *

    * * *

    молодой, юный

    * * *

    [ jʌŋ]
    молодежь, детеныш
    молодой, юный, юношеский, новый, малолетний, недавний, неопытный, младший

    * * *







    * * *

    1. прил.
    1) молодой
    2) неопытный
    3) недавний
    2. сущ.; коллект.
    1) молодежь
    2) мн. вновь прибывшие
    3) детеныши

    Новый англо-русский словарь > young

  • 11



    молодой, юный

    He was too young to go to school. — Он был еще слишком мал для школы.

    The boy was to young to understand such things. — Мальчик был еще слишком мал, чтобы понимать такие вещи.

    The girl is too young to marry. — Девушка еще слишком молода, ей рано выходить замуж

    — young man
    — feel young

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > young

  • 12



    молодой, юный, неопытный

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > young

  • 13

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > young

  • 14

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > young

  • 15

    Англо-русский технический словарь > young

  • 16

    1. молодежь

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > young

  • 17

    молодняк; детёныш; молодь ; молодой

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    English-russian biological dictionary > young

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    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Young’s

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    Англо-русский юридический словарь > young

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    Oh, my dear young (такой-то)… I’m too old. — Я слишком стар, не то что вы, молодежь.

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > young

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Young — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Young (desambiguación). Young es una ciudad uruguaya del departamento de Río Negro. Posee una población de 14.521 habitantes (2004). Contenido 1 Geografía 2 Curiosidades …   Wikipedia Español

    • Young — Young, Arthur Young, Brigham Young, Charles Augustus Young, Edward Young, James Young, Owen Young, Thomas Young, módulo de * * * (as used in expressions) …   Enciclopedia Universal

    • Young — ist das englische Wort für jung, jugendlich, unerfahren, neu. Young steht für: Young (Familienname), Auflistung der Familiennamen Young Young (Magazin), eine Frauenzeitschrift Young ist der Name folgender Orte: Norwood Young America, eine Stadt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • young — [yuŋ] adj. younger [yuŋ′gər] youngest [yuŋ′gəst] [ME yonge < OE geong, akin to Ger & Du jung < IE * yuwen > L juvenis, Sans yuvan , young] 1. being in an early period of life or growth; not old 2. characteristic of youth in quality,… …   English World dictionary

    • Young — (y[u^]ng), a. [Compar. {Younger} (y[u^][ng] g[ e]r); superl. {Youngest} ( g[e^]st).] [OE. yung, yong, [yogh]ong, [yogh]ung, AS. geong; akin to OFries. iung, iong, D. joing, OS., OHG., & G. jung, Icel. ungr, Sw. & Dan. ung, Goth. juggs, Lith.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Young — refers to the quality or state of youth, or the offspring of a species.It may also refer to:People: See Young (surname) Places*Young, Arizona, United States *Young, Indiana, United States *Young, New South Wales, Australia *Young, Río Negro,… …   Wikipedia

    • Young —   [jʌȖ],    1) Andrew, amerikanischer Politiker, * New Orleans (La.) 12. 3. 1932; kongregationistischer Geistlicher, engagierte sich als Afroamerikaner in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung, in der er den gemäßigten Flügel repräsentierte, besonders für die …   Universal-Lexikon

    • YOUNG (T.) — YOUNG THOMAS (1773 1829) Médecin et physicien anglais. Il apprend le grec, le latin, l’hébreu, le français, l’italien, le persan et l’arabe. Il rédige une analyse des systèmes philosophiques connus en Grèce et se passionne pour la botanique et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • YOUNG (E.) — YOUNG EDWARD (1683 1765) Fils d’un ecclésiastique du Hampshire, Edward Young fait d’abord ses études à Oxford, puis il suit le duc de Wharton; il écrit alors des tragédies assez verbeuses et déclamatoires, qui manquent totalement d’intensité… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • YOUNG (L.) — YOUNG WILLIS LESTER dit LESTER (1909 1959) Ayant débuté comme batteur et saxophoniste alto, Lester Young choisit ensuite le ténor et fait partie de nombreux orchestres, en particulier celui de Count Basie auprès duquel il conquiert la notoriété.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Young — Young, Brig|ham (1801 77) a US leader of the ↑Mormon religion. In ↑Illinois Mormons were being badly treated, and so they decided to move away. In 1847, Young led 5000 Mormons across the US to their new home in what later became the state of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    young — перевод на русский


    Young Master.

    Молодой Господин.

    I may not know your situation, how can this happen to a young Lady like you?

    что сейчас с тобой. Как такое могло произойти с Молодой Госпожой?

    That young master didn’t look like talking an empty word.

    Этот Молодой Господин не выглядит пустозвоном.

    That saying, that Miss could rest peacefully now because of you, Young Master.

    Говорят… Молодой Господин.

    It’s that Young Master!

    Это Молодой Господин!

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    Young lady, come over here.

    Юная леди, идите сюда.

    Harriet, march yourself in this house right away, young lady.

    Гарриет! Немедленно марш домой, юная леди.

    She’s a very nice, friendly young lady.

    Очень милая, дружелюбная, юная леди.

    The mysterious young lady asked she be permitted to leave without the formalities.

    Эта таинственная юная леди спросила меня, может ли она уйти, не прощаясь с вами…

    Young lady, you’ll have to make out an application.

    Юная леди, вам нужно написать заявление.

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    Your Highness, I have a proposal for you… a charming young girl… .

    Ваше высочество, у меня есть для вас пара — очаровательная девушка.

    We assume now that the young woman resists;

    Давайте представим, что девушка упорствует;

    «That young girl is really pretty!»

    «Какая красивая девушка!»

    Young woman, I’ve gone to the trouble of looking you up.

    Девушка, я нахожу ваше присутствие здесь нежелательным.

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    «You can go, young one, but the next time you want to visit … use the door.»

    «Ты можешь идти, юноша, только в следующий раз, когда захочешь зайти к кому-нибудь, воспользуйся дверью.»

    Young man is sick with distress.

    Юноша болен от страданий.

    Now, young man.

    Постойте, юноша.

    Strange young man, isn’t he?

    Странный юноша, да?

    If you ask my opinion, young man, this is pure balderdash.

    Мое мнение, юноша, это полная чепуха.

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    Francois, the Lepics’ youngest son, came into the world when the dissension between his parents was a fait accompli.

    Франсуа, младший Лепик, родился, когда разлад между его родителями стал свершившимся фактом.


    Фиби, это младший Блэйдс.

    Young Gwilym Morgan, one pound ten.

    Гвилим Морган младший — 1 фунт, 10.

    My younger brother. The baby.

    Помните, мой младший брат.

    He’s her younger brother, just like Roger is mine.

    Он ее младший брат, такой же, как мне Роджер.

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    «I’ll teach you, you young scoundrel!

    «Я проучу тебя, маленький мерзавец!

    I’m too young.

    Я слишком маленький.

    Aviators. I, too, señores, will be an aviator. Mi padrecito says, «No, too young.»

    Летчики, очень скоро я тоже буду летчиком мой отец, говорит «Ты слишком маленький»

    I’m young and I don’t know how to say certain things.

    Я маленький и не могу это объяснить.

    When I was young, I, too, was afraid of the train.

    Когда я был маленький, я тоже боялся поездов.

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    Did you say «young»?

    Молодой человек?

    Uh, a young man was taking the blame for his friend, who wasn’t a very strong character.

    Молодой человек взял на себя деяния друга, тот оказался не силен характером.

    Is the young man your fiancé?

    Этот молодой человек Ваш поклонник? Нет.

    «There, Mrs. Matuschek was joined by a young man.»

    «Там миссис Матучек ждал молодой человек» .

    A young man and a kind of older man.

    Двое мужчин спрашивали вас… Молодой человек и второй постарше.

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    Please make me young again by telling me your name.

    .. Скажите ваше имя: верните мою молодость.

    The act of a sick mind with an urge to destroy something young and lovely.

    Это был акт больного рассудка, посягнувшего на молодость и красоту.

    Why don’t you try something else to make you feel young?

    Неужели нет никакого другого средства, чтобы сохранить молодость?

    Jealousy makes me feel much younger.

    Ревность возвращает мне молодость.

    Then he uses his jealousy as a kind of stimulant to make him feel young.

    А ревность для него вроде стимулятора, который возвращает молодость.

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    Always gives me great pride in my country when I see such fine young men in the U.S. Army.

    Всегда гордишься своей страной, особенно когда видишь молодёжь в американской армии.

    We’re getting them young, Mr. Rossi.

    Молодежь сама приходит, мистер Росси.

    — What do you young chaps know about girls? — Nothing.

    — Что вы, молодежь, понимаете в девушках?

    What scum this young generation!

    Не молодежь, а погань растет!

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    The poor young man spent 18 days on a raft six weeks in a hospital, and he’s never had a real home.

    Бедный парень провел 18 дней на плоту шесть недель в госпитале, и никогда не имел настоящего дома.

    You have no idea what a charming young man I can be.

    Вы даже представить не можете, какой из меня чудесный парень!

    Listen, young fella.

    Слушай, парень.

    If you’re young and love a scuffle.

    Коли парень ты румяный,

    Young fellow, you knock them dead like your old man used to.

    Парень, ты поразишь их до смерти как и Я когда то.

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