Meaning of the word whether or not

whether or not

The English idiom whether or not is a commonly used expression that means “regardless of whether.” Often this idiom can be shortened to just “whether,” but it’s important to know when it’s okay to drop the extra words.

In this article, we’re exploring the meaning of whether or not and how to use it correctly.

Whether or Not Meaning

Whether or not specifically means “regardless of whether.” It presents a binary choice between two options. A synonym for whether or not is “even if.”

We use whether or not to mean something will happen regardless of whether A or B is true. Here’s an example sentence:

  • We will go to the zoo whether or not it rains.

In this sentence, we can see that the speaker will go to the zoo if it rains or if it doesn’t. We could rewrite this sentence in two ways:


  • We will go to the zoo regardless of whether it rains.
  • We will go to the zoo even if it rains.

You can also split the phrase whether or not and place “or not” after the alternative is stated. See the example sentence below:

  • We will go to the zoo whether it rains or not.

Whether or not acts as a subordinating conjunction when the subordinate clause functions as a choice between two opposite situations.

The word whether comes from an Old English word that means “which of the two.” Over time, the word evolved into our two modern phrases—whether and whether or not—that have closely related meanings but slightly different uses.

whether or not meaning

Whether vs Whether or Not: When to Use Each

Many times, we use whether or not when we could just say whether. It’s often acceptable to eliminate the negative element of the phrase to decrease wordiness and improve readability.

When whether means “if,” just use the one word. To decide which you should use, replace whether or not with “if” and “regardless of whether” and see which one makes sense.

If the sentence doesn’t make sense with “if,” you should use whether or not.

ProWritingAid is a free tool that will highlight instances of whether or not in your writing and prompt you to decide whether you’re using the phrase correctly. If you need to eliminate the negative element, you can click whether in the suggestion box.

ProWritingAid changing whether or not to “whether”

Whether or Not Examples Used in Sentences

Let’s check out a few example sentences to see how to use whether or not.

  • You must turn in the report by Monday whether or not the survey results are in.
  • The bus is leaving at 9 a.m. whether or not you’re here.
  • We’re having a party on Saturday whether or not he’s available.

Remember, the key to using whether or not lies in its definition. If the meaning is regardless of whether, use the entire phrase.

When you read through your writing, mentally substitute the different synonyms to see which one makes sense.

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Krystal N. Craiker

Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. She sails the seven internet seas, breaking tropes and bending genres. She has a background in anthropology and education, which brings fresh perspectives to her romance novels. When she’s not daydreaming about her next book or article, you can find her cooking gourmet gluten-free cuisine, laughing at memes, and playing board games. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound. Check out her website or follow her on Instagram: @krystalncraikerauthor.

whether if

На этом уроке мы рассмотрим предложения с союзами whether, whether… or, whether… or not, а также предложения с союзом if, но не в значении «если». В русском языке этим конструкциям соответствуют предложения с частицей «ли».


  • Союз whether или if: I’m not sure whether (if) she likes roses.
  • Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lilies.
  • Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not.

Союз whether используется как частица «ли» в русских предложениях вроде этого: «Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы».

I don’t know whether she likes roses. — Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы

Предложения такого типа называют косвенными вопросами. Само предложение является утвердительным, но в нем в косвенной форме передается вопрос: «Нравятся ли ей розы?» Обратите внимание, что в обеих частях предложения порядок слов — как в утвердительном предложении, поскольку по форме предложение и есть утвердительное.

  • Правильно: I’m not sure whether she likes roses.
  • Неправильно: I’m not sure whether does she like roses?

Приведу несколько примеров:

They asked me whether I wanted to take a tour. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я отправиться на экскурсию.

I didn’t know whether she would like roses. — Я не знал, понравятся ли ей розы.

He didn’t tell me whether he was bored. — Он не сказал мне, было ли ему скучно.

I couldn’t understand whether he was lying. — Я не мог понять, лгал ли он.

Как видите, предложения этого типа в английском языке и в русском строятся совершенно по-разному. В русском языке мы добавляем частицу «ли» к глаголу, а в английском союз whether между частями предложения.

Времена в предложении согласуются так же, как в предложениях типа «I know that you like jazz». Напомню основные правила:

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, придаточная тоже в прошедшем (в русском языке придаточная часть может быть в настоящем):

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to go home. — Я не был уверен, хочу ли я пойти домой.

Действие в придаточной части выражено в Present Simple, если речь идет о действии, которое происходит всегда или регулярно:

They asked me whether I work on Mondays. — Они спросили меня, работаю ли я по понедельникам.

I don’t remember whether Australia is the largest continent. — Я не помню, является ли Австралия самым большим континентом.

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, а в придаточной речь о будущем, используется форма «будущее в прошедшем», то есть would + verb:

I didn’t know whether I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

She asked me whether I would work as a teacher. — Она спросила меня, буду ли я работать учителем.

Союз whether в примерах выше можно заменить на if, смысл не изменится:

I’m not sure whether/if she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

I didn’t know whether/if I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies.

Косвенный вопрос с союзом whether подразумевает ответ «да» или «нет». Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

Здесь два варианта: либо розы нравятся, либо нет.

Союз whether… or позволяет построить альтернативный вопрос в косвенной форме:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или лилии.

Здесь варианта ответа тоже два, но не «да» или «нет», а «розы» или «лилии».

Другие примеры:

I don’t remember whether he lived in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg. — Я не помню, жил ли он в Москве или Санкт-Петербурге.

They asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я чай или кофе.

Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not

Союз whether… or часто используется в форме whether… or not, когда подразумевается положительный или отрицательный ответ. Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или нет.

They asked me whether I needed help or not. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь или нет.

По смыслу эти предложения практически не отличаются от предложений без «or not»:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

Разница лишь в том, что в варианте с «or not» подчеркивается, что речь идет именно о выборе между противоположными вещами: нравятся розы или не нравятся розы, а не о выборе между вариантами: нравятся розы или лилии.

Союз whether… or not также может использоваться в значении «независимо от того, будет ли (было ли, есть ли) А или нет». Приведу примеры:

He always tells the truth whether it is polite or not. — Он всегда говорит правду, независимо от того, вежливо ли это или нет.

Whether you support my decision or not, I will move to another city. — Неважно, поддержите вы мое решение или нет, я перееду в другой город.

Особенно часто в этом значении используется оборот «Whether you like it or not — Нравится тебе или нет».

I will marry Billy whether you like it or not! — Я выйду замуж за Билли, нравится вам это или нет!

You have to make a hard choice whether you like it or not. — Ты должен сделать трудный выбор, нравится тебе это или нет.

Союз whether or… not также может использоваться слитно как whether or not:

I don’t know whether or not they have children. — Я не знаю, есть ли у них дети.

Whether or not you have time, you have to come to the meeting. — Неважно, есть у тебя время или нет, ты должен прийти на встречу.


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Идиоматическое сочетание Whether or not во многих случаях можно рекомендовать переводить как «независимое от того» + «ли» (к глаголу).

Эта идиома используется для того, чтобы сказать, что не важно, какая из двух возможностей верна:

  • Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight. = Нравится тебе это или нет, я ухожу сегодня вечером.
  • Whether he wants to or not, he’ll have to clean his room. = Хочет он того или нет, ему придется убираться в своей комнате.

Откуда взялось слово Whether

Слово «Whether » происходит от древнеанглийского слова, означающего «какой из этих двух» (which of the two). Со временем это слово превратилось в два наших современных словосочетания — whether и whether оr nоt, которые имеют близкое значение, но немного различаются в использовании.

Синонимы для whether or not

Мы используем «whether… or (nоt)» для обозначения того, что что-то произойдет независимо от того, истинно ли А или В. Взгляните на простой пример:

We will go to the zoo whеther or not it rains. = Мы пойдем в зоопарк независимо от того, идет дождь или нет.

В этом предложении говорящий пойдет в зоопарк любом случае — пойдет ли дождь или нет. Мы могли бы переписать это предложение двумя способами:

We will go to the zoo regardless of whether it rains. = Мы пойдем в зоопарк независимо от того, идет ли дождь.
We will go to the zoo even if it rains. = Мы пойдем в зоопарк, даже если пойдет дождь.

Вы также можете разделить фразу «whether… or (nоt)» и поместить «or not» после того, как будет указан альтернативный вариант. См. пример:

We will go to the zoo whether it rains or not. = Мы пойдем в зоопарк независимо от того, идет дождь или нет.

Еще несколько примеров для понимания

This procedure is applicable whether the product is pure or contaminated.

Эта методика применима независимо от того, является ли продукт чистым или содержит примесь.

These polymers will be called linear whether the chain is open or closed.

Эти полимеры будут называть линейными, независимо от того, будет ли цепь открытой или закрытой.

This should hold whether localized or mobile adsorption is assumed.

Эта теория должна быть справедливой независимо от того, предполагается локализированная или подвижная адсорбция,

The carbonium ion will be the same whether it was formed by the heterolysis of a halide or of an onium ion.

Карбониевый ион остается таким же, независимо от того, образовался ли он в результате гетеролиза галогенида или ониевого иона.

«Whether» или «Whether or Not»: когда что использовать

Очень часто мы используем «whеther… or (nоt)», когда мы могли бы просто сказать «whether». Но на самом деле порой лучше исключить отрицательный элемент фразы, чтобы уменьшить многословность и улучшить читабельность текста.

Когда «whether» означает «если», то просто используйте одно слово. Чтобы решить, что следует использовать, замените «whether » на «if» (если) и «regardless of whether» (независимо от того), и посмотрите, с каким из них предложение сохранит свойсмысл.

Если предложение не имеет смысла с «если», вы должны использовать «whether or nоt».

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Also see: or | not

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

wheth•er /ˈhwɛðɚ, ˈwɛð-/USA pronunciation  

  1. (used to introduce the first of two or more choices or possibilities;
    the second one is preceded by the word or :) I don’t care whether we go or stay.
  2. (used to introduce a single choice, while the second choice is understood or implied, to be the negation of the first):See whether she has come.


  1. whether or not or whether or no, under whatever circumstances;
    in any case;
    regardless:He tends to insist on his views whether or not the facts support them.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(hweᵺər, weᵺ-),USA pronunciation conj. 

  1. (used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives, and sometimes repeated before the second or later alternative, usually with the correlative or):It matters little whether we go or stay. Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same.
  2. (used to introduce a single alternative, the other being implied or understood, or some clause or element not involving alternatives):See whether or not she has come. I doubt whether we can do any better.
  3. [Archaic.](used to introduce a question presenting alternatives, usually with the correlative or).
  4. whether or no, under whatever circumstances;
    regardless:He threatens to go whether or no.

pron. Archaic.

  1. which or whichever (of two)?
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English hwether, hwæther, equivalent. to hwe- (base of hwā who) + -ther comparative suffix; cognate with Old Norse hvatharr, Gothic hwathar

    See if. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

whether /ˈwɛðə/ conj

  1. (subordinating) used to introduce an indirect question or a clause after a verb expressing or implying doubt or choice in order to indicate two or more alternatives, the second or last of which is introduced by or or or whether: he doesn’t know whether she’s in Britain or whether she’s gone to France
  2. (coordinating)
    another word for either: any man, whether liberal or conservative, would agree with me
  3. whether or no
    used as a conjunction as a variant of whether
  4. under any circumstances: he will be here tomorrow, whether or no
  5. whether…or, whether…or whetherif on the one hand…or even if on the other hand: you’ll eat that, whether you like it or not

Etymology: Old English hwæther, hwether; related to Old Frisian hweder, hoder, Old High German hwedar, Old Norse hvatharr, hvarr, Gothic hwathar

whether or not‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

whether or not — перевод на русский

It all depends on whether or not one is on time.

Все зависит от того, во время пришел гость или нет.

Whether or not you will succeed is problematic.

Получится у вас или нет, это спорный вопрос!

I have met situation by requesting official visit of British representative, who shall see for himself whether or not I am barbarian, and make report of same to your gracious queen.

В ответ я потребовал официального визита британского представителя, чтобы он сам посмотрел, варвар я или нет, и сообщил об этом вашей милостивой королеве.

I don’t know whether or not the canoe is working…

Я не знаю, работают каноэ или нет

Could you tell me whether or not You’re going anywhere near it?

Не могли бы вы сказать, собираетесь вы или нет?

Показать ещё примеры для «или нет»…

That everything should be subservient to the production of children, and whether or not a child is a child of true love is of no importance.

Что все должно быть подчинено производству детей и является ли ребенок плодом настоящей любви — не имеет значения.

If we could decipher these images we might be able to determine whether or not your mother’s condition was induced by a traumatic event.

Если бы мы смогли расшифровать эти образы, то смогли бы определить, является ли состояние Вашей матери результатом воздействия травмирующего события.

«These trials only test your faith to see whether or not it is strong and pure.

«Эти испытания лишь проверяют вашу веру, является ли она сильной и чистой. »

Because we’re having a disagreement about whether or not it is MS.

Из-за того, что у нас разногласия по поводу того, является ли это рассеянным склерозом.

I just think you should know whether or not you’re gold-digging a retarded guy.

Я просто считаю, что тебе стоит знать — является ли твоя копилка с деньгами отсталым парнем или нет.

Показать ещё примеры для «является ли»…

I suppose I must regard what you did as an effort to save my life, Dr. Turner… and whether or not I regard you as a meddling trespasser, I suppose I must thank you.

Полагаю, мне стоит расценивать это, как попытку спасти мою жизнь, доктор Тернер. И независимо от того, что я считаю вас назойливым незваным гостем, полагаю, что должен поблагодарить Вас.

But if the universe is expanding whether or not it’s curved into a fourth dimension observers on every galaxy will see precisely the same thing:

Но если вселенная расширяется, независимо от того, искривлена она в четвертом измерении или нет, наблюдатель в любой галактике увидит одно и то же:

He is taking the Fifth on whether or not he understands the charges? Until we have a complete psychological evaluation, he will be taking the Fifth on any and all questions posed to him.

Он апеллирует к Пятой поправке независимо от того, понял он обвинение или нет?

Dude, it’s real whether or not you read those books.

Чувак, это реально независимо от того, прочитаешь ты их или нет.

You’ll be deformed.» That’s all she cares about… whether or not I grow a rack.

Ты будешь деформирована.» Это все, о чем она заботится, независимо от того, чего я добьюсь.

Показать ещё примеры для «независимо от того»…

The question we have to ask ourselves is whether or not that perception is inaccurate.

Полагаю, мы должны задать себе вопрос, действительно ли эти представления неверны.

It’s exactly what happened in this trial… because the media twisted things around… so people got all focused on these cops… and whether or not they were going to get convicted… and whether Rodney King’s civil rights had been violated.

Это как раз то, что случилось в том суде,… потому что СМИ исказили информацию… и так люди сосредоточились на этих полицейских,… действительно ли они будут обвиняться… и были ли гражданские права Родни Кинга нарушены.

No clearer way to evaluate whether or not you’re alive.

Нет никакого другого способа понять, действительно ли ты живой.

Some of the Princeton investigators and some of the other ones… decided that they would try to see whether or not… you could affect a random machine after it had run.

Кое-кто из Принстона и некоторые другие решили попробовать выяснить, действительно ли можно повлиять на механизм генератора случайных событий *после* того, как он уже сработал.

This reminds me of a debate I had with my brother Niles about whether or not

Это напоминает мне о дискуссии, которую я вел с моим братом Найлсом, о том действительно ли

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“Whether” and “whether or not” are both common phrases in English. It would help to know when they apply, and this article will help you figure out when each one works. There are certain grammatical rules that make one more favorable than the other.

“Whether” is the grammatically correct variation. “Whether or not” is a redundant phrase because “or not” is already implied when “whether” is used to compare two options. You can use it to emphasize your point informally, but “whether” is usually the best choice.

whether or whether or not

“Whether” is a conjunction that implies a binary choice. You can tell this based on the two options that are usually presented by it:

  • I did not know whether he was going to be there for me.

“Or not” also implies a binary choice, so it would be redundant to include it alongside “whether.” However, in spoken English, it can be common to hear it because it adds emphasis to the choice.

  • I did not care whether or not they wanted me to listen.
  • I did not care whether they wanted me to listen or not.

“Or not” can come either directly after “whether” or at the end of the phrase that comes after “whether.” The placement adds emphasis in different ways.


“Whether” works well on its own. It’s the correct choice if you’re writing formally because it’s the logical one that does not include a redundant phrase. You should use it to show that you are making a clear choice between two variables.

If you want to know how to use “whether” in a sentence, you can refer to the following:

  1. Regardless of whether you wanted to do that, I can tell that you had something else in mind.
  2. Whether she chose to do that was her own decision. I’m not going to tell her that she needs to stop.
  3. I thought you already knew whether you were going to college. Maybe you can spend a little more time thinking about it.
  4. I’m not sure whether they’re going to be kind to you. You really need to be careful when talking with people like that.
  5. Are you talking about whether they should go forward with this idea? I think they’d be foolish not to!
  6. I didn’t think about whether this was going to affect anybody else. I’m really sorry that it had to come to this!

Whether or Not

“Whether or not” is considered redundant by many. However, that doesn’t stop it from getting used. It is still fairly common to hear in spoken English because it allows the speaker to add emphasis to the decision that they are discussing.

“Or not” can come directly after “whether:”

  • Whether or not it happens, I’ll be there.

Or at the end of the clause that comes after “whether:”

  • Whether it happens or not, I’ll be there.

Here are some examples that explain how to use “whether or not” in a sentence:

  1. Whether or not you would like to do this is irrelevant. The fact remains that you should start thinking about other people.
  2. I’m not sure whether they were going to be here or not. Maybe you can look into it for me.
  3. I thought about whether or not we were needed, but I decided that it was still beneficial for us to come and see it happen.
  4. Whether they told you or not does not matter. I just wanted to know what you found out from them.
  5. Can you tell her whether or not you’re going to be able to come? I’m tired of her asking me about it.
  6. It’s going to be like that whether or not you work with us.

Is “Whether or Not” Redundant?

“Whether or not” is redundant. “Whether” and “or not” both try to do the same thing in a sentence. “Whether” decides between two variables, and “or not” decides between two variables. For that reason, it’s best to avoid using them together formally.

“Depends on Whether or Not” or “Depends on Whether”?

“Depends on whether” is better formally. It follows the standard formal rules that you should use when writing “whether” to make a choice. “Depends on whether or not” is better informally (i.e. in spoken English), where “or not” is an emphasizer.

  • It depends on whether or not they’re all going to come along.
  • It depends on whether she wants you there.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

whether or not

Regardless of whether (something happens or is the case). Whether or not you’re a member, you still have to pay admission for the special exhibit. I’m going whether or not you come with me.

See also: not

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

whether or not

either if something is the case or if something is not the case; one way or the other. I’ll drive to New York tomorrow whether or not it rains. I’m going to the mall whether you come with me or not.

See also: not

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

whether or not

Also, whether or no. Regardless of whether, no matter if. For example, Whether or not it rains, we’re going to walk to the theater, or She plans to sing at the wedding, whether or no anyone asks her to. The negative element in these constructions may also follow the subject and verb, as in I have to attend, whether I want to or not. [c. 1600]

See also: not

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • whether or no
  • like it or not
  • stick that in your pipe and smoke it
  • put that in your pipe and smoke it
  • Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  • add (one’s) two penn’orth
  • add your twopenn’orth
  • advocate
  • angel’s advocate
  • all

References in classic literature

Other things to be considered in narrative are: Movement, which, unless for special reasons, should be rapid, at least not slow and broken; Suspense; general Interest; and the questions whether or not there are good situations and good minor climaxes, contributing to the interest; and whether or not motivation is good, apart from that which results from character, that is whether events are properly represented as happening in accordance with the law of cause and effect which inexorably governs actual life.

(When the contract of sale or license provides the purchaser an option as to how it will take delivery of the software, or is silent on the matter, the DOT will construe the contract as giving the taxpayer the right to receive the software via a tangible medium (whether or not it in fact does so) and, thus, presume the transaction is taxable.)

As previously explained, the regulations do not prohibit tax shelter advice, but merely provide complex requirements that must be satisfied when providing written advice, whether or not the advice relates to a tax shelter.

Companies use the useful life of assets to guide their decisions on whether or not to amortize them on their financial statements.

The Kimbell appeal arose after the District Court granted a summary judgment for the IRS and denied the taxpayer’s summary judgment request over the issues of whether or not the transfer of property to an FLP formed two months prior to death, in exchange for partnership interests, was for full and adequate consideration and whether or not the decedent had retained control under IRC Sec.

Whether or not the injunction should have been granted is quite another matter.

This type of analysis excludes patients who failed to take the medicine, whether or not they had a good reason for doing so.

This case raised the issue of whether or not thermal scanning a private residence from outside the residence is a search under the Fourth Amendment.

It is also not known what effect implants have on lactation, and whether or not there is a difference in the rate of implant rupture, breast pain, migration of the implant, or mastitis in women who are pregnant or lactating.[15]

Assuming, then, that a rent-stabilized tenant has died, and there is no one else occupying the apartment, the first thing the landlord must do is determine whether or not the tenant has an estate, or there are next of kin.

This article explains the options available under the final regulations and illustrates why the elections are very important to GST tax planning, whether or not a particular transfer is an indirect skip.

First, while it is reasonable to require a written disclosure authorization from both the transaction promoter and the promoter’s tax counsel, there is no reason to require that the taxpayer’s counsel provide a disclosure authorization because that counsel would have no interest in whether or not its client keeps the transaction confidential.

This article provides guidance to every CPA who has ever wondered whether or not providing investment advice triggers the act’s registration requirements and its anti-fraud rules.

Whether or not a departmental policy creates a legal duty is a question the U.S.

Idioms browser

  • where there’s smoke there’s fire
  • where there’s smoke, there’s fire
  • where to draw the line
  • Where will I find you?
  • Where you at?
  • Where you been keeping yourself?
  • where you live
  • where you stand depends on where you sit
  • wherefore
  • whereof
  • Where’s the beef?
  • where’s the fire
  • Where’s the fire?
  • Where’s your head at?
  • wherever you go, there you are
  • wherewithal
  • whet
  • whet (one’s) appetite
  • whet (one’s) palate
  • whet appetite
  • whet one’s appetite
  • whet somebody’s appetite
  • whet someone’s appetite
  • whether
  • whether or no
  • whether or not
  • which
  • which brings me to the point
  • which foot the shoe is on
  • which is which
  • which way the wind blows
  • which way the wind blows, (to know)
  • which way the wind is blowing
  • which way the wind lies
  • whichever
  • whichever way you slice it
  • whiff
  • whiff of
  • whiffer
  • whiffled
  • whiff-sniffer
  • whigga
  • whigger
  • while
  • while a period of time away
  • while away
  • while away the time
  • while away the time, etc.
  • while the going is good
  • while the time away
  • while there’s life there’s hope

Full browser

  • whet one’s appetite
  • whet one’s palate
  • whet one’s palate, to
  • whet our appetite
  • whet our appetites
  • whet our palate
  • whet our palates
  • whet palate
  • Whet slate
  • whet somebody’s appetite
  • whet somebody’s palate
  • whet someone’s appetite
  • whet someone’s palate
  • whet their appetite
  • whet their appetites
  • whet their palate
  • whet their palates
  • whet your appetite
  • whet your palate
  • whether
  • whether
  • whether … or
  • whether by accident or design
  • Whether Customs Cleared or Not
  • Whether in Berth or Not
  • Whether in Customs Clearance or Not
  • Whether in Free Pratique or Not
  • Whether in Port or Not
  • whether or no
  • whether or no
  • whether or not
  • Whether that
  • Whether You Like It or Not
  • Whethering
  • Whethering
  • Whetile
  • Whetrock
  • whets
  • whets
  • whets
  • whets her palate
  • whets his palate
  • whets my palate
  • whets one’s palate
  • whets our palate
  • whets our palates
  • whets palate
  • whets somebody’s palate
  • whets someone’s palate
  • whets their palate
  • whets their palates
  • whets your palate
  • whetstone
  • whetstone
  • whetstone
  • whetstone
  • whetstone
  • Whetstone (tool)
  • Whetstone (tool)
  • whetstone crystals
  • Whetstone Gulf State Park

  • 1
    whether or not

    Персональный Сократ > whether or not

  • 2
    whether or not

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. in any case (other) certainly; even if; in any case; one way or the other; positively; regardless of whether; whether; whichever; yes or no

    2. provided (other) granting; if; in case; in the event; provided; supposing

    English-Russian base dictionary > whether or not

  • 3
    whether or not

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > whether or not

  • 4
    whether or not

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > whether or not

  • 5
    whether (…) or not


    во всяком случае, ли, так или иначе

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether (…) or not

  • 6
    whether or not

    2) Математика: ли

    3) Макаров: во всяком случае, ли, так или иначе

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not

  • 7
    whether or not of his own

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > whether or not of his own

  • 8
    whether (часто whether : or not; whether : or whether)

    Общая лексика:

    вводит косвенный вопрос ли

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether (часто whether : or not; whether : or whether)

  • 9
    whether or not patentable

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not patentable

  • 10
    whether or not provided at a charge

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not provided at a charge

  • 11
    whether or not the world can avoid nuclear catastrophe-this is critical for the very survival of civilization

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not the world can avoid nuclear catastrophe-this is critical for the very survival of civilization

  • 12
    whether or not there is

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not there is

  • 13
    whether or not this comes to pass

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not this comes to pass

  • 14
    whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather

  • 15
    whether or not customary

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > whether or not customary

  • 16
    as to whether or not

    Персональный Сократ > as to whether or not

  • 17
    as whether or not

    Персональный Сократ > as whether or not

  • 18
    as whether or not

    not to say … — чтобы не сказать …

    English-Russian base dictionary > as whether or not

  • 19
    as to whether or not

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > as to whether or not

  • 20
    as whether or not

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > as whether or not


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • whether or not — In most sentences, the or not in this phrase is unnecessary. Or not is a mere filler in a sentence such as Whether the remark was accurate or not is not certain. However, in certain constructions equal force or stress should be given to… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • whether or not —  The second two words should be dropped when whether is equivalent to if, as in It is not yet known whether or not persons who become reinfected can spread the virus to others. Or not is necessary, however, when what is being stressed is an… …   Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • whether or not —    The second two words should be dropped when whether is equivalent to if, as here: It is not yet known whether or not persons who become reinfected can spread the virus to other susceptible individuals (New York Times). Or not is necessary,… …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • whether or not — if something does or does not happen. Whether or not she wins the championship, she ll still be one of the best swimmers we ve ever had in the school. Usage notes: often used in the form whether something or not: Whether you like it or not, I m… …   New idioms dictionary

  • whether or not — phrasal see whether or no …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • whether or not — adverb see whether or no …   Useful english dictionary

  • whether — 1. For the choice between if and whether, see if 2. 2. When the alternative to the whether clause is a simple negative, this can take several forms, but whether or not is now more usual than whether or no: • I brooded all the way whether or not I …   Modern English usage

  • whether — O.E. hwæðer, hweðer which of two, whether, from P.Gmc. *khwatharaz (Cf. O.S. hwedar, O.N. hvarr, Goth. huaþar, O.H.G. hwedar which of the two, Ger. weder neither ), from interrogative base *khwa who (see WHO (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • not proven — the verdict in a Scottish criminal trial that amounts to an acquittal but that is not the same as the verdict of not guilty. In the 17th century, practice developed such that the jury found facts alleged by the prosecution either proven or not… …   Law dictionary

  • not give something a second thought — (not) give (something) a second thought without a second thought if you do something without a second thought, you do it without thinking about whether or not you should. He d fire you if he had to he wouldn t give it a second thought …   New idioms dictionary

  • not give a second thought — (not) give (something) a second thought without a second thought if you do something without a second thought, you do it without thinking about whether or not you should. He d fire you if he had to he wouldn t give it a second thought …   New idioms dictionary

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Historians still argue over whether or not Arthur actually existed.

Однако историки до сих пор спорят, существовали ли «Арии» на самом деле.

That depends on whether or not fertilization occurs.

Данный процесс не зависит от того, случится оплодотворение или нет.

Regardless of whether or not it solved your problem.

Причем, независимо от того, решатся Ваши проблемы или нет.

It exists whether or not some light illuminates it.

You may choose whether or not to give your first name.

Вы можете выбрать, будет ли или не вы хотели бы, чтобы предоставить свое имя и фамилию.

My question is whether or not double…

Мне очень хотелось бы задать вопрос, не является ли это двойное…

There is currently no consensus on whether or not psychiatric drugs can affect self-damaging behavior.

На данный момент не существует консенсуса в отношении того, могут или не могут психиатрические препараты повлиять на самоповреждающее поведение.

Here, we investigate whether or not using antidepressants actually works.

Здесь мы исследуем, является ли или не используя антидепрессанты на самом деле работает.

All propositions are thus reviewed, whether or not they obviously concern children.

Таким образом, теперь рассматриваются все предложения, независимо от того, касаются они непосредственно детей или нет.

What determines whether or not they migrate remains unknown…

Что именно определяет, будут они мигрировать или нет, остается неизвестным.

On whether or not we think you’re involved.

To execute… whether or not he agrees with my decisions.

Чтобы выполнять приказы, независимо от того, согласен ли он с моими решениями.

And whether or not they dance.

See whether or not I can accomplish it.

Your beliefs about money will ultimately determine whether or not you succeed financially.

В конечном счёте, именно ваши убеждения относительно денег определяют, ожидает ли вас финансовый успех или нет.

Your body makes enough whether or not you consume it.

This holds whether or not the production is for own final use.

The prosecutor then decided whether or not to grant permission.

После этого прокурор принимает решение о том, предоставлять такое разрешение или нет.

People often question whether or not they need life insurance.

You decide whether or not to save your income.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат whether or not

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I read the information about using whether or whether or not on your web site; however, I am still not certain about making the choice. Could you please tell me the specific rules for using whether or whether or not?

Is this sentence okay?

You can go whether or not you finished your homework.

Sven Yargs's user avatar

Sven Yargs

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asked Apr 20, 2015 at 1:46

user117779's user avatar


Bryan Garner, Garner’s Modern American Usage, second edition (2003) answers this question in a consistent way that is easy to apply to particular instances of «whether (or not)»:

Whether or not. Despite the superstition to the contrary, the words or not are usually superfluous, since whether implies or not—e.g.,:

  • «In another essay, ‘The Rules of the Game,’ he discusses moral codes and whether or not {read whether} they work.» Diane Hartman, «At Life’s End Carl Sagan Awed by Life’s Unknowns,» Denver Post, 22 June 1997, at D6. [Other examples—involving «deciding whether (or not)» and «decide whether (or not)»—omitted.]

But the or not is necessary when whether or not means»regardless of whether» {the meeting will go on whether or not it rains}. [Other examples omitted.]

By Garner’s reasoning, you don’t need or not in this sentence:

You can decide whether to go once you’ve finished your homework.

but you do need it in your original sentence:

You can go whether or not you finished your homework.

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 20, 2015 at 0:26

Sven Yargs's user avatar

Sven YargsSven Yargs

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Usually when using the word whether in a sentence, the or not is superfluous (i.e., not required). However, when whether or not means regardless of whether, the or not part is required.

Examples of when or not is required:

  • The postman will deliver my mail today whether it snows or not.
    • (…regardless of whether it snows.)
  • The former CEO of Global Bank is going to jail today whether or not he is actually innocent.
    • (…regardless of whether he is actually innocent.)

Note: The or not does not have to follow immediately after whether, so there is some leniency on where it is placed.

answered Apr 20, 2015 at 21:05

AWMoore's user avatar


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