Meaning of the word unique

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existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.

having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.

limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.

not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.


the embodiment of unique characteristics; the only specimen of a given kind: The unique is also the improbable.



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Origin of unique

First recorded in 1595–1605; from French, from Latin ūnicus, equivalent to ūn(us) “one” + -icus -ic

usage note for unique

Many authors of usage guides, editors, teachers, and others feel strongly that such “absolute” words as complete, equal, perfect, and especially unique cannot be compared because of their “meaning”: a word that denotes an absolute condition cannot be described as denoting more or less than that absolute condition. However, all such words have undergone semantic development and are used in a number of senses, some of which can be compared by words like more, very, most, absolutely, somewhat, and totally and some of which cannot.
The earliest meanings of unique when it entered English around the beginning of the 17th century were “single, sole” and “having no equal.” By the mid-19th century unique had developed a wider meaning, “not typical, unusual,” and it is in this wider sense that it is compared: The foliage on the late-blooming plants is more unique than that on the earlier varieties. The comparison of so-called absolutes in senses that are not absolute is standard in all varieties of speech and writing.
See also a1, complete, perfect.


u·nique·ly, adverbu·nique·ness, nounnon·u·nique, adjectivenon·u·nique·ly, adverb

Words nearby unique

uniplanar, unipod, unipolar, unipotent, unipotential, unique, uniqueness, uniramous, unironically, UNISA, uniseptate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to unique

different, exclusive, particular, rare, uncommon, exceptional, extraordinary, singular, special, strange, unparalleled, unprecedented, weird, individual, lone, one, one and only, onliest, separate, single

How to use unique in a sentence

  • TikTok keeps millions of users glued to their screens, and offers unique opportunities for brands to promote their products and go viral by using TikTok for business.

  • We asked them why they wanted to use us, and how their needs are unique.

  • Our database is filled with thousands of big brands, brands you know, websites you visit every day that are struggling with getting their unique, indexable URLs indexed by Google.

  • In March, the site had 68 million unique users, 136% more than March 2019, according to Comscore.

  • In typical Apple style, the mask looks unique with large coverings on the top and bottom for the wearer’s nose and chin.

  • Prevalence depends on context, and sometimes unique advantages outweigh the genetic costs.

  • The most exciting and thrillingly unique artist to surface in 2014.

  • Like Edgar, he remembers a unique time when American rappers came down and performed at the Primer Festival de Rap Cubano.

  • Christmas is unique in that it is a global holiday celebrated all over the world by humanity.

  • But that was probably the least unique thing about her childhood.

  • The order of meals at Lane End was somewhat peculiar even then, and would now be almost unique.

  • They are unique; that lady there is the Du Barry—a portrait worth, alone, six thousand francs.

  • It is these unique coincidences and recurrences that make it so easy to find relations between these sovereigns.

  • It is the one which is sometimes called in books on economics the case of an unique monopoly.

  • Oh that their ranks could be kept filled and that a mould so unique was being used to its fullest in forming new regulars.

British Dictionary definitions for unique


being the only one of a particular type; single; sole

without equal or like; unparalleled

informal very remarkable or unusual


  1. leading to only one resultthe sum of two integers is unique
  2. having precisely one valuethe unique positive square root of 4 is 2

Derived forms of unique

uniquely, adverbuniqueness, noun

Word Origin for unique

C17: via French from Latin ūnicus unparalleled, from ūnus one

usage for unique

Unique is normally taken to describe an absolute state, i.e. one that cannot be qualified. Thus something is either unique or not unique; it cannot be rather unique or very unique. However, unique is sometimes used informally to mean very remarkable or unusual and this makes it possible to use comparatives or intensifiers with it, although many people object to this use

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

What do you mean unique?

existing as the only one or as the sole example single solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript. having no like or equal unparalleled incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.

What is an example of unique?

The definition of unique is one of a kind. An example of unique is a necklace with a personalized message on the charm. Highly unusual extraordinary rare etc. Being the only one of its kind.

What is the meaning of unique person?

To be a unique person means that you are one of a kind and no other person is exactly like you. This uniqueness partly comes from within shown through our actions and behaviors. According to the Oxford Dictionary the meaning of unique is “being the only one of its kind unlike anything else.

What is the meaning of unique sentence?

highly unusual or rare but not the single instance. 1. The machine’s unique design prevents it from overheating. 2.

Does Unique mean special?

As adjectives the difference between unique and special

is that unique is (not comparable) being the only one of its kind unequaled unparalleled or unmatched while special is distinguished by a unique or unusual quality.

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Why is it a unique?

Is it “an unique” or “a unique”? Well the word “unique” starts with a “u ” but when being pronounced it makes a “y” sound (yoo-nique) which is a consonant. So “a” should be used as the article. Although some people may use “an unique ” it’s grammatically incorrect!

How can a person be unique?

A human becomes unique when they find their own strengths and capabilities. Being unique is what makes an individual different than others.So what makes a person unique? Uniqueness can come in many different ways. People can be unique based on their talent personality achievements qualities etc.

How do you explain unique to a child?

having no equal different from everything else.

How do you use the word unique?

Unique sentence example

  1. His paintings were so unique as to require no signature for identification. …
  2. Some humans are born with unique supernatural talents. …
  3. It wasn’t so unique to be traceable. …
  4. He drifted to the ground supported by Yully’s unique magic. …
  5. There was something unique about them.

Is unique a bad word?

Is It Wrong to Say ‘Very Unique’? Adjectives make up about 20% of English words. … ‘Unique’ is often cited as a word that should never be modified as its original meanings were “being the only one” and “unequaled.” But ‘unique’ has another meaning “unusual ” and it’s common to modify the word when it’s used this way.

Why is being unique a good thing?

The fact that an individual is unique assures him a special place and special worth in his own society. It is precisely because he is different that makes it possible for him to make contributions to the welfare of others and to develop anything that could be called a society.

What makes you unique as a person examples?

How to answer “Tell us what makes you unique” (with examples)

  • “My natural ability to organize effectively makes me unique. …
  • “What makes me unique is my ability to easily empathize with and relate to people. …
  • “What makes me unique is my experience of four years in retail.

Unique means that a variable number value or element is one of a kind and the only one that can satisfy the conditions of a given statement.

What is another word for uniquely?

What is another word for uniquely?

especially specially
extremely uncommonly
exceptionally extraordinarily
unusually extra
remarkably awfully

Is unique and different the same?

As adjectives the difference between unique and different

is that unique is (not comparable) being the only one of its kind unequaled unparalleled or unmatched while different is not the same exhibiting a difference.

What kind of word is unique?

Being the only one of its kind unequaled unparalleled or unmatched. Of a feature such that only one holder has it.

Can you say a unique?

Words whose first syllable has a consonant sound then take up ‘a’. an example of this is unique who first syllable is ‘yoo‘ which is not a vowel sound. Therefore it is ‘a unique’ as opposed to ‘an unique’.

What unique characteristics mean?

adj. 1 being the only one of a particular type single sole. 2 without equal or like unparalleled. 3 Informal very remarkable or unusual.

Can you say very unique?

That “un” at the beginning is a form of “one.” A thing is unique (the only one of its kind) or it is not. Something may be almost unique (there are very few like it) but technically nothing is “very unique ” though this expression is commonly used to mean “highly unusual.”

How do you explain I am unique?

How to answer “What makes you unique?”

  1. Mention skills listed in the job description.
  2. Provide examples from your background. …
  3. Avoid generic phrases like “I’m a hard worker”. …
  4. Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver similar results in the future.

See also what was the main technique used to study the solid surface of venus?

How can I be a unique woman?

If You Find The Girl With These 26 Unique Qualities Keep Her…

  1. If she loves fearlessly. …
  2. If she’s authentic. …
  3. If she’s supportive. …
  4. If she’s funny. …
  5. If she challenges you. …
  6. If she’s driven. …
  7. If she can take care of herself. …
  8. If she’s kind.

How is every individual unique?

That is how we understand the world. … The difference experience of every individual created their own unique personality and way of understanding the world. So even though there is only one context one sentence. Every individual will have their own different interoperation due to their unmatched life experience.

What does unique child mean?

Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient capable confident and self-assured. Babies and young children mature in every area of development at their own pace and in their own individual ways.

Is unique good or bad?

Yes it’s good to be unique and different and to stand out from the crowd for many things like finding your personal clothing style or making decisions on personal safety but when it comes to using universally recognized imagery its time to stick with the mainstream.

Can you say quite unique?

2 Answers. Yes this phrase is acceptable to native English speakers. One of the meanings of quite is to the greatest possible degree therefore it can be used with a non-gradable adjective like unique.

Is unique an absolute?

The word unique is an absolute modifier when used in the sense of being ‘one-of-a-kind’ or ‘the one and only. ‘ Lady Gaga is very unique. Yet both the Oxford Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary include an alternative definition for unique: ‘unusual’ or ‘very remarkable.

What is your concept of being unique in your life?

B eing unique means being the way you are without influencing your attributes traits personality or basic values because of anyone.

How would you describe yourself?

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable with settling and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role I was promoted three times in less than two years.”

What do you think makes you a unique candidate examples?

My time in retail makes me a candidate with a unique set of skills that have been honed by face to face customer interactions. I am a thorough communicator excellent listener take direction well and excel in a team environment all skills which I know will fit well with this current administrative position.”

See also why is fidelity important

How do you answer what makes you unique in a pageant?

How to Answer “Why Should You Win This Pageant?”

  1. Talk About What You’ve Already Done. Do your past accomplishments make you a great candidate for the title? …
  2. Talk About What You Plan To Do. Do you have special plans for the title? …
  3. Tell Them What Sets You Apart.

What does Unique mean in physics?

To say that a function satisfying certain conditions is “unique” means that it is the only function satisfying those conditions. For example there is a unique function y(x) satisfying y”= -y y(0)= 0 y(1)= 1. (That unique function is y(x)= sin(x).)

How do you show something is unique?

Note: To prove uniqueness we can do one of the following: (i) Assume ∃x y ∈ S such that P(x) ∧ P(y) is true and show x = y. (ii) Argue by assuming that ∃x y ∈ S are distinct such that P(x) ∧ P(y) then derive a contradiction. To prove uniqueness and existence we also need to show that ∃x ∈ S such that P(x) is true.

What makes a set unique?

A set is uniquely determined by its elements. This means that the only thing that defines what a set is is what it contains. So how you choose to list or define the contents makes no difference to what the contents actually are.

What is the opposite of uniqueness?

Opposite of the state or characteristic of being different or unique as compared to others. conformity. likeness. normality. sameness.

What does UNIQUE mean? – The English Definition

Unique | Meaning of unique ? ? ?

Speak Fluent English – Learn Advanced English Words To Replace ‘UNIQUE’ – English Vocabulary Lesson

UNIQUE – Meaning and Pronunciation


: being the only one : sole

his unique concern was his own comfort

I can’t walk away with a unique copy. Suppose I lost it?Kingsley Amis

the unique factorization of a number into prime factors



: being without a like or equal : unequaled

… he could stare at the flames, each one new, violent, uniqueRobert Coover


: able to be distinguished from all others of its class or type : distinct sense 1

App Tracking works by Apple assigning a unique identifier to your device.Ben Lovejoy

You will see an assortment of digital tags that let the Web site identify your computer as a unique visitor.Peter H. Lewis

The site sees an average of 227 million unique users per month …West Hartford (Connecticut) News: Web Edition Articles


: unusual

a very unique ball-point pen

… we were fairly unique, the sixty of us, in that there wasn’t one good mixer in the bunch.J. D. Salinger

Can something be very unique or somewhat unique?: Usage Guide

Many commentators have objected to the comparison or modification (as by somewhat or very) of unique, often asserting that a thing is either unique or it is not. Objections are based chiefly on the assumption that unique has but a single absolute sense, an assumption contradicted by information readily available in a dictionary. Unique dates back to the 17th century but was little used until the end of the 18th when, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was reacquired from French. H. J. Todd entered it as a foreign word in his edition (1818) of Johnson’s Dictionary, characterizing it as «affected and useless.» Around the middle of the 19th century it ceased to be considered foreign and came into considerable popular use. With popular use came a broadening of application beyond the original two meanings (here numbered senses 1 and 2a). In modern use both comparison and modification are widespread and standard but are confined to the extended senses 2b and 3. When sense 1 or sense 2a is intended, unique is used without qualifying modifiers.


Choose the Right Synonym for unique

strange, singular, unique, peculiar, eccentric, erratic, odd, quaint, outlandish mean departing from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected.

strange stresses unfamiliarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unaccountable.

a journey filled with strange sights

singular suggests individuality or puzzling strangeness.

a singular feeling of impending disaster

unique implies singularity and the fact of being without a known parallel.

a career unique in the annals of science

peculiar implies a marked distinctiveness.

the peculiar status of America’s First Lady

eccentric suggests a wide divergence from the usual or normal especially in behavior.

the eccentric eating habits of preschoolers

erratic stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating.

a friend’s suddenly erratic behavior

odd applies to a departure from the regular or expected.

quaint suggests an old-fashioned but pleasant oddness.

outlandish applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric.

outlandish fashions of the time

Example Sentences

There are no clear blueprints to be discovered in history that can help us shape the future as we wish. Each historical event is a unique congeries of factors, people, or chronology.

Margaret McMillan, Dangerous Games, 2008

[Tiger] Wood’s unique skill set was on display again at last week’s U.S. Open, but this victory was more visceral. It was all heart.

Alan Shipnuck, Sports Illustrated, 23 June 2008

Space is a strange and unique item—you can’t take it to a lab and analyze it like beef jerky.

Bob Berman, Astronomy, November 2007

A century ago a doctor was considered to be part of a social elite. He—and medicine was then very much a masculine endeavor—had a unique mastery of a special body of knowledge. He professed a commitment to levels of competence and integrity that he expected society to respect and trust.

Richard Horton, New York Review of Books, 31 May 2007

Most stars are not born in isolation but instead in groups of several thousand to tens of thousands, all of which emerge from the same parent cloud of gas. Each cloud has a unique and homogeneous mix of chemical elements and isotopes, which its stellar progeny inherits. Even when the stars disperse, they retain their unique chemical tag …

Rodrigo Ibata et al., Scientific American, April 2007

As a dozen new books will testify, our nation is in the midst of a great barbecue renaissance, with each region proudly claiming its own unique style.

Ruth Reichl, Gourmet, July 2005

She’s in the unique position of running for office against her husband.

Humans are unique among mammals in several respects.

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Recent Examples on the Web

This is a feeling that is, for me, unique to running.

Alli Harvey, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2023

Its unique blend of ingredients provides an effective clean, while being gentle on your fabrics.

Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023

Book Now Advertisement — Continue Reading Below 4 Carillon Wellness Resort, Miami From cupping to cryotherapy, Carillon Miami Wellness Resort offers a unique blend of Western, Eastern, and alternative medicines.

Sean Santiago, ELLE Decor, 7 Apr. 2023

The saga began in mid-March when a hacker used flash loans—a peculiar type of ultra-short-term loan unique to DeFi—to trick Euler’s protocol into paying him nearly $200 million.

Jeff John Roberts, Fortune Crypto, 6 Apr. 2023

Note: The sizes are unique to the brand, so pay attention to the size chart linked in the item description.

Emilia Benton,, 6 Apr. 2023

Homelessness and tent encampments aren’t unique to Parramore, though officials believe the neighborhood has the densest population.

Ryan Gillespie, Orlando Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023

Shop Now 3 DuraLife by Barrette Outdoor Living Made from a unique blend of polypropylene and hardwood composite, Barrette Outdoor Living’s DuraLife gives conventional wooden decks an innovative upgrade.

Kelsey Mulvey, House Beautiful, 6 Apr. 2023

These figures open a window on a set of pathologies unique to America among developed countries.

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 5 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘unique.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


French, from Latin unicus, from unus one — more at one

First Known Use

1601, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of unique was
in 1601

Dictionary Entries Near unique

Cite this Entry

“Unique.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

END {if (nonempty) {for (i in files) print i;};} ‘`; if test — z «$ (ETAGS_ARGS) $$tags$$unique«; then:; else test — n «$$unique» | | unique = $$empty_fix; ❋ Thebeaky (2010)

Short introduction: A cryptographic hash-function is a function where you can put in any data and you’ll get a unique, fixed-size value. »unique« in this case scenario means that it’s very hard to calculate two different strings matching to the same hash value. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Kashi’s 7 Whole Grain Puffs is said to have a unique flavour derived from the sesame seeds bursting at high temperature and imparting their ‘unique’ flavour to the cereal. ❋ Unknown (2008)

BE: When we first started i came up with the term unique edition. ❋ Max Eternity (2011)

And the company’s use of the term «unique visitors» is «the same as everyone,» he says. ❋ DAVID MILSTEAD (2011)

I am sure I have never before used the word unique with such exactness. ❋ Alan C. Greenberg (2010)

I suppose that the term unique in discussing the craft activity at Johnson’s Island was confusing. ❋ Unknown (1999)

My response, «But I am working, just from home,» completely baffles them and they gaze at me with an expression unique to children: «Daddy says the funniest things.» ❋ THOMAS KLASSEN (2012)

A spokeswoman said the icon had been used by the troops to identify themselves as scout snipers, a designation unique to the Marine Corps, and was never intended to have Nazi connotations. ❋ Raf Sanchez (2012)

For more than 10 years, the term unique visitors has been known as the count of unique cookies (de-duplicated over the period of analysis) to a Web site.

But he referred to the administration’s work to rush what he called «unique capabilities» to the field, an oblique reference to classified programs like the stepped-up construction of a CIA drone-launching base in the Persian Gulf region to use the unmanned aircraft to hunt militants in Yemen. ❋ Unknown (2011)

With classic L.A arrogance, owner/madman Sebastian freaked out and dumped all of Gordon’s restaurant changes and went back to what he called a «unique» menu that consisted of over 10,000 possible menu combinations you choose the meat, than the sauce on top, than the pasta/side that goes with it… ❋ Harmon Leon (2011)

Marlena Cervantes, 30, of Big Sky, Mont., is the owner of FlexPetz, which she described as a unique concept for dog lovers who are unable to own a pet, but miss spending time with a dog. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Being [one of a kind]
Someone [going left] when everyone else is going right.
Being different from [the rest].
Person 1: She’s so uniquePerson 2: She is she’s so special one of a kind ❋ Forever Someone Special (2017)

[My name is] unique, [your name] is very unique! Because [your one] of a kind ❋ Missbluberry (2015)

[Unique] people are those who have many [weird] qualities but [execute] them well ❋ Lola3 (2010)

Her [feather] [hat] was unique. ❋ Modinogoesrawr (2006)

FOLLOWER: » omg i should buy that, its [IN STYLE]!
UNIQUE: » WHY?!:S its fucking ugly
FOLLOWER: But if I don’t, I’ll be a total [lozer]!! BESIDES EVERYONE ELSE HAS IT!
UNIQUE: » *bitchslaps* YOUR SUCH A FOLLOWER. BE [YUU], BITCH!:@ ❋ Thats Rite, Imma Hater (2008)

everyone wear [hollister].she wears [volcom] [clothes] so shes unique. ❋ Preppychick21 (2009)

Kate has a well-devoloped mind and makes [straight A’s]. She is unique. Matt’s a [dimwit] who tries to bring a [pocket knife] to elemetary school. He is unique. ❋ A Person Who Won An Award In Sixth Grade For Being Unique Just Because I Dressed Differently (2006)

Girl 1: That was a very UNIQUE choice of clothing…
Girl 1 behind other girls back: That is the UGLIEST thing I have EVERRR seen!
Girl 2 [two weeks] later to Girl 1:[Wowwww] aren’t you wearing exactly what you called ugly just two weeks [agooo]? ❋ Who Cares Who I Am I Know And Thats All That Matters (2006)

Myself as a whole is unique. My [idea] of people not being unique isn’t as someone [out there] probably has had a similar thought. ❋ Jassles (2008)

I’ve been to several funerals, but [this one] was unique— there was [confetti] [in the coffin]. ❋ Kitti Papaver (2015)

  • Defenition of the word unique

    • That is the only one of its kind.
    • Being the only one of its kind.
    • radically distinctive and without equal; «he is alone in the field of microbiology»; «this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem»; «Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint»; «craftsmen whose skill is unequaled»; «unparalleled athletic ability»; «a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history»
    • the single one of its kind; «a singular example»; «the unique existing example of Donne’s handwriting»; «a unique copy of an ancient manuscript»; «certain types of problems have unique solutions»
    • highly unusual or rare but not the single instance; «spoke with a unique accent»; «had unique ability in raising funds»; «a frankness unique in literature»; «a unique dining experience»
    • (followed by `to’) applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality; «a species unique to Australia»
    • radically distinctive and without equal; «he is alone in the field of microbiology»; «this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem»; «Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint»; «craftsmen whose skill is unequaled»; «unparallele
    • the single one of its kind; «a singular example»; «the unique existing example of Donne»s handwriting»; «a unique copy of an ancient manuscript»; «certain types of problems have unique solutions»
    • highly unusual or rare but not the single instance
    • radically distinctive and without equal
    • (followed by `to’) applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality
    • the single one of its kind

Synonyms for the word unique

    • alone
    • distinctive
    • exceptional
    • exclusive
    • inimitable
    • irreplaceable
    • matchless
    • only one of its kind
    • rare
    • single
    • singular
    • sole
    • unequaled
    • unequalled
    • unparalleled

Similar words in the unique

    • incomparable
    • single
    • single(a)
    • specific
    • uncomparable
    • unique
    • uniqueness
    • uniquer
    • uniquest
    • unusual

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