Meaning of the word talked

Мои примеры


a precocious child who walked and talked early — не по годам развитый ребенок, который рано начал ходить и говорить  
talked about — добившийся шумного успеха; знаменитый  
talked-about — добившийся шумного успеха; знаменитый  
he talked about going abroad — он упомянул о своём намерении поехать за границу  
he talked of going abroad — он упомянул о своем намерении поехать за границу  
he just fobbed us off and talked of something else — он отмахнулся от нас и заговорил о другом  
get oneself talked about — заставлять заговорить о себе; заставить заговорить о себе  
we talked on many subjects — мы говорили о многом  
it is much talked of — об этом много говорят  
talked substance — высказанный по существу вопроса  
much talked-about — пресловутый  

Примеры с переводом

We talked of old times.

Мы обсудили прошлое.

We talked all night long.

Мы проговорили всю ночь напролёт.

They talked the night away.

Они проговорили всю ночь.

We talked far into the night.

Мы разговаривали до поздней ночи.

He has only just talked to her.

Он буквально только что поговорил с ней.

We talked late into the night.

Мы разговаривали до поздней ночи.

We ambled along as we talked.

Мы неспешно прогуливались и разговаривали.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They talked in hushed tones.

He simpered and smirked while he talked to the boss.

‘Have you talked to Vera about it yet?’ ‘Just quickly.’

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Фразовые глаголы

talk away — заговориться, заболтаться, болтать без умолку
talk back — возражать, дерзить
talk down — перекричать, заставить замолчать
talk out — затягивать прения, исчерпывать тему разговора
talk over — обсуждать, дискутировать, убеждать
talk round — переубедить, говорить пространно
talk up — хвалить, расхваливать, говорить прямо и откровенно, говорить громко

Возможные однокоренные слова

talk  — говорить, разговаривать, беседовать, разговор, беседа, переговоры, слухи, слух
talker  — говорящий, болтун, разговорчивый человек, хороший оратор, тот, кто говорит
talking  — говорящий, разговорчивый, болтливый, выразительный

    • See Also:
      • talk between ships
      • talk down
      • talk into
      • talk out
      • talk radio
      • talk round
      • talk show
      • talk-back
      • talkathon
      • talkative
      • talkfest
      • talkie
      • Talking Book
      • talking book
      • talking chief
      • talking head
      • talking machine
      • talking picture
      • talking point
      • talking-to
      • talky
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

talk /tɔk/USA pronunciation  

  1. to communicate information by or as if by speaking:[no object]Can parrots really talk? Sometimes we just sit and talk.
  2. to discuss or chat about (a topic): [+ about + object]We talked about the movies.[+ object]to talk politics.
  3. to consult or confer:[no object* ~ + with/to]Talk with your adviser.
  4. to deliver a speech or lecture:[no object* (~ + on/about + object))]The professor talked on modern physics.
  5. to give away secret information:[no object]The spy talked during interrogation.
  6. to express in words:[+ object]Now you’re talking sense.
  7. to use (a language) in speaking or conversing:[+ object]They talk French together.
  8. to drive or influence by talk:[+ object]to talk a person to sleep.
  9. talk around, [+ around + object] to avoid discussion of:They talked around the problem and never really addressed it.
  10. Idioms talk back, [no object* (~ + to + object])] to reply in a disrespectful manner:to talk back (to one’s parents).
  11. talk down to, [+ down + to + object] to speak in a superior tone:A good teacher won’t talk down to his or her students.
  12. talk out, to try to clarify or resolve by discussion: [+ out + object]to talk out the problem.[+ object + out]Don’t just walk out; let’s talk it out.
  13. talk (someone) out of (something), [+ object + out + of + object] to convince (someone) not to do (something):I talked him out of quitting just yet.
  14. talk over, to consider;
    discuss: [+ object + over]Let’s talk it over before getting angry.[+ over + object]Let’s talk over the problem with your teacher.
  15. talk up:
    • to help the progress of (someone or something) by means of praise;
      promote: [+ up + object]He talked up the chances of his team.[+ object + up]I talked you up to the woman who does the hiring.
    • [no object] to speak openly or distinctly.


  1. the act of talking;
    speech or conversation:[countable]We had a short talk before class.
  2. an often informal speech or lecture:[countable]a little talk on her research.
  3. a conference or session:[countable]peace talks.
  4. rumor;
    gossip:[uncountable]He’s not really going to quit; that’s just talk.
  5. empty speech;
    false promises:[uncountable]She’s all talk.
  6. a way of talking:[uncountable]baby talk.

talk•er, n. [countable]

    See speak.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(tôk),USA pronunciation v.i. 

  1. to communicate or exchange ideas, information, etc., by speaking:to talk about poetry.
  2. to consult or confer:Talk with your adviser.
  3. to spread a rumor or tell a confidence;
  4. to chatter or prate.
  5. to employ speech;
    perform the act of speaking:to talk very softly; to talk into a microphone.
  6. to deliver a speech, lecture, etc.:The professor talked on the uses of comedy in the tragedies of Shakespeare.
  7. to give or reveal confidential or incriminating information:After a long interrogation, the spy finally talked.
  8. to communicate ideas by means other than speech, as by writing, signs, or signals.
  9. Computingto transmit data, as between computers or between a computer and a terminal.
  10. to make sounds imitative or suggestive of speech.


  1. to express in words;
    utter:to talk sense.
  2. to use (a specified language or idiom) in speaking or conversing:They talk French together for practice.
  3. to discuss:to talk politics.
  4. Informal Terms(used only in progressive tenses) to focus on;
    signify or mean;
    talk about:This isn’t a question of a few hundred dollars—we’re talking serious money.
  5. to bring, put, drive, influence, etc., by talk:to talk a person to sleep; to talk a person into doing something.
  6. talk around, to bring (someone) over to one’s way of thinking;
    persuade:She sounded adamant over the phone, but I may still be able to talk her around.
  7. talk at:
    • to talk to in a manner that indicates that a response is not expected or wanted.
    • to direct remarks meant for one person to another person present;
      speak indirectly to.

  8. talk away, to spend or consume (time) in talking:We talked away the tedious hours in the hospital.
  9. talk back, to reply to a command, request, etc., in a rude or disrespectful manner:Her father never allowed them to talk back.
  10. Informal Terms talk big, to speak boastingly;
    brag:He always talked big, but never amounted to anything.
  11. Aeronautics talk down:
    • to overwhelm by force of argument or by loud and persistent talking;
      subdue by talking.
    • to speak disparagingly of;
    • Also, talk in. to give instructions to by radio for a ground-controlled landing, esp. to a pilot who is unable to make a conventional landing because of snow, fog, etc.

  12. talk down to, to speak condescendingly to;
    patronize:Children dislike adults who talk down to them.
  13. talk of, to debate as a possibility;
    discuss:The two companies have been talking of a merger.
  14. talk out:
    • to talk until conversation is exhausted.
    • to attempt to reach a settlement or understanding by discussion:We arrived at a compromise by talking out the problem.
    • Government[Brit. Politics.]to thwart the passage of (a bill, motion, etc.) by prolonging discussion until the session of Parliament adjourns. Cf. filibuster (def. 5).

  15. talk over:
    • to weigh in conversation;
    • to cause (someone) to change an opinion;
      convince by talking:He became an expert at talking people over to his views.

  16. talk someone’s head or ear off, to bore or weary someone by excessive talk;
    talk incessantly:All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talked my ear off.
  17. talk to death:
    • to impede or prevent the passage of (a bill) through filibustering.
    • to talk to incessantly or at great length.

  18. talk up:
    • to promote interest in;
      discuss enthusiastically.
    • to speak without hesitation;
      speak distinctly and openly:If you don’t talk up now, you may not get another chance.


  1. the act of talking;
    conversation, esp. of a familiar or informal kind.
  2. an informal speech or lecture.
  3. a conference or negotiating session:peace talks.
  4. report or rumor;
    gossip:There is a lot of talk going around about her.
  5. a subject or occasion of talking, esp. of gossip:Your wild escapades are the talk of the neighborhood.
  6. mere empty speech:That’s just a lot of talk.
  7. a way of talking:a halting, lisping talk.
  8. language, dialect, or lingo.
  9. signs or sounds imitative or suggestive of speech, as the noise made by loose parts in a mechanism.
  • 1175–1225; Middle English talk(i)en to converse, speak, derivative (with -k suffix) of tale speech, discourse, tale; cognate with Frisian (English dialect, dialectal) talken

talka•ble, adj. 
talk′a•bili•ty, n. 
talker, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See speak. 
    • 4, 33.See corresponding entry in Unabridged prattle.
    • 28.See corresponding entry in Unabridged discourse.
    • 30.See corresponding entry in Unabridged colloquy, dialogue, parley, confabulation.

talk, +v.t.

  1. Informal Terms(used only in progressive tenses) to focus on;
    signify or mean;
    talk about:This isn’t a question of a few hundred dollars—we’re talking serious money.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

talk /tɔːk/ vb

  1. (intr; often followed by to or with) to express one’s thoughts, feelings, or desires by means of words (to); speak (to)
  2. (intransitive) to communicate or exchange thoughts by other means: lovers talk with their eyes
  3. (intransitive) usually followed by about: to exchange ideas, pleasantries, or opinions (about)
  4. (intransitive) to articulate words; verbalize
  5. (transitive) to give voice to; utter: to talk rubbish
  6. (transitive) to hold a conversation about; discuss: to talk business
  7. (intransitive) to reveal information
  8. (transitive) to know how to communicate in (a language or idiom): he talks English
  9. (intransitive) to spread rumours or gossip
  10. (intransitive) to make sounds suggestive of talking
  11. (intransitive) to be effective or persuasive: money talks
  12. now you’re talkinginformal at last you’re saying something agreeable
  13. talk bigto boast or brag
  14. talk the talkto speak convincingly on a particular subject, showing apparent mastery of its jargon and themes; often used in combination with the expression walk the walk
    See also walk
  15. you can talkinformal you don’t have to worry about doing a particular thing yourself
  16. you can’t talkinformal you yourself are guilty of offending in the very matter you are decrying


  1. a speech or lecture
  2. an exchange of ideas or thoughts
  3. idle chatter, gossip, or rumour
  4. a subject of conversation; theme
  5. (often plural) a conference, discussion, or negotiation
  6. a specific manner of speaking: children’s talk

See also talk about, talk backEtymology: 13th Century talkien to talk; related to Old English talu tale, Frisian talken to talk

ˈtalker n

talked‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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v. talked, talk·ing, talks



a. To exchange thoughts or opinions in spoken or sign language; converse: We talked for hours. See Synonyms at speak.

b. To utter or pronounce words: The baby can talk.

c. To imitate the sounds of human speech: The parrot talks.


a. To express one’s thoughts or emotions by means of spoken language: The candidate talked about the pros and cons of the issue.

b. To convey one’s thoughts in a way other than by spoken words: talk with one’s hands.

c. To express one’s thoughts or feelings in writing: Voltaire talks about London in this book.

d. Usage Problem To convey information in text: The article talks about the latest fashions.


a. To negotiate with someone; parley: Let’s talk instead of fighting.

b. To consult or confer with someone: I talked with the doctor.

4. To spread rumors; gossip: If you do that, people will talk.

5. To allude to something: Are you talking about last week?

6. To reveal information concerning oneself or others, especially under pressure: Has the prisoner talked?

7. Informal To be efficacious: Money talks.

1. To utter or pronounce (words): Their son is talking sentences now.


a. To speak about or discuss (something) or give expression to (something): talk business; talk treason.

b. Used to emphasize the extent or seriousness of something being mentioned: The police found money in the car. We’re talking significant amounts of money.

3. To speak or know how to speak (a language or a language variety): The passenger talked French with the flight crew. Can you talk the local dialect?

4. To cause (someone) to be in a certain state or to do something by talking: They talked me into coming.


1. An exchange of ideas or opinions; a conversation: We had a nice talk over lunch.

2. A speech or lecture: He gave a talk on art.

3. Hearsay, rumor, or speculation: There is talk of bankruptcy.

4. A subject of conversation: a musical that is the talk of the town.

5. often talks A conference or negotiation: peace talks.


a. A particular manner of speech: baby talk; honeyed talk.

b. Empty speech or unnecessary discussion: a lot of talk and no action.

c. Jargon or slang: prison talk.

7. Something, such as the sounds of animals, felt to resemble human talk: whale talk.

Phrasal Verbs:

talk around

1. To persuade: I talked them around to my point of view.

2. To speak indirectly about: talked around the subject but never got to the point.

talk away

To spend (a period of time) by talking: We talked the night away.

talk at

To address (someone) orally with no regard for or interest in a reaction or response.

talk back

To make an impertinent or insolent reply.

talk down

1. To think or speak of as having little worth; depreciate: talked down the importance of the move.

2. To speak with insulting condescension: talked down to her subordinates.

3. To silence (a person), especially by speaking in a loud and domineering manner.

4. To direct and control (the flight of an aircraft during an approach for landing) by radioed instructions either from the ground or a nearby aircraft.

talk out

1. To discuss (a matter) exhaustively: I talked out the problem with a therapist.

2. To resolve or settle by discussion.

3. Chiefly British To block (proposed legislation) by filibustering.

talk over

1. To consider thoroughly in conversation; discuss: talked the matter over.

2. To win (someone) over by persuasion: talked them over to our side.

talk through

To help (someone) do something by giving instructions as the task is being done.

talk up

1. To speak in favor of; promote: talked the candidate up; talked up the new product.

2. To speak loudly in a frank, often insolent manner.


talk big Informal

To brag.

talk sense

To speak rationally and coherently.

talk the talk

To speak knowledgeably about something, especially something that one claims or implies one can do well.

Usage Note: The phrasal verbs talk about and (less commonly) talk of sometimes have a piece of writing as their subject, as in The article talks about the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan and The book talks of continuing barriers to free trade. While this usage might seem a natural semantic extension—no different, really, from the similar and widely accepted use of the word discuss—for many people talk remains primarily associated with speaking, and using it for a written medium violates a norm of standard grammar. The Usage Panel has mixed feelings about this construction. In our 2001 survey, 58 percent accepted it in the sentence The book talks about drugs that exist in many of our communities. Writers who wish to avoid the problem can use discuss or another nonspeaking verb such as argue or maintain instead.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (intr; often foll by to or with) to express one’s thoughts, feelings, or desires by means of words (to); speak (to)

2. (intr) to communicate or exchange thoughts by other means: lovers talk with their eyes.

3. (usually foll by: about) to exchange ideas, pleasantries, or opinions (about): to talk about the weather.

4. (intr) to articulate words; verbalize: his baby can talk.

5. (tr) to give voice to; utter: to talk rubbish.

6. (tr) to hold a conversation about; discuss: to talk business.

7. (intr) to reveal information: the prisoner talked after torture.

8. (tr) to know how to communicate in (a language or idiom): he talks English.

9. (intr) to spread rumours or gossip: we don’t want the neighbours to talk.

10. (intr) to make sounds suggestive of talking

11. (intr) to be effective or persuasive: money talks.

12. now you’re talking informal at last you’re saying something agreeable

13. talk big to boast or brag

14. talk shop to speak about one’s work, esp when meeting socially, sometimes with the effect of excluding those not similarly employed

15. talk the talk to speak convincingly on a particular subject, showing apparent mastery of its jargon and themes; often used in combination with the expression walk the walk. See also walk18b

16. you can talk informal you don’t have to worry about doing a particular thing yourself

17. you can’t talk informal you yourself are guilty of offending in the very matter you are decrying


18. a speech or lecture: a talk on ancient Rome.

19. an exchange of ideas or thoughts: a business talk with a colleague.

20. idle chatter, gossip, or rumour: there has been a lot of talk about you two.

21. a subject of conversation; theme: our talk was of war.

22. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often plural) a conference, discussion, or negotiation: talks about a settlement.

23. a specific manner of speaking: children’s talk.

[C13 talkien to talk; related to Old English talu tale, Frisian talken to talk]

ˈtalkable adj

ˌtalkaˈbility n

ˈtalker n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to communicate or exchange ideas or information by speaking.

2. to consult or confer: Talk with your adviser.

3. to spread a rumor; gossip.

4. to chatter or prate.

5. to use speech; perform the act of speaking.

6. to deliver a speech or lecture: The professor talked on modern physics.

7. to give confidential or incriminating information: The spy talked during interrogation.

8. to communicate by means other than speech, as by writing, signs, or signals.

9. to make sounds imitative or suggestive of speech.


10. to express in words; utter: to talk sense.

11. to use (a specified language or idiom) in speaking or conversing: They talk French together.

12. to discuss: to talk politics.

13. Informal. (used only in progressive tenses) to focus on; talk about: This isn’t a question of a few hundred dollars — we’re talking serious money.

14. to drive or influence by talk: to talk a person to sleep.

15. talk around, to avoid discussion of.

16. talk back, to reply in a disrespectful manner.

17. talk down,

a. to subdue by talking, as by argument.

b. to speak condescendingly.

c. Also, talk in. to give landing instructions to (a pilot) by radio.

18. talk out, to try to clarify or resolve by discussion.

19. talk out of, to dissuade, as from doing, using, etc.

20. talk over, to consider; discuss.

21. talk up,

a. to promote with enthusiastic description.

b. to speak openly or distinctly.


22. the act of talking; speech.

23. an informal speech or lecture.

24. a conference or negotiating session: peace talks.

25. rumor; gossip.

26. empty speech: all talk and no results.

27. a way of talking: quiet talk.

28. dialect or lingo.

29. sounds suggestive of speech.

[1175–1225; Middle English talk(i)en, derivative of tale speech, discourse, tale; c. Frisian (E dial.) talken]

talk′er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



Speak and talk have very similar meanings, but there are some differences in the ways in which they are used.

1. ‘speaking’ and ‘talking’

When saying that someone is using his or her voice to produce words, you usually say that they are speaking.

Please be quiet when I am speaking.

He was speaking so quickly I found it hard to understand.

However, if two or more people are having a conversation, you usually say that they are talking. You don’t say that they ‘are speaking’.

I think she was listening to us while we were talking.

They sat in the kitchen drinking and talking.

2. used with ‘to’ and ‘with’

If you have a conversation with someone, you can say that you speak to them or talk to them.

I saw you speaking to him just now.

I enjoyed talking to Ana.

You can also say that you speak with someone or talk with someone. This use is particularly common in American English.

He spoke with his friends and told them what had happened.

I talked with his mother many times.

When you make a telephone call, you ask if you can speak to someone. You don’t ask if you can ‘talk to’ them.

Hello. Could I speak to Sue, please?

3. used with ‘about’

If you speak about something, you describe it to a group of people, for example in a lecture.

I spoke about my experiences at University.

She spoke for twenty minutes about the political situation.

In conversation, you can refer to the thing someone is discussing as the thing they are talking about.

You know the book I‘m talking about.

I think he was talking about behaviour in the classroom.

You can refer in a general way to what someone is saying as what they are talking about.

‘I saw you at the concert.’ – ‘What are you talking about? I wasn’t there!’

If two or more people are discussing something, you say they are talking about it. Don’t say they ‘are speaking about’ it.

The men were talking about some medical problem.

Everybody will be talking about it at school tomorrow.

4. languages

You say that someone speaks or can speak a language.

They spoke fluent English.

How many languages can you speak?

You don’t say that someone ‘talks’ a language.

Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘in’ when you are talking about someone’s ability to speak a language, and don’t use a progressive form. Don’t say, for example, ‘She speaks in Dutch‘ or ‘She is speaking Dutch‘ to mean that she is able to speak Dutch.

Be Careful!
If you hear some people talking, you can say ‘Those people are speaking in Dutch’ or ‘Those people are talking in Dutch’.

She heard them talking in French.

They are speaking in Arabic.



If you make a speech or give a talk, you speak for a period of time to an audience, usually saying things which you have prepared in advance.

1. ‘speech’

A speech is made on a formal occasion, for example at a dinner, wedding, or public meeting.

We listened to an excellent speech by the President.

Mr Macmillan presented the prizes and made a speech on the importance of education.

2. ‘talk’

A talk is more informal, and is intended to give information.

Angus Wilson came here and gave a talk last week.

That’s what you said in your talk this lunchtime.


Talk can be a verb or a noun.

1. used as a verb

When you talk, you say things.

Nancy’s throat was so sore that she could not talk.

Don’t use ‘talk’ to report what someone says. Don’t say, for example, ‘He talked that the taxi had arrived‘. Say ‘He said that the taxi had arrived’.

I said that I would like to teach English.

If you mention the person who is being spoken to, you use tell.

He told me that Sheldon would be arriving in a few days.

Don’t confuse talk with speak.

2. used as a countable noun

If you give a talk, you speak for a period of time to an audience.

Colin Blakemore came here and gave a talk a couple of years ago.

3. used as an uncountable noun

If there is talk about something, people are discussing it.

There was a lot of talk about me getting married.

4. used as a plural noun

Talks are formal discussions intended to produce an agreement, usually between different countries or between employers and employees. People hold talks.

Government officials held talks with union leaders yesterday.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: talked
Gerund: talking

I talk
you talk
he/she/it talks
we talk
you talk
they talk
I talked
you talked
he/she/it talked
we talked
you talked
they talked
Present Continuous
I am talking
you are talking
he/she/it is talking
we are talking
you are talking
they are talking
Present Perfect
I have talked
you have talked
he/she/it has talked
we have talked
you have talked
they have talked
Past Continuous
I was talking
you were talking
he/she/it was talking
we were talking
you were talking
they were talking
Past Perfect
I had talked
you had talked
he/she/it had talked
we had talked
you had talked
they had talked
I will talk
you will talk
he/she/it will talk
we will talk
you will talk
they will talk
Future Perfect
I will have talked
you will have talked
he/she/it will have talked
we will have talked
you will have talked
they will have talked
Future Continuous
I will be talking
you will be talking
he/she/it will be talking
we will be talking
you will be talking
they will be talking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been talking
you have been talking
he/she/it has been talking
we have been talking
you have been talking
they have been talking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been talking
you will have been talking
he/she/it will have been talking
we will have been talking
you will have been talking
they will have been talking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been talking
you had been talking
he/she/it had been talking
we had been talking
you had been talking
they had been talking
I would talk
you would talk
he/she/it would talk
we would talk
you would talk
they would talk
Past Conditional
I would have talked
you would have talked
he/she/it would have talked
we would have talked
you would have talked
they would have talked

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. talk - an exchange of ideas via conversationtalk — an exchange of ideas via conversation; «let’s have more work and less talk around here»


conversation — the use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.

pious platitude, cant — insincere talk about religion or morals

dialog, dialogue, duologue — a conversation between two persons

heart-to-heart — an intimate talk in private; «he took me aside for a little heart-to-heart»

shmooze — (Yiddish) a warm heart-to-heart talk

shop talk — talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand

idle words, jazz, malarkey, malarky, nothingness, wind — empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk; «that’s a lot of wind»; «don’t give me any of that jazz»

chatter, yack, yak, yakety-yak, cackle — noisy talk

2. talk — discussion; (`talk about’ is a less formal alternative for `discussion of’); «his poetry contains much talk about love and anger»

discussion, discourse, treatment — an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; «the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic»; «his treatment of the race question is badly biased»

3. talk — the act of giving a talk to an audience; «I attended an interesting talk on local history»

lecturing, lecture — teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class)

chalk talk — a talk that uses a blackboard and chalk

4. talk - a speech that is open to the publictalk — a speech that is open to the public; «he attended a lecture on telecommunications»

lecture, public lecture

speech, address — the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience; «he listened to an address on minor Roman poets»

5. talk — idle gossip or rumor; «there has been talk about you lately»

talk of the town

scuttlebutt, gossip, comment — a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people; «the divorce caused much gossip»

Verb 1. talk — exchange thoughts; talk with; «We often talk business»; «Actions talk louder than words»


communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist»

proceed, continue, carry on, go on — continue talking; «I know it’s hard,» he continued, «but there is no choice»; «carry on—pretend we are not in the room»

dissertate, hold forth, discourse — talk at length and formally about a topic; «The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England»

pontificate — talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner; «The new professor always pontificates»

orate — talk pompously

talk down — speak in a condescending manner, as if to a child; «He talks down to her»

spiel — speak at great length (about something)

dogmatise, dogmatize — speak dogmatically

cheek — speak impudently to

level — talk frankly with; lay it on the line; «I have to level with you»

talk turkey — discuss frankly, often in a business context

monologuise, monologuize, soliloquise, soliloquize — talk to oneself

converse, discourse — carry on a conversation

chat up, coquet, coquette, flirt, mash, philander, romance, dally, butterfly — talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions; «The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries»; «My husband never flirts with other women»

dish the dirt, gossip — wag one’s tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies; «She won’t dish the dirt»

rap — talk volubly

2. talk — express in speech; «She talks a lot of nonsense»; «This depressed patient does not verbalize»

mouth, speak, verbalise, verbalize, utter

read — look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; «The King will read the proclamation at noon»

communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist»

phonate, vocalise, vocalize — utter speech sounds

troll — speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice

begin — begin to speak or say; «Now listen, friends,» he began

lip off, shoot one’s mouth off — speak spontaneously and without restraint; «She always shoots her mouth off and says things she later regrets»

shout — utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking); «My grandmother is hard of hearing—you’ll have to shout»

whisper — speak softly; in a low voice

peep — speak in a hesitant and high-pitched tone of voice

speak up — speak louder; raise one’s voice; «The audience asked the lecturer to please speak up»

snap, snarl — utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone; «The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer»; «The guard snarled at us»

enthuse — utter with enthusiasm

speak in tongues — speak unintelligibly in or as if in religious ecstasy; «The parishioners spoke in tongues»

swallow — utter indistinctly; «She swallowed the last words of her speech»

verbalise, verbalize — be verbose; «This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious»

whiff — utter with a puff of air; «whiff out a prayer»

talk of, talk about — discuss or mention; «They spoke of many things»

blubber out, blubber — utter while crying

drone on, drone — talk in a monotonous voice

stammer, stutter, bumble, falter — speak haltingly; «The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room»

rasp — utter in a grating voice

blunder out, blurt, blurt out, blunder — utter impulsively; «He blurted out the secret»; «He blundered his stupid ideas»

inflect, modulate, tone — vary the pitch of one’s speech

deliver, present — deliver (a speech, oration, or idea); «The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students»

generalise, generalize — speak or write in generalities

blabber, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle, gabble, gibber, blab, clack, maunder, chatter — speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly

chatter — make noise as if chattering away; «The magpies were chattering in the trees»

rattle on, yack, yack away, yap away, jaw — talk incessantly and tiresomely

open up — talk freely and without inhibition

snivel, whine — talk in a tearful manner

murmur — speak softly or indistinctly; «She murmured softly to the baby in her arms»

mumble, mussitate, mutter, maunder — talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice

slur — utter indistinctly

bark — speak in an unfriendly tone; «She barked into the dictaphone»

bay — utter in deep prolonged tones

jabber, mouth off, rabbit on, rant, rave, spout — talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

siss, sizz, hiss, sibilate — express or utter with a hiss

cackle — talk or utter in a cackling manner; «The women cackled when they saw the movie star step out of the limousine»

babble — utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way; «The old man is only babbling—don’t pay attention»

intone, tone, chant — utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically; «The students chanted the same slogan over and over again»

gulp — utter or make a noise, as when swallowing too quickly; «He gulped for help after choking on a big piece of meat»

sing — produce tones with the voice; «She was singing while she was cooking»; «My brother sings very well»

3. talk — use language; «the baby talks already»; «the prisoner won’t speak»; «they speak a strange dialect»


communicate, intercommunicate — transmit thoughts or feelings; «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist»

run on — talk or narrate at length

smatter — speak with spotty or superficial knowledge; «She smatters Russian»

slang — use slang or vulgar language

4. talk — reveal information; «If you don’t oblige me, I’ll talk!»; «The former employee spilled all the details»


babble out, blab, blab out, let the cat out of the bag, peach, spill the beans, tattle, babble, talk, sing — divulge confidential information or secrets; «Be careful—his secretary talks»

tell — let something be known; «Tell them that you will be late»

5. talk - divulge confidential information or secretstalk — divulge confidential information or secrets; «Be careful—his secretary talks»

babble out, blab, blab out, let the cat out of the bag, peach, spill the beans, tattle, babble, sing

disclose, let on, divulge, expose, give away, let out, reveal, unwrap, discover, bring out, break — make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»

talk, spill — reveal information; «If you don’t oblige me, I’ll talk!»; «The former employee spilled all the details»

keep one’s mouth shut, keep quiet, shut one’s mouth — refrain from divulging sensitive information; keep quiet about confidential information; «Don’t tell him any secrets—he cannot keep his mouth shut!»

6. talk — deliver a lecture or talk; «She will talk at Rutgers next week»; «Did you ever lecture at Harvard?»


preach, prophesy — deliver a sermon; «The minister is not preaching this Sunday»

instruct, teach, learn — impart skills or knowledge to; «I taught them French»; «He instructed me in building a boat»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. speak, chat, chatter, converse, communicate, rap (slang), articulate, witter (informal), gab (informal), express yourself, prattle, natter, shoot the breeze (U.S. slang), prate, run off at the mouth (slang) The boys all began to talk at once.

4. inform, shop (slang, chiefly Brit.), grass (Brit. slang), sing (slang, chiefly U.S.), squeal (slang), squeak (informal), tell all, spill the beans (informal), give the game away, blab, let the cat out of the bag, reveal information, spill your guts (slang) They’ll talk; they’ll implicate me.

5. speak, speak in, communicate in, use, discourse in, converse in, express yourself in You don’t sound like a foreigner talking English.


1. speech, lecture, presentation, report, address, seminar, discourse, sermon, symposium, dissertation, harangue, oration, disquisition The guide gave us a brief talk on the history of the site.

3. conversation, chat, natter, crack (Scot. & Irish), rap (slang), jaw (slang), chatter, craic (Irish informal), gab (informal), chitchat, blether, blather We had a long talk about her father.

plural noun

1. meeting, conference, discussions, negotiations, congress, summit, mediation, arbitration, conciliation, conclave, palaver, parley Talks between strikers and government have broken down.

talk back answer back, argue, be rude, be cheeky, be impertinent, disagree How dare you talk back like that!

talk someone into something persuade, convince, win someone over, sway, bring round (informal), sweet-talk someone into, prevail on or upon He talked me into marrying him.

talk someone out of something dissuade someone from, put someone off, discourage someone from, stop someone from, deter someone from, advise someone against, argue someone out of, persuade someone against, urge someone against She tried to talk me out of getting a divorce.

talk something or someone down

1. help to land, bring to land, give landing instructions to They began to talk the plane down over the radio.

2. criticize, belittle, disparage, knock (informal), pan (informal), diminish, put down (informal), denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, diss (slang, chiefly U.S.) They’re tired of politicians talking the economy down.

«A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks» [Ben Jonson Discoveries]

«Fine words butter no parsnips»
«Talk is cheap»

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To engage in spoken exchange:

3. To express oneself in speech:

Idioms: open one’s mouth, put in words, wag one’s tongue.

4. To put into words:

articulate, communicate, convey, declare, express, say, state, tell, utter, vent, verbalize, vocalize, voice.

Idiom: give tongue to.

5. To engage in or spread gossip:

6. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision:

7. To give incriminating information about others, especially to the authorities:

phrasal verb
talk back

To utter an impertinent rejoinder:

Idiom: give someone lip.

phrasal verb
talk down

To think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant:

belittle, decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, detract, discount, disparage, downgrade, minimize, run down, slight.

phrasal verb
talk into

To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way:

phrasal verb
talk over

To speak together and exchange ideas and opinions about:

phrasal verb
talk up

1. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity:

2. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product):

3. To utter an impertinent rejoinder:

Idiom: give someone lip.


2. The faculty, act, or product of speaking:

3. A usually formal oral communication to an audience:

4. The act or process of dealing with another to reach an agreement.Often used in plural:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


بَحْث ،نِقاشحَديث، مُحادَثَه، بَحْثقيل وقالكَلَاممُحاضَرَه


mluvitplané řečipomlouvatpřednáškarozhovor






fyrirlestursamræîur, spjallslúîra, kjaftaslúîur, kjaftasagasnakk, blaîur




apkalbinėtiišbarimaskalbėti apiekalbėti apie darbąkalbėti apie reikalus





bài nói chuyệnnói chuyện



A. N

2. (= lecture) → charla f
to give a talk (on sth)dar una charla (sobre algo)


6. (= reveal information) → hablar
we have ways of making you talksabemos cómo hacerle hablar

talk back VI + ADV (gen) → replicar
this is where voters get the chance to talk backahora es cuando los votantes tienen la oportunidad de replicar; (rudely) how dare you talk back to me?¿cómo te atreves a replicarme or llevarme la contraria?
he’s very good — he never talks backes muy bueno — no es nada respondón

talk down


2. (= dissuade from jumping) [+ suicidal person] → disuadir (para que no salte)

3. (esp Brit) (Fin) [+ currency, shares] → hacer bajar; (in deal) I talked him down another thousandhice que rebajara el precio otras mil libras

talk out VT + ADV

2. (Parl) to talk out a bill alargar el debate para que no dé tiempo a votar un proyecto de ley

talk over VT + ADV (= discuss) → hablar, discutir
let’s talk it/things overvamos a hablarlo or discutirlo
to talk sth over with sbconsultar algo con algn

talk round VT + ADV to talk sb round (esp Brit) → llegar a convencer a algn

talk through

B. VT + PREP (= explain) to talk sb through sthexplicar algo a algn

talk up

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= words) → propos mpl
That’s not the kind of talk one usually hears from accountants → Ce n’est pas le genre de propos que l’on entend d’habitude de la bouche de comptables.
I will not have that kind of talk at the table! → Je ne supporterai pas ce genre de propos à table!
it’s all talk (= hot air) → ce ne sont que des mots


(= converse) → parler
We talked for hours → Nous avons parlé pendant des heures.
to talk to sb → parler à qn
to talk with sb → parler à qn
to talk about sth → parler de qch
They talked about old times → Ils ont parlé du bon vieux temps.
talking of films, have you seen … ? → en parlant de films, avez-vous vu … ?

(= hold formal discussions) → négocier
The two sides are prepared to sit down and talk
BUT Les deux parties sont prêts à s’asseoir à la table des négociations.
We’re talking to them about opening an office in London
BUT Nous sommes en discussion avec eux pour l’ouverture d’un bureau. à Londres.

(= reveal information) → parler
He was interrogated but he refused to talk → On l’a interrogé mais il a refusé de parler.

, talk round npl

(= explain) to talk sb through sth → expliquer qch à qn

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= speak)sprechen, reden (→ of von, about über +acc); (= have conversation)reden, sich unterhalten (→ of, about über +acc); (bird, doll, child)sprechen; to talk to or with somebodymit jdm sprechen or reden (→ about über +acc); (= converse also)sich mit jdm unterhalten (→ about über +acc); (= reprimand also)mit jdm ein ernstes Wort reden; could I talk to Mr Smith please?kann ich bitte Herrn Smith sprechen?; don’t talk silly! (inf)red keinen Stuss! (inf), → red nicht so blöd (daher)! (inf); it’s easy or all right for you to talk (inf)du hast gut reden (inf); don’t (you) talk to me like that!wie redest du denn mit mir?; who do you think you’re talking to?was meinst du denn, wen du vor dir hast?; that’s no way to talk to your parentsso redet man doch nicht mit seinen Eltern!; hey, that’s no way to talkhör mal, sag doch so was nicht!; he sat there without talkinger saß da und sagte kein Wort; talk to me!erzähl mir was!; to get/be talking to somebodymit jdm ins Gespräch kommen/im Gespräch sein; I’m not talking to you (= we’re on bad terms)mit dir spreche or rede ich nicht mehr; (= I mean somebody else)ich spreche nicht mit dir; he knows/doesn’t know what he’s talking abouter weiß (schon)/weiß (doch) nicht, wovon er spricht, er hat (davon) ziemlich Ahnung (inf)/(doch) überhaupt keine Ahnung; you can talk! (inf)du kannst gerade reden!; to keep somebody talkingjdn (mit einem Gespräch) hinhalten; to talk to oneselfSelbstgespräche führen; now you’re talking!das lässt sich schon eher hören!



talk radio

nTalkradio nt

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



talk back vi + adv to talk back (to sb)rispondere impertinentemente (a qn)

talk down

talk out vt + adv to talk things outmettere le cose in chiaro discutendone

talk over vt + advdiscutere
I’ll have to talk it over with my wife → devo parlarne con mia moglie

talk round

1. vt + adv to talk sb roundconvincere qn

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(toːk) verb

1. to speak; to have a conversation or discussion. We talked about it for hours; My parrot can talk (= imitate human speech).

2. to gossip. You can’t stay here – people will talk!

3. to talk about. They spent the whole time talking philosophy.


1. (sometimes in plural) a conversation or discussion. We had a long talk about it; The Prime Ministers met for talks on their countries’ economic problems.

2. a lecture. The doctor gave us a talk on family health.

3. gossip. Her behaviour causes a lot of talk among the neighbours.

4. useless discussion; statements of things a person says he will do but which will never actually be done. There’s too much talk and not enough action.

talkative (ˈtoːkətiv) adjective

talking a lot. a talkative person.

ˈtalking book noun

a book recorded on cassette or disc for blind people, for those with reading problems etc.

ˈtalking head noun

a TV personality.

ˈtalking-point noun

something to talk about; a subject, especially an interesting one. Football is the main talking-point in my family.

ˈtalk show noun

(American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed.

ˌtalking-ˈto noun

a talk given to someone in order to scold, criticize or blame them. I’ll give that child a good talking-to when he gets home!

talk back (often with to)

to answer rudely. Don’t talk back to me!

talk big

to talk as if one is very important; to boast. He’s always talking big about his job.

talk down to

to speak to (someone) as if he/she is much less important, clever etc. Children dislike being talked down to.

talk (someone) into / out of (doing)

to persuade (someone) (not) to do (something). He talked me into changing my job.

talk over

to discuss. We talked over the whole idea.

talk round

1. to persuade. I managed to talk her round.

2. to talk about (something) for a long time without reaching the most important point. We talked round the question for hours.

talk sense/nonsense

to say sensible, or ridiculous, things. Don’t talk nonsense; I do wish you would talk sense.

talk shop

to talk about one’s work. We agreed not to talk shop at the party.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كَلَام, يَتَكَلَّمُ hovor, mluvit snak, tale Gespräch, sprechen λόγια, μιλάω conversación, conversar, hablar puhe, puhua discussion, parler razgovarati, razgovor conversazione, parlare, 話す 강연, 말하다 praatje, praten snakk, snakke rozmawiać, rozmowa falar, palestra разговаривать, разговор prata, pratstund การแสดงปาฐกถา, พูดคุย konuşma, konuşmak bài nói chuyện, nói chuyện 交谈

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. charla, plática;

vr. charlar, hablar, platicar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > talked

  • 2
    talked of

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > talked of

  • 3

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. advised (verb) advised; conferred; consulted; parleyed; powwowed

    2. chatted (verb) babbled; burbled; cackled; chatted; chattered; clacked; clattered; dithered; gabbed; jawed; pattered; prated; prattled; ran on/run on; rattled; smattered; tinkled; twaddled; twiddled; twittered; yakked; yammered

    4. noised (verb) blabbed; gossiped; informed; noised; noised about; noised abroad; rumored; rumoured; tattled

    5. sang or sung/sung (verb) sang or sung/sung; squeaked; squealed

    6. spoke (verb) addressed; discoursed; lectured; spoke

    7. spoke/spoken (verb) conversed in; spoke/spoken; used; verbalized; vocalized; voiced

    English-Russian base dictionary > talked

  • 4

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > talked

  • 5


    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > talked

  • 6

    Новый англо-русский словарь > talked

  • 7

    English-Russian smart dictionary > talked

  • 8
    talked to

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > talked to

  • 9


    знаменитый, добившийся шумного успеха

    one of the most talked-about authors of the century — один из наиболее известных авторов нынешнего столетия

    НБАРС > talked-about

  • 10

    a знаменитый, добившийся шумного успеха

    English-Russian base dictionary > talked-about

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > talked-about

  • 12
    talked about

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > talked about

  • 13
    talked substance

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > talked substance

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > talked-about

  • 15
    talked about

    1 (a) знаменитый

    2 (r) добившийся шумного успеха

    Новый англо-русский словарь > talked about

  • 16
    talked substance

    1) высказался по существу вопроса; 2) высказанный по существу вопроса

    English-Russian media dictionary > talked substance

  • 17
    talked substance

    English-Russian dictionary of Arts > talked substance

  • 18
    talked back

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > talked back

  • 19
    he talked and talked

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he talked and talked

  • 20
    Home affairs are not talked about on the public square.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Home affairs are not talked about on the public square.


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • talked of — index famous, illustrious, notable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • talked-of — index household (familiar) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • talked-of — «TKT UHV, OV», adjective. familiarly or vaguely spoken about …   Useful english dictionary

  • Talked — Talk Talk, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Talked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Talking}.] [Cf. LG. talk talk, gabble, Prov. G. talken to speak indistinctly; or OD. tolken to interpret, MHG. tolkan to interpret, to tell, to speak indistinctly, Dan. tolke to interpret …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • talked-of — un·talked of; …   English syllables

  • talked nineteen to the dozen — talked ceaselessly, talked in a flowing manner …   English contemporary dictionary

  • talked-a|bout — «TKT uh BOWT», adjective. discussed: »Certainly she is one of the century s most talked about authors (Wall Street Journal) …   Useful english dictionary

  • talked about — I index renowned II index household (familiar) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • talked straight to the point — talked about the issue at hand, got to the bottom line …   English contemporary dictionary

  • talked to himself — talked to no one, spoke to an empty room, gave a monologue …   English contemporary dictionary

  • talked about — Synonyms and related words: acclaimed, afloat, bandied about, bruited about, celebrated, common, commonly known, commonplace, current, distinguished, fabled, famed, familiar, famous, far famed, far heard, going about, going around, hackneyed,… …   Moby Thesaurus

talked — перевод на русский

Would you mind talking to me as if I’m five years old?

Не могли бы вы говорить так, как будто мне пять лет?

She’s like, «don’t talk to me like that.»

Она, как бы, сказала: «не смей так говорить со мной.»

I think we should be talking more in the sense of «what.»

Я думаю нам нужно уже говорить чтото вроде «оно»

Regardless of what other people say, how can you talk like that about your own dongsaeng?

но как ты можешь говорить это о своей сестре?

The townspeople won’t talk about that bone tomb any longer.

Жители больше не будут говорить об этой могиле с костями.

Показать ещё примеры для «говорить»…

Mom, we’re going to have to talk about this eventually.

Было очень много эмоций. Мам, нам все равно придется об этом поговорить.

Seriously, we can’t talk without the mention of a ghost.

Нам по-прежнему не поговорить безо всяких призраков…

So I, uh, I just came over to, you know, like rap and hang out and talk about stuff.

Ну, я пришла сюда, чтобы, пооткровенничать, позависать и поговорить о всяком.

You know, I’m really glad that I, again, coincidentally ran into you, because I’ve been wanting to talk to you about what happened with Jayma’s wedding dress.

Знаете, я очень рада, что я, повторюсь, случайно встретила вас, потому что хотела поговорить с вами о ситуации со свадебным платьем Джеймы.

And the next time you want to come and talk to me, don’t just show up at my door.

И в следующий раз, когда захочешь поговорить, не нужно заявляться возле моей двери.

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I mean, she’s probably not gonna talk to me for the rest of the time, if she does stay.

Ну, она, скорей всего, не будет разговаривать со мной все оставшееся время, если она останется.

And if anyone knew how much I messed things up, uh, they might never talk to me again.

И если кто-нибудь узнает, насколько я всё испортила, не станет со мной никогда больше разговаривать.

L… I can’t talk now, but do what I tell you.

Я не могу сейчас разговаривать, но делай, как я тебе говорю.

The cat was sorry his master did not have the mill or the donkey and he resolved to do all he could to help him, but he couldn’t really help because being only a cat, he didn’t know how to talk.

Коту было очень горько, что его хозяину не достались мельница или осёл и он решил сделать всё, чтобы помочь ему Однако помочь по-настоящему он не мог — ведь коты не умеют разговаривать

How dare you talk like that to your boss!

— Как ты смеешь так разговаривать со своим начальником.

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One. That’s what I’m talking about.

— Совсем другой разговор.

«I have to have a serious talk with you, Ola.»

У меня к тебе серьёзный разговор, Ола.

«I must talk to you, Gjermund.»

У меня к тебе разговор, Гьермунд.

A month unfortunately. Professor Topaze. Our talk has convinced me that you have been a victim of excessive mother-love.

Профессор Топаз, наш небольшой разговор убедил меня, что вы стали жертвой неуемной материнской любви.

— I just had a long talk with him.

— У нас с ним только что был длинный разговор.

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I think you only know how to talk smoothly.

Ты только болтать умеешь.

If you think I’m going to talk, you’re crazy.

Если ты думаешь, что я буду болтать — ты спятил.

— Stop talking and take out the pin.

— Перестаньте болтать. Приготовьте лунку.

— Stop talking, so I can tell you…

— Перестаньте болтать. Я хочу Вам сказать…

Don’t talk so much and finish up.

— Хватит болтать.

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It was Frankie’s, and he’s going to want to talk to you.

Это деньги Френки, и он захочет это обсудить.

«Well — if Herr Schani wants to talk about it now…»

«Ну, если герр Шани хочет обсудить это сейчас…»

We’ve gotta talk that over.

Мы должны обсудить это.

Hey, can’t we talk this over?

Мы можем всё обсудить?

Come, Seth. We have so much to talk about.

Идём, Сет, нам надо многое обсудить.

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Ты хочешь нам всем что-то сказать?

The shy young man suddenly began to talk without stopping. But emotion made him clumsy and he couldn’t express the feelings bursting in his heart.

хотел что-то сказать… но, из-за нахлынувших эмоций, он стал косноязычным… и не смог выразить те чувства, что наполняли его сердце.

I have no right to complain, but you could’ve talked to me first.

Ты, конечно, не обязан, но мог бы мне сказать.

— Will you please let him talk?

— Может, дадите им сказать?

But I have to talk!

Но я должен сказать!

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Is there anybody here who will talk?

— Кто-нибудь хочет заговорить?

At times I want to talk, shout.

Иногда я еле сдерживаюсь, чтобы не заговорить.

All you’ve got to do is talk, son, and you’ll be out of here

Чтобы выйти отсюда, вам нужно заговорить.

If he won’t talk no matter what?

— Там человек, который должен заговорить до рассвета.

I don’t think you have the slightest idea what to talk to me about.

мне думается, Вы не представляете, о чем заговорить со мной.

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Who wants to talk about what they found?

Кто хочет рассказать о найденном?

Today, I want to talk to you of a greater marvel:

Сегодня я хочу рассказать вам о великом открытии:

Well, I just got to talk about it.

Но я должна рассказать!

Now you can talk to me.

Теперь ты можешь мне все рассказать.

You can’t talk your way out of this one, sister.

Ты не можешь рассказать про выход, сестричка.

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And we don’t need to talk about who did it, but if somebody wants to be loyal and to do the right thing and take responsibility, then we can all move on.

И нам не нужно обсуждать это, но если кто-то хочет проявить преданность поступить правильно и взять на себя ответственность, мы все сможем двинуться дальше.

— I-I-I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

Я… я не хочу больше это обсуждать. Нет уж, мы обсудим…

— I don’t really feel comfortable talking to you about this. — Oh…

Мне не хотелось бы обсуждать это с вами.

Besides, we live in a fishbowl, and people love to talk.

Кроме того, мы живем на виду, а люди любят обсуждать.

It’s not fair to a man in his condition to ask him to talk business tonight.

В таком состоянии, он не может обсуждать бизнес сегодня.

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