Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sparkles
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sparkles
Новый англо-русский словарь > sparkles
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > sparkles
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > sparkles
English-Russian smart dictionary > sparkles
sparkles in the sun
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sparkles in the sun
deposited snow retained below the freezing point, which has steep contours, sparkles in the sun and crunches under pressure
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > deposited snow retained below the freezing point, which has steep contours, sparkles in the sun and crunches under pressure
shine sparkles
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > shine sparkles
shine sparkles
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > shine sparkles
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > блеснуть
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > блестеть
1. сущ.
1) искорка sparkles of light ≈ вспышки света Syn: spark I
1., scintillation
2) а) блеск, сверкание the sparkle of a diamond ≈ сверкание алмаза Syn: lustre, shine б) искрение (вина)
3) живость, оживленность He surprised himself by the amount of fun and sparkle he contrived to elicit. ≈ Он сам удивился тому, насколько весело и живо ему удалось себя вести. Syn: vivacity, liveliness, animation
2. гл.
1) искриться;
сверкать Her diamonds sparkled in the bright light. ≈ Ее алмазы сверкали в ярких лучах света. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. ≈ Ее глаза сверкали от возбуждения. Syn: flash
2., scintillate, twinkle
2., glitter
1., shine
2., make a brilliant display
2) играть, искриться ( о вине) This wine sparkles like Champagne. ≈ Это вино играет, как шампанское. Syn: effervesce
3) быть оживленным;
блистать, выделяться( в обществе, разговоре) They sparkleed with enthusiasm. ≈ Они искрились энтузиазмом. Syn: shine
4) перех. вызывать сверкание, блеск The sun sparkled the landscape with a thousand dewy gems. ≈ Под лучами солнца пейзаж заискрился тысячами жемчужинок росы.
искорка блестка проблеск — not a * of wit ни капли остроумия блеск, сверкание живость, оживленность «игра» (в вине) — the wine has lost its * вино перестало играть остроумие искриться, сверкать;
переливаться — her eyes *d with joy ее глаза сияли радостью — the tables *d with silver and crystal столы сверкали серебром и хрусталем быть оживленным;
блистать играть, искриться (о вине) отличаться, блистать — his aphorisms * with wit его афоризмы блещут остроумием
sparkle блеск, сверкание ~ быть оживленным;
блистать ~ живость, оживленность ~ играть, искриться (о вине) ~ искорка ~ искриться;
сверкатьБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sparkle
а) блеск, сверкание
3) живость, оживлённость
He surprised himself by the amount of fun and sparkle he contrived to elicit. — Он сам удивился тому, насколько весело и живо ему удавалось себя вести.
1) искриться; сверкать
Her diamonds sparkled in the bright light. — Её бриллианты сверкали в ярких лучах света.
Her eyes sparkled with excitement. — Её глаза сверкали от возбуждения.
2) играть, искриться
This wine sparkles like Champagne. — Это вино играет, как шампанское.
3) быть оживлённым; блистать, выделяться
They sparkleed with enthusiasm. — Они искрились энтузиазмом.
4) вызывать сверкание, блеск
The sun sparkled the landscape with a thousand dewy gems. — Под лучами солнца пейзаж заискрился тысячами жемчужинок росы.
Англо-русский современный словарь > sparkle
1. n pl сл. глаза, «гляделки», «мигалки»
2. n pl сл. очки
3. n pl сл. фары
Синонимический ряд:
1. flashes (noun) blinks; coruscations; flashes; flickers; glances; gleams; glints; glistens; glitters; quivers; scintillations; shimmers; sparkles; sparks; twinkles; winks
2. glances (verb) blinks; coruscates; flashes; flickers; glances; gleams; glints; glistens; glitters; scintillates; shimmers; spangles; sparkles; twinkles; winks
English-Russian base dictionary > glimmers
Синонимический ряд:
1. flashes (noun) coruscations; flashes; glances; gleams; glimmers; glints; glistens; glitters; quivers; scintillation; scintillations; sparkles; twinkles
2. flashes (verb) coruscates; flashes; glances; gleams; glimmers; glints; glistens; glitters; scintillates; spangles; sparkles; twinkles
English-Russian base dictionary > shimmers
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > блестки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > блёстки
1. сущ.
1) алмаз;
бриллиант to cut, grind, polish a diamond ≈ шлифовать, гранить бриллиант to set a diamond ≈ оправлять бриллиант cut diamond ≈ ограненный бриллиант flawless diamond, perfect diamond ≈ бриллиант чистой воды industrial diamond ≈ промышленный алмаз rough diamond, uncut diamond ≈ неотшлифованный алмаз a diamond sparkles ≈ бриллиант блестит black diamond
2) перен. а) нечто, по ценности напоминающее бриллиант There are many diamonds of the first water among the Americans. ≈ Среди американцев встречается много замечательных людей. б) нечто, сверкающее как бриллиант The grass is covered with minute diamonds of white frost. ≈ Трава покрыта мельчайшими, сверкающими как алмазы, льдинками.
3) алмаз (инструмент для резки стекла) glazier’s diamond, cutting diamond ≈ алмаз для резки стекла
4) нечто, напоминающее по форме алмаз а) геом. ромб Syn: lozenge б) мн.;
карт. бубны в) амер. площадка для игры в бейсбол
5) полигр. диамант (мелкий шрифт) ∙ diamond cut diamond
2. прил.
1) а) алмазный, сделанный из алмаза б) оправленный бриллиантами diamond ring ≈ бриллиантовое кольцо
2) алмазный (о копях, россыпях) diamond mine Diamond State
3) ромбовидный, ромбоидальный Syn: rhombic ∙ diamond wedding
3. гл. украшать бриллиантами;
тж. перен. The tears rolled over the long lashes, and diamonded her cheek. ≈ Слезы скатывались по ее длинным ресницам, как бриллиантами украшая ее щеки.
бриллиант — black * черный алмаз;
карбонадо — black *s (образное) каменный уголь — * of the first water бриллиант чистой воды — cut * отшлифованный алмаз, бриллиант — * merchant торговец бриллиантами алмаз (инструмент для резки стекла) алмаз для правки шлифовальных кругов (американизм) площадка для игры в бейсбол;
бейсбольное поле (геральдика) черный цвет (полиграфия) диамант (шрифт) (математика) ромб алмазный;
бриллиантовый — * brooch бриллиантовая брошь — * necklace бриллиантовое ожерелье — * ring кольцо с бриллиантом алмазный, сделанный из алмаза — * tool (техническое) алмазный инструмент алмазный,;
алмазосодержащий — * bed алмазная россыпь — * mine /field/ алмазная копь — * pipes (геология) алмазоносные трубки граненый, ромбоидальный, ромбовидный — * fret ромбоидальный орнамент — * netting сеть с ромбовидными ячейками — * crossing ромбовидный перекресток( редкое) украшать бриллиантами (карточное) pl бубны, бубновая масть > * anniversary /jubilee/ шестидесятилетний ( (американизм) cемидесятипятилетний) юбилей > * wedding шестидесятая ( (американизм) семьдесят пятая) годовщина свадьбы, бриллиантовая свадьба > D. State ( американизм) «Алмазный штат» (шутливое название штата Делавэр) > knave of *s бубновый валет бубна, бубновка, карта бубновой масти — small * маленькая /плохая/ карта (бубновой масти) — to play a * ходить с бубен — * cut * один другому не уступит (в хитрости, ловкости и т. п.) ;
они достойные противники (в спорте, полемике) ;
нашла коса на камень
diamond алмаз;
black diamond черный алмаз
diamond алмаз;
black diamond черный алмаз ~ алмаз для резки стекла ~ алмазный;
diamond mine алмазная копь;
the Diamond State амер. штат Делавэр ~ pl карт. бубны ~ полигр. диамант (мелкий шрифт в 41/2 пункта) ;
diamond cut diamond = один другому не уступит ~ амер. площадка для игры в бейсбол ~ геом. ромб ~ ромбоидальный;
diamond anniversary шестидесятилетний, амер. тж. семидесятипятилетний юбилей ~ украшать бриллиантами
~ ромбоидальный;
diamond anniversary шестидесятилетний, амер. тж. семидесятипятилетний юбилей
~ полигр. диамант (мелкий шрифт в 41/2 пункта) ;
diamond cut diamond = один другому не уступит
~ алмазный;
diamond mine алмазная копь;
the Diamond State амер. штат Делавэр
~ of the first water бриллиант чистой воды;
перен. замечательный человек
~ алмазный;
diamond mine алмазная копь;
the Diamond State амер. штат Делавэр
false ~ фальшивый бриллиант
rough ~ неотшлифованный алмаз;
перен. человек, обладающий внутренними достоинствами, но не имеющий внешнего лоскаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > diamond
1) скольжение ; плавное движение
планирование, планирующий спуск; постепенное падение
хроматическая гамма
скольжение; промежуточный звук, глайд
1) скользить; двигаться плавно, без резких скачков прям. и перен.
My chariot was gliding on the road. — Моя коляска плавно катила по дороге.
The dialogue glides and sparkles like a clear stream. — Беседа плавно течёт и искрится, как ручеёк.
2) выскальзывать прям. и перен.; незаметно проскальзывать ; идти крадучись
All gold glides, like thawing snow, from the thief’s hand. — Всё золото выскальзывает из рук вора, как талый снег.
He takes up his hat and glides out stealthful as a cat. — Он берёт свою шляпу и выскальзывает украдкой, как кошка.
3) проходить гладко, незаметно; незаметно переходить в какое-либо новое состояние
Two serene years had glided away. — Два безоблачных года протекли незаметно.
The peasant soon glided hopelessly into debt. — Крестьянин вскоре безнадёжно впал в долги.
Англо-русский современный словарь > glide
См. также в других словарях:
Sparkles of light — Infobox music DVD Name = Sparkles of Light Type = PV Compilation Artist = Hitomi Yaida Released = 29 March 2003 Recorded = Rating = Genre = J pop Region = 2 Length = 00:30 Label = Toshiba EMI (DVD:TOBF 5179) / (VHS:TOVF 1397) Director = Producer … Wikipedia
sparkles — spar·kle || spÉ‘rkl / spÉ‘Ëkl n. glimmer, twinkle, glitter; spark; effervescence; liveliness v. emit sparks; glimmer, twinkle, glitter; be lively and vivacious; bubble, fizz … English contemporary dictionary
SPARKLES — … Useful english dictionary
P. J. Sparkles — is a 1992 animated television Produced by Mike Young Productions. The special was more or less an advertising vehicle for a Mattel doll, just like He man. Jodi Benson, best known for voicing Ariel in Disney s The Little Mermaid franchise, voiced… … Wikipedia
Robin Sparkles — How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother Titre original How I Met Your Mother Autres titres francophones … Wikipédia en Français
Slap Bet — Infobox Television episode Title = Slap Bet Series = How I Met Your Mother Caption = Robin reveals her secret. Season = 2 Episode = 9 Airdate = November 20, 2006 Production = 2ALH09 Writer = Kourtney Kang Director = Pamela Fryman Guests = Candace … Wikipedia
Tiësto — à Bingen en 2005 Surnom Tiesto Nom Tijs Michiel Verwest Naissance … Wikipédia en Français
Musa (Winx Club) — Princess Musa Winx Club character First appearance Benvenuti a Magix/Welcome to Magix!/More than High School Voiced by Gemma Donati (Italian) Sarah McCullough (Seasons 1 3) Anik Matern (Season 3 4) (Cinélume English) Lisa Ortiz (4Kids Engl … Wikipedia
sparkle — [[t]spɑ͟ː(r)k(ə)l[/t]] sparkles, sparkling, sparkled 1) VERB If something sparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lot of very small points of light. The jewels on her fingers sparkled… His bright eyes sparkled. [V ing] …the… … English dictionary
How I Met Your Mother — Title card Genre Sitcom Format Narrative in past tense … Wikipedia
In My Memory — This article is about the album by Tiësto. For its title track, see In My Memory (song). In My Memory Studio album by DJ Tiësto … Wikipedia
искриться, сверкать, блистать, блестеть, блеск, сияние, искорка, сверкание, живость
глагол ↓
- искриться, сверкать; переливаться
her eyes sparkled with joy — её глаза сияли радостью
the tables sparkled with silver and crystal — столы сверкали серебром и хрусталём
- быть оживлённым; блистать
- играть, искриться (о вине)
- отличаться, блистать
his aphorisms sparkle with wit — его афоризмы блещут остроумием
существительное ↓
- искорка
- блёстка
- проблеск
not a sparkle of wit — ни капли остроумия
- блеск, сверкание
- живость, оживлённость
- «игра» (в вине)
the wine has lost its sparkle — вино перестало играть
- остроумие
Мои примеры
a performance full of sparkle and originality — блестящее и оригинальное выступление
the sparkle and zest of a live performance — блеск и радость живого исполнения
the sparkle of a diamond — сверкание алмаза
starry sparkle in the eyes — светящаяся искорка в глазах
sparkle stocking — чулок из блестящей нити
sparkle shine — блестеть
a sparkle — искрясь
sparkle eye-shadow — тени для век с блёстками
sparkle finish — отделка с «искорками»; отделка с блёстками; глянцевитая отделка
sparkle material — материал, создающий глянцевитость покровного отделочного слоя
begin to glisten / glitter / sparkle like silver — засеребриться
begin to sparkle — заискриться; засверкать; заиграть
Примеры с переводом
Her eyes sparkled with pride.
Её глаза сверкали от гордости.
He had a sparkle in his eye.
Его глаза искрились /горели, блестели/.
Her diamonds sparkled in the bright light.
Её бриллианты сверкали в ярких лучах света.
They sparkled with enthusiasm.
Они искрились энтузиазмом.
This wine sparkles like Champagne.
Это вино играет, как шампанское.
Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
Её глаза сверкали от возбуждения.
The musical performance sparkled.
Концерт был великолепен.
The dancers sparkled on stage.
Танцоры блистали на сцене.
The sun sparkled the landscape with a thousand dewy gems.
Под лучами солнца пейзаж заискрился тысячами жемчужинок росы.
He surprised himself by the amount of fun and sparkle he contrived to elicit.
Он сам удивился тому, насколько весело и живо ему удавалось себя вести.
The sun reflected off the water in bright sparkles of light.
Солнце отражалось от воды яркими искрами света.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The sea sparkled in the sun.
The crystal chandelier sparkled.
Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside
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Возможные однокоренные слова
sparkling — игристый, сверкающий, искрящийся, блестящий, искристый, шипучий, пенистый
sparkler — бенгальский огонь, бриллиант, драгоценный камень
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: sparkle
he/she/it: sparkles
ing ф. (present participle): sparkling
2-я ф. (past tense): sparkled
3-я ф. (past participle): sparkled
ед. ч.(singular): sparkle
мн. ч.(plural): sparkles
Recent Examples on the Web
Six maids of honor wearing identical white gowns and diamond tiaras carried her outspread train, and diamonds sparkled at her throat.
—Simon Perry, Peoplemag, 1 Apr. 2023
Last month, the lights of downtown sparkled through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and glitter and adhesive fumes filled the air as Thick Strip’s makeshift dressing room at the Ace trembled with thigh-slapping, stomach-shaking laughter.
—Sonja Sharp, Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2023
The city sparkles with world-class museums, restaurants, hotels, and elegant Belle Epoque architecture.
—Amy Louise Bailey, Travel + Leisure, 27 Mar. 2023
Sun Woo Lee’s Lead Traveler contributed a manège of impressive Russian squat kicks; Seo Hye Han sparkled as the Maid of Honor; the corps, as always, provided a sumptuous backdrop.
—Jeffrey Gantz, BostonGlobe.com, 17 Mar. 2023
After some inconsistency pitching in the National League with the Mets, Diaz really sparkled last season.
—Bernie Pleskoff, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023
Here is: magazines sparkles paint crayons buttons charcoal cotton balls.
—Jennifer Gilmore, Harper’s Magazine , 13 Mar. 2023
Candlelight and the setting sun, meanwhile, sparkled among clear glassware and candle hurricanes.
—Anna Fixsen, ELLE Decor, 3 Mar. 2023
Giovanni Savarese’s eyes sparkled.
—Bill Oram, oregonlive, 28 Feb. 2023
Put a clip-on earring on the bottom of your veil to prevent this — and add a touch of sparkle at the same time.
—Paige Stables, Allure, 30 Mar. 2023
Like Chau, Allison Williams went for soft pink, with lots of sparkle, while Mindy Kaling stunned in bright white, a bustier look by Vera Wang with detached overlong sleeves and open boning.
—Leanne Italie, ajc, 13 Mar. 2023
Like Chau, Allison Williams went for soft pink, with lots of sparkle, while Mindy Kaling stunned in bright white, a bustier look by Vera Wang with detached overlong sleeves and open boning.
—Leanne Italie, Dallas News, 12 Mar. 2023
The look also included sparkly brocade trousers and latex opera gloves, rounded out with a heist-worthy amount of sparkle on her neck, wrist, and ears.
—André-naquian Wheeler, Vogue, 12 Mar. 2023
While the gown was styled with a brilliant bauble choker on the runway, Gaga opted for a stunning diamond necklace to add a bit of sparkle.
—Sam Reed, Glamour, 12 Mar. 2023
Swap out the heels and wear these comfy shoes that give your outfit a hint of sparkle for your nights out dining, dancing, and exploring a new city.
—Sarah Byron, Travel + Leisure, 17 Feb. 2023
These slides are serving elegance and the tiniest bit of sparkle.
—Hannah Oh, Seventeen, 30 Jan. 2023
In recent years, she’s become known not only for her unvarnished truth-telling, both onstage and on record, but also for her bold fashion sense, hitting the stage and red carpets in an array of bright colors, fringe, attention-grabbing hats and plenty of sparkle.
—Jessica Nicholson, Billboard, 26 Jan. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘sparkle.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.
intr.v. spar·kled, spar·kling, spar·kles
1. To give off sparks.
a. To give off or reflect flashes of light; glitter: «The night seemed very large and still, and the stars sparkled like frost in the black sky» (Laura Ingalls Wilder). «The diamonds sparkled in a sunset ray that came through the slats of the shutters» (Edith Wharton). See Synonyms at flash.
b. To be reflected in small flashes of light: «The light of the rising moon sparkled on the sea» (Arthur C. Clarke).
3. To be brilliant in performance.
4. To make or contain witty or intelligently lively remarks: Their conversation sparkled all evening.
5. To release gas bubbles; effervesce: Champagne sparkles.
1. A small spark or gleaming particle.
2. A glittering quality.
3. Brilliant animation; vivacity.
4. Emission of gas bubbles; effervescence.
[Middle English sparklen, frequentative of sparken, to spark; see spark1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. to issue or reflect or cause to issue or reflect bright points of light
2. (intr) (of wine, mineral water, etc) to effervesce
3. (intr) to be vivacious or witty
4. a point of light, spark, or gleam
5. vivacity or wit
[C12 sparklen, frequentative of sparken to spark1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈspɑr kəl)
v. -kled, -kling,
n. v.i.
1. to shine or glisten with little gleams of light, as a brilliant gem; glitter.
2. to be brilliant, lively, or vivacious.
3. to emit little sparks, as burning matter.
4. (of wine, soda water, etc.) to effervesce.
5. to cause to sparkle.
6. a sparkling appearance, luster, or play of light; glitter.
7. brilliance, liveliness, or vivacity.
8. a little spark or fiery particle.
9. effervescence.
spar′kly, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: sparkled
Gerund: sparkling
Imperative |
sparkle |
sparkle |
Present |
I sparkle |
you sparkle |
he/she/it sparkles |
we sparkle |
you sparkle |
they sparkle |
Preterite |
I sparkled |
you sparkled |
he/she/it sparkled |
we sparkled |
you sparkled |
they sparkled |
Present Continuous |
I am sparkling |
you are sparkling |
he/she/it is sparkling |
we are sparkling |
you are sparkling |
they are sparkling |
Present Perfect |
I have sparkled |
you have sparkled |
he/she/it has sparkled |
we have sparkled |
you have sparkled |
they have sparkled |
Past Continuous |
I was sparkling |
you were sparkling |
he/she/it was sparkling |
we were sparkling |
you were sparkling |
they were sparkling |
Past Perfect |
I had sparkled |
you had sparkled |
he/she/it had sparkled |
we had sparkled |
you had sparkled |
they had sparkled |
Future |
I will sparkle |
you will sparkle |
he/she/it will sparkle |
we will sparkle |
you will sparkle |
they will sparkle |
Future Perfect |
I will have sparkled |
you will have sparkled |
he/she/it will have sparkled |
we will have sparkled |
you will have sparkled |
they will have sparkled |
Future Continuous |
I will be sparkling |
you will be sparkling |
he/she/it will be sparkling |
we will be sparkling |
you will be sparkling |
they will be sparkling |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been sparkling |
you have been sparkling |
he/she/it has been sparkling |
we have been sparkling |
you have been sparkling |
they have been sparkling |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been sparkling |
you will have been sparkling |
he/she/it will have been sparkling |
we will have been sparkling |
you will have been sparkling |
they will have been sparkling |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been sparkling |
you had been sparkling |
he/she/it had been sparkling |
we had been sparkling |
you had been sparkling |
they had been sparkling |
Conditional |
I would sparkle |
you would sparkle |
he/she/it would sparkle |
we would sparkle |
you would sparkle |
they would sparkle |
Past Conditional |
I would have sparkled |
you would have sparkled |
he/she/it would have sparkled |
we would have sparkled |
you would have sparkled |
they would have sparkled |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | sparkle — merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; «he had a sparkle in his eye»; «there’s a perpetual twinkle in his eyes»
spark, twinkle, light verve, vitality — an energetic style expression, look, face, facial expression, aspect — the feelings expressed on a person’s face; «a sad expression»; «a look of triumph»; «an angry face» |
2. | sparkle — the occurrence of a small flash or spark
coruscation, glitter flash — a sudden intense burst of radiant energy |
3. | sparkle — the quality of shining with a bright reflected light
glisten, glister, glitter, scintillation brightness — the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white |
Verb | 1. | sparkle — reflect brightly; «Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside»
coruscate, scintillate shine, reflect — be bright by reflecting or casting light; «Drive carefully—the wet road reflects» |
2. | sparkle — be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity; «The musical performance sparkled»; «A scintillating conversation»; «his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall»
coruscate, scintillate be — have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); «John is rich»; «This is not a good answer» |
3. | sparkle — emit or produce sparks; «A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark»
spark give out, emit, give off — give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc.; «The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits» |
4. | sparkle — become bubbly or frothy or foaming; «The boiling soup was frothing»; «The river was foaming»; «Sparkling water»
effervesce, fizz, foam, form bubbles, froth lather — form a lather; «The shaving cream lathered» bubble — form, produce, or emit bubbles; «The soup was bubbling» seethe — foam as if boiling; «a seething liquid» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. glitter, flash, spark, shine, beam, glow, gleam, wink, shimmer, twinkle, dance, glint, glisten, glister (archaic), scintillate, coruscate His bright eyes sparkled.
2. be lively, be full of life, be bubbly, be ebullient, be vivacious, be effervescent She sparkles, and has as much zest as a person half her age.
1. glitter, flash, gleam, spark, dazzle, flicker, brilliance, twinkle, glint, radiance, coruscation There was a sparkle in her eye that could not be hidden.
2. vivacity, life, spirit, dash, zip (informal), vitality, animation, panache, gaiety, élan, brio, liveliness, vim (slang) There was little sparkle in their performance.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
To emit light suddenly in rays or sparks:
coruscate, flash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glister, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, spangle, twinkle, wink.
1. A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner:
animation, bounce, brio, dash, élan, esprit, life, liveliness, pertness, spirit, verve, vigor, vim, vivaciousness, vivacity, zip.
2. Sparkling, brilliant light:
3. Brilliant, showy splendor:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بَريق، تألُّقحَيَوِيَّه، لَمَعانيَتَلألأيَلْمَع، يتألَّق
geisli, neistiglaîværîglitraleiftra, geisla
blesklesketati se
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[glass, crystal, star] → scintillement m
There was a sparkle in her eye
BUT Il y avait une lueur dans ses yeux.; Il y avait une étincelle dans ses yeux.
(fig) [performance, person] → brio m
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈspaːkl) noun
1. an effect like that made by little sparks. There was a sudden sparkle as her diamond ring caught the light.
2. liveliness or brightness. She has lots of sparkle.
1. to glitter, as if throwing off tiny sparks. The snow sparkled in the sunlight.
2. to be lively or witty. She really sparkled at that party.
ˈsparkling adjective
1. (of wines) giving off bubbles of gas.
2. lively. sparkling humour/wit.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
A colored flower shoots sparkles from the top of a castillo in Santa Maria town in Mexico. ❋ Unknown (2007)
Vampires’ skin sparkles like diamonds in direct sunlight. ❋ Unknown (2006)
Poor distributors, thinking they can cover their arse with glitter and sparkles aka celebrities. ❋ Glenn Dunks (2009)
She’s a former ice skater, so the sparkles are a must. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The fabric from Bee’s dress is actually covered with tiny bronze sparkles, which is so lovely to look at, but has covered just about everything in its path. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Heidi comes out onto the runway and we have to pause the DVR and have a five-minute discussion about her outfit, which consists of silver lame Bermuda shorts, a pink patterned button-down, and a black blazer with some kind of sparkles on the sleeves. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Tue 10/13/09 8: 07 PM meh. it’s no robin sparkles. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Miley Cyrus shares with Parade magazine that she’s practically ready to burn all the «sparkles» and gauzy pink Disney Hannah Montana costumes. ❋ Cd (2010)
The Investing For Growth scheme will see an average of £37,000 spent at each pub to deliver small-scale improvements and «sparkles«, helping to drive trade and improve their pub’s future, especially in the run-up to the important World Cup and summer trading period. ❋ Unknown (2010)
But I finally did, and after we’ve been so much I came to realize how amazing my gem was compared to everything that «sparkles» out there. ❋ Unknown (2010)
After that she said it looked like «sparkles» and that she saw an airplane and could tell the difference. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Not sure what the tech term for those is, not heard them called «sparkles» before. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The screen cap here, are simply to show you those «sparkles» or — as the correct term could be ❋ Unknown (2009)
The pattern is called «sparkles» but it really is actually very much gender neutral. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The only thing I have complaints about are the scene with Edward showing off the way he «sparkles» and the Cullen’s house. ❋ Unknown (2009)
So these «training sessions» are nothing more than Pumps ups to get the crew out there recruiting, and learn ways to get higher wholesale inventory orders, and run a meeting that «sparkles» so guests sign on and consultants stay fogged. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The authors gave a slight edge to the Mitsubishi’s handling of scenes with lots of motion, and noted that the set’s lenticular screen ( «sparkles«) may have been more noticeable than on other DLPs. ❋ Unknown (2008)
Your sparkles are [nice]. ❋ Blackcats17 (2016)
The shirt has so much [sparkles] its blinding me, [AHHHHHH].
[Sparkles] can also be [queek] queek(Gay) ❋ Oyeee (2011)
[austin] sparkles ❋ Austinfromsobe/temple (2009)
man watch out I hear there are lots of sparkles [cases] [that go] [on here] ❋ Holli0102 (2014)
Who has [bigger] sparkles?
Woah, [Jim Bob] has [big man] sparkles! ❋ Amadrashaadmohammed (2009)
Sparkles just winked at me!
or- Sparkles has poop snarls! Why do you not want to help her! She doesnt have aposable thumbs! She can’t make it on her own!
or- Guess what? The neighborhood park board just released a [new law] that states that pets who stay outside the home after 2 a.m. will be brought to the pound! Do you know what this means?? Sparkles is an [allycat]!!! She’s [as good as dead]! ❋ Charlene Gupta (2006)
That movie [Blood Diamond] was totally [sparkles]: it taught people about the evils of the diamond industry /and/ had Leo Decaprio.
You got me the newest issue of [Ghost Rider]? [Sparkles], man! ❋ K3RM (2008)
I [sparkle] when you [whisper] [in my ear] and say I Love You ❋ Seize Oner (2012)
«I went to [cotch] at me mates with some draw and ended [walking home] proper [sparkled]» ❋ NickPhototropic (2005)
Hey, look at that beautiful [unicorn].
[Is it] alone?
No, it looks like there is a whole [sparkle] of them. ❋ Goodatwords (2020)