Meaning of the word shipping

перевозка груза, судоходство, перевозка, погрузка, торговые суда, торговый флот


- суда, морской флот

scarcity of shipping — нехватка судов

- общий тоннаж флота
- погрузка, отправка, отгрузка; посадка

shipping documents — грузовые /погрузочные/ документы
shipping instructions — инструкции по отправке товара, погрузочные инструкции
shipping place — место отгрузки

- ком. поставка
- судоходство

shipping season — навигационный период
shipping line — судоходная линия

- транспортировка (любым видом транспорта); транспортное дело

shipping crop — культура (растений) для дальних перевозок; экспортная культура
shipping costs — стоимость перевозки

Мои примеры


sea / shipping lane — морской путь  
shipping terminal — порт  
shipping business — экспедиторское дело  
shipping charge — плата за перевозку [транспортировку]  
shipping company — судоходная компания  
shipping container — транспортная тара  
shipping cost — транспортные издержки  
shipping data — отгрузочные данные  
dispersal of shipping — рассредоточение торговых судов  
empty a shipping unit — очистить элемент отгрузки  

Примеры с переводом

The fruit was ready for shipping.

Фрукты были готовы к отправке.

The shipping charges are prepaid.

Расходы на транспортировку оплачиваются заранее.

The cargo was containerized for safe and efficient shipping.

Груз был размещён в контейнерах для безопасной и эффективной перевозки.

Tape the shipping label to the box.

Приклейте на коробку транспортную этикетку.

This shipping line plies across the ocean.

Этот рейс пересекает океан.

The book is priced at $30.00 plus shipping and handling of $5.00.

Книга оценена в 30 долл. плюс затраты на погрузку и перевозку в размере 5 долл.

Register of Shipping of the USSR

Регистр СССР

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The port is closed to all shipping.

When the waves increased, the boat began shipping water.

They protected our shipping from submarines during wartime.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

ship  — корабль, судно, парусное судно, грузить товары, садиться на корабль

ˈʃɪpɪŋ сущ.
1) (торговый) флот, суда
2) погрузка, перевозка груза
3) мореплавание, навигация, судоходство Syn : navigation
суда, морской флот — scarcity of * нехватка судов общий тоннаж флота погрузка, отправка, отгрузка;
посадка — * documents погрузочные документы — * instructions инструкции по отправке товара, погрузочные инструкции — * place место отгрузки (коммерческое) поставка судоходство — * season навигационный период — * line судоходная линия транспортировка (любым видом транспорта) ;
транспортное дело — * crop культура (растений) для дальних перевозок;
экспортная культура — * costs стоимость перевозки
foreign ~ заграничные морские перевозки foreign ~ суда заграничного плавания
international ~ международное судоходство
mercantile ~ торговое судоходство
merchant ~ торговый флот
receipts from ~ поступления от перевозки грузов
request ~ вчт. пересылка запроса
shipping pres. p. от ship ~ морской флот ~ отгрузка, отправка ~ отгрузка ~ отправка ~ погрузка, перевозка груза ~ погрузка ~ суда ~ судоходство ~ тоннаж ~ (торговый) флот, суда ~ экспедиция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «shipping» в других словарях:

  • shipping — ship‧ping [ˈʆɪpɪŋ] noun [uncountable] 1. TRANSPORT when goods are sent or delivered somewhere by ship, road, train, or air: • the shipping of US wheat • the cost of shipping across the Atlantic ˌbulk ˈshipping TRANSPORT …   Financial and business terms

  • Shipping — derivación de la palabra relationship ( relación en inglés), es un vocablo que define en general la implicación emocional o intelectual de los fans en un romance dado dentro del contexto de una obra de ficción, con personajes de ésta. Aunque téc …   Wikipedia Español

  • Shipping — Ship ping, n. 1. The act of one who, or of that which, ships; as, the shipping of flour to Liverpool. [1913 Webster] 2. The collective body of ships in one place, or belonging to one port, country, etc.; vessels, generally; tonnage. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shipping — Ship ping, a. 1. Relating to ships, their ownership, transfer, or employment; as, shiping concerns. [1913 Webster] 2. Relating to, or concerned in, the forwarding of goods; as, a shipping clerk. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shipping — PING/ s. n. transport pe apă, comerţ, cu nave. (< engl. shipping) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

  • shipping — index cargo, carriage, consignment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • shipping — ► NOUN 1) ships collectively. 2) the transport of goods by sea or other means …   English terms dictionary

  • shipping — [ship′iŋ] n. 1. the act or business of sending or transporting goods 2. ships collectively, as of a nation, port, etc., esp. with reference to tonnage …   English World dictionary

  • Shipping — This article is about the transport of cargo by any means. For other uses, see Shipping (disambiguation). The Panama Canal. A cargo ship transiting the Gatún locks northbound is guided carefully between lock chambers by mules on the lock walls to …   Wikipedia

  • shipping — [[t]ʃɪ̱pɪŋ[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: usu with supp Shipping is the transport of cargo as a business, especially on ships. …the international shipping industry… The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping. 2) N UNCOUNT You can refer to… …   English dictionary

  • shipping — n. 1 the act or an instance of shipping goods etc. 2 ships, esp. the ships of a country, port, etc. Phrases and idioms: shipping agent a person acting for a ship or ships at a port etc. shipping articles = ship s articles. shipping bill Brit. a… …   Useful english dictionary

Shipping, derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life celebrities or fictional characters, to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise.


Shipping can involve virtually any kind of relationship: from the well-known and established, to the ambiguous or those undergoing development, and even to the highly improbable or blatantly impossible.

Shipping often takes the form of creative works on the internet, including fanfiction and fanart. A ‘ship’ refers to the relationship supported, while ‘shipping’ refers to the phenomenon.

The pairings of characters are typically given names—usually portmanteau of the characters names. For instance, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger combines the «Ro» from Ronald and «mione» from Hermione to give Romione. While other fandoms, such as Once Upon A Time choose ship names that fit the character’s roles and personality. For example, ‘Outlaw Queen’ is the ship between an evil ‘queen’ and an outlaw archer.


X-Files Origin (1990s)

The term originated from the X-Files fandom. Many fans wanted to see a romantic relationship between characters Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. These fans would post on the X-Files form At first, they called themselves «relationshippers,» then R’shipper, ‘shipper, and finally just shipper.

Additionally, the term «NoRomo» was coined by fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to remain platonic. Though the term never gained widespread usage, unlike shippers, which is still a common word in fandom to this day.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the use of the noun ship and shipper began around 1996, shipping a little later in 1997, and the verb to ship in 1998.

Slash fanfiction (1970s)

Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, one of the earliest slash ships

In the late 1970s, slash was coined to describe the genre of fanfiction that focuses on same-sex relationships. This predates the usage of shippers (around 1996), while slash was used years earlier. The term originated from the Star Trek fandom. Many fans would write «Kirk/Spock» fanfictions. The use of the slash «/» was used to refer to the romantic relationship, and the symbol «&» to refer to the platonic relationship. This would later gain more widespread usage by other fandoms, namely Starsky and Hutch, Blake’s 7, and The Professionals. This spawned into its fandom, known as slash, and centred around gay fanfiction from different media.

In addition, the word Femslash was coined to refer to fanfiction about female same-sex relationships. This term was relatively rare until the late 1990s. The show Xena: The Warrior Princess is often credited for being the catalyst of femslash popularity, with the Xena/Gabrielle pairing gaining many fans and becoming the show’s dominant ship. Likewise, femslash also increased in popularity by Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1999, and the canon pairing Tara/Willow. Around the 1990s, het was used to describe fanworks focused on heterosexual relationships.

Xena and Gabrielle, from Xena, one of the earliest femslash ships

For some time, shippers usually referred to fans who are interested in heterosexual relationships. While ‘Slashers’ referred to people who enjoyed gay relationships. In the early 2000s, this became more rare, with ship referring to every type of relationship (het, slash, femslash etc). Additionally, the word «Gen» (short for general) was used to refer to platonic relationships.

In the early 2010s, the usage of the words slash, femslash, and het is declining in popularity. Some fans opt to use the terms M/F, M/M or F/F instead, or use no categories at all.

Rise of the Portmanteau (early 2000s)

Sam and Dean talking about ship names, in Season 10 Episode 5 of Supernatural (2014)

Sam“I mean, shouldn’t it be «Dea-stiel»?”
Dean“Really, that’s your issue with this?”
Sam“No, of course. It’s not my issue. You know, how about… «Sastiel,» «Samstiel»?”
— Sam and Dean talking about ship names[1]

A portmanteau (or smushword) is when two words are combined to make a new word. This is common practice in shipping, in which, fans combine two characters names together, forming a new ship name. For instance, the ship name for Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural is referred to as Destiel. The ‘De’ from Dean, and ‘tiel’ from Castiel. Other examples include Romione (Ron and Hermione), Klance (Keith and Lance), Bubbline (Princess Bubblegum and Marceline) and many more.

In 1900s fandom, portmanteaus were rare, almost non-existent and became a more common trend around the early 2000s. Before then, fans would usually refer to the ships with the use of the slash ‘/’, or simply the character names. For instance, Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, was called Kirk/Spock or shortened as K/S. The usage of the combined Spirk was not popularised until the early 2000s.[2] Before then, they were simply Kirk/Spock. This was the same for other fandoms. For instance, Harry and Hermione from Harry Potter was often called H/Hr, before the word Harmony was coined.

Popslash (around 1999-early 2000s) is often credited for the rise of portmanteaus. This fandom centres on many real-life boybands (such as ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys), and it was common practice to combine the names of the singers. For instance, JoLa refers to the ship between Joey Fatone and Lance Bass from ‘N Sync.[3]The idea of portmanteaus later spread to other fandoms.

In 2002, the relationship between American actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez was referred to by the media as ‘Bennifer’. Similarly, the relationship between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was termed Brangelina. These were both considered supercouples in Hollywood and are some of the earliest usages of ship names. This trend later spread to other fandoms. Most notably, in the early 2000s, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom began using the smushwords Spuffy and Bangel to refer to the show’s main ships.[4]

In 2007, the social media platform Tumblr was launched. Portmanteaus became even more popular. For instance, one of the earliest ships popular on Tumblr was Destiel from Supernatural. Tumblr did not at first support the usage of «/» symbol in tags. So posts had to be tagged with more descriptive names in order to be seen, so portmanteaus were more of a necessity. This led to portmanteau names becoming the norm in fandom, and to this day, most ships usually receive a combined name.


What Are Ships And Where Can You Find Them? Fandom Basics

What Are Ships And Where Can You Find Them? Fandom Basics

Why We Ship Characters - From X-Files to Reylo

Why We Ship Characters — From X-Files to Reylo


According to Tumblr statistics, these are the #1 most reblogged ships, from 2013-present:


2013 MakoHaru Free!
2014 Destiel Supernatural
2015 Larry Stylinson One Direction
2016 Clexa The 100
2017 Klance Voltron: Legendary Defender
2019 Ineffable Husbands Good Omens
2020 Reylo Star Wars
2021 Destiel Supernatural
2022 Byler Stranger Things


Type Description Examples

Heterosexuality Symbol.svg

A pairing of characters or real-life people, where one side is male and the other female. The word «Het» is derived from the word, «Heterosexual». Sometimes referred to as M/F.
Captain Swan — Killian Jones and Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
Jafael — Jane Villanueva and Rafael Solano (Jane the Virgin)
NaruHina — Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyūga (Naruto)
Percabeth — Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)


Type Description Examples

Male Homosexuality Symbol.svg

Slash refers to relationships between two male characters. Also referred to as M/M. Occasionally, Slash is also used to describe two female characters, however femslash became more popular to describe these instances. In anime fandoms, the word yaoi is usually used instead of slash.
ColdAtom — Leonard Snart and Ray Palmer (Legends of Tomorrow)
Destiel — Dean Winchester and Castiel (Supernatural)
Drarry — Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
MakoHaru — Makoto Tachibana and Haruka Nanase (Free!)


Type Description Examples

Female Homosexuality Symbol.svg

Femslash, derived from ‘female slash’ refers to relationships between two female characters. Also occasionally called F/F, Femmeslash, Girlslash, Ladyslash or Sapphic. In anime fandoms, Yuri describes femslash pairings.
Alphyne — Undyne and Alphys (Undertale)
Clexa — Lexa and Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Korrasami — Korra and Asami Sato (Legend of Korra)
Zamaya — Amaya Jiwe and Zari Tomaz (Legends Of Tomorrow)


Type Description Examples

Multi-Ship Icon.png

Also called Threesome, Foursome, Moresome or OT3 ships. Poly, short for polyamorous, is a relationship between three or more characters. While the term is romantic in nature, the threesome/moresome/etc. also denotes ‘three musketeers’ type of relationships, e.g. Harry, Hermione and Ron. Often, Polyship is used to describe relationships with a deeper and long-lasting relationship. However, the term threesome in fandom is also used to describe both sexual and romantic relationships between three or more people.
MercyKill76 — Mercy, Reaper and Soldier: 76 (Overwatch)
Shklance — Shiro, Keith and Lance (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Trephacard — Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades and Alucard (Castlevania)


Type Description Examples

Family Icon.svg

A pairing of characters or real-life people, who are related (adoption + marriages figure into this also, any kind of family unit), and are shipped only as family members. This type of ship is not romantic, instead a family bond. Large groups of friends who are like a family also fall under this category.
BelltaviaBellamy Blake and Octavia Blake (The 100)
Elsanna — Elsa and Anna (Frozen)
HanethHannah Washington and Beth Washington (Until Dawn)


Type Description Examples

Non-binary icon.gif

Non-binary ships are used to describe relationships including one or more non-binary individuals, or ships involving characters whose true gender is unknown, or characters who fit into a fictional gender or sex. Though non-binary individuals are shipped, it is rare to see the pairing described as a non-binary ship. Alternatively, characters who are transgender can sometimes fit into the ‘Het’, ‘Slash’ or ‘Femslash’ categories. In gender, Non-binary is an umbrella term to describe any person whose gender is not male nor female. Some common nonbinary gender identities include: agender, bigender, genderfluid, androgyne and neutrois. It is also common, in fanfictions for writers to change the gender of a character in an Alternate Universe story.
Amedot — Amethyst and Peridot (Steven Universe)
Hannor — Hank and Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Pearlmethyst — Pearl and Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Symbrock — Venom Symbiote and Eddie Brock (Venom)


Type Description Examples

Friendship Icon.svg

The beautiful, timeless, tireless loyalty and love that is friendship.
DarlieDean Winchester and Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
MaraudersRemus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter)


Type Description Examples
Cargo Ship

Cargo Ship Icon.png

In many fandoms, some fans jokily ship a character with an inanimate object, usually food. They are viewed as Crack!Ships, by most fans. The word, Cargo Ship was coined to describe these ships. A character intense love of an inanimate object tends to cause fans to humorously joke about the love between them
Boulderfield — Chris Redfield and a boulder (Resident Evil)
Drapple — Draco Malfoy and a green apple (Harry Potter)
HaruH2OHaru and water (Free!)
SonChili — Sonic and a chili dog (Sonic the Hedgehog)


  1. Supernatural: 10×05 «Fan Fiction»
  2. Spirk on Wikitionary: One of the earliest usages around 2003
  3. List of Popslash Pairing Names on Fanlore
  4. a fan at FC-L, quoted saying Spuffy and Bangel were used from around 2001 onwards, from Fanlore



: the body of ships in one place or belonging to one port or country


: the act or business of one that ships

Example Sentences

The fruit was ready for shipping.

They protected our shipping from submarines during wartime.

Recent Examples on the Web

Even though the cup was just restocked, note that there’s already a long waitlist so shipping may be delayed up to 30 days for select colors.

Emily Rochotte, Good Housekeeping, 5 Apr. 2023

Thankfully, Amazon offers fast shipping options for those of us who love to procrastinate.

Josie Howell |, al, 4 Apr. 2023

Fuel prices, and diesel in particular, threaten to weigh on consumers’ pocketbooks as well as the shipping networks that underpin global supply chains.

Evan Halper, Washington Post, 3 Apr. 2023

The days of tiny online orders shipping to customers in oversized boxes are a step closer to becoming a thing of the past.

Liz Young,, 3 Apr. 2023

But the Group of Seven major democracies imposed a price cap of $60 per barrel on Russian shipments, enforced by bans on Western companies that dominate shipping or insurance.

David Mchugh, Anchorage Daily News, 3 Apr. 2023

Still, many steps taken by brands and retailers do not even begin to touch on the waste and pollution generated throughout supply chains, manufacturing and shipping, all huge problems for the industry to grapple with.

Aditi Sangal, CNN, 3 Apr. 2023

Earnings from shipping copper are set to rise to A$15 billion in 2027-28 from A$13 billion this year.

James Fernyhough, Fortune, 2 Apr. 2023

There is an $8 flat-rate shipping charge per order.

Rod Stafford Hagwood, Sun Sentinel, 31 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘shipping.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of shipping was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near shipping

Cite this Entry

“Shipping.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
6 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

The word shipping has more than one meaning.

  1. We use the term when we refer to all ships, i.e., when we are talking about sea vessels collectively.
  2. It can mean the transportation of cargo (goods) by sea (and also land and air).
  3. It is a charge that shops add to the price of a product when they send it to you. In this case, it means the same as ‘delivery charges.’

The Cambdridge Dictionary has the following definition of shipping:

“1. Ships considered as a group: ‘This stretch of water is heavily used by shipping.’ 2. The act of sending goods from one place to another, especially by ship: “Cost is $205 plus $3 for shipping.”

The term ‘shipping,’ meaning the ‘act of sending cargo by ship’ emerged in the English language in the late fifteenth century. It was not until the 1590s that the term also meant ‘ships generally or collectively.’

Shipping – freight transport

The terms shipping, freight transport, and carriage have the same meaning in this context. They refer to the transportation of goods (cargo, freight).

Initially, shipping only referred to the delivery of cargo by sea. However, today it also includes deliveries by air and land too. ‘To ship’ means ‘to deliver.’

In a business environment, it is common for people to use the term logistics with a similar meaning. Logistics, a subset of supply chain management, deals with the challenge of coordinating and planning the flow of goods (and information), i.e., making sure things get to the right place at the right time.

Strait of Malacca shipping route 44444

The Strait of Malacca is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. It is the main channel between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The shipping industry

The shipping industry (or simply ‘shipping’) is responsible for the transportation of ninety percent of world trade. In other words, 90% of world trade is transported by sea.

According to the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), it is the life blood of the worldwide economy.

International trade would simply not be possible if we stopped transporting goods by ship. International trade refers to imports and exports, i.e., trade between nations.

OOCL Hong Cong - largest container ship in the world

According to Wikipedia: “OOCL Hong Kong is the largest container ship ever built, and the third container ship to surpass the 20,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU).”

The ICS makes the following comment on its website:

“Seaborne trade continues to expand, bringing benefits for consumers across the world through competitive freight costs. Thanks to the growing efficiency of shipping as a mode of transport and increased economic liberalisation, the prospects for the industry’s further growth continue to be strong.”

“There are over 50,000 merchant ships trading internationally, transporting every kind of cargo. The world fleet is registered in over 150 nations and manned by over a million seafarers of virtually every nationality.”

The shipping industry is huge. Merchant ships are estimated to generate half-a-trillion dollars worth of business in freight rates each year.

Biggest container shipping companies

Top ten container shipping companies image

Data Source:

The Danish company, A.P. Moller–Maersk Group, is the world’s largest container SHIPPING company.

It employs 79,000 workers across 130 nations and has an armada of 707 ships. It currently has 17.7% of the world international SHIPPING market (2019).

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