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Security is protection from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive ) caused by others, by restraining the freedom of others to act. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change.
Refugees fleeing war and insecurity in Iraq and Syria arrive at Lesbos Island, supported by Spanish volunteers, 2015
Security mostly refers to protection from hostile forces, but it has a wide range of other senses: for example, as the absence of harm (e.g. freedom from want); as the presence of an essential good (e.g. food security); as resilience against potential damage or harm (e.g. secure foundations); as secrecy (e.g. a secure telephone line); as containment (e.g. a secure room or cell); and as a state of mind (e.g. emotional security).
The term is also used to refer to acts and systems whose purpose may be to provide security (security company, security forces, security guard, cyber security systems, security cameras, remote guarding). Security can be physical and virtual.
The word ‘secure’ entered the English language in the 16th century.[1] It is derived from Latin securus, meaning freedom from anxiety: se (without) + cura (care, anxiety).[1]
A security referent is the focus of a security policy or discourse; for example, a referent may be a potential beneficiary (or victim) of a security policy or system.
Security referents may be persons or social groups, objects, institutions, ecosystems, or any other phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change by the forces of its environment.[2] The referent in question may combine many referents, in the same way that, for example, a nation state is composed of many individual citizens.[3]
The security context is the relationships between a security referent and its environment.[2] From this perspective, security and insecurity depend first on whether the environment is beneficial or hostile to the referent, and also how capable is the referent of responding to its/their environment in order to survive and thrive.[3]
The means by which a referent provides for security (or is provided for) vary widely. They include, for example:
- Coercive capabilities, including the capacity to project coercive power into the environment (e.g. aircraft carrier, handgun, firearms);
- Protective systems (e.g. lock, fence, wall, antivirus software, air defence system, armour)
- Warning systems (e.g. alarm, radar)
- Diplomatic and social action intended to prevent insecurity from developing (e.g. conflict prevention and transformation strategies); and
- Policy intended to develop the lasting economic, physical, ecological and other conditions of security (e.g. economic reform, ecological protection, progressive demilitarization, militarization).
Any action intended to provide security may have multiple effects. For example, an action may have wide benefit, enhancing security for several or all security referents in the context; alternatively, the action may be effective only temporarily, or benefit one referent at the expense of another, or be entirely ineffective or counterproductive.
Contested approaches[edit]
Approaches to security are contested and the subject of debate. For example, in debate about national security strategies, some argue that security depends principally on developing protective and coercive capabilities in order to protect the security referent in a hostile environment (and potentially to project that power into its environment, and dominate it to the point of strategic supremacy).[4][5][6] Others argue that security depends principally on building the conditions in which equitable relationships can develop, partly by reducing antagonism between actors, ensuring that fundamental needs can be met, and also that differences of interest can be negotiated effectively.[7][3][8]
Contexts of security (examples)[edit]
The table shows some of the main domains where security concerns are prominent.
IT realm
Physical realm
The range of security contexts is illustrated by the following examples (in alphabetical order):
Computer security[edit]
Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, refers to the security of computing devices such as computers and smartphones, as well as computer networks such as private and public networks, and the Internet. The field has growing importance due to the increasing reliance on computer systems in most societies.[9] It concerns the protection of hardware, software, data, people, and also the procedures by which systems are accessed. The means of computer security include the physical security of systems and security of information held on them.
Corporate security[edit]
Corporate security refers to the resilience of corporations against espionage, theft, damage, and other threats. The security of corporations has become more complex as reliance on IT systems has increased, and their physical presence has become more highly distributed across several countries, including environments that are, or may rapidly become, hostile to them.
Ecological security[edit]
Ecological security, also known as environmental security, refers to the integrity of ecosystems and the biosphere, particularly in relation to their capacity to sustain a diversity of life-forms (including human life). The security of ecosystems has attracted greater attention as the impact of ecological damage by humans has grown.[10]
Food security[edit]
Food security refers to the ready supply of, and access to, safe and nutritious food.[11] Food security is gaining in importance as the world’s population has grown and productive land has diminished through overuse and climate change.[12][13]
Home security[edit]
Home security normally refers to the security systems used on a property used as a dwelling (commonly including doors, locks, alarm systems, lighting, fencing); and personal security practices (such as ensuring doors are locked, alarms activated, windows closed etc.)
Human security[edit]
Youth play among the bombed ruins of Gaza City, 2009
Human security is an emerging paradigm which, in response to traditional emphasis on the right of nation states to protect themselves,[14] has focused on the primacy of the security of people (individuals and communities).[15] The concept is supported by the United Nations General Assembly, which has stressed «the right of people to live in freedom and dignity» and recognized «that all individuals, in particular vulnerable people, are entitled to freedom from fear and freedom from want».[16]
National security[edit]
National security refers to the security of a nation state, including its people, economy, and institutions. In practice, state governments rely on a wide range of means, including diplomacy, economic power, and military capabilities.
Perceptions of security[edit]
Since it is not possible to know with precision the extent to which something is ‘secure’ (and a measure of vulnerability is unavoidable), perceptions of security vary, often greatly.[3][17] For example, a fear of death by earthquake is common in the United States (US), but slipping on the bathroom floor kills more people;[17] and in France, the United Kingdom and the US there are far fewer deaths caused by terrorism than there are women killed by their partners in the home.[18][19][20][21]
Another problem of perception is the common assumption that the mere presence of a security system (such as armed forces, or antivirus software) implies security. For example, two computer security programs installed on the same device can prevent each other from working properly, while the user assumes that he or she benefits from twice the protection that only one program would afford.
Security theater is a critical term for measures that change perceptions of security without necessarily affecting security itself. For example, visual signs of security protections, such as a home that advertises its alarm system, may deter an intruder, whether or not the system functions properly. Similarly, the increased presence of military personnel on the streets of a city after a terrorist attack may help to reassure the public, whether or not it diminishes the risk of further attacks.
Security concepts (examples)[edit]
Certain concepts recur throughout different fields of security:
- Access control – the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource.
- Assurance – an expression of confidence that a security measure will perform as expected.
- Authorization – the function of specifying access rights/privileges to resources related to information security and computer security in general and to access control in particular.
- Cipher – an algorithm that defines a set of steps to encrypt or decrypt information so that it is incomprehensible.
- Countermeasure – a means of preventing an act or system from having its intended effect.
- Defense in depth – a school of thought holding that a wider range of security measures will enhance security.
- Exploit (noun) – a means of capitalizing on a vulnerability in a security system (usually a cyber-security system).
- Identity management – enables the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons.
- Password – secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to confirm a user’s identity.
- Resilience – the degree to which a person, community, nation or system is able to resist adverse external forces.
- Risk – a possible event which could lead to damage, harm, or loss.
- Security management – identification of an organization’s assets (including people, buildings, machines, systems and information assets), followed by the development, documentation, and implementation of policies and procedures for protecting these assets.
- Threat – a potential source of harm.
- Vulnerability – the degree to which something may be changed (usually in an unwanted manner) by external forces.
See also[edit]
- Peace
- Safety
- Security increase
- Security risk
- Security convergence
- ^ a b Online Etymology Dictionary. «Origin and meaning of secure». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ a b Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver, and Jaap de Wilde, Security: A New Framework for Analysis (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998), p. 32
- ^ a b c d Gee, D (2016). «Rethinking Security: A discussion paper» (PDF). Ammerdown Group. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ US, Department of Defense (2000). «Joint Vision 2020 Emphasizes Full-spectrum Dominance». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ House of Commons Defence Committee (2015). «Re-thinking defence to meet new threats». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ General Sir Nicholas Houghton (2015). «Building a British military fit for future challenges rather than past conflicts». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ FCNL (2015). «Peace Through Shared Security». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ Rogers, P (2010). Losing control : global security in the twenty-first century (3rd ed.). London: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745329376. OCLC 658007519.
- ^ «Reliance spells end of road for ICT amateurs», May 07, 2013, The Australian
- ^ United Nations General Assembly (2010). «Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2010». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ United Nations. «Hunger and food security». United Nations Sustainable Development. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ Food and Agriculture Organization (2013). «Greater focus on soil health needed to feed a hungry planet». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ Arsenault, C (2014). «Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues». Scientific American. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ United Nations (1945). «Charter of the United Nations, Chapter VII». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ United Nations. «UN Trust Fund for Human Security». Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ United Nations General Assembly (2005). «Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 60/1: World Summit Outcome» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ a b Bruce Schneier, Beyond Fear: Thinking about Security in an Uncertain World, Copernicus Books, pages 26–27
- ^ David Anderson QC (2012). «The Terrorism Acts in 2011» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ «What is femicide?». Women’s Aid. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ «Don’t Believe In The War On Women? Would A Body Count Change Your Mind?». Upworthy. Retrieved 2017-12-17.
- ^ «Violences conjugales: 118 femmes tuées en 2014». Libé (in French). Retrieved 2017-12-17.
External links[edit]
- Media related to Security at Wikimedia Commons
Wikiquote has quotations related to Security.
What do we mean by security?
Freedom from risk or danger; safety. noun
Freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence. noun
Something that gives or assures safety, as. noun
A group or department of private guards. noun
Measures adopted by a government to prevent espionage, sabotage, or attack. noun
Measures adopted, as by a business or homeowner, to prevent a crime such as burglary or assault. noun
Measures adopted to prevent escape. noun
Something deposited or given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation; collateral. noun
One who undertakes to fulfill the obligation of another; a surety. noun
A financial instrument, such as a stock or bond, representing rights of ownership or creditorship and often traded in secondary markets. noun
The state of being secure. noun
Freedom from annoyance, harm, danger, or loss; safety. noun
That which secures or makes safe; protection; defense; guard. noun
A guaranty or pledge; something given or deposited as surety for the fulfilment of a promise or an obligation, the payment of a debt, or the like. noun
A person who engages or pledges himself for the performance of another’s obligations; one who becomes surety for another. noun
An evidence of debt or of property, as a bond or a certificate of stock: as, government securities. noun
The condition or quality of being secure; secureness. noun
Freedom from apprehension, anxiety, or care; confidence of power or safety; hence, assurance; certainty. noun
Hence, carelessness; negligence; heedlessness. noun
Freedom from risk; safety. noun
The condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally, or financially.
Something that secures.
An organization or department responsible for providing security by enforcing laws, rules, and regulations as well as maintaining order.
Something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation or law.
Freedom from apprehension.
(often used in plural) A tradeable financial asset, such as a share of stock.W
Proof of ownership of stocks, bonds or other investment instruments.
Property etc. temporarily relinquished to guarantee repayment of a loan.
A guarantee.
Carelessness; negligence.
Something that is foreign to Microsoft. Urban Dictionary
The act of not putting out at a party, specifically for girls. Can also refer to a crack team of cock blocking friends that travel in packs to protect one another. Urban Dictionary
1: A small town attatched to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Just as a dung beetle must still have an asshole, so must the home of James Dobson and Focus on the Family have a place to dump their trash.
2: Adj. The concept of safety, as one might feel when inside of a bulldozer demolishing government buildings, or when hiding beneath a tractor-trailor from police officers.
3: N. The organization devoted to finding undesirables on the property of a private organization. These persons are also referred to as «rent-a-cops» and «those guys with the flashlights oh man hide the stash oh man oh man I’m so high oh man look at the lights oh… hey who are those guys» in general conversation.
4: A part of someone’s financial portfolio. Urban Dictionary
Secure is the next stage up from safe .(see safe) It is safer than safe so it is secure. Urban Dictionary
To control a girl when they are whining on a man
e.g boy: will you be able to secure her boy: yeah I can handle her Urban Dictionary
A much shorter and better mouth-feeling way of saying ‘more secure’. Urban Dictionary
1. To fasten, or hold down
2. To protect Urban Dictionary
A trusted friend who accepts responsibility for the safety of the group. He likes to observe and naturally watches out for his group. He watches every other members back. The Security likes to take space from the rest of the group sometimes just observing from across the room. He doesn’t mind the alone time. Urban Dictionary
Better than safe its safe X10 its fucking fort knox level safeness Urban Dictionary
When you’re VPN like McAfee shuts down and on sites that you frickin’ have secure connection to and then on something like GOOGLE DOCS It says NOT SECURE. Urban Dictionary
Defenition of the word security
- The state of being secure from harm, injury, danger or risk.
- The investment of money in assets.
- freedom from anxiety or fear; «the watch dog gave her a feeling of security»
- a department responsible for the security of the institutions property and workers; «the head of security was a former policeman»
- the state of being free from danger or injury; «we support the armed services in the name of national security»
- a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; «he held several valuable securities»
- defense against financial failure; «his pension gave him security in his old age»; «insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness»
- measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc; «military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising»
- a guarantee that an obligation will be met
- property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation; «bankers are reluctant to lend without good security»
- an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
- measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.; «military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising»
- a department responsible for the security of the institution»s property and workers; «the head of security was a former policeman»
- defense against financial failure; financial independence; «his pension gave him security in his old age»; «insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness»
- measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.
- freedom from anxiety or fear
- a department responsible for the security of the institution’s property and workers
- defense against financial failure; financial independence
- property that your creditor can claim in case you default on your obligation
- a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends
- the state of being free from danger or injury
Synonyms for the word security
- certificate
- collateral
- confidence
- defense
- guarantee
- precautions
- protection
- refuge
- safekeeping
- safety
- safety measures
- sanctuary
- security measures
- security system
- self-assurance
- self-confidence
- surety
- wellbeing
Similar words in the security
- security
- security’s
Hyponyms for the word security
- agency security
- bond
- bond certificate
- confidence
- convertible
- convertible security
- deposit
- earnest
- easy street
- government security
- hedge
- hedging
- insurance
- letter security
- listed security
- mortgage-backed security
- OTC security
- over the counter security
- partnership certificate
- peace
- proprietorship certificate
- protection
- public security
- recognisance
- recognizance
- registered security
- scrip
- secureness
- shelter
- stock
- stock certificate
- stock warrant
- stock-purchase warrant
- tax-exempt
- tax-exempt security
- unlisted security
- warrant
- zero coupon security
- zero-coupon security
Hypernyms for the word security
- asset
- assets
- bravery
- department
- electrical device
- fearlessness
- guarantee
- guard
- instrument
- legal document
- legal instrument
- official document
- precaution
- safeguard
- safety
- section
- transferred possession
- transferred property
- warrant
- warrantee
- warranty
Antonyms for the word security
- insecurity
See other words
- What is suffice
- The definition of head
- The interpretation of the word top
- What is meant by retail
- The lexical meaning relevant
- The dictionary meaning of the word respect
- The grammatical meaning of the word post
- Meaning of the word industry
- Literal and figurative meaning of the word reason
- The origin of the word sign
- Synonym for the word slogan
- Antonyms for the word compromise
- Homonyms for the word steer
- Hyponyms for the word submit
- Holonyms for the word supervise
- Hypernyms for the word oem
- Proverbs and sayings for the word rotation
- Translation of the word in other languages tag
: the quality or state of being secure: such as
: freedom from danger : safety
: freedom from fear or anxiety
: freedom from the prospect of being laid off
: something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation
: an instrument of investment in the form of a document (such as a stock certificate or bond) providing evidence of its ownership
: measures taken to guard against espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape
: an organization or department whose task is security
Example Sentences
We must insure our national security.
The college failed to provide adequate security on campus after dark.
There was a lapse in security and the inmates escaped.
We have to go through security at the airport.
We called security when we found the door open.
The meeting was held under tight security.
The prisoner was being kept under maximum security.
I like the security of knowing there will be someone there to help me when I need help.
Growing up in a close family gave her a sense of security.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Media reports at the time indicated casino maintenance workers heard a gunshot around 1 a.m. and reported it to casino security, who in turn called 911. D’Iberville police attempted to aid Craig, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.
—Warren Kulo |, al, 31 Mar. 2023
The 2022 settlement requires assessments of risks to privacy, security, and confidentiality before Twitter launches new or modified products and services.
—Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica, 31 Mar. 2023
Chemelli said Baltimore County Police officers work closely with the Towson Town Center management and the mall’s private security to deal with criminal issues.
—Cassidy Jensen, Baltimore Sun, 31 Mar. 2023
Also read Amazon’s privacy and security white paper for Sidewalk.
—WIRED, 30 Mar. 2023
Israel plays in Europe as a member of UEFA after leaving the Asian Football Confederation in the 1970s for political and security reasons.
—Graham Dunbar, ajc, 30 Mar. 2023
Sébastien Roblin Contributor Sébastien Roblin has written on the technical, historical, and political aspects of international security and conflict for publications including 19FortyFive, The National Interest, MSNBC,, Inside Unmanned Systems and War is Boring.
—Sébastien Roblin, Popular Mechanics, 30 Mar. 2023
In his speech, DeSantis discussed his approach to any number of issues that are likely to surface in the 2024 election: COVID policy, border security, crime, and foreign policy.
—David Jackson, USA TODAY, 30 Mar. 2023
Adams has inspected all the buildings and has obtained a $500,000 line of credit to reestablish security and management at the properties and begin making repairs, Feldstein Soto said.
—Benjamin Oreskes, Los Angeles Times, 30 Mar. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘security.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
First Known Use
15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of security was
in the 15th century
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“Security.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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2 Apr 2023
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What does SECURITY mean? Here you find 415 meanings of the word SECURITY. You can also add a definition of SECURITY yourself
1 |
0 Relationships Related Term: authorization preservation n. ~ Measures taken to protect materials from unauthorized access, change, destruction, or other threats. Citations: †(Personal communication [..]
2 |
0 SECURITYPiece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments.
3 |
0 SECURITYAn efficient disclosure control method provides protection against exact disclosure or unwanted narrow estimation of the attributes of an individual entity, in other words, a useful technique prevents [..]
4 |
0 SECURITYThe total, essential, or particular being of a person; the individual.
5 |
0 SECURITYmid-15c., «condition of being secure,» from Latin securitas, from securus «free from care» (see secure). Replacing sikerte (early 15c.), from an earlier borrowing from Latin; earli [..]
6 |
0 SECURITYAn operating unit that is responsible for protecting merchandise and other assets from pilferage (internal or external). Those working in security may be employees or outside agency people.
7 |
0 SECURITYThe property that is pledged as collateral.
8 |
0 SECURITYReal or personal property that a borrower pledges for the term of a loan. Should the borrower fail to repay, the creditor may take ownership of the property by following legally mandated procedures.
9 |
0 SECURITYstock or bond. A security demonstrates ownership or financial participation in a business or government.
10 |
0 SECURITYsafety or stability.
11 |
0 SECURITYA certificate issued by a company, government or other organisation giving proof that money has been invested in the stock, bonds, debt, options or other derivatives or instruments issued or sold by it. Securities are increasingly held in electronic rather than paper form.
12 |
0 SECURITYTraditionally, a security was a physical document, such as stock or bond certificate, that represented your investment in that stock or bond. But with the advent of electronic recordkeeping, paper certificates have increasingly been replaced by electronic documentation.In current general usage, the term security refers to the stock, bond, or other [..]
13 |
0 SECURITYGenerally, an instrument evidencing debt of or equity in a common enterprise in which an investment is made on the expectation of financial return. The term includes notes, stocks, bonds, debentures [..]
14 |
0 SECURITYMay mean any one of the following Freedom from danger, i.e. safety. Freedom from fear or anxiety, e.g. from the prospect of being laid off, i.e. job security. Something given, deposited, or pledged to [..]
15 |
0 SECURITYthe state of being free from danger or injury; "we support the armed services in the name of national security" defense against financial failure; financial independence; &am [..]
16 |
0 SECURITYSee: computer system security.
17 |
0 SECURITYThe property used as collateral for a loan.
18 |
0 SECURITYsafety, confidence, protection, a guarantee, a surety
19 |
0 SECURITY1. A condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. 2. With respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security. [..]
20 |
0 SECURITYThe property that will be pledged as collateral for a loan.
21 |
0 SECURITYJensens Internet Dictionary Protection against error and fraud. In computing and networking this includes firewall protections (e.g., passwords) for entry and encriptions for messages that contain protected data such as credit card numbers. (See also Cryptolope)
22 |
0 SECURITYAn investment instrument such as a stock or bond.
23 |
0 SECURITYCollateral given or pledged to guarantee fulfillment of an obligation (Black’s). Implied is the forfeiture of this collateral if the obligation is not met.
24 |
0 SECURITYDefinitions (2) 1. An investment instrument, other than an insurance policy or fixed annuity, issued by a corporation, government, or other organization which offers evidence of debt or equity. The of [..]
25 |
0 SECURITY(n.) In the computer industry, the term security — or the phrase computer security — refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any individuals [..]
26 |
0 SECURITYFeelings of basic safety, assurance, and independence from alarm. In psychology, is regarded to be engendered by such conditions as a comforting, approving support system of family and friends; progre [..]
27 |
0 SECURITYSee Safety on campus
28 |
0 SECURITYIn computing, the technology developed to prevent unauthorized persons, particularly hackers and crackers, from gaining entry to protected systems and files, including data encryption, virus detection [..]
29 |
0 SECURITYA password, key, procedure, or other device which has the ability to limit change in selected parameters. The existence and enforcement of techniques which restrict access to data, and the conditions [..]
30 |
0 SECURITYis a blanket term referring to an instrument (usually just recorded as a piece of paper) that represents financial value, such as stock, bonds, debt securities, funds, options, futures contracts and o [..]
31 |
0 SECURITYpl: -ties 1 a : something (as a mortgage or collateral) that is provided to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation [used his property as for a loan] b : surety see also security for costs 2 …
32 |
0 SECURITYSomething given or deposited as surety for the payment of debt. In the case of home loans, the property which is to be bought with the loan money usually acts as the security.
33 |
0 SECURITYAny kind of transferable certificate of ownership including EQUITY SECURITIES and DEBT SECURITIES.
34 |
0 SECURITYA pledge made to secure the performance of a contract or the fulfillment of an obligation. Examples of securities include real estate, equipment stocks or a co-signer. Mortgages are a form of security [..]
35 |
0 SECURITYa share, participation, or other interest in property or in an enterprise of the issuer or an obligation of the issuer.
36 |
0 SECURITYA transferable certificate of ownership of an investment product such as a note, bond, stock, futures contract or option. A security can also be defined as “property, which is pledged as collateral for a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of default.”
37 |
0 SECURITYSpecific revenue sources or assets pledged by an issuer to the bondholder to secure repayment of the bond.
38 |
0 SECURITYIn association with computers, communication systems and automation, the term security is understood to mean any measures used to protect a system from attacks, whether accidental or intentional. The motivation for these attacks may vary, but includes espionage for example, or specific functional impairment through malware such as viruses, worms an [..]
39 |
0 SECURITYServices which protect data, ensuring its confidentiality, availability and integrity.
40 |
0 SECURITYReal estate or personal property used as collateral to back up a loan, which gives the lender tangible property that may be sold upon default to pay off the indebtedness.
41 |
0 SECURITYA pledge made to secure the performance of a contract or the fulfillment of an obligation. Examples of securities include real estate, equipment stocks or a co-signer. Mortgages are a form of security with strong legal standing, because they are publicly registered following a formal legal procedure. A mortgage gives the lender holding a mortgage s [..]
42 |
0 SECURITYThe NZECO may seek a security to ensure that, in the event of a buyer’s default, it will be repaid or appropriately compensated. Forms of security include: a bank guarantee; a guarantee from a pa [..]
43 |
0 SECURITYA legal right of access to value through mortgages, contracts, cash accounts, guarantees, insurances, pledges, or cashflow, including licenses, concessions, and other assets. A negotiable cert [..]
44 |
0 SECURITYThe paper right to a (generally tradeable) asset. The term is frequently used as a loose label to refer to all shares, debentures, notes, bills, government and semi-government bonds etc, which are traded on the stock exchange.
45 |
0 SECURITYAn investment instrument, other than an insurance policy or fixed annuity, issued by a corporation, government, or other organization that offers evidence of debt or equity. The official definition, from the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, is, «Any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, certificate of interest or participation in any p [..]
46 |
0 SECURITYThe collateral taken by the lender to insure against default by the borrower, on the loan.
47 |
0 SECURITYAn asset that guarantees the lender their loan until the loan is repaid in full. Usually the property is offered to secure the loan.
48 |
0 SECURITYAn asset which a borrower uses to secure funding from a lender. In the event that the borrower cannot repay their debt, this asset can be acquired by the lender.
49 |
0 SECURITYA (financial) security is a fungible financial instrument.
50 |
0 SECURITYAn asset that guarantees the lender their loan until the loan is repaid in full. Usually the property is offered to secure the loan.
51 |
0 SECURITYCharge, Mortgage, Lien or Pledge.
52 |
0 SECURITYIn relation to financial assets, a security is an investment such as shares or bonds which can be traded in financial markets.
53 |
0 SECURITYA financial instrument.
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0 SECURITYYou can offer something you own as security or collateral on a loan, making it a secured loan. This could be property or stocks and shares, or something else of value. The lender ‘holds’ this to protect their investment when they lend you money. In return, the debtor often gets a lower interest rate, but people can risk losing their home if the [..]
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0 SECURITYA certificate issued by a corporation or government that has a value. Stocks and bonds are the most common securities.
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0 SECURITYProperty — the vehicle in the case of car finance — that a financier can claim in case a borrower defaults on their loan obligation.
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0 SECURITYlegal term for stock or shares
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0 SECURITYAn investment that is represented by a negotiable document issued by a corporation or governmental entity for the purpose of raising capital. A listed security is one that is approved for trading on a [..]
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0 SECURITYProperty which is designed and used as collateral.
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0 SECURITYThe term security—
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0 SECURITYAccording to 122 CFR 12.2 [Title 12 — Banks and Banking; Chapter I — Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury; Part 12 — Recordkeeping and Confirmation Requirements for Securities Tr [..]
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0 SECURITYmenu Relative Danger Books Java Security Learning More Digital Signing And Encryption Schemes Links Security Holes Relative Danger The most dangerous things are at the top: Opening a file attached to [..]
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0 SECURITYNew stuff that can make your computer and all your data even safer, and for dealing with new nasties online.
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0 SECURITYIn the context of patron training, refers to tools and practices used to prevent unauthorized access of personal data by third parties.
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0 SECURITYDefinitions of system access for end users. Security can be physical (equipment-related), module-related or data-related.
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0 SECURITYproperty which is pledged as collateral for a loan, which can be taken back by the lender if the borrower defaults on the loan
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0 SECURITYis a financial instrument that represents debt, such as a bond, or represents ownership in an entity, (i.e. a stock). A security can be assigned value and traded in financial markets.
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0 SECURITY(also known as Collateral) is property or assets that a lender can take possession of, in the event that a loan cannot be repaid.
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0 SECURITY(n) the state of being free from danger or injury(n) defense against financial failure; financial independence(n) freedom from anxiety or fear(n) a formal declaration that documents a fact of rele [..]
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0 SECURITYEnsuring that private information remains private in an atmosphere where all other information is free. Security also means that viruses are prevented from infecting people’s systems.
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0 SECURITYEvidence of an investment, either in direct ownership (as with stocks), creditorship (as with bonds), or indirect ownership (as with options).
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0 SECURITYcautela, obses
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0 SECURITYEnhanced Linux — Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a version of the Linux kernel and utilities, which contains support for mandatory access controls based on the principle of least privilege. It is [..]
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0 SECURITYThe protection of the Nation and its people, vital interests, and way of life. (NPG, PPD-8)
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0 SECURITYAll campuses have a 24 hour security office.
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0 SECURITYA condition safe from unwanted intrusion
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0 SECURITYThe property used as collateral for a loan.
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0 SECURITYCollateral for a debt. For example, accounts receivable may be pledged as security for a loan. Security is a generic term used to refer to a bond, share certificate or other medium or long-term invest [..]
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0 SECURITYSecurity means safety, as well as the measures taken to be safe or protected.
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0 SECURITYThe condition achieved when designated information, material, personnel, activities and installations are protected against espionage, sabotage, subversion and terrorism, as well as against loss or unauthorised disclosure. The term is also applied to those measures necessary to achieve this condition and to the organisations responsible for those m [..]
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0 SECURITYEvidence of an investment, either in direct ownership (as with stocks), creditorship (as with bonds), or indirect ownership (as with options).
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0 SECURITYAn exchangable asset of value, including stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments.
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0 SECURITYA legal right of access to value through mortgages, contracts, cash accounts, guarantees, insurances, pledges or cash flow, including licences, concessions and other assets. Lenders can act on securit [..]
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0 SECURITYCollateral pledged by a bond issuer (debtor) to an investor (lender) to secure repayment of the loan.
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0 SECURITYProperty pledged to the creditor in case of a default on a loan; see collateral.
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0 SECURITYAssets or personal property used as collateral to secure a loan.
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0 SECURITYIn relation to financial assets, a security is an investment such as shares or bonds which can be traded in financial markets.
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0 SECURITYmeans an asset e.g. a car or property, used to secure the loan which can be accessed by the credit provider to repay arrears if you do not meet your obligations.
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0 SECURITYSecurity is an important aspect of wireless networking. Wireless devices normally support multiple security standards previously, the most common standard was WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). Recently, [..]
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0 SECURITYProtective measures against unauthorized access to or interference with computer operating systems, Telecommunications, or data structures, especially the modification, deletion, destruction, or relea [..]
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0 SECURITYAccess by all in a community at all times to enough nutritious Food for an active, healthy Life. (from accessed 4/22/2011)
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0 SECURITYFinancial assistance for the impoverished Elderly through public funding of Programs, services, and individual Income supplements.
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0 SECURITYGovernment sponsored social Insurance Programs.
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0 SECURITYThat which ensures to the satisfaction of the Customs that an obligation to the Customs will be fulfilled. Security is described as "general" when it ensures that the obligations ari [..]
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0 SECURITYA financial instrument such as stock, bond or treasury bill.
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0 SECURITYThe Underwriters subscribing a risk. The Insurers.
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0 SECURITYThe underwriters subscribing a risk.
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0 SECURITYProperty offered as backing for a loan. In the case of mortgages, the property being purchased with the loan usually forms the security for the loan.
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0 SECURITYThe value of the cash, investments or assets you provide to secure your loan.
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0 SECURITYIn the case of mortgages, real estate offered as collateral for the loan.
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0 SECURITYThe protection that’s placed on a file. Security includes various types of accounts to authenticate users, levels of privilege sets to determine what can be done with a file, and authorization of ot [..]
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0 SECURITYBelief in the safety of one’s person and position. Security is a driving factor in employee reporting.
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0 SECURITYA general term for a tradable financial instrument.
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0 SECURITYGeneral term for an equity or debt instrument issued by a government or company.
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0 SECURITY(1) an asset traded on a financial market, such as shares or bonds or (2) an asset pledged to ensure the repayment of a loan
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0 SECURITYGeneral term for an equity or debt instrument issued by a government or company.
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0 SECURITYAn investment instrument, other than an insurance policy or fixed annuity, issued by a corporation, government, or other organization that offers evidence of debt or equity. The official definition, f [..]
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0 SECURITYa financial instrument which includes the assumption of debt, (bonds, bills), shares, derivatives (swaps, options, futures). Share Price
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0 SECURITYA condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures that enable an enterprise to perform its mission or critical functions despite risks posed by threats to its use of information systems. Protective measures may involve a combination of deterrence, avoidance, prevention, detection, recovery, and correction that s [..]
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0 SECURITYTechniques and practices that preserve the integrity of computer systems, and digital library services and collections.
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0 SECURITYEssentially, a contract that can be assigned a value and traded. It could be a stock, bond or mortgage debt, for example.
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0 SECURITYA general term that applies to most investment types, including stocks, options, bonds, etc.
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0 SECURITYmeasures taken on entry to the airside area to prevent illegal acts against civil aviation.
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0 SECURITYMeasures taken on entry to the airside area to prevent illegal acts against civil aviation.
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0 SECURITYAny kind of transferable certificate of ownership including equity securities and debt securities.
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0 SECURITYMeasures taken to keep something secure.
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0 SECURITYThe value of the cash, investments or assets you provide to secure your loan.
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0 SECURITYReal or personal property that guarantees the repayment of a loan. The borrower risks losing the property if the loan is not repaid.
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0 SECURITYDocuments representing the right of the bearer to capital or credit. These instruments can be traded and their transfer or endorsement accredits ownership of them or implied rights.
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0 SECURITYSecurity refers to a general environment of law and order; freedom from physical threats.
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0 SECURITY, Techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised. Most security measures involve data encryption and passwords. Data encryption is the translation of data into a form that is unintelligible without a deciphering mechanism.
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0 SECURITYMeasures taken to keep something protected or safe from viewing, destruction, or manipulation.
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0 SECURITYProcesses, practices, and software that secure health information from unauthorized access, ensuring that the information is not altered and that it is accessible when needed by those authorized.
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0 SECURITYSecurity is where passengers have their possessions checked before they get on their flight. We have to take our shoes off when we go through security.
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0 SECURITYSecurity related products include serial controlled video cameras, remote controlled camera housings, video recorders, Digital Time Lapse Recorders, VCRs, badge readers, access control, security gate controls and related products.
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0 SECURITYan asset that accrues income. It is usually in the form of a contract detailing a debt or equity issued by a corporation, government or other organisation. Classic examples of securities would be government bonds or corporate shares.
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0 SECURITYFile that stores one or more server certificates or root certificates from trusted Certification Authorities.
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0 SECURITYA scheme for adding enough random material to a message so that the message can be encrypted or signed with a primitive. The scheme is defined in RSAES-PKCS 1.5.
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0 SECURITYPersonal Security Environment (PSE) for the SAP System.
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0 SECURITYTo be able to use the security functions provided by SSL and SNC, you must establish trust between the components involved in the communications. Although the basic concepts used here are similar, the [..]
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0 SECURITYA data encryption standard comprised of a three-step data encryption algorithm that evolved from DES, providing greater security because it encrypts, decrypts, and encrypts the data using three keys i [..]
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0 SECURITYIn J2EE Engine IpVerification Manager is used for IP access control — it checks whether a particular IP address has an access permission.
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0 SECURITYA list that specifies which users or system components are allowed to access a resource.
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0 SECURITYCredentials used to access protected resources. An access token is a string representing an authorization issued to the OAuth 2.0 client. Tokens represent specific OAuth 2.0 scopes and durations of ac [..]
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0 SECURITYCollection of permissions used to enforce authorizations in SAP User Management Engine.
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0 SECURITYDeliberate attempt to evade system security and alter the system.
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0 SECURITYA storage location for other users’ public-key certificates so that their digital signatures can be verified.
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0 SECURITYA symmetric cryptographic algorithm that has been adopted by the U.S. government as a replacement for the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm for encrypting sensitive, unclassified data.
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 it is a logical grouping of service providers under a single name. In this grouping, a user authenticated at the identity provider for one service provider can be automatically federated w [..]
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0 SECURITYVersion of the CRL distribution point that may be used if the primary distribution point is not accessible. For example, you can download the certificate revocation list (CRL) to an alternative local [..]
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0 SECURITYForm of logon where users do not have to provide any form of authentication such as user ID and password, client certificate, and so on.
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0 SECURITYThe endpoint of a SAML service provider or identity provider that processes the artifact resolution requests from the assertion consumer service of other providers. This communication takes place dire [..]
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0 SECURITYThe endpoint of a SAML service provider or identity provider that validates and interprets the SAML response or artifact presented by the client (user), requests the resolution of any artifacts, and c [..]
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0 SECURITYTargeted attempt to evade system security to alter the system or to confiscate information.
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0 SECURITYAn element of a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 assertion that indicates that the SAML asserting party makes no claims about the accuracy or trustworthiness of assertions received by par [..]
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0 SECURITYThe tracking of events as they occur in the system so that a series of events can be reconstructed at a later date.
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0 SECURITYA group of events recorded by the Security Audit Log.
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0 SECURITYA file containing audit information from the Security Audit Log.
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0 SECURITYA security-relevant chronological record or set of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, event or reso [..]
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0 SECURITYThe audit information saved to the audit log.
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0 SECURITYSpecial type of logon ticket with a very limited time period of validity. It is used for authentication for communication between the J2EE Engine and SAP NetWeaver Application Server (ABAP), for the s [..]
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0 SECURITYThe sum of information concerning how an authenticating authority identified a principal, including how this information is protected. In SAML a relying party can request the authentication context in [..]
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0 SECURITYMethod used to authenticate a user or component. Examples supported by SAP systems include:
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 the authentication policy is set by the service provider and determines if a user must reauthenticate at the identity provider or if the identity provider must authenticate the user withou [..]
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0 SECURITYDefinition on the J2EE Engine of what is required for authentication. This includes:
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0 SECURITYLogin module stack that serves as a template for other components. Any changes made to the original login module stack affect all other components that reference it as a template.
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0 SECURITYRole in the SAP system derived from a portal role. The menu structure and user assignment of the authorization role are assigned by the portal role.
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0 SECURITYServer issuing access tokens to the OAuth 2.0 client after having successfully authenticated a resource owner and obtained authorization.
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0 SECURITYA method of submitting HTML forms with HTTP POST automatically. This is usually done with Javascript.
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0 SECURITYA communication channel that avoids the standard communication channel. For SAML 2.0 the back channel is directly between the identity provider and the service provider. Communication does not go over [..]
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0 SECURITYA security hole in the software or a program that enables an attacker to gain (remote) access to a system or its data. The security hole can be planned or accidental. In both cases, the security hole [..]
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0 SECURITYThe location on the directory server where the directory access service entries.
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0 SECURITYThe simplest form of authentication supported by most Web browsers and Web servers. With this authentication mechanism the client sends the user ID and password to the server in plain text.
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0 SECURITYAuthentication mechanism to be used in case the first authentication mechanism you configured for Single Sign-On, for example, authentication with logon tickets fails. The user is then authenticated u [..]
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0 SECURITYAn attack that requires trying all (or a large fraction of all) possible values until the right value is found.
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0 SECURITYA person who uses software for the purpose of furthering a business process, and not for the purposes of carrying out an administrative or developer task such as a purchaser, a sales representative, o [..]
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0 SECURITYAn identifier for a user when using Secure Network Communications after the name is converted to a standard format.
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0 SECURITYA list that contains the public-key certificates belonging to other users or system components that are trusted.
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0 SECURITYLogon to an SAP system using digital certificates. The actual authentication takes place using public-key technology, for example, using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
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0 SECURITYThe act of creating a correspondance between users in a system and X.509 certificates for the purpose of enabling Single Sign-On (SSO).
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0 SECURITYA request for a Certification Authority (CA) to issue a public-key certificate to a user or component.
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0 SECURITYThe digitally-signed public-key certificate returned to the person or entity requesting a certificate from a Certification Authority (CA). This digitally-signed certificate corresponds exactly to the [..]
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0 SECURITYService on the AS Java that checks certificate revocation lists to make sure that a given certificate has not been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority (CA).
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0 SECURITYA group of certificates that have been declared to be invalid.
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0 SECURITYAn external instance that issues public-key certificates.
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0 SECURITYA digital document that is used to identify a user or system component.
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0 SECURITYA specific HTTP header.
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0 SECURITYThe act of inserting (malicious) code into a program or Web site. This enables the attacker, who inserts the code, to change the behavior of the program or Web site.
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0 SECURITYIn Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0, the host domain of an identity provider discovery service and its common domain cookie.
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 the common domain cookie (CDC) is a cookie that enables an identity provider to identify itself to a service provider. When a service provider cannot initially identify the identity provid [..]
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0 SECURITYAttribute in a user’s profile. Every user belongs to one company only.
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0 SECURITYAn interface implemented by application frameworks called by the OAuth authentication module to derive the corresponding ABAP development object from HTTP requests to URIs.
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0 SECURITYMain CRL distribution point for a Certification Authority (CA). This location is included in the certificates issued by the CA as the CRL distribution point.
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0 SECURITYObject in SAP User Management Engine, for example, user, user account, group, or role.
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0 SECURITYLocation in the public-key infrastructure where the users’ and components’ public keys are stored.
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0 SECURITYPrivate part of the public and private key pair used for encryption or for digital signatures.
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0 SECURITYContains user data such as e-mail address, language, password. Can be changed by an administrator or the user.
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0 SECURITYAuthentication concept that requires a component to explicitly trigger authentication itself. The authentication process is subsequently controlled by the authentication framework of the container in [..]
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0 SECURITYEvidence that proves a party possesses a private key corresponding to a public key to another party in public-key infrastructure.
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0 SECURITYA user ID that does not include information about the real person that the ID represents.
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0 SECURITYThe mapping of the messages or message patterns of one protocol onto another protocol. In SAML 2.0, for example, the mapping of a SAML authentication request message onto SOAP is a SAML SOAP binding.
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0 SECURITYPublic part of the public-key pair used for encryption or for digital signatures.
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0 SECURITYKey pair that consists of the public and the private keys.
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0 SECURITYA digital document that acts as a user’s digital identification card.
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0 SECURITYA series of documents produced and distributed by RSA Laboratories that define standards for using public-key technology.
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0 SECURITYAn encryption method that uses two different, complementary keys for the encryption and decryption of information sent over computer networks.
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0 SECURITYSystem that manages the trust relationships involved with using public-key technology.
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0 SECURITYList that contains the public-key information (to include the public keys) belonging to other users or system components.
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0 SECURITYThe technology used for securing digital documents.
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0 SECURITYAn SAP NetWeaver component used to monitor and log read access to sensitive data.
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0 SECURITYAn application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization.
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0 SECURITYAn OAuth 2.0 scope is determined in negociation between the resource owner and the user who wants to access the resource.
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0 SECURITYA Kerberos realm is the set of Kerberos principals that are registered within a Kerberos server. The Kerberos realm represents an administrative domain that has its own Kerberos database containing in [..]
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0 SECURITYThe inability to deny having performed an action.
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0 SECURITYA type of cross-site scripting attack in which the Web application embeds content received from the HTTP request in its HTTP response. A successful exploitation occurs when the attacker tricks the vic [..]
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0 SECURITYA temporary token used to obtain access tokens. Refresh tokens are issued to the OAuth 2.0 client by the authorization server and used to obtain a new access token when the current access token become [..]
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0 SECURITYAn entity in the public-key infrastructure (PKI) that verifies a certificate request and then passes it on to the Certification Authority (CA).
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 the content of the RelayState parameter. The SAML service provider uses this parameter to find out the relative path of the application to which the service provider should redirect an inc [..]
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0 SECURITYA token used to refer to a principal in SAML messages.
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0 SECURITYIdentifies the type of information the name identifier includes. The SAML standard defines the formats as follows:
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0 SECURITYUser used for anonymous logon to Java applications such as SAP Enterprise Portal.
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0 SECURITYService available on the Marketplace that issues users their Passports.
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0 SECURITYThe practice of logging on multiple times to the same account from multiple clients.
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0 SECURITYAn entity capable of granting access to a protected resource.
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0 SECURITYHosts the protected resource and is capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.
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0 SECURITYThe URI to use for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) resonse messages.
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 a temporary identifier for a principal that does not reveal private information about the principal.
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0 SECURITYA basic protocol used by other protocols to communicate through the network.
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0 SECURITYA proposed Internet standard protocol that is an enhancement of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Version 3.0 protocol.
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0 SECURITYA mechanism used by web browsers to determine the content type of a file. The browser parses the first byte of the binary content stream to determine the MIME type of the file.
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0 SECURITYCertificate belonging to a Certification Authority (CA).
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0 SECURITYThe highest Certification Authority in a PKI. All users of the PKI must trust it. Its certificate is signed with a private key. There can be any amount of CAs between a user certificate and the root C [..]
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0 SECURITYWindows NT authentication protocol that uses a challenge and response algorithm for authenticating users within a Windows NT network.
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0 SECURITYMicrosoft’s security provider that uses the the Microsoft Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) protocol to authenticate users in a Windows NT network.
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0 SECURITYA public-key cryptographic algorithm which can be used both for encrypting messages and creating digital signatures.
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0 SECURITYIdentity with which an EJB is executed. This identity is usually not the identity of the caller.
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0 SECURITYThe representation of a text in the form of a single string of digits, created using a one-way hash function.
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0 SECURITYA message type of the single logout protocol of the SAML 2.0 standard. A provider sends a logout request to initiate a Single Log-Out by an identity provider. An identity provider sends a logout reque [..]
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0 SECURITYA message type of the single logout protocol of the SAML 2.0 standard. A provider sends a logout response to a provider to confirm that it has terminated any sessions with the principal specified in t [..]
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0 SECURITYA message type of the Authentication Request protocol of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). A response message returns SAML assertions to the requesting service provider.
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0 SECURITYA system entity providing a set of web applications with a common session management, identity management, and trust management
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0 SECURITYSAML token profiles are used for WS access authentication at the SOAP message level.
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0 SECURITYA message type of the Artifact Resolution protocol of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). A SAML provider uses an artifact resolution request to retrieve a SAML message referred to by an ar [..]
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0 SECURITYA message type of the Artifact Resolution profile of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). An artifact response includes a SAML message requested by another provider.
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0 SECURITYA collection of statements (though zero statements is possible) made by a SAML authority about a specific principals. According to the SAML standard, these statements can of the following types:
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0 SECURITYA message type of the Authentication Request protocol of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). A SAML service provider uses an authentication request to get information about a principal or a [..]
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0 SECURITYSAML browser artifacts are used as a reference to a SAML protocol message stored on a source site (in SAML 1.x) or a provider (in SAML 2.0). The artifacts are designed to be transferred in a URL. The [..]
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0 SECURITYAn entity that manages identity information for principals and provides authentication services to other trusted service providers.
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0 SECURITYThe sender of SAML assertions with which a user can logon to a system trusting the issuer.
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0 SECURITYThe Certification Authority (CA) provided by the SAP AG that issues certificates to SAP customers.
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0 SECURITYX.509 client certificate issued to SAP customers’ end users by the SAP Certification Authority (CA).
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0 SECURITYDefault security provider provided with the SAP System.
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0 SECURITYService provided by SAP from which SAP customers can receive public-key certificates issued by the SAP Certification Authority (CA).
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0 SECURITYA collection of multiple identical virus scanners used for better workload distribution.
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0 SECURITYKey used for encrypting and decrypting messages using symmetric encryption algorithms.
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0 SECURITYAn open industry standard protocol developed for the secure transmission of payment information over the Internet and other electronic networks.
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0 SECURITYInternet-standard that defines a means to make email messages more secure by adding both digital signatures and encryption.
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0 SECURITYInterface that allows secured communication connections between SAP System components. Strong authentication, integrity protection, and privacy protection may be provided.
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0 SECURITYAn Internet standard protocol developed by Netscape that is used to secure communications across the Internet.
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0 SECURITYSecure storage location in which the SAP System to store critical information such as passwords. The data stored in the system’s secure storage is encrypted.
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0 SECURITYBAdI implementation to provide application-specific data for managing the secure storage.
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0 SECURITYAn interface that allows the SAP system to protect data and documents using digital signatures and encryption.
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0 SECURITYA tool that produces a log containing security-related system events such as configuration changes or unsuccessful logon attempts.
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0 SECURITYA vulnerability in a computer program that enables a malicious user to gain unauthorized access to data, networks, systems, or functions.
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0 SECURITYSAP Notes that are used to inform customers about a solution or workaround for an existing security issue in shipped SAP software (see SAP Note 1139963). They contain advice including countermeasures [..]
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0 SECURITYThe security constraints over the access to protected resource.
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0 SECURITYSubject confirmation method for system-to-system communication with which a system vouches for the identity of a user. The system forwards this information as part of the SAML assertion to another sys [..]
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0 SECURITYThe name by which a client uniquely identifies an instance of a service.
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0 SECURITYAn XML-based expression syntax for the query and exchange of user account information, for example, users, groups, or roles.
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0 SECURITYA type of attack where one user attempts to set the session ID of another user.
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0 SECURITYA standard pseudo-mechanism, used to determine which GSS API mechanisms are shared, select one and then establish a security context for communication using it.
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0 SECURITYA method used by the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to authenticate users based on user ID and password.
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0 SECURITYThe capability to terminate all sessions of a specific user or a user agent, such as Web browser, at the click of a single button.
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0 SECURITYA mechanism that eliminates the need for users to enter passwords for every system that they log on to.
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0 SECURITYAn intranet domain that consists of a single level. In user@example, the domain has a single designation, «example.» This is incontrast with, where there is a top-level doma [..]
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0 SECURITYThe server’s Personal Security Environment (PSE) that contains the information needed to establish a connection using Secure Network Communication (SNC).
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0 SECURITYA log where the execution of SQL statements to certain tables are recorded.
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0 SECURITYInjection of malicious SQL statements by an attacker. an SQL Injection is possibe, if statements or parst of statements that imported from the outside into a program, are passed to the database system [..]
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0 SECURITYPerforms a scanning for various threat types, such as viruses, spyware, malware etc.
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0 SECURITYLibrary available to non-SAP applications for authentication purposes and Single Sign-On.
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0 SECURITYA type of cross-site scripting attack in which the attacker stores the injected code or script on a vulnerable server. For example, the malicious code can be contained in a forum message. The maliciou [..]
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0 SECURITYThe process of identifying a user (or component) by proving that the user has knowledge of a secret without the user having to reveal the secret.
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0 SECURITYX.509 certificate attribute that identifies the owner of the certificate.
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0 SECURITYIn public key infrastructure, the subject alternative name (SAN) is an extension of X.509 certificate enabling the certificate issuer to associate additional identities with the subject of a certifica [..]
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0 SECURITYMethod to confirm a subject with SAML token profile authentication.
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0 SECURITYInformation used by the SAP system for Secure Store and Forward (SSF) mechanisms where a user or component’s private part of the public-key information is stored (the private key).
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0 SECURITYThe server’s Personal Security Environment (PSE) that contains the information needed to establish a connection using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, where the server is the client compo [..]
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0 SECURITYIdentity that the server uses for a specific SSL connection. The server can have multiple SSL server identities. Each SSL server identity possesses its own SSL server Personal Security Environment (PS [..]
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0 SECURITYThe server’s Personal Security Environment (PSE) that contains the information needed to establish a connection using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, where the server is the server compo [..]
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0 SECURITYThe Personal Security Environment (PSE) used for Single Sign-On (SSO) in the mySAP Workplace when using logon tickets.
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0 SECURITYJava class defined by the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) that defines the authentication logic for a particular authentication mechanism. For example, the Basic Authentication lo [..]
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0 SECURITYList of login modules containing authentication logic that is assigned to a component. When a user is authenticated on the J2EE Engine, the server sequentially processes the login module stack that ap [..]
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0 SECURITYThe URI to use to contact the Single Sign-On endpoint of the provider to the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 standard.
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0 SECURITYThe name of the destination (as part of the destination service of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server) to use to contact the Single Sign-On endpoint of the provider according to the Security Asserti [..]
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0 SECURITYA program or script written to harm, compromise, or hinder a computer system, its applications, or its users.
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0 SECURITYAn attack in which an attacker inserts itself between two parties and pretends to be one of the parties.
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0 SECURITYThe act of enabling a user to link his or her user account on a remote system with his or her user account on the local system during logon.
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0 SECURITYSecure location where a user or component’s public-key information is stored.
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0 SECURITYA secret known by a user used to confirm his or her identity, such as a numeric password.
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0 SECURITYThe exchange of information or agreement between administrators of SAML providers on how to link user accounts between systems. For example, what data does the identity provider pass to the service pr [..]
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0 SECURITYAdministrator that can add, modify and delete users of all companies.
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0 SECURITYPAOS is a reverse HTTP-binding for the SOAP protocol. It is a reverse binding because the HTTP response is bound the SOAP request instead of the HTTP request.
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0 SECURITYPassword that is longer than a traditional password and may consist of more than one word.
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0 SECURITYA deliberate attempt to evade security to gain information from a system, for example, wiretapping or other forms of eavesdropping.
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0 SECURITYCredentials contain data that enables the subject to perform certain activities. A credential may contain information, which is used to authenticate the subject to new services. These credentials have [..]
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0 SECURITYThe user or component-specific information that allows the user or component to access his or her security information.
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0 SECURITYLocal storage location for each certification revocation list (CRL) that is downloaded from a CRL distribution point.
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0 SECURITYPublicly available location where a Certification Authority (CA) hosts its certificate revocation list (CRL).
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0 SECURITYThe act of serving content from or diverting a Web client to a different domain without the user’s knowledge.
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0 SECURITYAnalysis procedure for decrypting encrypted messages sent over computer networks without knowing the key.
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0 SECURITYA class of attacks against application servers that tricks an authenticated user into issuing HTTP requests to an application, which can then lead to an undesired action being triggered on behalf of t [..]
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0 SECURITYA cryptographic algorithm that uses a 56-bit secret key for encrypting and decrypting messages (symmetric cryptrography).
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0 SECURITYCorrectness and appropriateness of the content and/or source of data sent over the Internet.
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0 SECURITYThe data being transferred between the client and the server is encrypted, which provides for integrity and privacy protection. An eavesdropper cannot access or manipulate the data.
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0 SECURITYThe data repository from which the User Management Engine (UME) of the J2EE Engine retrieves user management data such as user, group, and role data.
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0 SECURITYAuthentication concept that releases a component from having to trigger authentication itself. Instead the component declares its protected resources and its desired authentication mechanism in its de [..]
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0 SECURITYThe conversion of an encoded message into its original form.
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0 SECURITYThe process of retrieving data that has been encrypted using a cryptographic algorithm.
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0 SECURITYIn identity management this is the action of ending federation. Here federation provides the means to share identity information between partners. To share information about a user, partners must be a [..]
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0 SECURITYAllows you to distribute user administration between several administrators so that each administrator is responsible for a particular group of users.
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0 SECURITYAdministrator that can add, modify and delete users that belong to the same company as the delegated user administrator only.
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0 SECURITYAn area that exists between two networks that allows connections between the networks without sacrificing unauthorized access to the systems located within the networks.
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0 SECURITYThe process of opening a digital envelope.
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0 SECURITYSecurity protocol that allows parties with no prior knowledge of each other to agree on a shared key for encrypting further communication.
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0 SECURITYA security mechanism for protecting digital data.
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0 SECURITYProcess of identifying a person or system component using a cryptographic hash value to avoid sending the user ID and password in clear text.
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0 SECURITYAn electronic «identity card» that establishes a user’s credentials when doing business or other transactions on the Web. It is issued by a certification authority (CA) and contains nam [..]
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0 SECURITYTree-like structure in which entries in a directory are organized.
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0 SECURITYA type of attack during which the attacker exploits a flaw in the security of an application to gain access to directories. An attacker can then read or insert data.
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0 SECURITYA hierarchical identifier for an object as specified by the X.500 format.
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0 SECURITYDocument domain defines the circumstances in which two different applications can share information between two different windows or frames on the client side. The Same Origin Policy (SOP) applies. Tw [..]
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0 SECURITYDocument domain relaxing is the loosing of the Same Origin Policy (SOP).The SOP states that two applications in two different frames or windows can share information only if the protocol, fully-qualif [..]
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0 SECURITYA group of computers and devices that belong to the same (sub-)network according to their IP addresses (or corresponding aliases).
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0 SECURITYA cryptographic procedure introduced by SET, an electronic payment system, to ensure data protection during business transactions.
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0 SECURITYThe conversion of a plain-text message into a coded message using an algorithm where no cryptography is involved.
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0 SECURITYThe process of using a cryptographic algorithm to disguise a message to protect it from being intercepted by potential eavesdroppers.
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0 SECURITYA profile of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0. The profile enables browsers with enhanced capabilities to take advantage of identity provider discovery and SAML message flow options. [..]
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0 SECURITYChargeable software component that is not exclusively calculated for each user.
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0 SECURITYA component of the SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On product that enables users to automatically log on to Windows, Windows applications,and web sites.
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0 SECURITYThe process of creating a digital envelope.
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0 SECURITYPart of SAP User Management Engine that provides connectivity to the user management data sources. It allows the persistence manager to access data from a certain type of data source, for example, LDA [..]
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0 SECURITYPart of SAP User Management Engine between the application programming interface and the user management data sources.
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0 SECURITYIn SAML 2.0 an permanent identifier for a principal that does not reveal private information about the principal.
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0 SECURITYTo associate or link a number of entities.
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0 SECURITYA function that is secured with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
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0 SECURITYA special server in computer networks that prevents unauthorized penetration (dialling in) of external people and/or the transfer of data that is not to be transferred.
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0 SECURITYA communication channel that uses the standard communication channel. For SAML 2.0, the front channel is between the identity provider and theservice providers, but goes over the user agent (such as a [..]
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0 SECURITYAn application level interface (API) for network security systems.
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0 SECURITYGerman Federal office that is responsible for information technology
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0 SECURITYA set of users with specified security permissions.
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0 SECURITYA physical device that can be attached to a server to provide a means for storing digital keys and for performing cryptographic functions.
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0 SECURITYAn algorithm that you can apply to a message or text that guarantees the message’s integrity.
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0 SECURITYSubject confirmation method for desktop-to-server communication where a central security token service (STS) asserts the identity of a user. The STS issues a SAML token containing this information. Th [..]
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0 SECURITYRole that contains the central functions for the end user in SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC).
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0 SECURITYA connection which provides for encrypted communications between the client and the server.
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0 SECURITYThe act of determining which SAML identity provider to use when a client requests access to a particular resource of the SAML service provider.
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0 SECURITYThe act of joining the identity data of a principal across multiple systems through the use of a common token.
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0 SECURITYAn organization for developing Internet standards.
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0 SECURITYPiece of information used for user authentication and Single Sign-On with SAP systems.
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0 SECURITYDigital certificate attribute where the Distinguished Name of the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the digital certificate is specified.
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0 SECURITYA class object in the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). The subject identifies a person or service or other entity in the JAAS framework. The subject can include principals, such a [..]
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0 SECURITYOne of a collection of connections held ready-for-use when a connection between systems is required.
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0 SECURITYThe set of security restrictions for a component on the J2EE Engine. This includes the login module stack, security roles, and resources that are assigned to the component.
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0 SECURITYA token endpoint is used by the OAuth 2.0 client to obtain an access token presenting its authorization grant or refresh token.
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0 SECURITYSAP System tool (transaction SSO2) to assist you with the configuration of logon tickets for Single Sign-On (SSO).
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0 SECURITYAlert in the Computing Center Management System (CCMS) alert monitor that has been produced by the Security Audit Log.
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0 SECURITYA cryptographic procedure in which the sender and receiver use the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message sent over computer networks.
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0 SECURITYDefault security product provided by SAP to use for encryption with SAP Systems.
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0 SECURITYA popular program used to encrypt and decrypt e-mail over the Internet.
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0 SECURITYSecurity mechanism that protects a message from being viewed by anyone other than the intended recipient.
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0 SECURITYA condition that occurs when a system or server, for example, is flooded with requests or data, causing its resources to be exhausted and making it inaccessible or unable to function.
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0 SECURITYA location in the SAP Web Application Server ABAP database where you can store certificates belonging to Certification Authorities (CAs).
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0 SECURITYA process of identifying a person or system component, usually as a prerequisite for allowing the person or component access to the system.
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0 SECURITYThe report generated from the Security Audit Log.
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0 SECURITYThe mapping of accounts in different systems to the same principal, so that both systems can communicate about that principal.
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0 SECURITYAn authentication system developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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0 SECURITYThe Kerberos Principal Name identifies a Kerberos user or a Kerberos service.
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0 SECURITYServer used in a Kerberos scenario that authenticates users and issues them their tickets.
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0 SECURITYA keytab file contains a list of Kerberos keys. Keytab files are used to provide Kerberos identities to services (compared to user principals whose keys can be generated from a password at the beginni [..]
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0 SECURITYThe LDAP Connector interface is a collection of function modules with which you can access a directory server using the LDAP Connector. The function modules are geared to the operations available in t [..]
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0 SECURITYIn RBAM, the POP method removes the topmost element from the stack. This happens when the call — for which this element was put onto the stack (PUSH) # is finished.
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0 SECURITYA role defined in a portal.
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0 SECURITYIdentity that the server acts under for a Web service for security purposes. Each WS-Security identity possesses its own WS-Security Personal Security Environment (PSE).
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0 SECURITYPersonal Security Environment (PSE) to use for Web services.
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0 SECURITYA set of criteria for evaluating computer security.
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0 SECURITYTool for centrally consolidating license auditing data.
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0 SECURITYWindows authentication, with which Windows performs a permissible authentication (for example, with NTLM or Kerberos).
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0 SECURITYA user that exists only in the main memory of the application and is not saved as a record in the user data source. This user is created programmatically to fulfill a special purpose in connection wit [..]
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0 SECURITYList of steps that are to be processed during a scan.
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0 SECURITYExecutable program that integrates the virus scanner of a certified vendor using an interface and provides scan services to the application servers of the system as a registered RFC server.
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0 SECURITYA private data network that makes use of the public telecommunication infrastructure and maintains privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol and security procedures.
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0 SECURITYA guest user that exists only in program memory. Such a guest user is created programmatically and is not saved as a user record in the user data source.
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0 SECURITYA security token that is defined in the WS Security standard. It is a mechanism with which the user ID and password can be transported within a SOAP message.
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0 SECURITYService provider in the J2EE Engine that stores user management data such as user and group data.
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0 SECURITYThe name of a system user in an e-mail address format. The user name (or»username») is followed by the «at sign» followed by the name of the Internet domain with which the user is [..]
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0 SECURITYA Java-based user management component that features centralized user management, Single Sign-On (SSO), and secure access to distributed applications.
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0 SECURITYAn instrument representing ownership (stocks), a debt agreement (bonds) or the rights to ownership (derivatives).
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0 SECURITYThe property that will be pledged as collateral for a loan.
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0 SECURITYA security is a charge or mortgage taken on assets [i.e. a house] in order to secure payment of debt. Shadow Director
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0 SECURITYA charge or mortgage over assets taken to secure a payment of a debt. If the debt is not paid, the lender has a right to sell the charged assets. The commonest example is a mortgage over a property.
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0 SECURITYA charge or mortgage over assets taken to secure payments of a debt. If the debt is not paid, the lender has a right to sell the charged assets. Security documents can be very complex. The commonest e [..]
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0 SECURITYA security is a charge or mortgage over assets taken to secure payment of a debt. If the debt is not paid, the lender has a right to sell the charged assets. The commonest example is a mortgage over a [..]
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0 SECURITYProtection from harm. In eCommerce terms, security is ensuring that transactions are not open to fraud. In eCommerce systems, security protocols protect the consumer, the merchant and the bank from ha [..]
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0 SECURITYThe property that will be pledged as collateral for a loan.
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0 SECURITYA security offers protection that an obligation will be met. A developer may be required to post a security, such as a bond or a letter of credit, as a means of recourse should he or she fail to compl [..]
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0 SECURITY24hr desk clerk / security staff; offers assistance to persons who may request accompaniment to their room; offers secure storage facilities for guests’ valuables. Smoke detectors
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0 SECURITY– A document issued by a party acceptable to market participants, offering evidence of ownership of an asset whereby possession of the document signifies ownership. Transfer of ownership requires the presentation or handing over of the security. More generally the term is applied to all shares, debentures, notes, bills, government and semi-gove [..]
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0 SECURITYInstrument that signifies an ownership position in a corporation (a stock), a creditor relationship with a corporation or governmental body (a bond), or rights to ownership (e.g., option).
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0 SECURITYa tradable financial instrument such as a stock, bond or option
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0 SECURITYthe ability of software to operate in a manner that is secure from internal or external attack
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0 SECURITYlang=en 1600s=1678 * »’1678»’ — . »».
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0 SECURITYThe property that will be pledged as collateral for a loan. If the borrower defaults, the lender can sell the collateral to satisfy the debt.
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0 SECURITYproperty pledged to ensure payment of a debt; collateral
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0 SECURITYThe state of being free from danger or threat
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0 SECURITYPiece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments.
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0 SECURITYSecurity is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social gro [..]
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0 SECURITYSecurity is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social gro [..]
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0 SECURITYSecurity is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social gro [..]
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0 SECURITYA security is a tradable financial asset. The term commonly refers to any form of financial instrument, but its legal definition varies by jurisdiction. In some countries and languages the term «secur [..]
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0 SECURITYA security is a tradable financial asset. The term commonly refers to any form of financial instrument, but its legal definition varies by jurisdiction. In some countries and languages the term «secur [..]
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0 SECURITYSecurity is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social gro [..]
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0 SECURITYSecurity is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss, and crime. Airport security