pack [pæk]
1) паке́т, па́чка; свя́зка, ки́па, вьюк
снаряже́ние, вы́кладка, ра́нец
3) (
обыкн. пренебр.
) гру́ппа; ба́нда;
4) (
обыкн. пренебр.
) мно́жество, ма́сса;
5) коло́да ( карт)
коли́чество загото́вленных в тече́ние сезо́на консе́рвов (рыбных, фруктовых)
обёртывание в мо́крые про́стыни
10) простыня́ для обёртывания
1) упако́вывать(ся), запако́вывать(ся), укла́дывать ве́щи; тюкова́ть ( часто pack up)
2) (легко́) укла́дываться, (хорошо́) поддава́ться упако́вке
4) уплотня́ть(ся), ску́чивать(ся)
5) консерви́ровать
носи́ть при себе́ ( оружие
и т.п.
собира́ться ста́ями ( о волках)
9) навью́чивать ( лошадь)
pack off выпрова́живать, прогоня́ть;
прекраща́ть ( работу
и т.п.
в) упако́вывать(ся);
г) умере́ть
to send smb. packing вы́проводить, прогна́ть кого́-л.
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > pack
* * *
- pack
- n
• 1) /vt/ упаковывать; 2) /vt/ наполнять
Англо-русский строительный словарь.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > pack
pack it in
• pack it in / pack it up
to stop or quit doing something
( часто как призыв) прекратить делать что-то
I’m sick and tired of your whining! Pack it in!
English-Russian mini useful dictionary > pack it in
pack it up
• pack it in / pack it up
to stop or quit doing something
( часто как призыв) прекратить делать что-то
I’m sick and tired of your whining! Pack it in!
English-Russian mini useful dictionary > pack it up
pack up
pack up coll. а) упаковывать(ся); б) прекращать (работу и т. п.); If Idon’t find a job soon, I might as well pack up. в) испортиться, выйти из строя(о механизме); Halfway up the hill, the engine packed up. г) умереть
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > pack up
pack it in
pack something in
pack it in
завязать, бросить (перестать делать)
I’ve packed gambling in. I’ve been losing too much money.
She didn’t like her new job at all and was thinking of packing it in.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > pack it in
pack in
pack in а) coll. привлекать в большом количестве; The new music group ispacking the crowds in. б) coll. оставить, отказаться (от работы и т.п.); Shedidn’t like her new job at all and was thinking of packing it in.
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > pack in
Персональный Сократ > pack
Large English-Russian phrasebook > pack
PACK, payload active cooling kit
English-Russian dictionary of program «Mir-Shuttle» > PACK
pack 1. стая; выводок; 2. стадо
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > pack
bonus pack премия в виде скидки с цены disk pack вчт. пакет дисков economy size pack наиболее экономичный размер партии maternity pack набор необходимых для роженицы предметов pack группа; банда; moneyed pack кучка богачей; pack of crooks банда жуликов pack = pack-ice pack вчт. блок pack стр. бутовая кладка pack вьюк pack группа; банда; moneyed pack кучка богачей; pack of crooks банда жуликов pack мед. завертывать в (мокрые) простыни (пациента); pack off выпроваживать, прогонять pack горн. закладка pack заполнять, набивать, переполнять (пространство, with) pack заполнять своими сторонниками (собрание, съезд и т. п.); подбирать состав присяжных (для вынесения противозаконного решения) pack ком. кипа (мера веса) pack кипа pack количество заготовленных в течение сезона консервов (рыбных, фруктовых) pack количество консервов, произведенных в течение сезона pack колода (карт) pack вчт. колода pack консервировать pack консервировать pack множество, масса; pack of lies сплошная ложь pack навьючивать (лошадь) pack пакет, пачка; связка, кипа, вьюк pack вчт. пакет pack пакет pack пачка pack производить консервы pack свора (гончих); стая (волков и т. п.); pack of submarines воен. подразделение подводных лодок pack сворить (гончих) pack связка pack воен. снаряжение, выкладка, ранец pack собираться стаями (о волках) pack мед. тампон pack (легко) укладываться, (хорошо) поддаваться упаковке pack упаковать pack упаковка pack упаковывать(ся), запаковывать(ся), укладывать вещи; тюковать (часто pack up) pack упаковывать pack уплотнять(ся), скучивать(ся) pack up разг. умереть; to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.); to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.); pack it up! груб. (по)придержи язык! pack attr. вьючный pack attr. упаковочный; pack paper оберточная бумага pack up разг. умереть; to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.); to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.); pack it up! груб. (по)придержи язык! pack группа; банда; moneyed pack кучка богачей; pack of crooks банда жуликов pack множество, масса; pack of lies сплошная ложь pack свора (гончих); стая (волков и т. п.); pack of submarines воен. подразделение подводных лодок pack мед. завертывать в (мокрые) простыни (пациента); pack off выпроваживать, прогонять pack attr. упаковочный; pack paper оберточная бумага pack up разг. испортиться, выйти из строя (о механизме) pack up разг. прекращать (работу и т. п.) pack up разг. умереть; to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.); to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.); pack it up! груб. (по)придержи язык! pack up разг. упаковывать(ся) pack = pack-ice pack-ice: pack-ice паковый лед, пак pack up разг. умереть; to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.); to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.); pack it up! груб. (по)придержи язык! send: to pack (smb.) packing (или flying), to pack (smb.) to the rightabout прогнать, выпроводить (кого-л.)
English-Russian short dictionary > pack
имя существительное:
имя прилагательное:
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > pack
1. n тюк; связка, узел; вьюк
2. n пакет; упаковка; кипа
3. n пачка
4. n короб
5. n ком. кипа
6. n воен. снаряжение, выкладка; ранец
7. n свора; стая
8. n группа; кучка
9. n банда
10. n множество, масса
11. n паковый лёд, пак
12. n количество заготовленных за сезон фруктов, овощей; сезонная выработка рыбных и мясных консервов
13. n комплект клёпки
disk pack — пакет дисков, комплект дисков
14. n карт. колода
15. n обёртывание в мокрые простыни
16. n простыня для обёртывания
17. n мед. тампон
18. n косметическая маска из вяжущих веществ
19. n стр. бутовая кладка; набивка
20. n горн. закладка
21. n горн. породная стенка
22. n горн. костёр, заполненный породой
23. n горн. метал. цементирующее средство, карбюризатор
24. n горн. тех. узел, блок
25. n горн. спорт. нападающие
26. v упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи
27. v укладываться
28. v убирать, упаковывать
29. v тюковать
30. v поддаваться упаковке, легко укладываться
31. v заполнять, набивать, переполнять
32. v набиваться, скучиваться
33. v собирать карты в колоду
34. v навьючивать
35. v ехать или идти с багажом; перевозить багаж
36. v разг. таскать, носить при себе
37. v сворить
38. v собираться стаями
39. v укатывать, прикатывать; уплотнять
40. v уплотняться, трамбоваться
41. v затыкать, законопачивать
42. v консервировать
43. v мед. тампонировать
44. v оборачивать, окутывать
45. v мед. завёртывать в мокрые простыни
46. v горн. закладывать выработку
47. v хим. заполнять насадкой, насаживать
48. v заполнять своими сторонниками; создавать численный перевес своих сторонников
49. v тенденциозно подбирать состав присяжных
50. v арх. подтасовывать карты
Синонимический ряд:
1. backpack (noun) backpack; bag; haversack; knapsack; packsack; rucksack
4. group (noun) company; crew; crowd; group; horde; mob; passel; throng
5. much (noun) barrel; bunch; cluster; great deal; heap; lashings; lot; lump; mass; mountain; much; multiplicity; peck; pile; plenty; wealth
7. box (verb) bestow; box; package; store; stow; warehouse
8. carry (verb) bear; buck; carry; convey; ferry; lug; shoulder; tote; transport
10. load (verb) burden; charge; choke; cram; crowd; fill; freight; heap; jam; lade; load; mob; pile; squeeze; stuff
Антонимический ряд:
allot; apportion; disperse; displace; dispose; dissipate; distribute; empty; jumble; loosen; neutralise; open; scatter; sort; strew; unbind
English-Russian base dictionary > pack
1. сущ.
1) а) пакет, пачка;
вьюк, кипа, связка pack paper ≈ оберточная бумага б) воен. выкладка, ранец, снаряжение I hid my money in my pack. ≈ Я спрятал деньги в своем ранце/мешке. в) пачка (сигарет), колода (карт) pack of cards ≈ колода карт г) коммерч. кипа (мера веса)
2) а) масса, множество The club will send a free information pack. ≈ Клуб вышлет бесплатный пакет информации. pack of lies ≈ сплошная ложь Syn: heap б) количество заготовленных в течение сезона консервов (овощных, фруктовых, мясных и т. п.)
3) упаковывание
4) а) свора( гончих) ;
стая( волков и т. п.) wolf pack ≈ стая волков б) группа;
банда, шайка pack of thieves ≈ шайка воров Sol was the leader of the pack. ≈ Сол руководил бандой. moneyed pack ≈ кучка богачей pack of crooks ≈ банда жуликов
5) сжатая, компактная масса;
паковый лед Syn: pack-ice
6) мед. тампон
7) косметическая маска
горн. закладка
9) строит. бутовая кладка
2. гл.
1) а) упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи;
тюковать (часто pack up) to pack papers into an envelope ≈ засунуть бумаги в конверт I’ll go home and pack. ≈ Я пойду домой и уложу вещи. б) упаковывать тщательно, безопасно glasses packed for shipment ≈ стекло, упакованное для отправки по морю в) упаковываться, укладываться
2) (легко) укладываться, (хорошо) поддаваться упаковке a knit dress packs well ≈ вязаное платье хорошо упаковывается
3) консервировать Machines now exist to pack olives in jars. ≈ Теперь есть машины, которые консервируют оливки.
4) а) заполнять, набивать, переполнять (тж. pack out) Fans packed the stadium. ≈ Фанаты заполнили стадион. Thousands of people packed into the mosque. ≈ Тысячи людей набились в мечеть. б) собираться, скопляться Syn: congregate
5) а) сворить (гончих) б) собираться стаями (о волках и т. п.)
6) нагружать;
навьючивать to pack a mule ≈ нагрузить мула
7) перевозить багаж;
передвигаться с багажом
мед. завертывать в мокрые простыни (пациента)
9) мед. тампонировать ∙ pack away pack down pack in pack off pack up pack it up! груб. ≈ (по) придержи язык! pack a thing up
3. прил.
1) упаковочный pack paper ≈ упаковочная бумага Syn: packing
2) вьючный( о животном)
связка, узел;
вьюк пакет;
кипа — a * of books пачка книг пачка — a * of cigarettes пачка сигарет короб( коммерческое) кипа (ка мера) (военное) снаряжение, выкладка;
ранец свора;
стая — a * of hounds свора гончих — a * of wolves стая волков группа;
кучка — a * of schoolboys группа школьников — moneyed * кучка богачей — a * of submarines( военное) (разговорное) подразделение подводных лодок банда — a * of thieves шайка воров множество, масса — a * of lies сплошная ложь паковый лед, пак — arctic * арктический лед — close * сплошной паковый лед количество заготовленных за сезон фруктов, овощей;
сезонная выработка рыбных и мясных консервов комплект клепки (карточное) колода (медицина) обертывание в мокрые простыни (медицина) простыня для обертывания (медицина) тампон косметическая маска из вяжущих веществ (строительство) бутовая кладка;
набивка( горное) закладка;
породная стенка;
костер, заполненный породой цементирующее средство, карбюризатор( техническое) набивка (сальника), уплотнение( техническое) узел, блок( спортивное) нападающие (в регби) > to keep ahead of the * in smth. опережать других в чем-либо упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи — to * furniture упаковывать мебель — to * clothes into a trunk укладывать платье в чемодан — to * a trunk with clothes укладывать чемодан укладываться (тж. * up) — let’s better * today давайте лучше уложимся сегодня — to * one’s bags собраться, подготовиться к отъезду убирать, упаковывать (тж. * away) — * away your books, it’s time for break убирайте книги, перерыв! тюковать поддаваться упаковке, легко укладываться (тж. * up) консервировать заполнять, набивать, переполнять (тж. * out) — the audience *ed the theatre зрители заполнили театр — the harbour was *ed with craft гавань была забита судами — the book is *ed with facts книга насыщена фактами — a passage *ed with meaning важный абзац набиваться, скучиваться (тж. * up) — people were *ed up like sardines народу набилось как сельдей в бочке — people were *ed in tents людей разместили по палаткам собирать карты в колоду навьючивать (лошадь) ехать или идти с багажом;
перевозить багаж — it isn’t fun to * along the trail не очень-то весело тащиться с тяжелым багажом (разговорное) таскать, носить при себе — to * a watch носить часы — to * a gun носить при себе оружие — I had to * my hat in my hand мне пришлось таскать шляпу в руке (сленг) наносить сильный удар;
быть в состоянии нанести удар сворить (гончих) собираться стаями (о волках, птицах) укатывать, прикатывть;
уплотнять — ice was *ed лед был очень плотным уплотняться, трамбоваться — sand *s and becomes hard песок уплотняется и становится твердым затыкать, законопачивать — to * a leaking joint законопатить течь, вогнать набивку в паз консервировать (мясо, фрукты) (медицина) тампонировать оборачивать, окутывать — to * a joint of a water-pipe уплотнить соединение водопроводной трубы( медицина) завертывать (пациента) в мокрые простыни (горное) закладывать выработку (химическое) заполнять насадкой, насаживать > to * on all sail идти на всех парусах > to * a big punch( военное) (жаргон) нести мощное вооружение, обладать большой мощностью заполнять своими сторонниками (собрание) ;
создавать численный перевес своих сторонников (на собрании) тенденциозно подбирать состав присяжных (для вынесения противозаконного решения) (устаревшее) подтасовывать карты
bonus ~ премия в виде скидки с цены
disk ~ вчт. пакет дисков
economy size ~ наиболее экономичный размер партии
maternity ~ набор необходимых для роженицы предметов
~ группа;
moneyed pack кучка богачей;
pack of crooks банда жуликов
pack = pack-ice ~ вчт. блок ~ стр. бутовая кладка ~ вьюк ~ группа;
moneyed pack кучка богачей;
pack of crooks банда жуликов ~ мед. завертывать в (мокрые) простыни (пациента) ;
pack off выпроваживать, прогонять ~ горн. закладка ~ заполнять, набивать, переполнять (пространство, with) ~ заполнять своими сторонниками (собрание, съезд и т. п.) ;
подбирать состав присяжных (для вынесения противозаконного решения) ~ ком. кипа (мера веса) ~ кипа ~ количество заготовленных в течение сезона консервов (рыбных, фруктовых) ~ количество консервов, произведенных в течение сезона ~ колода (карт) ~ вчт. колода ~ консервировать ~ консервировать ~ множество, масса;
pack of lies сплошная ложь ~ навьючивать (лошадь) ~ пакет, пачка;
связка, кипа, вьюк ~ вчт. пакет ~ пакет ~ пачка ~ производить консервы ~ свора (гончих) ;
стая (волков и т. п.) ;
pack of submarines воен. подразделение подводных лодок ~ сворить (гончих) ~ связка ~ воен. снаряжение, выкладка, ранец ~ собираться стаями (о волках) ~ мед. тампон ~ (легко) укладываться, (хорошо) поддаваться упаковке ~ упаковать ~ упаковка ~ упаковывать(ся), запаковывать(ся), укладывать вещи;
тюковать (часто pack up) ~ упаковывать ~ уплотнять(ся), скучивать(ся)
~ up разг. умереть;
to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать( кого-л.) ;
to pack a thing up покончить( с чем-л.) ;
pack it up! груб. (по) придержи язык!
~ attr. вьючный ~ attr. упаковочный;
pack paper оберточная бумага
~ up разг. умереть;
to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.) ;
to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.) ;
pack it up! груб. (по) придержи язык!
~ группа;
moneyed pack кучка богачей;
pack of crooks банда жуликов
~ множество, масса;
pack of lies сплошная ложь
~ свора (гончих) ;
стая (волков и т. п.) ;
pack of submarines воен. подразделение подводных лодок
~ мед. завертывать в (мокрые) простыни (пациента) ;
pack off выпроваживать, прогонять
~ attr. упаковочный;
pack paper оберточная бумага
~ up разг. испортиться, выйти из строя( о механизме) ~ up разг. прекращать( работу и т. п.) ~ up разг. умереть;
to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.) ;
to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.) ;
pack it up! груб. (по) придержи язык! ~ up разг. упаковывать(ся)
pack = pack-ice pack-ice: pack-ice паковый лед, пак
~ up разг. умереть;
to send (smb.) packing выпроводить, прогнать (кого-л.) ;
to pack a thing up покончить (с чем-л.) ;
pack it up! груб. (по) придержи язык! send: to ~ (smb.) packing (или flying), to ~ (smb.) to the rightabout прогнать, выпроводить (кого-л.)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > pack
2) пачка; пакет
6) компоновать; собирать
9) горн. бутовая [породная] полоса
10) забутовка || забучивать
12) эл. портативный источник питания
13) парашютный ранец, парашютная сумка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > pack
1. I
2) wolves pack волки и т.д. собираются стаями
2. II
1) pack in some manner pack quickly быстро и т.д. укладываться /упаковываться, собирать вещи/; I can’t pack at a moment’s notice я не могу так вдруг взять и собраться [мне нужно время]; pack at some time as we start early tomorrow, we’d better pack today так как мы уезжаем /выезжаем/ завтра рано утром, нам лучше уложиться сегодня; you’d better begin packing at ‘once вам бы лучше сразу же начать укладываться; I am going to pack now я иду укладывать вещи
2) pack in some manner pack well хорошо и т.д. поддаваться упаковке; а tent that packs easily палатка, которая легко убирается /складывается/
3) pack in some manner pack readily легко уплотняться; wet snow packs easily мокрый снег легко уплотняется; the snow had packed hard снег слежался
3. III
pack smth.
1) pack furniture упаковывать мебель и т.д.; pack a suitcase укладывать чемодан и т.д.; pack my box, please пожалуйста, уложите /упакуйте/ мой ящик
2) pack a room заполнять /переполнять/ комнату и т.д.; the audience packed the theatre зрители заполнили театр; the passengers packed the railway carriage пассажиры набились в /переполнили/ вагон
3) coll. pack a gun носить при себе оружие, быть вооруженным; pack a watch носить часы
4) USA pack meat консервировать мясо и т.д.
4. IV
pack smth. in some manner pack smth. quickly быстро и т.д. упаковывать что-л.; pack smth. at some time pack your things at once сразу же упакуйте свои вещи; have you packed your hooks yet? вы уже уложили свои книги?
5. XI
1) be packed in some manner all my things are securely packed все мои вещи надежно упакованы /уложены/; be pack at some time have the goods been packed yet? товары уже упакованы?; be packed in smth. your papers can be packed in a trunk when travelling на время путешествия ваши бумаги /материалы/ можно уложить в чемодан; the glasses were packed in straw рюмки были упакованы в солому; the meat comes packed in polythene bags мясо поступает расфасованным в полиэтиленовые пакеты; be packed for smth. all the salmon was packed for the market вся лососина была приготовлена для отправки на рынок
2) be packed the bus was packed автобус был битком набит; be packed in some manner be closely packed быть тесно набитым /забитым/ ; the train was really packed поезд был битком набит; be packed to capacity быть полностью /до отказа/ заполненным; be packed into smth. several hundred men were packed into the boat пароход был набит сотнями людей; they were packed into one small room они набились в одну небольшую комнату; the leading facts of his career can easily be packed into a few sentences основные вехи его жизненного пути можно уложить в несколько фраз; be packed like smth. be packed like herrings /like sardines/ [in a box] быть набитым, как сельди в бочке; be packed with smb., smth. the car was packed with passengers вагон был набит пассажирами; the cinema was packed with children кинотеатр был заполнен детьми; the harbour was packed with craft гавань была забита судами; the box was packed with books ящик был набит книгами; the book is packed with facts книга насыщена фактами: this article is packed with interesting facts в этой статье содержится множество интересных фактов, эта статья изобилует интересными фактами; his mind is packed with information у него в голове полно сведений
3) be packed ice was packed лед был сплочен в сплошную массу, это был паковый лед
4) be packed in smth. meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are often packed in cans мясо, рыбу, фрукты и овощи часто консервируют [в банках]
6. XVI
2) pack into smth. pack into the train набиваться /битком заполнять/ поезд и т.д.; crowds were packing into the cinemas толпы людей переполнили кинотеатры; they packed into the car они втиснулись в машину; it began to rain and people packed into the cafe начался дождь и люди набились в кафе; pack round smb. they packed round the speaker они тесной толпой стояли /столпились/ вокруг оратора
7. ХХI1
1)pack smth. in smth. pack things into one’s bag укладывать вещи в сумку и т.д,; pack perfume in an elegant container налить духи в изящный флакон; pack smth. in straw упаковывать что-л. в солому и т.д., обертывать /обкладывать/ что-л. соломой и т.д. ; pack smth. for smth. pack goods for export упаковывать товары для экспорта и т.д.; pack smth. with smth. pack a bag with clothes укладывать одежду в чемодан
2)pack smb. into smth. pack people into a room набить людьми комнату и т.д.; pack people into an already overcrowded bus сажать людей в автобус, который и без того переполнен; pack smth. with smb. pack a carriage with passengers забивать вагоны пассажирами; pack smth. into smth. pack useful information into one volume включить /поместить, втиснуть/ полезные /нужные/ сведения в один том и т.д.; the introduction packs a great deal of information into a small space небольшое по объему введение вмещает массу информации
3) pack smth. in smth. pack meat in cans консервировать мясо и т.д. [в банках]
pack smth.
1) pack a meeting заполнять своими сторонниками собрание и т.д.
2) pack a jury тенденциозно подбирать состав присяжных и т.д.
English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > pack
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > pack
3) масса, множество; куча
а) свора; стая
группа; банда, шайка
Sol was the leader of the pack. — Сол был главой банды.
выкладка, ранец, снаряжение
I hid my money in my pack. — Я спрятал деньги в своем ранце.
Food and gear should be put in a pack. — Еду и одежду нужно упаковать в рюкзак.
набор из нескольких светочувствительных плёнок или пластин
11) косметическая маска
In many schools of beauty, the pupils are taught to sponge the face with hot water before applying the pack. (M. Verni) — Во многих школах красоты ученикам рассказывают, что следует протирать лицо горячей водой перед тем, как накладывать маску.
а) упаковывать, запаковывать
б) упаковывать, собирать
It’s going to rain — we’d better pack away our things and go indoors. — Собирается дождь, нам лучше всё собрать и зайти в дом.
Pack away your books, it’s time for break. — Складывайте учебники, перемена!
в) упаковываться, укладываться; укладывать вещи
I’ll go home and pack. — Я пойду домой и уложу вещи.
г) (легко) укладываться, (хорошо) поддаваться упаковке
Machines now exist to pack olives in jars. — Теперь есть машины, которые консервируют оливки.
а) заполнять, набивать, переполнять
Fans packed the stadium. — Фанаты заполнили стадион.
Thousands of people packed into the mosque. — Тысячи людей набились в мечеть.
б) собираться; скапливаться, накапливаться
5) нагружать; навьючивать
а) перевозить багаж; передвигаться с багажом
б) иметь в качестве снаряжения, располагать
прекратить, остановиться
Why don’t you pack in, before you kill yourself. (M. Lampell) — Почему бы тебе не остановиться до того, как ты убьёшь себя?
— pack down
— pack in
— pack off
— pack up
to send smb. packing — выпроводить, прогнать кого-л.
близкий, тесный, доверительный
Англо-русский современный словарь > pack
1. 1) тюк; связка, узел; вьюк
2) пакет; упаковка; кипа
3) пачка
снаряжение, выкладка; ранец
3. свора; стая
a pack of wolves [of grouse] — стая волков [куропаток]
4. 1) группа; кучка
2) банда
5. множество, масса
a pack of lies [of nonsense] — сплошная ложь [-ой вздор]
6. паковый лёд, пак
7. количество заготовленных за сезон фруктов, овощей; сезонная выработка рыбных и мясных консервов
8. комплект клёпки
1) обёртывание в мокрые простыни
2) простыня для обёртывания
12. косметическая маска из вяжущих веществ
бутовая кладка; набивка
1) закладка
2) породная стенка
3) костёр, заполненный породой
цементирующее средство, карбюризатор
16. = packing 2, 2)
to keep ahead of the pack in smth. — опережать других в чём-л.
1. 1) упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи
to pack furniture [goods] — упаковывать мебель [товары]
to pack clothes into a trunk — укладывать платье /вещи/ в чемодан
2) укладываться (
pack up)
to pack one’s bags — собраться, подготовиться к отъезду
3) убирать, упаковывать (
pack away)
pack away your books, it’s time for break — убирайте книги, перерыв!
4) тюковать
2. поддаваться упаковке, легко укладываться (
pack up)
3. консервировать
4. заполнять, набивать, переполнять (
pack out)
the audience [passengers] packed the theatre [the railway carriage] — зрители [пассажиры] заполнили театр [вагон]
5. набиваться, скучиваться (
pack up)
people were packed in tents — людей разместили /распихали/ по палаткам
6. собирать карты в колоду
8. ехать идти с багажом; перевозить багаж
it isn’t fun to pack along the trail — не очень-то весело тащиться с тяжёлым багажом
таскать, носить при себе
наносить сильный удар; быть в состоянии нанести удар
12. собираться стаями ()
13. 1) укатывать, прикатывать; уплотнять
2) уплотняться, трамбоваться
14. 1) затыкать, законопачивать
to pack a leaking joint — законопатить течь, вогнать набивку в паз
2) консервировать ()
16. 1) оборачивать, окутывать
to pack a joint of a water-pipe — уплотнить соединение водопроводной трубы
завёртывать () в мокрые простыни
закладывать выработку
заполнять насадкой, насаживать
to pack on all sail — идти на всех парусах
to pack a big punch — жарг. нести мощное вооружение, обладать большой мощностью
1. 1) заполнять своими сторонниками (); создавать численный перевес своих сторонников ()
2) тенденциозно подбирать состав присяжных ()
НБАРС > pack
Recent Examples on the Web
Might and Magic 6-pack Limited Edition Enlarge / Might and Magic 4+5: World of Xeen.
—Chuong Nguyen And Samuel Axon, Ars Technica, 24 Mar. 2023
Among the choices for buyers are single- or dual-motor configurations with two battery-pack options with a maximum range of 361 miles.
—Car and Driver, 24 Mar. 2023
At the heart of all of Bowlus’s electric travel trailers is a power management system that pairs a lithium-ion battery pack (which the company has been using since 2016) with solar panels that can push capacity up to 17kWh.
—Bryan Hood, Robb Report, 21 Mar. 2023
Also on sale today: a 1TB internal solid-state drive, 75-inch 4K UHD smart TV, four-pack of Apple AirTag trackers, and a gaming video card.
—Stephanie Mlot, PCMAG, 20 Mar. 2023
There’s the smaller 66 kWh pack (63 kWh usable) that’s available on front-wheel-drive vehicles with 216 miles of range, according to the EPA.
—Roberto Baldwin, The Verge, 20 Mar. 2023
Taylor Swift’s surprise four-pack should have an immediate impact on the U.K. singles chart.
—Lars Brandle, Billboard, 20 Mar. 2023
Best of all, this bag converts into a pack-n-play for babies on the go.
—Jeff Bogle, Good Housekeeping, 19 Mar. 2023
Amazon shoppers are in agreement that this top is a must-pack item.
—Rachel Simon, Travel + Leisure, 19 Mar. 2023
In addition to beautiful scenery, Sedona is packed with spas and wellness offerings.
—Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 4 Apr. 2023
The book is packed with references to insights shared with her by unnamed justices.
—Quinta Jurecic, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023
Plus, the top 10 of the Billboard 200 is packed with debuts, as the latest albums from Lana Del Rey, Luke Combs and Fall Out Boy all arrive in the region.
—Keith Caulfield, Billboard, 4 Apr. 2023
The items being packed, from drones to rifle scopes to satellite telephones, have been bought for them by members of the public.
—Dominique Soguel, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 Apr. 2023
The club was packed.
—Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 3 Apr. 2023
The Club was packed.
—Thania Garcia, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023
Wayfair’s Five Days of Deals, which kicked off on March 31, is packed with thousands of discounts on everything from outdoor furniture to gardening accessories to bedding.
—Toni Sutton, Peoplemag, 1 Apr. 2023
From late summer to fall the roads of the state’s growing regions are packed with trucks filled with 50,000 pounds of tomatoes and the air is redolent of tomatoes being canned at local processing plants.
—Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2023
BJ McLeod Motorsports became a staple in Nascar’s version of Triple-A, and it’s seen as a place where drivers can earn their first major shot to compete in mid-pack equipment.
—Joseph Wolkin, Forbes, 28 Oct. 2021
Velociraptors were pack animals, that much is clear.
—Robin George Andrews, Discover Magazine, 14 June 2015
The service said that anyone who needs to be outside should dress in layers, cover as much of their skin as possible and pack winter safety kits in their vehicles.
—Daniel Arkin, NBC News, 26 Dec. 2022
The multi-pack set includes two small, two medium, and one large cube.
—Annie Burdick, Peoplemag, 12 Aug. 2022
Fans go wild for Magnolia Bakery’s banana pudding — so much so that popular bakery chain had released a pudding multi-pack, available to ship coast to coast.
—Dave Quinn, Peoplemag, 5 Aug. 2022
Pricing starts at $54,795 for an LS model, although our favorite is the mid-pack RST trim, which can be fitted with the diesel engine as well as four-wheel drive.
—Nicholas Wallace, Car and Driver, 29 Mar. 2022
The result is more pack-style racing, with the drafting in practice looking eerily similar to restrictor-plate traffic jams at Daytona or Talladega.
—Mark Heim | Mheim@al.com, al, 20 Mar. 2022
Flatlock seams mean no irritation under pack shoulder straps.
—Lisa Jhung, Outside Online, 30 July 2020
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘pack.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
A pack of cards; the expression was very common; _deck_, five lines lower, was often used for _pack_. ❋ William Carew Hazlitt (1873)
‘No, not stunning _pack_,’ growled Jack, ‘_splendid_ pack — «this splendid pack had a stunning run.»‘ ❋ Robert Smith Surtees (1833)
Next, Canetti goes back to tribal cultures to explore what he calls the pack, which is a more primitive form of the crowd. ❋ Phillips, William (1963)
The most important element separating this game from the pack is the magic Bioware brings to the table. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The leader of this pack is also played by Jagdeep himself. ❋ Unknown (2008)
But what really separates Serena from the pack is the «Sampras special» — namely, a really sick first serve and a second serve from God. ❋ Unknown (2003)
For the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. ❋ Unknown (1936)
Also, the strong current which sets east out of Lancaster Sound carried with it mile upon mile of what they call pack-ice — rough ice that has not frozen into fields; and this pack was bombarding the floe at the same time that the swell and heave of the storm-worked sea was weakening and undermining it. ❋ Rudyard Kipling (1900)
Basso and Armstrong’s Astana teammate Levi Leipheimer each finished 13 seconds behind the main pack, losing time when the group was split by a crash with a few miles remaining. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Her mother†™ s eyes flicked to the video, and then to Rose. “Your pack is ready, you can go. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Stefano Garzelli attacked on the first climb and gained a 6: 25 lead over the main pack at Sestriere. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Talented drivers like Hamilton and Alonso in fast cars making their way through the pack is likely to produce a spectacle, but how do we do this in a fair and consistent fashion? ❋ Unknown (2010)
The difference between a good pack and a great pack is revealed after only 1 mile. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Leading the pack is Texas where more than 50 schools are teaching the course this fall, according to data from the Bible Literacy Project, which publishes The Bible and Its Influence, a textbook designed for public schools ❋ Unknown (2009)
Heck a good fanny pack is $100 bucks anymore. $150 for a good fullsize pack sounds like a bargin to me. ❋ Unknown (2009)
At the pub, Marlboros were 5 POUNDS per pack from the vending machine (yes, they still have cigarrette vending machines over there too). ❋ Unknown (2009)
And that backpack pack is over twenty years old, all the zippers work, and it has no tears. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Snow pack is not in decline for one but the idea that isolating drought years is anything but cherry picking is pure manipulation. ❋ Unknown (2009)
[Buyer]: You doin any good over there?
[Dealer]: Yeah, I just picked up [a five] pack of kill. ❋ Tru-damie (2006)
«I got the new [bag] of [pot] so you can [pack it]» ❋ Monica Catherine Zummer (2005)
[yoo] , i’m ‘ bout to pack you with that [dingy] ass [aeropostale] shirt on ❋ Kay . (2011)
Say to the [dealer]: «[I need] 2 [packs].» ❋ K8ball (2005)
[Damn]! [That shit] got [packed]! ❋ Vromin Chuck (2004)
He just [packed] [your ass].
I’m about to pack you.
She packed [the shit out of] you!
(say some kind of insult) ❋ Big Deuce (2008)
Person 1: Hey man give a [repack] that shits too loose.
Person 2: Alright ill use [the knee] [method]. ❋ Ames Hill (2007)
«[ill] pack you» ❋ Fsgshha (2022)
[weedhead]/homeboy—whats up my nig
hustla—shit whats good
weedhead/homeboy—you might as well [smoke one] wit yo boy you got a whole PACK
hustla—shit cop one i’ll match
weedhead/homeboy—alright thats what up you got [the blunts] ❋ Dmoe (2005)
Say [one more] [word] and I’ll [fuckin’] pack you. ❋ 23 <3 (2019)
Defenition of the word pack
- A bundle made up and prepared to be carried.
- To arrange in a container.
- To press tightly together or cram.
- hike with a backpack
- a large indefinite number; «a battalion of ants»; «a multitude of TV antennas»
- have with oneself; have on one’s person; «She always takes an umbrella»; «I always carry money»; «She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains»
- an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
- an association of criminals; «police tried to break up the gang»; «a pack of thieves»
- crowd or pack to capacity; «the theater was jampacked»
- a small parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
- a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
- a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect
- a complete collection of similar things
- a group of hunting animals
- carry, as on one’s back; «Pack your tents to the top of the mountain»
- arrange in a container; «pack the books into the boxes»
- seal with packing; «pack the faucet»
- fill to capacity; «This singer always packs the concert halls»; «They murder trial packed the court house»
- set up a committee or legislative body with one’s own supporters so as to influence the outcome; «pack a jury»
- compress into a wad; «wad paper into the box»
- a cream that cleanses and tones the skin
- load with a pack
- press down tightly; «tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso»
- press tightly together or cram; «The crowd packed the auditorium»
- a large indefinite number; «a battalion of ants»; «a multitude of TV antennas»; «a plurality of religions»
- treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood; «The nurse packed gauze in the wound»; «You had better pack your swol
- carry, as on one»s back; «Pack your tents to the top of the mountain»
- have the property of being packable or compactable or of compacting easily; «This powder compacts easily»; «Such odd-shaped items do not pack well»
- hike with a backpack; «Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies»
- set up a committee or legislative body with one»s own supporters so as to influence the outcome; «pack a jury»
- have with oneself; have on one»s person; «She always takes an umbrella»; «I always carry money»; «She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains»
- a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
- an association of criminals
- a large indefinite number
- treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood
- carry, as on one’s back
- arrange in a container
- compress into a wad
- have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
- seal with packing
- press down tightly
- press tightly together or cram
- fill to capacity
- set up a committee or legislative body with one’s own supporters so as to influence the outcome
- have with oneself; have on one’s person
Synonyms for the word pack
- backpack
- bag
- battalion
- bunch
- bundle
- camp
- carry
- chock up
- clique
- collection
- compact
- coterie
- cram
- crowd
- day-sack
- drove
- face pack
- fill
- flock
- gang
- group
- haversack
- herd
- horde
- ingroup
- inner circle
- jam
- jampack
- large number
- load down
- mob
- multitude
- pile
- press
- push
- quantity
- ram
- ring
- rucksack
- set
- stuff
- take
- tamp
- tamp down
- throng
- wad
Similar words in the pack
- bundle off
- pack
- pack’s
- package
- package’s
- packages
- packard
- packard’s
- packer
- packer’s
- packers
- packet
- packet’s
Meronymys for the word pack
- Canis familiaris
- dog
- domestic dog
- gangdom
- gangland
- gangster
- hound
- hound dog
- mobster
- organized crime
Hyponyms for the word pack
- bag
- Bloomsbury Group
- bohemia
- brain trust
- bundle
- bundle up
- cabal
- camarilla
- containerise
- containerize
- deck
- deck of cards
- disc pack
- disk pack
- faction
- galere
- hard core
- junta
- junto
- kitchen cabinet
- loop
- maffia
- mafia
- military junta
- nest
- pack of cards
- puddle
- rogue’s gallery
- roll up
- sect
- stow
- wolf pack
- youth gang
Hypernyms for the word pack
- accumulation
- aggregation
- animal group
- appoint
- arrange
- assemblage
- association
- band
- be
- bundle
- care for
- carry
- case
- circle
- collection
- compact
- compress
- constitute
- corrective
- crowd
- crowd together
- draw together
- encase
- feature
- fill
- fill up
- have
- hike
- incase
- lade
- laden
- large indefinite amount
- large indefinite quantity
- load
- load up
- lot
- make full
- name
- nominate
- pack together
- package
- parcel
- restorative
- seal
- seal off
- set
- set up
- sheaf
- stuff
- transport
- treat
Antonyms for the word pack
- take out
- unpack
See other words
- What is michael
- The definition of ofen
- The interpretation of the word mexikaner
- What is meant by nymphomanin
- The lexical meaning nymphomanie
- The dictionary meaning of the word nutzung
- The grammatical meaning of the word nutte
- Meaning of the word metier
- Literal and figurative meaning of the word pc
- The origin of the word quadratzahl
- Synonym for the word korallenhalsband
- Antonyms for the word qual
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- Translation of the word in other languages quark
Other forms: packed; packing; packs
A pack is a container of something, especially one made of sturdy paper. You might run to the store for a pack of batteries for your new clock and a pack of crayons for your new coloring book.
As a noun, pack might seem like a shortened form of package, but it actually comes from a Germanic root that means «bundle.» You can also use this word to mean «group of animals» or «group of criminals,» while the verb pack means «fill a bag for a trip.» You might pack a pack of cards when you travel across the country by train, since you’ll have a lot of hours to fill.
Definitions of pack
a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
arrange in a container
“pack the books into the boxes”
have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
“Such odd-shaped items do not
pack well”-
bundle, compact, wad
compress into a wad
see moresee less-
type of:
have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)
bundle, compact, wad
bundle, compact, wad
have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
press tightly together or cram
“The crowd
packed the auditorium”-
jam, mob, pile, throng
“This singer always
packs the concert halls”“The murder trial
packed the court house” -
a complete collection of similar things
a large indefinite number
a group of hunting animals
an association of criminals
pack of thieves”-
gang, mob, ring
see moresee less-
a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality
youth gang
a gang whose members are teenagers
sleeper nest
a nest of sleepers awaiting a prearranged signal
type of:
a formal organization of people or groups of people
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
camp, clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle
see moresee less-
- show 16 types…
- hide 16 types…
Bloomsbury Group
an inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around Bloomsbury early in the 20th century and were noted for their unconventional lifestyles
a group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style
brain trust, kitchen cabinet
an inner circle of unofficial advisors to the head of a government
an inner circle of advisors (especially under President Reagan)
cabal, camarilla, faction, junto
a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
junta, military junta
a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power
maffia, mafia
any tightly knit group of trusted associates
faction, sect
a dissenting clique
galere, rogue’s gallery
a coterie of undesirable people
hard core
the most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or movement
splinter group
a faction or sect that has broken away from its parent organization
left, left wing
those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare
right, right wing
those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged
old guard
a faction that is unwilling to accept new ideas
pro-choice faction
those who argue that the decision to have an induced abortion should be made by the mother
pro-life faction
those who argue that induced abortion is killing and should be prohibited
type of:
band, circle, lot, set
an unofficial association of people or groups
treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood
“The nurse
packed gauze in the wound”“You had better
pack your swollen ankle with ice” -
a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect
a cream that cleanses and tones the skin
have with oneself; have on one’s person
carry, take
have or possess something abstract
carry, as on one’s back
“Pack your tents to the top of the mountain”
hike with a backpack
a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
set up a committee or legislative body with one’s own supporters so as to influence the outcome
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Stress is never a given. There are people who get divorced amicably. There are people who pack up and move with no emotional toll. There is no stressor ‘out there’ in the world. We experience stress — or we don’t — depending on what we believe.
Andrew J. Bernstein
Related to Middle Low German pak, of obscure origin.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.
Pack is a verb and can also act as a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.
See the conjugation of the verb pack in English.
Pack may refer to: ▪ Backpack ▪ Pack, family structure of wild animals of the biological family Canidae ▪ Pack hunter, other animals that hunt in a group ▪ Cub scouts group, or a group or gang in a larger sense, as in Leader of the Pack. ▪ Playing cards pack ▪ Cigarette pack ▪ Expansion pack, a video game needing another one to be played ▪ Pack, P.A.C.K, a kit containing an air cycle machine that provides air conditioning as part of an aircraft’s environmental control system ▪ Peloton ▪ Moving company, an organization that loads goods into containers and then transports them ▪ Tourism ▪ pack, a UNIX utility to compress files using Huffman encoding…
Definition of pack in the English dictionary
The first definition of pack in the dictionary is a bundle or load, esp one carried on the back. Other definition of pack is a collected amount of anything. Pack is also a complete set of similar things, esp a set of 52 playing cards.
I pack
you pack
he/she/it packs
we pack
you pack
they pack
Present continuous
I am packing
you are packing
he/she/it is packing
we are packing
you are packing
they are packing
Present perfect
I have packed
you have packed
he/she/it has packed
we have packed
you have packed
they have packed
Present perfect continuous
I have been packing
you have been packing
he/she/it has been packing
we have been packing
you have been packing
they have been packing
Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.
I packed
you packed
he/she/it packed
we packed
you packed
they packed
Past continuous
I was packing
you were packing
he/she/it was packing
we were packing
you were packing
they were packing
Past perfect
I had packed
you had packed
he/she/it had packed
we had packed
you had packed
they had packed
Past perfect continuous
I had been packing
you had been packing
he/she/it had been packing
we had been packing
you had been packing
they had been packing
Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,
I will pack
you will pack
he/she/it will pack
we will pack
you will pack
they will pack
Future continuous
I will be packing
you will be packing
he/she/it will be packing
we will be packing
you will be packing
they will be packing
Future perfect
I will have packed
you will have packed
he/she/it will have packed
we will have packed
you will have packed
they will have packed
Future perfect continuous
I will have been packing
you will have been packing
he/she/it will have been packing
we will have been packing
you will have been packing
they will have been packing
The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.
I would pack
you would pack
he/she/it would pack
we would pack
you would pack
they would pack
Conditional continuous
I would be packing
you would be packing
he/she/it would be packing
we would be packing
you would be packing
they would be packing
Conditional perfect
I would have pack
you would have pack
he/she/it would have pack
we would have pack
you would have pack
they would have pack
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been packing
you would have been packing
he/she/it would have been packing
we would have been packing
you would have been packing
they would have been packing
Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.
you pack
we let´s pack
you pack
The imperative is used to form commands or requests.
Present Participle
Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.
Synonyms and antonyms of pack in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «pack» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «pack» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of pack to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of pack from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «pack» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
पॅक करा
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of pack
The term «pack» is very widely used and occupies the 2.074 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «pack» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of pack
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «pack».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «pack» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «pack» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about pack
Famous quotes and sentences with the word pack.
They couldn’t wait to get me out. My dad found my place, my mom helped me pack, and my brother was making architectural plans for my bedroom. It was just what you do at 18.
Let me go over this again on the reclaiming the civil rights movement. People of faith that believe that you have an equal right to justice — that is the essence. And if it’s not the essence, then we’ve been sold a pack of lies. The essence is everyone deserves a shot — the content of character, not the color of skin.
I like to do a movie, to be on it 8, 10 weeks. It evolves as you’re working on it. Little things come to you every day. It’s a slow process, and when you have to pack it into a short period of time, which you do for television, the experience is not one that I cherish. So if it’s going to be television, it’s really got to be the right thing.
Stress is never a given. There are people who get divorced amicably. There are people who pack up and move with no emotional toll. There is no stressor ‘out there’ in the world. We experience stress — or we don’t — depending on what we believe.
I’m a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes.
I think the thinking is, in the comic books, I should pack as much onto a page as possible, because, you know, it’s kind of the cheaper format, and you want to give readers as much as you can for their dollar.
You can train and train until you are blue in the face, but you’ve got to diet, you’ve got to have that leanness because if you are not lean, your abs won’t show. Of course, the training has to be put in, but then you’ve to shed all the fat and keep the fat off. And that’s how you get an eight pack.
I would hate to be a new artist or writer in town today. But somehow the cream continues to rise. If there’s one who’s great, he just jumps out of the pack like you can’t believe.
Most human beings have enough sense to know that if they work in a city that has a serious smog problem, it’s wise to either stay indoors or at least wear a mask that will filter out the poison. But cigarette smokers have their own little concentrated toxic smog pack that they don’t avoid.
The more you travel, the better you get at it. It sounds silly, but with experience you learn how to pack the right way. I remember one of my first trips abroad, travelling around Europe by rail, fresh out of high school. I brought all these books with me and a paint set. I really had too much stuff, so I’ve learnt to be more economical.
Discover the use of pack in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to pack and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Explains how to take charge of a dog, why hitting a canine is futile, the right ways to walk a dog, how to feed a food-aggressive dog, and other helpful tips for canine owners.
Her body. Her strength. That new thing she’s doing with the snarling. Even her best friends are starting to wonder what’s going on with her. But this is only the beginning. Sara’s about to find out her life was meant for so much more.
Wolf Pack: The Story of the U-Boat in World War II
In this comprehensive book, the wartime development of the U-Boat is traced along with the experiences of typical U-Boat crewmen, from recruitment to combat.
Bestselling author Cesar Millan takes his principles of dog psychology a step further, showing you how to develop the calm-assertive energy of a successful pack leader and use it to improve your dog’s life – and your own.
A Pack of Lies: Towards a Sociology of Lying
Defining lies as statements that are intended to deceive, this book considers the contexts in which people tell lies, how they are detected and sometimes exposed, and the consequences for the liars themselves, their dupes, and the wider …
John Arundel Barnes, 1994
Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Aia) Foundation …
This book is written in simple, easy to understand format with lots of screenshots and step-by-step explanations.
Hariharan V. Ganesarethinam, 2012
A young wolf, taken from her pack in Canada to Yellowstone National Park, struggles alone to master the skills of hunting and survival until she finds a lone male and begins a new pack with him.
Fifteen years after being rescued from a fire and taken in by a forest ranger, four teenage siblings must face kidnapping and possible exposure of their abilitity to change into wolves.
Child Is Born (10-Pack)
Discover God’s Word through these fun activity books. Each Pencil Fun Book contains a Bible story. As the story unfolds, colour over the white areas to find what is missing.
More! Level 4 Teacher’s Resource Pack with Testbuilder …
MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that’s bursting with features for lower secondary students.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term pack is used in the context of the following news items.
All Blacks ‘long way’ ahead of chasing pack — Cheika
Australia coach Michael Cheika has moved quickly to dampen expectations of a long-awaited upset of the All Blacks, saying the world … «SuperSport, Jul 15»
KBB holds “Pick It Up, Pack It Out” event
Participants waved signs that read: “pick it up, pack it out,” to motorists passing by at the intersection of State Road 520 and Highway A1A in … «Florida Today, Jul 15»
Enviable artistry on view in Post: Ballet’s ‘Six Pack‘ program
The title of Post: Ballet’s latest dance anthology concert may refer to the age of the company. It may allude to the number of dances on the … «SFGate, Jul 15»
Visitors for 2015 Summerfest pack Main Street in Tazewell
Variety entertainer, Mark Lippard, juggles bowling pins while on stilts, immediately after fashioning a balloon hat for Amado Ige at the Tazewell … «Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Jul 15»
Loved Ones Pack Salado Church To Remember Doctor, Inn Owner …
SALADO — Family, friends, and colleagues gathered in Salado Saturday afternoon to remember the life of Christopher Spradley. The local doctor and business … «KCEN-TV, Jul 15»
5 Short Horror Movies That Pack a Nasty Punch
5 Short Horror Movies That Pack a Nasty Punch. Jancy Richardson … 5 Short Horror Movies That Pack a Nasty Punch. by Jancy Richardson … «moviepilot.com, Jul 15»
Thousands pack downtown Milwaukee for fun-filled summer event …
MILWAUKEE — There’s plenty to do in Milwaukee this weekend. Add in the summery weather and some are hoping for a tourism boost … «fox6now.com, Jul 15»
Spectators pack grand stands at Montana State Fair horse races
Saturday marked the first full day of the Montana State Fair but it was also the second and last weekend for horse racing. Spectators packed the grand stand and … «KRTV Great Falls News, Jul 15»
Manchester United transfer news: Angel Di Maria’s family pack bags …
The family of Manchester United winger Angel Di Maria have packed their bags and left Manchester ahead of his expecred transfer to Paris … «Metro, Jul 15»
Mortal Kombat X Klassic Fatality Pack 1 and Pack 2 Trailers Released
Developer NetherRealm Studios released on Friday two trailers for Mortal Kombat X’s Klassic Fatality Pack 1 and Pack 2. The Klassic Fatality … «Hardcore Gamer, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Pack [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/pack>. Apr 2023 ».
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Meaning pack
What does pack mean? Here you find 47 meanings of the word pack. You can also add a definition of pack yourself
1 |
0 Relationships Related Term: buckle cinching (also reel pack), n. ~ The smoothness and tension of the wind of film or tape on a hub. Notes: A good pack is free from buckling, cinching, and other wi [..]
2 |
0 packc. 1300, «to put together in a pack,» from pack (n.), possibly influenced by Anglo-French empaker (late 13c.) and Medieval Latin paccare «pack.» Some senses suggesting «make s [..]
3 |
0 pack«bundle,» early 13c., probably from a Low German word (compare Middle Dutch pac, pack «bundle,» Middle Low German pak, Middle Flemish pac, attested from late 12c.), originally a te [..]
4 |
0 pack/ˈpæk/ noun plural packs 1 pack /ˈpæk/ noun plural packs Learner's definition of PACK [count] 1 : a bag or bundle of objects that is carried on a person’s or animal’s back He [..]
5 |
0 packgroup of animals, usually arranged in a family-like structure.
6 |
0 packOr «the pack,» this is used to refer to the main group of riders sticking together in an event or race.
7 |
0 packarrange in a container; &quot;pack the books into the boxes&quot; battalion: a large indefinite number; &quot;a battalion of ants&quot;; &quot;a multitude of TV [..]
8 |
0 packto put things into a container. You pack clothes into a trunk or suitcase when you go away. The same word also means a bundle
9 |
0 pack1. The field pack. Usage: "I’m inspectin’ field packs before the next hike." 2. The 75mm pack howitzer
10 |
0 packto conspire; a gang.
11 |
0 packto depart; load.
12 |
0 packOr «the pack,» this is used to refer to the main group of riders sticking together in an event or race.
13 |
0 packpakn
14 |
0 packaynpakn
15 |
0 packto influence the composition of (as a political agency) so as to bring about a desired result [ a jury]
16 |
0 packA standard number of items in a case.
17 |
0 packa bundle arranged for convenience in carrying especially on the back
18 |
0 packAn assembly containing a spinnerette, filter screen, gaskets, and sand through which polymer is passed to filter out impurities and form filaments by forcing polymer through spinnerette.
19 |
0 packA package, packet, or container; A mike-pack
20 |
0 packpack resizes the Window to the minimum size to satisfy the preferred size of each of the components in the layout, then computes the layout by calling validate. pack also ensures the peers of the Wind [..]
21 |
0 pack(n) a large indefinite number(n) a complete collection of similar things(n) a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)(n) an association of criminals(n) an exclusive circle of peop [..]
22 |
0 packsarcina
23 |
0 packTo store data in compressed form in such a way that the data can be restored to its original form (unpacked).
24 |
0 packthis has two applications. First, it is used to describe the overhead deduction from the sales person’s commission. The dealer will deduct anywhere from $100 to $700 from the gross profit of the d [..]
25 |
0 packOr «the pack,» this is used to refer to the main group of riders sticking together in an event or race.
26 |
0 packSeveral hounds kept together in one kennel. A mixed pack is made up of males and females.
27 |
0 packIce — Numbers of large pieces of floating ice that have come together and lie more or less in contact.
28 |
0 packAircraft ranged (parked) about the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, especially forward of the landing area; contrast with Sixpack.
29 |
0 packa large field of floating sea ice that has drifted together
30 |
0 packSeveral hounds kept together in one kennel. A mixed pack is made up of males and females.
31 |
0 packTo carry, esp. a gun
32 |
0 packto carry a gun PASTE
33 |
0 packanother name for all the forwards usually when they are bound for a scrum.
34 |
0 packrefers collectively to the forwards of any one team. To pack down means to form a scrum.
35 |
0 pack— another name for all the forwards usually when they are bound for a scrum.
36 |
0 packThe pile of cards upon which cards are discarded. Also see «Stock» and «Discard Pile». (Oklahoma, Canasta)
37 |
0 packanother name for all the forwards usually when they are bound for a scrum.
38 |
0 packThe discard pile (In other games it usually means the stock.) (Oklahoma, Canasta)
39 |
0 packA basic social unit of the Sabbat
40 |
0 packa group or clan of werewolves
41 |
0 packA standard number of items in a case.pack box/repack:
42 |
0 packOr «the pack,» this is used to refer to the main group of riders sticking together in an event or race.
43 |
0 packIn the Manual, the term “pack” is used to denote the blood component container and its contents
44 |
0 packA group of cards that are sealed by the manufacturer for retail sale.
45 |
0 packA bundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back; a load for an animal; a bale, as of goods. »The horses carried the packs across the plain.» A numbe [..]
46 |
0 packpackage, bundle, bunch, (unwieldy) bag
47 |
0 packlang=en 1800s=1813 * »’1813»’ — . »».
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