Мои примеры
to be offended at /by/ smb.’s words — обижаться на чьи-л. слова
offended party — потерпевшая сторона
offended spouse — потерпевший (от прелюбодеяния) супруг
he has no reason to be offended — у него нет никакой причины обижаться; у него нет причины обижаться
offended sovereignty — нарушенный суверенитет
feel offended by the suggestion — усмотреть обиду в предложении
to be offended — быть обиженным
be greatly offended — разобидеться
offended sovereignity — нарушенный суверенитет
Примеры с переводом
I’m sorry if I offended you.
Прости, если я тебя обидел.
Don’t be offended; I only said it in play.
Не обижайся; я сказал это просто в шутку.
Never in my whole life have I been so offended!
Никогда в жизни меня так не оскорбляли!
Wherein have we offended?
В чем мы провинились?
I was offended and so was he.
Я обиделась, и он тоже.
Her tactless remark offended me.
Её бестактное замечание обидело меня.
I’m offended by his implication that women can’t be good at mathematics.
Меня оскорбил его намек на то, что женщины и математика — вещи несовместимые.
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Примеры, ожидающие перевода
She never imbibes but isn’t offended when others do.
Mapplethorpe’s pictures offended the canons of American good taste.
…the townspeople were offended by the documentary’s portrayal of them as an unwashed mass of chawbacons…
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Возможные однокоренные слова
offend — оскорблять, обижать, задевать, нарушать, погрешить, нарушать закон
offender — преступник, правонарушитель, обидчик, оскорбитель
offending — вызывающий
OFFENDED WITH, AT – см. angry
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > offended
Персональный Сократ > offended
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > offended
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended
[ ə’fendɪd]
обиженный* * *
Новый англо-русский словарь > offended
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > offended
English-Russian smart dictionary > offended
обижать; обиженный
Синонимический ряд:
1. annoyed (adj.) annoyed; cool; disapproving
2. insulted (adj.) affronted; aggrieved; angry; exasperated; hurt; insulted; provoked; vexed; wounded
6. violated (verb) breached; broke/broken; contravened; infringed; violated
English-Russian base dictionary > offended
offended party
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended party
offended player
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended player
offended sovereignty
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended sovereignty
offended spouse
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended spouse
offended team
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offended team
offended party
Англо-русский юридический словарь > offended party
offended sovereignity
Англо-русский юридический словарь > offended sovereignity
offended spouse
Англо-русский юридический словарь > offended spouse
I may have offended him, but such was not my intention
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I may have offended him, but such was not my intention
I’m sorry if I’ve offended you
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I’m sorry if I’ve offended you
be greatly offended
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be greatly offended
be offended
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be offended
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
См. также в других словарях:
offended — index aggrieved (victimized), resentful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
offended — of|fend|ed [əˈfendıd] adj someone who is offended is angry and upset by someone s behaviour or remarks feel/look/sound offended ▪ Stella was beginning to feel a little offended. ▪ I knew that Piers would be deeply offended . ▪ I get very offended … Dictionary of contemporary English
Offended — Offend Of*fend, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Offended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Offending}.] [OF. offendre, L. offendere, offensum; ob (see {Ob }) + fendere (in comp.) to thrust, dash. See {Defend}.] 1. To strike against; to attack; to assail. [Obs.] Sir P.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
offended — offend of‧fend [əˈfend] verb 1. [intransitive] LAW to do something that is a crime: • What can be done to stop criminals offending again? 2. [intransitive, transitive] to make someone angry or upset: • The advertisement was never intended to… … Financial and business terms
offended — adjective he was offended because she had forgotten their anniversary Syn: upset, insulted, affronted, aggrieved, displeased, hurt, wounded, disgruntled, put out, annoyed, angry, cross, exasperated, indignant, irritated, piqued, vexed, irked … Thesaurus of popular words
offended — un·offended; … English syllables
offended — adjective hurt or upset she looked offended face had a pained and puzzled expression • Syn: ↑pained • Similar to: ↑displeased … Useful english dictionary
offended — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. vexed, provoked, exasperated; see angry , insulted … English dictionary for students
offended — É™ fendɪd adj. insulted; emotionally hurt; violated of·fend || É™ fend v. insult; violate a law; sin; be strident, injure the senses … English contemporary dictionary
offended — See: offend … English dictionary
offended — Uluhua, ukiuki, kā eko … English-Hawaiian dictionary
v. of·fend·ed, of·fend·ing, of·fends
1. To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in: We were offended by his tasteless jokes.
2. To be displeasing or disagreeable to: Onions offend my sense of smell.
1. To result in displeasure: Bad manners may offend.
a. To violate a moral or divine law; sin.
b. To violate a rule or law: offended against the curfew.
[Middle English offenden, from Old French offendre, from Latin offendere; see gwhen- in Indo-European roots.]
of·fend′er n.
Synonyms: offend, insult, affront, outrage
These verbs mean to cause resentment, humiliation, or hurt. To offend is to cause displeasure, wounded feelings, or repugnance in another: «He often offended men who might have been useful friends» (John Lothrop Motley).
Insult implies gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness: «My father had insulted her by refusing to come to our wedding» (James Carroll).
To affront is to insult openly, usually intentionally: «He continued to belabor the poor woman in a studied effort to affront his hated chieftain» (Edgar Rice Burroughs).
Outrage implies the flagrant violation of a person’s integrity, pride, or sense of right and decency: «He revered the men and women who transformed this piece of grassland into a great city, and he was outraged by the attacks on their reputation» (James S. Hirsch).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | offended — hurt or upset; «she looked offended»; «face had a pained and puzzled expression»
displeased — not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective upset, pained, hurt, bothered, disturbed, distressed, outraged, stung, put out (informal), grieved, disgruntled, agitated, ruffled, resentful, affronted, miffed (informal), displeased, in a huff, piqued, huffy She is terribly offended and hurt by personal remarks.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
offended — перевод на русский
— I’m afraid you offended the General.
-Боюсь, что ты обидел генерала.
Надеюсь, я не обидел вас?
If I offended you, forgive me.
А коль обидел в чем, простите.
Did I say something to offend you? No.
Я тебя обидел?
If I offended you, I beg your forgiveness.
Если я обидел вас, я готов просить прощения.
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You’ve offended him.
Ты оскорбил его.
— Then you’re not offended?
— Значит, я вас не оскорбил?
Oh, I seem to have offended you.
Кажется, я оскорбил вас.
My God, I am extremely sorry of having offended You.
Боже, мне так жаль, что я оскорбил тебя…
When he splashed you fording a river, you said he offended your horse.
Когда он обрызгал тебя на реке, ты сказал что он оскорбил твоего коня.
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I feel offended!
— Я обиделся.
He didn’t have the courage to tell me to my face, but he was offended.
Он ничего не сказал, но обиделся.
Are you offended? Mailman, messenger boy, handyman… what else?
Ты обиделся?
Ah, Mr. Offended.
Господин обиделся…
— He feels offended.
— Обиделся.
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It offends my vanity to have anyone who was even remotely my wife remarry so obviously beneath her.
Может, это оскорбляет меня. Ты была моей женой, а теперь выходишь… — …за того, кто тебе неровня.
Your sadness offends my father!
Ваша печаль оскорбляет моего отца.
Does it offend your taste?
Это оскорбляет ваши чувства?
It’s a toythat doesn’t offend morals.
Игрушка не оскорбляет нравственность!
His numbers offend the honor of the division.
Ваша выходка оскорбляет честь отделения.
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But don’t be offended.
Но не обижайтесь.
Girls, please don’t be offended, ok?
— Ну, девчонки не обижайтесь, ладно.
You mustn’t be offended when I ask you not to try to do anything about my case. The truth is, I don’t care at all who it comes out.
Не обижайтесь на слова о том, что вы не должны вмешиваться в мое дело, а просто мне безразлично, как оно закончится.
Don’t be offended, but I have no faith.
Не обижайтесь, но я не верю. Я не знаю, куда ехать.
Don’t be offended, …but how did you ever meet Françoise?
— Послушайте, не обижайтесь, но как вы познакомились с Франсуазой?
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The teacher told me that a real man should not allow ourselves to offend.
Учитель сказал мне, что настоящий мужчина не должен позволять себя обижать.
This man should not allow themselves to offend?
Настоящий мужчина не должен позволять себя обижать?
I won’t offend a passenger with something that’s not our business.
Я не хочу обижать пассажира, тем более, это не наше дело.
Oh, I wouldn’t wanna offend the little S.O.B.s.
Я не хотел обижать маленьких сукиных детей.
I didn’t want to offend you.
Я тебе подруга, я не хотела обижать тебя…
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Was his honor not offended the instant he discovered his beloved spouse swooning in her lover’s arms?
Разве он не был оскорблён, застав супругу в объятиях любовника?
And no one is offended.
Никто не будет оскорблён.
I was not aware that Sarek was offended by Spock’s opposition.
Я не знал, что Сарэк был оскорблен оппозицией Спока.
If you stay, I will be deeply offended.
Если вы останетесь, я буду глубоко оскорблен.
It’s as if he takes the pain personally and is offended by it.
Такое ощущение, будто ему лично причиняют боль и он этим оскорблён.
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I was offended.
Я была оскорблена.
Tumek said that Grilka wasn’t offended.
Тумек сказал, что Грилка не была оскорблена.
As a woman, I’m totally offended by Mr. Milbury’s conduct.
я оскорблена поведением мистера Милбури.
Besides, my delicate feminine sensibilities weren’t offended the first time I got a glimpse of, uh, Clark junior.
Между прочим, моя тонкая женская чувствительность не была оскорблена в первый раз, когда я получила представление о Кларке Младшем.
And as a Christian, I must say I am deeply, deeply offended.
И будучи христианкой, я глубоко, глубоко оскорблена!
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She’s afraid he’s offended at something she said this morning.
Она боялась, что его задело что-то, что она сказала ему утром.
I was offended by what you said.
Но меня задело то, что ты сказал.
I have to tell you, I was offended… outside, just now.
Должна сказать, меня задело произошедшее… На улице, только что.
Well, as one of those 43 agents, I can’t help but feel a bit offended, because, obviously, I’m not as honored as this drug-addicted murderer.
Чтож, я был в числе тех 43 агентов и меня это немного задело, я ведь не такой достойный, как этот наркоман и убийца.
I think that offended her.
Думаю, её это задело.
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I’m more than a little offended… — at you not keeping your promise.
Я на вас очень обижен, вы не сдержали своё обещание!
Marry, that with no man here he is offended… for if he were, he would have shown it in his looks.
Клянусь, что он никем здесь не обижен; а был бы, — сразу бы в глазах прочли.
I’m not offended, but I don’t agree.
Я не обижен, но не согласен с ней.
The more offended you are, the less suspicious you look.
Чем сильнее обижен, тем менее подозрительно выглядишь.
And even he’s not offended, and do you know why?
— Но и он не обижен. Знаешь, почему?
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It would be politically expedient for Poilievre to acknowledge this fact and apologize if the use of this term offended anyone, as that certainly was not his intention. ❋ Unknown (2009)
The word «offended» might not be the right word, but my point is that while R+J taps the concept of «true love» as a device, the details don’t really support the depiction of «true love» in R+J as one that should stand as a cultural touchstone or paradigm of the concept. ❋ Quora (2012)
Being «offended» is what wimps do instead of kicking the ass of someone who deperately deserves it. ❋ Unknown (2003)
Another reason I am not offended is that many Arabs have called Sadat “kelb,” I am sure, and I have called him worse names. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Since being offended is now sacred and upheld to be the Greatest Law of the Land, being offended is relatively cheap. ❋ Unknown (2010)
One can imagine such a rule, in which the Commission might concluded that even a generally inoffensive term might be forbidden on the grounds that it “may be offensive to the general public” in the sense that every member of the public “may be” offended by it, even if the chance that they will be offended is just 1%. ❋ Unknown (2010)
We should not be afraid to hear the truth, being offended is essentially a childish reaction. ❋ Unknown (2010)
And no, «sorry if you’re offended» is not an apology — it just pretends to be. ❋ Fantasyecho (2008)
Being offended is an act of the listener, often losing the battle by giving control over their emotions to someone else. ❋ Unknown (2008)
As commenters pointed out, saying you’re sorry that someone got offended is not the same as actually apologizing for what you said. ❋ Unknown (2008)
«To say they are angered and offended is to put it lightly,» MacDougall said. ❋ Unknown (2008)
I think that «learning to live with being offended» is a critical skill in creating an actual democracy; sometimes, people are gonna pummel your sacred cows, and knowing when to stand up and when to sit down is a fine art that doesn’t get enough coverage. ❋ Unknown (2006)
And anyone who says women will be offended is simply looking for reasons to take offense themselves Trust me, women will react positively to Reichert. ❋ Unknown (2006)
It reveals the petulant and censorious spirit of our times, in which references to the Holocaust are bandied about like common swear words and the response to anybody feeling offended is to call for official censure. ❋ Unknown (2005)
Unlike many, I don’t necessarily agree that «being offended» is the end-all argument — you could be a kook. ❋ Velvetsteel (2005)
The Dauphin offended Harry and paid hell at Agincourt for it. ❋ M-mv (2004)
Just [sickening] and wrong. [Worse] than actual ofennding or [being offended] ❋ Yahmoo23 (2010)
Person A: I am offended by that [remark].
[Person B]: Yes, [I see that]. ❋ Geekmalone (2020)
People who are able to by «offended» by anything are [the worst people] on earth. [Keep an open mind] about things and [live and let live]. Don’t ruin things for other people just because you can’t take it. Not everything is pleasent in this world and if you can’t take it then you need to grow up. ❋ Srxe2140 (2004)
«That statement is demonstrably false.»
«You’re offended.» ❋ (((thesjews))) (2016)
The white liberal [soccer mom] was highly offended when I said I was going to a meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. «Oh, you must never say ‘colored people,’ she said in a [huff]. You must say «persons of color.’ The correct name of that organization is the National Association for the Advancement of Persons of Color. The NAAPC.'»
Then the white liberal soccer mom was highly offended when I told her that the next time she rides a horse, she will only need half a [saddle].
Never call a [landfill] a garbage dump, say the white liberals. That will offend the refuse collectors. ❋ Delicious Tuna Wanda (2007)
cool guy 1:[blah blah]
cool guy 2:[blah] offended [lah] ❋ Coolbros1 (2014)
Dude, I went to [Encyclopedia Dramatica] last night and saw the Offended [page]. [I don’t] think I can eat ever again… ❋ Danny-V (2008)
[Zack] West was so [offended] that he was offended about [being offended]. ❋ Blockheadseth (2016)
My friend has an [acute] case of [offendicitis]. He even takes [offense] at this entry. ❋ R!sk (2012)
I have [conquered] the Offended [page] several times now! Prove you’re badass too, [go there] now! ❋ Jcthunder (2010)
Other forms: offendedly
Someone who’s offended is annoyed, hurt, or disgusted. If one presidential candidate comments snidely on the hairstyle of another, the offended candidate may retaliate.
If your feelings are hurt by your brother’s comment that he «could take or leave» the chocolate chip cookies you baked for him, you’re offended. And your grandmother’s offended expression may be the result of the dreadful movie you’re watching. Offended comes from the verb offend, specifically its secondary meaning «to wound the feelings.» The Latin root is offendere, «to hit, stumble, provoke, or displease.»
Definitions of offended
“she looked
not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
I am deeply offended by this.
Я глубоко оскорблён тем, что ты сделала.
Some were offended at this arrangement.
Но, некоторые из них были оскорблены этой договоренностью.
Basically, someone always feels offended.
Обычно все равно оказывается, что кто-то обижен.
Schapiro said he regretted that Zeman felt offended.
По словам Шапиро, он сожалеет, что Земан почувствовал себя обиженным.
Scorpios are also extremely vindictive, even if someone who offended them apologized.
Скорпионы также крайне злопамятны, даже если кто-то, кто их обидел, принес свои извинения.
Sorry again if I offended anyone by my list.
Я опять приношу свои извинения, если я кого-то обидел в своей статье.
He apologized for having offended her.
Он извинился за то, что обидел её.
But I felt… very offended by what you said.
Но… я почувствовал себя глубоко оскорблённым, тем, что вы сказали.
You have offended him by merely suggesting it.
Ты его обидел уже тем, что просто предположил это.
I think then they would be less offended.
И тогда, мне кажется, было бы меньше обиженных.
I apologize if I offended you.
Я прошу прощения, если я Вас обидел.
Sorry if we have offended you or someone you know.
Прошу извинить, если я Вас или кого-то из Ваших знакомых обидел.
Then there would be no war because Pavel Ivanych offended Mikhail Ivanych.
Тогда не было бы войны за то, что Павел Иваныч обидел Михаила Иваныча.
I don’t believe in these groups of outraged and offended people whose, you know, religious sensibilities are offended.
Не верю я этим группам возмущенных и обиженных людей, у которых, видите ли, их религиозные чувства оскорблены.
Sophia Andreevna was offended and offended.
I’m officially and publicly offended.
«А вот я тебя открыто и публично оскорбляю.
Moreover, some owners are offended if you eat elsewhere.
Более того, некоторые хозяева обижаются, если вы едите в другом месте.
And those who blame the children have twice offended.
Воистину, «тот, кто грешит перед ребёнком — грешит дважды».
She understood immediately, and did not seem offended.
Она с пониманием отнеслась к этому и не чувствовала себя оскорбленной.
He is already offended too much.
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intransitive verb
: to transgress (see transgress sense transitive 1) the moral or divine law : sin
if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul alive—William Shakespeare
: to violate a law or rule : do wrong
: to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury
took off his shoe and removed the offending pebble
: to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
thoughtless words that offend needlessly
transitive verb
: violate, transgress
a contract not offending a statute … might still be in restraint of trade—C. A. Cooke
: to cause pain to : hurt
tasteless billboards that offend the eye
: to cause to sin or fall
: to cause (a person or group) to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done
was offended by their language
She carefully worded her comments so as not to offend anyone.
Choose the Right Synonym for offend
offend, outrage, affront, insult mean to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment.
offend need not imply an intentional hurting but it may indicate merely a violation of the victim’s sense of what is proper or fitting.
hoped that my remarks had not offended her
outrage implies offending beyond endurance and calling forth extreme feelings.
outraged by their accusations
affront implies treating with deliberate rudeness or contemptuous indifference to courtesy.
deeply affronted by his callousness
insult suggests deliberately causing humiliation, hurt pride, or shame.
insulted every guest at the party
Example Sentences
His comments about minority groups offended many of us.
She had carefully worded her comments so as not to offend anyone.
It offends me that you would make such a remark.
Don’t worry. I wasn’t offended.
I felt a little offended by their lack of respect.
Some people are offended by the song’s lyrics.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.
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Recent Examples on the Web
Former colleagues, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to recount personnel matters, recalled a complaint that Schlapp made an anti-gay remark that offended an employee and prompted an investigation that contributed to his departure, according to three people familiar with the matter.
—Beth Reinhard, Isaac Arnsdorf, Anchorage Daily News, 28 Feb. 2023
The left is too quick to want to silence those who offend or threaten them.
—Suzanne Nossel, CNN, 23 Feb. 2023
And yet, after another bad day in court last week that left a panel of judges almost offended at the NCAA’s concept of amateurism, never has there been more of a need for new ideas.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 21 Feb. 2023
There is also concern within CNN that his line of reasoning may have offended female newsmakers who CNN would hope to book on its programs.
—Brian Steinberg, Variety, 20 Feb. 2023
First you get murdered in your office, then a human rights group posthumously condemns you for offending your killers.
—Russell Jacoby, Harper’s Magazine , 16 Feb. 2023
Agassi excelled in selling the idea, but also in offending other automakers, whose willingness to build EV battery packs to a standard that could be quickly yanked out and reinstalled was a necessary element of the long-range plan.
—Kevin A. Wilson, Car and Driver, 31 Mar. 2023
Earlier this year, Tolokonnikova’s lawyer, Pavel Chikov, claimed that the Russian government had made a criminal case against her for offending religious beliefs.
—Kory Grow, Rolling Stone, 29 Mar. 2023
Respect their decision, and try your best not to feel personally rejected or offended.
—Andrew Pulrang, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘offend.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English offenden «to assail, violate, displease, hurt the feelings of,» borrowed from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French offendre, borrowed from Latin offendere «to strike against, stumble (upon), trouble, break a rule, displease, annoy,» from of-, assimilated variant of ob- ob- + -fendere presumably, «to strike, hit» (unattested without prefixes) — more at defend
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a
Time Traveler
The first known use of offend was
in the 14th century
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“Offend.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/offend. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
11 Apr 2023
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[ uh—fen-did ]
/ əˈfɛn dɪd /
feeling or expressing hurt, indignation, or irritation because of a perceived wrong or insult: The man replied in an offended voice, «My niece would never do anything like that!»
being the recipient or victim of criminal or morally repugnant behavior: After the referral agent and the offender speak, the offended individual is invited to speak about how the assault affected them.
(of a sense, taste, etc.) affected disagreeably: With the bright neon blue and red, the dress looked like clown garb, so my offended aesthetic sense told me to take it off.
the simple past tense and past participle of offend.
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Origin of offended
of·fend·ed·ly, adverbof·fend·ed·ness, nounhalf-of·fend·ed, adjectiveun·of·fend·ed, adjective
Words nearby offended
offcut, off-duty, Offenbach, offence, offend, offended, offender, offense, offenseless, offensive, offer
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to offended
How to use offended in a sentence
The National Gallery of Art postponed the exhibition for fear that museumgoers might be offended, and then the pandemic forced the gallery to close anyway.
What offends me the most is that my fiancee has a tendency to negotiate after she apologizes.
To have accuracy calculated in the absence of my lived experience not only offends me, but also puts me in real danger.
However, OSC gives any offending agency — in this case, UASGM — 60 days to conduct its own probe and respond to the complaints.
The politician sent the offending tweet featuring lyrics from the 2002 smash directly to Lil Jon.
“I think that all Slovaks should feel offended,” said MP Tomas Galbavy, who served on the parliamentary culture committee.
I did so, and he explained that he did not mean to be inappropriate and he was sorry if I was offended.
“It offended doctors and even some people in the government,” he says.
No doubt, the Italians would have been offended if he had chosen to marry anywhere else.
She was very offended that we hired him to do what she saw as her dream job.
“This is satisfactory,” said Wardle, hardly knowing whether to smile or be offended.
When in the car if you find the exertion of talking painful, say so frankly; your escort cannot be offended.
All these persons shall be sacri: they have offended against the gods and the gods will see to their punishment.
He has a right to be offended, if, after telling him what you wish for, he returns to find you already supplied.
«I thought perhaps you would have liked it named after your brother,» she said, very much offended on the baby’s account.