Meaning of the word not bad



not bad — недурной; неплохой; неплохо
it’s not bad — недурно
it is not bad — неплохо
not bad-looking — недурной
not bad for a beginner — для новичка неплохо
he is not bad as cooks go — как повар он не так уж плох
Not very good, yet not bad. — Не очень хорошо, но и не плохо.
that’s not bad as things go — при существующем положении вещей это не так уж плохо
not so bad — не так плохо; изрядный
not too bad — помаленьку; не плохо

not half bad — достаточно хороший; совсем неплохо; очень сильно
Not half bad! — Недурно!
not a bad idea — неплохая мысль, недурная идея; ≅ я не возражаю
not a bad fellow — неплохой парень
not altogether bad — неплохой, приличный
he’s not a bad sort — он человек неплохой
it is not a bad plan — (это) неплохо придумано; неплохая идея
he is not a bad sort — он парень неплохой
he is not a bad player — он недурно играет
not a bad fellow in some ways — в некоторых отношениях он неплохой человек
that is not so bad considering — в общем, это не так уж плохо
he is not as bad as you make him — он не так плох, как вы его изображаете
her first publications were not half bad — её первые публикации были достаточно хорошими
it’s not a bad mark, but it’s worse than your usual one — это неплохая оценка, но хуже обычной

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

неплохо, не плохо, недурно, неплохой, не плохой, не неудача

Перевод по словам

not  — не, нет, ни
bad  — плохой, дурной, нехороший, дурно, нехорошо, неудача, несчастье, убыток


He’s not bad at heart.

В глубине души он не злой.

He’s a not bad leadership material.

Из него выйдет неплохой руководитель.

You seem upset — not bad news, I hope?

Вы, кажется, расстроены — надеюсь, ничего серьёзного?

Not bad for a pipsqueak with grey teeth and an odd face.

Не плохо для замухрышки с серыми зубами и корявым лицом.

That’s not bad. *

Совсем неплохо.

Not bad for a beginner. *

Для начала сойдет.

«How are you?» «Not bad«. *

«Как ты?» — «Да ничего».

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Nay, lad. It’s not that bad.  

‘How are you?’ ‘Oh, not bad.’  

All round it’s not a bad car.  

The headmaster will not tolerate bad behaviour.  

«Oh, it’s not that bad,» Tirrell said soothingly.  

‘Hi, Mark! How are you keeping?’ ‘Oh, not so bad.’  

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not bad — перевод на русский

/nɒt bæd/

— That’s not bad.


Come on. Not bad.


Not bad, now that I use the medicine you told me about.

Неплохо, только благодаря тем лекарствам, которые вы мне порекомендовали.

Not bad, madam.

Неплохо, госпожа.

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Not bad at all.

-Да, не плохо.

Say, not bad!

Скажем, не плохо!

It’s not bad.

Уже не плохо.

It’s not bad but suddenly you get scared.

Это не плохо, но внезапно становится страшно.

— To begin he is not bad.

— Для начала не плохо.

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But it’s not bad as well.

Nonsense, but the lead actor is actually not bad.

Хотя и обидно, вообще актер неплохой.

Other games are not bad either.

Тем не менее, остальные игры тоже выглядят неплохо.

The dingoes are not bad there.

Во всяком случае, хинкали там весьма неплохие.

Overall the school is not bad.

В общем и в целом школа довольно неплохая.

Coming home was not bad, but not great.

«Возвращение домой» получилось неплохим, но далеко не идеальным.

Essentially, seventh is not bad.

Ну да ладно, седьмое место тоже неплохо.

We got nearly the perfect first half and that is not bad.

Мы играли стильно и провели практически идеальный первый тайм, и это неплохо.

It is not bad to own a house.

Совсем даже неплохо иметь свой дом.

Prices too are not bad for the area.

Цены сейчас неплохие для такого района.

So that is not bad if you ask me.

Весьма неплохо, если вы спросите меня.

Yes, adapting to Caliber is not bad.

Да, адаптация под «Калибры» — это неплохо.

No, not bad, not bad, just… a little sing-songey.

A not bad phone at a not bad price.

Speed’s not bad, need to work on speed a little bit, but it’s not bad.

Скорость неплоха, еще чуть-чуть на этим поработать, но, вобщем, неплохо.

Foreign investment is not bad per se.

He’s not bad company, actually.

Still, research shows that tattoos are not bad for everyone.

Тем не менее, исследования показывают, что татуировки не являются плохими для всех.

Still, these are not bad numbers.

Тем не менее, это по-прежнему не плохие цифры.

That’s not bad for a dying city.

И, к сожалению, время работает не в пользу мертвого города.

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Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That’s why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there’s a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it’s really not bad.

John Corbett






In rhetoric, litotes is a figure of speech in which understatement is employed for rhetoric effect, principally via double negatives. For example, rather than saying that something is attractive, one might merely say it is «not unattractive». Litotes is a form of understatement, always deliberate and with the intention of emphasis. However, the interpretation of negation may depend on context, including cultural context. In speech, it may also depend on intonation and emphasis; for example, the phrase «not bad» can be said in such a way as to mean anything from «mediocre» to «excellent». It can be used to soften harsher expressions, similar to euphemism. The use of litotes is common in English, Russian, German, Dutch, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and French. They are features of Old English poetry and of the Icelandic sagas and are a means of much stoical restraint. The word litotes is derived from the Greek word litos meaning «plain, small or meager». George Orwell complained about overuse of the ‘not un…’ construction in his essay «Politics and the English Language».

Synonyms and antonyms of not bad in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «not bad» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «not bad» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of not bad to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of not bad from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «not bad» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

no está mal

570 millions of speakers


not bad

510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

बुरा नहीं

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

ليس سيئا

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

não é ruim

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

খারাপ না

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

pas mal

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

boleh tahan

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

nicht schlecht

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Ora apik

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

không xấu

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

மோசமாக இல்லை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

वाईट नाही

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

fena değil

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

non male

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

nie jest zły

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

nu-i rău

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

δεν είναι κακό

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

nie sleg

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

inte illa

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

ikke verst

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of not bad


The term «not bad» is very widely used and occupies the 17.584 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «not bad» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of not bad

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «not bad».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «not bad» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «not bad» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about not bad


Famous quotes and sentences with the word not bad.

I need distractions. Good distractions, not bad ones. A good distraction for me is a great play.

I don’t think I really have a talent for movie acting. I’m not bad at it, but I don’t think I really have a talent for it.

Acting is a win-win situation. There is no risk involved. That’s why I get tired of hearing actors who try to make out that there’s a downside to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it’s really not bad.

Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it’s really not bad.

All the Tauruses I know have this connection to the earth and the environment. We are very curious people, very loyal, very aware of and respectful of our surroundings. Also, we’re stubborn, but that’s our way. We understand what we want, which is not bad.

The rat stops gnawing in the wood, the dungeon walls withdraw, the weight is lifted your pulse steadies and the sun has found your heart, the day was not bad, the season has not been bad, there is sense and even promise in going on.

At the Isle of Wight, the sound went out and kind of kept on going. And I wasn’t… when I came off stage I was kind of unhappy about how we had played. But now, I listen back to those recordings and it’s not bad.

Getting away from a white or light colored tuxedo shirt is always a little dangerous. Certain staples shouldn’t be mixed with. Light pink or blue is not bad, but again, you’re just breaking from a classic.

Yes. I’m a doctor, an epidemiologist, and lots of my professional colleagues flip back and forth between industry and medical roles. I know them; they are not bad people. But it is possible for good people in bad systems to do things that inflict enormous harm.

No day of my life passes without someone saying the words ‘Monty Python’ to me. It’s not bad.


Discover the use of not bad in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to not bad and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Bad Students, Not Bad Schools

This book is a bracing reminder of the risks of political manipulation of education and argues that the measure of policy should be academic achievment.


I’m Not Bad, I’m Just Mad: A Workbook to Help Kids Control …

By working through the activities in I’m Not Bad, I’m Just Mad, children with anger control problems can develop better emotional and behavioral control.

Lawrence E. Shapiro, Zach Pelta-Heller, Anna F. Greenwald, 2008


How to Not Write Bad: The Most Common Writing Problems and …

Ben Yagoda’s How to Not Write Bad illustrates how we can all write better, more clearly, and for a wider readership.


When Kids Are Mad, Not Bad: A Guide to Recognizing and …

Citing repressed anger as the cause of such conditions as eating disorders, depression, and addictions, a parent’s guide identifies sources of childhood anger, explores diverse ways anger is manifested in children, and offers a range of …

When a young boy gets a reputation for being naughty at school, he reacts by being the bad lad that everyone expects.


Not Bad for a Sergeant: The Memoirs of Barney Danson

Memoirs of Barney Danson.

What does a gal have to do to get a good date in this town?


My Bad Parent: Do As I Say, Not as I Did

With full-color candid photos and wry captions, this book exposes the least effective techniques for raising healthy, balanced children.


It’s Not Bad to Be Allergic!

What’s a parent to do!Using a Seussian-style writing, Prentice White tells how his wife encouraged, inspired and motivated their daughter to have high self-esteem and great confidence in herself by using basic biblical principles.Now, their …


Why Cancer Is Not Bad Luck: Finding Comfort, Grace, and …

Finding Comfort, Grace, and Salvation of God Through the Love of Jesus Christ
Ronald D. Daves. ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I ahhor myself And
repent in dust and ashes. ” Indeed God desires for us not to focus on our cancer …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term not bad is used in the context of the following news items.

These Leveraged ETFs Show Just How Bad the Commodities Crash …

Not bad for a few weeks, eh? Meanwhile its index was «only» down 23 percent. The 3x inverse of that is 66 percent, but DUST is up another 33 … «Bloomberg, Jul 15»

No More Bad Players: The Colorado Rockies Should Sign Good …

The thing about good players is that they are good and not bad while bad players are bad and not good. So it makes sense to get good players … «Rox Pile, Jul 15»

On foreign aid, Conservative record isn’t as bad as you think

Focused on a particular project in hopes that, given limited resources, a real difference can be made. It’s not bad. … «Waterloo Record, Jul 15»

Woman Lets Real-Life Vampires Drink Her Blood: Not Bad Work If …

Blut Katzchen has a very interesting job that you wouldn’t expect from a 28-year-old from Louisana. She travels around and offers herself up to … «The Stir, Jul 15»

Not Bad, Eh: Canadian Open Organizers Strive For More National …

The PGA Tour’s RBC Canadian Open tees off tomorrow at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville, Ontario, and first-year Tournament Dir Brent … «SportsBusiness Daily, Jul 15»

Hmmm…not bad at all. Alabama’s spot on ‘definitive’ ranking of …

A couple of weeks ago, Wake Up Call had a story about Alabama being the second least-liked state (thanks for saving us Jersey!) That’s just … «, Jul 15»

German labour relations now worse but not bad

Cooperation between unions and employers drives Germany’s economic success. Few days are lost to strikes. Recent headline-grabbing … «Breakingviews, Jul 15»

Bad shooters, sore losers: Men take aim at top female gamer

«Just because you lose to a woman – it’s not bad – but for a lot of men, from a cultural perspective, that’s still very difficult to accept,» he said. «Sydney Morning Herald, Jul 15»

Here’s a strategy for Labour: imagine that good people also vote Tory

… the evidence before them. They are not bad people, and they won’t change their minds if the opposition radiates contempt for their opinions. «The Guardian, Jul 15»

Daniel Radcliffe Raps “Real Slim Shady,” and It’s Not Bad!

Turns out Daniel Radcliffe is an Eminem fan! At a karaoke bar in Half Moon Bay, California, the Harry Potter star graced the stage with his … «PopStop TV, Jul 15»


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This type of rhetorical figure of speech, a form of understatement, is called litotes.



not bad (not comparable)

  1. (litotes) Reasonably good.

    What did you think of the guitarist?
    Not bad, but that solo could have been better.


  • See Thesaurus:satisfactory

Derived terms[edit]

  • not half bad


reasonably good

  • Catalan: no està malament
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 不錯不错 (zh) (bùcuò)
  • Dutch: niet slecht
  • Finnish: ihan hyvä
  • French: pas mal (fr)
  • German: nicht schlecht, nicht schlimm
  • Hungarian: nem rossz
  • Indonesian: lumayan (id)
  • Italian: niente male, non male, non c’è male
  • Japanese: 悪くない (ja) (わるくない, waruku nai)
  • Latin: nōn male
  • Lithuanian: neblogai
  • Polish: niezgorszy, niezły (pl)
  • Portuguese: nada mau m
  • Russian: ничего́ (ru) (ničevó), неплохо́й (ru) (neploxój), недурно́й (ru) (nedurnój)
  • Spanish: nada mal
  • Thai: ไม่เลว (mâi-leeo)
  • Turkish: fena değil (tr)

Fully legit. The real thing. A tasty meal is never just good, it’s not bad, or not bad at all. Can always be said as ‘ain’t bad.’

I’ll tell you what, this meal, it’s not bad. It’s not bad at all. Mmmm.

by Elroy Fitz February 1, 2004


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not bad

It’s not despair, but not that good either. Lacking enthusiasm.

My life is not bad, however it’s not as good as I had hoped it would be.

by riverboat October 3, 2012


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not bad

When a man, specifically a Greek man is eating a home cooked meal and says «Not bad.»

What he really means is that the meal is to his liking and he is satisfied.

«How is the lasagna Doctor?» asked the Paki girl. With his lips full of tomatoe sauce the Doctor replies «Not bad.»

by ctwoman February 21, 2012


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1- A polite way of calling a female a notorious thot

2- Used to describe a female who has mastered the art of playing with males emotions and breaking hearts

3- Basically a graduated hoe, like some PhD shit

1- «Bruh why isn’t you putting a ring on Amanda»

» Hell no, she’s been everywhere.. She’s a le bad-bad…»

2- «Bro why is you crying?»

«It’s Paige bruh.. I had no idea y’all were serious when you said she’s a le bad-bad.. She broke my heart..»

by @TheOGbadboyBW January 14, 2019


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Not that bad

A phrase used to describe something that’s terrible but not THAT terrible. It is often used to downplay a thing or situation.

Jay: Don’t worry mate, your hair cut is not that bad.

Dwayne: Don’t lie to me it’s horrible!

by JayA559 December 5, 2018


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Is it bad

A phrase people in the Danville, California (particularly San Ramon Valley High School) area use in a sarcastic, rhetorical manner. Typically used to descrive things as «very good.» Variations include «Was it bad», «Was/is it kinda», «Was/is it remotely bad», etc. Use this phrase if you want to be punched in the mouth

«Yo, I heard you laid pipe on Alyssa last night.»

«(Rips juul) Yeah I have been hella.»

«Damn, is hitting that nice?»

«Is it bad?»

«Get the fuck away from me»

by Go wolves January 31, 2018


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someone who is sexy beyond mean

dam she hella bad.

by NiSHA..hit ma aim November 14, 2009


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More random definitions

  • Defenition of the word not bad

    • (informal) very good; «a bully pulpit»; «a cool sports car»; «had a great time at the party»; «you look simply smashing»
    • very good

Synonyms for the word not bad

    • bang-up
    • bully
    • cool
    • corking
    • cracking
    • dandy
    • great
    • groovy
    • keen
    • neat
    • nifty
    • peachy
    • slap-up
    • smashing
    • swell

Similar words in the not bad

    • good

See other words

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    • The interpretation of the word angered
    • What is meant by loyalties
    • The lexical meaning loyally
    • The dictionary meaning of the word loyaler
    • The grammatical meaning of the word loyalists
    • Meaning of the word loyalest
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word enthusiastically
    • The origin of the word compliant
    • Synonym for the word encouragingly
    • Antonyms for the word ferocity
    • Homonyms for the word bad temper
    • Hyponyms for the word luggage compartment
    • Holonyms for the word convenient
    • Hypernyms for the word annoyance
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word ill temper
    • Translation of the word in other languages vehemence

It’s common in English to use these types of statements where a direct answer might seem too assertive. For example, if you’d asked me how I had been lately, I might say «not bad», rather than «good», as being good implies being better than normal, whereas not bad is just not bad.

In fact, people often describe things in terms of them not being the opposite of what they are. Other examples include:

  • Not the best (bad)
  • Not the brightest (stupid)
  • Not exactly perfect (flawed)
  • Not without its problems (problematic)
  • Not exactly rocket science (trivial)

English speakers often avoid making assertive statements unless they fully intend to be assertive. For example, they may begin a statement of fact with «I believe…», «It seems…» or «Apparently…».

Using direct assertions sparingly gives them more impact too. To say «He’s stupid» is less forgiving than saying «He’s not the brightest chap I’ve ever met.»

Edwin Ashworth noted in his comment that this amelioration is known as hedging, and the not un-X form described in this answer is known as litotes. From Wikipedia:

In rhetoric, litotes is a figure of speech and form of verbal irony in which understatement is used to emphasize a point by stating a negative to further affirm a positive, often incorporating double negatives for effect.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод NOT BAD

That’s not bad — Совсем неплохо Not bad for a beginner — Для начала сойдет Not so bad at all — Даже очень неплохо Not too bad, I’ll say — Можно даже сказать, что отлично Surprisingly, the film was not too bad at all — Фильм на удивление оказался неплохим «How are you?» «Not bad» — «Как ты?» — «Да ничего»

New English-Russian dictionary of modern informal English.

     Новый Англо-Русский словарь современного неформального английского.

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