Meaning of the word motionless

motionless — перевод на русский


Patient and motionless… she waited for me to toss the ball.

Неподвижно и терпеливо она ждала, когда я брошу шарик.

We must stay quiet and motionless.

Мы должны сидеть тихо и неподвижно.

Motionless anglers sit, their eyes following the inexorable drift of their floats.

Неподвижно сидят рыболовы, не отводя глаз от неутомимых поплавков.

Your indifference is motionless, becalmed: a grey man for whom grey has no connotation of dullness.

Твоё равнодушие неподвижно, спокойно:

L should have sta yed against you, motionless, enjoying that moment.

Я должен был оставаться против тебя неподвижно, наслаждаясь этим моментом.

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No longer the wonderful motionless journey,

Теперь это было не чудесное путешествие без движения,

We’ve been here, held motionless, for 18 hours.

Мы висим тут без движения уже 18 часов.

The first act was set in a park full of statues, but they were naked men painted in white, forced to stand motionless.

Первый акт шел в большом парке где были расставлены статуи Их изображали обнаженные люди выбеленные мелом вынужденные во время всего действия стоять без движения на постаменте

He stood there motionless. I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

Он стоял без движения, а я не мог поднять на него глаза.

Richard is lying motionless.

Ришар лежит без движения.

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Смотреть что такое «motionless» в других словарях:

  • Motionless — Album par Chokebore Sortie 1993 Enregistrement 1993 Durée 38:19 Genre Rock indépendant Producteur Mac …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Motionless — Mo tion*less, a. Without motion; being at rest. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • motionless — index firm, idle, inactive, indolent, otiose, placid, rigid, stable, stagnant, static …   Law dictionary

  • motionless — (adj.) 1590s, from MOTION (Cf. motion) (n.) + LESS (Cf. less). Related: Motionlessly; motionlessness …   Etymology dictionary

  • motionless — [adj] calm, not moving apoplectic, at a standstill, at rest, becalmed, dead, deadlocked, deathly, firm, fixed, frozen, halted, immobile, immotile, inanimate, inert, lifeless, numb, palsied, paralyzed, petrified, quiescent, quiet, spellbound,… …   New thesaurus

  • motionless — [[t]mo͟ʊʃ(ə)nləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ Someone or something that is motionless is not moving at all. He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end… Her hands were motionless… He stood there… …   English dictionary

  • motionless — mo|tion|less [ˈməuʃənləs US ˈmou ] adj not moving at all = ↑still stand/sit/lay motionless ▪ The men stood motionless as Weir held his finger to his lips. ▪ Graham remained motionless. >motionlessly adv …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • motionless — adj. VERBS ▪ be, hang, kneel, lie, remain, sit, stand, stay ▪ The flag hung motionless on its pole …   Collocations dictionary

  • motionless — motionlessly, adv. motionlessness, n. /moh sheuhn lis/, adj. without motion: a motionless statue. [1590 1600; MOTION + LESS] Syn. still, stationary, unmoving, inert, stable, fixed, quiescent, quiet. Ant. active. * * * …   Universalium

  • motionless — adjective not moving at all: Helen sat motionless and silent. motionlessly adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • motionless — adjective the leaves were motionless in the still night air Syn: unmoving, still, stationary, stock still, immobile, static, not moving a muscle, rooted to the spot, transfixed, paralyzed, frozen Ant: moving …   Thesaurus of popular words

неподвижный, без движения, в состоянии покоя


- неподвижный, недвижимый, без движения; в состоянии покоя

to remain motionless — оставаться неподвижным, не двигаться, не шевелиться

Мои примеры


motionless boundary — свободная от трения граница  
as motionless as a carving — неподвижный как статуя  
remain motionless — оставаться неподвижным; не шевелиться; не двигаться  
eagle planing on widespread motionless wings — орёл, парящий на неподвижно распростертых крыльях  
enthalpy of motionless air — энтальпия неподвижного воздуха  
as motionless as a statue — неподвижный как статуя  
entropy of motionless air — энтропия неподвижного воздуха  
motionless hologram — неподвижная голограмма  
motionless ice — неподвижный лёд  
motionless mixers — неподвижные смесители  

Примеры с переводом

He made hand motions to get our attention.

Он помахал руками, чтобы привлечь наше внимание.

The injured man was lying motionless on his back.

Раненый лежал на спине без движения.

Graham remained motionless.

Грэм оставался неподвижным.

Her motion was voted on.

Её предложение было вынесено на голосование.

She motioned at the empty chair beside her and told me to sit down.

Она указала на пустой стул рядом с ней и велела мне сесть.

She made a motion calling for the repeal of the law.

Она внесла предложение отменить этот закон.

He caught the ball and flipped it back to me in one fluid motion.

Он поймал мяч и тут же, одним плавным движением, бросил его мне обратно.

Suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless.

Внезапно они оказались в застое, и вода стала неподвижной.

She has a simple golf swing with no wasted motion.

Свинг у неё простой, без лишних движений. (о гольфе)

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She motioned to her assistant.

The guard motioned us through the gate.

His lawyer filed a motion for a mistrial.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

motion  — движение, предложение, перемещение, показывать жестом
motions  — кал
motionlessly  — неподвижно



motion +‎ -less


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈməʊʃənlɛs/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈmoʊʃənlɛs/


motionless (not comparable)

  1. at rest, stationary, immobile, not moving.
    • 1898, H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds, London: William Heinemann, page 98:

      Nothing was to be seen save flat meadows, cows feeding unconcernedly for the most part, and silvery pollard willows motionless in the warm sunlight.

    • 1913, Robert Barr, chapter 4, in Lord Stranleigh Abroad:

      Nothing could be more business-like than the construction of the stout dams, and nothing more gently rural than the limpid lakes, with the grand old forest trees marshalled round their margins like a veteran army that had marched down to drink, only to be stricken motionless at the water’s edge.

    • 2023 February 8, Greg Morse, “Crossing the border… by Sleeper”, in RAIL, number 976, page 43:

      We remain motionless in the platform while the ex-Edinburgh draws forward, the points are set, and it is propelled back for attachment. The Edinburgh locomotive uncoupled, a brake test is performed and we’re away.


at rest, not moving

  • Armenian: անշարժ (hy) (anšarž)
  • Bulgarian: неподвижен (bg) (nepodvižen)
  • Crimean Tatar: areketsiz
  • Czech: nehybný
  • Dutch: bewegingsloos (nl)
  • Esperanto: senmova
  • Finnish: liikkumaton (fi)
  • French: immobile (fr)
  • German: unbeweglich (de), reglos (de), bewegungslos (de)
  • Icelandic: grafkyrr, hreyfingarlaus
  • Italian: immobile (it), immoto, inerte (it)
  • Japanese: 不動の (ふどうの, fudō-no)
  • Maori: whakaroau, pateko
  • Polish: nieruchomy (pl)
  • Portuguese: imóvel (pt)
  • Russian: неподви́жный (ru) (nepodvížnyj)
  • Spanish: inmóvil (es), inerte (es), quieto (es), en reposo


  • somnolites

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Maya Wolf IV

Score: 4.8/5
(31 votes)

If you’re motionless, you’re completely still, not moving a muscle. Your barber might instruct you to remain motionless while he trims the hair around your ears. Anything that’s motionless doesn’t move — a statue is motionless, and your bike is motionless lying in the driveway until you climb on it and start pedaling.

What does it mean if someone is motionless?

Someone or something that is motionless is not moving at all. He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end.

What does Mointless mean?

/ (ˈməʊʃənlɪs) / adjective. not moving; absolutely still.

What does motionless mean in science?

inactive, motionless, static, stilladjective. not in physical motion. «the inertia of an object at rest«

What is a motionless image called?

Noun. View of single film frame. freeze frame. motionless scene. still frame.

25 related questions found

Where did the word motionless come from?

motionless (adj.)

«without motion, being at rest,» 1590s, from motion (n.) + -less.

What makes something motionless?

If you’re motionless, you’re completely still, not moving a muscle. Your barber might instruct you to remain motionless while he trims the hair around your ears. Anything that’s motionless doesn’t move — a statue is motionless, and your bike is motionless lying in the driveway until you climb on it and start pedaling.

What do comfortably mean?

adjective. (of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: a comfortable chair;comfortable shoes. being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease: to be comfortable in new shoes;I don’t feel comfortable in the same room with her.

What’s strutted mean?

to walk with a vain, pompous bearing, as with head erect and chest thrown out, as if expecting to impress observers. noun. the act of strutting.

Which is the closest antonym for the word captivity?

antonyms for captivity

  • freedom.
  • liberation.
  • liberty.
  • independence.
  • license.

What is a sentence for motionless?

Motionless sentence example. He lay motionless on the ground. He held her for a moment, as if in a motionless dance. When he had been placed on his camp bed he lay for a long time motionless with closed eyes.

Is motionlessly a word?

adj. Having or making no motion. mo′tion·less·ly adv. mo′tion·less·ness n.

What makes something comfortable?

Comfort (or being comfortable) is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship. … For example, a person might sit in a chair without discomfort, but still find the addition of a pillow to the chair to increase their feeling of comfort.

How do you use comfortably in a sentence?

Comfortably sentence example

  1. Bilibin settled down comfortably beside the fire. …
  2. They chatted comfortably during the ride. …
  3. The Queen’s Park and Titwood clubs in Glasgow have each three greens, and as they can quite comfortably play six rinks on each, it is not uncommon to see 144 players making their game simultaneously.

How do you describe being comfortable?

Some common synonyms of comfortable are cozy, easy, restful, and snug. While all these words mean «enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security,» comfortable applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease.

What part of speech is the word motionless?

At rest, stationary, immobile, not moving.

What is mean by floated?

floated; floating; floats. Definition of float (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a fluid. 2a : to drift on or through or as if on or through a fluid yellow leaves floated down.

What is a box or drawer for keeping money?

A till is the drawer of a cash register, where the money is kept.

Is motionless and adverb?

Is «motionless» an adverb or adjective? [duplicate] Closed last year. I am reading Charlotte’s Web with my daughter. … We checked Merriam-Webster’s dictionary and and they both defined motionlessly as the adverb, keeping motionless only as an adjective.

What’s another word for feeling threatened?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for threatened, like: warned, endangered, in bad straits, jeopardized, unsafe, unprotected, imperiled, mollified, vulnerable, in a crucial state and besieged.

How do you use raw in a sentence?

Raw sentence example

  1. Jonny’s voice was young and raw again. …
  2. They’re not raw , and I only eat them for dinner. …
  3. He was right, of course, but his harsh words were like salt on a raw wound. …
  4. Feeling raw , Jenn rose. …
  5. In truth, the raw information funneled to us was transmitted as received after passing through our office.

How do you use hissed in a sentence?

Hissed sentence example. Suddenly a cannon ball hissed so low above the crowd that everyone ducked. She hissed at the pain. He hissed , «I will stop when you have silenced yourselves.»

How do you use the word ceaseless in a sentence?

Ceaseless Sentence Examples

  1. The couch was worn out by ceaseless jumping by the children.
  2. It was a ceaseless war because neither side would stop fighting.
  3. The ceaseless movement of the two children in the car caused a lot of stress during the road trip.
  4. His objections in the meeting were ceaseless.

Asked by: Prof. Maya Wolf IV

Score: 4.8/5
(31 votes)

If you’re motionless, you’re completely still, not moving a muscle. Your barber might instruct you to remain motionless while he trims the hair around your ears. Anything that’s motionless doesn’t move — a statue is motionless, and your bike is motionless lying in the driveway until you climb on it and start pedaling.

What does it mean if someone is motionless?

Someone or something that is motionless is not moving at all. He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end.

What does Mointless mean?

/ (ˈməʊʃənlɪs) / adjective. not moving; absolutely still.

What does motionless mean in science?

inactive, motionless, static, stilladjective. not in physical motion. «the inertia of an object at rest«

What is a motionless image called?

Noun. View of single film frame. freeze frame. motionless scene. still frame.

25 related questions found

Where did the word motionless come from?

motionless (adj.)

«without motion, being at rest,» 1590s, from motion (n.) + -less.

What makes something motionless?

If you’re motionless, you’re completely still, not moving a muscle. Your barber might instruct you to remain motionless while he trims the hair around your ears. Anything that’s motionless doesn’t move — a statue is motionless, and your bike is motionless lying in the driveway until you climb on it and start pedaling.

What do comfortably mean?

adjective. (of clothing, furniture, etc.) producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: a comfortable chair;comfortable shoes. being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease: to be comfortable in new shoes;I don’t feel comfortable in the same room with her.

What’s strutted mean?

to walk with a vain, pompous bearing, as with head erect and chest thrown out, as if expecting to impress observers. noun. the act of strutting.

Which is the closest antonym for the word captivity?

antonyms for captivity

  • freedom.
  • liberation.
  • liberty.
  • independence.
  • license.

What is a sentence for motionless?

Motionless sentence example. He lay motionless on the ground. He held her for a moment, as if in a motionless dance. When he had been placed on his camp bed he lay for a long time motionless with closed eyes.

Is motionlessly a word?

adj. Having or making no motion. mo′tion·less·ly adv. mo′tion·less·ness n.

What makes something comfortable?

Comfort (or being comfortable) is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship. … For example, a person might sit in a chair without discomfort, but still find the addition of a pillow to the chair to increase their feeling of comfort.

How do you use comfortably in a sentence?

Comfortably sentence example

  1. Bilibin settled down comfortably beside the fire. …
  2. They chatted comfortably during the ride. …
  3. The Queen’s Park and Titwood clubs in Glasgow have each three greens, and as they can quite comfortably play six rinks on each, it is not uncommon to see 144 players making their game simultaneously.

How do you describe being comfortable?

Some common synonyms of comfortable are cozy, easy, restful, and snug. While all these words mean «enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security,» comfortable applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease.

What part of speech is the word motionless?

At rest, stationary, immobile, not moving.

What is mean by floated?

floated; floating; floats. Definition of float (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a fluid. 2a : to drift on or through or as if on or through a fluid yellow leaves floated down.

What is a box or drawer for keeping money?

A till is the drawer of a cash register, where the money is kept.

Is motionless and adverb?

Is «motionless» an adverb or adjective? [duplicate] Closed last year. I am reading Charlotte’s Web with my daughter. … We checked Merriam-Webster’s dictionary and and they both defined motionlessly as the adverb, keeping motionless only as an adjective.

What’s another word for feeling threatened?

In this page you can discover 63 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for threatened, like: warned, endangered, in bad straits, jeopardized, unsafe, unprotected, imperiled, mollified, vulnerable, in a crucial state and besieged.

How do you use raw in a sentence?

Raw sentence example

  1. Jonny’s voice was young and raw again. …
  2. They’re not raw , and I only eat them for dinner. …
  3. He was right, of course, but his harsh words were like salt on a raw wound. …
  4. Feeling raw , Jenn rose. …
  5. In truth, the raw information funneled to us was transmitted as received after passing through our office.

How do you use hissed in a sentence?

Hissed sentence example. Suddenly a cannon ball hissed so low above the crowd that everyone ducked. She hissed at the pain. He hissed , «I will stop when you have silenced yourselves.»

How do you use the word ceaseless in a sentence?

Ceaseless Sentence Examples

  1. The couch was worn out by ceaseless jumping by the children.
  2. It was a ceaseless war because neither side would stop fighting.
  3. The ceaseless movement of the two children in the car caused a lot of stress during the road trip.
  4. His objections in the meeting were ceaseless.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ moh-shuhn-lis ]

/ ˈmoʊ ʃən lɪs /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


without motion: a motionless statue.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of motionless

First recorded in 1590–1600; motion + -less


mo·tion·less·ly, adverbmo·tion·less·ness, noun

Words nearby motionless

motif, motile, motility, motion, motion capture, motionless, motion picture, motion sickness, motion study, motion work, motivate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to motionless

frozen, immobile, inert, lifeless, paralyzed, stagnant, stationary, steadfast, apoplectic, at rest, becalmed, dead, deadlocked, deathly, firm, fixed, halted, immotile, inanimate, numb

How to use motionless in a sentence

  • We know from fMRI studies that a consistent wiggle of a finger or blinking “yes” at the right questions may reveal an internal life inside a largely motionless body.

  • By then, Floyd was motionless, unconscious and reportedly had no pulse.

  • In the first, called quiet sleep, the octopuses are pale and motionless with the pupils of their eyes narrowed to slits.

  • She hung up the phone and stood motionless for just a moment.

  • The chair keeps moving constantly, and with your eyes shut, you think you’re motionless.

  • He fell 40 feet and fractured his skull, hip, and nose, and lay there motionless.

  • He remained motionless in the next shot but the fear of what was to follow was etched on his face.

  • “He immediately dropped to the ground in front of the door where he remained motionless,” the criminal complaint says.

  • Surrounded by family and friends, he sat shirtless and motionless leaning forward in a chair on the dirt in front of his hut.

  • I witnessed that tragedy a few blocks from where it occurred, standing motionless at 8th Street and 6th Avenue in lower Manhattan.

  • A lateen sail was visible in the direction of Cat Island, and others to the south seemed almost motionless in the far distance.

  • When he was gone, Isaacson stood by the mantel-piece for nearly five minutes, thinking and motionless.

  • Motionless she stood, straining eye and ear; she could hear nothing, but the gestures told much.

  • The leaves were motionless, the river crept past without a murmur, the dark hills rose out of the distant desert like a wave.

  • The major and Hicks, who stood not far from him, were both unusually pale in the face, as they gazed motionless before them.

British Dictionary definitions for motionless


not moving; absolutely still

Derived forms of motionless

motionlessly, adverbmotionlessness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

If you’re motionless, you’re completely still, not moving a muscle. Your barber might instruct you to remain motionless while he trims the hair around your ears.

Anything that’s motionless doesn’t move — a statue is motionless, and your bike is motionless lying in the driveway until you climb on it and start pedaling. Photographs are motionless, while video records movement. Your new puppy might be a constantly wiggling, jumping ball of motion until she becomes exhausted and falls sound asleep, motionless. Motion, or movement, comes from a Latin root, motionem, «a movement» or «an emotion.»

Definitions of motionless

  1. adjective

    not in physical motion

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘motionless’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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