Meaning of the word mentioned

Whenever I hear intellectuals talk about sexual icons of the present day, the name mentioned most is Madonna. ❋ Chuck Klosterman (2010)

He was not even a topic of conversation or a name mentioned by my siblings or the sister wives. ❋ MICHeLe DomInGuez Greene (2010)

The first of the guests had returned from the stables, and Caitlyn heard her name mentioned by Lord Dervishton. ❋ Karen Hawkins (2009)

I’m thinking maybe Peter saw the term mentioned on a fixed-gear site somewhere and figured he should use it. ❋ BikeSnobNYC (2008)

Like suddenly hearing your name mentioned at a noisy cocktail party, you become consciously aware of items of interest through your unconscious scanning ability. ❋ DEAN RADIN (2006)

I don’t think from her title mentioned on the Weiss website she is going to be calling any shots on the Campaign Trail. ❋ Unknown (2006)

I heard your name mentioned for assistant defense secretary the other day. ❋ Jim DeFelice (2003)

Muted conversation buzzed noisily in her ear, and she heard her name mentioned more than once. ❋ Della Van Hise (1990)

Mentionitis as a warning sign:
«Boyfriend: let’s go see Movie X
Girlfriend: Oh, Tony from [the office] saw that and liked it!
Boyfriend: How about pizza?
Girlfriend: sure, i saw Tony from the office having [slice] and [am now] craving one.
Girlfriend: I am leaving you for Tony from the office» ❋ Pseudoanu (2010)

H: «These are great cookies»
S: «Matt likes cookies»
H: «So I was looking at something online…»
S: «I got a cool link from Matt, lets check it out.»
H: «so…»
S: «Matt [blah blah blah] [Matt Matt] Matt»
H: «Whoa you have a strong case of [mentionitis]» ❋ Han’s (2009)

«I’m [amazed] you find the time, not to mention the [energy], to do any work [at all]» ❋ Masoud Tafahomi (2015)

[Star Jones] mentions were in [a mess] when she bad-mouthed [Olivia Pope]. ❋ Onetntsis (2013)

Katie: Yo, I was just at [Manhattan Beach] yesterday…it was so nice.
Wes: Oh yeah, [I went there] last week with a friend who parties with [Eddie Van Halen’s] drug dealer….
Katie: Ewww. You’re hideous. ❋ Katie And Wes (2005)

Woman «Thank you for [helping] me.»
[Helper] «[Don’t mention it]!» ❋ Hop_scotch (2009)

«Yo [you know] [whats] [going down], Mr. Mention?» ❋ Alikhan (2008)

Dad: Lets go to [on vacation] (completely serious tone)
Daughter: OK WHERE!?
Dad: Las Vegas
Daughter: when?
Dad: [maybe next year]
…[3 years] later…
Daughter: You are a Mentional Liar!! For the last 3 years you said that we could go to Vegas! ❋ Crazy Kim (2010)

friend 1: «i’ll have a [bud light].»
friend 2: «oh, that’s [john’s] favorite beer, too!»
friend 1: «you’ve got a severe case of the mentions!»
friend 2: «[i’m sorry]! he’s just so wonderful. i can’t stop thinking about him!» ❋ Catherine M. (2007)

person 1- Oh, hey did you hear on the announcements [dan] go honorable mention?
person 2- no way [dans] the man
person 1- yeah thats such a rare [accomplishment]!
person 2- i wish i was dan ❋ B’nanacoolio (2010)

the above-mentioned book — вышеупомянутая книга  
previously mentioned — вышеуказанный  
below mentioned — нижеупомянутый  
below-mentioned — нижеупомянутый  
mentioned below — нижеперечисленный; нижеприведённый; упомянутый ниже  
above-mentioned — упомянутый выше; вышеприведённый; вышеупомянутый  
the above-mentioned — вышеупомянутое; оный  
above mentioned — вышеперечисленный; приведённый выше; вышеоговоренный  
as already mentioned above — как уже упоминалось выше  
a point that should mentioned is — следует упомянуть  

As soon as I mentioned money, Karen was all ears.

Как только я упомянул деньги, Карен навострила уши.

She mentioned the book to me.

Она сказала мне об этой книге.

As I mentioned earlier, there have been a lot of changes recently.

Как я упоминал ранее, в последнее время произошло множество изменений.

It is odd that his name is never mentioned.

Странно, что его имя никогда не упоминается.

I get nervous every time his name is mentioned.

Я волнуюсь каждый раз, когда упоминается его имя.

His name was mentioned in connection with the invention.

Его имя упоминалось в связи с этим изобретением.

David’s face lit up when I mentioned her name.

Когда я упомянул её имя, лицо Дэвида просияло.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Jay pricked up his ears when I mentioned a vacation.

She’s never mentioned anything to me about her husband.

He gave me an uncomprehending look when I mentioned her name.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

mention  — упоминание, ссылка, отзыв, упомянуть, упоминать, ссылаться
undermentioned  — нижеприведенный, нижеупомянутый
mentionable  — заслуживающий упоминания, могущий быть упомянутым

  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

men•tion /ˈmɛnʃən/USA pronunciation  

  1. to refer briefly to;
    speak of: [+ object]Did she mention this to her husband?[+ (that) clause]Did I mention that we’re leaving in five minutes?

n. [uncountable]

  1. an incidental reference:The dog barked at the mention of her master’s name.
  2. formal recognition for a noteworthy act:to receive honorable mention for her essay.


  1. Don’t mention it. This phrase is used as a polite answer to someone who has thanked you for your help:«Thanks for everything.» «—Don’t mention it; I was glad to help.»
  2. Idioms not to mention, in addition to:They own two houses, not to mention a boat.

See -men-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(menshən),USA pronunciation v.t. 

  1. to refer briefly to;
    name, specify, or speak of:Don’t forget to mention her contribution to the project.
  2. to cite formally for a meritorious act or achievement:He was mentioned in dispatches from the war zone.
  3. Idiomsnot to mention, in addition to;
    without mentioning:We were served a sumptuous entree, not to mention the other courses.


  1. a direct or incidental reference;
    a mentioning:to make mention of a place.
  2. formal recognition for a meritorious act or achievement:Her entry in the science competition received a special mention.
  • Latin, as above
  • Anglo-French
  • Latin mentiōn- (stem of mentiō) a calling to mind, a touching upon (see mental1, —ion); replacing Middle English mencioun
  • 1250–1300

mention•a•ble, adj. 
mention•er, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged indicate, allude to.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged allusion, notice.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

mention /ˈmɛnʃən/ vb (transitive)

  1. to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally
  2. to acknowledge or honour
  3. not to mention somethingto say nothing of something too obvious to mention


  1. a recognition or acknowledgment
  2. a slight reference or allusion
  3. the act of mentioning

Etymology: 14th Century: via Old French from Latin mentiō a calling to mind, naming, from mēns mind

ˈmentionable adj

Mentioned‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):


(redirected from mentioned)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.



tr.v. men·tioned, men·tion·ing, men·tions

To speak or write about, especially briefly or incidentally: I mentioned your idea during the conversation. She mentioned that she was going to be five minutes late.


1. The act or an instance of mentioning something: He made no mention of the incident in his report. There was a mention of the play in the local newspaper.

2. A statement or citation of honor or appreciation: Sponsors were given a special mention during the opening ceremony.


not to mention

In addition to; as well as.

[From Middle English mencioun, reference, from Old French, from Latin mentiō, mentiōn-; see men- in Indo-European roots.]

men′tion·a·ble adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr)

1. to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally

2. to acknowledge or honour

3. not to mention something to say nothing of something too obvious to mention


4. a recognition or acknowledgment

5. a slight reference or allusion: he only got a mention in the article; the author makes no mention of that.

6. the act of mentioning

7. (Linguistics) philosophy logic linguistics the occurrence (of an expression) in such a context that it is itself referred to rather than performing its own linguistic function. In «Fido» names Fido, the word Fido is first mentioned and then used to refer to the dog. Compare use18 See also formal mode

8. chiefly Austral and NZ a preliminary hearing in a court of law

[C14: via Old French from Latin mentiō a calling to mind, naming, from mēns mind]

ˈmentionable adj

ˈmentioner n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmɛn ʃən)


1. to refer briefly to; name, specify, or speak of.

2. to cite formally for a meritorious act or achievement.


3. a brief or incidental reference; a mentioning.

4. formal recognition for a meritorious act or achievement.


not to mention, in addition to: They own two houses, not to mention a boat.

[1250–1300; Middle English mencioun < Anglo-French < Latin mentiō reference, mention = men- (base of) mēns mind (see mental1)) + -tiō -tion]

men′tion•a•ble, adj.

men′tion•er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • oojah, ooja-ka-piv, oojiboo — An oojah or ooja-ka-piv or oojiboo is «a thing whose name one forgets, does not know, or prefers not to mention.»
  • apophasis — Mentioning a subject by saying one is not going to mention it.
  • infandous — Describing something too horrible to mention.
  • mention — Its etymological notion is «reminding,» from Latin mentio, «remembrance.»

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.



1. ‘comment’

If you comment on a situation, or make a comment about it, you give your opinion on it.

Mr Cook has not commented on these reports.

I was wondering whether you had any comments.

2. ‘mention’

If you mention something, you say it, but only briefly, especially when you have not talked about it before.

He mentioned that he might go to New York.

3. ‘remark’

If you remark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way.

Visitors remark on how well the children look.

Martin made a rude remark about her t-shirt.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: mentioned
Gerund: mentioning

I mention
you mention
he/she/it mentions
we mention
you mention
they mention
I mentioned
you mentioned
he/she/it mentioned
we mentioned
you mentioned
they mentioned
Present Continuous
I am mentioning
you are mentioning
he/she/it is mentioning
we are mentioning
you are mentioning
they are mentioning
Present Perfect
I have mentioned
you have mentioned
he/she/it has mentioned
we have mentioned
you have mentioned
they have mentioned
Past Continuous
I was mentioning
you were mentioning
he/she/it was mentioning
we were mentioning
you were mentioning
they were mentioning
Past Perfect
I had mentioned
you had mentioned
he/she/it had mentioned
we had mentioned
you had mentioned
they had mentioned
I will mention
you will mention
he/she/it will mention
we will mention
you will mention
they will mention
Future Perfect
I will have mentioned
you will have mentioned
he/she/it will have mentioned
we will have mentioned
you will have mentioned
they will have mentioned
Future Continuous
I will be mentioning
you will be mentioning
he/she/it will be mentioning
we will be mentioning
you will be mentioning
they will be mentioning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been mentioning
you have been mentioning
he/she/it has been mentioning
we have been mentioning
you have been mentioning
they have been mentioning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been mentioning
you will have been mentioning
he/she/it will have been mentioning
we will have been mentioning
you will have been mentioning
they will have been mentioning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been mentioning
you had been mentioning
he/she/it had been mentioning
we had been mentioning
you had been mentioning
they had been mentioning
I would mention
you would mention
he/she/it would mention
we would mention
you would mention
they would mention
Past Conditional
I would have mentioned
you would have mentioned
he/she/it would have mentioned
we would have mentioned
you would have mentioned
they would have mentioned

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. mention - a remark that calls attention to something or someonemention — a remark that calls attention to something or someone; «she made frequent mention of her promotion»; «there was no mention of it»; «the speaker made several references to his wife»


comment, remark, input — a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information; «from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account»

allusion — passing reference or indirect mention

retrospection — reference to things past; «the story begins with no introductory retrospections»

name-dropping — the practice of casually mentioning important people in order to impress your listener; «the hard thing about name-dropping is to avoid being too obvious about it»

2. mention - a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passagemention — a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; «the student’s essay failed to list several important citations»; «the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book»; «the article includes mention of similar clinical cases»

cite, quotation, reference, acknowledgment, citation, credit

annotation, notation, note — a comment or instruction (usually added); «his notes were appended at the end of the article»; «he added a short notation to the address on the envelope»

photo credit — a note acknowledging the source of a published photograph

cross-index, cross-reference — a reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work

3. mention - an official recognition of meritmention — an official recognition of merit; «although he didn’t win the prize he did get special mention»

honorable mention

accolade, honor, laurels, honour, award — a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; «an award for bravery»

Verb 1. mention — make reference to; «His name was mentioned in connection with the invention»

cite, refer, advert, name, bring up

have in mind, think of, mean — intend to refer to; «I’m thinking of good food when I talk about France»; «Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!»

commend, remember — mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship; «Remember me to your wife»

speak of the devil — mention someone’s name who just then appears

remember — mention favorably, as in prayer; «remember me in your prayers»

quote, cite — refer to for illustration or proof; «He said he could quote several instances of this behavior»

touch on — refer to or discuss briefly

invoke, appeal — cite as an authority; resort to; «He invoked the law that would save him»; «I appealed to the law of 1900»; «She invoked an ancient law»

namedrop — refer to people that one assumes one’s interlocutors admire in order to try to impress them

bring up, raise — put forward for consideration or discussion; «raise the question of promotions»; «bring up an unpleasant topic»

drag up, dredge up — mention something unpleasant from the past; «Drag up old stories»

cross-refer — refer from one entry to another, as in catalogues, books, and lists

2. mention — make mention of; «She observed that his presentation took up too much time»; «They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing»

note, remark, observe

say, state, tell — express in words; «He said that he wanted to marry her»; «tell me what is bothering you»; «state your opinion»; «state your name»

comment, point out, remark, notice — make or write a comment on; «he commented the paper of his colleague»

3. mention - commendmention — commend; «he was cited for his outstanding achievements»


acknowledge, notice — express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; «He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway»; «She acknowledged his complement with a smile»; «it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one’s own writing»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. refer to, point out, acknowledge, bring up, state, report, reveal, declare, cite, communicate, disclose, intimate, tell of, recount, hint at, impart, allude to, divulge, broach, call attention to, make known, touch upon, adduce, speak about or of She did not mention her mother’s absence.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To call or direct attention to something:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


zmínkazmínitzmínit sehovořit





drepa áe-î sem minnst er ágetahafa orð áimpra á



jau nekalbant apieužsiminimas





söz etmekbahsetmebahsetmekdeğinmediye söylemek

đề cập

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(response to thanks) don’t mention it! → je vous en prie!, il n’y a pas de quoi!
thank you! — don’t mention it! → merci! — il n’y a pas de quoi!

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. nmenzione f, accenno
it’s hardly worth a mention → non è neanche il caso di parlarne

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈmenʃən) verb

1. to speak of or refer to. He mentioned the plan.

2. to remark or say usually briefly or indirectly. She mentioned (that) she might be leaving.


(often with of) a (usually brief) remark (about). No mention was made of this matter.

not to mention

used to emphasize something important or to excuse oneself for mentioning something relatively unimportant. He is rich and clever, not to mention handsome.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَذْكُرُ zmínit (se) nævne erwähnen αναφέρω mención mainita mentionner spomenuti menzionare 話に出す 언급하다 vermelden nevne wspomnieć mencionar упоминать nämna กล่าวถึง söz etmek đề cập 提及

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Mentioned in

  • above
  • abovementioned
  • above-mentioned
  • above-named
  • accolade
  • advert
  • aforementioned
  • aforesaid
  • After-mentioned
  • allude
  • allude to
  • allusion
  • apophasis
  • bring
  • bring up
  • chiliasm
  • citation
  • cite
  • commend

References in classic literature

Now that cause which of all others most universally inclines men to desire to bring about a change in government is that which I have already mentioned; for those who aim at equality will be ever ready for sedition, if they see those whom they esteem their equals possess more than they do, as well as those also who are not content with equality but aim at superiority, if they think that while they deserve more than, they have only equal with, or less than, their inferiors.

To this Square answered; that it was impossible to discourse philosophically concerning words, till their meaning was first established: that there were scarce any two words of a more vague and uncertain signification, than the two he had mentioned; for that there were almost as many different opinions concerning honour, as concerning religion.

[The parts of Tragedy which must be treated as elements of the whole have been already mentioned. We now come to the quantitative parts the separate parts into which Tragedy is divided namely, Prologue, Episode, Exode, Choric song; this last being divided into Parode and Stasimon.

Vanstone ever mentioned, in the presence of her daughters, the name of Captain Wragge?

The phoenix was to let, on this elevated perch, when Mr Dorrit, who had lately succeeded to his property, mentioned to his bankers that he wished to discover a lady, well-bred, accomplished, well connected, well accustomed to good society, who was qualified at once to complete the education of his daughters, and to be their matron or chaperon.

Asked next, if she had mentioned this notion of hers to any other person, Penelope answered, «I have not mentioned it, for Rosanna’s sake.» I felt it necessary to add a word to this.

In conformity with the Act of Congress of the United States entitled, «An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times herein mentioned.» And also to an Act, entitled, «an Act, supplementary to an Act, for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times herein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.» JAMES DILL, Clerk of the Southern District of New-York

Before Sonya and her mother, if Boris happened to be mentioned, she spoke quite freely of that episode as of some childish, long-forgotten matter that was not worth mentioning.

Casaubon had called, but the reading of this letter assured him of the fact, for Dorothea mentioned that it was to be carried by herself.

Not a soul of all my relations know of it but Anne, and I never should have mentioned it to you, if I had not felt the greatest dependence in the world upon your secrecy; and I really thought my behaviour in asking so many questions about Mrs.

You mentioned just now the alternative of consulting Mr.

Tumbled into the water, it accordingly is in such cases; the spare coils of box line (mentioned in a preceding chapter) making this feat, in most instances, prudently practicable.

Dictionary browser

  • Mentha
  • Mentha aquatica
  • Mentha arvensis
  • Mentha citrata
  • Mentha longifolia
  • Mentha piperita
  • Mentha pulegium
  • Mentha rotundifolia
  • Mentha spicata
  • Mentha suaveolens
  • menthaceous
  • menthene
  • menthol
  • mentholated
  • mentholated salve
  • Menthyl
  • menticide
  • Menticirrhus
  • Menticirrhus americanus
  • Menticirrhus littoralis
  • Menticirrhus saxatilis
  • Menticirrhus undulatus
  • Menticultural
  • mention
  • mentionable
  • mentioned
  • mentioner
  • Mentmore
  • mento
  • Mentomeckelian
  • Menton
  • mentonniere
  • mentor
  • Mentorial
  • mentoring
  • mentorship
  • mentulomania
  • mentum
  • Mentzelia
  • Mentzelia laevicaulis
  • Mentzelia lindleyi
  • Mentzelia livicaulis
  • menu
  • menudo
  • menu-driven
  • Menuhin
  • Menuhin Yehudi
  • menuisier
  • Menura
  • Menurae
  • Menuridae

Full browser

  • mention it in passing
  • mention me in
  • mention me in the same breath
  • mention me to
  • mention somebody in
  • mention somebody in the same breath
  • mention somebody to
  • mention somebody/something in
  • mention somebody/something in the same breath
  • mention somebody/something to
  • mention someone in
  • mention someone in the same breath
  • mention someone to
  • mention something in
  • mention something in passing
  • mention something in the same breath
  • mention something to
  • mention them in
  • mention them in the same breath
  • mention them to
  • mention to
  • mention us in
  • mention us in the same breath
  • mention us to
  • mention you in
  • mention you in the same breath
  • mention you to
  • mentionable
  • mentionable
  • mentionable
  • mentioned
  • mentioned her in
  • mentioned her to
  • mentioned him in
  • mentioned him to
  • Mentioned in Despatches
  • Mentioned in Despatches
  • Mentioned in Dispatch
  • Mentioned in dispatches
  • Mentioned in dispatches
  • Mentioned in dispatches
  • mentioned in passing
  • mentioned in will
  • mentioned it in passing
  • mentioned me in
  • mentioned me to
  • mentioned somebody in
  • mentioned somebody to
  • mentioned somebody/something in
  • mentioned somebody/something to
  • mentioned someone in
  • mentioned someone to
  • mentioned something in
  • mentioned something in passing
  • mentioned something to
  • mentioned them in
  • mentioned them to
  • mentioned us in
  • mentioned us to
  • mentioned you in
  • mentioned you to

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Gender was earlier mentioned only in the preamble.

Категория будущего в ней упомянута только однажды — в преамбуле.

Notice we haven’t mentioned technology.

И при этом заметьте, мы еще даже не упомянули о технологии.

You never mentioned you were friends.

Your brother-in-law never mentioned your marriage.

Ваш деверь никогда не упоминал о том, что его брат женат.

You mentioned not having many mentors.

Вы упомянули о том, что у нас практически нет творческих политиков.

Perhaps it was but he never mentioned.

Вполне возможно, что был, хотя он никогда об этом не упоминал.

He recently mentioned he had money problems.

По его словам, до недавнего времени у него были проблемы с деньгами.

Turmeric contains many antioxidants as mentioned earlier.

В составе кунжутного масла достаточно много антиоксидантов, о чем уже упоминалось ранее.

He mentioned televisions and cars as examples.

Стоит ли говорить, что в качестве примера можно привести автомобили и телевизоры.

She never mentioned her health challenges.

К тому же сама она никогда не рассказывала о проблемах со здоровьем.

Now concerning the laws you mentioned.

Так вот, теперь по поводу законов, о которых вы упомянули.

Follow the healthy lifestyle habits mentioned above.

Испытайте на себе те шесть принципов здорового образа жизни, которые изложены выше.

Specific issues and problems with regional groupings were mentioned.

В ходе обсуждения этого документа были затронуты конкретные вопросы и проблемы, возникающие в связи с региональными объединениями.

I never mentioned marriage or kids.

(Мы) никогда не говорил о браке, или о детях.

Throughout our conversation u mentioned some other projects.

You mentioned that there are online support groups.

Вы, конечно, слышали о том, что в Интернете существуют группы по интересам.

Minister also mentioned the recent provocative statements of Armenia.

Министр также обратил внимание на то, что в последнее время со стороны Армении звучат нелицеприятные заявления.

I have mentioned these spurious statistics before.

Впрочем, об этой печальной статистике мы уже слышали.

A follow-up to a story we mentioned yesterday.

Это — продолжение истории, о которой мы рассказали вчера.

Hence the «green» solutions i mentioned.

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mentioned — перевод на русский

He never mentioned it to me. Why should he?

Он никогда не упоминал этого.Почему он должен?

I didn’t mention it then.

— Я не упоминал тогда.

Did he mention me by name?

Он упоминал обо мне?

He mentions a child crying on the cliff that night.

Он упоминал детский крик на утёсе той ночью.

No, I can’t recall Eugene ever having mentioned your name.

Хотя бы что-нибудь? Нет, я не помню, чтобы Юджин когда-либо упоминал ваше имя.

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He didn’t mention anything about marriage until after it was over and until it got in the papers about us and he lost the election, and that Norton woman divorced him.

Он не говорил о женитьбе, пока все это не появилось в газетах, и он проиграл выборы. А Нортон развелась с ним.

Did you mention the text to Mr Hoffman?

Ты говорил мистеру Хофману, в чем дело?

The professional relationship which I mentioned earlier.

Профессиональные отношения, о которых я уже говорил.

Did your husband ever mention anything about me, Mrs. Phillips, anything at all?

Ваш муж когда-нибудь говорил обо мне, миссис Филлипс?

— Haven’t I ever mentioned it to you?

— Я тебе этого еще не говорил? — Нет, никогда.

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No, I just happened to mention his name.

Нет, я всего лишь случайно упомянул его имя.

Professor Siletsky was addressing us at the camp… and I mentioned the name of Maria Tura and he’d never heard of her.

…общаясь с профессором Силецким, я упомянул Марию Тура. — Оказалось, что он её не знает.

Dr. Gaskell’s mention of the giant Kronos, refers to the great evil monster of that name from Greek mythology.

Доктор Гаскелл упомянул гиганта Кроноса, которого в греческой мифологии, причисляли к большому злому монстру.

He started talking and mentioned a name that I’d never heard.

Он начал говорить упомянул имя которое я никогда не слышал.

— No, he’s a European, Susan, and he mentioned Kublai Khan. — Kublai Khan?

Да, он европеец, Сьюзен, и он упомянул хана Хубилая… хана Хубилая?

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Well, a couple of things I should have mentioned before, And didn’t.

Пара вещей, о которых должен был сказать раньше, но не сказал.

— You mentioned at the time that this fellow Reynolds had made some kind of a deal in Palm Springs, and he stopped in your office early in the morning on his way north to have it notarised. Wait a minute!

Ты тогда ещё сказал, что этот Рейнольдс заключил какую-то сделку в Палм-Спрингс… и заехал в твой офис рано утром, по дороге на север, чтобы нотариально заверить её.

I just mention it.

— Я просто сказал.

If I knew it was so complicated, I never would have mentioned it to you. I’ve been in your home.

Если б я знал о таких сложностях, то не сказал бы, что был в твоём доме.

— What was it you mentioned yesterday about the orphanage?

Что ты сказал вчера о приюте?

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Not to mention a couple of swans.

Не говоря уже о паре лебедей.

Not to mention the farm that belonged to it.

Не говоря уже о ферме Тресиленюр.

When you looted the barracuda’s ship, you hurt my purse… not to mention my pride.

Ограбив корабль Барракуды, Вы нанесли урон моему кошельку… не говоря уже о моей гордости.

Not to mention Renault…

Не говоря уже о Рено…

And that’s not to mention the aerial photography.

Не говоря уже о съемке с воздуха.

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I hope you’ll forgive me but I’ve discussed him, without mentioning any names with Dr Couzzens — one of the best psychiatrists in the country.

Надеюсь, Вы простите меня, но я обсудил его случай, естественно без упоминания имен с доктором Каззенсом — одним из лучших психиатров в стране.

It’s hardly worth mentioning, Mr. Groves.

Это не стоит упоминания, мистер Гровс.

Mention it not!

Не стоит даже упоминания!

Two mentions in my will.

Два упоминания в моем завещании.

I checked the personals columns in every national newspaper on the list, and I didn’t see anything that looked like a chess deal or find any mention of the name Windom Earle.

Я проверила колонки частных объявлений во всех газетах из списка, и не увидела ничего, напоминающего шахматный ход и не нашла ни одного упоминания имени Уиндома Эрла.

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She’s never mentioned it to me…

В Израиле? Она никогда мне не рассказывала…

But grandma mentioned it.

Но бабушка рассказывала…

I don’t expect she mentioned it but she got into trouble with an awful man.

Вряд ли она тебе рассказывала, но она связалась с ужасным человеком.

My mother never mentioned it.

Мама мне никогда не рассказывала, а я не успела её спросить.

This is the fellow I mentioned, Sir Humphrey.

Отлично. Об этом парне я вам рассказывал.

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Does Julie ever mention me?

Джули вспоминает меня?

Ever mention me?

Вспоминает обо мне?

Ever since my father mentioned about my brother I wanted to find out what happened to him.

Как всегда, когда мой отец вспоминает о моем брате… Я всегда хотел узнать, что с ним случилось.

As a matter of fact, I used to know most of those boys, but naturally I don’t like to mention it in a suit like this.

Ну, собственно говоря, я общался со многими из этих ребят,.. ..но вообще мне не нравится вспоминать об этом, будучи в таком виде.

They made me promise never to mention it again.

Они взяли с меня обещание никогда больше не вспоминать об этом.

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To break the silence, someone mentioned the entertainment planned for that evening, or the next day, or in the days to come.

Чтобы нарушить молчание, кто-то заговорил о развлечениях, назначенных на нынешний вечер, или на следующий день, или на последующие дни.

It’s funny you should mention your health.

Ну, раз уж ты заговорил о здоровье.

— Don’t mention women, or he’ll smash your head.

— Если ты с ним заговоришь о женщинах – о тебе голову разобьет.

If you ever mention my son again… you will never be able to eat here again, understand?

Если ты еще раз заговоришь о моем сыне, ты больше никогда не будешь здесь, есть, ты понял?

Now, that you mention it, I think your lady friend might find this style very appealing.

Раз вы заговорили об этом, я думаю, ваша дама сердца могла бы найти этот стиль привлекательным.

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I mentioned it to you first.

Я же первым рассказал.

Now, I want you to mention what’s happened here to your owner.

Я хочу, чтобы ты рассказал своему хозяину, что здесь произошло.

I was speaking earlier with Kramer and he mentioned something about a private jet to Paris.

Я сегодня разговаривал с Крамером и он рассказал мне кое-что о частном самолёте до Парижа.

You’re not gonna mention this to him—?

Вы не расскажете ему?

I need your word you won’t mention this to anyone, including the commander.

Дайте слово, что не расскажете это никому, даже командору.

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Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Перевод и значение -MENTIONED в английском и русском языках

transcription, транскрипция: [ -ʹmenʃ(ə)nd ]

компонент сложных слов; соответствует в русском языке упомянутый, упоминавшийся, упоминаемый

the above-mentioned book — вышеупомянутая книга

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

  • Dictionary
  • M
  • Mentioned


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [men-shuh n]
    • /ˈmɛn ʃən/
    • /ˈmen.ʃən/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [men-shuh n]
    • /ˈmɛn ʃən/

Definitions of mentioned word

  • verb with object mentioned to refer briefly to; name, specify, or speak of: Don’t forget to mention her contribution to the project. 1
  • verb with object mentioned to cite formally for a meritorious act or achievement: He was mentioned in dispatches from the war zone. 1
  • noun mentioned a direct or incidental reference; a mentioning: to make mention of a place. 1
  • noun mentioned formal recognition for a meritorious act or achievement: Her entry in the science competition received a special mention. 1
  • idioms mentioned not to mention, in addition to; without mentioning: We were served a sumptuous entree, not to mention the other courses. 1
  • noun mentioned Simple past tense and past participle of mention. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of mentioned

First appearance:

before 1250

One of the 11% oldest English words

1250-1300; < Latin mentiōn- (stem of mentiō) a calling to mind, a touching upon (see mental1, -ion); replacing Middle English mencioun < Anglo-French < Latin, as above

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Mentioned

mentioned popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 95% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

This word is included in each student’s vocabulary. Most likely there is at least one movie with this word in the title.

Synonyms for mentioned

adj mentioned

  • voiced — Computers. of or relating to the use of human or synthesized speech: voice-data entry; voice output.
  • quoted — to repeat (a passage, phrase, etc.) from a book, speech, or the like, as by way of authority, illustration, etc.
  • specified — to mention or name specifically or definitely; state in detail: He did not specify the amount needed.
  • suggested — to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible action: The architect suggested that the building be restored.
  • named — a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.

Antonyms for mentioned

verb mentioned

  • concealed — to hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep from sight: He concealed the gun under his coat.
  • disavowed — Deny any responsibility or support for.
  • hid — Human Interface Device
  • ignored — to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks.
  • neglected — to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for many years.

noun mentioned

  • silenced — absence of any sound or noise; stillness.

Top questions with mentioned

  • how many times is love mentioned in the bible?
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  • how many angels are mentioned by name in the bible?
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  • how many times is jesus mentioned in the bible?
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  • where is hell mentioned in the bible?
  • how many times is money mentioned in the bible?

See also

  • All definitions of mentioned
  • Synonyms for mentioned
  • Antonyms for mentioned
  • Related words to mentioned
  • Sentences with the word mentioned
  • mentioned pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with m
  • Words starting with me
  • Words starting with men
  • Words starting with ment
  • Words starting with menti
  • Words starting with mentio
  • Words starting with mention
  • Words starting with mentione
  • Words starting with mentioned
  • Words ending with d
  • Words ending with ed
  • Words ending with ned
  • Words ending with oned
  • Words containing the letters m
  • Words containing the letters m,e
  • Words containing the letters m,e,n
  • Words containing the letters m,e,n,t
  • Words containing the letters m,e,n,t,i
  • Words containing the letters m,e,n,t,i,o
  • Words containing m
  • Words containing me
  • Words containing men
  • Words containing ment
  • Words containing menti
  • Words containing mentio

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