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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ in-truh—duhk-shuhn ]
/ ˌɪn trəˈdʌk ʃən /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
a formal personal presentation of one person to another or others.
a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part.
an elementary treatise: an introduction to botany.
an act or instance of inserting.
something introduced.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
Which sentence is correct?
Origin of introduction
First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English introduccion, from Latin intrōductiōn- (stem of intrōductiō ). See introduce, -tion
synonym study for introduction
3. Introduction, foreword, preface refer to material given at the front of a book to explain or introduce it to the reader. A foreword is part of the front matter and is usually written by someone other than the author, often an authority on the subject of the book. A preface is the author’s own statement, and often includes acknowledgments. It follows the foreword (if there is one) and is also part of the front matter. The introduction is always by the author. It may be extensive and is usually printed as part of the text.
OTHER WORDS FROM introduction
re·in·tro·duc·tion, nounself-in·tro·duc·tion, nounsub·in·tro·duc·tion, noun
Words nearby introduction
intrinsically, intrinsic factor, intrinsic semiconductor, intro, introduce, introduction, introductory, introgression, introit, introject, introjection
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
What is an introduction?
The introduction is the first section of an essay. It presents, or introduces, the essay topic and includes a thesis statement.
Students are usually taught to write an essay in three parts, with the first part being the introduction, followed by the body and ending with a conclusion.
The introduction is often considered to be the most important part of the essay because it summarizes the essay’s topic and introduces the thesis statement. The thesis statement presents the specific argument the essay will make or the main point the reader should take away.
Outside of essays, introductions are also used in articles, opinion pieces, blog posts, research papers, and other types of writing to entice someone into reading the whole piece.
Why is introduction important?
The first records of the word introduction come around 1350. It ultimately comes from the Latin intrōdūcere, meaning “to lead inside.” In terms of an essay, the introduction presents the reader with the essay topic, inviting them “inside” the essay to learn more.
Teachers often tell students that an introduction should be only as long as it needs to be to do its job, which you might find frustrating and vague. A good introduction begins with a sentence that will interest the reader and entice them to read the rest of the essay, often called a hook. The hook can be an unexpected question, a shocking sentence, an interesting statistic, a powerful quote, or many other possibilities.
After the hook, you’ll want to include sentences that talk about the main points of your essay or that provide a small amount of background information a reader might need. The introduction should not go into detail about any of the points you’ll make in the body of the essay.
You’ll also include a thesis statement in your introduction, often as the last sentence. For student essays, the thesis statement usually answers the question asked by the writing prompt or presents their position on a debate or situation.
Did you know … ?
The introduction can be the hardest part of an essay to write because you have to know what you will say in the essay. When a writer is struggling with their introduction, they sometimes find that writing it after they write the body of the essay is easier.
What are real-life examples of introduction?
This slide gives a quick summary of some elements of a good introduction.
Many students struggle to write good introductions, and it’s often the first thing they write for an essay.
Watch Writing INTRODUCTION Part, Essay Writing, UPSC CSE MAINS 2019, Dr Khan, KSG Indiahttps://t.co/VZmZAsZMwT
— Khan Study Group (@khanstudygroup) September 8, 2021
I find the hardest part of essay writing is getting started. Once the introduction is out of the way, things start getting a lot easier.
— Majeed Ullah (@majeed_ullah_) January 9, 2021
Quiz yourself!
True or False?
The introduction is the most important part of the essay because it contains the thesis statement.
Words related to introduction
addition, debut, establishment, inauguration, influx, initiation, installation, launch, opening, preface, presentation, admittance, awakening, baptism, beginning, commencement, essentials, exordium, foreword, hornbook
How to use introduction in a sentence
“With the introduction of Shops on Facebook and Instagram, the importance of Facebook as an online sales driver is likely to increase as brands need to ensure they are delivering fantastic customer experiences on social commerce platforms,” said Ma.
Skinner said that improper clearing could leave space for the introduction of tall non-native grasses that burn hotter, faster and higher – adding risk to catching trees alight.
We know that introduction of state lotteries and casinos into neighborhoods increases crime.
The only thing I can think of is maybe the introductions, and what each team is able to do, that you feel a little different.
Among the most talked-about introductions have been zero-cost benefits around pay.
Finding the shop is a trip in itself and an introduction to a slice of history.
On company questionnaires, many students still report the book as their introduction to RSD.
Granted, partly this is a problem of sources the author identifies in the introduction.
For a shorter introduction to Richardson, read Journey to Paradise: Short Stories and Autobiographical Sketches.
Existing food shortages in the country were immediately exacerbated by the introduction of Ebola, for a variety of reasons.
It would appear then that the year 1559 was about the period of the introduction of tobacco into Europe.
Its use by so distinguished a person as Raleigh was equivalent to its general introduction.
Labor, so it was argued, was perpetually being saved by the constant introduction of new uses of machinery.
“Reggie has spoken of you many times, monsieur,” said Fleurette, after the introduction had been effected.
Thanks to Massna’s warm introduction and his own reputation, he found himself cordially received by the First Consul.
British Dictionary definitions for introduction
the act of introducing or fact of being introduced
a presentation of one person to another or others
a means of presenting a person to another person, group, etc, such as a letter of introduction or reference
a preliminary part, as of a book, speech, etc
- an instrumental passage preceding the entry of a soloist, choir, etc
- an opening passage in a movement or composition that precedes the main material
something that has been or is introduced, esp something that is not native to an area, country, etc
a basic or elementary work of instruction, reference, etc
logic (qualified by the name of an operation) a syntactic rule specifying the conditions under which a formula or statement containing the specified operator may be derived from othersconjunction-introduction; negation-introduction
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Britannica Dictionary definition of INTRODUCTION
the act of making a person known to others by name
— usually plural
Once we finished the introductions [=once everyone was introduced], the meeting began.
I’ll make the introductions. [=I’ll introduce everyone]
the act of introducing something: such as
the act of bringing something into practice or use for the first time
the introduction of telephone service to the area
the act of making a product available for sale for the first time
Since its introduction last year, over a million copies of the software have been sold.
the act of presenting something for discussion or consideration
the introduction of evidence at the trial
the introduction of a new topic for conversation
the introduction of the bill to Congress
She told the audience, by way of introduction, that the research was completed a year ago.
the act of bringing something (such as a plant or animal) to a place for the first time
the introduction of an Asian plant species to America
a statement made to an audience about someone who is about to speak, perform, etc., or something that is about to begin
After a brief introduction, the performer took the stage.
◊ A person who needs no introduction is well-known to the audience.
Our speaker this evening needs no introduction.
the beginning part of a book, essay, speech, etc., that explains what will follow in the main part
Did you read the introduction?
His introduction outlined the main points of the speech.
the beginning part of a piece of music
something (such as a book or a course of study) that provides basic information about a subject
— + to
The book/course is an introduction to computer programming.
a person’s first experience with something
— + to
That concert was my introduction to her music. [=it was the first time I had heard her music]
something that is added or introduced to something else
The plant is a recent introduction from Asia.
Introduction into something означает ‘введение’ (нового метода, усовершенствования, порядка и т. д.): introduction of a new method into the teaching of foreign language’s. Introduction to имеет главным образом значение ‘введение, предисловие’: introduction to a new edition of Mark Twain.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > introduction
introduction [ˏɪntrəˊdʌkʃn]
1) введе́ние; внесе́ние
2) нововведе́ние
3) (официа́льное) представле́ние;
4) предисло́вие, введе́ние
6) предуведомле́ние
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > introduction
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > introduction
introduction into service
ввод в эксплуатацию
introduction of the corrections
ввод поправок
English-Russian aviation dictionary > introduction
Персональный Сократ > introduction
introduction интродукция, вводить, внедрять (новый вид, сорт или породу)
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > introduction
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > introduction
introduction введение (в научную дисциплину) introduction введение, внесение introduction введение introduction включение в состав introduction вступительное слово introduction вступление introduction нововведение introduction новшество introduction официальное представление introduction предисловие, введение introduction предисловие introduction (официальное) представление introduction предуведомление introduction установление introduction учреждение introduction of liquidity приток ликвидности introduction of patent description преамбула описания патента introduction on stock exchange допуск на фондовую биржу introduction to labour market выход на рынок труда sampling introduction выведение товара на рынок путем распространения бесплатных образцов stock-exchange introduction допуск акций к котировке на бирже
English-Russian short dictionary > introduction
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > introduction
1. n представление, знакомство
2. n предисловие, введение; вступление, вступительное слово
3. n введение; вводный курс
4. n введение, внесение
5. n введение, включение
6. n введение, внедрение; установление, учреждение
7. n новшество, нововведение
8. n интродукция, введение в состав фауны или флоры
9. n воен. ввод в боевой состав
Синонимический ряд:
1. beginning (noun) beginning; exordium; foreword; opening; overture; preamble; preclusion; preface; prelude; prelusion; proem; prolegomenon; prologue; voluntary
Антонимический ряд:
egress; end; epilogue; parting
English-Russian base dictionary > introduction
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > introduction
мн. представление, знакомство
предисловие, введение
the introduction to the article [book] — вступление к статье [книге]
вводный [начальный] курс
введение, внесение, внедрение, вставление, включение
внедрение, введение
выведение [выход]
интродукция, введение, внедрение
, введение
* * *
«знакомство»: представление ценных бумаг через биржу в Великобритании; получение биржевой котировки для ценных бумаг, которые уже обращаются на рынке, для расширения круга акционеров и поддержки цен.* * *
Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность
метод эмиссии акций на фондовой бирже, когда брокер размещает небольшие пакеты акций среди клиентов в подходящие моменты
метод эмиссии акций на Лондонской фондовой бирже, когда брокер или эмиссионное учреждение берет небольшие пакеты акций компании и размещает их среди клиентов в подходящие моменты
Англо-русский экономический словарь > introduction
Англо-русский юридический словарь > introduction
а) введение, вступление
Introduction should be a commentary on the pieces edited, and nothing more. — В предисловии должны содержаться комментарии к изданию и ничего более.
He seemed to want no introduction to their friends. — Казалось, он вовсе не хотел, чтобы его представляли их друзьям.
— letter of introductionGram:
[ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Introductions[/ref]
б) первая встреча, первое знакомство
They have nice weather for their introduction to the Island. — Им повезло с погодой для первого знакомства с островом.
а) вставление, включение
введение в состав животного или растительного мира
выпуск акций какой-л. компанией через фондовую биржу
Англо-русский современный словарь > introduction
1. (официальное) представление, знакомство
it was necessary to make introductions all round — нужно было всех представить друг другу
2. 1) предисловие, введение; вступление, вступительное слово
the introduction to the work — предисловие к научной работе /к сочинению/
to deliver one’s introduction — произнести вступительную речь /вступительное слово/
2) введение (); вводный курс
an introduction to English literature — введение в курс английской литературы
3. 1) введение, внесение ()
the rapid introduction of a probe into a wound — быстрое введение зонда в рану
2) введение, включение ()
foreign borrowings of recent introduction — недавно заимствованные иностранные слова
3) введение, внедрение; установление, учреждение
4. новшество, нововведение
5. интродукция, введение в состав фауны флоры
НБАРС > introduction
Англо-русский технический словарь > introduction
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > introduction
1) введение; внедрение; внесение
4) новинка; нововведение
English-Russian scientific dictionary > introduction
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > introduction
введение; ввод; принятие на вооружение
English-Russian military dictionary > introduction
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
introduction — [ ɛ̃trɔdyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe « enseignement »; lat. introductio I ♦ 1 ♦ (XVIe) Action d introduire, de faire entrer (qqn). L introduction d un visiteur dans un salon d attente. L introduction de qqn dans un groupe, un parti. ⇒ admission, entrée … Encyclopédie Universelle
Introduction — (abbreviated intro) can refer to: *Introduction (music), an opening section of a piece of music. *Introduction (essay), beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing. *Foreword, beginning secton of a book, commonly … Wikipedia
introduction — introduction, prologue, prelude, preface, foreword, exordium, preamble are comparable when denoting something that serves as a preliminary or as an antecedent to an extended treatment, development, discussion, or presentation (as in an exposition … New Dictionary of Synonyms
introduction — Introduction. s. f. v. Action par laquelle on introduit. Il ne se dit guere des personnes qu en cette phrase. L Introduction des Ambassadeurs, Ny des choses au propre qu en cette phrase. Introduction de la sonde. On reconnut par l introduction de … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
introduction — Introduction, f. acu. Est composé de deux mots Latins, Intro et ductio (le dernier usité en composition) et signifie proprement, acconduicte au dedans de quelque lieu, Introductio, Cic. ad Attic. Il se prend aussi pour Institution et… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
introduction — [in΄trəduk′shən] n. [ME introduccion < MFr introduction < L introductio] 1. an introducing or being introduced 2. anything introduced, or brought into use, knowledge, or fashion 3. anything that introduces, or prepares the way for; specif … English World dictionary
Introduction — In tro*duc tion, n. [L. introductio: cf. F. introduction. See {Introduce}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of introducing, or bringing to notice. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of formally making persons known to each other; a presentation or making known… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Introduction — «Introduction» Canción de Panic! at the Disco álbum A Fever You Can t Sweat Out Publicación 0:37 Género … Wikipedia Español
introduction — I noun act of bringing in, admittance, formal presentation, inductio, induction, interposition, introductio, invectio, offering, offering as an exhibit, placing, presentation associated concepts: introduction of evidence II index … Law dictionary
introduction — INTRODUCTION: Mot obscène … Dictionnaire des idées reçues
introduction — фр. [энтродюксьо/н], англ. [интрэда/кшн] Introduktion нем. [интродукцио/н] introduzione ит. [интродуцио/нэ] вступление, интродукция … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
From Middle English introduccioun, introduccyon, borrowed from Old French introduction, itself a borrowing from Latin intrōdūctiōnem, accusative of Latin intrōdūctiō, from intrōdūcō.
- IPA(key): /ˌɪntɹəˈdʌkʃən/
- Rhymes: -ʌkʃən
- Hyphenation: in‧tro‧duc‧tion
introduction (countable and uncountable, plural introductions)
- The act or process of introducing.
the introduction of a new product into the market
- A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
David was feeling groggy at his introduction to Sophie, and didn’t remember her name.
- An initial section of a book or article, which introduces the subject material.
This book features a preface by a well-known botanist, and an introduction by the author’s mentor at university.
- A written or oral explanation of what constitutes the basis of an issue.
- (initial section of a written work): preface, isagoge, lead-in, lead, lede; see also Thesaurus:foreword
Derived terms[edit]
- introduction agency
- introductory
- preintroduction
act or process of introducing
- Armenian: ծանոթացում (hy) (canotʿacʿum), ներկայացում (hy) (nerkayacʿum)
- Arabic: مُقَدَّمَة f (muqaddama)
- Bulgarian: въвеждане (bg) n (vǎveždane), внасяне n (vnasjane)
- Catalan: introducció (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Cantonese: 介紹/介绍 (gaai3 siu6)
- Mandarin: 介紹/介绍 (zh) (jièshào)
- Danish: introduktion
- Dutch: inleiding (nl) f, introductie (nl) f
- Finnish: perehdytys (fi), perehdyttäminen (fi), esittely (fi)
- French: introduction (fr) f
- Galician: introdución (gl) f
- Georgian: შესავალი (šesavali)
- German: Einführung (de) f
- Greek: εισαγωγή (el) f (eisagogí)
- Hungarian: bemutatás (hu), bemutatkozás (hu), bevezetás
- Indonesian: pengenalan (id), introduksi (id)
- Italian: introduzione (it)
- Japanese: 紹介 (ja) (shōkai)
- Khmer: បុព្វយោគ (bopvɔɔyook)
- Korean: 소개(紹介) (ko) (sogae)
- Latin: inductiō f
- Lithuanian: įvadas m
- Malay: pengenalan (ms), introduksi
- Malayalam: അവതരണം (ml) (avataraṇaṃ)
- Maori: whakatakinga
- Norwegian: introduksjon m, presentasjon (no) m
- Oromo: seensa
- Polish: wprowadzenie (pl) n, wstęp (pl) m
- Portuguese: introdução (pt) f
- Romanian: introducere (ro) f
- Russian: введе́ние (ru) n (vvedénije), внедре́ние (ru) n (vnedrénije)
- Serbo-Croatian: introdukcija (sh) f, uvod (sh) m
- Spanish: introducción (es) f
- Swedish: introduktion (sv) c, införande (sv) n, presentation (sv) c
- Thai: please add this translation if you can
- Urdu: تَعارُف (ur) m (taʻāruf)
- Vietnamese: giới thiệu (vi)
- Yiddish: אַרײַנפֿיר m (araynfir)
means of presenting one person to another
- Arabic: تَعْرِيف (ar) (taʕrīf)
- Bulgarian: представяне (bg) n (predstavjane)
- Catalan: presentació (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 介紹/介绍 (zh) (jièshào)
- Dutch: introductie (nl) f, inleiding (nl) f
- Finnish: esittely (fi)
- French: présentation (fr) f
- Galician: presentación (gl) f
- Georgian: გაცნობა (gacnoba)
- German: Vorstellung (de) f
- Greek: σύσταση (el) f (sýstasi)
- Hungarian: bemutatás (hu), bemutatkozás (hu)
- Japanese: 紹介 (ja) (shōkai)
- Maori: whakamōhiotanga
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: anbefaling (no) c
- Nynorsk: anbefaling f
- Portuguese: introdução (pt) f
- Romanian: prezentare (ro) f
- Russian: представле́ние (ru) n (predstavlénije)
- Slovene: predstavitev f
- Spanish: presentación (es) f
- Swedish: presentation (sv) c
initial section of a book or article which introduces subject material
- Arabic: مُقَدَّمَة f (muqaddama), مَدْخَل m (madḵal)
- Armenian: ներածություն (hy) (neracutʿyun)
- Bulgarian: въведение (bg) n (vǎvedenie), предговор (bg) m (predgovor)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 序言 (zh) (xùyán)
- Czech: úvod (cs) m
- Dutch: inleiding (nl) f, introductie (nl) f
- Finnish: johdanto (fi)
- French: introduction (fr) f
- Georgian: შესავალი (šesavali)
- German: Einführung (de) f
- Greek: εισαγωγή (el) f (eisagogí)
- Ancient: πρόλογος m (prólogos)
- Guaraní: ñepyrumby
- Hungarian: bevezető (hu), bevezetés (hu)
- Irish: réamhrá m
- Italian: introduzione (it)
- Japanese: 序 (ja) (jo), 序論 (joron), 序説 (ja) (josetsu),, 叙文 (jobun)
- Kazakh: алғысөз (alğysöz)
- Khmer: ឧបញ្ញាសកថា (ʼŏbânhnhéaskâtha), បុព្វកថា (boppĕəʼkaʼthaa), អារម្ភកថា (km) (ʼaamphɔɔkthaa)
- Latin: praefātiō f, prohoemium n
- Malayalam: ആമുഖം (ml) (āmukhaṃ), അവതാരിക (ml) (avatārika)
- Maori: kupu whakataki, whakaupoko
- Norwegian: introduksjon m
- Old English: fōresæġdnes f
- Persian: مقدمه (fa) (moqaddame), دیباچه (fa) (dibâče)
- Polish: wstęp (pl) m, przedmowa (pl) f
- Portuguese: introdução (pt) f
- Romanian: prezentare (ro) f, introducere (ro) f
- Russian: предисло́вие (ru) n (predislóvije)
- Scots: innin
- Scottish Gaelic: ro-ràdh m
- Slovene: uvod (sl) m
- Spanish: introducción (es)
- Swahili: dibaji (sw)
- Swedish: förord (sv) n, inledning (sv) c
- Thai: บทนำ (bòt-nam)
- Yiddish: אַרײַנפֿיר m (araynfir)
- Yup’ik: apertuun
Borrowed from Latin introductio, introductionem, from introductus, from introduco.
- IPA(key): /ɛ̃.tʁɔ.dyk.sjɔ̃/
introduction f (plural introductions)
- introduction
- introduire
Further reading[edit]
- “introduction”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.
введение, внедрение, внесение, интродукция, предисловие, учреждение, нововведение
существительное ↓
- (официальное) представление, знакомство
letter of introduction — рекомендательное письмо
it was necessary to make introductions all round — нужно было всех представить друг другу
- предисловие, введение; вступление, вступительное слово
the introduction to the work — предисловие к научной работе /к сочинению/
to deliver one’s introduction — произнести вступительную речь /вступительное слово/
- введение (в научную дисциплину); вводный курс
an introduction to English literature — введение в курс английской литературы
- муз. интродукция
- введение, внесение (внутрь чего-л.)
the rapid introduction of a probe into a wound — быстрое введение зонда в рану
- введение, включение (в состав чего-л.)
foreign borrowings of recent introduction — недавно заимствованные иностранные слова
- введение, внедрение; установление, учреждение
the introduction of a new fashion — введение новой моды
- новшество, нововведение
- интродукция, введение в состав фауны или флоры
- воен. ввод в боевой состав
Мои примеры
the introduction of evidence at the trial — представление доказательств на судебном процессе
the introduction of the bill to Congress — внесение законопроекта в конгресс
introduction to a book — введение к книге
to serve as an introduction — служить вступлением
to make an introduction — представить
introduction of new product in the market — выведение нового товара на рынок
introduction into evidence — приобщение к доказательствам
element of introduction — коллизионная привязка
the introduction to the article [book] — вступление к статье [книге]
inert gas introduction — введение инертного газа
strong introduction — сильное введение
weak introduction — слабое введение
Примеры с переводом
He seemed to want no introduction to their friends.
Казалось, он вовсе не хотел, чтобы его представляли их друзьям.
This makes a fine introduction.
Получается отличное вступление.
The book begins with a long, tortuous introduction.
Книга начинается с длинного, запутанного вступления.
They have nice weather for their introduction to the Island.
Им повезло с погодой для первого знакомства с островом.
Introduction of colour print made a revolution in the photography.
Изобретение цветной печати произвело революцию в фотографии.
He got a no-frills introduction to the job
Его без лишних церемоний (по-быстрому/не вдаваясь в особые подробности/вкратце) ознакомили с работой.
It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
Было бы полезно, если бы ты начал свой отчёт с введения.
ещё 21 пример свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Mr Brown gave a brief introduction to the course.
I got loads of bumf about the introduction of the Euro.
…tacos represented my introduction to Mexican cookery…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
reintroduction — повторное включение в состав, повторное внесение на рассмотрение, реинтродукция
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): introduction
мн. ч.(plural): introductions
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Introduction, The Introduction, Intro, or The Intro may refer to:
General use[edit]
- Introduction (music), an opening section of a piece of music
- Introduction (writing), a beginning section to a book, article or essay which states its purpose and goals
- Foreword, a beginning section
- Introduction (British House of Commons), a ceremonial seating for members elected in by-elections
- Introduction (House of Lords), a ceremonial seating for some new members
- Intro (demoscene), in the demoscene, a short computer program produced for promotion or to meet competition requirements
- Introduced species or introduction, a species established by humans outside its natural range
- Right of initiative (legislative), the ability of an entity to introduce a bill or other proposed legislation before a Legislature.
- Product launch, the introduction of a new product to market
- Intro (R&B group), an American R&B trio
- Introduction (rock band), a Swedish rock group
- Introduction (Alex Parks album), 2003
- Introduction (Confide album), 2006
- Introduction (Marty Friedman album), 1994
- Introduction (Red Krayola album), 2006
- Introduction, an album by Larry Heard
- The Introduction (album), by the Steve Morse Band
- Intro (Bravo Band album), 2008
- Intro (Danny Fernandes album)
- Intro (Ich Troje album)
- Intro – The Gift Recordings, album by Pulp
- The Intro (Ruth B EP), 2015
- No Introduction, album by Tyga
Songs and tracks[edit]
- «Intro» (DaBaby song)
- «Intro» (The xx song)
- «Introduction», by Chicago from The Chicago Transit Authority
- «Introduction», by Celine Dion from Celine Dion
- «Introduction», by Hood from Outside Closer
- «Introduction», by Kajagoogoo from White Feathers
- «Introduction», by Mike Oldfield from Tubular Bells 2003
- «Introduction 2003», the single version of the album track
- «Introduction», by Tig Notaro from Good One
- «Introduction», by Panic! at the Disco from A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
- «Introduction», by Quasi from The Sword of God
- «Introduction», by Texas in July from I Am
- «Introduction», by Texas in July from One Reality
- «Introduction», by James Gang from Yer’ Album
- «Intro», by Aaliyah from Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number
- «Intro», by Aerosmith from Get a Grip
- «Intro», by Alan Braxe & Fred Falke from The Upper Cuts
- «Intro», by All That Remains from A War You Cannot Win
- «Intro», by Annie from Anniemal
- «Intro», by Ariana Grande from My Everything
- «Intro», by Ariana Grande from Christmas & Chill
- «Intro», by Ashley Tisdale from Headstrong
- «Intro», by Bad Gyal from Worldwide Angel
- «Intro», by Big Sean from I Decided
- «Intro», by Black Country, New Road from Ants from Up There
- «Intro», by Bloodbath from The Wacken Carnage
- «Intro», by Blur from No Distance Left to Run (Bonus DVD)
- «Intro», by Brandy from Never Say Never
- «Intro», by Bullet for My Valentine from The Poison
- «Intro», by Carnifex from Dead in My Arms
- «Intro», by Cheryl Cole from Only Human
- «Intro», by Chromeo from Fancy Footwork
- «Intro», by Darkane from Rusted Angel
- «Intro», by DC Talk from Supernatural
- «Intro», by De La Soul from 3 Feet High and Rising
- «Intro», by De La Soul from AOI: Bionix
- «Intro», by Demi Lovato from Dancing with the Devil… the Art of Starting Over
- «Intro», by DJ Kay Slay featuring Aaron Hall from The Streetsweeper, Vol. 1
- «Intro», by DJ Kay Slay featuring Busta Rhymes from More Than Just a DJ
- «Intro» and «The Introduction», both by DJ Kay Slay and Greg Street from The Champions: North Meets South
- «Intro», by Drake Bell from Telegraph
- «Intro», by Dreamcatcher
- «Intro», by Ellie Goulding from Delirium
- «Intro», by Framing Hanley from A Promise to Burn
- «Intro», by Girls Aloud from Chemistry
- «Intro», by Gorillaz from Demon Days
- «Intro», by Gwar from Beyond Hell
- «Intro», by Hammer from The Funky Headhunter
- «Intro», by The Haunted from Live Rounds in Tokyo
- «Intro», by Hieroglyphics from 3rd Eye Vision
- «Intro», by In Fear and Faith from Your World on Fire
- «Intro», by Jay-Z from American Gangster
- «Intro», by Kelis from Flesh Tone
- «Intro», by Kelis from Kaleidoscope
- «Intro», by Kelis from Kelis Was Here
- «Intro», by Kelis from Tasty
- «Intro», by Kelis from Wanderland
- «Intro», by Korn from Untitled Korn album
- «Intro», by Kurupt from Against the Grain
- «Intro», by Kurupt from Streetlights
- «Intro», by Lauren Jauregui from Prelude
- «Intro», by LL Cool J from 10
- «Intro», by Logic from Under Pressure
- «Intro», by Ludacris from The Red Light District
- «Intro», by Ludacris from Theater of the Mind
- «Intro», by Lupe Fiasco from Lupe Fiasco’s Food & Liquor
- «Intro», by M83 from Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
- «Intro», by MC Breed from It’s All Good
- «Intro», by Misia from Marvelous
- «Intro», by Mobb Deep from Juvenile Hell
- «Intro», by Muse from Absolution
- «Intro», by Muse from HAARP
- «Intro», by The Notorious B.I.G. from Ready to Die
- «Intro», by N.E.R.D from In Search of…
- «Intro», by The Offspring from Conspiracy of One
- «Intro», by Paradise Lost from Lost Paradise
- «Intro», by Pitbull from El Mariel
- «Intro», by Prodigy from Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation)
- «Intro», by Queen from A Day at the Races (part of track 1 and only listed separately on CD)
- «Intro», by Refused from This Just Might Be… the Truth
- «Intro», by Reks from REBELutionary
- «Intro», by Roll Deep from Winner Stays On
- «Intro», by Royce da 5’9″ from Death Is Certain
- «Intro», by Royce da 5’9″ from Independent’s Day
- «Intro», by Serj Tankian and Arto Tunçboyacıyan from Serart
- «Intro», by Snoop Dogg from 220
- «Intro», by Staind from 14 Shades of Grey
- «Intro», by Sum 41 from Chuck
- «Intro», by Tinie Tempah from Disc-Overy
- «Intro», by Wizzard from Introducing Eddy and the Falcons
- «Intro», by Yung Beef from ADROMICFMS 4
- «Intro (The Warm Up)», a song by J. Cole from The Warm Up
- «The Intro», by LL Cool J from Mr. Smith
Other titled works[edit]
- «Introduction» (Blake, 1794), a poem by William Blake
- The Introduction, a prequel film of the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Introduced species, A species living outside its native distributional range
See also[edit]
- All pages with titles beginning with Introduction
- All pages with titles containing Introduction
- Introducing (disambiguation)
- Outro (disambiguation)
- Title sequence (also referred to as an intro), the introductory sequence of a film or television program
- Timelines, that show when things where first introduced
- Category:Debuts, for things that were debuted (and introduced)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
1. The act or process of introducing or the state of being introduced.
2. A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
3. Something recently introduced; an innovation: «He loathed a fork; it is a modern introduction which has still scarcely reached common people» (D.H. Lawrence).
4. Something spoken, written, or otherwise presented in beginning or introducing something, especially:
a. A preface, as to a book.
b. Music A short preliminary passage in a larger movement or work.
c. A basic introductory text or course of study.
[Middle English introduccioun, from Old French introduction, from Latin intrōductiō, intrōductiōn-, from intrōductus, past participle of intrōdūcere, to bring in; see introduce.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. the act of introducing or fact of being introduced
2. a presentation of one person to another or others
3. a means of presenting a person to another person, group, etc, such as a letter of introduction or reference
4. a preliminary part, as of a book, speech, etc
5. (Classical Music) music
a. an instrumental passage preceding the entry of a soloist, choir, etc
b. an opening passage in a movement or composition that precedes the main material
6. something that has been or is introduced, esp something that is not native to an area, country, etc
7. (Journalism & Publishing) a basic or elementary work of instruction, reference, etc
8. (Logic) logic (qualified by the name of an operation) a syntactic rule specifying the conditions under which a formula or statement containing the specified operator may be derived from others: conjunction-introduction; negation-introduction.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˌɪn trəˈdʌk ʃən)
1. the act of introducing or the state of being introduced.
2. a formal personal presentation of one person to another or others.
3. a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part.
4. an elementary treatise.
5. an act or instance of inserting.
6. something introduced.
[1350–1400; Middle English < Latin intrōductiō]
syn: introduction, foreword, preface refer to material in the front of a book that introduces and explains it to the reader. An introduction is a formal preliminary statement, often extensive, that serves as a guide to the book. It is written by the author and usu. printed as part of the text: The introduction outlined the subjects covered in the book. A foreword is a short introductory statement that precedes the text proper. It is usu. written by someone other than the author, often an authority on the subject of the book: The writer of the foreword praised the book. A preface, also separate from the text proper, is the author’s informal statement about the purpose, preparation, etc., of the book; it usu. includes acknowledgments: The author thanked her family in the preface. A preface usu. follows a foreword, if there is one.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- inlay card — A pamphlet accompanying a CD, film, etc., giving an introduction.
- isagoge — An introduction to a field of study.
- front matter — Things in the beginning of a book like an introduction and table of contents.
- propaedeutic — A subject or course of study that is an introduction to more advanced study or to an art or science.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry commencement, start, beginning — the act of starting something; «he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations» induction — the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); «the induction of an anesthetic state» product introduction — the introduction (usually by an advertising campaign) of a new product or product line ushering in — the introduction of something new; «it signalled the ushering in of a new era» naturalisation, naturalization — the introduction of animals or plants to places where they flourish but are not indigenous |
2. | section, subdivision — a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); «he always turns first to the business section»; «the history of this work is discussed in the next section» exordium — (rhetoric) the introductory section of an oration or discourse opening — the initial part of the introduction; «the opening established the basic theme» foreword, preface, prolusion — a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book preamble — a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose) prolegomenon — a preliminary discussion inserted at the beginning of a book or treatise prologue — an introduction to a play recital, yarn, narration — the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events; «his narration was hesitant» speech, address — the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience; «he listened to an address on minor Roman poets» |
3. | introduction — formally making a person known to another or to the public
intro, presentation making known, informing — a speech act that conveys information debut — the presentation of a debutante in society reintroduction — an act of renewed introduction |
4. | introduction — a basic or elementary instructional text
school text, schoolbook, text edition, textbook, text — a book prepared for use in schools or colleges; «his economics textbook is in its tenth edition»; «the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy» |
5. | introduction — a new proposal; «they resisted the introduction of impractical alternatives»
proposal — something proposed (such as a plan or assumption) |
6. | introduction — the act of putting one thing into another
intromission, insertion movement — the act of changing the location of something; «the movement of cargo onto the vessel» cannulation, cannulisation, cannulization, canulation, canulisation, canulization, intubation — the insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body organ instillation, instillment, instilment — the introduction of a liquid (by pouring or injection) drop by drop enclosing, envelopment, inclosure, enclosure — the act of enclosing something inside something else injection — the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure blood transfusion, transfusion — the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery perfusion — pumping a liquid into an organ or tissue (especially by way of blood vessels) |
7. | founding, instauration, origination, initiation, innovation, creation, institution, foundation commencement, start, beginning — the act of starting something; «he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations» authorship, paternity — the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing; «the authorship of the theory is disputed» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. launch, institution, establishment, start, opening, beginning, pioneering, presentation, initiation, inauguration, induction, commencement, instigation He is remembered for the introduction of the moving assembly line.
launch completion, elimination, termination
3. opening, prelude, preface, lead-in, preliminaries, overture, preamble, foreword, prologue, intro (informal), commencement, opening remarks, proem, opening passage, prolegomena, prolegomenon, exordium In her introduction to the book she provides a summary of the ideas.
opening end, conclusion, epilogue
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. The state of being allowed entry:
2. A short section of preliminary remarks:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَعْريف، تَقْديمتَقْديممُقَدِّمَةٌمُقَدِّمَهمقدمة
kynningkynning, inngangur
sự giới thiệu
[ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən] N
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃən] n
[legislation, reforms, measures] → introduction f
(to book, talk) → introduction f
the passage I quoted at the beginning of this introduction → le passage que j’ai cité en début d’introduction
the introduction to the book → l’introduction au livre
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= introductory part: to book, music) → Einleitung f → (to zu)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(intrəˈdjuːs) verb
1. (often with to) to make (people) known by name to each other. He introduced the guests (to each other); Let me introduce you to my mother; May I introduce myself? I’m John Brown.
2. (often with into) to bring in (something new). Grey squirrels were introduced into Britain from Canada; Why did you introduce such a boring subject (into the conversation)?
3. to propose or put forward. He introduced a bill in Parliament for the abolition of income tax.
4. (with to) to cause (a person) to get to know (a subject etc). Children are introduced to algebra at about the age of eleven.
ˌintroˈduction (-ˈdakʃən) noun
1. the act of introducing, or the process of being introduced. the introduction of new methods.
2. an act of introducing one person to another. The hostess made the introductions and everyone shook hands.
3. something written at the beginning of a book explaining the contents, or said at the beginning of a speech etc.
ˌintroˈductory (-ˈdaktəri) adjective
giving an introduction. He made a few introductory remarks about the film before showing it.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُقَدِّمَةٌ úvod introduktion Bekanntmachen σύσταση introducción esittely présentation uvođenje introduzione 紹介 소개 introductie introduksjon wprowadzenie introdução вступление introduktion การแนะนำ tanıtma sự giới thiệu 介绍
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
Other forms: introductions
An introduction refers to a beginning — maybe presenting someone new to a group, or inserting a new idea into a project. In a piece of writing, the introduction makes clear to the reader the text’s purpose.
The noun introduction comes from the Latin verb introducere, meaning «to lead in.» This “leading in” might be the formal introduction of a speaker, or the speaker’s own introduction to his remarks. Or it might be the insertion of a new and different idea, as in British politician Lord Hailsham’s remark, «The introduction of religious passion into politics is the end of honest politics, and the introduction of politics into religion is the prostitution of true religion.»
Definitions of introduction
the act of beginning something new
the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
formally making a person known to another or to the public
“they resisted the
introduction of impractical alternatives” -
the first section of a communication
a basic or elementary instructional text
the act of putting one thing into another
insertion, intromission
see moresee less-
- show 11 types…
- hide 11 types…
cannulation, cannulisation, cannulization, canulation, canulisation, canulization, intubation
the insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body organ
instillation, instillment, instilment
the introduction of a liquid (by pouring or injection) drop by drop
enclosing, enclosure, envelopment, inclosure
the act of enclosing something inside something else
the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure
blood transfusion, transfusion
the introduction of blood or blood plasma into a vein or artery
pumping a liquid into an organ or tissue (especially by way of blood vessels)
boxing, packing
the enclosure of something in a package or box
encasement, incasement
the act of enclosing something in a case
epidural injection
injection of an anesthetic substance into the epidural space of the spinal cord in order to produce epidural anesthesia
(medicine) the passive introduction of a substance (a fluid or drug or electrolyte) into a vein or between tissues (as by gravitational force)
exchange transfusion
slow removal of a person’s blood and its replacement with equal amounts of a donor’s blood
type of:
the act of changing the location of something
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: a part of a book or treatise preliminary to the main portion
: a preliminary treatise or course of study
: something introduced
: a new or exotic plant or animal
Example Sentences
the introduction of telephone service to the area
Since its introduction last year, over a million copies of the software have been sold.
the introduction of evidence at the trial
the introduction of a new topic for conversation
the introduction of the bill to Congress
She told the audience, by way of introduction, that the research was completed a year ago.
the introduction of an Asian plant species to America
After a brief introduction, the performer took the stage.
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Recent Examples on the Web
Doubling Electric Range The announcement also mentioned the introduction of a next-generation electric platform planned for around 2026, and today Toyota Executive Vice President Hiroki Nakajima said the company plans to double the driving range of its next-gen EVs.
—Eric Stafford, Car and Driver, 8 Apr. 2023
This confluence of events led some researchers to assert that the significant decrease in U.S. violent crimes between 1992 and 2002 was in large part due to the introduction of unleaded gas.
—Allison Futterman, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2023
Experts believe this jump was due to fewer COVID-19 restrictions and more people going out, likely because of the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines.
—Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 7 Apr. 2023
The Detroit Tigers honored Cabrera, a future Hall of Famer and franchise icon, during Thursday’s pregame introductions before the final home opener of his playing career.
—Evan Petzold, Detroit Free Press, 6 Apr. 2023
On the night of Nov. 1, 1991, Copa sat on the Spurs’ bench as fireworks exploded at HemisFair Arena during pregame introductions.
—Jeff Mcdonald, San Antonio Express-News, 6 Apr. 2023
During the introduction of Justin Thomas before a press conference at Augusta National Golf Club on Tuesday, the moderator noted the former Alabama All-American’s 57 birdies and eagles were tied for the most over the past three Masters.
—Mark Inabinett | Minabinett@al.com, al, 6 Apr. 2023
The sport’s introduction of the pitch clock could also introduce ways for runners to time up pitchers to get a good jump, and there are also new limits on pickoff attempts.
—Nathan Ruiz, Baltimore Sun, 2 Apr. 2023
Jim Davis/Globe Staff Perhaps the most pathetic moment of the opener came during pregame introductions, when the Sox felt the need to oversell members of their staring lineup with résumé-bragging superlatives.
—Dan Shaughnessy, BostonGlobe.com, 30 Mar. 2023
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘introduction.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
Middle English introduccioun act of introducing, from Anglo-French introduction, from Latin introduction-, introductio, from introducere
First Known Use
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of introduction was
in the 14th century
Dictionary Entries Near introduction
Cite this Entry
“Introduction.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/introduction. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
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Meaning Introduction
What does Introduction mean? Here you find 35 meanings of the word Introduction. You can also add a definition of Introduction yourself
1 |
0 A ceremony of introduction takes place in the House of Lords before each Peer is able to take his or her seat in the House. It is a short ceremony lasting about five minutes at the beginning of busin [..]
2 |
0 Introductionlate 14c., «act of bringing into existence,» from Old French introduccion (14c.) and directly from Latin introductionem (nominative introductio) «a leading in,» noun of action from [..]
3 |
0 IntroductionThe opening section of a piece of music or movement.
4 |
0 Introductionthe act of beginning something new; &quot;they looked forward to the debut of their new product line&quot; the first section of a communication presentation: formally making a person k [..]
5 |
0 IntroductionEngages the reader’s interest. Introduces the topic, text(s) and writer’s thesis or ideas. Overview of arguments to be presented.
6 |
0 Introductioninitiative discourse of understanding
7 |
0 IntroductionIn most fields of endeavor, a shorthand lexicon develops to promote the transfer of the most information in the shortest amount of time. The military lexicon is no exception. What is different is the [..]
8 |
0 Introductionrefers to material given at the front of a book or at the beginning of an article to explain or introduce it to the reader. It is always by the author. It may be extensive and is usually printed as pa [..]
9 |
0 IntroductionThe complicated nature of various terms and phrases relating to bail and pretrial release or detention can sometimes lead to confusion and misuse of those terms. That, in turn, may lead to unnecessary [..]
10 |
0 IntroductionDefinition noun
11 |
0 IntroductionCommon features of an Introduction section:
12 |
0 IntroductionThe part of a book in which the subject, purpose, and limits of the work are briefly stated, and the reader prepared for the treatment of the subject that follows in the text, usually written by the a [..]
13 |
0 IntroductionThe formal presentation of a proposal after it has been drafted.
14 |
0 IntroductionA preparatory movement, usually in a slow tempo, to introduce a larger composition. Often, the introduction will prepare the listener for the tonality or key of the larger composition. The term is chi [..]
15 |
0 IntroductionIn broadcasting, a few words or sentences read by the presenter, telling listeners or viewers about the report which immediately follows.
16 |
0 Introduction(i.e., deliberate introduction by humans). In this scheme, there is no such thing as accidental introduction. The practical reason for the decision not to use this expression is that it is often diffi [..]
17 |
0 IntroductionA carefully written opener about the speaker, which is delivered by the introducer at the beginning of a speech. A good introduction gives some ideas of the speaker’s credits, achievements, and hono [..]
18 |
0 IntroductionThe reason for you doing the project and it includes evidence from the most important source as well as the value of your project i.e. who will benefit from this knowledge. In addition you should refer to ethical issues if relevant.
19 |
0 IntroductionWhen a signed copy of a bill is lodged with the clerks together with any required accompanying documents.
20 |
0 IntroductionIntroduction to the Java & Internet Glossary He who controls vocabulary controls thought. ~ Luigi Wittgenstein (born:1889-05-26 died:1951-04-30 at age:61) This glossary is made possible by contrib [..]
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0 IntroductionBipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a condition that affects your moods, which can swing from one extreme to another.
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0 Introduction(n) the act of beginning something new(n) the first section of a communication(n) formally making a person known to another or to the public(n) a basic or elementary instructional text(n) a new p [..]
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0 IntroductionThe action bringing a non-native species to a new environment, as opposed to an extension of range.
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0 IntroductionThis glossary provides concise definitions of common terms relating to WAN technology, including commonly used acronyms. Many definitions link to more detailed information about common applications [..]
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0 Introductionsee: Introduction into nature
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0 Introductionthe beginning that prepares for the main part of the piece.
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0 IntroductionA section, often of slow tempo, that opens a more extended piece or movement of a piece.
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0 IntroductionA passage or section, often in a slow tempo, that prepares the way for a more extended section.
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0 IntroductionThe opening part of a music composition.
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0 IntroductionIt is accurate to say that canine dermatology is not an exact science. Even when we are aware of a cause of a problem it is not always possible to effect a cure. Skin problems into three general categ [..]
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0 IntroductionTechnology Overview Typical Office Workspace Sample Plans & Sections Glossary
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0 IntroductionThe first part of a speech, intended to gain the audience’s attention and to prepare them for the rest of the presentation.
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0 IntroductionBanks are careful in opening any account for a customer as the prospective customer has to be introduced by an existing account holder or a staff member or by any other person known to the bank for op [..]
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0 Introductionlang=en 1800s=1818 * »’1818»’ — . »».
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0 IntroductionHome
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