Meaning of the word hardware

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Hardware may refer to:


Computing and electronicsEdit

  • Electronic hardware, interconnected electronic components which perform analog or logic operations
    • Digital electronics, electronics that operate on digital signals
      • Computer hardware, physical parts of a computer
      • Networking hardware, devices that enable use of a computer network
    • Electronic component, device in an electronic system used to affect electrons, usually industrial products

Other technologiesEdit

  • Household hardware, equipment used for home repair and other work, such as fasteners, wire, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, utensils, and machine parts
  • Builders hardware, metal hardware for building fixtures, such as hinges and latches
  • Hardware (development cooperation), in technology transfer
  • Drum hardware, used to tension, position, and support the instruments
  • Military technology, application of technology to warfare
  • Music hardware, devices other than instruments to create music


  • Hardware (album), by the heavy metal band Krokus
  • Hardware (Billy Gibbons album), released in 2021
  • Hardware (band), consisting of Bootsy Collins, Buddy Miles, and Stevie Salas
  • Hardware (character), a character from Milestone Comics
  • Hardware (film), a 1990 film
  • Hardware (TV series), a British situation comedy
  • Hardware: Online Arena, a 2002 video game
  • «Hardware», a 1987 science fiction story by Robert Silverberg

Other usesEdit

  • Hardware, Virginia, an unincorporated community in Fluvanna County, Virginia

See alsoEdit

  • Hardware acceleration, the speedup of computing tasks by performing them in customized hardware rather than software
  • Hardware architecture, the identification of a system’s physical components and their interrelationships
  • Hardware engineering, or computer engineering
  • Ware (disambiguation)
  • Open-source hardware
  • Hardware store, a business which sells household hardware
  • Materiel, equipment or hardware, and supplies in military and commercial supply chain management
  • Medals
  • Trophies
  • Software
  • Open-source software
  • All pages with titles containing hardware


Mark Sanchez

Date Of Creation:

3 January 2021

Update Date:

13 April 2023

Computer Science Basics: Hardware and Software

Video: Computer Science Basics: Hardware and Software


  • What is Hardware:
  • Hardware evolution
  • Hardware classification
  • Processing hardware
  • Storage hardware
  • Graphic hardware
  • Peripheral devices
  • Hardware and software

What is Hardware:

Hardware is the physical part of a computer or computer system. It is made up of electrical, electronic, electromechanical, and mechanical components, such as cable and light circuits, boards, memories, hard drives, peripheral devices, and any other material in physical state that is necessary to make the equipment work.

The term hardware comes from English, it means hard parts and its use has been adopted in the Spanish language without translation, being used to refer to the material components that make up a computer equipment.

At present, hardware also refers to the physical part of equipment of various nature, such as household appliances, cars, smartphones, tablets, cameras, electronic equipment or mechanical parts.

Hardware evolution

From the appearance of the first computing machines in the 1940s to the present, the creation of hardware has evolved to adapt to new technologies and users. From this series of changes, 4 generations of hardware are distinguished:

  • First generationhardware (1945-1956): use of vacuum tubes in calculation machines.
  • Second generation of hardware (1957-1963): the vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors.
  • Third generation hardware (1964-present): creation of components based on integrated circuits printed on a silicon chip.
  • Fourth generation of hardware (future): all hardware made with new materials and formats other than silicon, and that are still in the research, design, development or implementation phase.

Hardware classification

Hardware is classified into 6 categories, based on the performance of its components.

Processing hardware

It corresponds to the Central Processing Unit or CPU, the logical operations center of the computer, where the tasks necessary for the operation of the rest of the components are interpreted and executed.

Storage hardware

As its name indicates, it refers to all the components whose function is to protect the information so that the user can access it at any time. The main device in this case is RAM (Random Access Memory), but it is also made up of secondary memories, such as hard drives or SSD or USB memories.

Graphic hardware

It is mainly made up of graphics cards that have their own memory and CPU, and are responsible for interpreting and executing the signals dedicated to the construction of images. The fact that this function does not fall to the CPU has to do with efficiency, since by releasing these functions to the main memory, the system works optimally.

Peripheral devices

It is all the hardware that allows information to enter the computer, or go outside. They are subdivided into three categories.

  • Input peripherals: are those that allow data access to the computer. For example, keyboard, microphone, webcam, etc.
  • Output peripherals: through them, the user can extract information, such as scanners, printers, consoles and speakers.
  • I / O peripherals or mixed: they are able to enter or extract information. Touchscreens fall into this category, as do DVD or BlueRay players and flash drives. The latter are essentially secondary memories, but are used as mixed peripherals.

Hardware and software

For correct hardware operation, you also need the software, which is the logical part of computing and is not tangible. It is there where all the instructions or tasks that an electronic system performs are encoded. The software It includes everything from the operating system to desktop applications that allow you to carry out specific tasks, such as the text or image editor.

The combination of software and hardware is what allows the computer to work more accurately and efficiently.

See also:

  • software
  • System
  • Information system
  • computing
  • Computing

Что такое hardware иногда не знают даже люди с десятилетним стажем пользования компьютером. Хотя, с другой стороны, может показаться, что это нужно знать уже с первого дня, как был приобретен компьютер. Давайте разбираться с этим термином, независимо от того, опытный вы пользователь или пока еще «чайник».

Что такое hardware 

Многим известно, что любой персональный компьютер состоит из 2-х основных составляющих:

  1. всем известного «железа» аппаратной части;

  2. программного обеспечения.

Это если простым языком, а если задаться «научными» терминами, то любой персональный компьютер состоит из:

  1. hardware — это и есть все «железные» части ПК;

  2. software — это все программное обеспечение компьютера: программы, операционная система, драйвера и др.

Некоторые пользователи, которые знают, что такое hardware, ошибочно полагают, что это только «внутреннее железо», которое содержится под корпусом системного блока или корпусом ноутбука:

  • материнская плата,

  • процессор,

  • жесткий диск,

  • оперативная память,

  • звуковая карта,

  • видеокарта, 

  • дисковод

  • и пр.

Но это не совсем так. Термин hardware намного шире.

Hardware — это все, что входит в систему взаимосвязанных технических устройств, цель которой обеспечить правильный ввод, обработку, хранение и вывод информации. 

Поэтому это понятие охватывает, помимо «внутреннего железа», еще и:

  • монитор,

  • мышку,

  • джойстик,

  • принтер,

  • сканер,

  • USBустройства,

  • флешки,

  • сетевое оборудование,

  • контроллеры и датчики

  • и др.

Если прям очень простыми словами, то все, что можно подключить к компьютеру и при этом потрогать руками, — это и есть hardware.

Определение словосочетаний с термином «hardware»

Что такое hardware мы разобрались, и тут все должно быть понятно. Но часто рядом с этим термином можно встретить другие слова, которые с ним образуют технические словосочетания и несут собственную смысловую нагрузку.

Graphics Hardware

Наверное, нетрудно догадаться, что данный термин означает графические компоненты аппаратного обеспечения, которые отвечают за воспроизведение и визуализацию принимаемой компьютером информации.

К этой категории hardware относят не только видеокарту, но и средства для вывода изображения пользователю:

  • проектор;

  • монитор;

  • VR-очки.

Appropriate Graphics Hardware

Очень часто такое сочетание слов встречают заядлые игроки в видеоигры. Перевод с английского не раскрывает сути этого определения «соответствующее графическое оборудование».

Почему такое сообщение часто получают геймеры? Потому что при установке современных производительных игр перед их инсталляцией система вашего ПК будет проверяться на соответствия техническим требованиям игры. То есть у любой современной игры есть минимальные технические требования к «железу», чтобы игра запускалась корректно. Если ваш компьютер не соответствует данным требованиям, то вам будет предложено установить «соответствующее графическое оборудование». В противном случае игра может либо не установиться на ваш ПК, либо потом будет запускаться с проблемами. 

Hardware Acceleration

Данное выражение означает процесс аппаратного ускорения некоторых компонентов ПК. Часто такое действие приемлемо, когда есть небольшое расхождение между характеристиками компьютера и техническими требованиями устанавливаемой программы. Это расхождение как раз и может устранить процедура Hardware Acceleration.

Когда-то эта процедура заключалась в физическом вмешательстве в перенастройку и разгон того же процессора ПК. Чуть позже, и такие традиции сохранились до сих пор, появились специальные утилиты и программы, которые могут ускорить «внутреннее железо» вашего компьютера без физического вмешательства. Прогресс дошел до того, что можно ускорить отдельный компонент для отдельной программы или игры.


Вопрос: «Что такое hardware?» иссяк однозначно. Это все, что касается аппаратной части компьютера, включая его «внутренности» и рабочее окружение. Все словосочетания, в которых есть термин «hardware», означают какое-то действие или какой-то компонент, связанный с аппаратной частью компьютера.

Даже в том случае, когда вы к компьютеру подключаете собственный смартфон, он тоже становится частью hardware. А устройств, которые можно подключить к ПК, очень много, поэтому потенциально они тоже часть hardware.

What Does Hardware Mean?

Hardware (H/W), in the context of technology, refers to the physical elements that make up a computer or electronic system and everything else involved that is physically tangible. This includes the monitor, hard drive, memory and the CPU. Hardware works hand-in-hand with firmware and software to make a computer function.

Although the same core components are shared between desktop computers and laptops, their characteristics and design differ for a multitude of reasons (size, heat dissipation capabilities, power requirements, etc.). However, hardware is always necessary to run the critical software that makes computers work.

Techopedia Explains Hardware

Hardware is a broad term that refers to all the physical parts that make up a computer. The internal hardware devices that make up the computer and ensure that it is functional are called components, while external hardware devices that are not essential to a computer’s functions are called peripherals.

The most important component of a computer’s internal hardware is certainly the motherboard, which powers and controls the whole system. The motherboard is also the scaffolding upon which all other components and external peripherals are connected.

Beyond the motherboard, some of the most common internal hardware components include:

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): Processes the computer’s data and turns input into output.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM): A source of high-speed, volatile memory used for quick calculations.
  • Storage Drives (hard disk, SSD): Non-volatile storage devices used to store data on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • Power Supply and Heat Sink: Used to supply all other components with power (electricity) converted the from the outlet.

  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Processes images and videos and renders graphical input to project it as an output to display devices (monitor). Also known as a video card.

  • Sound Card: Just like the video card, the sound card converts audio input into sounds that can be heard through speakers or headphones.

Peripherals are also a type of hardware. The most common ones include:

  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Display monitor
  • Webcam
  • Headphones
  • Microphone
  • USB flash drive
  • Speakers
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Gamepad or other controllers

Hardware is only one part of a computer system; there is also firmware, which is embedded into the hardware and directly controls it. There is also software, which runs on top of the hardware and makes use of the firmware to interface with the hardware.

Although software is as necessary as hardware to run a computer, the overall speed of the system is largely dependent on the hardware installed. That’s why many users tend to replace some components over time to upgrade their “rigs” and increase their performance.

In recent times, the introduction of cloud technologies and virtual machines (VMs) has made hardware virtualization possible. A hypervisor creates virtual versions of internal hardware within an operating system to share resources and use them efficiently. In this way, the physical computing components are abstracted through a software that allows them to lend their capabilities to other consumers. Hardware virtualization is used in infrastructure as a service (IaaS) models for renting hardware resources over the internet.

Other forms: hardwares

As the word suggests, the word hardware usually refers to tools used to build something — “wares” that are “hard.” It also is used to refer to the computer equipment that stores and uses “software,” the programs used in computing.

The word hardware dates back to the early 16th Century, where it was used to indicate such items as tools and weapons. Nowadays, that meaning holds, with hardware stores traditionally specializing mainly in materials and tools for building and repairs. The military use of the word has also remained, referring to major weapons such as tanks and missiles. However, since 1947, the word hardware has also taken on an ironically softer meaning — that of the components of a computer system.

Definitions of hardware

  1. noun

    instrumentalities (tools or implements) made of metal

  2. noun

    major items of military weaponry (as tanks or missile)

  3. noun

    (computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system


    computer hardware

    see moresee less


    computer software, package, software, software package, software program, software system

    (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory


    show 11 types…
    hide 11 types…
    C.P.U., CPU, central processing unit, central processor, mainframe, processor

    (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing

    computer memory, computer storage, memory, memory board, storage, store

    an electronic memory device


    computer hardware that arranges jobs to be done by the computer in an appropriate order


    computer hardware that sorts data or programs into a predetermined sequence


    hardware that provides better performance than an earlier version did

    non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage

    computer storage that is not lost when the power is turned off

    ROM, fixed storage, read-only memory, read-only storage

    (computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed

    real storage

    the main memory in a virtual memory system


    (computer science) a high-speed internal memory used for temporary storage of preliminary information

    virtual memory, virtual storage

    (computer science) memory created by using the hard disk to simulate additional random-access memory; the addressable storage space available to the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses

    volatile storage

    computer storage that is erased when the power is turned off

    type of:

    component, constituent, element

    an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system

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