- fitter
- [ʹfıtə]
1. монтёр; слесарь; механик; установщик
2. портной, занимающийся переделкой, примеркой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «fitter» в других словарях:
Fitter — may refer to:* Fitter (aircraft), a Soviet attack aircraft * Fitter (occupation), a person who uses machine tools to make or modify partsPeople named Fitter:* Alastair Fitter, British ecologist * Arn Fitter (1962 1996), Estonian singer and… … Wikipedia
fitter — fit‧ter [ˈfɪtə ǁ ər] noun [countable] MANUFACTURING JOBS someone who repairs or puts together machines or electrical equipment: • a gas fitter * * * fitter UK US /ˈfɪtər/ noun [C] ► a person whose job is to repair or put tog … Financial and business terms
Fitter — Fit ter, n. 1. One who fits or makes to fit; esp.: (a) One who tries on, and adjusts, articles of dress. (b) One who fits or adjusts the different parts of machinery to each other. [1913 Webster] 2. A coal broker who conducts the sales between… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fitter — Fit ter, n. A little piece; a flitter; a flinder. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Where s the Frenchman? Alas, he s all fitters. Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fitter — (n.) 1650s, agent noun from FIT (Cf. fit) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
fitter — [fit′ər] n. a person who fits; specif., a) a person who alters or adjusts garments to fit b) a person who installs or adjusts machinery, pipes, etc … English World dictionary
Fitter — This interesting surname is job descriptive, and almost certainly of Olde English pre 10th century origins, although not apparently recorded (see below) until the 12th century. The term fitter clearly did not mean the same in medieval times as it … Surnames reference
fitter — [ fɪtə] (d; tr.) to fitter through (d; intr.) to fitter into (foreign influence began to fitter into the country) … Combinatory dictionary
fitter — UK [ˈfɪtə(r)] / US [ˈfɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms fitter : singular fitter plural fitters someone whose job is to put in place machines, pipes, or pieces of equipment so that they are ready to use a gas/window fitter … English dictionary
fitter — [[t]fɪ̱tə(r)[/t]] fitters N COUNT A fitter is a person whose job is to put together, adjust, or install machinery or equipment. George was a fitter at the shipyard … English dictionary
fitter — Ⅰ. fit [1] ► ADJECTIVE (fitter, fittest) 1) of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose. 2) in good health, especially through regular physical exercise. 3) (fit to do) informal on the point of doing. 4) … English terms dictionary
слесарь, монтер, сборщик, механик, портной, слесарь-монтажник
- монтёр; слесарь; механик; установщик
- портной, занимающийся переделкой, примеркой и т. п.
Мои примеры
fitter/armourer — механик по вооружению
fitter bolt — призонный болт
fitter items — слесарное насыщение
fitter’s hammer — слесарный молоток
fitter’s shop — слесарная мастерская; сборочный цех; монтажный цех
fitter’s tool kit — комплект монтажного инструмента
fitter’s tools — монтажный инструмент
fitter’s work — слесарные работы; слесарная работа; сборочные работы
gas-fitter — монтёр по установке газовых труб; слесарь-газовик; газопроводчик
gauze fitter — сетчатый фильтр
Примеры с переводом
His delicate hand seemed fitter for the distaff than the spear.
Его изящная рука скорее годилась для прялки, чем для копья.
Возможные однокоренные слова
fit — подходить, соответствующий, пригонка, посадка, впору
fitful — прерывистый, порывистый, судорожный, перемежающийся
fitness — фитнес, пригодность, приспособленность, годность, соответствие
Формы слова
ед. ч.(singular): fitter
мн. ч.(plural): fitters
Meaning fitter
What does fitter mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word fitter. You can also add a definition of fitter yourself
1 |
0 1650s, agent noun from fit (v.).
2 |
0 fitterground crew responsible for engines and related controls. Flak:
3 |
0 fitter(n) a display of bad temper(n) a sudden uncontrollable attack(n) the manner in which something fits(n) a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)(v) be agreeable or acceptable to(v [..]
4 |
0 fitterThe metal part of a light kit which attaches to the fan and contains the light socket(s). Often sold separately from the glass shades.
5 |
0 fitterSu-7, 17, 20, 22.
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Definitions of fitter
someone who fits a garment to a particular person
improved in health or physical condition
(comparative of `good’) changed for the better in health or fitness
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Meaning of FITTER in English
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈfɪtə ]
n. 1 a person who supervises the cutting, fitting, altering, etc. of garments. 2 a mechanic who fits together and adjusts machinery.
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.
Английский основной разговорный словарь.