It isn’t fashionable to express such an opinion these days.
fashionable people who know all the right restaurants
Recent Examples on the Web
Lisa Turtle, Saved By The Bell Bayside High’s most fashionable student!
—Liz Kadar, Redbook, 7 Apr. 2023
Rittenhouse Square: Located within Center City, Rittenhouse Square is one of Philadelphia’s most fashionable neighborhoods.
—Kaye Toal, Travel + Leisure, 29 Mar. 2023
Totes are a more fashionable alternative.
—WIRED, 25 Mar. 2023
The British racer, who is arguably the most fashionable gent in Formula 1, turned up to third and final day of racing at the Jeddah Corniche Circuit wearing a suitably menacing Rick Owens ensemble.
—Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 20 Mar. 2023
Kylie and Kendall Jenner were the most fashionable siblings at the Vanity Fair Oscars After-Party.
—Chelsey Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 13 Mar. 2023
The insatiable need for fantasy fits that break the internet with their outrageousness might have finally worn off and our most fashionable icons could be turning the corner toward real clothes.
—Dave Schilling, Los Angeles Times, 12 Mar. 2023
By the 1950s, after a chain of architectural movements that included rationalism, Bauhaus and minimalism, a new style emerged and grew into perhaps the most fashionable design trend in recent history—midcentury modern.
—Spencer Elliott, Forbes, 9 Mar. 2023
For the band, this was a prestigious engagement: the Luna, a few minutes’ walk from St. Mark’s Square, was one of the most fashionable and certainly one of the oldest hotels in Venice.
—Town & Country, 5 Mar. 2023
David cannot be bullied — by tribe, by the fashionable; by the Left, by the Right; by majorities, by minorities.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 4 Jan. 2023
Cava is a chain restaurant that’s making food in bowls fashionable.
—Dallas News, 1 Jan. 2023
The grand uptown apartments and their over-the-top aesthetics — Louis Quinze, chintz, baronial splendor — fell out of fashion, at least among the fashionable.
—Curbed, 8 Nov. 2022
All of which is to say: Walsh is ready to adapt on the fly as various outrages and panics flit from fashionable to played out on the right.
—Indigo Olivier, The New Republic, 27 Dec. 2022
Some might say, that is the complete opposite of fashionable in its literary form.
—Paul Westall, Forbes, 19 July 2022
If Elsa Schiaparelli first made the jumpsuit fashionable in the 1930s, today it is being popularized by celebrities like Harry Styles, Evan Mock, Jacob Elordi, and Gigi.
—Irene Kim, Vogue, 21 May 2022
Some credit is also due to Joanna Gaines, whose 2013 HGTV series Fixer Upper cemented farmhouse style within our cultural lexicon and made the old-fashioned fashionable again.
—Jessica Bennett, Better Homes & Gardens, 18 Mar. 2022
Their overlapping success has made college basketball fashionable again in a town dominated by championship-hoarding professional sports teams.
—Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times, 4 Mar. 2022
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘fashionable.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
модный, фешенебельный, светский, светский человек
прилагательное ↓
- модный, фешенебельный, светский
fashionable dressmaker — модная портниха
fashionable club — фешенебельный клуб
fashionable amusement — модное развлечение
- модный, следящий за модой
fashionable clothes — модная одежда
- человек, следящий за модой
Мои примеры
fashionable people who know all the right restaurants — модники, которым известны все «правильные» /»нужные»/ рестораны
a fashionable soiree at a fancy hotel — светская вечеринка в дорогом отеле
a shop that specialilzed in fashionable eyewear — магазин, специализирующийся на модной очковой оптике
fashionable woman — модница
fashionable suburbs — модные пригородные районы, фешенебельные предместья
fashionable dresser — модник
become fashionable — входить в моду
fashionable fragrance — духи с модным запахом; модный запах
fashionable hobby — модное увлечение
fashionable plate — журнал мод
fashionable shade — модный тон
Примеры с переводом
It is now the most fashionable watering place on the coast.
Это сейчас самый модный курорт на побережье.
I have a real weakness for fashionable clothes.
У меня большая слабость /я очень неравнодушна/ к модной одежде.
Lengthened skirts are fashionable this year.
В этом году удлиненные юбки — в моде.
He’s well-known in fashionable circles.
Он хорошо известен в светских кругах.
Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.
В данный момент яркие цвета в большой моде.
It isn’t fashionable to express such an opinion these days.
В наше время высказывать подобные убеждения уже не модно.
It suddenly became fashionable for politicians to talk about green issues.
Среди политиков вдруг стало модно говорить об экологических проблемах.
He runs a fashionable restaurant near the Harbor.
Он управляет модным рестораном рядом с Гаванью.
Young American women believe that a bare midriff is fashionable.
Молодые американки считают, что голый живот — это модно.
The deliriums and newfangled whims of fashionable people.
Развлечения и новомодные прихоти франтов и модников.
Line, the silhouette of a garment that makes it look fashionable or unfashionable.
Покрой — это силуэт одежды, который делает её модной или немодной.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
…a speakeasy that became a fashionable café with the repeal of prohibition…
…to the office she wears trig two-piece suits that are fashionable but still businesslike…
…at its headquarters the company maintains a fashionable salon filled with works of modern art…
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
- fashionable
- [‘fæʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l]
1) Общая лексика: модный, светский, светский человек, следящий за модой, фешенебельный, человек, следящий за модой
2) Текстиль: изысканный
Универсальный англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «fashionable» в других словарях:
fashionable — ⇒FASHIONABLE, adj. Vieux A. [En parlant d une chose] Qui est élégant, conforme au bon ton de la fashion. Un vélin azuré qui par toute la chambre Jette une fashionable et suave odeur d ambre (GAUTIER, Albertus, 1833, p. 155). Bâtie avec le mauvais … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fashionable — Fash ion*a*ble, a. 1. Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress. [1913 Webster] 2. Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fashionable — fash‧ion‧a‧ble [ˈfæʆnəbl] adjective popular at a particular time: • fashionable management theories • It has became fashionable for politicians to talk about green issues. * * * fashionable UK US /ˈfæʃənəbl/ adjective ► popular at a particular… … Financial and business terms
Fashionable — Fashionable, bei den Engländern so viel als modisch, und gleichbedeutend mit comme il faut. Als Beiwort gebraucht, bezeichnet man damit das, was elegant und nach dem neuesten Geschmacke ist; als Hauptwort geht es mit dem Dandy (s. d.) Hand in… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Fashionable — Fash ion*a*ble, n. A person who conforms to the fashions; used chiefly in the plural. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fashionable — index customary, elegant, popular Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fashionable — fashionable:⇨elegant(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
Fashionable — Fashionable,der:⇨Geck(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
fashionable — stylish, c.1600, capable of being fashioned, also conformable to prevailing tastes, from FASHION (Cf. fashion) + ABLE (Cf. able). Related: Fashionably … Etymology dictionary
fashionable — |fêchêunâble| adj. 2 g. 1. Da moda. 2. Janota. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
fashionable — /ˈfɛʃʃonabl, ingl. ˈfæʃ(J)nJbl/ agg. inv. alla moda, di moda, trendy (ingl.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
a. Conforming to the current styles or trends; stylish: a fashionable wardrobe.
b. Adopting or setting current styles or trends: a fashionable artist.
2. Associated with or frequented by stylish or trend-setting people: a fashionable hotel.
fash′ion·a·bil·i·ty, fash′ion·a·ble·ness n.
fash′ion·a·bly adv.
Synonyms: fashionable, chic, in1, sharp, smart, stylish, swanky, trendy
These adjectives mean in accordance with the current fashion: a fashionable restaurant; a chic dress; the in place to go; a sharp jacket; a smart hotel; stylish clothes; a swanky apartment; a trendy neighborhood.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. conforming to fashion; in vogue
2. of, characteristic of, or patronized by people of fashion: a fashionable café.
3. (usually foll by with) patronized (by); popular (with)
ˌfashionaˈbility, ˈfashionableness n
ˈfashionably adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈfæʃ ə nə bəl)
1. observant of or conforming to the fashion; stylish; modish.
2. of, characteristic of, used, or patronized by the world of fashion: a fashionable shop.
3. current; popular.
4. a fashionable person.
fash′ion•a•ble•ness, fash`ion•a•bil′i•ty, n.
fash′ion•a•bly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj. | 1. | fashionable — being or in accordance with current social fashions; «fashionable clothing»; «the fashionable side of town»; «a fashionable cafe»
unfashionable, unstylish — not in accord with or not following current fashion; «unfashionable clothes»; «melodrama of a now unfashionable kind» |
2. | ||
3. | fashionable — patronized by
popular — regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public; «a popular tourist attraction»; «a popular girl»; «cabbage patch dolls are no longer popular» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
adjective popular, in fashion, trendy (Brit. informal), cool (slang), in (informal), latest, the new, happening (informal), current, modern, with it (informal), usual, smart, hip (slang), prevailing, stylish, chic, up-to-date, customary, genteel, in vogue, all the rage, up-to-the-minute, modish, du jour (French), à la mode, voguish (informal), trendsetting, all the go (informal), culty It became fashionable to eat certain foods.
old-fashioned, dated, unpopular, obsolete, out of date, unfashionable, outmoded, old-hat, uncool (slang), frumpy, behind the times, unhip (slang), unstylish, untrendy (Brit. informal), out of the ark (informal)
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Being or in accordance with the current fashion:
à la mode, chic, dashing, mod, modish, posh, smart, stylish, swank, swanky, trig.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
í samræmi viî nÿjustu tísku, í tísku
[ˈfæʃnəbl] ADJ
2. (= popular) [writer, subject for discussion] → de moda, popular
he is hardly a fashionable painter now → es un pintor que no está ahora muy de moda
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈfӕʃən) noun
1. the style and design of clothes. Are you interested in fashion?; (also adjective) a fashion magazine.
2. the way of behaving, dressing etc which is popular at a certain time. Fashions in music and art are always changing.
3. a way of doing something. She spoke in a very strange fashion.
ˈfashionable adjective
following, or in keeping with, the newest style of dress, way of living etc. a fashionable woman; a fashionable part of town.
ˈfashionably adverbafter a fashion
in a way, but not very well. She can speak French after a fashion.
all the fashion
very fashionable. Long skirts were all the fashion last year.
in fashion
fashionable. Tweed jackets are in fashion.
out of fashion
not fashionable. Long skirts are out of fashion at present.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مُطَابِقٌ للمُوضَة moderní moderigtig modisch μοδάτος a la moda muodikas à la mode moderan alla moda 流行の 유행의 modieus moderne modny na moda модный modern ทันสมัย modaya uygun mốt 时髦的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
fashion + -able
- IPA(key): /ˈfæʃənəbl̩/
fashionable (comparative more fashionable, superlative most fashionable)
- Characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style.
- Synonyms: styleworthy; see also Thesaurus:fashionable
- Antonyms: see Thesaurus:unfashionable
a fashionable dress
a fashionable man
- Established or favoured by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time.
the fashionable philosophy
fashionable opinions
- (archaic) genteel; well-bred
fashionable society
c. 1602, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Troylus and Cressida”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies […] (First Folio), London: […] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene iii], column 1:
For time is like a faſhionable Hoſte / That ſlightly ſhakes his parting Gueſt by th’hand;
Derived terms[edit]
- fashionable lateness
- fashionably
- → Danish: fashionabel
- → French: fashionable
- → German: fashionable
characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style
- Bulgarian: модерен (bg) (moderen)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 時髦/时髦 (zh) (shímáo), 風靡/风靡 (zh) (fēngmǐ), 時興/时兴 (zh) (shíxīng), 入時/入时 (zh) (rùshí), 當令/当令 (zh) (dānglìng), 流行 (zh) (liúxíng)
- Dutch: modieus (nl)
- Finnish: muodikas (fi)
- French: à la mode (fr), en vogue (fr), fashionable (fr) (dated)
- Galician: á moda f
- German: modisch (de), fashionable
- Greek: μοδάτος (el) (modátos)
- Hungarian: divatos (hu)
- Icelandic: í tísku
- Ido: enmoda
- Irish: galánta
- Japanese: はやりの (hayari-no), 洒落た (しゃれた, shareta), 流行の (ja) (りゅうこうの, ryūkō-no)
- Maori: rorotu, tōingo
- Polish: modny (pl) m, gustowny (pl) m, szykowny (pl) m, na topie (pl)
- Portuguese: moderno (pt), na moda
- Russian: мо́дный (ru) (módnyj), фешене́бельный (ru) (fešenɛ́belʹnyj)
- Scottish Gaelic: nòsach, nòsail, nòsmhor, modhail, fasanta
- Slovak: módny
- Spanish: a la moda, de moda
- Swedish: inne (sv)
- Tagalog: asak
- Ukrainian: модний (modnyj)
fashionable (plural fashionables)
- A fashionable person; a fop.
- Synonyms: see Thesaurus:dandy
1860, Various, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. VI.,October, 1860.—No. XXXVI.[1]:
We speculated upon the astonishment that would have seized upon their simple, innocent hearts, had they beheld, instead of us, a bevy of our city fashionables in full bloom.
1891, Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), “At the Shrine of St. Wagner”, in What Is Man? and Other Essays[2]:
In large measure the Metropolitan is a show-case for rich fashionables who are not trained in Wagnerian music and have no reverence for it, but who like to promote art and show their clothes.
1991 September 20, George Grass, “Star Show”, in Chicago Reader[3]:
A few, perhaps, have a further purpose; they desire to assist in that circus, to show themselves in the capacity of fashionables, to enchant the yokelry with their splendor.
Borrowed from English fashionable.
- IPA(key): /fa.ʃɔ.nabl/
fashionable (plural fashionables)
- (dated) fashionable
1849, François-René de Chateaubriand, Mémoires d’outre-tombe [Memoirs from Beyond the Grave], Livre IX, published 1910:
La comtesse de Lieven avait eu des histoires assez ridicules avec madame d’Osmond et George IV. Comme elle était hardie et passait pour être bien en cour, elle était devenue extrêmement fashionable.
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
Further reading[edit]
- “fashionable”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.
Alternative forms[edit]
- fashionabel
Borrowed from English fashionable.
- IPA(key): /ˈfɛʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/
fashionable (strong nominative masculine singular fashionabler, comparative fashionabler, superlative am fashionabelsten)
- fashionable
- Synonym: modisch
2021 January 6, Harald Martenstein, “Über das Schicke, das Gemütliche – und die Liebe zum Kitsch”, in ZEITmagazin[4]:
Beim Umbau der neuen Wohnung werden wir von einer Freundin unterstützt, die einen guten Geschmack hat. Ihr Geschmack ist cool, fashionable und State of the Art, klar, sie stammt ja aus dem Großbürgertum.
- (please add an English translation of this quote)
Derived terms[edit]
- fesch
Further reading[edit]
- “fashionable” in Duden online
- “fashionable” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache