Мои примеры
crow thinks its own bird fairest — каждый кулик свое болото хвалит
Примеры с переводом
What do you think is the fairest solution?
Какое решение вам кажется самым справедливым?
Возможные однокоренные слова
fair — справедливый, честный, ярмарка, выставка, базар, честно, ясно, чисто, точно
fairing — обтекатель, гостинец, придание обтекаемой формы, подарок с ярмарки
fairly — довольно, достаточно, справедливо, честно, совершенно, беспристрастно, явно
fairness — справедливость, честность, незапятнанность, чистота
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fairest
English-Russian big medical dictionary > fairest
fairest among women
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > fairest among women
the crow thinks its own bird fairest
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > the crow thinks its own bird fairest
the crow thinks its own bird fairest
каждый кулик свое болото хвалит
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > the crow thinks its own bird fairest
the crow thinks its own bird fairest
Англо-русский современный словарь > the crow thinks its own bird fairest
(the) crow thinks its own bird fairest
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) crow thinks its own bird fairest
n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. часто ирон. полицейские
Синонимический ряд:
1. best (adj.) best; better; excellent; foremost; highest; peerless; premium; superlative
2. dustiest (adj.) dustiest; most pulverous
3. fairest (adj.) clearest; fairest; most clarion; most clear; most cloudless; most pleasant; most rainless; most sunshine; most sunshining; most sunshiny; most unclouded; most undarkened; sunniest
4. greatest (adj.) greatest; most blue-ribbon; most capital; most champion; most excellent; most first-class; most first-rate; most prime; most select; most sovereign; most splendid; most superb; most superior; most tiptop; most top; most topflight; most top-quality
5. most delicate (adj.) choicest; daintiest; most delicate; most elegant; most exquisite; most finespun; most hairline; most hairsplitting; most refined; nicest; subtlest
6. most impalpable (adj.) most impalpable; most powdery; most pulverized
7. nicest (adj.) most refined; nicest; subtlest
English-Russian base dictionary > finest
əˈmʌŋ предл.;
тж. amongst
1) между, посреди, среди a village among the hills ≈ деревня в горах they quarrelled among themselves ≈ они перессорились Syn: amid, amidst, between, betwixt
2) из числа, в числе I rate him among my friends ≈ я считаю его своим другом he is numbered among the dead ≈ его считают убитым We were among the crowd that gathered there. ≈ Мы были среди собравшейся там толпы.
3) из one among a thousand ≈ один из тысячи
4) среди, у among the ancient Greeks ≈ у древних грековуказывает на положение среди группы предметов или лиц среди, посреди, между — a village * the hills деревня среди холмов;
— a house * the trees дом, окруженный деревьями;
— one * many один из многих указывает на движение предмета или лица среди других предметов или лиц: среди;
через — he passed * the crowd он пробирался через толпу;
— the explorers had to grope their way * the ruins исследователям пришлось ощупью пробираться среди развалин указывает на связь предмета или лица с другими предметами или лицами: среди — * guests were two actors среди гостей были два актера;
— several * the audience heard it кое-кто из публики слышал указывает на превосходство над другими предметами или лицами: из, среди — fairest * women красивейшая из женщин;
— pre-eminent * the writers of his day самый выдающийся из писателей того времени;
— Paris is * the largest cities in the world Париж — один из самых больших городов мира указывает на распределение чего-л. среди нескольких человек между — to divide property * the heirs разделить имущество между наследниками;
— not five pounds * them у них нет и пяти фунтов на всех указывает на взаимность отношений или связанность действий: между;
между собой — lasting peace * the peoples прочный мир между народами;
— they quarrel * themselves они ссорятся между собой;
— settle it * yourselves уладьте это между собой;
договоритесь об этом сами;
— you have, * you, spoiled the child вы все вместе испортили ребенка указывает на соотнесенность действий с какой-л. средой, эпохой% среди, в эпоху — it was the custom * our ancestors таков был обычай наших предков;
— * the ancient Greeks у древних греков в сочетаниях — from * из, среди — a strange figure rose from * the crowd над толпой возвышалась странная фигура;
— * other things между прочим;
— * other things he said that… между прочим он сказал, что…among prep из;
one among a thousand один из тысячи ~ prep из числа, в числе;
I rate him among my friends я считаю его своим другом;
he is numbered among the dead его считают убитым ~ prep посреди, среди, между;
a village among the hills деревня в горах;
they quarrelled among themselves они перессорились ~ prep у, среди;
among the ancient Greeks у древних греков~ prep у, среди;
among the ancient Greeks у древних греков~ prep из числа, в числе;
I rate him among my friends я считаю его своим другом;
he is numbered among the dead его считают убитым~ prep из числа, в числе;
I rate him among my friends я считаю его своим другом;
he is numbered among the dead его считают убитымamong prep из;
one among a thousand один из тысячи~ prep посреди, среди, между;
a village among the hills деревня в горах;
they quarrelled among themselves они перессорились~ prep посреди, среди, между;
a village among the hills деревня в горах;
they quarrelled among themselves они перессорилисьБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > among
1. сущ.
1) ворона, ворон as black as a crow the crow thinks its own bird fairest white crow eat boiled crow Syn: gawk, gaper
2) а) индейское племя, проживающее в районе реки Йеллоустон б) язык индейцев этого племени
3) (довольно резкий звук) а) карканье, кукареканье б) крик младенца
4) созвездие Ворона (созвездие Южного полушария)
5) сокр. от crow-bar
2. гл.
1) кукарекать
2) а) шумно радоваться, ликовать б) злорадствовать( издавая при этом радостные возгласы)
3) хвалиться, бахвалиться Syn: brag, boast ∙ crow over
(зоология) ворона (Corvus) (разговорное) ворон;
любая черная птица (астрономия) Ворон созвездие) (жаргон) вор, стоящий на стреме (техническое) лом лапчатый;
аншпуг (американизм) (сленг) орел( на гербе) (американизм) (сленг) (военное) командир, шеф( с орлом на нашивках) (американизм) (сленг) курица, курятина( американизм) (сленг) мордоворот (о женщине) > as the * flies, in a * line по прямой линии, напрямик;
> to have a * to pluck with smb. иметь счеты с кем-л.;
> * will not pick out *’s eyes ворон ворону глаз не выклюет;
> stone the *s! не может быть! (выражает удивление, недоверие) пение петуха гуканье, радостный крик младенца (разговорное) радостный вопль — a * of triumph победный вопль;
победные клики кричать кукареку гукать, издавать радостные звуки радостно кричать;
говорить с гордостью — to * about one’s examination results хвастаться своими экзаменационными оценками — to * over an unsuccessful rival насмехаться над незадачливым соперником — the team *ed over its victory команда бурно радовалась своей победе (анатомия) брыжейка
~ сокр. от crowbar;
as the crow flies, in a crow line по прямой линии;
to have a crow to pick (или to pluck) (with smb.) иметь счеты (с кем-л.)
crow ворона ~ издавать радостные звуки (о детях) ;
crow over восторжествовать (над кем-л.) ~ (crowed, crew;
crowed) кричать кукареку ~ сокр. от crowbar;
as the crow flies, in a crow line по прямой линии;
to have a crow to pick (или to pluck) (with smb.) иметь счеты (с кем-л.) ~ пение петуха ~ радостный крик (младенца)
~ издавать радостные звуки (о детях) ;
crow over восторжествовать (над кем-л.)
~ сокр. от crowbar;
as the crow flies, in a crow line по прямой линии;
to have a crow to pick (или to pluck) (with smb.) иметь счеты (с кем-л.) crowbar: crowbar тех. лом, вага, аншпуг
~ сокр. от crowbar;
as the crow flies, in a crow line по прямой линии;
to have a crow to pick (или to pluck) (with smb.) иметь счеты (с кем-л.)
~ сокр. от crowbar;
as the crow flies, in a crow line по прямой линии;
to have a crow to pick (или to pluck) (with smb.) иметь счеты (с кем-л.)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > crow
1. 1) среди, посреди, между
a house among the trees — дом, окружённый деревьями
he passed among the crowd — он пробирался через /сквозь/ толпу
the explorers had to grope their way among the ruins — исследователям пришлось ощупью пробираться среди развалин
2) (
при прилагательных в превосходной степени) из, среди
pre-eminent among the writers of his day — самый выдающийся из писателей того времени
Paris is among the largest cities in the world — Париж — один из самых больших городов мира
3. между
to divide property among the heirs — разделить имущество между наследниками
settle it among yourselves — уладьте это между собой; договоритесь об этом сами
you have, among you, spoiled the child — вы все вместе испортили /избаловали/ ребёнка
5. у, среди, в эпоху
from among — из, среди
a strange figure rose from among the crowd — над толпой возвышалась странная фигура
among other things he said that… — между прочим он сказал, что…
НБАРС > among
23) Чат: Well Trained Forum, What The Freak, What True Friend, What’s The Fuss, Wheres The Forum, Why The Frown
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > WTF
2) карканье; кукареканье
— as black as a crow
— as the crow flies
— crow thinks its own bird fairest
— eat boiled crow
прош. вр.
crew; crowed;
прич. прош. вр.
crown; crowed
2) шумно радоваться, ликовать
Our team are crowing over their victory. — Наша команда празднует победу.
3) злорадствовать, насмехаться
4) хвалиться, бахвалиться
He’s always crowing about his latest triumph. — Он не перестаёт хвастаться своей последней победой.
Англо-русский современный словарь > crow
таким образом, посредством этого
He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote. — Он получил гражданство в 1978 г., получив тем самым право голосовать.
около, неподалёку
At the foot of a tree thereby. — У подножия дерева.
около, приблизительно
There was one maiden of fifteen, or thereby, with the fairest face I ever looked upon. (W. Scott, Kenilworth, 1821) — Но там была ещё одна девица лет пятнадцати или около того, с прелестнейшим личиком на свете.
Англо-русский современный словарь > thereby
ворона, ворон
— pugnacious crow
— crow caws
— crow thinks its own bird fairestEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > crow
in smb.’s hair
I don’t want any more… relatives around; they get in my hair. (S. Bellow, ‘The Adventures of Augie March’, ch. IX) — Хватит с меня родственников… Они и так сидят у меня в печенках.
‘I know he’s the squarest, straightest, fairest Joe I ever met in my life,’ Angelo said glowingly… ‘He is, huh?’ Prew said irritably… ‘Well, he’s beginning to get in my hair,’ he said. (J. Jones, ‘From Here to Eternity’, ch. XXXVI) — — Джек Мэллой честнейший, умнейший и надежнейший человек, — горячо сказал Анджело… — Неужели? — раздраженно воскликнул Прю… — Ладно, кончай хвалить его. Осточертел он мне.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > in smb.’s hair
stretch wing to weather
If they be not carefully trained… I would rather have a goshawk on my perch than the fairest falcon that ever stretched wing to weather. (W. Scott, ‘The Betrothed’, ch. XXIII) — Если они не будут хорошо обучены… я предпочту на своем насесте ястреба-тетеревятника самому замечательному соколу на свете.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > stretch wing to weather
Синонимический ряд:
1. barest (adj.) barest; emptiest; most devoid; most vacant; most vacuous; most void; starkest
2. finest (adj.) fairest; finest; most cloudless; most unclouded; sunniest
3. freest (adj.) freest; most disengaged; most unfastened
4. most decided (adj.) most clear-cut; most decided; most definite; most pronounced; most unquestionable
5. most lucid (adj.) most lucid; most pellucid
6. most obvious (adj.) most apparent; most evident; most manifest; most noticeable; most obvious; most patent; most unsubtle; most visible; plainest
7. most open (adj.) most open; most unimpeded; most unobstructed
8. most transparent (adj.) most crystal-clear; most crystalline; most see-through; most translucent; most transparent
9. most unbroken (adj.) most faultless; most flawless; most unblemished; most unbroken; most unmarked
10. sharpest (adj.) most distinct; most unambiguous; most unequivocal; most unmistakable; sharpest
English-Russian base dictionary > clearest
См. также в других словарях:
Fairest — Infobox Book name = Fairest image caption = author = Gail Carson Levine language = genre = Fantasy publisher = HarperCollins pub date = 2006 pages = 326 isbn = ISBN 0060734086 preceded by = Ella Enchanted followed by = Fairest is a 2006 novel by… … Wikipedia
Fairest — Fair Fair (f[^a]r), a. [Compar. {Fairer}; superl. {Fairest}.] [OE. fair, fayer, fager, AS. f[ae]ger; akin to OS. & OHG. fagar, Icel. fagr, Sw. fager, Dan. faver, Goth. fagrs fit, also to E. fay, G. f[ u]gen, to fit. fegen to sweep, cleanse, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fairest — This interesting name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a locational surname deriving from the place called Fairhurst, a hamlet near Parbold, not far from Wigan in Lancashire. The placename means the beautiful wood or wooded hill , derived from the … Surnames reference
Fairest of the Fair — is the title of a 1908 march by John Philip Sousa. One of Sousa s more melodic, less military marches, it was composed for the annual Boston Food Fair of 1908. It is claimed that the memory of a pretty girl he had seen at an earlier fair inspired … Wikipedia
Fairest Lord Jesus — There is little information on the origin of this Christian hymn. Although there are several popular myths that go along with it, they cannot always be substantiated by research. There are some accounts that say it was called Crusader s Hymn… … Wikipedia
fairest and best — noun Especially WA → best and fairest …
fairest — fer /feÉ™ n. festival, market, bazaar; exhibition, show adj. just, equitable; reasonable; average; handsome; light colored; comfortable; clean, clear adv. justly, equitably; directly; completely, really (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
fairest — superlative of fair … Useful english dictionary
Best and Fairest — (also known as Fairest and Best in some competitions, notably the Australian Football League) is the term commonly used in Australian sport to describe the player(s) adjudged to have had the best performance in a game or over a season for a given … Wikipedia
The Fairest of Them All (Dolly Parton album) — Infobox Album | Name = The Fairest of Them All Type = Album Artist = Dolly Parton Released = February 1970 Recorded = 1969, RCA Studio B , Nashville Genre = Country music Length = 27:50 Label = RCA Producer = Bob Ferguson Reviews = * Allmusic… … Wikipedia
List of Australian Lacrosse Best and Fairest Players — Men s Best and Fairest: * 1956 1959: Brady Award * 1960 1962: ALC Trophy * 1963 present: Isaachsen Trophy: The Isaachsen Trophy is awarded to the best player in Australia competing in State domestic club competitions. Votes are cast by referees… … Wikipedia
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 fair1 /fɛr/USA pronunciation
fair•ness, n. [uncountable]
fair2 /fɛr/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 fair1
fair′ness, n.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: fair /fɛə/ adj
Etymology: Old English fæger; related to Old Norse fagr, Old Saxon, Old High German fagar, Gothic fagrs suitable ˈfairness n fair /fɛə/ n
Etymology: 13th Century: from Old French feire, from Late Latin fēria holiday, from Latin fēriae days of rest: related to festus festal ‘fairest‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): |
just; light in color; moderately good; an exhibition
Not to be confused with:
fare – to get along; food; cost of transportation
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
fair 1
adj. fair·er, fair·est
1. Of pleasing appearance, especially because of a pure or fresh quality; comely.
a. Light in color, especially blond: fair hair.
b. Of light complexion: fair skin.
3. Free of clouds or storms; clear and sunny: fair skies.
4. Free of blemishes or stains; clean and pure: one’s fair name.
5. Promising; likely: We’re in a fair way to succeed.
a. Having or exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism or bias; impartial: a fair mediator.
b. Just to all parties; equitable: a compromise that is fair to both factions.
7. Being in accordance with relative merit or significance: She wanted to receive her fair share of the proceeds.
8. Consistent with rules, logic, or ethics: a fair tactic.
9. Moderately good; acceptable or satisfactory: gave only a fair performance of the play; in fair health.
10. Superficially true or appealing; specious: Don’t trust his fair promises.
11. Lawful to hunt or attack: fair game.
12. Archaic Free of all obstacles.
1. In a proper or legal manner: playing fair.
2. Directly; straight: a blow caught fair in the stomach.
tr.v. faired, fair·ing, fairs
To join (pieces) so as to be smooth, even, or regular: faired the aircraft’s wing into the fuselage.
1. Archaic A beautiful or beloved woman.
2. Obsolete Loveliness; beauty.
Phrasal Verb:
fair off (or up)
Chiefly Southern US To become clear. Used of weather.
fair and square
Just and honest.
for fair
To the greatest or fullest extent possible: Our team was beaten for fair in that tournament.
no fair
Something contrary to the rules: That was no fair.
[Middle English, from Old English fæger, lovely, pleasant.]
fair′ness n.
Synonyms: fair1, just1, equitable, impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective
These adjectives mean free from favoritism, self-interest, or preference in judgment. Fair is the most general: a fair referee; a fair deal. Just stresses conformity with what is legally or ethically right or proper: «a just and lasting peace» (Abraham Lincoln).
Equitable implies justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair: an equitable distribution of gifts among the children. Impartial emphasizes lack of favoritism: «the cold neutrality of an impartial judge» (Edmund Burke).
Unprejudiced means without preconceived opinions or judgments: an unprejudiced evaluation of the proposal. Unbiased implies absence of a preference or partiality: gave an unbiased account of her family problems. Objective implies detachment that permits impersonal observation and judgment: an objective jury. See Also Synonyms at average, beautiful.
Our Living Language American folk speech puts Standard English to shame in its wealth of words for describing weather conditions. When the weather goes from fair to cloudy, New Englanders say that it’s «breedin’ up a storm» (Maine informant in the Linguistic Atlas of New England). If the weather is clear, however, a New Englander might call it open. Southern fair off and fair up, meaning «to become clear,» were originally Northeastern terms and were brought to the South as settlement expanded southward and westward. They are now «regionalized to the South,» according to Craig M. Carver, author of American Regional Dialects. These phrases may have prompted the coining of milding and milding down, noted respectively in Texas and Virginia by the Dictionary of American Regional English.
fair 2
1. A gathering held at a specified time and place for the buying and selling of goods; a market.
2. An exhibition, as of farm products or manufactured goods, usually accompanied by various competitions and entertainments: a state fair.
3. An exhibition intended to inform people about a product or business opportunity: a computer fair; a job fair.
4. An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods; a bazaar: a church fair.
[Middle English faire, from Old French feire, from Late Latin fēria, sing. of Latin fēriae, holidays; see dhēs- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. free from discrimination, dishonesty, etc; just; impartial
2. in conformity with rules or standards; legitimate: a fair fight.
3. (of the hair or complexion) light in colour
4. beautiful or lovely to look at
5. moderately or quite good: a fair piece of work.
6. unblemished; untainted
7. (Nautical Terms) (of the tide or wind) favourable to the passage of a vessel
8. (Physical Geography) sunny, fine, or cloudless
9. (prenominal) informal thorough; real: a fair battle to get to the counter.
10. pleasant or courteous
11. apparently good or valuable, but really false: fair words.
12. open or unobstructed: a fair passage.
13. Austral (of handwriting) clear and legible
14. a fair crack of the whip Austral a fair shake of the dice a fair go informal a fair opportunity; fair chance
15. fair and square in a correct or just way
16. fair do’s
a. equal shares or treatment
b. an expression of appeal for equal shares or treatment
17. fair enough! an expression of agreement
18. fair go! informal Austral and NZ come off it!; I don’t believe it!
19. fair to middling about average
20. in a fair way; correctly: act fair, now!.
21. absolutely or squarely; quite: the question caught him fair off his guard.
22. dialect really or very: fair tired.
(intr) dialect (of the weather) to become fine and mild
archaic a person or thing that is beautiful or valuable, esp a woman
[Old English fæger; related to Old Norse fagr, Old Saxon, Old High German fagar, Gothic fagrs suitable]
ˈfairness n
1. a travelling entertainment with sideshows, rides, etc, esp one that visits places at the same time each year
2. (Commerce) a gathering of producers of and dealers in a given class of products to facilitate business: a book fair.
3. an event including amusements and the sale of goods, esp for a charity; bazaar
4. a regular assembly at a specific place for the sale of goods, esp livestock
[C13: from Old French feire, from Late Latin fēria holiday, from Latin fēriae days of rest: related to festus festal]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
adj. and
adv. fair•er, fair•est.
1. free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice.
2. legitimately sought, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair fight.
3. moderately large; ample: a fair income.
4. neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good: fair health.
a. (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
b. (of the weather) fine; with no prospect of rain, snow, or hail; not stormy.
6. of a light hue; not dark: fair skin.
7. pleasing in appearance; attractive: a fair young maiden.
8. (of a wind or tide) tending to aid the progress of a vessel.
9. marked by favoring conditions; likely; promising: in a fair way to succeed.
10. without irregularity or unevenness: a fair surface.
11. free from blemish.
12. courteous; civil: fair words.
13. in a fair manner: He doesn’t play fair.
14. favorably; auspiciously.
15. Archaic. something that is fair.
16. Archaic.
a. a woman.
b. a beloved woman.
17. to draw and adjust (the lines of a ship’s hull being designed) to produce regular surfaces of the correct form.
1. bid fair, to seem likely: This entry bids fair to win first prize.
2. fair and square,
a. honestly; justly.
b. honest; just; straightforward.
3. fair to middling, only tolerably good; so-so.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English fæger]
fair′ness, n.
syn: fair, impartial, disinterested refer to lack of bias in opinions, judgments, etc. fair implies the treating of all sides alike, justly and equitably: a fair compromise. impartial also implies showing no more favor to one side than another, but suggests particularly a judicial consideration of a case: an impartial judge. disinterested implies a fairness arising from lack of desire to obtain a selfish advantage: a disinterested concern that the best person win.
1. a usu. competitive exhibition of farm products, livestock, etc., often combined with entertainment and held annually by a county or state.
2. a periodic gathering of buyers and sellers in an appointed place.
3. an exposition in which different exhibitors participate, often with the purpose of buying or selling or of familiarizing the public with the products: a home-furnishings fair.
4. an exhibition and sale of articles to raise money, often for some charitable purpose.
[1300–50; Middle English feire < Anglo-French, Old French < Late Latin fēria religious festival, holiday (Medieval Latin: market), in Latin only pl.; akin to feast]
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– carnival
1. ‘fair’
In British English, a fair is an event held in a park or field at which people pay to ride on various machines for amusement or try to win prizes in games.
…all the fun of the fair, with dodgem cars, stalls, candy floss and children’s rides.
2. ‘carnival’
In American English, an event like this is called a carnival.
It reminds me of when the carnival came to Hudson Falls, N.Y., when I was a boy.
In British English, a carnival is an outdoor public festival which is held every year in a particular place. During a carnival, music is played and people sometimes dance in the streets.
The Notting Hill Carnival in August is the largest street festival in Europe.
– fairly
1. ‘fair’
You say that behaviour or a decision is fair when it is reasonable, right, or just.
It wouldn’t be fair to disturb the children’s education at this stage.
Do you feel they’re paying their fair share?
2. ‘fairly’
Don’t use ‘fair’ as an adverb, except in the expression play fair. If you want to say that something is done in a reasonable or just way, the word you use is fairly.
We want it to be fairly distributed.
He had not explained things fairly.
Fairly also has a completely different meaning. It means ‘to quite a large degree’.
The information was fairly accurate.
I wrote the first part fairly quickly.
Be Careful!
Don’t use ‘fairly’ in front of a comparative form. Don’t say, for example, ‘The train is fairly quicker than the bus‘. In conversation and less formal writing, you say ‘The train is a bit quicker than the bus’.
Golf’s a bit more expensive.
I began to understand her a bit better.
Be Careful!
In more formal writing, you use rather or somewhat.
In short, the problems now look rather worse than they did a year ago.
The results were somewhat lower than expected.
Many other words and expressions can be used to show degree.
– fare
These words are both pronounced /feə/.
1. ‘fair’
Fair can be an adjective or a noun. If something is fair, it is reasonable, right, or just.
See fair — fairly
If someone is fair or has fair hair, they have light coloured hair.
My daughter has three children, and they’re all fair.
A fair is an event held in a park or field for people’s amusement.
We took the children to the fair.
2. ‘fare’
Your fare is the money you pay for a journey by bus, taxi, train, boat, or plane.
Coach fares are cheaper than rail fares.
Airline officials say they must raise fares in order to cover rising costs.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: faired
Gerund: fairing
Imperative |
fair |
fair |
Present |
I fair |
you fair |
he/she/it fairs |
we fair |
you fair |
they fair |
Preterite |
I faired |
you faired |
he/she/it faired |
we faired |
you faired |
they faired |
Present Continuous |
I am fairing |
you are fairing |
he/she/it is fairing |
we are fairing |
you are fairing |
they are fairing |
Present Perfect |
I have faired |
you have faired |
he/she/it has faired |
we have faired |
you have faired |
they have faired |
Past Continuous |
I was fairing |
you were fairing |
he/she/it was fairing |
we were fairing |
you were fairing |
they were fairing |
Past Perfect |
I had faired |
you had faired |
he/she/it had faired |
we had faired |
you had faired |
they had faired |
Future |
I will fair |
you will fair |
he/she/it will fair |
we will fair |
you will fair |
they will fair |
Future Perfect |
I will have faired |
you will have faired |
he/she/it will have faired |
we will have faired |
you will have faired |
they will have faired |
Future Continuous |
I will be fairing |
you will be fairing |
he/she/it will be fairing |
we will be fairing |
you will be fairing |
they will be fairing |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been fairing |
you have been fairing |
he/she/it has been fairing |
we have been fairing |
you have been fairing |
they have been fairing |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been fairing |
you will have been fairing |
he/she/it will have been fairing |
we will have been fairing |
you will have been fairing |
they will have been fairing |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been fairing |
you had been fairing |
he/she/it had been fairing |
we had been fairing |
you had been fairing |
they had been fairing |
Conditional |
I would fair |
you would fair |
he/she/it would fair |
we would fair |
you would fair |
they would fair |
Past Conditional |
I would have faired |
you would have faired |
he/she/it would have faired |
we would have faired |
you would have faired |
they would have faired |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | fair — a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.
funfair, carnival show — the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; «a remarkable show of skill» midway — the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located |
2. | fair — gathering of producers to promote business; «world fair»; «trade fair»; «book fair»
assemblage, gathering — a group of persons together in one place book fair, bookfair — fair organized by publishers or booksellers to promote the sale of books |
3. | fair — a competitive exhibition of farm products; «she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair»
expo, exposition, exhibition — a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) for public display |
4. | fair — a sale of miscellany; often for charity; «the church bazaar»
bazaar cut-rate sale, sales event, sale — an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; «they held a sale to reduce their inventory»; «I got some great bargains at their annual sale» book fair, bookfair — bazaar at which books are sold or auctioned off in order to raise funds for a worthy cause craft fair — a fair at which objects made by craftsmen are offered for sale |
Verb | 1. | fair — join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
bring together, join — cause to become joined or linked; «join these two parts so that they fit together» |
Adj. | 1. | fair — free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; «a fair referee»; «fair deal»; «on a fair footing»; «a fair fight»; «by fair means or foul»
just just — used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; «a just and lasting peace»- A.Lincoln; «a kind and just man»; «a just reward»; «his just inheritance» impartial — showing lack of favoritism; «the cold neutrality of an impartial judge» reasonable, sensible — showing reason or sound judgment; «a sensible choice»; «a sensible person» unfair, unjust — not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception; «used unfair methods»; «it was an unfair trial»; «took an unfair advantage» |
2. | fair — not excessive or extreme; «a fairish income»; «reasonable prices»
fairish, reasonable moderate — being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; «moderate prices»; «a moderate income»; «a moderate fine»; «moderate demands»; «a moderate estimate»; «a moderate eater»; «moderate success»; «a kitchen of moderate size»; «the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart» |
3. | fair — very pleasing to the eye; «my bonny lass»; «there’s a bonny bay beyond»; «a comely face»; «young fair maidens»
bonnie, bonny, sightly, comely beautiful — delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; «a beautiful child»; «beautiful country»; «a beautiful painting»; «a beautiful theory»; «a beautiful party» |
4. | fair — (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines; «he hit a fair ball over the third base bag»
baseball, baseball game — a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; «he played baseball in high school»; «there was a baseball game on every empty lot»; «there was a desire for National League ball in the area»; «play ball!» foul — (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines |
5. | fair — lacking exceptional quality or ability; «a novel of average merit»; «only a fair performance of the sonata»; «in fair health»; «the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average»; «the performance was middling at best»
middling, mediocre, average ordinary — not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; «ordinary everyday objects»; «ordinary decency»; «an ordinary day»; «an ordinary wine» |
6. | fair — attractively feminine; «the fair sex»
feminine — associated with women and not with men; «feminine intuition» |
7. | fair — (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; «fair copy»; «a clean manuscript»
clean legible — (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered; «legible handwriting» |
8. | fair — gained or earned without cheating or stealing; «an honest wage»; «an fair penny»
honest equitable, just — fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience; «equitable treatment of all citizens»; «an equitable distribution of gifts among the children» |
9. | fair — free of clouds or rain; «today will be fair and warm»
clear — free from clouds or mist or haze; «on a clear day» |
10. | fair — (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored; «a fair complexion»;
fairish blond, blonde, light-haired — being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes; «blond Scandinavians»; «a house full of light-haired children» |
Adv. | 1. | fair — in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating; «they played fairly»
clean, fairly |
2. | fair — without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner; «deal fairly with one another»
evenhandedly, fairly |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. unbiased, impartial, even-handed, unprejudiced, just, clean, square, equal, objective, reasonable, proper, legitimate, upright, honourable, honest, equitable, lawful, trustworthy, on the level (informal), disinterested, dispassionate, above board, according to the rules I wanted them to get a fair deal.
unbiased unfair, one-sided, prejudiced, biased, partial, partisan, unjust, dishonest, discriminatory, bigoted, inequitable, bad
2. respectable, middling, average, reasonable, decent, acceptable, moderate, adequate, satisfactory, not bad, mediocre, so-so (informal), tolerable, passable, O.K. or okay (informal), all right He had a fair command of English.
4. light-complexioned, white, pale It’s important to protect my fair skin from the sun.
5. fine, clear, dry, bright, pleasant, sunny, favourable, clement, cloudless, unclouded, sunshiny Weather conditions were fair.
6. beautiful, pretty, attractive, lovely, handsome, good-looking, bonny, comely, beauteous, well-favoured Faint heart never won fair lady.
beautiful homely, plain, ugly
noun carnival, show, market, fête, festival, exhibition, mart, expo (informal), bazaar, exposition, mela, gala The date for the fair has been changed.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Having qualities that delight the eye:
attractive, beauteous, beautiful, comely, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous, ravishing, sightly, stunning.
3. Of a light color or complexion:
4. Free from clouds or mist, for example:
5. Indicative of future success or full of promise:
6. Free from bias in judgment:
disinterested, dispassionate, equitable, fair-minded, impartial, indifferent, just, nonpartisan, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced.
8. According to the rules:
9. Of moderately good quality but less than excellent:
acceptable, adequate, all right, average, common, decent, fairish, goodish, moderate, passable, respectable, satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable.
1. In a fair, sporting manner:
2. With precision or absolute conformity:
bang, dead, direct, directly, exactly, flush, just, precisely, right, smack, square, squarely, straight.
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أَشْقَرأشْقرجَميل، وَسيمسوقصافٍ، مُعْتَدِل
bjartur, heiîskírfagurfallegurkaupstefna, vörusÿningljós
공평한박람회살결이 흰
apmierinošsatrakciju parksdiezgan labsgadatirgusgaišmatains
celkom dobrýlunaparkveľtrh
công bằnghội chợvàng hoe
1 [fɛəʳ]
A. ADJ (fairer (compar) (fairest (superl)))
1. (= just) [person, treatment, wage, exchange] → justo; [decision, report, hearing] → imparcial; [comment] → razonable, válido; [sample] → representativo; [price] → justo, razonable; [deal] → justo, equitativo; [fight, election] → limpio; [competition] → leal
that’s fair comment → ésa es una observación razonable or válida
it’s not fair! → ¡no es justo!, ¡no hay derecho!
it’s not fair to expect you to wash up → no es justo pretender que friegues
it’s fair to say that → es cierto que …, lo cierto es que …
be fair, darling, it’s not their fault → sé justo or razonable, cariño, no es culpa suya
to be fair (= truth to tell) → a decir verdad …, en honor a la verdad …; (= not to be unjust) → para ser justo …
fair enough! → ¡vale!, ¡muy bien!
fair’s fair, it’s my turn now → vale ya or ya basta, ahora me toca a mí
fair game (fig) → blanco m legítimo
it’s not fair on the old → es injusto or no es justo para (con) los ancianos
it’s only fair that → lo más justo sería que …
as is only fair → como es justo
fair play (in game) → juego m limpio
sense of fair play (fig) → sentido m de la justicia
she’s had more than her fair share of problems in life → ha pasado mucho or lo suyo en la vida
they are not paying their fair share → no están pagando la cantidad que les corresponde or que les toca
to be fair to sb → ser justo con algn
that’s not true, you’re not being fair to him → eso no es verdad, no estás siendo justo con él
fair trade → comercio m equitativo
by fair means or foul → por las buenas o por las malas
all’s fair in love and war → todo vale en el amor y la guerra
3. (= quite large) [sum, speed] → considerable
a fair amount of → bastante
this happens in a fair number of cases → esto sucede en bastantes casos
we’ve still got a fair way to go → aún nos queda un buen trecho que recorrer
4. (= pale, light-coloured) [hair, person] → rubio, güero (Mex); [complexion, skin] → blanco, güero (Mex)
2 [fɛəʳ] N
2. (Brit) (= funfair) → parque m de atracciones
En todos los estados de EE.UU. se celebra una feria en otoño llamada state fair a la que acude gran cantidad de gente de todo el estado. Estas ferias son generalmente agrícolas y en ellas se celebran concursos de animales y productos del campo, de gastronomía y de artesanía. También se organizan juegos y se instalan stands en los que fabricantes y comerciantes hacen demostraciones de sus productos. La feria más grande de todo el país es la Feria de Texas, que se celebra cada octubre en Dallas.
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= good enough) [chance] → assez bon(ne)
I have a fair chance of winning → J’ai d’assez bonnes chances de gagner.
I have a fair idea of who … → je crois bien savoir qui …
it’s a fair guess to say that … → on peut dire sans trop s’avancer que …
(= very pale) [skin, complexion] → clair(e)
[weather] → beau(belle)
The weather was fair → Il faisait beau.
(= beautiful) [person] → beau(belle); [place] → beau(belle)
fair and square (= without cheating) [win, beat] → loyalement
(commercial) → foire f
antiques fair → salon de l’antiquaire trade fair
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj comp <fairer-haired> → blond
fair-haired boy
n (dated US) → Lieblingskind nt, → Liebling m
adj (+er)
(= just) person, fight, game, player, competition, price → fair (to or on sb jdm gegenüber, gegen jdn); trial, conclusion → gerecht; he tried to be fair to everybody → er versuchte, allen gegenüber gerecht zu sein or (give everybody their due) → allen gerecht zu werden; that is a (very) fair point or comment → das lässt sich (natürlich) nicht abstreiten; it wouldn’t be fair to disturb the children’s education → es wäre unfair, die Ausbildung der Kinder zu unterbrechen; it is fair to say that … → man kann wohl sagen, dass …; to be fair, … → man muss (fairerweise) dazusagen, dass …; it’s only fair for her to earn more than us → es ist doch nur gerecht or fair, dass sie mehr verdient als wir; it’s only fair to ask him/to give him a hand → man sollte ihn fairerweise fragen/ihm fairerweise helfen; it’s only fair to expect … → man kann doch wohl zu Recht erwarten, …; fair enough! → na schön or gut, in Ordnung; that’s fair enough → das ist nur recht und billig; as is (only) fair → was nur recht und billig ist; fair’s fair → wir wollen doch fair bleiben; by fair means or foul → mit allen Mitteln, egal wie (inf)
(= fair-haired) person, hair → blond; (= fair-skinned) person → hellhäutig; skin → hell
(old, poet, = lovely) person → hold (dated); place → schön; the fair sex (dated, hum) → das schöne Geschlecht
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [fɛəʳ]
1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (person, decision) → giusto/a, equo/a; (hearing) → imparziale; (sample) → rappresentativo/a; (fight, competition, match) → leale
it’s not fair! → non è giusto!
to be fair (to her) … → per essere giusti (nei suoi confronti)…
it’s only fair that … → è più che giusto che…
it’s fair to say that … → bisogna riconoscere che…
fair enough! → d’accordo!, va bene!
by fair means or foul → con ogni mezzo
his fair share of → la sua buona parte di
b. (reasonable, average, work, result) → discreto/a
he has a fair chance or hope of success → ha buone probabilità di riuscire
c. (quite large, sum) → discreto/a, bello/a, considerevole; (speed, pace) → buono/a
a fair amount of → un bel po’ di
d. (light-coloured, hair, person) → biondo/a; (complexion, skin) → chiaro/a
e. (fine, weather) → bello/a
2 [fɛəʳ] n (market) → fiera, mercato; (trade fair) → fiera campionaria (Brit) (funfair) → luna park m inv
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(feə) adjective
1. light-coloured; with light-coloured hair and skin. fair hair; Scandinavian people are often fair.
2. just; not favouring one side. a fair test.
3. (of weather) fine; without rain. a fair afternoon.
4. quite good; neither bad nor good. Her work is only fair.
5. quite big, long etc. a fair size.
6. beautiful. a fair maiden.
ˈfairness nounˈfairly adverb
1. justly; honestly. fairly judged.
2. quite or rather. The work was fairly hard.
fair play
honest treatment; an absence of cheating, biased actions etc. He’s not involved in the contest – he’s only here to see fair play.
(feə) noun
1. a collection of entertainments that travels from town to town. She won a large doll at the fair.
2. a large market held at fixed times. A fair is held here every spring.
3. an exhibition of goods from different countries, firms etc. a trade fair.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ أَشْقَر, عَادِل, مِهْرَجَان pouť, spravedlivý, světlý lys, marked, rimelig gerecht, hell, Jahrmarkt ανοιχτόχρωμος, δίκαιος, πανηγύρι feria, justo, rubio kohtuullinen, markkinat, vaalea clair, foire, juste pošteno, sajam, svijetao chiaro, fiera, giusto 公正な, 縁日, 色白の 공평한, 박람회, 살결이 흰 kermis, lichtgekleurd, redelijk lys, marked, rimelig dostateczny, jasny, targ claro, feira, justo светлый, справедливый, ярмарка blond, marknad, rättvis งานแสดงสินค้า, สมเหตุสมผล, สีอ่อน açık renk, adil, fuar công bằng, hội chợ, vàng hoe 公平的, 展览会, 白皙的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. [blonde] rubio-a; [light skin] de tez blanca; [average] regular;
___ complexion → rubio-a, de tez clara; [weather] claro, despejado, favorable; [decision] imparcial, razonable, justa.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
adj (complexion) blanco, güero (Mex)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
самым справедливым
самый справедливый
самая справедливая
самой справедливой
свете всех милее
самой прекрасной
наиболее справедливый
самая прекрасная
наиболее справедливым
самым честным
that his wife was fairest of all women.
I have taken my worst wound at this parting… having looked my last upon that which is fairest.
Я получил свое самое сильное ранение в этой миссии, в последний раз взглянув на ту, которая прекраснейшая.
I look forward to working with our partners to make New York the world’s fairest big city.
«готов тесно сотрудничать с ним, чтобы сделать Нью-Йорк самым справедливым городом в Америке».
Disputes or situations not covered by these rules will be resolved by KPVI management in a manner they deem fairest to all concerned.
Любой спор или ситуация не вошедшие в данные Условия будут решены руководством РСМ International в порядке, которые он считает самым справедливым для всех заинтересованных.
They asked Zeus to judge which of them was fairest.
Они попросили Зевса решить, кто из них прекраснейшая.
8 If you do not know, O fairest among women,
I From fairest creatures we desire increase,
Poinsettia fairest, most beautiful or spurge (Poinsettia pulcherrima, or Euphorbia pulcherrima) — shrub of the family Euphorbiaceae, which naturally grows in Mexico.
Пуансеттия прекраснейшая, или молочай прекраснейший (Poinsettia pulcherrima, Euphorbia pulcherrima) — кустарник из семейства молочайных, который естественно произрастает в Мексике.
Then Aragorn said to Arwen: ‘ At last, Lady Evenstar, fairest in this world, and most be-loved, my world is fading.
И Арагорн сказал Арвен: — Наконец, леди Ивенстар, прекраснейшая в мире и самая любимая, мир мой тускнеет.
I think that would be fairest.
At least I can now relax in the knowledge that we scattered lonely survivors are the finest and fairest.
По крайней мере, теперь я могу расслабиться, зная, что мы разбросаны одинокие выжившие-самый лучший и справедливый.
Virtue herself is her own fairest reward.
Сама добродетель — это ее самая справедливая награда.
Just over two years ago, they elected a new president in what many observers consider the country’s freest and fairest national election.
Лишь два года назад они избрали нового президента на выборах, которые многие наблюдатели назвали самыми свободными и честными в стране.
I think that’s the best and fairest approach.
Immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.
Бессмертные, самые мудрые и прекрасные существа на свете.
For the team who… plays fairest.
За тех, кто честно играет.
One of the greatest and fairest empires ever.
Один из самых гуманных и справедливых императоров.
Thou fairest of girls radiant with smiles!
Ты — красивейшая из девушек, чьи лица озарены улыбками!
Then am I fairest of the fair .
Он, на мой взгляд, более справедлив».
That will be the best and fairest way.
Suggestions that contain fairest
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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200