Мои примеры
executing a testament — получающий наследство
executing a process-verbal — составление протокола; составляющий протокол
executing a writ — приводящий в исполнение судебный приказ
executing a counterattack — контратакующий; контратака
participating and executing agency — участвующее учреждение-исполнитель
executing agency identifier — кодовое обозначение исполнительного органа
non-self-executing treaty — договор, требующий особых законодательных мероприятий
self-executing treaty — договор, не требующий особых законодательных мероприятий
executing contract — исполнение договора; исполняющий договор
executing together — совместное выполнение; выполняющий совместно
Примеры с переводом
The job involves drawing up and executing a plan of nursing care.
В обязанности входит составление и выполнение плана сестринского ухода.
The city’s firefighters routinely put their lives in jeopardy by executing daring rescues.
Городские пожарные каждый день подвергают свои жизни опасности, отважно спасая людей.
Возможные однокоренные слова
execution — выполнение, исполнение, казнь, экзекуция, уничтожение, мастерство исполнения
executable — выполняемый, исполнимый, выполнимый
executed — выполненный, казненный, осуществленный
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Executing on the strategy may be more important that the strategy itself.
Как показывает опыт, выполнение стратегии может быть более важным, чем она сама.
Executing an action is one step from the original data to the original results.
Выполнение того или иного действия представляет собой один шаг на пути от исходных данных к искомым результатам.
Executing planned indicators on capital expenses in 2019-2020
исполнение плановых показателей по капитальным расходам в 2019 и 2020 годах
Executing against these plans is how mayors get promoted, or fired.
Мэры выдвигались или увольнялись в зависимости от исполнения этих планов.
Executing these factors requires among other things financial resources.
Эти мероприятия требуют для своей реализации, помимо прочего, финансовых ресурсов.
Executing your plan won’t be easy.
Выполнение вашего проекта не будет легким.
Executing nothing different than these concrete tasks.
Выполнение ничего не отличается от этих заданий.
Executing transactions includes careful assessing of the industry, historical data, financial forecasts and performing valuation analyses.
Выполнение транзакции включает в себя оценку управления, отрасли, исторических финансовых показателей и прогнозов, а также проведение оценочных анализов.
Executing many read operations on pages within a block, with no intervening erase of that block, increases the risk of bit errors developing.
Выполнение множества операций чтения на страницах в пределах одного блока без промежуточного стирания этого блока повышает риск возникновения битовых ошибок.
Executing the wrong technical components on your website could result in the search engine spiders being unable to access its content.
Выполнение неправильных технических компонентов на вашем сайте может привести к тому, что пауки поисковых систем не смогут получить доступ к его контенту.
Executing preventive studies exceeding of these indicators is not happening.
При выполнении только профилактических исследований превышения этих показателей не происходит.
Executing projects on modernization of urban rail transport and supply of upgrade kits.
Выполнение проектов по модернизации городского рельсового транспорта с поставкой модернизационных комплексов.
Executing it can make the EU a role model for a decarbonised heating and cooling sector.
Выполнение этого плана сможет сделать ЕС образцом для подражания для обезуглероженного сектора отопления и охлаждения.
Executing the instructions in the correct order allows the DAL to perform the conceptual instruction.
Выполнение инструкций в правильном порядке позволяет DAL выполнять концептуальную инструкцию.
Your Broker Has Options for Executing Your Trade
У Вашего брокера есть выбор рынков для выполнения вашей заявки
Executing a perimeter sweep for survivors.
Выполняем проверку по периметру на оставшихся в живых.
Executing personalization in your organization is no different.
Оформление на работу по совместительству в своей же организации не отличается никакими особенностями.
Executing securities transactions on your behalf.
Торговые операции по купле-продаже ценных бумаг от своего имени.
Executing the ideas and strategies they came up with.
Во-вторых, они получили гранты на реализацию тех идей и программ, с которыми они пришли.
Executing the mentally disabled was declared unconstitutional in 2002.
Законы об ограничении брака были признаны неконституционными только в 1967 году.
Suggestions that contain Executing
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The strategic focus is, as I said in the last call, I think still short term executing on very key HST acquisitions, but we also have some very attractive FMT things that we think are high likelihood of getting close this year.
But in executing the cuts, Iran risks stoking inflation that would serve to further devalue the Iranian rial, say U.S. officials and economists. ❋ Jay Solomon (2010)
How successful are you in executing your intentions? ❋ Levi Ben-Shmuel (2010)
Under Esa-Pekka Salonen’s leadership, it gained considerable skills in executing sharply gauged, pointillistic effects, so important in Gallic orchestral works. ❋ Rodney Punt (2010)
I also have NO DOUBTS, had the Bush Administration and/or Generals known what we know today, they would NOT have hesitated in executing greater force. ❋ Unknown (2009)
But, he said, it would not be the mayor’s place to withhold the city’s cooperation in executing the agreement. ❋ Unknown (2010)
“We regret the error in executing this plan but are gratified that hundreds of thousands of people who gathered on the mall heard his eloquent prayer” ❋ Unknown (2009)
Soon, oh! very soon, will death extinguish these throbbings, and relieve me from the mighty weight of anguish that bears me to the dust; and, in executing the award of justice, I shall also sink to rest. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Because most individuals will conceive the idea but very few will take the first step (which is the most important step), which is to say I’m going to turn this idea into a company, and even fewer have the ability to go through the steps in executing on the business opportunity. ❋ Mike Green (2010)
Deputy comes from the authority of a Sheriff to deputize individuals to assist him in executing his required patrols and other duties. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Come on, US Government competent in executing something so complex and concealed??? ❋ Unknown (2010)
The competition can actually shoot at each other in executing their rights to protect themselves. ❋ Unknown (2010)
“We regret the error in executing this plan but are gratified that hundreds of thousands of people who gathered on the mall heard his eloquent prayer for our nation that was a fitting start to our event,” Josh Earnest, a spokesman for the inaugural committee, was quoted as saying. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Soon, oh, very soon, will death extinguish these throbbings, and relieve me from the mighty weight of anguish that bears me to the dust; and, in executing the award of justice, I shall also sink to rest. ❋ Unknown (2010)
I was [running late] this morning, but I was [saved] by «[the executive]». ❋ Dirt Dog (2011)
[Terrorist] groups usually videotape the [execution] of their [hostages] ❋ UnfunnyBob (2016)
Executives are so unused to doing any actual work that they would be [crusting] without some [underpaid] [assistant] to wipe their bums. ❋ Anonymous (2003)
The execution of this [software] will result in a [virus] [spreading] all over the Internet. ❋ Jon Davis (2004)
[Kramer]: «You [recognize] this?»
[Shop keeper]: «I sure do. That’s The Executive.» ❋ Urban Dictionary (2008)
[When I grow up], [I want] to be [executed]! Please execute me! ❋ Smith, Winston 6079 (2007)
Sitting at your [desk], doing some spreadsheets. Then the hot girl from [Marketing] walks in. [BOOM]. Executive. ❋ Hans Gruben (2010)
oh [thats] executeds she’s [super] [good] ❋ Notfreddie (2020)
$2750 [Executive] Home [3Br] ([Diamondhead]) ❋ Renter (2006)
A: I think [Micheal Jackson’s] doctor should be executed or sentanced to life in prison for intentionally overdosing him! If I hear right, that’s 1st degree murder!
Name: Mio [Kuroki].
Crime: Serving the Dark Kingdom, making the lives of the [Sailor Senshi] as miserable as possible and misusing clowns.
Plea: Guilty.
Sentance: Execution.
C: Marie Antoinette was executed because she was considered Austrian by the French people. They shouted terrible things at her while she was dragged by the wagon to her place of execution.
D: After King Louis the 16th was guillotined, cries of «VIVE LA REPUBLIQUE!» developed within 10 minutes and very soon became the universal shout of the crowd. It means «Long live the Republic!» in English. ❋ Iknowexecution (2010)
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tr.v. ex·e·cut·ed, ex·e·cut·ing, ex·e·cutes
1. To put into effect; carry out: a government that executes the decisions of the ruling party.
2. To perform; do: execute a U-turn. See Synonyms at perform.
3. To create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with a prescribed design.
4. To make valid, as by signing: execute a deed.
5. To perform or carry out what is required by: execute the terms of a will.
6. To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence.
7. Computers To run (a program or instruction).
[Middle English executen, from Old French executer, from Medieval Latin execūtāre, from Latin execūtor, executor, from execūtus, past participle of exequī, exsequī, to pursue, carry out : ex-, ex- + sequī, to follow; see sekw— in Indo-European roots.]
ex′e·cut′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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References in classic literature
«What is the object in the way of his executing it?»
In matters of high importance, particularly in cases relating to the game, the justice was not always attentive to these admonitions of his clerk; for, indeed, in executing the laws under that head, many justices of peace suppose they have a large discretionary power, by virtue of which, under the notion of searching for and taking away engines for the destruction of the game, they often commit trespasses, and sometimes felony, at their pleasure.
Lastly, when she reflected how much she herself was to suffer, being indeed to become little less than a sacrifice, or a martyr, to filial love and duty, she felt an agreeable tickling in a certain little passion, which though it bears no immediate affinity either to religion or virtue, is often so kind as to lend great assistance in executing the purposes of both.
So said the mothers as they watched their young people executing their newly learned steps, and so said the youths and maidens themselves as they danced till they were ready to drop, and so said the grown-up young men and women who came to these balls with an air of condescension and found them most enjoyable.
Noiselessly, skillfully stepping with his little feet in low shoes, Iogel flew first across the hall with Natasha, who, though shy, went on carefully executing her steps.
No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it’s inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.
«No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress.
Had the Constitution been silent on this head, there can be no doubt that all the particular powers requisite as means of executing the general powers would have resulted to the government, by unavoidable implication.
A human rights organization said the families of the Sunni-Kurdish prisoners whom Iran executed earlier this month revealed that Iranian intelligence members had tortured their sons prior to executing them by hanging.
The company seized the first spot, backed by executing large-sized deals amounting to a total of EGP 5.666bn, obtaining 24.96% of the deals market in the first six months of the year.
«By executing the family in public, the ISIL was trying to deliver a message to all civilians who are still residing the city of Manbij, threatening anyone who would leave to face a similar fate,» he added.
Dictionary browser
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- Excuss
- Excussion
- ex-directory
- ex-dividend
- exeat
- exec
- exec.
- execrable
- execrably
- execrate
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- execrative
- execrator
- execratory
- Exect
- Exection
- executability
- executable
- executancy
- executant
- executary
- execute
- execute order
- executed
- executer
- executing
- executing commander
- executing commander (nuclear weapons)
- execution
- execution of instrument
- execution planning
- execution sale
- execution speed
- executioner
- executive
- executive agency
- executive agent
- executive agreement
- executive branch
- executive chef
- executive clemency
- executive council
- executive department
- executive director
- executive function
- Executive Mansion
- Executive Office of the President
- executive officer
- executive order
- executive privilege
- executive program
- ▼
Full browser
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- execute missed approach
- Execute News Service
- execute order
- execute order
- Execute Search Warrant
- execute statement
- executed
- executed
- executed
- executed
- executed
- executed
- executed contract
- Executed Observation History
- Executed Schedule
- executedly
- executedly
- executedly
- executer
- executer
- executer
- executer
- executer
- executer
- executes
- executes
- executes
- executes
- executes
- executes
- executing
- Executing Agency
- executing commander
- executing commander (nuclear weapons)
- Executio est finis et fructus legis
- Executio juris non habet injuriam
- Executio non
- execution
- execution
- execution
- execution
- execution
- execution
- Execution (legal)
- Execution (legal)
- Execution (legal)
- Execution (legal)
- Execution Against Property
- Execution Agency
- Execution and Control of Operations
- Execution and Incomplete Information
- Execution and Prioritization of Repair Support System
- Execution by burning
- Execution by burning
- Execution by electrocution
- Execution by electrocution
- Execution by firing squad
- Execution by hanging
- Execution by hanging
- Execution by hanging
- Execution by hanging
- ▼
Definitions of executing
putting a condemned person to death
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