Meaning of the word demanded



- требование, настойчивая просьба
- (demands) запросы, требования
- спрос, нехватка, потребность, требование
- информ., вчт. запрос
- предъявление требования


- требовать, потребовать (с кого-л., от кого-л.); предъявлять требование; настоятельно просить; предлагать
- требовать, нуждаться
- настойчиво требовать ответа; спрашивать; задавать вопрос (часто после прямой речи)
- юр. вызывать в суд, требовать явки в суд
- информ. запрашивать; делать запрос

Мои примеры


a hardheaded unbeliever who demanded to see concrete evidence of any alleged UFO activity — упрямый неверующий, который требовал, чтобы ему показали конкретные доказательства какой-либо предполагаемой активности НЛО  
amount demanded — заявленная сумма (убытков)  
quantity demanded — требуемое количество  
he demanded my business — он спросил, что мне нужно  
relief demanded in the complaint — исковое требование  
explanation of their delay was demanded — от них потребовали объяснения причин задержки  
across the nation labour demanded… — рабочие всей страны требовали…  
services demanded on repayment — требуемые работы по обслуживанию, подлежащие оплате  
demanded thrust power — потребная тяга  
demanded movement — заданное перемещение  
demanded earnest money — востребованный задаток  

Примеры с переводом

She demanded payment in advance.

Она потребовала заплатить ей авансом /заранее/.

They demanded the right of assembly.

Они требовали свободы собраний.

The customer demanded a refund.

Клиент потребовал возврата денег / возмещения средств.

Mr. Herbert demanded the yeas and nays.

Господин Герберт потребовал провести поимённое голосование.

Parents have demanded that the teacher resign.

Родители потребовали увольнения этого учителя.

He was an everlasting sympathy-seeker who demanded attention.

Он был докучливым поклонником, требующим внимания.

Clamoring multitudes demanded a view of the Pope.

Шумная толпа требовала показать ей папу.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the guard demanded the countersign…

He demanded £2000 to keep his mouth shut.

They demanded an unconditional surrender.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

demand  — спрос, требование, потребность, запрос, требовать, нуждаться, спрашивать
demandable  — требуемый
demanding  — требовательный, требующий, взыскательный
demands  — спрос, требование, потребность, запрос, требовать, нуждаться, спрашивать

  • 1

    demanded: quantity demanded требуемое количество demanded: quantity demanded требуемое количество

    English-Russian short dictionary > demanded

  • 2
    demanded of

    Персональный Сократ > demanded of

  • 3

    demanded: quantity ~ требуемое количество
    demanded: quantity ~ требуемое количество

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > demanded

  • 4

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > demanded

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > demanded

  • 6
    demanded of

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > demanded of

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > demanded

  • 8

    Новый англо-русский словарь > demanded

  • 9

    English-Russian smart dictionary > demanded

  • 10
    demanded of

    English-Russian base dictionary > demanded of

  • 11
    demanded movement

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > demanded movement

  • 12
    demanded thrust power

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > demanded thrust power

  • 13
    demanded movement

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > demanded movement

  • 14
    demanded assignment

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > demanded assignment

  • 15
    demanded multiplexing

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > demanded multiplexing

  • 16
    demanded the balance of needs

    English-Russian dictionary of logistics > demanded the balance of needs

  • 17
    demanded thrust power

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > demanded thrust power

  • 18
    demanded assignment

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > demanded assignment

  • 19
    demanded multiplexing

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > demanded multiplexing

  • 20
    demanded paging

    memory paging — разбиение памяти на страницы; страничная организация памяти; листание страниц памяти

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > demanded paging


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • demanded — index compulsory, decretal, essential (required), mandatory, necessary (required), popular, positiv …   Law dictionary

  • Demanded — Demand De*mand , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Demanded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Demanding}.] [F. demander, LL. demandare to demand, summon, send word, fr. L. demandare to give in charge, intrust; de + mandare to commit to one s charge, commission, order,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • demanded damages — index ad damnum clause Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • demanded — de·mand || dɪ mɑːnd n. claim, requirement; strong request v. claim, require; strongly request …   English contemporary dictionary

  • demanded — maddened …   Anagrams dictionary

  • DEMANDED — …   Useful english dictionary

  • demanded an explanation — asked for an explanation forcefully …   English contemporary dictionary

  • demanded his pound of flesh — screamed for vengeance …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Quantity Demanded — A term used in economics to describe the total amount of goods or services that are demanded at any given point in time. The quantity demanded depends on the price of a good or service in the marketplace, regardless of whether that market is in… …   Investment dictionary

  • act demanded by social custom — index decorum Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • maddened — demanded …   Anagrams dictionary

demanded — перевод на русский

Manuela, I demand total discipline

Мануэла, я требую полной дисциплины

Now, I demand a showdown.

Итак, я требую решительных мер.

I demand to be immediately released. my partner, Lieutenant Saint-Avit and myself That is all.

Я требую немедленного освобождения… моего товарища, лейтенанта Сент-Ави и меня, капитана Моранжа.

I demand you allow me to telephone the High Commissioner for Canada in London.

Я требую связать меня с послом Канады в Лондоне.

As Mrs. William Chandler, I demand…

Как миссис Уильям Чандлер, я требую…

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The kind that makes big demands.

Того типа, у которого большие требования.

You’re in a position which entitles you to make the highest demands so, please, tell me your innermost thoughts.

Ты в том положении, что даёт тебе право на самые высокие требования так что расскажи мне свои сокровенные мысли.

We must give in to all of their demands.

Мы должны принять все их требования.

With a conscientious worker, you sometimes have to meet their additional demands.

Если кто-то работает на совесть, нужно удовлетворять их требования.

Obedience demands too many swallowed tears, generosity towards others, too many joyful glances which ask for mercy!

Требования послушания поглотили так много слез, щедрость по отношению к другим, так много радостных взглядов, которые просят о милости!

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So I demanded the divorce she’d promised me.

Я потребовал развода, который она обещала мне дать.

When I told her I was coming, I was quite willing to threaten her make demands to mention the name of Lucien Sabatier.

Неделю назад я перешел к угрозам, потребовал подведения итогов. Произнес имя Люсьена Саботье. Короче, привел в бешенство эту бедную женщину сознательно.

Has he already demanded satisfaction?

Он уже потребовал сатисфакции?

The six-fingered man returned and demanded it… but at 1/10 his promised price. My father refused.

Шестипалый вернулся и потребовал меч за цену в десять раз меньше обещанного.

Yes. The move carried out by Carla it infuriated in such a form the Mafia, what the code of honor of the organization it was demanding vengeance.

Предательство Карлы Ромеро так разъярило мафию, что их код чести потребовал отмщения.

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The demand is so crazy, I can barely keep up.

Спрос настолько бешеный, что я едва успеваю.

Big demand for these now.

Большой спрос нынче.

Much demand for roller skates these days?

Большой спрос сейчас на ролики?

Well, I’m in great demand socially.

Ну, на меня в обществе большой спрос.

Demand has been very high.

Спрос был очень высок.

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The job is very demanding.

Работа требовательная.

She’s too demanding.

Просто она слишком требовательная.

For years, I’ve been listening to you and your father and everyone else go on and on about how demanding I am, how I have to have things a certain way.

Годами я слушаю, как ты, и твой отец, и остальные твердят, какая я требовательная, всегда хочу, чтобы было по-моему.

Oh, my beautiful, demanding Aphrodite.

О, моя прекрасная и требовательная Афродита.

— You’re so demanding. See you.

— Ты такая требовательная.

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I demand you leave.

Я прошу вас уйти.

I demand to be protected and everything returned that was taken!

Я прошу защиты и хочу всё вернуть.

I demand that the slanderous insinuations that the Prime Minister just made not be recorded in the official record!

Я прошу, чтобы клеветнические выпады председателя Совета министров не были обнародованы!

— I don’t have any demands.

— Я ничего не прошу.

I demand the head…

Я прошу голову …

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Has he gotten demanding?

Oн стал требовательнь*м, хочет, чтобь* вь* принадлежали только ему?

It seems that one of our passengers is demanding to speak to someone in authority from Trans Global.

Кажется, один из пассажиров… хочет поговорить с кем нибудь из руководства Транс Глобал.

They claim they have Chancellor Gowron on board and he is demanding to speak with Mr. Worf… personally.

Они утверждают, что на борту канцлер Гаурон, который хочет говорить с мистером Ворфом… лично.

Come, Lizzie, her Ladyship demands it.

Ну же, Лиззи, её светлость хочет это.

Sparazza’s health is in rapid decline and before he dies, he is demanding the heart of his sworn enemy.

Спарацца быстро слабеет, пока он не умер, хочет заполучить сердце своего врага.

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What else does mankind demand of its gods?

Что еще человечеству нужно от богов?

Demands my heart

/ Нужно мое сердце /

By massively polluting the drinking water sources, but, of course, such a venture demands a lot, a whole lot of money.

Повсеместно загрязняя источники питьевой воды. Но, конечно, на такое предприятие нужно очень много денег.

Science demands it.

Это нужно науке.

I now pay off my husband’s debts by clambering over him and under him when his needs demand I should.

Теперь я плачу долги своего мужа, барахтаясь вокруг него и под ним, когда ему это нужно.

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— I demand to know who made you!

— Мне требуется знать, кто тебя создал!

I have a serious heart problem and I demand quiet.

У меня серьёзные проблемы с сердцем и мне требуется тишина.

I don’t demand anything else from you.

Большего от Вас и не требуется.

She’s very demanding, I know, I know.

Ей многое требуется. Я знаю.

It demands precision and thought.

Требуется точность, смекалка.

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— Come, come. I demand to know.

— Ну же, я должна знать.

I demand to know the title of your book!

— Ты не поймёшь. Все равно я хочу знать!

I demand to know!

Я должен знать!

I demand to know.

Я должна знать.

I don’t understand why you suddenly demand that I account for all my thoughts.

Не понимаю, зачем тебе вдруг понадобилось знать, о чем я думаю?

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v. de·mand·ed, de·mand·ing, de·mands

1. To ask for urgently or peremptorily: demand an investigation into the murder; demanding that he leave immediately; demanded to speak to the manager.

2. To claim as just or due: demand repayment of a loan.

3. To ask to be informed of: demanded an explanation for the interruption.

4. To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary; call for: a gem that demands a fine setting.

5. Law

a. To lay legal claim to; claim formally.

b. To ask that (something) be done in accordance with a legal requirement.


To make a demand.


1. An act of demanding; an urgent request.

2. Something demanded: on strike until they get their demands.

3. An urgent requirement or need: the heavy demands of her job; the emotional demands of his marriage; an increased oxygen demand.

4. The state of being sought after: in great demand as a speaker.

5. Economics The desire for goods or services in an economy, measured as the amount people are ready to buy at a given price: Supply should rise to meet demand.

6. Law

a. A formal claim.

b. A request that some act be done or payment made in accordance with a legal requirement.

7. Archaic An emphatic question or inquiry.


on demand

1. When presented for payment: a note payable on demand.

2. When needed or asked for: fed the baby on demand.

[Middle English demanden, from Old French demander, to charge with doing, and from Medieval Latin dēmandāre, to demand, both from Latin, to entrust : dē-, de- + mandāre, to entrust; see man- in Indo-European roots.]

de·mand′a·ble adj.

de·mand′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive)

1. to request peremptorily or urgently

2. to require or need as just, urgent, etc: the situation demands attention.

3. to claim as a right; exact: his parents demanded obedience of him.

4. (Law) law to make a formal legal claim to (property, esp realty)


5. an urgent or peremptory requirement or request

6. something that requires special effort or sacrifice: a demand on one’s time.

7. the act of demanding something or the thing demanded: the kidnappers’ demand was a million pounds.

8. an insistent question or query

9. (Economics) economics

a. willingness and ability to purchase goods and services

b. the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specified price. Compare supply19

10. (Law) law a formal legal claim, esp to real property

11. in demand sought after; popular

12. on demand as soon as requested: a draft payable on demand.

[C13: from Anglo-French demaunder, from Medieval Latin dēmandāre, from Latin: to commit to, from de- + mandāre to command, entrust; see mandate]

deˈmandable adj

deˈmander n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(dɪˈmænd, -ˈmɑnd)


1. to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right.

2. to ask for peremptorily or urgently: She demanded that we resign.

3. to call for or require as just, proper, or necessary: This task demands patience.


4. to make a demand; inquire; ask.


5. the act of demanding.

6. something that is demanded.

7. an urgent requirement.


a. the desire and means to purchase goods.

b. the amount of goods purchased at a specific price.

9. the state of being wanted for purchase or use: an article in great demand.

10. Archaic. inquiry; question.


on demand,

a. upon request for or presentation of payment.

b. sanctioned by legal rights: abortion on demand.

[1250–1300; Middle English demaunden < Medieval Latin dēmandāre to demand, Latin: to entrust]

de•mand′a•ble, adj.

de•mand′er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Demand can be a noun or a verb.

1. used as a countable noun

A demand for something is a firm request for it.

There have been demands for better services.

2. used as an uncountable noun

Demand for a product or service is the amount of it that people want.

Demand for organic food rose by 10% last year.

3. used as a verb

If you demand something, you ask for it very forcefully.

They are demanding higher wages.

I demand to see a doctor.

She had been demanding that he visit her.

Be Careful!
When demand is a verb, don’t use ‘for’ after it. Don’t say, for example, ‘They are demanding for higher wages‘.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: demanded
Gerund: demanding

I demand
you demand
he/she/it demands
we demand
you demand
they demand
I demanded
you demanded
he/she/it demanded
we demanded
you demanded
they demanded
Present Continuous
I am demanding
you are demanding
he/she/it is demanding
we are demanding
you are demanding
they are demanding
Present Perfect
I have demanded
you have demanded
he/she/it has demanded
we have demanded
you have demanded
they have demanded
Past Continuous
I was demanding
you were demanding
he/she/it was demanding
we were demanding
you were demanding
they were demanding
Past Perfect
I had demanded
you had demanded
he/she/it had demanded
we had demanded
you had demanded
they had demanded
I will demand
you will demand
he/she/it will demand
we will demand
you will demand
they will demand
Future Perfect
I will have demanded
you will have demanded
he/she/it will have demanded
we will have demanded
you will have demanded
they will have demanded
Future Continuous
I will be demanding
you will be demanding
he/she/it will be demanding
we will be demanding
you will be demanding
they will be demanding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been demanding
you have been demanding
he/she/it has been demanding
we have been demanding
you have been demanding
they have been demanding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been demanding
you will have been demanding
he/she/it will have been demanding
we will have been demanding
you will have been demanding
they will have been demanding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been demanding
you had been demanding
he/she/it had been demanding
we had been demanding
you had been demanding
they had been demanding
I would demand
you would demand
he/she/it would demand
we would demand
you would demand
they would demand
Past Conditional
I would have demanded
you would have demanded
he/she/it would have demanded
we would have demanded
you would have demanded
they would have demanded

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. demand — an urgent or peremptory request; «his demands for attention were unceasing»

petition, request, postulation — a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority

challenge — a demand by a sentry for a password or identification

ultimatum — a final peremptory demand

insistence, insisting — continual and persistent demands

call, claim — a demand especially in the phrase «the call of duty»

requisition — the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily) for military or public use

call — a demand for a show of hands in a card game; «after two raises there was a call»

margin call, call — a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement

pay claim, wage claim — the wage demanded from management for workers by their union representatives

2. demand — the ability and desire to purchase goods and services; «the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips»; «the demand exceeded the supply»

economic consumption, use of goods and services, usance, consumption, use — (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing; «the consumption of energy has increased steadily»

economic process — any process affecting the production and development and management of material wealth

supply — offering goods and services for sale

3. demand — required activity; «the requirements of his work affected his health»; «there were many demands on his time»


duty, obligation, responsibility — the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; «we must instill a sense of duty in our children»; «every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty»- John D.Rockefeller Jr

4. demand — the act of demanding; «the kidnapper’s exorbitant demands for money»

activity — any specific behavior; «they avoided all recreational activity»

exaction — act of demanding or levying by force or authority; «exaction of tribute»; «exaction of various dues and fees»

claim — demand for something as rightful or due; «they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day»

5. demand - a condition requiring reliefdemand — a condition requiring relief; «she satisfied his need for affection»; «God has no need of men to accomplish His work»; «there is a demand for jobs»


condition, status — a state at a particular time; «a condition (or state) of disrepair»; «the current status of the arms negotiations»

deficiency, lack, want — the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; «there is a serious lack of insight into the problem»; «water is the critical deficiency in desert regions»; «for want of a nail the shoe was lost»

necessity — the condition of being essential or indispensable

Verb 1. demand — request urgently and forcefully; «The victim’s family is demanding compensation»; «The boss demanded that he be fired immediately»; «She demanded to see the manager»

want — wish or demand the presence of; «I want you here at noon!»

call for, request, bespeak, quest — express the need or desire for; ask for; «She requested an extra bed in her room»; «She called for room service»

expect, require, ask — consider obligatory; request and expect; «We require our secretary to be on time»; «Aren’t we asking too much of these children?»; «I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons»

clamor, clamour — make loud demands; «he clamored for justice and tolerance»

dun — persistently ask for overdue payment; «The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone»

ask — require or ask for as a price or condition; «He is asking $200 for the table»; «The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage»

2. demand — require as useful, just, or proper; «It takes nerve to do what she did»; «success usually requires hard work»; «This job asks a lot of patience and skill»; «This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice»; «This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert»; «This intervention does not postulate a patient’s consent»

necessitate, need, require, call for, postulate, involve, ask, take

exact, claim, take — take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs; «the accident claimed three lives»; «The hard work took its toll on her»

govern — require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; «most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German»

draw — require a specified depth for floating; «This boat draws 70 inches»

cost — require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice; «This mistake cost him his job»

cry for, cry out for — need badly or desperately; «This question cries out for an answer»

compel — necessitate or exact; «the water shortage compels conservation»

3. demand — claim as due or just; «The bank demanded payment of the loan»


command — demand as one’s due; «This speaker commands a high fee»; «The author commands a fair hearing from his readers»

claim — ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; «They claimed on the maximum allowable amount»

call in, call — demand payment of (a loan); «Call a loan»

4. demand — lay legal claim to

claim — ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; «They claimed on the maximum allowable amount»

demand — summon to court

5. demand — summon to court

summon, summons, cite — call in an official matter, such as to attend court

demand — lay legal claim to

6. demand — ask to be informed of; «I demand an explanation»

call for, request, bespeak, quest — express the need or desire for; ask for; «She requested an extra bed in her room»; «She called for room service»

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1. request, ask (for), order, expect, claim, seek, call for, insist on, exact, appeal for, solicit She demanded an immediate apology.

3. require, take, want, need, involve, call for, entail, necessitate, cry out for The task demands much patience and hard work.
require give, provide, produce, supply, grant, contribute, yield, come up with, furnish

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To ask for urgently or insistently:

2. To assert one’s right to:

3. To have as a need or prerequisite:


2. Something asked for or needed:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


طَلَبطَلب عَلىطَلَب، أمْرمَطالِبيَحتاج، يَتَطَلَّب


krævekravlægge beslag påefterspørgselforlange







paklausapareikalautipareikalavusreikalaujantis daug pastangų






nhu cầuyêu cầu

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




to be in demand (= sought after) [thing, person] → être (très) demandé(e)

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




demand bill

n (Fin) → Sichtwechsel m



Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(diˈmaːnd) verb

1. to ask or ask for firmly and sharply. I demanded an explanation.

2. to require or need. This demands careful thought.


1. a request made so that it sounds like a command. They refused to meet the workers’ demands for more money.

2. an urgent claim. The children make demands on my time.

3. willingness or desire to buy or obtain (certain goods etc); a need for (certain goods etc). There’s no demand for books of this kind.

deˈmanding adjective

requiring a lot of effort, ability etc. a demanding job.

on demand

when asked for. I’m expected to supply meals on demand.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


طَلَب, يَطْلُبُ požadavek, požadovat kræve, krav fordern, Forderung απαίτηση, απαιτώ exigencia, exigir vaatia, vaatimus exigence, exiger potražnja, zahtijevati richiedere, richiesta 要求, 要求する 요구, 요구하다 eis, eisen etterspørsel, kreve żądanie, zażądać demandar, exigência, exigir требование, требовать begära, krav ความต้องการ, ต้องการ talep, talep etmek nhu cầu, yêu cầu 要求

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. petición, demanda;

___ feedingalimentación por demanda.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

    • See Also:
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      • demand bill
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      • demanding
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

de•mand /dɪˈmænd/USA pronunciation  

  1. to ask for with authority;
    claim as a right: [ + obj]:We demanded justice.[ + to + verb]:I demanded to know what we had done wrong.[ + (that) clause]:She demanded that we resign.
  2. [ + obj] to call for, need, or require as right, proper, or necessary:This task demands patience.


  1. [countable] the act of demanding.
  2. something demanded:[countable]There were demands for immediate pay raises.
  3. a necessary thing;
    an urgent requirement:[countable]the conflicting demands of family and job.
  4. Business the desire and means to purchase goods:[uncountable]Economics studies the amount of consumer demand.
  5. the state of being wanted or sought for purchase or use:[uncountable]an article in great demand.


  1. Idioms on demand:
    • upon request or presentation for payment:The bill is payable on demand.
    • when requested:abortion on demand.

See -mand-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(di mand, -mänd),USA pronunciation v.t. 

  1. to ask for with proper authority;
    claim as a right:He demanded payment of the debt.
  2. to ask for peremptorily or urgently:He demanded sanctuary. She demanded that we let her in.
  3. to call for or require as just, proper, or necessary:This task demands patience. Justice demands objectivity.
  4. Law
    • to lay formal legal claim to.
    • to summon, as to court.


  1. to make a demand;


  1. the act of demanding.
  2. something that is demanded.
  3. an urgent or pressing requirement:demands upon one’s time.
  4. Business[Econ.]
    • the desire to purchase, coupled with the power to do so.
    • the quantity of goods that buyers will take at a particular price.

  5. a requisition;
    a legal claim:The demands of the client could not be met.
  6. the state of being wanted or sought for purchase or use:an article in great demand.
  7. [Archaic.]inquiry;
  8. Idioms on demand, upon presentation or request for payment:The fee is payable on demand.
  • Medieval Latin dēmandāre to demand, Latin to entrust, equivalent. to dē- de— + mandāre to commission, order; see mandate
  • Anglo-French demaunder
  • Middle English demaunden 1250–1300

de•manda•ble, adj. 
de•mander, n. 

    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged exact.
      Demand, claim, require imply making an authoritative request. To demand is to ask in a bold, authoritative way:to demand an explanation.To claim is to assert a right to something:He claimed it as his due.To require is to ask for something as being necessary; to compel:The Army requires absolute obedience of its soldiers.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

demand /dɪˈmɑːnd/ vb (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive)

  1. to request peremptorily or urgently
  2. to require or need as just, urgent, etc: the situation demands attention
  3. to claim as a right; exact
  4. to make a formal legal claim to (property, esp realty)


  1. an urgent or peremptory requirement or request
  2. something that requires special effort or sacrifice
  3. the act of demanding something or the thing demanded
  4. an insistent question or query
  5. willingness and ability to purchase goods and services
  6. the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specified price
    Compare supply
  7. a formal legal claim, esp to real property
  8. in demandsought after; popular
  9. on demandas soon as requested

Etymology: 13th Century: from Anglo-French demaunder, from Medieval Latin dēmandāre, from Latin: to commit to, from de- + mandāre to command, entrust; see mandate

deˈmandable adj deˈmander n

demanded‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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