глубокий, глубинный, низкий, густой, насыщенный, сильный, погруженный, серьезный
- глубокий, настолько-то глубокий
- широкий, глубокий
- имеющий определенную глубину, глубиной в
- таинственный; трудный для понимания
- глубокий, сильный; крайний, чрезвычайный; тяжелый, серьезный; фундаментальный; основательный; мучительный; насыщенный (о выражении степени)
- (the deep) поэт. морская пучина; море, океан; пучина
- книжн.; = deeps глубь, глубина; бездна, пропасть
- углубление, впадина; глубокое место
- горн. уклон, наклонная выработка
- книжн. время наиболее сильного проявления чего-л.
- глубоко; в глубине
- сильно, серьезно
- низко (о звуке, голосе)
- во столько-то рядов, шеренг
- на большом удалении (от чего-л.)
- становиться глубже, становиться глубоким; расширяться
Мои примеры
deepest / heartiest / hearty / sincere / warm / warmest congratulation — (самые) искренние, сердечные, тёплые поздравления
of the blackest / deepest dye — отъявленный, закоренелый
of the deepest dye — отвратительный; отъявленный; закоренелый
scoundrel of the deepest dye — отъявленный негодяй
deepest mysteries of faith — глубочайшие таинства веры
he was wounded in his deepest affections — он был оскорблён в своих лучших чувствах
it is with the deepest regret that we inform you — извещать с глубоким прискорбием
accept our deepest condolences on the sad occasion — примите искренние соболезнования по поводу
deepest operating waterline — ватерлиния в режиме наибольшего погружения
deepest water — наибольшая глубина
Примеры с переводом
Please accept our deepest sympathy.
Просим принять наши глубочайшие соболезнования.
May I express my deepest sympathy.
Позвольте мне выразить глубочайшие соболезнования.
Love of the deepest sort is wordless.
Глубочайшую любовь нельзя описать словами.
My deepest sympathies go out to the families of the victims.
Мои глубочайшие соболезнования семьям пострадавших.
The water is deepest in the middle of the lake.
В середине озера вода глубже всего.
He was wounded in his deepest affections.
Он был оскорблён в своих лучших чувствах.
This new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society.
Этот новый лидер подло угрожает глубочайшим ценностям нашего общества.
Psychologists try to plumb the deepest mysteries of the human psyche.
Психологи пытаются проникнуть в глубочайшие тайны человеческой психики.
Einstein is the hero of those who explore science at its deepest level.
Эйнштейн является героем для тех, кто изучает естественные науки на самом глубоком уровне.
She spoke in the voice which people often used to express their deepest convictions.
Голос, которым она говорила, часто бывает у людей, которые высказывают свои глубочайшие убеждения.
Возможные однокоренные слова
deep — глубокий, глубинный, низкий, глубоко, вглубь, глубина, глубь, бездна, море
deeply — глубоко
deepness — глубина, глубь
deeping — секция в плавной сети, погружение
I’ll set it up for you this way — he says that they were just getting to what he calls the deepest part of the mine, the cover that was down about 2,000 feet from the surface of the mountain, what he called overburdened surface area, forcing weight down onto the coal seam, which was the tunnel, that main tunnel that they were digging through to try to get through to these miners. ❋ Unknown (2007)
These _idola_, which he calls the deepest fallacies of the human mind, are divided into four classes: Idola Tribus, Idola Specus, Idola Fori, Idola Theatri. ❋ Henry Coppee (N/A)
Sha-Ho had begun, but we were in the reserve, in what they called the deepest reserve, and we heard no sound of firing, neither did we receive any news of it. ❋ Maurice Baring (1909)
‘A chap who would willingly spend two years in deepest Africa searching for the ultimate cup of coffee, yet who would uncomplainingly partake of the vile brew we were served that night, in the boudoir of the most notorious libertine and socialite of the age; such a man was, quite unmistakably, a fellow spirit. ❋ Blue Tyson (2010)
Don’t know how they plan on getting the job done though — the lake at it’s deepest is 300 ft.! ❋ Unknown (2010)
Their appearance, in deepest summer, comes when life is often at its most untroubled. ❋ Nigel Slater (2010)
Spare a thought for us here in deepest darkest smalltown where we found that we could no longer give our patronage to the local kebab house. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)
I live and work and write in deepest rural France but I too adore Paris. ❋ Unknown (2010)
Ellie Dixon lives in deepest rural Devon, England with her husband and two very large Newfoundland dogs. ❋ Unknown (2009)
Part of her Anxiety soup was the belief that we must never cover up the pulse at our throat, and, even in deepest winter, she left her own throat bare. ❋ Alice Walker Blog Administrator (2008)
«Baint no castle round ‘ere», Mehalah told him, «you do know this is Messing and we be in deepest Essex?» ❋ Newmania (2008)
Maybe somewhere in deepest darkest China, some knock off manufacturer already has something like this up his sleeve …. — ❋ Unknown (2008)
It is a beautiful old quirky little town in deepest South Hams and as I’ve said before, the mistake I always make is to buy clothes there which then make me look completely out of place when I get back to my home turf. ❋ Unknown (2008)
Hope you enjoyed your Christingle as much as we did in deepest Dorset! on December 28, 2008 at 10: 26 pm | Reply Edwin Greenwood ❋ Inspector Gadget (2008)
I encourage you to try some of the traditional farm ciders, and it is best to try them on a trip down to the West Country in deepest Somerset or Wiltshire. ❋ Michele (2007)
As the great figures of that history tell us, the coincidentia is that abyssal point in deepest consciousness whence originate and whither return all the categorical pairs that presume to organize experience by bifurcating it (good/evil, true/false, subject/object, etc.). ❋ Unknown (2007)
Person1: Did anyone else notice [the main character’s] weapon looks similar to that stick from the [carving] of an ancient Egyptian emperor?
Person2: [deepest lore] ❋ Ethyr (2022)
«Damn bro you look exhausted today, [smth] wrong ?»
«Can’t imagine bro, yesterday i gotta show appearance to my [mother-in-law] [dinner table]»
«Damn bro, you’ve got through hell’s deepest pit» ❋ TrumpsDream (2015)
I just [gave] some girl [the world’s] deepest [pinky swear] last night. ❋ Known Unknown (2010)
Human-1: dude, we’re in seem deep [mud].
Human-2: dude we are. i’m probably in the Deepest Darkest [Mud].
Human-1: i empathize with that.
Human-2: thats impossible, what? — in mind-
( can you hear my thoughts )
Human-1: — in Human 2’s mind —
( yeah bro.. why are you listening to country . music in there ? )
Human-2: — in mind —
( [uhh] this is embarrassing bro leave )
Human-1: — in Human 2’s mind —
( whatever, you definitely . [bitch made] ) ❋ Smoke.knows.more (2023)
Deepest and Darkest zone is describing [the almost] [ground] of the [rabbithole] ❋ That Memer 69420 Monke (2021)
adj. deep·er, deep·est
a. Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
b. Extending far inward from an outer surface: a deep cut.
c. Extending far backward from front to rear: a deep walk-in refrigerator.
d. Extending far from side to side from a center: a deep yard surrounding the house.
e. Far distant down or in: deep in the woods.
f. Coming from or penetrating to a depth: a deep sigh.
g. Sports Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play: deep left field.
2. Extending a specific distance in a given direction: snow four feet deep.
3. Far distant in time or space: deep in the past.
a. Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: a deep metaphysical theory.
b. Of a mysterious or obscure nature: a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.
c. Very learned or intellectual; wise: a deep philosopher.
d. Exhibiting great cunning or craft: deep political machinations.
a. Of a grave or extreme nature: deep trouble; deepest deceit.
b. Very absorbed or involved: deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.
c. Profound in quality or feeling: a deep trance; deep devotion.
6. Rich and intense in shade. Used of a color: a deep red.
7. Low in pitch; resonant: a deep voice.
8. Covered or surrounded to a designated degree. Often used in combination: waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.
9. Large in quantity or size; big: deep cuts in the budget.
10. Sports Having a sufficient number of capable reserve players: That team is not very deep.
1. To a great depth; deeply: dig deep; feelings that run deep.
2. Well along in time; late: worked deep into the night.
3. Sports Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play: played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents’ territory.
1. often deeps
a. A deep place in land or in a body of water: drowned in the deep of the river.
b. A vast, immeasurable extent: the deep of outer space.
2. The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
3. The most intense or extreme part: the deep of night.
4. The ocean.
5. Nautical A sounding that falls between marks on a lead line and thus corresponds to an estimated depth rather than a precise depth.
deep down
At bottom; basically: Deep down, she was still a rebel.
in deep water
In difficulty.
deep′ly adv.
deep′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. extending or situated relatively far down from a surface: a deep pool.
2. extending or situated relatively far inwards, backwards, or sideways: a deep border of trees.
3. (Cricket) cricket relatively far from the pitch: the deep field; deep third man.
a. (postpositive) of a specified dimension downwards, inwards, or backwards: six feet deep.
b. (in combination): a six-foot-deep trench.
5. coming from or penetrating to a great depth: a deep breath.
6. difficult to understand or penetrate; abstruse
7. learned or intellectually demanding: a deep discussion.
8. of great intensity; extreme: deep happiness; deep trouble.
9. (foll by: in) absorbed or enveloped (by); engrossed or immersed (in): deep in study; deep in debt.
10. very cunning or crafty; devious: a deep plot.
11. mysterious or obscure: a deep secret.
12. (Colours) (of a colour) having an intense or dark hue
13. low in pitch or tone: a deep voice.
14. go off the deep end informal
a. to lose one’s temper; react angrily
b. chiefly US to act rashly
15. in deep water in a tricky position or in trouble
16. throw someone in at the deep end See end128
17. (Physical Geography) any deep place on land or under water, esp below 6000 metres (3000 fathoms)
18. a poetic term for the ocean
19. (Cricket) cricket the area of the field relatively far from the pitch
20. the most profound, intense, or central part: the deep of winter.
21. a vast extent, as of space or time
22. (Nautical Terms) nautical one of the intervals on a sounding lead, one fathom apart
23. far on in time; late: they worked deep into the night.
24. profoundly or intensely
25. deep down informal in reality, esp as opposed to appearance: she is a very kind person deep down.
26. deep in the past long ago
[Old English dēop; related to Old High German tiof deep, Old Norse djupr]
ˈdeeply adv
ˈdeepness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
adj.andadv. -er, -est,
n. adj.
1. extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep cut.
2. extending far in or back from the front: a deep shelf.
3. extending far in width; broad: a deep border.
4. ranging far from the earth and sun: a deep space probe.
5. having a specified dimension in depth: a tank 10 feet deep.
6. immersed or submerged (usu. fol. by in): a road deep in snow.
7. covered or immersed to a specified depth (often used in combination): standing knee-deep in mud.
8. situated far back or within: deep in the woods.
9. far back in geological history: deep time.
10. coming from far down: a deep breath.
11. made with the body bent or lowered to a considerable degree: a deep curtsy.
12. difficult to understand; abstruse: a deep allegory.
13. not superficial; profound: deep thoughts.
14. heartfelt; sincere: deep affections.
15. great in measure; intense: deep sorrow.
16. sound and heavy: deep sleep.
17. (of colors) dark and vivid: a deep red.
18. low in pitch, as sound, a voice, or the like.
19. mysterious; obscure: deep, dark secrets.
20. involved or enveloped: to be deep in debt.
21. absorbed; engrossed: deep in thought.
22. Baseball. relatively far from home plate: deep center field.
23. of or pertaining to the deep structure of a sentence.
24. larger than usual: deep discounts.
25. to or at a considerable or specified depth.
26. to a depth or breadth of several such persons or things (used in combination): lined up three-deep around the block.
27. far on in time: to look deep into the future.
28. Baseball. farther than usual from home plate: The outfielders played deep.
29. the deep part of a body of water, esp. an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 ft. (5400 m).
30. a vast extent, as of space or time.
31. the part of greatest intensity, as of winter.
32. any of the unmarked levels, one fathom apart, on a deep-sea lead line. Compare mark 1 (def. 18) .
33. the deep, Literary. the sea or ocean: The deep was his final resting place.
1. go off the deep end,
a. to act without thought of the consequences.
b. to become emotionally overwrought.
c. to act without restraint, as by good sense or taste: The committee went off the deep end with the Christmas decorations.
2. in deep, inextricably involved.
3. in deep water, in serious trouble.
[before 900; Middle English dep, Old English dēop, c. Old High German tiof, Old Norse djupr, Gothic diups]
deep′ly, adv.
deep′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | deep — the central and most intense or profound part; «in the deep of night»; «in the deep of winter»
middle — time between the beginning and the end of a temporal period; «the middle of the war»; «rain during the middle of April» |
2. | oceanic abyss, trench natural depression, depression — a sunken or depressed geological formation |
3. | deep — literary term for an ocean; «denizens of the deep»
ocean — a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere |
Adj. | 1. | deep — relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply; «a deep breath»; «a deep sigh»; «deep concentration»; «deep emotion»; «a deep trance»; «in a deep sleep»
shallow — not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply; «shallow breathing»; «a night of shallow fretful sleep»; «in a shallow trance» |
2. | deep — marked by depth of thinking; «deep thoughts»; «a deep allegory»
profound — showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth; «the differences are profound»; «a profound insight»; «a profound book»; «a profound mind»; «profound contempt»; «profound regret» |
3. | deep — having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination; «a deep well»; «a deep dive»; «deep water»; «a deep casserole»; «a deep gash»; «deep massage»; «deep pressure receptors in muscles»; «deep shelves»; «a deep closet»; «surrounded by a deep yard»; «hit the ball to deep center field»; «in deep space»; «waist-deep»
unfathomable — of depth; not capable of being sounded or measured shallow — lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center; «shallow water»; «a shallow dish»; «a shallow cut»; «a shallow closet»; «established a shallow beachhead»; «hit the ball to shallow left field» |
4. | deep — very distant in time or space; «deep in the past»; «deep in enemy territory»; «deep in the woods»; «a deep space probe»
distant — separated in space or coming from or going to a distance; «distant villages»; «the sound of distant traffic»; «a distant sound»; «a distant telephone call» |
5. | deep — extreme; «in deep trouble»; «deep happiness»
intense — possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; «intense heat»; «intense anxiety»; «intense desire»; «intense emotion»; «the skunk’s intense acrid odor»; «intense pain»; «enemy fire was intense» |
6. | deep — having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range; «a deep voice»; «a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice»; «a bass clarinet»
bass low-pitched, low — used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency |
7. | deep — strong; intense; «deep purple»; «a rich red»
rich colorful, colourful — having striking color; «colorful autumn leaves» |
8. | deep — relatively thick from top to bottom; «deep carpets»; «deep snow»
thick — not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions; «an inch thick»; «a thick board»; «a thick sandwich»; «spread a thick layer of butter»; «thick coating of dust»; «thick warm blankets» |
9. | deep — extending relatively far inward; «a deep border»
broad, wide — having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; «wide roads»; «a wide necktie»; «wide margins»; «three feet wide»; «a river two miles broad»; «broad shoulders»; «a broad river» |
10. | deep — (of darkness) very intense; «thick night»; «thick darkness»; «a face in deep shadow»; «deep night»
thick intense — possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; «intense heat»; «intense anxiety»; «intense desire»; «intense emotion»; «the skunk’s intense acrid odor»; «intense pain»; «enemy fire was intense» |
11. | deep — large in quantity or size; «deep cuts in the budget»
big, large — above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; «a large city»; «set out for the big city»; «a large sum»; «a big (or large) barn»; «a large family»; «big businesses»; «a big expenditure»; «a large number of newspapers»; «a big group of scientists»; «large areas of the world» |
12. | deep — with head or back bent low; «a deep bow»
low — literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; «low ceilings»; «low clouds»; «low hills»; «the sun is low»; «low furniture»; «a low bow» |
13. | deep — of an obscure nature; «the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms»; «a deep dark secret»; «the inscrutable workings of Providence»; «in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life»- Rachel Carson; «rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands»
cryptic, cryptical, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifying incomprehensible, inexplicable — incapable of being explained or accounted for; «inexplicable errors»; «left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons» |
14. | abstruse, recondite esoteric — confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle; «a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories» |
15. | deep — exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy; «deep political machinations»; «a deep plot»
artful — marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft; «the artful dodger»; «an artful choice of metaphors» |
Adv. | 1. | deep — to a great depth;far down; «dived deeply»; «dug deep»
deeply |
2. | deep — to an advanced time; «deep into the night»; «talked late into the evening»
late |
3. | deep — to a great distance; «penetrated deep into enemy territory»; «went deep into the woods» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. big, wide, broad, profound, yawning, cavernous, bottomless, unfathomable, fathomless, abyssal, DEp (S.M.S.) The workers had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden.
big shallow
2. intense, great, serious (informal), acute, extreme, grave, profound, heartfelt, unqualified, abject, DEp (S.M.S.), deeply felt, heartrending a period of deep personal crisis
intense shallow, superficial
5. wise, learned, searching, keen, critical, acute, profound, penetrating, discriminating, shrewd, discerning, astute, perceptive, incisive, DEp (S.M.S.), perspicacious, sagacious She gave him a long deep look.
wise simple
7. low, booming, bass, full, mellow, resonant, DEp (S.M.S.), sonorous, mellifluous, dulcet, low-pitched, full-toned His voice was deep and mellow.
low high, sharp
8. astute, knowing, clever, designing, scheming, sharp, smart, intelligent, discriminating, shrewd, cunning, discerning, canny, devious, perceptive, insidious, artful, far-sighted, far-seeing, perspicacious, sagacious, DEp (S.M.S.) a very deep individual
astute simple, shallow
9. secret, hidden, unknown, mysterious, concealed, obscure, abstract, veiled, esoteric, mystifying, impenetrable, arcane, abstruse, recondite, DEp (S.M.S.) a deep, dark secret
10. far, a long way, a good way, miles, deeply, far down, a great distance, DEp (S.M.S.) They travelled deep into the forest.
1. far into, late, for a long time, DEp (S.M.S.) We talked deep into the night.
1. middle, heart, midst, dead, thick, culmination, DEp (S.M.S.) in the deep of night
the deep (Poetic) the ocean, the sea, the waves, the main, the drink (informal), the high seas, the briny (informal) whales and other creatures of the deep
«Still waters run deep»
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. Extending far downward or inward from a surface:
2. Beyond the understanding of an average mind:
3. Having one’s thoughts fully occupied:
4. Resulting from or affecting one’s innermost feelings:
5. Being a sound produced by a relatively small frequency of vibrations:
Something of immeasurable and vast extent:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ذو عُمْقٍ، عُمْقُهُشَديد، غامِق، داكِنعميقعَميقعَمِيق
hlubokýsytýutopený vhlubokohluboko v
á kafidjúpurdjúpur, á dÿptlangt niîur eîa inn, djúptsterkur, djúpur
gilėtigiliaigiliavandenisgilintigiliųjų vandenų
derinderinederinliğindederinliğineiyice derinine
sâusâu sắctrầmđậmsẫm
C. N (liter)
2. (= depths) in the deep of winter → en pleno invierno
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
voice, sound, note, colour → tief
breathing, sigh → tief
(fig) mystery, sleep, secret, mourning → tief; (= profound) thinker, book, remark, writer → tiefsinnig; (= heartfelt) concern, relief, interest → groß; sorrow → tief (empfunden); (= devious) person → verschlagen, hintergründig; dealings → undurchsichtig; deepest sympathy → aufrichtiges Beileid; deep down, she knew he was right → im Innersten wusste sie, dass er recht hatte; deep in conversation → ins Gespräch vertieft; deep in thought/a book → in Gedanken/in ein Buch vertieft or versunken; deep in debt → hoch verschuldet; deep in recession → mitten in einer Rezession; we had a deep and meaningful relationship → wir hatten eine tiefer gehende und sinnvolle Beziehung; to be in deep trouble → in großen Schwierigkeiten sein
(liter) the deep → das Meer, die See
deep grammar
n → Tiefengrammatik f
deep-pan pizza
n → Pfannenpizza f
deep-ray therapy
n → Tiefenbestrahlung f
adj → Tiefsee-; deep drilling → Tiefseebohrung f
deep-sea fishery, deep-sea fishing
deep structure
n (Ling) → Tiefenstruktur f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
b. (shelf, cupboard) → profondo/a; (border, hem) → lungo/a
these kitchen units are 30 cm deep → questi mobili da cucina hanno una profondità di 30 cm
d. (feeling, sleep, writer, insight) → profondo/a; (colour) → intenso/a, cupo/a; (relief) → immenso/a; (interest, concern) → vivo/a
to be deep in thought/in a book → essere immerso/a nei propri pensieri/nella lettura
3. n the deep (liter) → il mare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(diːp) adjective
1. going or being far down or far into. a deep lake; a deep wound.
2. going or being far down by a named amount. a hole six feet deep.
3. occupied or involved to a great extent. He is deep in debt.
4. intense; strong. The sea is a deep blue colour; They are in a deep sleep.
5. low in pitch. His voice is very deep.
far down or into. deep into the wood.
ˈdeepen verb
1. to make or become deeper. He deepened the hole.
2. to increase. His troubles were deepening.
ˈdeeply adverb
very greatly. We are deeply grateful to you.
ˈdeepness noun
the quality of being deep.
ˌdeep-ˈfreeze noun
a type of refrigerator which freezes food quickly and can keep it for a long time.
to freeze and keep (food) in this.
ˈdeep-sea adjective
of, for, or in the deeper parts of the sea. deep-sea diving; deep-sea fishing.
in deep water
in difficulties or trouble. He found himself in deep water when he took over the management of the firm.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ عَمِيق hluboký dyb tief βαθύς profundo syvä profond dubok profondo 深い 깊은 diep dyp głęboki profundo глубокий djup ลึก derin sâu 深的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. profundo-a, hondo-a;
___ artery of arm → arteria ___ del brazo;
___ artery of clitoris → arteria ___ del clítoris;
___ artery of penis → arteria ___ del pene;
___ breathing → respiración ___;
___ cerebral veins → venas cerebrales ___;
___ cervical veins → venas cervicales ___ -as;
___ contractions → contracciones ___ -s, de fondo;
___ -chested → ancho-a de pecho;
___ dredging → dragado;
___ facial vein → vena facial ___;
___ inguinal ring → anillo inguinal ___;
___ -rooted → arraigado-a;
___ sensibility → sensibilidad ___;
___ sleep → sueño ___, sopor;
___ tendon reflex → reflejos tendónicos ___ -s;
___ venous thromobsis → trombosis venosa ___;
___ x-ray therapy → terapia ___.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- How deep is the water?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
deepest — перевод на русский
Deep down in the earth’s core lies Hell, where those tempted by the Devil shall suffer forever.
А глубоко в земном ядре — в Преисподней обрекались на муки вечные те, кто поверил Бесу.
It’s deep water, that’s why a duck.
— Я даже пытаться не стану… — Мост узкий, а там глубоко потому там гуськом и ходят.
It’s deep water. That’s why a duck.
— Глубоко!
You couldn’t make it. It’s too deep.
Но ты не можешь, потому что мост узкий, а там глубоко.
I’ve got my shirt You’ll never know how deeply I was hurt He’s got it, he’s got it, he’s got it
Вы никогда не будете знать, как глубоко я страдал
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And deep down in your heart you know the reason.
И в глубине вашей души вы понимаете причину.
If I let her sink in deep water, I could forget about Taggart, but I’d lose my chance of proving she was sabotaged and my ticket as well.
Если я позволю утопить судно на глубине, то смогу забыть о Таггарте но тогда я потеряю шанс доказать факт саботажа, а вместе с ним — и свой сертификат.
The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair melted imperceptibly into the vague yet deep shadow which formed the background of the whole.
Руки, грудь, даже кончики сияющих волос отбрасывали свои тени в глубине картины, что вместе образовывало её фон.
He can be mean, like a faithful dog, the desperate white worker, because he knows, deep down in his conscience, that he is unworthy.
Он может мыслить, как верный пес, отчаянный белый рабочий, потому что он знает, в глубине своей совести,
How did you know so quickly, so clearly what was hidden deep in my soul?
Как ты узнала так быстро, так ясно, что скрывалось в глубине моей души?
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We’re approaching Deep Space 9, Commander.
Мы приближаемся к Дип Спейс 9, коммандер.
Commence Station Log, Deep Space 9.
Начать Стационный Журнал, Дип Спейс 9 —
Major Kira Nerys, Bajoran liaison to Deep Space 9.
Майор Кира Нерис, Баджорский представитель на Дип Спейс 9.
I’m Dr Bashir from Federation Command at Deep Space 9.
Я — доктор Башир со станции Дип Спейс 9.
Last time on Deep Space Nine:
Ранее в «Дип Спейс 9″:
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I don’t know what else I can go with. I know that was deeply meaningful and moving to my life.
я знаю, что это было очень волнующе и имело глубокий смысл в моей жизни.
I can frankly say that her glance… which troubled me deeply… was meant for the croupier, not the man.
Откровенно скажу, взгляд этой женщины очень беспокоил меня. Он предназначался для крупье, но не для мужчины.
-Well, I’m deeply grateful, Mr. Burns. -Good.
Я так рад, мистер Бёрнс, правда, очень рад!
I find myself deeply concerned over my brother since his release.
Я очень беспокоюсь за брата с тех пор, как он вернулся.
Real tragedy has touched your life… and very deeply.
В вашей жизни уже была трагедия. Очень серьезная.
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If it’s any consolation, I’m sure somewhere, deep down, he knew you hated him.
Если тебя это утешит, я уверен, что в глубине души он знал о твоей ненависти.
— Yes, you do, Eva. Deep inside.
В глубине души.
Deep down, you know, I’m the one you love.
Я скажу, что в глубине души, ты думала только обо мне.
I’m the only one strong enough to control them… but… deep down, they are really not so bad, they just need a kind hand and maybe you also need a kind hand?
Только своей железной рукой я могу держать их на расстоянии, хотя в глубине души, где-то очень глубоко, они добрые. Я тоже пока что добрый…
— Deep down, you’re a coward.
В глубине души ты трус.
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«l told ya, if ya loved someone deeply enough…» anything is possible.
Я же говорил тебе, если ты кого-то сильно любишь… все возможно.
That really is deep.
Сильно сказано.
Perhaps we have… wounded each other too deeply.
Наверно, мы слишком сильно ранили друг друга.
Your family in Higo are deeply concerned that you’re staying here in Osaka Castle.
Ваша семья в Хиго сильно обеспокоена тем, что вы остаётесь здесь, в замке Осаки.
A woman who loves someone deeply as I love you, yes.
— Женщина, которая любит так сильно, как я люблю тебя, да.
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I’m sure the whole board wishes to express its deep sorrow — at the passing of Peter Bailey. — Thank you very much.
Позвольте мне выразить от лица Совета директоров глубочайшие соболезнования по поводу кончины Питера Бэйли.
I offer you my deepest apologies, Christine.
Я приношу глубочайшие извинения, Кристина.
— Please accept my deepest sympathy.
— Примите мои глубочайшие соболезнования.
— My deepest condolences, ma’am.
Мои глубочайшие соболезнования, синьора!
My deepest apologies.
Мои глубочайшие извинения.
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Bury yourselves deep into her.
Заройтесь в неё поглубже.
Yes, my sergeant decided to dig a little deeper before he put in his report.
Мой сержант решил копнуть поглубже, прежде чем составить отчет.
Take a breath, deep, down here, like this.
Вдохните поглубже, вот так.
— Bury them deep.
— Закапывайте поглубже.
Make it deep.
И поглубже.
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Aren’t you getting into rather deep water?
А вы не заходите слишком далеко?
I live deep in the jungle, past the old town, near the Humpback Mountain, in a place where the green bamboo whispers.
Я живу далеко, в джунглях, за Старым городом. Антилопа: У горбатой горы, где шумит зеленый бамбук.
You are not allowed to swim in deep water!
Нельзя заплывать так далеко!
They won’t risk communication until they are deep across the bled.
Пока они не уйдут далеко, выходить на связь опасно.
A line drive, deep.
Прорыв за линию, далеко.
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You are in deep trouble.
У тебя большие проблемы.
They have to be. What else would throw such deep shadows?
— Что ещё отбрасывает такие большие тени?
This country is in deep trouble, people.
У этой страны большие проблемы, парни.
— Mas is in deep shit now.
У него с боссом большие проблемы. Ладно.
Deep Shit, Arkansas.
Большие проблемы, Арканзас.
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- From deep (adj):
- deeper
- adj comparative
- deepest
- adj superlative
WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:
Главные переводы | ||
английский | русский | |
deep adj | (extending far down) | глубокий прил |
The lake is very deep near the centre. | ||
Это озеро очень глубокое посередине. | ||
deep adj | (low in pitch) (о звуке) | низкий прил |
A deep sound came out of the pipe organ. | ||
Низкие звуки полились из органа. |
‘deepest‘ также найдено в этих статьях:
Meaning of DEEPEST in English
superlative of deep
Webster’s New International English Dictionary.
Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.
Table of contents:
- What does the word deepest mean?
- What does deeply mean?
- What does deep hearted mean?
- What is another word for wholeheartedly?
- What does it mean for a person to be shallow?
- How can a person be shallow?
- How do you know if someone is vain?
- Is it wrong to be shallow?
- Can you fall in love with someone you are not physically attracted to?
- What is a shallow relationship?
- Is it shallow to want an attractive partner?
- What attracts a woman to a man?
- How do you know when a man wants to be with you?
- How do you know if he sees a future with you?
- How do you know if a guy is emotionally attached to you?
What does the word deepest mean?
adj. deep·er, deep·est. 1. a. Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
What does deeply mean?
at or to a considerable extent downward; well within or beneath a surface. to a thorough extent or profound degree: deeply pained; deeply committed. with depth of color, tone, sound, etc. with great cunning, skill, and subtlety.
What does deep hearted mean?
1. Rooted in the heart.
What is another word for wholeheartedly?
Some common synonyms of wholehearted are heartfelt, hearty, sincere, and unfeigned.
What does it mean for a person to be shallow?
The definition of shallow is something that is not deep or someone who is concerned only about silly or inconsequential things. An example of shallow is a hole that is only an inch deep. An example of shallow is a person who only cares about someone’s looks and how much money they have.
How can a person be shallow?
How to spot a Shallow Person.They’re narcissistic. People with grandiose narcissism fit this description. … They’re psychopathic. … They’re poor listeners. … They don’t believe in a meaningful relationship. … They don’t have dreams or feelings of unrealized potential. … They’re loquacious and loud. … They’re hypocrites. … They court attention at all costs.Meer items…
How do you know if someone is vain?
10 Annoying Habits That Reveal a Person Who is Too VainA person with excessive vanity can’t admit their faults. … A vain person may think they are the best-looking person on the planet. … They ignore people’s advice. … A vain person won’t think about the consequences of their actions. … They tend to be loud and noticeable.Meer items…
Is it wrong to be shallow?
Technically speaking, no, there is nothing wrong with being shallow, but being shallow doesn’t really give you much character. Granted, there are a lot of shallow people who are, in fact, nice and polite but, ultimately there would be not much noteworthy about them.
Can you fall in love with someone you are not physically attracted to?
So yes, it is possible to love without physical attraction, though some would argue that it may not be possible to remain in love without it for a long time. To others it may be something that they can understand but not ever actually see themselves able to do.
What is a shallow relationship?
What is your definition of a shallow relationship? To keep it short and sweet, it’s all about people who pick partners purely based on their looks without taking into account their personalities. It’s more like a lust rather than a love. … People get together, have sex and this is what their relationship is based on.
Is it shallow to want an attractive partner?
Attraction isn’t always based on looks. There are endless qualities that make a person attractive to the opposite sex, so you’re not necessarily being shallow. Your desire for another person is based off of traits much more significant than what you see on the surface.
What attracts a woman to a man?
Women are attracted to men that have goals and are actively pursuing them. Masculine energy is directional energy. Like a boulder rolling down a hill, the single-focus energy that penetrates through resistance in pursuit of achieving an end result is very attractive to women. But drive isn’t always enough on its own.
How do you know when a man wants to be with you?
A sign he wants to be with you includes that he does whatever he can to make you happy. He wants to make you happy, as your happiness makes him happy. … He listens to your requests, tries to accommodate your wishes, and does thinks you say will make you happy. And he does it happily because he wants to make you happy.
How do you know if he sees a future with you?
If he sees a future with you, then he’ll also bring you in on some big decisions he has to make. … Along with the big decisions, he’ll also consult you on the small things. He’ll want to know your weekly plans, what you’re doing on the weekend, how work is going, and when you can see each other’s family.
How do you know if a guy is emotionally attached to you?
Signs of an emotionally attached man include: He likes spending time with you. He calls or texts you often. He is not seeing other people; he only wants to be with you.
- Dictionary
- D
- Deepest
- US Pronunciation
- UK Pronunciation
- [deep]
- /dip/
- /diːp/
- US Pronunciation
- [deep]
- /dip/
Definitions of deepest word
- adjective deepest extending far down from the top or surface: a deep well; a deep valley. 1
- adjective deepest extending far in or back from the front or from an edge, surface, opening, etc., considered as the front: a deep shelf. 1
- adjective deepest extending far in width; broad: deep lace; a deep border. 1
- adjective deepest ranging far from the earth and sun: a deep space probe. 1
- adjective deepest having a specified dimension in depth: a tank 8 feet deep. 1
- adjective deepest covered or immersed to a specified depth (often used in combination): standing knee-deep in water. 1
Information block about the term
Origin of deepest
First appearance:
before 900
One of the 4% oldest English words
before 900; Middle English dep, Old English dēop; akin to Gothic diups, Old Norse djupr, Old High German tiof
Historical Comparancy
Parts of speech for Deepest
deepest popularity
A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 100% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.
Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».
Synonyms for deepest
adj deepest
- inmost — situated farthest within: the inmost recesses of the forest.
- nethermost — lowest; farthest down: the nethermost depths of the ocean.
Top questions with deepest
- what is the deepest part of the ocean?
- how deep is the deepest part of the ocean?
- what is the deepest ocean in the world?
- what is the deepest lake in the world?
- what is the deepest ocean?
- what is the deepest ocean trench in the world?
- where is the deepest part of the ocean?
- what is the deepest lake in the united states?
See also
- All definitions of deepest
- Synonyms for deepest
- Related words to deepest
- Sentences with the word deepest
- Words that rhyme with deepest
- deepest pronunciation
Matching words
- Words starting with d
- Words starting with de
- Words starting with dee
- Words starting with deep
- Words starting with deepe
- Words starting with deepes
- Words starting with deepest
- Words ending with t
- Words ending with st
- Words ending with est
- Words ending with pest
- Words containing the letters d
- Words containing the letters d,e
- Words containing the letters d,e,p
- Words containing the letters d,e,p,s
- Words containing the letters d,e,p,s,t
- Words containing d
- Words containing de
- Words containing dee
- Words containing deep
- Words containing deepe
- Words containing deepes
How to pronounce Deepest?
How to say Deepest in sign language?
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of Deepest in Chaldean Numerology is: 7
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of Deepest in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2
Examples of Deepest in a Sentence
Cleveland Cavaliers:
We grieve with Tyre Nichols ’ loved ones and offer them our deepest sympathies as they grapple with the pain of Tyre Nichols heinous and brutal murder, our hearts also go out to the city of Memphis. As they continue their investigations into the events that led to Tyre’s tragic and untimely death, we’re encouraged by the swift response by Police Chief Cerelyn Davis. We join their city officials and Tyre’s family in calling for peace and offer them our support on their road to healing.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
This agreement as it evolves is fulfilling our deepest fears and even worse.
Senior Enlisted Leader:
We owe her our eternal gratitude for her selfless dedication and sacrifice. On behalf of all New Yorkers, I extend my deepest sympathies to her family and loved ones.
Author Unknown:
What made the deepest impression upon you? inquired a friend one day of Lincoln, when you stood in the presence of the Falls of Niagara, the greatest of natural wonders? —- The thing that stuck me most forcibly when I saw the Falls, Lincoln responded with the characteristic deliberation, was where in the world did all that water come from?
Melania Trump:
Since March our lives have changed drastically, my deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one.
Popularity rank by frequency of use
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Therefore we return to the earliest events of our lives to discover the deepest meaning of our existence.
Поэтому мы возвращаемся к самым ранним событиям нашей жизни, чтобы обнаружить глубочайший смысл нашего существования.
We all know it in the deepest recesses of our beings.
Оно происходит в глубочайших тайниках нашего существа.
This allows drilling of even the deepest wells.
Этот показатель говорит о возможности бурения даже самых глубоких скважин.
These mines are among the deepest in the world.
Шахты на этих приисках относятся к числу самых глубоких в мире.
But, it will be quite a while before mankind can completely explore the deepest and darkest corners of oceans.
Но пройдет еще много времени, прежде чем человечество сможет полностью исследовать самые глубокие и темные уголки океанов.
It is shown that in general all its possible modifications, even the deepest ones, can determine only approximate solutions.
Показано, что все его возможные модификации, даже самые глубокие, в общем случае могут определять только приближенные решения.
What few observations she made expressed the deepest pessimism and demoralization.
Те некоторые замечания, которые были ею выражены, были полны глубочайшего пессимизма и деморализации.
Europe is currently in the deepest economic crisis since WW2.
Сейчас Европа находится в глубочайшем экономическом кризисе со времен Второй мировой войны.
The power of desire cannot be overestimated as the deepest force initiating karma.
Нельзя переоценить силу желания, как глубочайшую силу, инициирующую карму.
One of the deepest levels of satisfaction comes from knowing how strong you are.
Один из самых глубоких уровней удовлетворения достигается при осознании того, насколько вы сильны.
You are the ones who have the deepest desires.
Today, we scroll away and find the deepest forms of data quickly and efficiently.
Сегодня мы прокручиваем прочь и находим самые глубокие формы данных быстро и эффективно.
They are also able to show us the deepest secrets of our personality.
Они также способны показать нам самые глубокие секреты нашей личности.
Some of the deepest relationships in our lives are formed at work.
Некоторые из самых глубоких отношений в нашей жизни формируются на работе.
He’s the purity and glory of the deepest truth.
Any human contact was for him a source of the deepest discomfort.
Всякий человеческий контакт был для него источником глубочайшего дискомфорта.
No one is physically able to learn this capacity in the deepest details.
Ни один человек физически не способен выучить этот объем в глубочайших деталях.
The wise old king of Peru (a philosopher-king in the deepest Platonic sense of the word) sorely needs your help.
Старый и мудрый король Перу (король-философ в глубочайшем, платоновском смысле слова) крайне нуждается в твоей помощи.
It is impossible to reflect on the changed state of the American continent without the deepest astonishment.
«Невозможно осмыслить изменившееся состояние американского континента без глубочайшего изумления.
Most importantly, you will discover and realize the deepest nature of your True Self which you will never forget.
И самое главное, Вы обнаружите и поймете глубочайшую природу своего Истинного Я, которую Вы уже никогда не забудете.
Предложения, которые содержат the deepest
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