Dance is an art form consisting of sequences of body movements with aesthetic and often symbolic value, either improvised or purposefully selected.[nb 1] Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, done simultaneously with music or with instruments; or by its historical period or place of origin.[4]
An important distinction is to be drawn between the contexts of theatrical and participatory dance,[5] although these two categories are not always completely separate; both may have special functions, whether social, ceremonial, competitive, erotic, martial, sacred or liturgical. Other forms of human movement are sometimes said to have a dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, synchronized swimming, marching bands, and many other forms of athletics. Dance is not solely restricted to performance, though, as dance is used as a form of exercise and occasionally training for other sports and activities. Dance itself has also become a sport for some, with dancing competitions found across the world exhibiting various different styles and standards.
Dance requires an equal amount of cognitive focus as well as physical strength. The demanding yet evolving art form allows individuals to express themselves creatively through movement, while enabling them to adapt movement that possesses a rhythmical pattern and fluid motions that allure an audience either onstage or on film. Dance is considered to be a very aesthetically pleasing art form.[6]
Performance and participation[edit]
Members of an American jazz dance company perform a formal group routine in a concert dance setting
Theatrical dance, also called performance or concert dance, is intended primarily as a spectacle, usually a performance upon a stage by virtuoso dancers. It often tells a story, perhaps using mime, costume and scenery, or else it may interpret the musical accompaniment, which is often specially composed and performed in a theatre setting but it is not a requirement. Examples are western ballet and modern dance, Classical Indian dance such as Bharatanatyam and Chinese and Japanese song and dance dramas such as dragon dance. Most classical forms are centred upon dance alone, but performance dance may also appear in opera and other forms of musical theatre.[clarification needed]
Participatory dance, on the other hand, whether it be a folk dance, a social dance, a group dance such as a line, circle, chain or square dance, or a partner dance such as is common in Western ballroom dancing, is undertaken primarily for a common purpose, such as social interaction or exercise, or building flexibility of participants rather than to serve any benefit to onlookers. Such dance seldom has any narrative. A group dance and a corps de ballet, a social partner dance and a pas de deux, differ profoundly. Even a solo dance may be undertaken solely for the satisfaction of the dancer. Participatory dancers often all employ the same movements and steps but, for example, in the rave culture of electronic dance music, vast crowds may engage in free dance, uncoordinated with those around them. On the other hand, some cultures lay down strict rules as to the particular dances in which, for example, men, women, and children may or must participate.
Mesolithic dancers at Bhimbetka
Archaeological evidence for early dance includes 10,000-years-old paintings in Madhya Pradesh, India at the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka,[7] and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures, dated c. 3300 BC. It has been proposed that before the invention of written languages, dance was an important part of the oral and performance methods of passing stories down from one generation to the next.[8] The use of dance in ecstatic trance states and healing rituals (as observed today in many contemporary «primitive» cultures, from the Brazilian rainforest to the Kalahari Desert) is thought to have been another early factor in the social development of dance.[9]
Dancers and musicians on a Sasanian bowl, Iran
References to dance can be found in very early recorded history; Greek dance (horos) is referred to by Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch and Lucian.[10] The Bible and Talmud refer to many events related to dance, and contain over 30 different dance terms.[11] In Chinese pottery as early as the Neolithic period, groups of people are depicted dancing in a line holding hands,[12] and the earliest Chinese word for «dance» is found written in the oracle bones.[13] Dance is further described in the Lüshi Chunqiu.[14][15] Primitive dance in ancient China was associated with sorcery and shamanic rituals.[16]
Greek bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer, 3rd–2nd century BC, Alexandria, Egypt
During the first millennium BCE in India, many texts were composed which attempted to codify aspects of daily life. Bharata Muni’s Natyashastra (literally «the text of dramaturgy») is one of the earlier texts. It mainly deals with drama, in which dance plays an important part in Indian culture. It categorizes dance into four types—secular, ritual, abstract, and, interpretive—and into four regional varieties. The text elaborates various hand-gestures (mudras) and classifies movements of the various limbs, steps and so on. A strong continuous tradition of dance has since continued in India, through to modern times, where it continues to play a role in culture, ritual, and, notably, the Bollywood entertainment industry. Many other contemporary dance forms can likewise be traced back to historical, traditional, ceremonial, and ethnic dance.
Dance is generally, however not exclusively, performed with the accompaniment of music and may or may not be performed in time to such music. Some dance (such as tap dance) may provide its own audible accompaniment in place of (or in addition to) music. Many early forms of music and dance were created for each other and are frequently performed together. Notable examples of traditional dance-music couplings include the jig, waltz, tango, disco, and salsa. Some musical genres have a parallel dance form such as baroque music and baroque dance; other varieties of dance and music may share nomenclature but developed separately, such as classical music and classical ballet. The choreography and music go hand in hand, as they complement each other to express a story told by the choreographer and or dancers.[17]
Rhythm and dance are deeply linked in history and practice. The American dancer Ted Shawn wrote; «The conception of rhythm which underlies all studies of the dance is something about which we could talk forever, and still not finish.»[18] A musical rhythm requires two main elements; first, a regularly-repeating pulse (also called the «beat» or «tactus») that establishes the tempo and, second, a pattern of accents and rests that establishes the character of the metre or basic rhythmic pattern. The basic pulse is roughly equal in duration to a simple step or gesture.
Dances generally have a characteristic tempo and rhythmic pattern. The tango, for example, is usually danced in 2
4 time at approximately 66 beats per minute. The basic slow step, called a «slow», lasts for one beat, so that a full «right–left» step is equal to one 2
4 measure. The basic forward and backward walk of the dance is so counted – «slow-slow» – while many additional figures are counted «slow – quick-quick.[19]
Just as musical rhythms (e.g., drum beats) are defined by a pattern of strong and weak beats, so repetitive body movements often depend on alternating «strong» and «weak» muscular movements.[20] Given this alternation of left-right, of forward-backward and rise-fall, along with the bilateral symmetry of the human body, it is natural that many dances and much music are in duple and quadruple meter. Since some such movements require more time in one phase than the other – such as the longer time required to lift a hammer than to strike – some dance rhythms fall equally naturally into triple metre.[21] Occasionally, as in the folk dances of the Balkans, dance traditions depend heavily on more complex rhythms. Further, complex dances composed of a fixed sequence of steps always require phrases and melodies of a certain fixed length to accompany that sequence.
Lululaund – The Dancing Girl (painting and silk cloth. A.L. Baldry 1901, before p. 107), The inscription reads; «Dancing is a form of rhythm/ Rhythm is a form of music/ Music is a form of thought/ And thought is a form of divinity.»
The very act of dancing, the steps themselves, generate an «initial skeleton of rhythmic beats» that must have preceded any separate musical accompaniment, while dance itself, as much as music, requires time-keeping[22] just as utilitarian repetitive movements such as walking, hauling and digging take on, as they become refined, something of the quality of dance.[20]
Musical accompaniment, therefore, arose in the earliest dance, so that ancient Egyptians attributed the origin of the dance to the divine Athotus, who was said to have observed that music accompanying religious rituals caused participants to move rhythmically and to have brought these movements into proportional measure. The same idea, that dance arises from musical rhythm, is still found in renaissance Europe in the works of the dancing master Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro who speaks of dance as a physical movement that arises from and expresses inward, spiritual motion agreeing with the «measures and perfect concords of harmony» that fall upon the human ear,[20] while, earlier, Mechthild of Magdeburg, seizing upon dance as a symbol of the holy life foreshadowed in Jesus’ saying «I have piped and ye have not danced»,[23] writes;
I can not dance unless thou leadest. If thou wouldst have me spring aloft, sing thou and I will spring, into love and from love to knowledge and from knowledge to ecstasy above all human sense[24]
Thoinot Arbeau’s celebrated 16th-century dance-treatise Orchésographie, indeed, begins with definitions of over eighty distinct drum-rhythms.[25]
As has been shown above, dance has been represented through the ages as having emerged as a response to music yet, as Lincoln Kirstein implied, it is at least as likely that primitive music arose from dance. Shawn concurs, stating that dance «was the first art of the human race, and the matrix out of which all other arts grew» and that even the «metre in our poetry today is a result of the accents necessitated by body movement, as the dancing and reciting was performed simultaneously»[18] – an assertion somewhat supported by the common use of the term «foot» to describe the fundamental rhythmic units of poetry.
Scholes, not a dancer but a musician, offers support for this view, stating that the steady measures of music, of two, three or four beats to the bar, its equal and balanced phrases, regular cadences, contrasts and repetitions, may all be attributed to the «incalculable» influence of dance upon music.[26]
Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, primarily a musician and teacher, relates how a study of the physical movements of pianists led him «to the discovery that musical sensations of a rhythmic nature call for the muscular and nervous response of the whole organism», to develop «a special training designed to regulate nervous reactions and effect a co-ordination of muscles and nerves» and ultimately to seek the connections between «the art of music and the art of dance», which he formulated into his system of eurhythmics.[27] He concluded that «musical rhythm is only the transposition into sound of movements and dynamisms spontaneously and involuntarily expressing emotion».[28]
Hence, though doubtless, as Shawn asserts, «it is quite possible to develop the dance without music and… music is perfectly capable of standing on its own feet without any assistance from the dance», nevertheless the «two arts will always be related and the relationship can be profitable both to the dance and to music»,[29] the precedence of one art over the other being a moot point. The common ballad measures of hymns and folk-songs takes their name from dance, as does the carol, originally a circle dance. Many purely musical pieces have been named «waltz» or «minuet», for example, while many concert dances have been produced that are based upon abstract musical pieces, such as 2 and 3 Part Inventions, Adams Violin Concerto and Andantino. Similarly, poems are often structured and named after dances or musical works, while dance and music have both drawn their conception of «measure» or «metre» from poetry.
Shawn quotes with approval the statement of Dalcroze that, while the art of musical rhythm consists in differentiating and combining time durations, pauses and accents «according to physiological law», that of «plastic rhythm» (i.e. dance) «is to designate movement in space, to interpret long time-values by slow movements and short ones by quick movements, regulate pauses by their divers successions and express sound accentuations in their multiple nuances by additions of bodily weight, by means of muscular innervations».
Shawn nevertheless points out that the system of musical time is a «man-made, artificial thing…. a manufactured tool, whereas rhythm is something that has always existed and depends on man not at all», being «the continuous flowing time which our human minds cut up into convenient units», suggesting that music might be revivified by a return to the values and the time-perception of dancing.[30]
The early-20th-century American dancer Helen Moller stated that «it is rhythm and form more than harmony and color which, from the beginning, has bound music, poetry and dancing together in a union that is indissoluble.»[31]
Concert dance, like opera, generally depends for its large-scale form upon a narrative dramatic structure. The movements and gestures of the choreography are primarily intended to mime the personality and aims of the characters and their part in the plot.[32] Such theatrical requirements tend towards longer, freer movements than those usual in non-narrative dance styles. On the other hand, the ballet blanc, developed in the 19th century, allows interludes of rhythmic dance that developed into entirely «plotless» ballets in the 20th century[33] and that allowed fast, rhythmic dance-steps such as those of the petit allegro. A well-known example is The Cygnets’ Dance in act two of Swan Lake.
The ballet developed out of courtly dramatic productions of 16th- and 17th-century France and Italy and for some time dancers performed dances developed from those familiar from the musical suite,[34] all of which were defined by definite rhythms closely identified with each dance. These appeared as character dances in the era of romantic nationalism.
Ballet reached widespread vogue in the romantic era, accompanied by a larger orchestra and grander musical conceptions that did not lend themselves easily to rhythmic clarity and by dance that emphasised dramatic mime. A broader concept of rhythm was needed, that which Rudolf Laban terms the «rhythm and shape» of movement that communicates character, emotion and intention,[35] while only certain scenes required the exact synchronisation of step and music essential to other dance styles, so that, to Laban, modern Europeans seemed totally unable to grasp the meaning of «primitive rhythmic movements»,[36] a situation that began to change in the 20th century with such productions as Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring with its new rhythmic language evoking primal feelings of a primitive past.[37]
Indian classical dance styles, like ballet, are often in dramatic form, so that there is a similar complementarity between narrative expression and «pure» dance. In this case, the two are separately defined, though not always separately performed. The rhythmic elements, which are abstract and technical, are known as nritta. Both this and expressive dance (nritya), though, are closely tied to the rhythmic system (tala). Teachers have adapted the spoken rhythmic mnemonic system called bol to the needs of dancers.
Japanese classical dance-theatre styles such as Kabuki and Noh, like Indian dance-drama, distinguish between narrative and abstract dance productions. The three main categories of kabuki are jidaimono (historical), sewamono (domestic) and shosagoto (dance pieces).[38] Somewhat similarly, Noh distinguishes between Geki Noh, based around the advancement of plot and the narration of action, and Furyū Noh, dance pieces involving acrobatics, stage properties, multiple characters and elaborate stage action.[39]
Participatory and social[edit]
A contra dance, a form of participatory social folk dance with mixed European roots
Social dances, those intended for participation rather than for an audience, may include various forms of mime and narrative, but are typically set much more closely to the rhythmic pattern of music, so that terms like waltz and polka refer as much to musical pieces as to the dance itself. The rhythm of the dancers’ feet may even form an essential part of the music, as in tap dance. African dance, for example, is rooted in fixed basic steps, but may also allow a high degree of rhythmic interpretation: the feet or the trunk mark the basic pulse while cross-rhythms are picked up by shoulders, knees, or head, with the best dancers simultaneously giving plastic expression to all the elements of the polyrhythmic pattern.[40]
Cultural traditions[edit]
Ugandan youth dance at a cultural celebration of peace
Dance in Africa is deeply integrated into society and major events in a community are frequently reflected in dances: dances are performed for births and funerals, weddings and wars.[41]: 13 Traditional dances impart cultural morals, including religious traditions and sexual standards; give vent to repressed emotions, such as grief; motivate community members to cooperate, whether fighting wars or grinding grain; enact spiritual rituals; and contribute to social cohesiveness.[42]
Thousands of dances are performed around the continent. These may be divided into traditional, neotraditional, and classical styles: folkloric dances of a particular society, dances created more recently in imitation of traditional styles, and dances transmitted more formally in schools or private lessons.[41]: 18 African dance has been altered by many forces, such as European missionaries and colonialist governments, who often suppressed local dance traditions as licentious or distracting.[42] Dance in contemporary African cultures still serves its traditional functions in new contexts; dance may celebrate the inauguration of a hospital, build community for rural migrants in unfamiliar cities, and be incorporated into Christian church ceremonies.[42][43]
An Indian classical dancer
In the Mintha Theater (Mandalay) a master teacher of the Inwa School of Performing Arts demonstrates traditional hand movements.
All Indian classical dances are to varying degrees rooted in the Natyashastra and therefore share common features: for example, the mudras (hand positions), some body positions, leg movement and the inclusion of dramatic or expressive acting or abhinaya. Indian classical music provides accompaniment and dancers of nearly all the styles wear bells around their ankles to counterpoint and complement the percussion.
There are now many regional varieties of Indian classical dance. Dances like «Odra Magadhi», which after decades-long debate, has been traced to present day Mithila, Odisha region’s dance form of Odissi (Orissi), indicate influence of dances in cultural interactions between different regions.[44]
The Punjab area overlapping India and Pakistan is the place of origin of Bhangra. It is widely known both as a style of music and a dance. It is mostly related to ancient harvest celebrations, love, patriotism or social issues. Its music is coordinated by a musical instrument called the ‘Dhol’. Bhangra is not just music but a dance, a celebration of the harvest where people beat the dhol (drum), sing Boliyaan (lyrics) and dance. It developed further with the Vaisakhi festival of the Sikhs.
The dances of Sri Lanka include the devil dances (yakun natima), a carefully crafted ritual reaching far back into Sri Lanka’s pre-Buddhist past that combines ancient «Ayurvedic» concepts of disease causation with psychological manipulation and combines many aspects including Sinhalese cosmology. Their influence can be seen on the classical dances of Sri Lanka.[45]
Indonesian dances reflect the richness and diversity of Indonesian ethnic groups and cultures. There are more than 1,300 ethnic groups in Indonesia, it can be seen from the cultural roots of the Austronesian and Melanesian peoples, and various cultural influences from Asia and the west. Dances in Indonesia originate from ritual movements and religious ceremonies, this kind of dance usually begins with rituals, such as war dances, shaman dances to cure or ward off disease, dances to call rain and other types of dances. With the acceptance of dharma religion in the 1st century in Indonesia, Hinduism and Buddhist rituals were celebrated in various artistic performances. Hindu epics such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata and also the Panji became the inspiration to be shown in a dance-drama called «Sendratari» resembling «ballet» in the western tradition. An elaborate and highly stylized dance method was invented and has survived to this day, especially on the islands of Java and Bali. The Javanese Wayang wong dance takes footage from the Ramayana or Mahabharata episodes, but this dance is very different from the Indian version, indonesian dances do not pay as much attention to the «mudras» as Indian dances: even more to show local forms. The sacred Javanese ritual dance Bedhaya is believed to date back to the Majapahit period in the 14th century or even earlier, this dance originated from ritual dances performed by virgin girls to worship Hindu Gods such as Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. In Bali, dance has become an integral part of the sacred Hindu Dharma rituals. Some experts believe that Balinese dance comes from an older dance tradition from Java. Reliefs from temples in East Java from the 14th century feature crowns and headdresses similar to the headdresses used in Balinese dance today. Islam began to spread to the Indonesian archipelago when indigenous dances and dharma dances were still popular. Artists and dancers still use styles from the previous era, replacing stories with more Islamic interpretations and clothing that is more closed according to Islamic teachings.[46]
The dances of the Middle East are usually the traditional forms of circle dancing which are modernized to an extent. They would include dabke, tamzara, Assyrian folk dance, Kurdish dance, Armenian dance and Turkish dance, among others.[47][48] All these forms of dances would usually involve participants engaging each other by holding hands or arms (depending on the style of the dance). They would make rhythmic moves with their legs and shoulders as they curve around the dance floor. The head of the dance would generally hold a cane or handkerchief.[47][49]
Europe and North America[edit]
Folk dances vary across Europe and may date back hundreds or thousands of years, but many have features in common such as group participation led by a caller, hand-holding or arm-linking between participants, and fixed musical forms known as caroles.[50] Some, such as the maypole dance are common to many nations, while others such as the céilidh and the polka are deeply-rooted in a single culture. Some European folk dances such as the square dance were brought to the New World and subsequently became part of American culture.
Two classical ballet dancers perform a sequence of The Nutcracker, one of the best known works of classical dance.
Ballet developed first in Italy and then in France from lavish court spectacles that combined music, drama, poetry, song, costumes and dance. Members of the court nobility took part as performers. During the reign of Louis XIV, himself a dancer, dance became more codified. Professional dancers began to take the place of court amateurs, and ballet masters were licensed by the French government. The first ballet dance academy was the Académie Royale de Danse (Royal Dance Academy), opened in Paris in 1661. Shortly thereafter, the first institutionalized ballet troupe, associated with the Academy, was formed; this troupe began as an all-male ensemble but by 1681 opened to include women as well.[8]
20th century concert dance brought an explosion of innovation in dance style characterized by an exploration of freer technique. Early pioneers of what became known as modern dance include Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Mary Wigman and Ruth St. Denis. The relationship of music to dance serves as the basis for Eurhythmics, devised by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, which was influential to the development of Modern dance and modern ballet through artists such as Marie Rambert. Eurythmy, developed by Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers, combines formal elements reminiscent of traditional dance with the new freer style, and introduced a complex new vocabulary to dance. In the 1920s, important founders of the new style such as Martha Graham and Doris Humphrey began their work. Since this time, a wide variety of dance styles have been developed; see Modern dance.
African American dance developed in everyday spaces, rather than in dance studios, schools or companies. Tap dance, disco, jazz dance, swing dance, hip hop dance, the lindy hop with its relationship to rock and roll music and rock and roll dance have had a global influence. Dance styles fusing classical ballet technique with African-American dance have also appeared in the 21st century, including Hiplet.[51]
Latin America[edit]
Street samba dancers perform in carnival parades and contests.
Dance is central to Latin American social life and culture. Brazilian Samba, Argentinian tango, and Cuban salsa are internationally popular partner dances, and other national dances—merengue, cueca, plena, jarabe, joropo, marinera, cumbia, bachata and others—are important components of their respective countries’ cultures.[52] Traditional Carnival festivals incorporate these and other dances in enormous celebrations.[53]
Dance has played an important role in forging a collective identity among the many cultural and ethnic groups of Latin America.[54] Dance served to unite the many African, European, and indigenous peoples of the region.[52] Certain dance genres, such as capoeira, and body movements, especially the characteristic quebradas or pelvis swings, have been variously banned and celebrated throughout Latin American history.[54]
A dancer practices in a dance studio, the primary setting for training in classical dance and many other styles.
Dance studies are offered through the arts and humanities programs of many higher education institutions. Some universities offer Bachelor of Arts and higher academic degrees in Dance. A dance study curriculum may encompass a diverse range of courses and topics, including dance practice and performance, choreography, ethnochoreology, kinesiology, dance notation, and dance therapy. Most recently, dance and movement therapy has been integrated in some schools into math lessons for students with learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral disabilities, as well as for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).[55]
Professional dancers are usually employed on contract or for particular performances or productions. The professional life of a dancer is generally one of constantly changing work situations, strong competitive pressure and low pay. Consequently, professional dancers often must supplement their incomes to achieve financial stability. In the U.S. many professional dancers belong to unions (such as the American Guild of Musical Artists, Screen Actors Guild and Actors’ Equity Association) that establish working conditions and minimum salaries for their members. Professional dancers must possess large amounts of athleticism. To lead a successful career, it is advantageous to be versatile in many styles of dance, have a strong technical background and to use other forms of physical training to remain fit and healthy.[56]
Dance teachers typically focus on teaching dance performance, or coaching competitive dancers, or both. They typically have performance experience in the types of dance they teach or coach. For example, dancesport teachers and coaches are often tournament dancers or former dancesport performers. Dance teachers may be self-employed, or employed by dance schools or general education institutions with dance programs. Some work for university programs or other schools that are associated with professional classical dance (e.g., ballet) or modern dance companies. Others are employed by smaller, privately owned dance schools that offer dance training and performance coaching for various types of dance.[57]
Choreographers are the ones that design the dancing movements within a dance, they are often university trained and are typically employed for particular projects or, more rarely may work on contract as the resident choreographer for a specific dance company.[58][59]
A dance competition is an organized event in which contestants perform dances before a judge or judges for awards, and in some cases, monetary prizes. There are several major types of dance competitions, distinguished primarily by the style or styles of dances performed. Dance competitions are an excellent setting to build connections with industry leading faculty members, adjudicators, choreographers and other dancers from competing studios. A typical dance competition for younger pre-professional dancers can last anywhere between two and four days, depending whether it is a regional or national competition.
The purpose of dance competitions is to provide a fun and educative place for dancers and give them the opportunity to perform their choreographed routines from their current dance season onstage. Oftentimes, competitions will take place in a professional setting or may vary to non-performance spaces, such as a high school theatre. The results of the dancers are then dictated by a credible panel of judges and are evaluated on their performance than given a score. As far as competitive categories go, most competitions base their categories according to the dance style, age, experience level and the number of dancers competing in the routine.[60] Major types of dance competitions include:
- Dancesport, which is focused exclusively on ballroom and latin dance.
- Competitive dance, in which a variety of theater dance styles, such as acrobatics, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, stepping, and tap, are permitted.
- Commercial Dance, consisting of as hip hop, jazz, locking, popping, breakdancing, contemporary etc.[60]
- Single-style competitions, such as; highland dance, dance team, and Irish dance, that only permit a single dance style.
- Open competitions, that permit a wide variety of dance styles. An example of this is the TV program So You Think You Can Dance.
- Olympic, Dance has been trying to be part of the Olympic sport since 1930s.
Televised Dance Competitions[edit]
There are numerous dance competition shows presented on television and other mass media outlets including, NBC’s World Of Dance, NBC’s Dancing With Myself, Dancing With The Stars, etc.
Dance diplomacy[edit]
During the 1950s and 1960s, cultural exchange of dance was a common feature of international diplomacy, especially amongst East and South Asian nations. The People’s Republic of China, for example, developed a formula for dance diplomacy that sought to learn from and express respect for the aesthetic traditions of recently independent states that were former European colonies, such as Indonesia, India, and Burma, as a show of anti-colonial solidarity.[61]
In most forms of dance the foot is the source of movement, and in some cases require specific shoes to aid in the health, safety ability of the dancer, depending on the type of dance, the intensity of the movements, and the surface that will be danced on.
Dance footwear can be potentially both supportive and or restrictive to the movement of the dancer.[62] The effectiveness of the shoe is related to its ability to help the foot do something it is not intended to do, or to make easier a difficult movement. Such effects relate to health and safety because of the function of the equipment as unnatural to the bodies usual mobility.
Ballet is notable for the risks of injury due to the biomechanics of the ankle and the toes as the main support for the rest of the movements. With the pointe shoe, the design specifically brings all of the toes together to allow the toes to be stood on for longer periods of time.[63]
There are accessories associated with pointe shoes that help to mitigate injury and soothe pain while dancing, including things such as toe pads, toe tape, and cushions.[64]
Body Image[edit]
Dancers are publicly thought to be very preoccupied with their body image to fit a certain mold in the industry. Research indicates that dancers do have greater difficulty controlling their eating habits as a large quantity strive for the art-form’s ideal body mass. Some dancers often resort to abusive tactics to maintain a certain image. Common scenarios include dancers abusing laxatives for weight control and end up falling into unhealthy eating disorders. Studies show that a large quantity of dancers use at least one method of weight control including over exercising and food restriction. The pressure for dancers to maintain a below average weight affects their eating and weight controlling behaviours and their life-style.[65] Due to its artistic nature, dancers tend to have many hostile self-critical tendencies. Commonly seen in performers, it is likely that a variety of individuals may be resistant to concepts of self-compassion.[66]
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders in dancers are generally very publicly common. Through data analysis and studies published, sufficient data regarding the percentage and accuracy dancers have of realistically falling into unhealthy disordered eating habits or the development of an eating disorder were extracted. Dancers, in general, have a higher risk of developing eating disorders than the general public, primarily falling into anorexia nervosa and EDNOS. Research has yet to distinguish a direct correlation regarding dancers having a higher risk of developing bulimia nervosa. Studies concluded that dancers overall have a three times higher risk of developing eating disorders, more specifically anorexia nervosa and EDNOS.[67]
Dance has become a fundamental aspect of the popular app and a primary category influencing the youth’s culture today. Dance challenges have become a popular form of content across many social media platforms including TikTok. During 2020, TikTok dances offered an escape for isolated individuals to play and connect with one another through virtual format.[68] With TikTok’s easy accessibility to a variety of different filters and special effects, the app made filming yourself dancing to music a fun and easy past time. Since its debut back in 2017, the app attracted a small but growing audience of professional dancers in their early 20s to 30s. While the majority of this demographic is more accustomed to performing onstage, this app introduced a new era of dancing onscreen.[69]
A contemporary dancer performs a stag split leap.
A dancer performs a «toe rise», in which she rises from a kneeling position to a standing position on the tops of her feet.
Latin Ballroom dancers perform the Tango.
Gumboot dance evolved from the stomping signals used as coded communication between labourers in South African mines.
Modern dance – a female dancer performs a leg split while balanced on the back of her partner.
A nineteenth century artist’s representation of a Flamenco dancer
Ritual dance – Armenian folk dancers celebrate a neo-pagan new year.
A latin ballroom couple perform a Samba routine at a dancesport event.
Folk dance – some dance traditions travel with immigrant communities, as with this festival dance performed by a Polish community in Turkey.
Street dance – a Breakdancer performs a handstand trick.
Ballet class of young girls wearing leotards and skirts in 2017
See also[edit]
- Art
- Outline of performing arts
- Outline of dance
- Index of dance articles
- List of dance awards
- Human body
- List of dancers
- ^ Many definitions of dance have been proposed. This definition is based on the following:
«Dance is human movement created and expressed for an aesthetic purpose. Dance is also a source of entertainment «[1]
«Dance is a transient mode of expression performed in a given form and style by the human body moving in space. Dance occurs through purposefully selected and controlled rhythmic movements; the resulting phenomenon is recognized as dance both by the performer and the observing members of a given group.»[2]
«Dance is human behaviour composed (from the dancer’s perspective, which is usually shared by the audience members of the dancer’s culture) of purposeful (individual choice and social learning play a role), intentionally rhythmical, and culturally patterned sequences of nonverbal body movement mostly other than those performed in ordinary motor activities. The motion (in time, space, and with effort) has an inherent and aesthetic value (the notion of appropriateness and competency as viewed by the dancer’s culture) and symbolic potential.»[3]
- ^ Sondra Horton Fraleigh (1987). Dance and the Lived Body: A Descriptive Aesthetics. University of Pittsburgh Pre. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-8229-7170-2.
- ^ Joann Kealinohomoku (1970). Copeland, Roger; Cohen, Marshall (eds.). An Anthropologist Looks at Ballet as a Form of Ethnic Dance (PDF). What is Dance? Readings in Theory and Criticism (1983 ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-01-04.
- ^ Judith Lynne Hanna (1983). The performer-audience connection: emotion to metaphor in dance and society. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-76478-1.
- ^ Foster, Susan Leigh. (2011). Choreographing empathy : kinesthesia in performance. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-59656-5. OCLC 963558371.
- ^ «Canadian National Arts Centre – Dance Forms: An Introduction». Arts Alive. Archived from the original on Apr 16, 2021.
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- ^ Mathpal, Yashodhar (1984). Prehistoric Painting Of Bhimbetka. Abhinav Publications. p. 220. ISBN 9788170171935.
- ^ a b Nathalie Comte. «Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World». Ed. Jonathan Dewald. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004. pp 94–108.
- ^ Guenther, Mathias Georg. ‘The San Trance Dance: Ritual and Revitalization Among the Farm Bushmen of the Ghanzi District, Republic of Botswana.’ Journal, South West Africa Scientific Society, v. 30, 1975–76.
- ^ Raftis, Alkis, The World of Greek Dance Finedawn, Athens (1987) p25.
- ^ Kadman, Gurit (1952). «Yemenite Dances and Their Influence on the New Israeli Folk Dances». Journal of the International Folk Music Council. 4: 27–30. doi:10.2307/835838. JSTOR 835838.
- ^ «Basin with design of dancers». National Museum of China. Archived from the original on 2017-08-11. Retrieved 2017-05-23. Pottery from the Majiayao culture (3100 BC to 2700 BC)
- ^ Kʻo-fen, Wang (1985). The history of Chinese dance. Foreign Languages Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-8351-1186-7. OCLC 977028549.
- ^ Li, Zehou; Samei, Maija Bell (2010). The Chinese aesthetic tradition. University of Hawaiʻi Press. p. 5. ISBN 978-0-8248-3307-7. OCLC 960030161.
- ^ Sturgeon, Donald. «Lü Shi Chun Qiu». Chinese Text Project Dictionary (in Chinese). Retrieved 2017-05-23.
Original text: 昔葛天氏之樂,三人操牛尾,投足以歌八闋
- ^ Schafer, Edward H. (June 1951). «Ritual Exposure in Ancient China». Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 14 (1/2): 130–184. doi:10.2307/2718298. ISSN 0073-0548. JSTOR 2718298.
- ^ «The Relationship Between Dance And Music || Dotted Music». Retrieved 2021-10-27.
- ^ a b Shawn, Ted, Dance We Must, 1946, Dennis Dobson Ltd., London, p. 50
- ^ Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, Ballroom Dancing, Teach Yourself Books, Hodder and Stoughton, 1977, p. 38
- ^ a b c Lincoln Kirstein, Dance, Dance Horizons Incorporated, New York, 1969, p. 4
- ^ Shawn, Ted, Dance We Must, 1946, Dennis Dobson Ltd., London, p. 49
- ^ Lincoln Kirstein, Dance, Dance Horizons Incorporated, New York, 1969, p. 3
- ^ Matthew 11:17
- ^ Lincoln Kirstein, Dance, Dance Horizons Incorporated, New York, 1969, p. 108
- ^ Lincoln Kirstein, Dance, Dance Horizons Incorporated, New York, 1969, p. 157
- ^ Scholes, Percy A. (1977). «Dance». The Oxford Companion to Music (10 ed.). Oxford University Press.
- ^ Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, Rhythm, Music and Education, 1973, The Dalcroze Society, London, p. viii
- ^ Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, Rhythm, Music and Education, 1973, The Dalcroze Society, London, p. 181
- ^ Shawn, Ted, Dance We Must, 1946, Dennis Dobson Ltd., London, p. 54
- ^ Shawn, Ted, Dance We Must, 1946, Dennis Dobson Ltd., London, pp. 50–51
- ^ Moller, Helen and Dunham, Curtis, Dancing with Helen Moller, 1918, John Lane (New York and London), p. 74
- ^ Laban, Rudolf, The Mastery of Movement, MacDonald and Evans, London, 1960, p. 2
- ^ Minden, Eliza Gaynor, The Ballet Companion: A Dancer’s Guide, Simon and Schuster, 2007, p. 92
- ^ Thoinot Arbeau, Orchesography, trans. by Mary Stewart Evans, with notes by Julia Sutton, New York: Dover, 1967
- ^ Laban, Rudolf, The Mastery of Movement, MacDonald and Evans, London, 1960, pp. 2, 4 et passim
- ^ Laban, Rudolf, The Mastery of Movement, MacDonald and Evans, London, 1960, p. 86
- ^ Abigail Wagner, A Different Type of Rhythm, Lawrence University, Wisconsin
- ^ «Kabuki « MIT Global Shakespeares». Retrieved April 8, 2015.
- ^ Ortolani, Benito (1995). The Japanese theatre: from shamanistic ritual to contemporary pluralism. Princeton University Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-0-691-04333-3.
- ^ Ayansu, E.S. and Whitfield, P. (eds.), The Rhythms Of Life, Marshall Editions, 1982, p. 161
- ^ a b Kariamu Welsh; Elizabeth A. Hanley; Jacques D’Amboise (1 January 2010). African Dance. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-1-60413-477-3.
- ^ a b c Hanna, Judith Lynne (1973). «African Dance: the continuity of change». Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council. 5: 165–174. doi:10.2307/767501. JSTOR 767501.
- ^ Utley, Ian. (2009). Culture smart! Ghana customs & culture. Kuperard. OCLC 978296042.
- ^, Dance: The Living Spirit of Indian Arts, by Prof. P.C. Jain and Dr. Daljeet.
- ^, «The yakun natima — devil dance ritual of Sri Lanka»
- ^ «The Indonesian Folk Dances». Indonesia Tourism. Archived from the original on 24 November 2010. Retrieved 30 November 2010.
- ^ a b Badley, Bill and Zein al Jundi. «Europe Meets Asia». 2000. In Broughton, Simon and Ellingham, Mark with McConnachie, James and Duane, Orla (Ed.), World Music, Vol. 1: Africa, Europe and the Middle East, pp. 391–395. Rough Guides Ltd, Penguin Books.
- ^ Recep Albayrak Hacaloğlu. Azeri Türkçesi dil kilavuzu. Hacaloğlu, 1992; p. 272.
- ^ Subhi Anwar Rashid, Mesopotamien, Abb 137
- ^ Carol Lee (2002). Ballet in Western Culture: A History of Its Origins and Evolution. pp. 10–11. ISBN 978-0-415-94257-7.
- ^ Kourlas, Gia (2016-09-02). «Hiplet: An Implausible Hybrid Plants Itself on Pointe». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on 2022-01-01. Retrieved 2016-12-03.
- ^ a b John Charles Chasteen (1 January 2004). National Rhythms, African Roots: The Deep History of Latin American Popular Dance. UNM Press. pp. 8–14. ISBN 978-0-8263-2941-7.
- ^ Margaret Musmon; Elizabeth A. Hanley; Jacques D’Amboise (2010). Latin and Caribbean Dance. Infobase Publishing. pp. 20–23. ISBN 978-1-60413-481-0.
- ^ a b Celeste Fraser Delgado; José Esteban Muñoz (1997). Everynight Life: Culture and Dance in Latin/o America. Duke University Press. pp. 9–41. ISBN 978-0-8223-1919-1.
- ^ «Dance/Movement Therapy’s Influence on Adolescents Mathematics, Social-Emotional and Dance Skills | ArtsEdSearch». Retrieved 2020-03-18.
- ^ Sagolla, Lisa (April 24, 2008). «(untitled)». International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance. 15 (17): 1.
- ^ «Dance Teacher | Berklee». Retrieved 2022-10-04.
- ^ Risner, Doug (December 2000). «Making Dance, Making Sense: Epistemology and choreography». Research in Dance Education. 1 (2): 155–172. doi:10.1080/713694259. ISSN 1464-7893. S2CID 143435623.
- ^ «dance — Choreography | Britannica». Retrieved 2022-10-04.
- ^ a b Schupp, Karen (2019-04-03). «Dance Competition Culture and Commercial Dance: Intertwined Aesthetics, Values, and Practices». Journal of Dance Education. 19 (2): 58–67. doi:10.1080/15290824.2018.1437622. ISSN 1529-0824. S2CID 150019666.
- ^ Wilcox, Emily (22 December 2017). «Performing Bandung: China’s dance diplomacy with India, Indonesia, and Burma, 1953–1962». Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. 18 (4): 518–539. doi:10.1080/14649373.2017.1391455. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
- ^ Russell, Jeffrey A. (2013-09-30). «Preventing dance injuries: current perspectives». Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 4: 199–210. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S36529. ISSN 1179-1543. PMC 3871955. PMID 24379726.
- ^ Li, Fengfeng; Adrien, Ntwali; He, Yuhuan (2022-04-18). «Biomechanical Risks Associated with Foot and Ankle Injuries in Ballet Dancers: A Systematic Review». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (8): 4916. doi:10.3390/ijerph19084916. ISSN 1660-4601. PMC 9029463. PMID 35457783.
- ^ Center, Smithsonian Lemelson (2020-05-28). «A Better Pointe Shoe Is Sorely Needed». Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation. Retrieved 2022-12-13.
- ^ Abraham, Suzanne (1996). «Eating and Weight Controlling Behaviours of Young Ballet Dancers». Psychopathology. 29 (4): 218–222. doi:10.1159/000284996. ISSN 1423-033X. PMID 8865352.
- ^ Walton, Courtney C.; Osborne, Margaret S.; Gilbert, Paul; Kirby, James (2022-03-04). «Nurturing self-compassionate performers». Australian Psychologist. 57 (2): 77–85. doi:10.1080/00050067.2022.2033952. ISSN 0005-0067. S2CID 247163600.
- ^ Arcelus, Jon; Witcomb, Gemma L.; Mitchell, Alex (2013-11-26). «Prevalence of Eating Disorders amongst Dancers: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis». European Eating Disorders Review. 22 (2): 92–101. doi:10.1002/erv.2271. ISSN 1072-4133. PMID 24277724.
- ^ TikTok cultures in the United States. Trevor Boffone. Abingdon, Oxon. 2022. ISBN 978-1-000-60215-9. OCLC 1295618580.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: others (link) - ^ Warburton, Edward C. (2022-07-01). «TikTok challenge: dance education futures in the creator economy». Arts Education Policy Review: 1–11. doi:10.1080/10632913.2022.2095068. ISSN 1063-2913. S2CID 250233625.
Further reading[edit]
- Abra, Allison. «Going to the palais: a social and cultural history of dancing and dance halls in Britain, 1918–1960.» Contemporary British History (Sep 2016) 30#3 pp. 432–433.
- Blogg, Martin. Dance and the Christian Faith: A Form of Knowing, The Lutterworth Press (2011), ISBN 978-0-7188-9249-4
- Carter, A. (1998) The Routledge Dance Studies Reader. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-16447-8.
- Cohen, S, J. (1992) Dance As a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present. Princeton Book Co. ISBN 0-87127-173-7.
- Daly, A. (2002) Critical Gestures: Writings on Dance and Culture. Wesleyan University Press. ISBN 0-8195-6566-0.
- Miller, James, L. (1986) Measures of Wisdom: The Cosmic Dance in Classical and Christian Antiquity, University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-2553-6.
External links[edit]
- Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Dance» . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Historic illustrations of dancing from 3300 BC to 1911 AD from Project Gutenberg
- United States National Museum of Dance and Hall of Fame
- Top Definitions
- Synonyms
- Quiz
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- Examples
- British
- Idioms And Phrases
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
[ dans, dahns ]
/ dæns, dɑns /
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.
verb (used without object), danced, danc·ing.
to move one’s feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music.
to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly: to dance with joy.
to bob up and down: The toy sailboats danced on the pond.
verb (used with object), danced, danc·ing.
to perform or take part in (a dance): to dance a waltz.
to cause to dance: He danced her around the ballroom.
to cause to be in a specified condition by dancing: She danced her way to stardom.
a successive group of rhythmical steps or bodily motions, or both, usually executed to music.
an act or round of dancing; set: May I have this dance?
the art of dancing: to study dance.
a social gathering or party for dancing; ball: Was he invited to the dance?
a piece of music suited in rhythm or style to a particular form of dancing: He liked the composer’s country dances.
Animal Behavior. a stylized pattern of movements performed by an animal, as a bird in courtship display, or an insect, as a honeybee in indicating a source of nectar.
the dance, ballet, interpretive dancing, and other dancing of an artistic nature performed by professional dancers before an audience.
There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?
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Idioms about dance
dance on air, Slang. to be hanged.
dance to another tune, to change one’s behavior, attitudes, etc.
Origin of dance
1250–1300; (v.) Middle English da(u)ncen<Anglo-French dancer, dauncer,Old French dancier, perhaps <Old High German *dansjan to lead (someone) to a dance; (noun) Middle English da(u)nce<Anglo-French; Old French dance, derivative of dancier
danc·ing·ly, adverban·ti·danc·ing, adjectiveoutdance, verb (used with object), out·danced, out·danc·ing.un·danc·ing, adjective
well-danced, adjective
Words nearby dance
danazol, dan buoy, danburite, Danbury, Danby, dance, danceable, dance attendance on, dance band, dance card, dance drama Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to dance
disco, samba, tango, waltz, prom, boogie, conga, foxtrot, frolic, hop, hustle, jig, jitter, jitterbug, jive, jump, leap, one-step, promenade, rhumba
How to use dance in a sentence
This “ordered dance” of electrons could give rise to the fast radio burst by converting the energy of the electrons’ movement into radio waves, Metzger says.
Cycling, high-intensity interval training, yoga, and dance are among the weekly workouts.
Whether your kid likes hip-hop, Zumba, or just bopping around the living room to some Disney tunes, there’s an online dance class that will get them sweating.
Never mind that its primary content is teenage dance videos.
Most viewers never notice the gorilla — even when it stops to do a funny dance.
Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance is a different sound for you.
Twelve-year-old dance prodigy Maddie Ziegler has suffered the wrath of Dance Moms tyrant Abby Lee Miller.
And with the dance sequence, we wanted something very physical.
“My dance instructor always says she earns most of her income from private teaching,” says Monir.
Even for Arabic dance no one wears a long dress, just a scarf around the hips.
The moon seemed to smile on him; the aurora appeared to dance with unwonted vigour, as if in glee; the very stars winked at him!
Dance-giving mammas were anxious to secure the success of their entertainments by obtaining the presence of «lovely Mrs. Haggard.»
Aristide picked it up and began to dance and shake his fist at the invisible police.
The first curtsey I remember receiving, except of course in the stately ceremonies of the dance.
But you, so formed to shine—to eclipse all others—do you never dance, seorita?
British Dictionary definitions for dance
(intr) to move the feet and body rhythmically, esp in time to music
(tr) to perform (a particular dance)
(intr) to skip or leap, as in joy, etc
to move or cause to move in a light rhythmic way
dance attendance on someone to attend someone solicitously or obsequiously
a series of rhythmic steps and movements, usually in time to musicRelated adjective: Terpsichorean
an act of dancing
- a social meeting arranged for dancing; ball
- (as modifier)a dance hall
a piece of music in the rhythm of a particular dance form, such as a waltz
dancelike movements made by some insects and birds, esp as part of a behaviour pattern
lead someone a dance British informal to cause someone continued worry and exasperation; play up
Derived forms of dance
danceable, adjectivedancer, noundancing, noun, adjective
Word Origin for dance
C13: from Old French dancier
Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with dance
In addition to the idioms beginning with dance
- dance attendance on
- dance to another tune
also see:
- lead a chase (dance)
- song and dance
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
He never learned how to dance.
She has always loved to dance.
I like the song but it’s really hard to dance to.
He danced her across the floor.
She dances with a famous ballet company.
She’s a great actress, and she can dance and sing, too.
They can do all the popular dances.
The only dance he knows how to do is the twist.
How about one more dance?
He stopped right in the middle of the dance to tie his shoe.
He did a celebration dance in the end zone after scoring the touchdown.
She studied dance in college.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
The centers grew their own eyes and began to dance around each other — a Fujiwhara Effect unfolding over Monterey Bay.
—Gerry Díaz, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Mar. 2023
Her Germany is not their Germany, and dance, like history, is nontransferrable.
—Jennifer Homans, The New Yorker, 20 Mar. 2023
Most of us dance around those situations, preferring to let conflicts linger or use microaggressions to let off steam.
—Sabine Gromer, Forbes, 17 Mar. 2023
With this in mind, Iroanya has learned to dance with patience over the years.
—Kayla Greaves, ELLE, 17 Mar. 2023
The birds also dance to pop music, displaying unique moves that aren’t copied from other birds or even their human owners.
—Brian Handwerk, Smithsonian Magazine, 16 Mar. 2023
Get ready to sniff, eat, and dance at this family-friendly party.
—Lindsay Tigar, Better Homes & Gardens, 16 Mar. 2023
Taylor Swift’s return to Arizona will be celebrated with Glendale’s name change, drag brunches and festivities across Phoenix where Swifties can sing and dance along to 12 albums’ worth of songs.
—Kimi Robinson, The Arizona Republic, 15 Mar. 2023
Sunday the Tigers won the AAC tournament over top-seed Houston and Penny Hardaway’s men dance again.
—Scott Springer, The Enquirer, 13 Mar. 2023
To celebrate the news, Smith took to their social media to share a compilation video of the song’s success, showing off behind-the-scenes clips from the shoot of the music video, as well as viral dance challenges, beauty tutorials and covers of the track from TikTok.
—Stephen Daw, Billboard, 4 Apr. 2023
Nope, sorry—I’m off to my dance-cardio sweat sesh.
—Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 4 Apr. 2023
California outlaw-country singer Jaime Wyatt and Indiana songwriter Stephen Wilson Jr. are also on the boat, along with dance sets by the DJ Disko Cowboy and live recordings of Barstool Sports’ Bussin’ with the Boys podcast with former Tennessee Titans Taylor Lewan and Will Compton.
—Joseph Hudak, Rolling Stone, 4 Apr. 2023
The husband, pushed by his conservative, patriarchal family to get a job, becomes a backing dancer at an erotic dance theater and falls in love with the trans woman leading the troupe.
—Thomas Page, Cnn, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023
The female prairie chickens, watching from afar, will choose who has the best call and smartest dance.
—Elena Bruess, San Antonio Express-News, 4 Apr. 2023
Shirlynn Hight, a competitive cheer and dance coach, has been named the first head coach for the sport and plans to recruit 20 or more athletes.
—Tinasha Lewis, al, 4 Apr. 2023
Kids can learn different dance techniques and styles like tap and step.
—Chandra Fleming, Detroit Free Press, 4 Apr. 2023
The matching single-breasted vest also has two pockets, while the pants have dramatically flared hems that proved great for dance maneuvers.
—Demetrius Simms, Robb Report, 3 Apr. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘dance.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Defenition of the word dance
- To move with rhythmic steps or movements, especially in time to music.
- A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction.
- an artistic form of nonverbal communication
- a party of people assembled for dancing
- move in a graceful and rhythmical way
- skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways; «Dancing flames»; «The children danced with joy»
- move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance
- taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
- a party for social dancing
- move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; «My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio»
- move in a graceful and rhythmical way; «The young girl danced into the room»
- skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways
Synonyms for the word dance
- dancing
- terpsichore
- trip the light fantastic
Hyponyms for the word dance
- adagio
- ball
- barn dance
- bebop
- belly dance
- boogie
- bop
- break
- break dance
- break dancing
- break-dance
- bump
- cakewalk
- capriole
- ceremonial dance
- cha-cha
- charleston
- chasse
- choreography
- clog
- conga
- contra danse
- contradance
- contredanse
- country-dance
- courante
- disco
- duet
- extension
- folk dance
- formal
- foxtrot
- glissade
- grind
- heel
- hoof
- hoofing
- hop
- jig
- jitterbug
- jive
- kick
- mambo
- mosh
- nauch
- nautch
- nautch dance
- one-step
- pas de deux
- pas de quatre
- pas de trois
- pas seul
- pavan
- pavane
- phrase
- polka
- quickstep
- rave
- record hop
- rhumba
- ritual dance
- ritual dancing
- rumba
- samba
- saraband
- sashay
- shag
- shimmy
- skank
- slam
- slam dance
- slam dancing
- social dancing
- square dance
- stage dancing
- step dancing
- tango
- tap
- tap dance
- tapdance
- thrash
- toe dance
- toe dancing
- twist
- two-step
- variation
- waltz
- waltz around
Hypernyms for the word dance
- art
- diversion
- fine art
- move
- party
- performing arts
- recreation
- surname
See other words
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- Literal and figurative meaning of the word cutter
- The origin of the word dance floor
- Synonym for the word dark space
- Antonyms for the word darmstadtium
- Homonyms for the word dart
- Hyponyms for the word dartboard
- Holonyms for the word dash
- Hypernyms for the word datestamp
- Proverbs and sayings for the word datum line
- Translation of the word in other languages dawn
танцевать, плясать, приплясывать, скакать, танец, пляска, бал, танцевальный вечер, тур
глагол ↓
- танцевать; плясать; отплясывать
to dance to (the) music — танцевать под музыку
to dance off one’s head — танцевать до потери сознания /до изнеможения/
to dance a waltz [a jig] — танцевать вальс [отплясывать джигу]
- заставлять танцевать, плясать
to dance a bear — заставить медведя плясать
to dance smb. off his legs — замучить своего партнёра танцами, «затанцевать» кого-л.
- плясать, прыгать, скакать (тж. dance about, dance up, dance down)
to dance for joy — плясать от радости
to dance (up and down) with rage [with pain] — метаться от ярости [от боли]
- двигаться, кружиться, виться
to dance on the waves — качаться на волнах (о лодке)
to dance in the wind — кружиться на ветру (о листьях, хлопьях снега и т. п.)
motes danced in the sunbeam — в солнечном луче плясали пылинки
shadows danced on the grass — по траве скользили тени
his heart danced in his bosom — сердце прыгало у него в груди
- качать
to dance a child on one’s knee — качать ребёнка на колене
- добиться (чего-л.)
to dance oneself into smb.’s favour — добиться чьей-л. благосклонности, втереться в чьё-л. доверие
- потерять (что-л.; обыкн. dance away)
he danced away his chance — он упустил /проморгал/ (блестящую) возможность
to dance to /after/ smb.’s pipe /piping, whistle/, to dance to smb.’s tune — плясать под чью-л. дудку
to dance to a different /another/ tune — запеть другое
to dance upon nothing, to dance the Tyburn jig — уст. быть повешенным
to dance on a volcano — плясать на кратере вулкана; ≅ играть с огнём
to dance barefoot — уст. остаться старой девой (о старшей сестре после замужества младшей)
существительное ↓
- танец; пляска
barn dance — шотландский танец
round dance — вальс
a stage dance — сценический танец
sword dance — танец с мечами, танец с саблями
dance program — программа танцев
dance step — па в танце
- танцевальная музыка
to compose dances — сочинять танцевальную музыку
- бал, танцевальный вечер
to give a dance — устроить танцевальный вечер
- тур, танец
may I have the next dance with you? — позвольте пригласить вас на следующий танец
- уст. действия, линия поведения; игра
St. Vitus’s dance — мед. пляска святого Витта
Dance of death, dance of Macabre — пляска смерти
dance upon nothing — казнь через повешение; виселица
to begin /to lead/ the dance — играть главную роль; брать на себя инициативу; быть заводилой
to lead smb. a (pretty) dance — а) ≅ водить кого-л. за нос; мучить, манежить кого-л.; б) бесцельно таскать кого-л. за собой
Мои примеры
a high school dance party — танцевальный вечер в средней школе
bashful boys asking girls to dance — застенчивые парни, приглашающие девушек на танец
the marriage of music and dance — сочетание музыки и танца
to dance a waltz — танцевать вальс
to dance in the air — кружиться в воздухе
dance music — танцевальная музыка
to dance / do a jig — танцевать джигу
to dance low — танцевать, приподнимая ноги только чуть-чуть
dance orchestra — эстрадный оркестр
peppy dance rhythm — энергичный танцевальный ритм
to dance to the rhythm of drums — танцевать под барабаны
dance studio — танцевальная студия
Примеры с переводом
Shall we dance?
They met at a dance.
Они познакомились на танцах.
He asked her to dance.
Он пригласил её на танец.
Dance is an art.
Танец – это вид искусства.
Come on, let’s dance.
Ну же, давайте танцевать.
Is this dance spoken for?
Этот танец уже кому-нибудь обещан?
Let’s have another dance.
Давайте станцуем ещё раз.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
He danced her across the floor.
They learned to dance the mambo.
I’m too puffed to dance any more.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
dancer — танцор, танцовщица, танцовщик, балерина, танцующий
dancing — танцы, пляска, прыганье стрелки прибора, танцевальный
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: dance
he/she/it: dances
ing ф. (present participle): dancing
2-я ф. (past tense): danced
3-я ф. (past participle): danced
ед. ч.(singular): dance
мн. ч.(plural): dances
Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:4.0 / 2 votes
an artistic form of nonverbal communication
a party of people assembled for dancing
dancing, dance, terpsichore, saltationnoun
taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
a party for social dancing
move in a graceful and rhythmical way
«The young girl danced into the room»
dance, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toeverb
move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance
«My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio»
skip, leap, or move up and down or sideways
«Dancing flames»; «The children danced with joy»
WiktionaryRate this definition:2.5 / 4 votes
A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction.
A social gathering where dancing is designed to take place.
A fess that has been modified to zig-zag across the center of a coat of arms from dexter to sinister.
A genre of modern music characterised by sampled beats, repetitive rhythms and few lyrics.
The art, profession, and study of dancing.
To move with rhythmic steps or movements, especially in time to music.
I danced with her all night long.
To leap or move lightly and rapidly.
To perform the steps to.
Have you ever danced the tango?
Etymology: daunsen, from dancer (compare dancier), from (compare danson), from (compare Old Dutch þinsan, Old High German dinsan, 03380339033D03430330033D, from þansōnan, from þinsanan, from ten-s. See thin.
Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A motion of one or many in concert, regulated by musick.
Etymology: from the verb.
Our dance of custom, round about the oak of Herne the hunter.
William Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor.The honourablest part of talk is to give the occasion, and again to moderate and pass to somewhat else; for then a man leads the dance.
Francis Bacon, Essay 33.But you perhaps expect a modish feast,
With am’rous songs and wanton dances grac’d.
John Dryden, Juv. -
To Danceverb
1. To make to dance; to put into a lively motion.
Thy grandsire lov’d thee well;
Many a time he danc’d thee on his knee.
William Shakespeare, Tit. Andron.That I see thee here,
Thou noble thing! more dances my rapt’ heart,
Than when I first my wedded mistress saw
Bestride my threshold.
William Shakespeare, Coriolanus.In pestilences the malignity of the infecting vapour danceth the principal spirits.
Francis Bacon, Natural History, №. 333. -
To DANCEverb
Etymology: danser, Fr. dançar, Span. as some think from tanza, Arabick, a dance; as Franciscus Junius, who loves to derive from Greek, thinks, from δόνησις.
1. To move in measure; to move with steps correspondent to the sound of instruments.
What say you to young Mr. Fenton? He capers, he dances, he has eyes of youth, he writes verses.
William Shakespeare, Mer. W. of Winds.
WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
Dance is a sport form consisting of sequences of movement with aesthetic and often symbolic value, either improvised or purposefully selected. Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period or place of origin.An important distinction is to be drawn between the contexts of theatrical and participatory dance, although these two categories are not always completely separate; both may have special functions, whether social, ceremonial, competitive, erotic, martial, or sacred/liturgical. Other forms of human movement are sometimes said to have a dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, synchronized swimming, marching bands, and many other forms of athletics. Dance is not solely restricted to performance, though, as dance is used as a form of exercise and occasionally training for other sports and activities. Dance itself has also become a sport for some, with dancing competitions found across the world exhibiting various different styles and standards.
Dance requires an equal amount of cognitive focus as well as physical strength. The demanding yet evolving art-form allows individuals to express themselves creatively through movement, while enabling them to adapt movement that possesses a rhythmical pattern and fluid motions that allure to an audience either onstage or on film. Dance is considered to be a very aesthetically pleasing art-form.
Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
to move with measured steps, or to a musical accompaniment; to go through, either alone or in company with others, with a regulated succession of movements, (commonly) to the sound of music; to trip or leap rhythmically
to move nimbly or merrily; to express pleasure by motion; to caper; to frisk; to skip about
to cause to dance, or move nimbly or merrily about, or up and down; to dandle
the leaping, tripping, or measured stepping of one who dances; an amusement, in which the movements of the persons are regulated by art, in figures and in accord with music
a tune by which dancing is regulated, as the minuet, the waltz, the cotillon, etc
Etymology: [F. danser, fr. OHG. dansn to draw; akin to dinsan to draw, Goth. apinsan, and prob. from the same root (meaning to stretch) as E. thin. See Thin.]
FreebaseRate this definition:4.7 / 9 votes
Dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic and to music. It is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expression, social interaction, or exercise, in a spiritual or performance setting, and is sometimes used to express ideas or tell a story. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans or other animals, as in bee dances and behaviour patterns such as a mating dances.
Definitions of what constitutes dance can depend on social and cultural norms and aesthetic, artistic and moral sensibilities. Definitions may range from functional movement to virtuoso techniques such as ballet. Martial arts kata are often compared to dances, and sports such as gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming are generally thought to incorporate dance.
There are many styles and genres of dance. African dance is interpretative. Ballet, ballroom and tango are classical dance styles. Square dance and electric slide are forms of step dance, and breakdancing is a type of street dance. Dance can be participatory, social, or performed for an audience. It can also be ceremonial, competitive or erotic. Dance movements may be without significance in themselves, as in ballet or European folk dance, or have a gestural vocabulary or symbolic meaning as in some Asian dances.
Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
dans, v.i. to move with measured steps to music: to spring.—v.t. to make to dance or jump.—n. the movement of one or more persons with measured steps to music: the tune to which dancing is performed.—ns. Dance′-mū′sic, music specially arranged for accompanying dancing; Danc′er, one who practises dancing; Danc′ing, the act or art of moving in the dance; Danc′ing-girl, a professional dancer; Danc′ing-mas′ter, a teacher of dancing.—Dance a bear (obs.), to exhibit a performing bear; Dance attendance, to wait obsequiously; Dance of death, a series of allegorical paintings symbolising the universal power of death, represented as a skeleton; Dance upon nothing, to be hanged.—Lead a person a dance, to set him on an undertaking under false hopes: to delude.—Merry dancers, the aurora. [O. Fr. danser, from Teut.; Old High Ger. danson, to draw along.]
The Foolish Dictionary, by Gideon WurdzRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
A brisk, physical exercise, invented by St. Vitus.
Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
To move our body to the rhythm of music.
We love to dance to our favourite music.
Submitted by MaryC on March 1, 2020
Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Dance is ranked #11073 in terms of the most common surnames in America.
The Dance surname appeared 2,869 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 1 would have the surname Dance.
65.8% or 1,889 total occurrences were White.
26% or 747 total occurrences were Black.
3.2% or 93 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
2.2% or 63 total occurrences were of two or more races.
1.4% or 42 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
1.2% or 35 total occurrences were Asian.
Matched Categories
- Art
- Diversion
- Move
- Party
- Performing Arts
British National Corpus
Spoken Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘dance’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #3378
Written Corpus Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘dance’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #3034
Nouns Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘dance’ in Nouns Frequency: #1241
Verbs Frequency
Rank popularity for the word ‘dance’ in Verbs Frequency: #505
How to pronounce dance?
How to say dance in sign language?
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of dance in Chaldean Numerology is: 9
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of dance in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9
Examples of dance in a Sentence
Sara Greene:
She was beautiful, alive and vibrant, and she really loved to dance, that was her passion. That was how wet met several years ago, before she moved here, next door.
Michelle Starkey:
I don’t always feel pretty and I don’t always get to dress up, so that was really fun to go and get dressed up, i got meet some new friends who danced with me in my wheelchair on the dance floor.
Vikki Steele:
I was so scared I would never be able to dance or do cheerleading in the future.
Jennifer Lopez:
We have six f—ing minutes. We have 30 seconds of a song, and if we take a minute, that’s it, we’ve got five left, but, there’s got to be certain songs that we sing, though. We have to have our singing moments. It’s not going to be a dance f—ing revue. We have to sing our message.
Lee Temple:
Texas dance halls are becoming a very good investment because there are fewer and fewer of them.
Popularity rank by frequency of use
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From my debut until now, I’ve always wanted to sing and dance.
Namie Amuro
From Old French dancier.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.
Dance is a verb and can also act as a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.
See the conjugation of the verb dance in English.
Dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic and to music. It is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expression, social interaction, or exercise, in a spiritual or performance setting, and is sometimes used to express ideas or tell a story. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans or other animals, as in bee dances and behaviour patterns such as a mating dances. Definitions of what constitutes dance can depend on social and cultural norms and aesthetic, artistic and moral sensibilities. Definitions may range from functional movement to virtuoso techniques such as ballet. Martial arts kata are often compared to dances, and sports such as gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming are generally thought to incorporate dance. There are many styles and genres of dance. African dance is interpretative. Ballet, ballroom and tango are classical dance styles. Square dance and electric slide are forms of step dance, and breakdancing is a type of street dance. Dance can be participatory, social, or performed for an audience. It can also be ceremonial, competitive or erotic.
Definition of dance in the English dictionary
The first definition of dance in the dictionary is to move the feet and body rhythmically, esp in time to music. Other definition of dance is to perform. Dance is also to skip or leap, as in joy, etc.
I dance
you dance
he/she/it dances
we dance
you dance
they dance
Present continuous
I am dancing
you are dancing
he/she/it is dancing
we are dancing
you are dancing
they are dancing
Present perfect
I have danced
you have danced
he/she/it has danced
we have danced
you have danced
they have danced
Present perfect continuous
I have been dancing
you have been dancing
he/she/it has been dancing
we have been dancing
you have been dancing
they have been dancing
Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.
I danced
you danced
he/she/it danced
we danced
you danced
they danced
Past continuous
I was dancing
you were dancing
he/she/it was dancing
we were dancing
you were dancing
they were dancing
Past perfect
I had danced
you had danced
he/she/it had danced
we had danced
you had danced
they had danced
Past perfect continuous
I had been dancing
you had been dancing
he/she/it had been dancing
we had been dancing
you had been dancing
they had been dancing
Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,
I will dance
you will dance
he/she/it will dance
we will dance
you will dance
they will dance
Future continuous
I will be dancing
you will be dancing
he/she/it will be dancing
we will be dancing
you will be dancing
they will be dancing
Future perfect
I will have danced
you will have danced
he/she/it will have danced
we will have danced
you will have danced
they will have danced
Future perfect continuous
I will have been dancing
you will have been dancing
he/she/it will have been dancing
we will have been dancing
you will have been dancing
they will have been dancing
The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.
I would dance
you would dance
he/she/it would dance
we would dance
you would dance
they would dance
Conditional continuous
I would be dancing
you would be dancing
he/she/it would be dancing
we would be dancing
you would be dancing
they would be dancing
Conditional perfect
I would have dance
you would have dance
he/she/it would have dance
we would have dance
you would have dance
they would have dance
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been dancing
you would have been dancing
he/she/it would have been dancing
we would have been dancing
you would have been dancing
they would have been dancing
Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.
you dance
we let´s dance
you dance
The imperative is used to form commands or requests.
Present Participle
Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.
Synonyms and antonyms of dance in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «dance» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «dance» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of dance to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of dance from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «dance» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
sự nhảy múa
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of dance
The term «dance» is very widely used and occupies the 1.695 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «dance» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of dance
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «dance».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «dance» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «dance» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about dance
Famous quotes and sentences with the word dance.
The first dance performance I saw was Joffrey Ballet doing ‘Billboards’ to Prince.
My first vocation was dance.
From my debut until now, I’ve always wanted to sing and dance.
Tim Tebow cannot dance, I know that. Tebow can do a lot of things, but he can not dance.
If you want to make people dance, you need to follow certain rules. Build-ups and breaks and stuff. I like to be free. On top of it all, I never really felt that I’m good at making fat-sounding dance tracks.
I started taking ballet lessons when I was three and a half and I still take dance classes.
We had something to say. Whenever we played, people didn’t dance, they listened.
People know that they’re going to see something which is entertaining but challenging as well because of the form it’s in. It’s dance theatre and it requires you to use your imagination — it’s not straight forward.
I do take class because I still dance, and yes, I do slip into class with the Royal Ballet from time to time.
For me, it’s like biking around the neighborhood, the walks and stuff, because I have never enjoyed the gym. Or I’ll do, since I used to dance a lot, all the old dance exercises.
Discover the use of dance in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to dance and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
The book culminates with a 20-minute, full-body workout routine designed to help you warm up, condition, and refine your dance technique.
Dancer from the Dance: A Novel
One of the most important works of gay literature, this haunting, brilliant novel is a seriocomic remembrance of things past — and still poignantly present.
Introduces basic concepts of dance through poetic text and photographs.
Bill T. Jones, Susan Kuklin, 1998
Dance: Rituals of Experience
This book presents a powerful view of the history of dance, contrasting its role in Western civilization with its significance in other cultures.
Whimsical, magical Yok-Yok delights readers as he tries to save a peaceful village from squabbling, jaw-snapping, hungry Monsters in a story filled with exotic, beautiful illustrations and musical language perfect for reading aloud. IP.
Dance: A Creative Art Experience
Outlines the importance of dance as an expression of self-awareness and well-being
Margaret N. H’Doubler, 1998
Jazz Dance: The Story of American Vernacular Dance
The Story of American Vernacular Dance
Marshall Winslow Stearns, Jean Stearns, 1968
In Dance Composition, renowned dance educator Jacqueline M. Smith-Autard provides an accessible and practical guide to creative success in dance making.
Jacqueline Mary Smith-Autard, 2000
The Oxford Dictionary of Dance
This comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary provides all the information necessary for dance fans to navigate the diverse dance scene of the 21st century.
Debra Craine, Judith Mackrell, 2010
Dance Composition: A Practical Guide to Creative Success in …
Jacqueline M. Smith-Autard, 2010
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term dance is used in the context of the following news items.
Young performers tap into their passion at DANCE This
STG’s annual youth dance showcase spotlights young talent from all over … of local teens and preteens as part of “DANCE This” at the Moore. «The Seattle Times, Jul 15»
Varun Dhawan’s special performance on ‘Dance +’ premiere
According to a source, Varun, who looks up to Remo owing to their dance connect, agreed on his request to appear as a special guest on … «The Indian Express, Jul 15»
Chance to join Doncaster theatre’s dance teams
As part of the celebrations for Dancehall, in a rainbow eruption of powder and dance The Colour of Time brings a stunning reinvention of the … «The Star, Jul 15»
Kid captivates pool-goers with dance to «Cuban Pete,» on The Feed!
Some of the latest and greatest viral videos include a boy tearing up the pool deck with a lip-sync and dance routine, plus a GoPro strapped to … «CBS News, Jul 15»
ArtsBeat | Lincoln Center Announces Dance-Film Lineup
More dance is coming to a theater near you: Lincoln Center announced Tuesday that this fall’s Great American Dance cinema series would … «New York Times, Jul 15»
We’ve Decided to ‘Dance Our Way Through Cancer!’
Though miles apart she was determined to support her big sister the best way she knew how, so she turned on the camera and began to dance … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»
Christi Lukasiak Reveals Why She Didn’t Leave ‘Dance Moms’ Sooner
Christi Lukasiak (right) reveals why she didn’t pull her daughter Chloe Lukasiak (left) off Lifetime’s «Dance Moms» sooner. Here, they’re pictured … «International Business Times, Jul 15»
Program lets Parkinson’s patients dance if they want to
In a collaboration between the Department of Physical Therapy and the Department of Modern Dance, Parkinson’s disease patients participate … «Deseret News, Jul 15»
Flood of tributes for talented Stockport dance teacher who died in …
Tributes have been paid to an ‘inspirational’ teenage dance teacher at Stockport Academy who was tragically killed in a motorbike accident. «Manchester Evening News, Jul 15»
Houston Ballet dancer ignites ‘So You Think You Can Dance‘
Houston Ballet dancer ignites ‘So You Think You Can Dance‘. Jim Nowakowski leads the pack into Season 12. By Molly Glentzer … «, Jul 15»
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