Meaning of the word creative

Indeed, this view is borne out by the way in which companies and markets reward inventors, designers and «creatives».

Creative children are often learning and thinking when they appear to be playing around, often in manipulative or exploratory activities.

Inspiring starting points are vital in any creative activity.

The sections on listening and performance in particular reinforce the creative cognitive engagement that occurs during those activities.

What is most important is to keep the creative spark alight.

In this view, eminently creative people employ cognitive processes that are radically different from those used by most individuals in everyday problem solving.

The energy helps in the creative side: yessss!

The resulting effects were to be treated as creative material that could be incorporated into one or more variations, and not as ends in themselves.

The creative composing teachers produce far more independent thinking from their students, even students of a generally lower academic ability.

A third, more challenging, prospect would be the creation of a new model of assessment of creative music making.

The concatenation of these conditions is present when children are engaged in effective creative problem solving, imaginative and stimulating activities.

Far from providing a genuine opportunity to be musically creative, this type of activity restricts the students to arriving at the correct answer.

Such creative productions seem unlikely if inflections were associated only with specific verbs.

There is greater tolerance for diversity in creative writing as license is given for literary purposes.

The creative intellectual ingredient to physical reproduction is entirely cost free.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ kree-ey-tiv ]

/ kriˈeɪ tɪv /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


having the power to bring something new into being, as a creature, or to evolve something original from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or invention:Research supports the claim that children are most creative in the early grades, before middle school.In the mythologies of the earliest human societies, the predominant ideas about which sex was more important in reproduction may have determined the sex assigned to the universal creative force.

resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing.

originative; productive (usually followed by of):Marx believed that labor alone was creative of value, not property ownership.

Facetious. using or creating exaggerated or skewed data, information, etc.: creative bookkeeping.


the people who design and produce artwork, video, copy, etc., for a business, typically in service of advertising and other aspects of marketing: Creative really hit this one out of the park—we’ve doubled our conversion rate almost overnight.

material made for advertising and other aspects of marketing, as a billboard, video ad, or web page design, or the activity of designing and producing it: In our latest campaign for a luxury services client, we used an AI platform to fine-tune creative based on user behavior.

a person who is an artist, writer, designer, etc., typically one employed by a business to work in advertising or other aspects of marketing:You’ll have to hire at least one new senior-level creative to keep up with the client’s expansion plans.



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Origin of creative

First recorded in 1670–80; create + -ive


cre·a·tive·ly, adverbcre·a·tive·ness, nounan·ti·cre·a·tive, adjectivean·ti·cre·a·tive·ly, adverb

an·ti·cre·a·tive·ness, nounnon·cre·a·tive, adjectivenon·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbnon·cre·a·tive·ness, nounsub·cre·a·tive, adjectivesub·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbsub·cre·a·tive·ness, nounun·cre·a·tive, adjectiveun·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbun·cre·a·tive·ness, noun

Words nearby creative

creatine phosphate, creatinine, creation, creationism, creation science, creative, Creative Commons, creative imagination, creative tension, creativity, creator Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to creative

gifted, ingenious, innovative, inventive, original, productive, prolific, visionary, originative, clever, cool, demiurgic, deviceful, fertile, hip, innovational, inspired, leading-edge, stimulating, way-out

How to use creative in a sentence

  • For six years, our annual Change the World list has been a chronicle of the increasingly creative ways business is tethering profit to purpose.

  • We had become increasingly effective and decreasingly creative.

  • Hubert, who played Aunt Viv for three seasons before being replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid, not only claimed that she had creative differences with Smith but she also alleged she was fired for getting pregnant.

  • Everlane later announced that the Chief Creative Officer Alexandra Spunt, who took much of the criticism, would no longer lead the creative team.

  • TikTok’s power goes beyond its democratized, creative essence.

  • It was his business acumen, his own unflagging zeal for the creative business solution, that had freed Sam to do this.

  • The creative team behind the new My Lai project is working out the details for set design.

  • Despite the acclaim and the viral popularity, the band has never lost that independant creative spirit.

  • It was creative thinking like this that helped it debut at number one on Billboard Top Heatseekers Chart.

  • For the aficionado or the neophyte, Comics is a useful overview of a richly creative period in a burgeoning art.

  • John Baptiste Robinet taught the gradual development of all forms of existence from a single creative cause.

  • Now she roved with free footsteps through the vineyards which sprang up beneath her creative pencil.

  • In its highest degree, imagination rises to the sphere of creative fancy, or poetic power.

  • Tchaikovskys creative talents, which are occasionally apparent in his symphonic works, are completely lacking in The Oprichnik.

  • Show me one of our young artists who can stand like Fudo in the flame of his own creative thought!

British Dictionary definitions for creative


having the ability to create

characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imaginationa creative mind

designed to or tending to stimulate the imaginationcreative toys

characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventionscreative accounting


a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

Derived forms of creative

creatively, adverbcreativeness, nouncreativity, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

If there were, they might understand the term creative destruction and be more concerned about whether it applies to countries in addition to companies. ❋ Glenn Beck (2010)

The term creative capitalism was coined, or at least popularized, by the most successful capitalist in the history of the world. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

The most frustrating thing about the debate Bill Gates has started is that the term creative capitalism is so vague. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

In this discussion the term creative capitalism has been seamlessly replaced by the likes of corporate social responsibility, corporate altruism, corporate charity, and corporate philanthropy. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

Economist Joseph Schumpeter has been credited with popularizing the term «creative destruction,» which was his way to describe capitalism and the manner in which a new idea or technology will replace an established or existing one.

Joseph Schumpeter, the economist who coined the term «creative destruction,» would be proud. ❋ Marc Andreessen (2011)

The term creative writing was coined by Emerson in “The American Scholar” 1837 and was explicitly adopted by Hughes Mearns, a progressive educator who taught at the Lincoln School, the laboratory school of Teachers College, Columbia University, when he introduced the subject of creative writing into the curriculum for the first time. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If you think of the term creative endeavor or creative innovation, does starting a business or new business come to mind? ❋ Unknown (2008)

In his book, The Creative Priority, Hirshberg wrote that «perhaps the most novel and all-encompassing management and interaction process to emerge from prioritizing creativity» was what he called «creative abrasion.» ❋ Joan Michelson (2011)

When he shuts down the avenue in July 2011, to transform it into what he calls a creative atelier, he plans to enjoy » every weekend, » something he cannot afford now because of his professional commitments. ❋ Daniel De La Puente Mart (2010)

[Steve Martin] is a [true] creative. ❋ Nadine Key (2013)

Her [painting] is [beautiful], she’s so creative. ❋ My Name (2004)

«No, because [Jim’s] dog ran away, and we found it in a [movie theater], and there was a movie that was [rated R] so we couldn’t go in so we had to wait and by the time the movie finished we found the dog wasn’t there.» ❋ Opaque (2004)

~ to sing in your high school/coollage choir
~doing a [dance class]
~ creative [writting] {outside of a class([just for fun])} ❋ Citygirl365365 (2011)

Last year I bought the [Creative Zen] Micro. I was psyched. It was $50 less than an [iPod mini], and held one gigabyte of more music. It also had a FM radio and a voice recorder built in, which you had to pay an extra $60 for both on an iPod. But 5 days after my warranty expired, the [headphone jack] was dead and I went online to find out a ton of their mp3 players were defective and weren’t offering to repair them for free. ❋ Damian Said This :-D (2005)

I don’t know why I bothered [hiring] these [creatives]. This logo they designed looks cool, but the deadline for it was three months ago.
([Rolls eyes]). My boss is angry at me for not turning any of my assignments in the last three months. He just doesn’t understand creatives! UGH. ❋ Coolkatz321 (2015)

playing childishly with obvious, known or old information and ideas can produce something new and great. This is creativity. It is the engine of imagination and the [keel] of not just science and art, but all intelligence, [problem solving] and dealing with life in general. Every child is born creative. Its our key challenge to help our kids preserve their creativity into [adulthood]. ❋ Johnisnow (2009)

man, [the radio] sucks, the tv sucks, video games are starting to suck, [my grandma] sucks
can [we die] now? ❋ DIdotFMlover (2005)

Your [son], [Jimmy], is a very, well, …[creative]… boy. ❋ Danny The Girl (2004)

«Stay [Filled] With Creativeation And always Be [Noice]» -Mr. [Dan] ❋ Mr. Creative Dan 10Z9 (2019)

творческий, созидательный


- творческий, созидательный

creative abilities — созидательные, творческие способности
creative power — творческая /созидательная/ сила
creative frustration — творческое бессилие


- амер. разг. творческий работник

Мои примеры


the first step in the creative process — первый шаг в творческом процессе  
a creative and innovative young designer — творческий и передовой молодой дизайнер  
creative personality — творческая личность  
creative imagination — творческое воображение  
creative juices — творческий стимул  
creative climate — творческий климат  
creative development — творческий путь  
creative solution — творческое решение проблемы  
creative teamwork — творческая группа  
creative thinking — творческое мышление  
creative fare — льготный целевой тариф  
creative manner — творческая индивидуальность  

Примеры с переводом

She’s a very creative person.

Она очень творческий человек.

She has a very original and creative mind.

Она обладает очень оригинальным и творческим умом.

Rossetti’s wife and creative muse

жена и творческая муза Россетти

Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.

Гибкость является неотъемлемой частью креативного менеджмента.

I teach creative writing at Trinity College.

Я преподаю литературное творчество в колледже св. Троицы.

You’re so creative! I could never make my own clothes.

Ты такая творческая личность! Я бы никогда не смогла делать свою собственную одежду.

The company must find creative ways to woo new employees.

Компания должна найти творческий путь привлечения новых сотрудников.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Diaghilev did his great creative work in France.

Be creative — allow your imagination to run wild.

She has one of the most creative minds in the business.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

recreative  — развлекающий, забавный, занимательный, освежающий, восстанавливающий силы
creativity  — креативность, творческие способности
creatively  — творчески

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): creative
мн. ч.(plural): creatives



Borrowed from Late Latin creativus, from Latin creō. Equivalent to create +‎ -ive. Displaced native Old English orþanclīċ.


  • IPA(key): /kɹiˈeɪtɪv/
  • Rhymes: -eɪtɪv


creative (comparative more creative, superlative most creative)

  1. Tending to create things, or having the ability to create; often, excellently, in a novel fashion, or any or all of these.

    a creative dramatist who avoids cliche

  2. (of a created thing) Original, expressive and imaginative.

    a creative new solution to an old problem

  3. (set theory) A type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic.

    a creative set

  4. Designed or executed to deceive or mislead.

    creative accounting


The terms below need to be checked and allocated to the definitions (senses) of the headword above. Each term should appear in the sense for which it is appropriate. For synonyms and antonyms you may use the templates {{syn|en|...}} or {{ant|en|...}}.
  • inventive
  • original


  • imitative (tend to model an extant thing)
  • annihilative (tend to make extinct)

Derived terms[edit]

  • creatify
  • creative accounting
  • creative destruction
  • creative differences
  • creative energy
  • creative nonfiction
  • creative sentence, creative sentencing
  • creative set
  • creative spelling
  • creative work
  • creative writing
  • creatively
  • creativeness
  • creativity
  • creativize
  • pre-creative


  • create
  • creation
  • creationism
  • creationist
  • creator


having the ability to create

  • Arabic: خَلَّاق(ḵallāq)
  • Armenian: ստեղծարար (hy) (stełcarar), ստեղծագործ (hy) (stełcagorc), ստեղծագործական (hy) (stełcagorcakan), կրեատիվ (hy) (kreativ)
  • Belarusian: тво́рчы (tvórčy)
  • Bulgarian: творчески (bg) (tvorčeski), съзидателен (bg) (sǎzidatelen)
  • Catalan: creatiu (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Czech: tvořivý
  • Dutch: creatief (nl)
  • Esperanto: krea, kreema
  • Finnish: luova (fi)
  • French: créatif (fr)
  • Galician: creativo
  • Georgian: შემოქმედებითი (šemokmedebiti), კრეატიული (ḳreaṭiuli)
  • German: kreativ (de)
  • Greek: δημιουργικός (el) (dimiourgikós)
  • Hebrew: יצירתי (he) m (yetsiratí)
  • Hungarian: alkotó (hu), kreatív (hu)
  • Icelandic: skapandi
  • Italian: creativo (it)
  • Japanese: 創造的な (sōzōteki na), 独創的 (ja) (dokusōteki na)
  • Khmer: ច្នៃប្រឌិត (cnayprɑɑdɨt)
  • Korean: please add this translation if you can
  • Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Malay: berdaya cipta, kreatif
  • Maori: auaha
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian: skapende
  • Old English: orþanclīċ
  • Polish: twórczy (pl)
  • Portuguese: criativo (pt), criador (pt)
  • Romanian: creativ (ro), creator (ro), inventiv (ro)
  • Russian: созида́тельный (ru) (sozidátelʹnyj), тво́рческий (ru) (tvórčeskij)
  • Spanish: creativo (es)
  • Swedish: kreativ (sv)
  • Tagalog: malikhain
  • Telugu: సృజనాత్మక (sr̥janātmaka)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Turkish: yaratıcı (tr)
  • Ukrainian: тво́рчий (uk) (tvórčyj)
  • Vietnamese: sáng tạo (vi)
  • Welsh: creadigol (cy)

original, expressive, and imaginative

  • Armenian: ստեղծագործական (hy) (stełcagorcakan), կրեատիվ (hy) (kreativ)
  • Belarusian: тво́рчы (tvórčy)
  • Bulgarian: творчески (bg) (tvorčeski)
  • Catalan: creatiu (ca)
  • Czech: tvořivý
  • Dutch: creatief (nl), kunstzinnig (nl)
  • Finnish: luova (fi)
  • French: créatif (fr)
  • Galician: creativo
  • Georgian: შემოქმედებითი (šemokmedebiti), კრეატიული (ḳreaṭiuli), ორიგინალური (originaluri)
  • German: kreativ (de), originell (de)
  • Greek: δημιουργικός (el) (dimiourgikós)
  • Hungarian: ötletes (hu), találékony (hu)
  • Icelandic: skapandi
  • Italian: creativo (it)
  • Japanese: 創造的な (sōzōteki na), 独創的 (ja) (dokusōteki na)
  • Latin: ingeniosus
  • Norwegian: oppfinnsom, kreativ
  • Old English: orþanclīċ
  • Polish: twórczy (pl), kreatywny (pl)
  • Portuguese: criativo (pt)
  • Romanian: creativ (ro)
  • Spanish: creativo (es)
  • Swedish: kreativ (sv)
  • Tagalog: malikhain
  • Telugu: సృజనాత్మక (sr̥janātmaka)
  • Thai: สร้างสรรค์ (th) (sâang-sǎn)
  • Turkish: yaratıcı (tr)
  • Ukrainian: тво́рчий (uk) (tvórčyj)


creative (countable and uncountable, plural creatives)

  1. (countable) A person directly involved in a creative marketing process.

    He is a visionary creative.

  2. (uncountable) Artistic material used in advertising, e.g. photographs, drawings, or video.

    The design team has completed the creative for next month’s multi-part ad campaign.

    I’ve included in my portfolio all the creative I’ve completed in my five year design career.


person directly involved in a creative marketing process

Translations to be checked

  • French: (please verify) créatif (fr) m, (please verify) créative (fr) f
  • Hebrew: (please verify) יוצר (he) m (yotzer), (please verify) יוצרת‎ f (yotzeret) (1)
  • Hungarian: (please verify) alkotó (hu), (please verify) kreatív (hu)
  • Italian: (please verify) creativo (it) m, (please verify) creativa (it) f
  • Korean: (please verify) 창조적인 (changjojeogin)
  • Mandarin: (please verify) 創造性的创造性的 (zh), (please verify) 创造性的 (zh)
  • Norwegian: (please verify) kreativ
  • Spanish: (please verify) creativo (es) m, (please verify) creativa (es) f
  • Swedish: (please verify) kreativ (sv)


  • creative at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • creative in Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary, edited by The Keywords Project, Colin MacCabe, Holly Yanacek, 2018.
  • «creative» in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 82.
  • “creative”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


  • reactive



  • IPA(key): /kre.aˈ
  • Rhymes: -ive
  • Hyphenation: cre‧a‧tì‧ve


creative f pl

  1. feminine plural of creativo


  • createvi, recatevi
  • Defenition of the word creative

    • Having the skill and power of the mind to produce something new, especially a work of art; (an ability of a person)
    • Involving the use of skill and imagination to create something new and unique, such as a work of art.
    • promoting construction or creation; «creative work»
    • having the ability or power to create; «a creative imagination»
    • having the power to bring into being
    • promoting construction or creation
    • having the ability or power to create

Synonyms for the word creative

    • originative

Similar words in the creative

    • constructive
    • fanciful
    • fictive
    • generative
    • imaginative
    • ingenious
    • inventive
    • notional
    • original
    • productive
    • yeasty

Antonyms for the word creative

    • uncreative

Idioms for the word creative

    • creative climate
    • Creative Commons
    • creative development
    • creative solution
    • creative teamwork
    • creative thinking
    • creative work

See other words

    • What is girafa
    • The definition of cooperative
    • The interpretation of the word controvertible
    • What is meant by continental
    • The lexical meaning sapo
    • The dictionary meaning of the word sangue
    • The grammatical meaning of the word roedor
    • Meaning of the word geologia
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word rim
    • The origin of the word creepy
    • Synonym for the word crestfallen
    • Antonyms for the word cretaceous
    • Homonyms for the word crispy
    • Hyponyms for the word crunchy
    • Holonyms for the word setenta
    • Hypernyms for the word cumbersome
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word grua
    • Translation of the word in other languages sobrenome


She’s a very creative person.

She has one of the most creative minds in the business.

They’ve come up with some creative new ways to make money.

a creative solution to a difficult problem

He teaches creative writing at the university.

the first step in the creative process

It turns out that the company’s report of record profits last year was due to some creative accounting.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

How creative will the offense get?

Tom Green |, al, 8 Apr. 2023

The cast also includes Chris Messina as sports agent David Falk, Marlon Wayans as basketball coach George Raveling, Chris Tucker as Howard White, Matthew Maher as creative director Peter Moore, and Arrested Development’s Jason Bateman as Nike chairman Rob Strasser.

Philip Ellis, Men’s Health, 8 Apr. 2023

The other option is to get creative with your Easter basket displays.

Ana Calderone, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

The creative team behind the live-action Disney+ series — that’s still being shot in the British capital and due to stream globally in 2024 — came to the stage to offer details of what was coming, with the crowd at London’s ExCel arena also shown a new logo for the show and a teaser trailer.

Alex Ritman, The Hollywood Reporter, 7 Apr. 2023

As far as renovating to include a bar, Blumenfeld recommends considering the living room space or getting creative in some unexpected places.

Gina Mayfield, Dallas News, 3 Apr. 2023

The blame for that should be shared by the creative team and Belair, who should be improving more as a talker at this stage of her career.

Blake Oestriecher, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

Toppings: This is where kids and adults can get creative with sliced veggies, including mushrooms, peppers, squash, cauliflower, black olives, tomatoes (fresh or sun-dried) and onions (red or white).

Bethany Thayer, Detroit Free Press, 1 Apr. 2023

California Free McLaren or Bentley: Sellers get creative to close deals before ‘mansion tax’ kicks in March 27, 2023 Simonsen said some listing relief could be on the horizon.

Andrew Khouri, Los Angeles Times, 1 Apr. 2023

More than 80 local creatives and makers.

Luann Gibbs, The Enquirer, 9 Apr. 2023

According to a report in Bloomberg, who first reported the news, the goal would be for each season of the show to be based on one of the seven books in the series, allowing the creatives to delve into more detail from the source material.

Lauren Huff,, 4 Apr. 2023

Following the screening will be a conversation with the creatives and cast of the show, which premieres this summer on FX and streams the following day on Hulu.

Kimberly Nordyke, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Apr. 2023

The screening will be followed by a look back with the creatives behind the series.

Charna Flam, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023

Designed in collaboration with nine Latin American creatives and reflective of traditions from across Latin America, ÖMSESIDIG is all about celebrating and socializing, and the compelling products included in the collection are practically guaranteed to bring a jubilant mood into any home.

Lauren Phillips, Better Homes & Gardens, 22 Mar. 2023

The spotlight and top moments of the night belonged to Asian creatives, who took the awards show by storm.

Brahmjot Kaur, NBC News, 13 Mar. 2023

Ultimately, though, that trepidation fades as the freedom given to the creatives translates into games that go on to sell millions of copies.

Chris Morris, Fortune, 27 Feb. 2023

The four-story exhibition includes more than 70 installations, portals, and rooms dreamed up by 300 creatives.

Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 24 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘creative.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.




1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.

2. Productive; creating.

3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.


One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.

cre·a′tive·ly adv.

cre′a·tiv′i·ty (-ĭ-tē), cre·a′tive·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. having the ability to create

2. characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination: a creative mind.

3. designed to or tending to stimulate the imagination: creative toys.

4. characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventions: creative accounting.


5. (Marketing) a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

6. a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

creˈatively adv

creˈativeness n

ˌcreaˈtivity n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kriˈeɪ tɪv)


1. having the quality or power of creating.

2. resulting from originality of thought; imaginative.

3. Facetious. producing deceptive or fraudulent information, etc.: creative bookkeeping.


cre•a′tive•ly, adv.

cre•a′tive•ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. creative — having the ability or power to create; «a creative imagination»

original — being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; «a truly original approach»; «with original music»; «an original mind»

productive — producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); «productive farmland»; «his productive years»; «a productive collaboration»

uncreative — not creative; «an uncreative imagination»

2. creative — promoting construction or creation; «creative work»

constructive — constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development; «constructive criticism»; «a constructive attitude»; «a constructive philosophy»; «constructive permission»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adjective imaginative, gifted, artistic, inventive, original, inspired, clever, productive, fertile, ingenious, visionary Like many creative people, he was never satisfied.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



Characterized by or productive of new things or new ideas:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.







skapandi, frjór







sáng tạo

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



adj [person] → créatif/ive; [mind, imagination] → créateur/trice; [activity, use] → créatif/ive

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[kriːˈeɪtɪv] adjcreativo/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kriˈeit) verb

1. to cause to exist; to make. How was the earth created?; The circus created great excitement.

2. to give (a rank etc to). Sir John was created a knight in 1958.

creˈation noun

1. the act of creating. the creation of the world.

2. something created. The dress designer is showing his latest creations.

creˈative (-tiv) adjective

having or showing the power and imagination to create. a creative dress-designer.

creˈatively adverbcreˈativeness nounˌcreaˈtivity (kriːə-) nouncreˈator noun

a person who creates.

the Creator


Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


إِبْداعيّ tvořivý kreativ kreativ δημιουργικός creativo luova inventif kreativan creativo 創造的な 창조적인 creatief kreativ twórczy criativo творческий kreativ ซึ่งมีความคิดริเริ่ม yaratıcı sáng tạo 创造性的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Do you like to make art? Do you like to write? Would you like to design clothes or buildings? Then you are a creative person.

Creative has to do with new things coming into being: creative is the opposite of destructive. Art class and art schools are good places to be creative. All the artists in a place are known as the «creative community.» But being creative isn’t just about art — to make anything new or come up with any kind of an idea takes creativity and is therefore creative. Whenever you’re making something worthwhile, you’re being creative.

Definitions of creative

  1. adjective

    having the ability or power to create, especially something new or imaginative

    creative imagination”



    fanciful, notional, whimsical

    indulging in or influenced by fancy


    capable of imaginative creation

    imaginative, inventive

    (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action


    exuberantly creative


    being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of


    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)

  2. adjective

    promoting construction or creation

    creative work”



    constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development

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Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

cre•a•tive /kriˈeɪtɪv/USA pronunciation  

  1. having the quality or power of creating:a very creative writer.
  2. resulting from original thought;
    imaginative:gave us some creative suggestions.
  3. Slang Termsproducing intentionally false information, etc.: Creative bookkeeping made his losses profits.

cre•a•tive•ly, adv. 
cre•a•tive•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(krē ātiv),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. having the quality or power of creating.
  2. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.;
    imaginative:creative writing.
  3. originative;
    productive (usually fol. by of ).
  4. Slang Terms[Facetious.]using or creating exaggerated or skewed data, information, etc.:creative bookkeeping.
  • create + —ive 1670–80

cre•ative•ly, adv. 
cre•ative•ness, n. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

creative /kriːˈeɪtɪv/ adj

  1. having the ability to create
  2. characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination: a creative mind
  3. designed to or tending to stimulate the imagination: creative toys
  4. characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventions: creative accounting


  1. a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

creˈatively adv creˈativeness n ˌcreaˈtivity n

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