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How many colours are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of ‘green’? How many rainbows can light create for the untutored eye?
Stan Brakhage
Colours is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.
Color or colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, green and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space, colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates. Because perception of color stems from the varying spectral sensitivity of different types of cone cells in the retina to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they stimulate these cells. These physical or physiological quantifications of color, however, do not fully explain the psychophysical perception of color appearance. The science of color is sometimes called chromatics, chromatography, colorimetry, or simply color science.
Definition of colours in the English dictionary
The first definition of colours in the dictionary is the flag that indicates nationality. Other definition of colours is the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the colours. Colours is also a pair of silk flags borne by a military unit, esp British, comprising the Queen’s Colour showing the unit’s crest, and the Regimental Colour showing the crest and battle honours.
Synonyms and antonyms of colours in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «colours» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «colours» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of colours to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of colours from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «colours» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
màu sắc
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of colours
The term «colours» is very widely used and occupies the 6.845 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «colours» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of colours
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «colours».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «colours» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «colours» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about colours
Famous quotes and sentences with the word colours.
My directors of photography light my films, but the colours of the sets, furnishings, clothes, hairstyles — that’s me. Everything that’s in front of the camera, I bring you.
These mountains appear to be almost entirely composed of stratas of rock of various colours (mostly red) and are partially covered with a dwarfish growth of pine and cedar, which are the only species of timber to be seen.
You go through at least the first two years of Star Trek and you find some amazing stuff. Everything that was going on Gene put into the series. He just put strange costumes on the actors and painted them funny colours and left the same situation in.
I became intrigued with colour theory. The absurd pronouncements of the Colour Institute, a group that decides what colours are hot each year or season, amused me.
Their elegant shape, showy colours, and slow, sailing mode of flight, make them very attractive objects, and their numbers are so great that they form quite a feature in the physiognomy of the forest, compensating for the scarcity of flowers.
My dream is to own a Hockney — I’m a Yorkshireman, and his vibrant colours are a good example of how the north-country people are vibrant and colourful.
Nothing can happen nowhere. The locale of the happening always colours the happening, and often, to a degree, shapes it.
How many colours are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of ‘green’? How many rainbows can light create for the untutored eye?
When I was in pre-production for Trees Lounge, I was hearing the cinematographer talking with the production designer about colours and this and that, and feeling like I was losing control.
There is no glory in war, yet from the blackness of its history, there emerge vivid colours of human character and courage. Those who risked their lives to help their friends.
Discover the use of colours in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to colours and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
Colours: Their Nature and Representation
This book defends the radical thesis that no physical object has any of the colours we experience it as having.
True Colours (Young Reader’s Edition)
The Young Readers’ edition of the bestselling adult non-fiction title Many critics believe Adam Gilchrist is the greatest wicketkeeper/batsman to have played the game, but Adam’s huge popularity does not rest solely on his incredible track …
For over five decades, Ruskin Bond has written charming tales that have mesmerized readers of all ages. This collection brings together his finest stories for children in one volume.
Colours: Activities for 3-5 Year Olds — 2nd Edition
Recognizing, identifying and being able to name colours are essential steps in the early education of all children.
The conclusions Goethe draws here rest entirely upon his personal observations. This volume does not have to be studied to be appreciated.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 2012
Children will be taken on a journey where they will be forced to open their eyes and hearts to discuss important issues. This book will leave the reader feeling happy and cozy inside with a new outlook on life.
How the Birds Got Their Colours: An Aboriginal Story
This book is based on a story told by Mary Albert, of the Bardi people, to Aboriginal children living in Broome, Western Australia. The illustrations are adapted from their paintings of the story.
Other Colours is a collection of immediate relevance and timeless value, ranging from lyrical autobiography to criticism of literature and culture, from humour to political analysis, from delicate evocations of his friendship with his …
Harmonic Colours in Bass: A Musical Approach to Chord and …
Harmonic Colours for Bass is designed add style and dimension to your grooves by providing a combination of technical training and musical examples.
David Gross, Colgan Bryan, 1997
IN THIS BOOK The mysteries and energies of colours — mind and soul. How colour preferences show your character. Colours you choose reported on by psychic Zollo. Changes in colour preference and their meanings.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term colours is used in the context of the following news items.
Psychologist Reveals The 4 Personality Types Based On 4 Colours …
There are four distinct personality types, and each has it’s own colour according to a renowned psychologist. Dr Carol Ritberger is an … «2DayFM, Jul 15»
Demand for natural colours is going global, finds 5000-strong survey
“Colouring Foods are the real natural colours and the study demonstrates that the use of such fruit and vegetable concentrates fits perfectly with … «, Jul 15»
The Social Festival adds Four Tet and No Artificial Colours
No Artificial Colours also make a welcome addition to the Maidstone rave up, the acclaimed duo currently making plenty of noise out of … «, Jul 15»
Gorgeous Me: Finding colours to suit your complexion
As a stylist and woman who’s a long-time friend and fan of black clothing and accessories, I agree that black is a wardrobe staple. «New Zealand Herald, Jul 15»
Wearing Canadian colours with pride
The former national junior women’s 10-metre air pistol champion will get to wear Canadian colours again this summer as she will be competing … «Westman Journal, Jul 15»
Canadians show their colours in Petrolia, Alvinston
Before the fireworks lit up the sky over Petrolia, patriotic residents spent the afternoon in Greenwood Park celebrating Canada Day. Children … «Petrolia Topic, Jul 15»
Natural Colours: Essentials Not Just Options
NEW YORK, July 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Use of colour is vital in giving fmcgs the visual appeal to attract consumers. Natural colours, specifically, are mainly … «PR Newswire, Jul 15»
On India’s Roads, Saffron And Green Are The Colours Of Danger
Now, the Delhi Traffic Police have asked that the colours be restored to yellow and black. The standard colours are provided for a reason — they … «Huffington Post India, Jul 15»
Photos: Team USA fans show their colours in Vancouver
Stars and stripes flood the city Sunday for the Women’s World Cup Final. CLICK HERE to view more photos of Team USA fans, or if you are on … «Vancouver Sun, Jul 15»
Citrus hues serve up ‘sorbet for your eyes’; Fruity colours can perk …
Everybody’s home could benefit from a little extra zest, and bright juicy colours are the ultimate palate cleanser. A taste of lemon yellow, … «Regina Leader-Post, Jul 15»
« EDUCALINGO. Colours [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».
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цвет, колорит, оттенок, цветовой, цветной, окрашивать, красить
существительное ↓
- цвет; тон; оттенок
- краска; красящее вещество, пигмент
to mix colours — смешивать краски
to lay on the colours too thickly — сгущать краски, сильно преувеличивать
- иск. умение пользоваться цветом, колоритом
he is great in colour — он большой мастер цвета, он замечательный колорист
- спец. колер
- цвет лица; румянец
she has very little [too much] colour — она очень бледна [румяна]
she has a fresh colour — у неё свежий цвет лица
the colour rushed into his face — краска залила его лицо
to lose colour — побледнеть
to gain colour — порозоветь
to change colour — измениться в лице (побледнеть или покраснеть)
ещё 17 вариантов
глагол ↓
- красить, окрашивать, раскрашивать
- принимать окраску, окрашиваться
the leaves have begun to colour — листья начали желтеть / или краснеть/
- покраснеть, зардеться (тж. colour up)
the girl coloured (up) — девушка покраснела
- рдеть, поспевать (о плодах, фруктах и т. п.)
- накладывать отпечаток
his experience has coloured his views — его жизненный опыт повлиял на его взгляды /сказался на его взглядах/
- приукрашивать; искажать
his criticisms are clearly coloured by animus — его критика явно недоброжелательна
Мои примеры
colour blindness — цветовая слепота, дальтонизм
to colour the facts — искажать факты
under colour of law — якобы по закону
of uniform colour — одинаковой окраски, равномерно окрашенный
colour edging — цветная окантовка
snuff colour — табачный цвет
colour synthesizer — синтезатор цвета
colour pan — палитра (дощечка для смешивания красок)
false colour — ложный предлог, повод
colour of law — видимость наличия законного права
Примеры с переводом
Do you like this colour?
Тебе нравится этот цвет?
What colour are his eyes?
Какого цвета его глаза?
Cats are not able to perceive colour.
Кошки не способны различать цвета.
This colour will stand.
Эта краска стойкая, не слиняет.
How long have you been colouring?
Вы давно краситесь (красите свои волосы)?
Pink’s a girlie colour!
Розовый — девчачий цвет!
What a revolting colour!
Какой отвратительный цвет!
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
His jacket’s a medium brown colour.
Set the monitor to 256 colour mode.
Paint the walls in a contrasting colour.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
colourable — окрашиваемый, благовидный, правдоподобный
coloured — цветной, в цвете, окрашенный, раскрашенный, смешаной расы, смешанного
colourful — красочный, яркий
colouring — раскраска, окраска, колорит, цвет, красящее вещество, чувство цвета
colourless — бесцветный, бледный
discolour — обесцвечивать, обесцвечиваться, изменять цвет, пачкать, пачкаться
overcolour — сгущать краски, преувеличивать
colours — расцветка, флаг, знамя
colourant — краситель
colourist — колорист, колорист
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: colour
he/she/it: colours
ing ф. (present participle): colouring
2-я ф. (past tense): coloured
3-я ф. (past participle): coloured
ед. ч.(singular): colour
мн. ч.(plural): colours
Meaning of COLOURS in English
n. flag or banner; combination of colors (on a badge, uniform, etc.); personality, character (also colors)
Explanatory English dictionary bed edition.
Толковый словарь английского языка Редакция bed.
From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pigment Colours — Classification {Used in fine arts and drawings and mainly used for physical works}
Colour is a property of light as seen by people. In American English, the name is not «colour» with the «u,» it is «color» without the «u.» While in Commonwealth English, it is «colour» with the «u.»
The following are the most common color names:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Cyan
- Blue
Additive colour mixing {Used in computer screening and graphics and mostly used for digital purposes}
Subtractive colour mixing {Used in computer screening and graphics and mostly used for digital purposes}
- Magenta
- Purple
- White
- Black
- Gray (American English)
- Grey (Commonwealth English)
- Silver
- Pink
- Maroon
- Brown
- Beige
- Tan
- Peach
- Lime
- Olive
- Turquoise
- Teal
- Navy blue
- Indigo
- Violet
«Primary colours» can be mixed to make other colours. Red, yellow, and blue are the three traditional primary colours. The primary colours for television screens and computer monitors are red, green and blue. Printers and paints use magenta, yellow, and cyan as their primary colours; they may also use black. Sometimes this set of colours is simply called red, yellow, and blue.
People who can not see colours or have a distorted sense of colour are called colour-blind. Most colour-blind people are male.
Colours are sometimes added to food. Food colouring is used to colour food, but some foods have natural colourings, like beta carotene.
When something has no colour, it is called transparent. An example is air.
The science of colour is sometimes called chromatics, colourimetry, or simply colour science.
A translucent material is not the same as a colourless material because it can still have a colour, like stained glass.
[change | change source]
- List of colors
References[change | change source]
Web colors (list) |
Pink | Crimson | Red | Maroon | Brown | Misty Rose | Salmon | Coral | Orange-Red | Chocolate | Orange | Gold | Ivory | Yellow | Olive | Yellow-Green | Lawn green | Chartreuse |
Lime | Green | Spring green | Aquamarine | Turquoise | Azure | Aqua/Cyan | Teal | Lavender | Blue | Navy | Blue-Violet | Indigo | Dark Violet | Plum | Magenta | Purple | Red-Violet |
Tan | Beige | Slate gray | Dark Slate Gray | White | White Smoke | Light Gray | Silver | Dark Gray | Gray | Dim Gray | Black | ||||||
Large English-Russian phrasebook > colours
Англо-русский морской словарь > colours
English-Russian big medical dictionary > colours
Politics english-russian dictionary > colours
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Colours
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > colours
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > colours
имя существительное:Англо-русский синонимический словарь > colours
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > colours
English-Russian sports dictionary > colours
расцветка, знамя, флаг* * *
Новый англо-русский словарь > colours
1.1) «цвета́», поощри́тельная награ́да
2) (отличи́тельные) цвета́ шко́лы
English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > colours
English-Russian marine dictionary > colours
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > colours
English-Russian smart dictionary > colours
The English-Russian dictionary of the Pulp and Paper Industry > colours
спортивная форма;
эмблема, цвета спортивной команды;
English-Russian dictionary false friends > colours
colours to the mast
Если вы nail your colours to the mast (показываете свои цвета на поднятом флаге), то это значит, что вы открыто и ясно, не опасаясь последствий, высказываете своё мнение. Сначала эти цвета имели флаг, знамя или штандарт, которые определяли национальную принадлежность боевого корабля. Если флаг был поднят на мачте корабля, это означало, что капитан не собирался сдаваться врагу и был готов сражаться до конца.
The government promised to reduce taxation. Having nailed its colours to the mast, it is under an obligation to do something. — Правительство пообещало уменьшить налоги. Объявив это открыто и определённо, оно обязано выполнить обещание.
English-Russian dictionary of expressions > colours to the mast
colours of the old carpet have given
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > colours of the old carpet have given
colours of thin films
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > colours of thin films
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Colours — Datos Generales Fecha de publicación 2004 Grabado en: 2004 Estilo Rock instrumental Duración … Wikipedia Español
colours — n. same as {colors}. [Brit.] [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Colours — Album par Stone Sortie 30 mai 1990 Enregistrement USA, MCA Records Durée 49min44s Genre Thrash metal … Wikipédia en Français
colours — (Brit.) n. flag or banner; combination of colors (on a badge, uniform, etc.); personality, character (also colors) colour (Brit.) col·our || kÊŒlÉ™ v. add color, distort, falsify (also color) n. shade, tint, hue (also color) adj. using or having … English contemporary dictionary
colours — n. banner, flag 1) to display, show the colours 2) to salute; troop the colours 3) to dip; haul down, strike the colours 4) college; regimental; school colours armed forces 5) to be called to the colours character 6) to show one s colours 7) one… … Combinatory dictionary
Colours TV — This article is about the American TV network. For the Indian TV channel, see Colors (TV channel). Colours TV Colours TV logo Closed July 13, 2011 Owned by Black Star Communications Coun … Wikipedia
colours — Mention of colours is infrequent in both OT and NT. Hebrews were not interested in aesthetics as were Greeks in Athens, and the language was deficient for such expression. However, purple, usually a reddish purple, obtained from shellfish, was… … Dictionary of the Bible
colours — In English folklore, the main significant colours are *black, *white, *red, *green, and to a lesser extent *blue. The ascribed meanings, however, do not form a systematic code, nor are they self consistent; each colour is considered… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Colours (Hot Chip song) — Colours Single by Hot Chip B side Music from Electric and Musical Industries , Take a Gamble , Gang Can Dance , Disguise … Wikipedia
Colours of One — performing at Cardiff University in September, 2011 Background information Origin … Wikipedia
Colours of Ostrava — Location(s) Ostrava, Czech Republic Years active Every year since 2002 Date(s) Second or third weekend in July (4 days) … Wikipedia
Alternative forms[edit]
- color (U.S. spelling)
- (General Australian) IPA(key): /ˈkɐɫɐ/
Homophone: culler
colour (countable and uncountable, plural colours) (British spelling, Canadian spelling)
- Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and UK standard spelling of color.
colour (not comparable)
- Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and UK standard spelling of color.
- colourimeter
colour (third-person singular simple present colours, present participle colouring, simple past and past participle coloured)
- Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and UK standard spelling of color.
Derived terms[edit]
- accidental colour
- anticolour
- baulk colour
- becolour
- bicolour
- brass-colour
- child of colour
- colour bar
- colour charge
- colour code
- colour commentator
- colour coordinate
- colour coordinated
- colour coordination
- colour field painting
- colour force
- colour in
- colour inside the lines
- colour killer
- colour light signal
- colour outside the lines
- colour pencil
- colour proud
- colour retention agent
- colour revolution
- colour scheme
- colour screw
- colour sergeant
- colour space
- colour supplement
- colour symbolism
- colour television
- colour triangle
- colour up
- colour wheel
- colour-blind
- colour-code
- colour-coded
- colour-coordinate
- colour-coordinated
- colour-fast
- colour-proof
- colour-proud
- colourable
- colourant
- colourate
- colourbearer
- colourblind
- colourbound
- colourburst
- colourcast
- colour’d
- coloured
- Coloured
- coloureth
- colourfast
- colourful
- colourfull
- colourific
- colourimeter
- colourimetre
- colourimetric
- colourimetry
- colouring
- colourise
- colouriser
- colourish
- colourism
- colourist
- colourize
- colourizer
- colourless
- colourmaker
- colourman
- colourmap
- colourogenic
- colourologist
- colourology
- colourous
- colourphobe
- colourphobia
- colourphobic
- colourpoint
- colourpuncture
- colourpuncturist
- colours inside the lines
- colours outside the lines
- colourspace
- colourtype
- colourway
- colourwise
- colourwork
- coloury
- colour’d
- complementary colour
- concolour
- decolour
- decoloured
- eye colour
- false colour
- false-colour
- flesh colour
- Flesh Colour
- forecolour
- horse of a different colour
- hyperbolic colour
- in colour
- local colour
- man of colour
- miscolour
- monocolour
- multicolour
- neutral colour
- of colour
- off colour
- off-colour
- overcolour
- pair of colours
- people of colour
- person of colour
- primary colour
- primitive colour
- prismatic colour
- prismatic colours
- pseudocolour
- pseudocolouring
- recolour
- secondary colour
- self colour
- show one’s true colours
- shows one’s true colours
- skin colour
- technicolour
- tertiary colour
- tricolour
- troop the colour
- troop the colours
- troops the colour
- troops the colours
- type colour
- uncolour
- undercolour
- unicolour
- wine colour
- with flying colours
- woman of colour
- courol, ur-cool
Middle English[edit]
Alternative forms[edit]
- colur, color, culur, coler, coloure, kolour
From Anglo-Norman colur, from Latin color.
- IPA(key): /kuˈluːr/, /ˈkulur/
colour (plural colours or coloures)
- colour, hue, shade
- pigment, dye (substance for colouring)
- method (literary or rhetorical)
- justification, explanation (often feigned)
- English: color, colour
- Scots: colour
See also[edit]
whit | grey, hor | blak |
red; cremesyn, gernet | citrine, aumbre; broun, tawne | yelow, dorry; canevas |
grasgrene | grene | |
plunket; ewage | asure, livid | blewe, blo, pers |
violet; inde | rose, murrey; purpel, purpur | claret |
- “cǒlǒur, n.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-03-30.
Old French[edit]
colour f (oblique plural colours, nominative singular colour, nominative plural colours)
- (Anglo-Norman) Alternative form of color
Defenition of the word colour
- An attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths.
- To add color to.
- (photography) «color film»; «he rented a color television»; «in glorious color»; «marvelous color illustrations»
- the timbre of a musical sound; «the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music»
- a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; «white is the coolest summer color»
- add color to
- decorate with colors
- a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
- interest and variety and intensity: «the Puritan Period was lacking in color»
- change color, often in an undesired manner; «The shirts discolored»
- outward or token appearance or form; «he tried to give his actions a semblance of authenticity»; «the situation soon took on a different color»
- the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person»s perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
- an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading; «he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity»; «he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction»; «the situation soon took on a different color»
- a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; «a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light»
- interest and variety and intensity; «the Puritan Period was lacking in color»
- (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction; each flavor of quarks comes in three colors
- any material used for its color; «she used a different color for the trim»
- add color to; «The child colored the drawings»; «Fall colored the trees»; «colorize black and white film»
- affect as in thought or feeling; «My personal feelings color my judgment in this case»; «The sadness tinged his life»
- gloss or excuse; «color a lie»
- decorate with colors; «color the walls with paint in warm tones»
- modify or bias; «His political ideas color his lectures»
- having or capable of producing colors; «color film»; «he rented a color television»; «marvelous color illustrations»
- the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person’s perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
- an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading
- a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
- the timbre of a musical sound
- interest and variety and intensity
- (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction
- any material used for its color
- change color, often in an undesired manner
- affect as in thought or feeling
- give a deceptive explanation or excuse for
- modify or bias
- having or capable of producing colors
Synonyms for the word colour
- color
- color in
- coloring
- colour in
- colouring
- discolor
- discolour
- emblazon
- people of color
- people of colour
- semblance
- vividness
Similar words in the colour
- panchromatic
Hyponyms for the word colour
- achromatic color
- achromatic colour
- aurify
- azure
- black
- blacken
- blackwash
- blanch
- blench
- blotch
- blue
- blush
- bronze
- brown
- burn
- camouflage
- chromatic color
- chromatic colour
- color of law
- coloration
- colour of law
- colouration
- complexion
- crimson
- disguise
- dithered color
- dithered colour
- dye
- dyestuff
- embrown
- empurple
- face value
- flush
- gray
- green
- grey
- guise
- handcolor
- handcolour
- heather
- heather mixture
- hematochrome
- hue
- imbue
- incarnadine
- indicator
- melanise
- melanize
- miniate
- mordant
- motley
- mottle
- nigrify
- nonsolid color
- nonsolid colour
- paint
- pale
- parti-color
- pigment
- pinkify
- polychrome
- polychromise
- polychromize
- pretence
- pretense
- pretext
- primary color
- primary colour
- purple
- purpurate
- redden
- retouch
- shade
- silver
- simulacrum
- skin color
- skin colour
- spectral color
- spectral colour
- stain
- streak
- sunburn
- tan
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tone
- touch
- turn
- verdigris
- verisimilitude
- white
- whiten
- yellow
Hypernyms for the word colour
- act upon
- adorn
- affect
- alter
- apologise
- apologize
- appearance
- bear on
- bear upon
- beautify
- change
- decorate
- draw
- embellish
- excuse
- form
- grace
- impact
- influence
- interest
- interestingness
- justify
- kind
- material
- modify
- ornament
- paint
- quality
- race
- rationalise
- rationalize
- sort
- stuff
- timber
- timbre
- tone
- touch
- touch on
- variety
- visual aspect
- visual property
- work
Antonyms for the word colour
- achromatism
- black and white
- black and white(p)
- black-and-white
- colorlessness
- colourlessness
- discolor
See other words
- What is cold
- The definition of col
- The interpretation of the word cokehead
- What is meant by coin
- The lexical meaning coil
- The dictionary meaning of the word coffin
- The grammatical meaning of the word coffee klatch
- Meaning of the word coed
- Literal and figurative meaning of the word codger
- The origin of the word colt
- Synonym for the word colugo
- Antonyms for the word coma
- Homonyms for the word comb
- Hyponyms for the word combination
- Holonyms for the word come on
- Hypernyms for the word comedy
- Proverbs and sayings for the word comfort
- Translation of the word in other languages comma
Human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity.
Color has been a sensitive issue in many societies.
Skin color, noted as normal, jaundiced, cyanotic, flush, mottled, pale, or ashen as part of the skin signs assessment.
A flushed appearance of blood in the face; redness of complexion.
Richness of expression; detail or flavour that is likely to generate interest or enjoyment.
Could you give me some color with regards to which products made up the mix of revenue for this quarter?
There is a great deal of colour in his writing.
a bit of local color
A standard, flag, or insignia:
(in the plural) An award for sporting achievement, particularly within a school or university.
He was awarded colors for his football.
(in the plural) The morning ceremony of raising the flag.
A property of quarks, with three values called red, green, and blue, which they can exchange by passing gluons.
A third-order measure of derivative price sensitivity, expressed as the rate of change of gamma with respect to time, or equivalently the rate of change of charm with respect to changes in the underlying asset price.
The relative lightness or darkness of a mass of written or printed text on a page. (See type color.)
Any of the colored balls excluding the reds.
A front or facade; an ostensible truth actually false; pretext.
An appearance of right or authority; color of law.
Under color of law, he managed to bilk taxpayers of millions of dollars.
To give something color.
We could color the walls red.
To apply colors to the areas within the boundaries of a line drawing using colored markers or crayons.
My kindergartener loves to color.
(of a person or their face) To become red through increased blood flow.
Her face colored as she realized her mistake.
To affect without completely changing.
That interpretation certainly colors my perception of the book.
To attribute a quality to; to portray (as).
Color me confused.
They tried to colour the industrial unrest as a merely local matter.
To assign colors to the vertices of a graph (or the regions of a map) so that no two vertices connected by an edge (regions sharing a border) have the same color.
Can this graph be 2-colored?
You can color any map with four colors.
Flag denoting the nationality of a vessel, flown from the stern.
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