Meaning of the word cake

Cake. Cakes denote goods because they are bread, and in the internal sense bread denotes the good of love (AC 276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3464, 3478, 3735, 3813, 4211, 4217, 4735, 4976, 5915).But the bread of cakes is distinguished from common bread in the fact that by the bread of cakes is signified the good of love toward the neighbor, thus spiritual good, and by common bread is signified the good

What is a cake?

cake noun (FOOD) A1 a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat, and sugar: Would you like a piece of/a slice of/some cake?

What is the origin of the word’cake’?

It used to be thought that ‘cake’ and ‘cook’ came from similar roots, but the theory didn’t pan out: ‘cake”s ancient history lies in a root meaning ‘lump,’ while ‘cook’ comes from a prehistoric word meaning, unsurprisingly, ‘cook.’

What does it mean if a girl has a cake?

Subsequently, question is, what does it mean if a girl has cake? Cake (Slang Meaning) Cake is a slang term which is often used to refer to a nice fat ass on a girl.

What is the adjective of Cakey?

caky, cakey, adjective non·cak·ing, adjective, noun un·cake, verb (used with object), un·caked, un·cak·ing. When bakers follow a recipe to make a cake, they end up with cake. The country had bigger problems, and their wedding cake could wait.

A cake is used as slang to refer to a nice ass. It helps convey complex meaning with easy language. The comparison is done due to cakes resembling a woman’s ass and to avoid the use of inappropriate words.

What does cake mean in a relationship?

Not only is heat absolutely necessary to bake a cake, heat is necessary to bake a “relationship cake.” We often refer to this as intimacy, which is any form of close contact between partners that lets the other know that they are there and that they care.

Is cake a slang word?

Cake (Slang Meaning) Cake is a slang term which is often used to refer to a nice fat ass on a girl.

What does cake by the ocean mean sexually?

Cake by the ocean is a euphemism for having sex at the beach. It comes from the title of the band DNCE’s 2015 debut single, “Cake by the Ocean.”

What does cake mean in TikTok?

‘Kilogramme of Cocaine’ is the most common definition for CAKE on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. CAKE. Definition: Kilogramme of Cocaine.

Why is let them eat cake offensive?

At some point around 1789, when being told that her French subjects had no bread, Marie-Antoinette (bride of France’s King Louis XVI) supposedly sniffed, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”—“Let them eat cake.” With that callous remark, the queen became a hated symbol of the decadent monarchy and fueled the revolution that

What does cake mean in Snapchat?

A star means that one of your friend’s snaps was replayed by you or another snapchatter within the last 24 hours. A birthday cake means it’s your friend’s birthday. This emoji could be wrong, though, if your friend entered a fake birth date in his or her profile.

What is buns slang for?

Buns definition

(slang) The human buttocks.

Is a muffin a cake?

Cakes and muffins are both baked food products. The difference between cakes and muffins is that a muffin is a form of bread; whereas a cake, which is much sweeter, is not. Cakes are the favorite dessert choice while muffins are served for breakfast. Cakes usually have frosting on them while muffins are never frosted.

Can I eat your cake?

You can’t have your cake and eat it too is a phrase that means there are two options that someone wants, but they can’t have both because the options conflict with each other, so they can only pick one.

Why is it called cake?

The word cake is of Viking origin, derived from the Norse word “kaka.” The first cakes ever made are actually quite different from the ones we eat today.

What does cake symbolize?

  • Origins of the Wedding Cake. The tradition of having a wedding cake can be traced all the way back to ancient Rome,but the custom was…shall we say…
  • 18th Century Bride Cake. In the Victorian Era,savory cakes were replaced for fruit and plum cakes.
  • Symbolic Meaning of Wedding Cakes.
  • Types of Wedding Cakes.
  • In Brief.
  • What does eating cake mean sexually?

    One such expression of euphemism is “Eating cake.” Eating cake in a normal layman’s language is quite simple but its euphemistic meaning refers to sexual intercourse on the beach. Instead of saying sex on the beach humans often refer to the following euphemism for conveying the same meaning.

    What does cake stand for?

    What does the slang cake mean? Cake ( Slang Meaning ) Cake is a slang term which is often used to refer to a nice fat ass on a girl. Numerous hip hop artists have used it in their songs, in Kid Ink’s “Bad Ass” song, he raps “Now then let me see that cake, cake, cake, like Entenmann’s – Ass up, gon’ take it down like a sedative.”


    • In light of the high expense of traditional supplemental feeds such as oilseed cakes, the cultivation of forage, particularly legumes, is becoming increasingly popular among livestock producers.
    • The book was released and quickly became a best-seller.
    • Specific to the investigation, we looked into the preparation of wedding cakes and sought to identify any instances of gastrointestinal disease among the participants.
    • Clean clothes and mended collars are revealed to be the most emotional flavors, while cakes and biscuits are revealed to be the most poignant textures.
    • In terms of nutritional composition, by-products such as stale bread, fancy cakes, biscuits, and waffles have a broad range of differences.
    • Without resorting to yet another arbitrary edict, how does he account for the reality that a variety of things would almost certainly be more acceptable than fireworks or cakes alone?

    The time and hard work that many rural women put in to preparing dung cakes for fuel or bringing food and water for their animals is rarely recognized or appreciated by the community.The distinction between these cakes, their sweetmeats, and their elder wine is that they have a touch of spice to them that you would not normally find in baked goods.To communicate with her neighbor, she mimed the phrases ″icing sugar,″ and, rather than uttering the words out, she mimed the numbers as she pointed to and counted the cakes.Also known as afternoon tea, it is a small meal served in the afternoon between 4 and 5 p.m.that generally includes sandwiches, scones, and cakes served with tea.When it comes to compound cakes, the seed crushers who make them are generating nearly the same proportion of straight cakes as they were before the war.

    The general public currently has entire freedom to purchase any flour confectionery that is made available for purchase, whether it is in the form of individual cakes or pre-packaged assortments.I’m aware that many females frequent those establishments and find the cakes to be particularly enticing.What would our cakes taste like if this were not the case?!Another subject on which he did not provide us with information is whether or not shipping has been authorized for the purpose of importing cotton cakes and linseed into our nation.

    These samples are drawn from corpora as well as from other online sources.Any viewpoints expressed in the examples do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cambridge Dictionary editors, Cambridge University Press, or its licensors, who are not represented by the examples.

    The History of the Word Cake

    • Welcome to Eat Your Words, a column in which we delve into the murky origins of the food terms we know and love.
    • Consider the word cake, for example.
    • You may have cooked a wide variety of them, but the picture that comes to mind is typically a straightforward one: a circular tower of sweet dough covered with some form of frosting (and perhaps some candles, if you’re feeling very festive).
    • When the term ″cake″ first entered the English language in the 1390s, it had more to do with the shape of the cake than it did with the celebration of birthdays.
    • Cakes were often referred to as little lumps of baked dough, or in the very early days, ″kaaks″ or (as in contemporary Icelandic) ″kaka,″ depending on how they were made.
    • It wasn’t until the 15th century that the word ″cake″ began to be connected with the sweet substance, regardless of the shape in which it was served.

    Cakes bobbed along, simply being their beautiful little selves, for a couple hundred years until the invention of ″icing″ in the 1760s.This was also the time period during which tropical colonies began concentrating on the production of sugarcane, and refined sugar began to become widely available in Europe, which was no coincidence.As Europeans developed serious sweet tooths, the expanding supply drove demand, resulting in more colonization of sugar-producing climes and, hundreds of years later, a world in which Twinkies are both cheaper and more numerous than apples.Formerly, it was believed that the words ″cake″ and ″cook″ stemmed from the same origins, but this was not the case: ″cake’s″ ancient history may be traced back to a root that means ″lump,″ but ″cook″ derives from a prehistoric term that literally translates as ″cook.″ While we’re on the subject of getting what you want, here’s an interesting side note on a familiar ″cake″ adage: the phrase originally read ″woulde you bothe eat your cake, and have your cake?″ which makes perfect sense.You no longer have access to your cake once you’ve consumed it.This absurd notion that ″you can’t have your cake and eat it, too″ has become commonplace is stupid.

    Without having something to eat, how are you meant to consume something if you don’t have it to begin with?One instance in which you might not be able to have your cake and eat it, in that sequence, would be if the cake was being given to you-and, if that’s the case, you probably don’t need any guidance.

    What does eating cake mean sexually?

    • Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was made on March 26th, 2021.
    • Making cake by the sea is a slang term for having sex on the beach.
    • It is derived from the title of the band’s debut hit, ″Cake by the Ocean,″ which was released in 2015.noun Beautiful buttocks.
    • The cake was awarded to Lil’ Momma.
    • More terms with the same meaning may be found here: buttocks, butt, ass.
    • Furthermore, what does it signify when a female eats cake mean?

    A cake is a slang phrase that is commonly used to refer to a lovely big ass on a lady.Cake is a slang term that means ″great fat ass.″ As an example, Kid Ink’s ″Bad Ass″ song has the rap line ″Now then let me see that Cake…Cake…Cake, like Entenmann’s – Ass up…gon’ take it down like a sedative″ (Let me see that Cake, Cake, Cake), which is a reference to Entenmann’s ″Bad Ass″ song.What does it mean to eat someone else’s cake, taking all of this into consideration?

    This information comes from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.You can’t have your cake and eat it (as well) is a famous English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech that means ″you can’t have your cake and eat it (as well).″ The adage directly translates as ″you can’t have your cake and eat it at the same time.″ Once the cake has been consumed, it is no longer available.What exactly does it imply to refer to someone as a cake?When you call someone a fruitcake, you are implying that they are insane or that their behavior is extremely bizarre.

    This is a quick word challenge.

    Definition of cake

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    • The term ″bread″ refers to a sweet, baked, breadlike item that can be made with or without shortening and commonly contains flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and flavoring liquid.
    • a loaf of bread that is flat and thin, especially unleavened bread a mass of other food that has been formed or molded: a dessert made of fish a substance that has been formed or compressed: a cake of soap; a cake of ice Animal Husbandry is a broad term that includes a variety of different types of animals.
    • It is primarily used as a feed or feed supplement for cattle.
    • It is made from compressed soybeans, cotton seeds, or linseeds from which the oil has been extracted.
    • caked, caking is a word that means to build a crust or a compact mass with something else.
    • Caked is a verb that can be used without an object to mean to get shaped into a crust or compact mass.

    QUIZQUIZ YOURSELF ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HAS AND HAVE!Do you know when to use the words ″have″ and ″has″ correctly in your writing?Let’s find out with the help of this quiz.My grandma has a whole wall dedicated to vintage cuckoo clocks.

    Idioms about cake

    Informal, it’s a piece of cake. Her first solo flight, she believed, would be a piece of cake. She was completely wrong. Informal, you’ve taken the cake.

    1. A state of being superior to all others, especially in some negative characteristic
    2. be remarkable or out of the ordinary: His arrogance steals the cake
    3. he deserves to take first place.

    Origin of cake

    Around 1200–1500, Middle English was spoken.


    Caky, cakey, and other adjectives non-caking, adjective, nounun-cake, verb (used with object), un-caking, non-caking, adjective, nounun-cake, verb (used with object), un-caking, un-caking. Unabridged Random House, Inc. 2022, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc.

    How to use cake in a sentence

    • Cake is produced when bakers follow a recipe to make a cake
    • otherwise, there would be no cake.
    • Their wedding cake could wait since the country was dealing with more pressing issues.
    • This really easy cake offers a delicious, not-too-sweet afternoon snack that stays nicely in the refrigerator.
    • They realized a long time ago that they couldn’t have their cake and eat it too when it came to publically opposing these platforms while yet actively sponsoring them.
    • People born in the twenty-third century cannot be consoled by a cake, a hug, or words of encouragement.
    • The majority of the time, I choose who gets caked based on who has the most energy and is begging for it.
    • The floor of the bathroom is caked with blood and charred shards of bone.
    • At the present, they resemble dirt-caked kiddie pools that have been long-drained.
    • The Border Patrol picked up several people in the desert today, their skin and clothing still caked in mud and perspiration
    • they were taken into custody.
    • During the night, there had been heavy rain, and the streets were caked in muck.
    • Following a bleed, the cow should receive a high dosage of physic before being washed with a caked-on bag of water.
    • It is possible to cure it by massaging it with goose oil, cream, or fresh milk
    • alternatively you may use the same procedures as you would for a caked bag.
    • With each step, I got closer and closer until my feet finally touched the hard caked clay.
    • The final one was stuffed with primer and caked like a piece of cinder as a result of time, moisture, and compression
    • He peered at it through caked-on eyelids, allowing his gaze to rove over and over the rare treasures therein

    British Dictionary definitions for cake

    • The term ″baked food″ refers to a baked good that is commonly created from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs.
    • The term ″baked bread″ refers to a flat thin mass of bread, especially unleavened bread.
    • a formed pile of dough or other food with a consistency akin to dough a fried fish cake a hardened or compacted material, such as soap or ice, that is formed into a bulk, slab, or crust It is possible to have one’s cake and eat it too, allowing one to take advantage of two desirable but incompatible choices.
    • go like hot cakes or sell like hot cakes is a colloquial expression that means to be sold fast or in big quantities.
    • slice of cake idiomatic expression anything that is readily accomplished or acquired take the cake informal to outdo everyone else, especially in terms of foolishness, folly, and so on an informal term denoting the entirety or totality of anything that will be shared or split The miners are requesting a larger portion of the cake; this is a reasonable technique of dividing the cake among the workers.
    • to coat with a thick coating of salt; to encrustthe hull was caked with saltto become or be molded into a hardened mass

    Derived forms of cake

    Cakey or caky is an adjective that describes something that is cakey or caky.

    Word Origin for cake

    • The word kaka comes from the Old Norse language and is linked to Danish kage and German kage.
    • Vollständiges and unabridged version of the KuchenCollins English Dictionary The 2012 Digital Edition is available now.
    • William Collins Sons & Co.
    • Ltd.
    • was established in 1979 and 1986.
    • The HarperCollins Publishers in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2012 published the following titles:

    Other Idioms and Phrases with cake

    1. Eat one’s cake and eat it too; flat as a pancake; frosting on the cake; nutty as fruitcake; piece of cake; sell like hotcakes; slice of the pie (cake); take the cake.
    2. See also eat one’s cake and eat it too.
    3. Definitions from the American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary.
    4. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company owns the copyright for the years 2002, 2001, and 1995.
    5. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company is the publisher of this book.

    Definition of cake

    • Top Definitions
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    • Examples
    • British
    • Idioms and Phrases
    • Related Content
    1. This indicates the grade level of the word based on its difficulty.
    2. This indicates the grade level of the word based on its difficulty.
    3. Sweet baked breadlike meal that can be made with or without shortening and is often made with flour, sugar, baking powder or soda (or a combination of the two), eggs, and liquid flavoring.
    4. a loaf of bread that is flat and thin, especially unleavened bread a mass of other food that has been formed or molded: a dessert made of fish a substance that has been formed or compressed: a cake of soap; a cake of ice Animal Husbandry is a broad term that includes a variety of different types of animals.
    5. It is primarily used as a feed or feed supplement for cattle.
    • It is made from compressed soybeans, cotton seeds, or linseeds from which the oil has been extracted.
    • caked, caking is a word that means to build a crust or a compact mass with something else.
    • Caked is a verb that can be used without an object to mean to get shaped into a crust or compact mass.
    • Do you know when to use the words ″have″ and ″has″ correctly in your writing?

    Let’s find out with the help of this quiz.My grandma has a whole wall dedicated to vintage cuckoo clocks.

    Idioms about cake

    Informal, it’s a piece of cake. Her first solo flight, she believed, would be a piece of cake. She was completely wrong. Informal, you’ve taken the cake.

    1. A state of being superior to all others, especially in some negative characteristic
    2. be remarkable or out of the ordinary: His arrogance steals the cake
    3. he deserves to take first place.

    Origin of cake

    Around 1200–1500, Middle English was spoken.


    The terms caky and cakey are used interchangeably. The terms non-caking and un-caking are used interchangeably.

    Words nearby cake

    1. Cajeputol, cajole, cajolery, Cajun, cajuput, cake, caked breast, cake eater, cake flour, cake kidney, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater, cake kidney eater Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc.
    2. published the Unabridged Dictionary in 2012.

    How to use cake in a sentence

    • It was estimated that the rice cake and popcorn cake market was valued at $174 million in 1992, and it was growing
    • CEO of Bandwagon, an Austin-based fan identity, data, and analytics startup.Kiddopia, which is optimized for preschool-aged children, includes fun lessons on the ABCs and numbers, but it also includes skills-based activities such as baking a cake or making a pizza
    • Experiment using it on a variety of various meals, such as brownies, cakes, vegetables, and more.
    • A layer cake is used to represent the many ″neighborhoods″ of a chip, rather than placing them next to one other in a 2D silicon sprawl.
    • Online reputation management becomes a piece of cake if the necessary preparations are made in advance.
    • A large cake necessitates a large celebration, and Augustus was delighted to oblige.
    • The Stollen was paraded around Dresden, and the cake was afterwards sliced by a ″Stollen girl″ who had been selected for the occasion.
    • As of today, it is the most traditional and most enjoyed Christmas cake in Germany—and it has absolutely nothing to do with fasting.
    • He had a special knife manufactured just for cutting the dense bread, as well as a ritual to take place before cutting the cake.
    • The insipid bread was changed into a sweet cake that had elements such as dried fruit and marzipan, among other things.
    • They would feed him apples, potatoes, and even small pieces of cake that Bob’s mother had given them as gifts.
    • As they saw Henrietta eat sandwiches, cake, eggs, and fruit with such gusto, they were filled with wonder.
    • She took one last look around the room before dropping two little clean towels and a bar of soap into the bag
    • she was done.
    • The celebrant sprayed the sufferer with wine and salted cake while making a symbolic cutting motion with his or her blade.
    • After that, they all had coffee and cake, exchanged handshakes with Pete Senior, and returned to their own homes and laboratories.

    British Dictionary definitions for cake

    1. The term ″baked food″ refers to a baked good that is commonly created from a mixture of flour, sugar, and eggs.
    2. The term ″baked bread″ refers to a flat thin mass of bread, especially unleavened bread.
    3. a formed pile of dough or other food with a consistency akin to dough a fried fish cake a hardened or compacted material, such as soap or ice, that is formed into a bulk, slab, or crust It is possible to have one’s cake and eat it too, allowing one to take advantage of two desirable but incompatible choices.
    4. go like hot cakes or sell like hot cakes is a colloquial expression that means to be sold fast or in big quantities.
    5. slice of cake idiomatic expression anything that is readily accomplished or acquired take the cake informal to outdo everyone else, especially in terms of foolishness, folly, and so on an informal term denoting the entirety or totality of anything that will be shared or split The miners are requesting a larger portion of the cake; this is a reasonable technique of dividing the cake among the workers.
    • to coat with a thick coating of salt; to encrustthe hull was caked with saltto become or be molded into a hardened mass

    Derived forms of cake

    Cakey or caky is an adjective that describes something that is cakey or caky.

    Word Origin for cake

    1. The word kaka comes from the Old Norse language and is linked to Danish kage and German kage.
    2. Vollständiges and unabridged version of the KuchenCollins English Dictionary The 2012 Digital Edition is available now.
    3. William Collins Sons & Co.
    4. Ltd.
    5. was established in 1979 and 1986.
    • The HarperCollins Publishers in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2012 published the following titles:

    Other Idioms and Phrases with cake

    1. Eat one’s cake and eat it too; flat as a pancake; frosting on the cake; nutty as fruitcake; piece of cake; sell like hotcakes; slice of the pie (cake); take the cake.
    2. See also eat one’s cake and eat it too.
    3. Definitions from the American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary.
    4. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company owns the copyright for the years 2002, 2001, and 1995.
    5. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company is the publisher of this book.

    Urban Dictionary: cake

    Another word meaning ass or buttDamn! Look at the cake on that girl!by HunnyBunnn11 June 24, 2015FlagGet the cake mug.easythe exam was cakeby CrazyWey22 February 10, 2017FlagGet the cake mug.a woman’s nicely figured booty, fat, juicy, plump, voluptuousdamnnn that shawty qot a cakeee, she look like she tryna marry betty crocker!by iitzkaileenbixchhh August 12, 2009FlagGet the cake mug.the bromance between Luke Hemmings and Calum Hoodperson: Hey have you heard of that band 5 seconds of summer? person: I sure have. I’d love a piece of that cake, if you know what I 5secsofme January 4, 2013FlagGet the cake mug.a desert with candlesi love cakeby jimmy stevan October 26, 2016FlagGet the cake mug.1. A woman’s booty 2. Money, as in what pays the billz1. Damn! Did you see the cake on that fine mami? 2. I gotta hustle for my L Dizzle April 15, 2005FlagGet the cake mug.when a bitch got hella ass″Damn nigga shawty got MAD cake″by fatdickedretard69 September 26, 2018FlagGet the cake mug.Next ›Last »12345More random definitions


    1. But he wanted to express his gratitude to her in some way, and the only thing that came to him was to offer Aaron a little more of the cake.
    2. Dolly sighed softly as she handed the cakes to Silas, who thanked her graciously and looked at them very closely, absently, as he was accustomed to doing with everything he took into his hand—all the while watching them with his curious bright orbs, which were reflected in the eyes of the small Aaron, who had made an outwork of his mother’s chair and was peering round from behind it.
    3. ″Anyway, whatever the letters are, they have a good connotation; and it’s a stamp that’s been in our home, Ben says, ever since he was a little kid, and his mother used to put it on the cakes, and I’ve always put it on too; for if there’s anything nice, we’ve got need of it in this world.″ While Aunte Chloe, after baking a substantial pile of cakes, sat her baby on her lap and began alternately filling its mouth and his own, before distributing the cakes to Mose and Pete, who seemed to prefer eating theirs while rolling around on the floor under the table, tickling each other, and occasionally pulling the baby’s toes.
    4. The plums are thoughtfully scattered throughout the cake, and every mouthful is a pleasure.
    5. ″You’ve hit it this time, Polly; you certainly have a gift for putting a good deal of both articles into your own and other people’s lives, which is fortunate, as, we all have to eat that sort of cake, whether we like it or not,″ Tom observed, so soberly that Polly opened her eyes, and Maud exclaimed, ″I do believe he’s Now, Maud, it’s time to break out the citron;″ As Tom and Maud looked on with intense interest as Polly proceeded to put the cake together in what appeared to be a most haphazard and disorderly manner, and the cake was securely placed in the oven.
    • If the truth were to come out, it’s very possible that there was someone underneath him who was denying him access to regular supply of cake and cocoa.
    • After breaking his heart, ruining his life, and essentially comparing him to Roland Bean, he should have created an impenetrable wall between him and the girl upstairs.
    • But she had cake and cocoa.
    • Were it not for the fact that large Eustache, six years of age, who Mahiette was pulling along by the hand, quickly reminded them of the object they were about to forget, it is likely that they would have forgotten the Rat-Hole and the halt they wanted to make there entirely.
    • ″Mother,″ he said, as if some instinct had alerted him to the fact that the Rat-Hole was lurking behind him, ″may I have the cake now?″ Instead, if Eustache had been more adroit, that is to say, less greedy in his behavior, he would have continued to wait and would only have hazarded the simple question, ″Mother, can I eat the cake now?″ on their return to the University, to Master Andry Musnier’s, Rue Madame la Valence, when he had both arms of the Seine and all five bridges of Paris between the Rat Hole and the cake in front of him.

    The previous time I baked a cake, I completely forgot to add the flour ″Allow me to share a piece of fruit cake with you, as well as some cherry preserves.She sighed as she gazed at the cake when she had finished filling the cups.″Can you imagine how much Cecilia would appreciate it if she were here?″ Alban received a piece of pizza as a token of her appreciation for her friend’s generosity.

    Aside from that, he despised her cake.she said, returning the forgotten slice and devouring it herself.″I want to know why you object,″ she replied, returning the neglected slice and devouring it herself.

    What does eating cake mean sexually?

    1. With the passage of time, people have devised a variety of techniques for communicating a certain idea without using the real words, which might be troublesome in public.
    2. These terms are sometimes referred to as euphemistic words because they are intended to soften the impact of incorrect or abrasive language.
    3. Continue reading to learn the euphemism meaning of the phrase ″eating cake.″ Euphemisms like ″eating cake″ are examples of this type of language.
    4. When speaking in plain English, eating cake is a straightforward act; nevertheless the euphemism connotation relates to sexual encounter on the beach……………………..
    5. Humans frequently use the following euphemism to communicate the same idea as the phrase ″sex on the beach″ instead of the more literal phrase.
    • The term ″cake″ may also refer to a girl’s buttocks, therefore having a lovely cake is synonymous with having a nice buttocks.
    • During a flirtatious exchange, the term is frequently employed to communicate sophisticated meaning through the use of simple slang.

    When did the euphemism become popular?

    1. This particular euphemism, ″eating a cake,″ was originally used by the DNCE band in their 2015 debut hit, ″Cake by the Ocean,″ which was released as a part of their self-titled EP.
    2. To put it another way, the term literally means ″having intercourse by the water.″ Since then, the term has become widely accepted as a euphemism for the idea it conveys.
    3. The use of this line in the song came about as a result of a coincidence.
    4. After making their debut in 2015, the DNCE band inked a deal with Republic Records, which will see them release their first song, ″Cake by the Ocean.″ The original title of the song was ″Sex on the Beach,″ which is the name of a popular tropical alcoholic drink that was inspired by the song.
    5. The song’s original producers were from Sweden, and the performers were from the United States and South Korea.
    • As a result, the Swedish manufacturers became confused between the drink names and stated that they preferred ″Cake by the Ocean″ rather than ″Sex on the Beach.″ As a result of this misunderstanding, the original title of the song was changed, and the vocalists went on to write the song from that point on.
    • The song is now known as ″Cake by the Ocean,″ rather than ″Sex on the Beach,″ as a result.
    • All of this occurred as a result of a simple misunderstanding, and it eventually became a running joke inside the band.
    • The term ″cake″ and the phrase have been utilized in a number of songs by rappers and songwriters since that time.
    • The term gained popularity and is frequently heard nowadays when people are flirting or sexting with one another.

    Why is a cake compared to a woman’s ass?

    When someone says ″cake,″ they’re referring to a lovely ass. It aids in the communication of complex meaning in simple words. A woman’s ass cake is used as an example, and the connection is made in order to avoid the use of unsuitable language.

    The song – Cake by the Ocean.

    1. Joe Jonas revealed the true meaning of the song in an interview with Billboard magazine.
    2. Because of their miscommunications, the song was eventually renamed Cake by the Beach because of its funky and original style, which perfectly defines the band’s sound and personality.
    3. For various people, the song can have a variety of distinct meanings.
    4. Some may associate it with eating genuine cakes by the water, while others may associate it with having sex by the ocean, and yet others may associate it with serving as a party song for their beach trips.
    5. There are several statistics linked with the song, including the fact that it is the band’s first single, which means it is their first song ever.

    The song debuted at number 44 on the Billboard Hot 100 and quickly rose to become the most popular single of 2016.

    There are several cakes shown in the music videos, as well as ideas for different cake tastes that can be enjoyable to have while relaxing on the sands of the beach.

    Throughout the music video, the song features vanilla, confetti, chocolate, and red velvet cakes, among other flavors.

    To be really honest, the lyrics are completely ridiculous and contain several references to cakes.

    DNCE band

    • The band, which is led by Joe Jonas, is an American-Korean band that made their debut in the year 2015 with the song ″Cake by the Ocean.″ The band is lead by Joe Jonas and is an American-Korean band. Republic Records signed the band to a recording contract. It is a dance and rock-oriented band led by Joe Jonas, who also serves as their vocalist. Other members include Jack Lawless, who serves as their drummer, Cold Whittle, who serves as their bassist and keyboardist, and JinJoo Lee, who serves as their guitarist. The band’s beginnings are in California, namely Los Angeles, and its songs have had a significant impact on the American public. In 2016, their first single, Cake by the Ocean, peaked at number 44 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was nominated for a Teen Choice Award for Favorite Party Song. Other songs released by the band include: Kissing Strangers (2016), Blown (2016), Toothbrush (2016), Body Moves (2016), TV in the Morning (2018), and TV in the Morning (2016).

    From 2016 until 2019, the band was in full operation. The band chose to take a sabbatical in 2019 and has not returned as of this writing.

    List of songs that have hidden sexual meanings-

    • Hailee Stenfiled – Love Myself. 

    It is empowering in the sense that it encourages women and young girls to appreciate their bodies. However, the song also includes references to feminine pleasure in various passages. ‘Live while you’re still young,’ sings One Direction.

    Songs with lyrics about getting it tonight may be found online. Work from home is the fifth harmony.

    It is mentioned in several places throughout the song that having sex at home is preferable, such as making the bed look like an ocean. A Prayer in the form of Madonna

    Despite the fact that the words are straightforward, the song is about male pleasure and is sexual in nature.

    Other Euphemistic phrases related to cake, desserts.

    Cakehole is slang for the inside of one’s mouth. It is also referred to as ″to close someone’s pie hole″ in some circles.

    • Frosting the cake- Refers to male ejaculation.

    Icing on the cake is when a man has completely pleased his female partner.

    Cheesecake is frequently linked to a woman’s figure and appearance, and it is used to describe a seductive lady.

    Fruitcake is a slang term that can refer to either homosexual males or members of the LGBT community.

    • Whoopie Cakes- Slang for a female’s buttocks.


    Gay guys or members of the LGBT community are referred to as fruitcake in slang.

    The Relationship Cake

    1. During my meetings with clients, I have been utilizing the metaphor of a ″marriage or relationship cake″ to assist people examine their marriages and relationships in some identifiable style in order to help them understand what is wrong with their ″cake″ for quite some time.
    2. The fact that we ″love″ our spouse and that this ″should be enough″ is something that I have witnessed many of us getting stuck on.
    3. It’s something that the vast majority of us have heard before, and the vast majority of us have even said it ourselves from time to time.
    4. Several years ago, I began referring to love as ″the icing″ on a cake, and implying that we require additional ingredients to truly produce the cake.
    5. Let me be clear: most of us like a nice taste of frosting every now and then, and who hasn’t engaged in an all-out struggle with siblings over who would get to lick the mixing spoons or electric mixer beaters?
    • Granted, we frequently receive frosting with our cakes, but when it comes to cake, it is crucial to remember that icing alone does not create a cake; yet, we will presume that the finest cakes do have frosting in the majority of situations.
    • If you’re trying to make a ″relationship cake,″ the following recipe will help you assess if you have all of the required materials on hand to produce a successful cake.
    • Cakes may be made with any number of components, but the majority of them require five fundamental elements in order to be recognized as a cake.
    • Even a basic pound cake may be made using these five ″genuine″ components, should you choose to build something more elaborate.
    • First and foremost, you require a foundation.

    Flour/Trust – Just as the foundation of any cake is flour, the foundation of a relationship cake is trust as well.Trust provides the required basis for a relationship to get off to a good start.When there is no trust in a relationship, some would say that there is no ″relationship cake″ at all.

    We do place our faith in our spouse from time to time, but only in certain aspects of the relationship.It’s the equivalent of using the incorrect flour.However, there will be some difficulties in making it look and taste like cake.A wonderful cake is made with the correct flour, much as having complete trust in a relationship creates a fantastic ″relationship cake.″ Sugar/Respect – Just as any delicious cake requires sugar, every good ″relationship cake″ necessitates the presence of respect in the partnership.The absence of respect does not constitute a ″relationship cake,″ but rather a concoction with a different name.Sugar, like flour, is a vital component of the cake’s base, and respect is an important component of your ″relationship cake.″ Please bear in mind that respect must be reciprocal in order to exist.

    If one side does not appreciate the other, there will be a sugar shortage, and the ″relationship cake″ will not come out as intended..Despite the fact that we cannot make our spouse appreciate us, it is often the case that we must respect ourselves first.In the same way that butter gives flavor to a cake and helps it to bake properly, validation does the same for your ″relationship cake″ by allowing it to bake properly.When baking your ″relationship cake,″ it works to encourage the emotions that will result in a successful outcome, while also adding a key flavoring element to make your ″relationship cake″ appetizing for both parties.

    1. Validation permits one to believe that he or she is appreciated by the other and that his or her feelings and emotions are essential to the other.
    2. Understanding and empathy are generated as a result, resulting in a more nuanced and delectable flavor profile for your ″relationship cake″ overall.
    3. Eggs and Flexibility — In a cake, eggs are responsible for bringing all of the elements together.

    Your ″relationship cake″ will benefit from your ability to be flexible.Flexibility helps to keep the partnership together by not enabling one person to drift too far away from the other out of irritation or a sense of being alone in their feelings.The ability to be flexible communicates to the other that ″I’m prepared to work on this over the long haul″ by striving toward compromise and not allowing trivial issues to become ″stuff″ that prevents the ″relationship cake″ from coming together.Heat/Intimacy — This one should go without saying.

    Furthermore, in order to bake a ″relationship cake,″ heat is required in addition to the other ingredients.This is sometimes referred to as intimacy, which refers to any sort of personal contact between partners that communicates to the other that they are there and that they are concerned.It is true that intimacy includes any honest physical touch, but it may also involve other aspects such as spending quality time together and speaking meaningful statements.You now have a piece of cake in your hands!That is, if you are starting from the beginning of the process.If you are already in the middle of the procedure, you should have a good understanding of what materials are lacking.

    1. I’ve mentioned before that love is like the ″frosting″ on top of a cake, and I still think it’s a good metaphor.
    2. Writing this post, on the other hand, has shifted my perspective a little.
    3. Consider the possibility that love is the motivation for baking a cake in the first place.
    4. Having a desire to have a ″relationship cake″ is likely a direct result of love, much as we have frequently stated that our baked goods are ″crafted with love.″ For years, the argument over ″what is love?″ has raged on, with plausible answers ranging from pheromones to neurotransmitters to hormones to independent thought to attraction to heredity to body language to compatible energies to free will to the concept of ″the one.″ We can probably all agree that no matter what it is, love is what makes you want to bake a ″cake″ while the discussion over ″what is love?″ continues amongst the various camps of the aforementioned schools of thought.
    5. With this desire/love, you will require the assistance of additional components in order to achieve the aim of baking a fantastic ″relationship cake.″ For assistance with evaluating your ″relationship cake,″ balancing your ″ingredients,″ and/or dealing with the possibility that you will not be able to make another ″relationship cake″ with your current partner, please do not hesitate to contact List Psychological Services, PLC.

    Our expert ″bakers″ can assist you.


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    What Does CAKE Mean?

    CAKE is an abbreviation for ″Kilogramme of Cocaine.″

    ″Cyber Speak″ Test

    You now understand what CAKE stands for, but are you fluent in Cyber Speak? Let’s see how it goes!

    Summary of Key Points

    CAKE is most commonly defined as ″Kilogramme of Cocaine″ on social media platforms like as Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

    Definition: Kilogramme of Cocaine
    Type: Slang Word (Jargon)
    Guessability: 3: Guessable
    Typical Users: Adults

    Second Definition for CAKE

    This interpretation was also noted:

    Definition: Concurrent Activity, Anticipation, Knowlegde, Efficient Drills (most common in military circles)
    Type: Abbreviation
    Guessability: 3: Guessable
    Typical Users: Adults

    Example of CAKE Used in a Text

    • CAKE Contribute to the improvement of cyber definitions. Do you have a problem with something you read on this page?
    • Did you notice a grammatical error?
    • Did you know of a slang phrase that we didn’t include?

    Please let us know by filling out this form.

    See Also

    There are new and creative methods to communicate I love you. Text-speak is the use of only numbers to communicate. A glossary of dating jargon

    Did Marie-Antoinette really say “Let them eat cake”?

    1. It’s one of the most famous phrases in the history of the human race.
    2. ″Let them eat cake,″ Marie-Antoinette (the future wife of France’s King Louis XVI) allegedly sniffed when informed that her French citizens were without bread at some point around 1789.
    3. ″Let them eat cake,″ she is reported to have said.
    4. Those words cemented the queen’s ignominious status as a despised emblem of the decadent monarchy, and they encouraged the revolt that would ultimately lead to her (literally) losing her head many years later.
    5. Is it possible that Marie-Antoinette actually said those venomous words?
    • According to historians, this is not the case.
    • Lady Antonia Fraser, author of a biography of the French queen, believes that the quote would have been highly uncharacteristic of Marie-Antoinette, who she believes was an intelligent woman who donated generously to charitable causes and, despite her undeniably lavish lifestyle, displayed sensitivity towards the poor population of France.
    • ″The quote would have been highly uncharacteristic of Marie-Antoinette,″ she says.
    • What’s even more compelling, though, is the fact that the ″Let them eat cake″ narrative had been circulating for years before to 1789, when the event occurred.
    • Marie-Thérèse, the Spanish princess who married King Louis XIV in 1660, was the subject of a story that was initially recounted in a somewhat different form.

    ″La croûte de pâté″ (the crust of the pâté) is reported to have been one of her recommendations to the French people.A number of additional 18th-century royals, including two aunts of Louis XVI, were implicated in the comment throughout the course of the next century.One of the most famous versions of the pâté story is that told by the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his ″Confessions″ in 1766, in which he attributes the words to ″a magnificent princess″ (most likely Marie-Thérèse).

    Those immortal words were almost definitely not said by Marie-Antoinette, who was just 10 years old at the time Rousseau was penning them—three years away from marrying the French prince and eight years away from becoming the country’s first woman to reign as monarch.Continue by scrolling down.

    ​Here’s what all those Snapchat emojis mean

    1. When you use Snapchat, the emojis next to your friends’ names will come and go and alter as you use it, sometimes on a daily basis.
    2. Every emoji, from double pink hearts to flames, conveys a distinct message to the user.
    3. Additionally, if you don’t like the preset emojis, you may customize each one to reflect your own unique personality.
    4. Apart from the ones listed below, there are a number of others that are restricted for verified accounts, with each verified account having its own unique emoji.
    5. For example, Rihanna’s emoji is a crimson ballon, whereas Jared Leto’s emoji is a cactus.
    • Snapchat has compiled a list of verified accounts, along with associated emoticons, to make things a bit simpler for users.

    Friend emoji meanings

    • The Snapchat team has predetermined the meaning of each emoji. The following is what each one means: A baby face next to someone’s name indicates that you have recently become friends
    • A gold heart indicates that you and your companion are best friends. Best friends on Snapchat are those with whom you exchange the most messages and with whom you exchange the most messages in return.
    • A red heart indicates that you and your partner have been each other’s best friend for at least two weeks.
    • When you see pink hearts, it indicates that you have been each other’s best friend for at least two months.
    • A simple smiling face indicates that you have sent this person several photographs, but that you do not consider them to be your greatest friend
    • A sneer indicates that best buddy status has not been reciprocated. You’re their best buddy, but they’re not the type of person that gets the most snaps from you.
    • A grimace indicates that there is rivalry. Your best friend is also that person’s best friend
    • this is a reciprocal relationship.
    • Having a smiling face and sunglasses on indicates that you and this individual have a close buddy in common.
    • If there are flames next to someone’s name, it means you’re on a snapstreak. It is necessary to send a snap every 24 hours in order to keep your snapstreaks going. The icon will appear next to the number of days that you and a friend have taken selfies with each other, as seen below.
    • If an hourglass displays next to someone’s name, it serves as a visual reminder that your snapstreak is about to come to an end.
    • When you see a 100 emoji, it implies you’ve been on a snapstreak with this person for the last 100 days.
    • Getting a star indicates that one of your friend’s photos has been replayed by you or another snapchatter over the past 24 hours.
    • A birthday cake signifies that your friend’s birthday has arrived. This emoji, on the other hand, might be incorrect if your buddy has placed a fictitious birth date in his or her profile

    How to change friend emojis

    1. Do you want your best friend’s emoji to be a surprised cat face?
    2. If so, click here.
    3. It’s not an issue.
    4. Emojis aren’t fixed in stone, and you may customize them to look and feel as you like.
    5. For further information, go toSettings>Additional Services>Manage>Friend Emojis.
    • After that, select the default emoji from the drop-down menu.
    • A new set of emoji options will be displayed in a menu.
    • Then, after selecting the emoji of your choice, use the back button to save your new emoji.
    • Don’t worry, no one else will be able to see your emoji adjustments.
    • It is possible to revert to the default emojis by selecting Settings > Additional Services > Manage > Friend Emojis > Reset to Default from the drop-down menu in the Settings app.

    Zodiac emojis

    1. If a person’s birthdate has been registered into his or her Snapchat account, in addition to the buddy emoji, a zodiac emoji will be displayed underneath the person’s Snapcode as well.
    2. This informs you what zodiac sign that individual is born under (which gives you a hint as to when his or her birthday may be).
    3. The following are the meanings of the zodiac emojis: Note from the editors: This item was first published on April 25, 2016, and has been modified to reflect recent developments.
    Get the CNET How To newsletter
    1. If a person’s birthdate has been registered into his or her Snapchat account, in addition to the buddy emoji, a zodiac emoji will appear underneath the person’s Snapcode.
    2. That person’s zodiac sign may be determined by looking at their birth certificate (which gives you a hint as to when his or her birthday may be).
    3. Here are the meanings of the zodiac emojis in their respective signs: Nota bene, as stated by the editors Written on April 25, 2016, this article has been updated to reflect recent developments.

    Cake vs Muffin

    1. Cakes and muffins are both baked foods that are consumed after being baked.
    2. There is a distinction between cakes and muffins in that the former is a type of bread and the latter, which is considerably sweeter, is not.
    3. Cakes are the most popular dessert choice, whereas muffins are the most popular breakfast option.
    4. Cakes are frequently topped with icing, but muffins are almost never topped with frosting.

    History of cakes and muffins

    1. Cakes have a long and illustrious history that spans several centuries.
    2. Ancient Egypt is the civilisation that has evidence of baking abilities and has produced products such as loaves sweetened with hone that are still available today.
    3. Greeks ate cheesecakes of various kinds, whereas Romans ate fruitcakes topped with nuts and dried fruits.
    4. Cakes were served with tea in 14th-century Britain, according to historical records.
    5. By the middle of the 17th century, cake molds had been invented, and by the middle of the 19th century, the French had instituted a sweet or dessert course at the conclusion of every meal, which featured gateau.
    • Baked goods became tremendously popular after the invention of baking powder or sodium bicarbonate, as well as the invention of temperature-controlled ovens.
    • Baking was seen as a valuable talent in the mid-20th century, and cakes were regarded as symbols of prosperity and friendliness.
    • Muffins in the color of orange Muffins are derived from the French term moufflet, which refers to soft bread and is used to describe muffins.
    • Because English muffins are flat and have crooked corners, they may be traced back to the tenth and eleventh centuries in Wales, when they were first used as a bread.
    • They were baked in muffin tins, which were put directly on stovetops or the bottoms of skillets during cooking.

    American muffins are fast breads that are baked in individual muffin tins.They are similar to English muffins in appearance.Because the muffin mixture is a batter rather than a dough, muffin molds are required.

    Originally, the leavening ingredient in the muffins was potash, which created carbon dioxide gas when mixed with the batter.Muffin recipes first appeared in print in the 18th century, and by the 19th century, they had become a tea time favorite.Specific muffins have been designated as official muffins in three different states in the United States.MN’s official muffin is the blueberry muffin, whereas Massachusetts’ official muffin is the corn muffin, and New York State’s official muffin is the apple muffin.Minnesota, Massachusetts, and New York all have official muffins.

    Differences in Ingredients

    1. Among the ingredients in cakes are flour, sugar (or any other sweetening agent), binding agent such as egg or gluten; fat such as butter or margarine; shortening; fruit puree; liquid such as milk, water, fruit juice; and leavening agent such as baking powder or yeast.
    2. The marzipan, butter cream, and crystallized fruit are used to decorate the cake’s exterior.
    3. Muffins include more or less all of the components found in cakes, but the proportions are in a different proportion.
    4. Muffin batter has more flour, more liquid, less sugar, and less fat than traditional muffin batter.
    5. Most cakes require two or more eggs, although muffins only require one.
    • Baking powder is needed to make the dough rise, however yeast is never utilized in the baking of cupcakes or muffins.
    • Extra components, such as berries and other fruits, are included.
    • As a result, the muffin has more calories and nutrients than a cake.

    Varieties of Cakes and Muffins

    • Cupcakes are a type of cake that is small in size. Cakes are divided into categories based on the ingredients they contain and the methods used to prepare them. As a result, there are: Yeast cakes are very similar to yeast breads and are the earliest type of cake. They have a conventional appearance.
    • Cheesecakes are desserts that are created from some type of cheese (mascarpone, cream cheese, ricotta etc). These cakes include only a small amount of flour.
    • Sponge cakes are made without the use of yeast and rely on the leavening impact of eggs. Gateau (French for cake) is a term used to describe elaborately adorned sponge cakes with extravagant toppings.
    • Butter cakes are widespread, with pound cake and devil’s food cake being two examples.
    • Ruske Kape are round pastries with coconut and chocolate flavoring that originated in Bosnia and Serbia.
    1. Cakes for special events such as weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations might be lavishly iced and ornamented, depending on the reason for which they are created.
    2. Cakes may be divided into several types based on their shape, including layer cakes, sheet cakes, cupcakes, bundt cakes, and Swiss roll cakes.
    3. English muffins and American muffins are both types of muffins.
    4. English muffins are a form of bread that is leavened with yeast and cooked in a disc-shaped baking pan with a flat bottom.
    5. Muffins are split in half, toasted, buttered, and served while still steaming hot.
    • They can be toasted in front of an open fire or eaten cold with a hot beverage such as coffee or tea to complete the experience.
    • Corn muffins are muffins that are prepared using cornmeal.
    • They are fashioned like corn bread, but they are much sweeter in flavor.
    • Blueberries, chocolate chips, cucumbers, pumpkin, cinnamon, raspberries, dates, nuts, lemon, orange, bananas, peaches, almonds, carrots and strawberries are just a few of the components that may be found in muffins, which are divided into categories based on their flavor and ingredient content.

    References and External Links

    • Bakeware for cakes (available on
    • Bakeware for muffins (available on
    • Wikipedia: Muffin
    • Wikipedia: Cake
    • Wikipedia: Muffins

    Please spread the word about this comparison: If you’ve made it this far, you might consider joining us for ″Cake vs Muffin.″ Website created by Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2022.


    1. It is said that you can’t have your cake and eat it too when there are two alternatives that someone wants, but they can’t have both since the options clash with one other, therefore they must choose just one.
    2. Example: The opportunity for advancement has been extended to Josh in his place of employment; however, if he accepts, he will be required to work on Saturdays.
    3. What would he do on Saturdays, knowing how much he enjoyed spending time with his friends?
    4. Josh would like to have the best of both worlds; he would like to accept the offer so that he may earn more money, but he would also like the time he spends with his friends to remain the same.
    5. Consequently, his brother informed him that he could not have his cake and eat it too.
    • There is a decision to be made: do you want to spend your Saturdays at work or with your friends?″ He was being told, in other words, by his brother, that ″you can’t have it both ways.″ Synonyms / Phrases that are similar: 1.
    • You can’t have the best of both worl
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    • 1

      cake прессованная биомасса

      English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > cake

    • 2

      cake [keɪk]

      1) торт, кекс, пиро́жное, лепёшка

      2) лепёшка гря́зи или гли́ны (приставшая к платью)

      3) плитка (табака); кусок, брусо́к; брике́т;

      4) жмых, маку́ха




      обыкн. refl.



      ) затвердева́ть, спека́ться

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > cake

    • 3

      * * *


      /vi/ затвердевать

      Англо-русский строительный словарь.

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > cake

    • 4

      Персональный Сократ > cake

    • 5

      1. n чаще торт; кекс; сладкий пирог

      cup cake — кекс, выпеченный в гофрированной формочке

      2. n пирожное

      sponge cake — бисквит, бисквитный торт, бисквитное пирожное

      3. n кусок

      4. n плитка

      5. n брусок; брикет

      6. n слиток

      7. n таблетка

      8. n лепёшка грязи, глины

      9. n сгусток

      10. n нефтяное пятно на поверхности воды

      11. n с. -х. жмых

      12. n спец. кек, осадок на фильтре

      13. n разг. болван

      to take the cake — занять первое место, получить приз; превзойти всех

      14. a кусковой

      15. v затвердевать, спекаться

      16. v преим. покрывать, облеплять; заляпать

      Синонимический ряд:

      2. torte (noun) cookie; fritter; pastry; sweat bread; torte

      3. crust (verb) crust; encrust; incrust; incrustate; pack; rime; stiffen; thicken

      4. set (verb) concrete; congeal; dry; harden; indurate; petrify; set; solidify

      English-Russian base dictionary > cake

    • 6

      1. сущ.
      1) кекс, лепешка, пирожное, торт to bake a cake ≈ испечь торт to frost cake (особенно амер.), ice a cake ≈ замораживать торт/пирожное birthday cake ≈ именинный торт chocolate cake ≈ шоколадный торт honey cake ≈ медовый торт layer cake ≈ слоеный торт wedding cake ≈ свадебный торт a piece, slice of cake ≈ кусочек торта Syn: pie, pastry
      2) лепешка грязи или глины (приставшая к платью)
      3) плитка (табака) ;
      кусок, брусок;
      брикет cake of soap ≈ кусок мыла
      4) жмых, макуха ∙ cakes and ale ≈ веселье you cannot eat your cake and have it too посл. ≈ один пирог два раза не съешь;
      нельзя совместить несовместимое to go/sell like hot cakes ≈ раскупаться/продаваться нарасхват to take the cake ≈ получить приз, занять первое место;
      быть лучше всех that takes the cake ≈ это превосходит все;
      вот это да!
      2. гл.;
      обыкн. возвр. or страд.
      1) застывать, затвердевать, спекаться Syn: harden, become hard, become hardened
      2) покрывать, облеплять;
      заляпать( грязью, краской и т. п.) (in/up with) After the long ride, the horse was caked with mud. ≈ После долгой скачки лошадь была вся в грязи.
      сладкий пирог — a piece of * кусок кекса и т. п. — birthday * именинный пирог — bride /wedding/ * свадебный пирог — cup * (американизм) кекс, выпеченный в гофрированной формочке — sponge * бисквит — * pan форма для кекса пирожное — a dozen *s дюжина пирожных лепешка;
      (американизм) тж. оладья, блинчик — oat *s овсяные лепешки — cheese *s сырники, творожники — fish *s рыбные котлеты кусок (мыла и т. п.) ;
      плитка (чая, табака и т. п.) ;
      брикет слиток( металла) таблетка( лекарства) лепешка грязи, глины (на одежде) сгусток( крови) нефтяное пятно на поверхности воды( сельскохозяйственное) жмых (специальное) кек, осадок на фильтре( разговорное) болван > C.Day (шотландское) канун Нового года > *s and ale веселье, беззаботная жизнь > life is not all *s and ale без горя не проживешь;
      жизнь прожить — не поле перейти > a piece of * что-л. легкое и приятное;
      плевое дело;
      пара пустяков > to go (off) /to sell/ like hot *s раскупаться нарасхват;
      с руками оторвут > to get one’s share of the * взять свое;
      не оказаться обделенным > to take the * занять первое место, получить приз;
      превзойти всех > this takes the * это превосходит все;
      дальше идти некуда > to eat one’s * and have it один пирог два раза не съешь;
      пытаться совместить несовместимое;
      и волки сыты, и овцы целы > to have one’s * baked жить в достатке;
      добиться успеха > my * is dough мои надежды не оправдались;
      мой замысел провалился;
      дело не выгорело > Land of *s страна( овсяных) лепешек, Шотландия кусковой затвердевать, спекаться преим. pass (in, wuth) покрывать, облеплять;
      заляпать (грязью, краской и т. п.) — his shoes were *d with mud его ботинки были заляпаны грязью
      cake жмых, макуха;
      cakes and ale веселье ~ (обыкн. refl. или pas.) затвердевать, спекаться ~ лепешка грязи или глины (приставшая к платью) ~ плитка (табака) ;
      кусок, брусок;
      cake of soap кусок мыла ~ торт, кекс, пирожное, лепешка
      ~ плитка (табака) ;
      кусок, брусок;
      cake of soap кусок мыла
      cake жмых, макуха;
      cakes and ale веселье
      you cannot eat your ~ and have it too посл. = один пирог два раза не съешь;
      нельзя совместить несовместимое;
      to go (или to sell) like hot cakes раскупаться (или продаваться) нарасхват
      griddle ~ лепешка
      mill ~ жмых
      plum ~ кекс с изюмом
      to take the ~ получить приз, занять первое место;
      быть лучше всех;
      that takes the cake это превосходит все;
      вот это да!
      to take the ~ получить приз, занять первое место;
      быть лучше всех;
      that takes the cake это превосходит все;
      вот это да!
      you cannot eat your ~ and have it too посл. = один пирог два раза не съешь;
      нельзя совместить несовместимое;
      to go (или to sell) like hot cakes раскупаться (или продаваться) нарасхват

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cake

    • 7

      имя существительное:

      пряник (cake, honey-cake)


      имя прилагательное:

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > cake

    • 8


      cake жмых, макуха; cakes and ale веселье cake (обыкн. refl. или pas.) затвердевать, спекаться cake лепешка грязи или глины (приставшая к платью) cake плитка (табака); кусок, брусок; брикет; cake of soap кусок мыла cake торт, кекс, пирожное, лепешка cake плитка (табака); кусок, брусок; брикет; cake of soap кусок мыла cake жмых, макуха; cakes and ale веселье you cannot eat your cake and have it too посл. = один пирог два раза не съешь; нельзя совместить несовместимое; to go (или to sell) like hot cakes раскупаться (или продаваться) нарасхват griddle cake лепешка mill cake жмых plum cake кекс с изюмом to take the cake получить приз, занять первое место; быть лучше всех; that takes the cake это превосходит все; вот это да! to take the cake получить приз, занять первое место; быть лучше всех; that takes the cake это превосходит все; вот это да! you cannot eat your cake and have it too посл. = один пирог два раза не съешь; нельзя совместить несовместимое; to go (или to sell) like hot cakes раскупаться (или продаваться) нарасхват

      English-Russian short dictionary > cake

    • 9

      2) метал. коксовый пирог

      9) текст. кулич

      13) слёживаться; комковаться

      Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > cake

    • 10

      Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > cake

    • 11

      1. [keık]

      1. торт; кекс; сладкий пирог

      bride /wedding/ cake — свадебный пирог

      cup cake — кекс, выпеченный в гофрированной формочке

      2. пирожное

      3. лепёшка;

      тж. оладья, блинчик

      cheese cakes — сырники, творожники

      4. 1) кусок ()

      2) плитка ()

      3) брусок; брикет

      5. 1) лепёшка грязи, глины ()

      3) нефтяное пятно на поверхности воды


      кек, осадок на фильтре

      Cake Day — канун Нового года

      cakes and ale — веселье, беззаботная жизнь

      life is not all cakes and ale — без горя не проживёшь; ≅ жизнь прожить, не поле перейти

      a piece of cake — что-л. лёгкое и приятное; ≅ плёвое дело; пара пустяков

      to go (off) /to sell/ like hot cakes — раскупаться нарасхват; ≅ с руками оторвут

      to get one’s share of the cake — ≅ взять своё, не оказаться обделённым

      to take the cake — занять первое место, получить приз; превзойти всех

      this takes the cake — это превосходит всё; дальше идти некуда

      to eat one’s cake and have it — один пирог два раза не съешь; пытаться совместить несовместимое; ≅ и волки сыты, и овцы целы

      to have one’s cake baked — а) жить в достатке; б) добиться успеха

      my cake is dough — мои надежды не оправдались, мой замысел провалился; ≅ дело не выгорело

      Land of cakes — страна (овсяных) лепёшек, Шотландия

      2. [keık]

      3. [keık]

      1. затвердевать, спекаться


      pass (in, with) покрывать, облеплять; заляпать ()

      НБАРС > cake

    • 12



      1) кекс; пирожное; торт

      a piece, slice of cake — кусочек торта


      3) плитка ; кусок , брусок; брикет


      to go / sell like hot cakes — раскупаться, продаваться нарасхват

      to take the cake — получить приз, занять первое место; быть лучше всех

      You cannot eat your cake and have it too. — посл. Один пирог два раза не съешь.; Нельзя совместить несовместимое.



      1) затвердевать, спекаться


      2) покрывать, облеплять, заляпать

      After the long ride, the horse was caked with mud. — После долгой скачки лошадь была вся в грязи.

      Англо-русский современный словарь > cake

    • 13

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > cake

    • 14

      1. корка

      2. слеживаться

      3. брикет

      The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cake

    • 15

       кекс, сладкий пирог, пирожное

      сup cake кекс, выпеченный в гофрированной форме

      coffee cake булочка или кекс к кофе, часто с орехами и изюмом

      Genoa cake сдобный пирог с изюмом и миндалем

      English-Russian dictionary of culinary > cake

    • 16

      Англо-русский технический словарь > cake

    • 17

      1. фильтрационная корка на стенках ствола скважины
      2. отжатый осадок на фильтре
      3. кекс
      4. кек
      5. затвердевший шлам
      6. глинистая корка (на стенках скважины)

      Тв. остаток после фильтров, пульпы, содержащий 12-18 % жидкой фазы (влаги). К. может представлять концентрат (при обогащ. полезных ископаемых) или отход произ-ва (в гидрометаллургии). Для окончат. обезвоживания к. направляют на сушку. Иногда к. перерабатывают вельцеванием, напр., для извлечения Zm, Pb, Cd, In и др.


      • металлургия в целом


      • cake
      • filter cake

      Мучное кондитерское изделие с большим содержанием меланжа, масла, сахара, цукатов, фруктов и орехов
      [ ГОСТ 17481-72]


      • технол. процессы в кондитерской промышл.


      • cake


      • keks


      • gateau

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cake

    • 18

      Англо-русский строительный словарь > cake

    • 19

      English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > cake

    • 20

      English-Russian mining dictionary > cake


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • cake — cake …   Dictionnaire des rimes

    • cake — [ kɛk ] n. m. • 1795; mot angl., abrév. de plum cake « gâteau aux raisins secs » 1 ♦ Gâteau garni de raisins secs, de fruits confits. Une tranche de cake. Un moule à cake. Des cakes. 2 ♦ Loc. (1964) En cake, se dit d un cosmétique moulé en pâte… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • cake — [ keık ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount a sweet food made by baking a mixture that usually contains sugar, eggs, flour, and butter or oil: a chocolate cake a birthday/wedding/Christmas cake a piece/slice of cake: Would you like a slice of cake?… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • Cake — (k[=a]k), n. [OE. cake, kaak; akin to Dan. kage, Sw. & Icel. kaka, D. koek, G.kuchen, OHG. chuocho.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small mass of dough baked; especially, a thin loaf from unleavened dough; as, an oatmeal cake; johnnycake. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • cake — ► NOUN 1) an item of soft sweet food made from baking a mixture of flour, fat, eggs, and sugar. 2) a flat, round item of savoury food that is baked or fried. 3) the amount of money available for sharing: a fair slice of the education cake. ► VERB …   English terms dictionary

    • Cake — Datos generales Origen Sacramento, California, EUA Información artística Género(s) Rock alternativo Co …   Wikipedia Español

    • CAKE — John McCrea 2005 beim Lollapalooza Gründung 1991 Genre Alternative Rock, Post Grunge Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Cake — 〈[kɛık] m. 6; schweiz.〉 in einer länglichen Form gebackener Sandkuchen [engl., „Kuchen“] * * * Cake [ke:k , keɪk ], der; s, s [engl. cake = Kuchen] (schweiz.): in länglicher Form gebackene Art Sandkuchen. * * * Cake [ke:k, engl.: keɪk], der; s, s …   Universal-Lexikon

    • cake — cake; no·cake; tharf·cake; pan·cake; …   English syllables

    • Cake — Cake, v. i. To form into a cake, or mass. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • cake — [kāk] n. [ME < ON kaka < IE base * gag , *gog , something round, lump of something (orig. < baby talk) > Ger kuchen: not connected with COOK & L coquere] 1. a small, flat mass of dough or batter, or of some hashed food, that is baked… …   English World dictionary


    I made three cakes for the party.

    He blew out the candles on his birthday cake.

    a slice of chocolate cake


    The mud had caked on his boots.

    shoes caked with dried mud

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Brooklyn, 24, meanwhile, posed in a white shirt and matching pants, and held what appeared to be a cake adorned with several Polaroid shots of himself and his wife.

    Kimberlee Speakman, Peoplemag, 10 Apr. 2023

    The one that melts the competition earns an advantage during the main heat, where the bakers are tasked with creating a cake with a gelatin water feature.

    Jennifer Maas, Variety, 5 Apr. 2023

    Enjoy! Carrot Cake Dip Don’t feel like baking a cake?

    Brittany Natale, Redbook, 5 Apr. 2023

    To celebrate the holiday, there will also be Easter egg cake and cronuts.

    Maura Fox, San Diego Union-Tribune, 31 Mar. 2023

    That Funnel Cake Place is satisfying sweet tooths all over Houston with their decadent funnel cakes.

    Alexandria Jack, Chron, 30 Mar. 2023

    Bard, meanwhile, screws up a bunch of quantities in small but salvageable ways and understates its cake’s bake time.

    James Vincent, The Verge, 24 Mar. 2023

    Dinner entrées include Dover sole, Italian seafood stew, roasted half chicken, filet mignon, New York strip, and a Southern French chickpea cake with asparagus.

    Elaine Rewolinski, Journal Sentinel, 24 Mar. 2023

    At a Friday dinner before their Sunday ceremony, once the immediate families arrived in Siena, the couple cut into a white cake with pink filling, surprising all with a joint pregnancy announcement and gender reveal.

    Perri Ormont Blumberg, New York Times, 23 Mar. 2023

    In the town, houses were caked in noxious mud and debris.

    Reis Thebault, Washington Post, 1 Apr. 2023

    Clean Caked-On Grime If the grime is caked on, remove the grill grates and soak them in buckets of soapy water for 15 minutes or more.

    Karla Walsh, Better Homes & Gardens, 20 Mar. 2023

    Rain and sleet had clogged and caked the freeways.

    Jamie Landers, Dallas News, 14 Mar. 2023

    Valentino Very Valentino Concealer A concealer is supposed to conceal spots (such as dark circles or blemishes) — not cause more concerns like drying and caking.

    Lisa Desantis, Allure, 14 Mar. 2023

    Trash, needles and blankets caked with human excrement have also been repeatedly strewn in front of the business.

    Jon Brown, Fox News, 6 Mar. 2023

    Our tester struggled with this bottle’s non-removable agitator, leading to powder getting caked inside of the agitator despite our tester’s attempts at thoroughly cleaning it.

    Isabel Vasquez Rd Ldn, Health, 27 Feb. 2023

    This quick bread scratches that cake itch without being quite so decadent.

    Christopher Michel, Country Living, 15 Dec. 2022

    One of our testers noted that this product didn’t cake under their eyes, even after hours of wear (perfect for canceling out those leftover Thanksgiving-stress dark circles!).

    Cai Cramer, Peoplemag, 28 Nov. 2022

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cake.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Oh, that last cake looks so beautiful and so good. *dreams of sugary creme cake* ❋ Jen (2009)

    The Chewy cake doesn’t even yell *cake* to me, it could be a playdough creation. ❋ Jen (2009)

    Yah, and i had gastric attack (my bro reckons it’s because of the standing up for 2 hours thing) Yeah, so Mr Hong gave me some cake thing, which i politely just took this small little bit, and he was like ‘take the whole piece!’ me ‘no la …’ * pinches off this small bit of cake* hong ‘see! contaminated already! eat arh! take it!’ ❋ Yanxious (2005)

    Although many varieties of cake can be made, they may all be put into two general classes: _sponge cake_ and _butter cake_. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

    *takez a english applol hat, sum red velvet cake, adn blak forest cake* ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Praise cheesus!) and broccoli tart thing that was pretty tasty and some vegan german apple cake (yumyum) they didn’t have any chocolate carrot cake…. ❋ Anasthesia (2004)

    And year after year, my mum always tried picking a different cake — She never understood, why I wouldn’t eat my own cake — Now she just thinks, I don’t like cake… but I do actually… ❋ Ugotsoul (2002)

    A simple fruit cake is one of the best ways to use up summer fruits — and I mean fruit cake as in cake packed with fresh fruit, not the rum-drenched holiday cake. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The recipe for the pumpkin cake is found hereand the recipe for the white chocolate cream cheese frosting is found here. ❋ Melissa (2008)

    Mind you, I use the term cake loosely in both instances. ❋ Jen (2009)

    This cake is a classic two-layer chocolate cake topped with chocolate frosting. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    If you participate, you’ll have to carry a gun, and you’ll have to make it to the roof to know if the cake is a lie. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Relatedly, if you’ve never played Portal, the Wikipedia entry will explain what the cube is, and why the cake is a lie. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Every single one of those movies sound beyond terrible, but the icing on the cake is the DaVinci one. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    What really takes the cake is the more than $10,000 from the same law firm, Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins LLP. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Becky Jul 2 this cake is absolute genius! definitely going to try this. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Seems like the best part of this cake is the frosting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Damn!! [Look at] [the cake] on [that girl]! ❋ HunnyBunnn11 (2015)

    the [exam] was cake ❋ CrazyWey22 (2017)

    [damnnn] that shawty [qot] a cakeee, she look like she tryna marry [betty crocker] ! ❋ Iitzkaileenbixchhh (2009)

    [i love cake] ❋ Jimmy Stevan (2016)

    person: Hey have you heard of that band [5 seconds of summer]?
    person: I sure have. I’d love a piece of [that cake], [if you know what I mean]. ❋ 5secsofme (2013)

    1. Damn! Did you see [the cake] on that fine [mami]?
    2. I gotta [hustle] for my cake. ❋ L Dizzle (2005)

    «[Damn nigga] [shawty] got [MAD cake ❋ Fatdickedretard69 (2018)

    1) Did you see that boy’s [birthday cake], shit was huge b.
    2) Go to [the docks] and get that cake from them Colombians.
    3) Man the only cake you seen was at ya birthday, [broke ass] chump. ❋ AC (2005)

    «[did you] [cut that cake ❋ X (2003)

    [cough cough] cake ❋ $Unkown$ (2016)

    • Abkhaz: аторт (atʼortʼ)
    • Adyghe: торт (toort)
    • Afrikaans: koek (af)
    • Albanian: tortë (sq) f, kek
    • Amharic: ኬከ (kekä)
    • Apache:
      Western Apache: báń łikane
    • Arabic: كَعْكَة‎ f (kaʕka)
      Egyptian Arabic: جتوه‎ m pl (gatō), كيكة‎ f (kēka)
      Gulf Arabic: كيك‎ m (kēk) (collective), كيكة‎ f (kēka) (singulative)
      Hijazi Arabic: كيكة‎ f (kēka), كيك‎ m pl (kēk)
    • Aragonese: cocca f
    • Armenian: տորթ (hy) (tortʿ)
    • Aromanian: keadin
    • Assamese: পিঠা (pitha), কে’ক (këk)
    • Asturian: pastel m
    • Azerbaijani: tort (az), keks
    • Bashkir: торт (tort)
    • Basque: pastela
    • Belarusian: торт m (tort) (large), піро́жнае n (piróžnaje) (small)
    • Bengali: পিঠা (piṭha)
    • Breton: gwastell (br) f
    • Bulgarian: то́рта f (tórta)
    • Burmese: ကိတ်မုန့် (my) (kitmun.)
    • Catalan: pastís (ca) m
    • Cebuano: keyk
    • Chechen: мерза хьокхум (merza ḥʳoqum)
    • Cherokee: ᎦᏚ ᎤᎦᎾᏍᏓ (gadu uganasda)
    • Cheyenne: vé’keahonoo’o
    • Chinese:
      Cantonese: 蛋糕 (daan6 gou1)
      Mandarin: 蛋糕 (zh) (dàngāo)
      Min Nan: 雞卵糕鸡卵糕 (zh-min-nan) (ke-nn̄g-ko/kue-nn̄g-ko)
    • Classical Nahuatl: tlaxcalli
    • Corsican: pastadolce
    • Czech: dort (cs) m
    • Danish: kage (da) c, lagkage
    • Dongxiang: dangao
    • Dutch: taart (nl) f (more elaborate, with cream or fruit), cake (nl) m (more sober), gebak (nl) n, koek (nl) m
    • Esperanto: kuko (eo)
    • Estonian: kook (et)
    • Faroese: køka f, kaka f
    • Fijian: keke
    • Finnish: kakku (fi)
    • French: gâteau (fr) m (large cake served in slices, or a small, individual cake), pâtisserie (fr) f (small, individual cake)
    • Friulian: torte, colaç m
    • Galician: pastel m
    • Georgian: ტორტი (ṭorṭi), ნამცხვარი (namcxvari)
    • German: Kuchen (de) m, Torte (de) f
      Alemannic German: Chueche m
    • Greek: τούρτα (el) f (toúrta), κέικ (el) n (kéik)
      Ancient: πέμμα (pémma)
    • Guaraní: mbujape he’ẽ
    • Gujarati: કેક f (kek)
    • Hebrew: עוּגָה (he) f (uga)
    • Hindi: केक (hi) f (kek)
    • Hungarian: torta (hu), sütemény (hu), tészta (hu)
    • Icelandic: kaka (is) f
    • Ido: kuko (io)
    • Indonesian: kue (id)
    • Interlingua: torta
    • Irish: císte m, cáca milis m
    • Italian: torta (it) f (large cake served in slices), pasticcino (it) m (small, individual cake), dolce (it) m
    • Japanese: ケーキ (ja) (kēki)
    • Kannada: ಕೇಕ್ (kēk)
    • Kazakh: торт (kk) (tort), тәтті нан (tättı nan), балкүлше (balkülşe)
    • Khmer: នំបារាំង (num baarang), នំ (km) (num)
    • Korean: 과자(菓子) (ko) (gwaja), 케이크 (ko) (keikeu), 케잌 (keik) (North Korea)
    • Kyrgyz: торт (ky) (tort), пирожное (pirojnoye)
    • Lao: ເຄັກ (khek), ຂະໜົມເຄັກ (kha nom khek)
    • Latin: placenta f, lībum n, mustāceus m (wedding)
    • Latvian: kūka (lv) f, torte f
    • Lithuanian: pyragaitis m, pyragas m, tortas m
    • Luhya: ekeki
    • Luxembourgish: Kuch (lb) m
    • Macedonian: торта f (torta), колач m (kolač)
    • Malagasy: mofomamy (mg)
    • Malay: kek (ms)
    • Malayalam: കേക്ക് (ml) (kēkkŭ)
    • Maltese: kejk m
    • Maori: keke
    • Mapudungun: kochü kofke
    • Marathi: केक (mr) m (kek)
    • Mirandese: bolho m
    • Mongolian: бялуу (mn) (bjaluu)
    • Nauruan: keik (na)
    • Navajo: bááh łikaní, masdéél, basdéél
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: kake (no) m
    • Occitan: còca (oc) f
    • Old Norse: kaka
    • Old Prussian: lugis
    • Pashto: کېک(cake)
    • Persian: کیک (fa) (keyk), کوکه(kuke) (archaic)
    • Polish: ciasto (pl) n, ciastko (pl) n, tort (pl) m, ciasteczko (pl) n
    • Portuguese: bolo (pt) m
    • Punjabi: ਕੇਕ m (kek)
    • Quechua: peqachu
    • Rajasthani: please add this translation if you can
    • Romanian: tort (ro), prăjitură (ro) f, turtă (ro) f
    • Romansch: petta f (Rumantsch Grischun, Sursilvan, Surmiran, Puter, Vallader), peta f (Sutsilvan), turta f (Rumantsch Grischun, Sutsilvan, Surmiran), tuorta f (Sursilvan, Puter, Vallader)
    • Russian: торт (ru) m (tort) (large cake served in slices), пиро́жное (ru) n (piróžnoje) (small, individual cake), кекс (ru) m (keks)
    • Rusyn: торта f (torta), бухта f (buxta), колач (kolač)
    • Scottish Gaelic: breacag f, aran milis m, bonnach m, bannag f, cèic f
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: колач m
      Roman: kolač (sh) m
    • Sinhalese: කේක් (si) (kēk)
    • Slovak: torta f, koláč (sk) m
    • Slovene: torta f, koláč (sl) m
    • Spanish: bizcocho (es) m (, birthday or wedding cake, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico), cake (es) m (Cuba, Panama), pastel (es) m (Northeastern Spain, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras), ponqué (es) m (Colombia), pudín m (Colombian Atlantic Coast), queque (es) m (Costa Rica, Nicaragua — in Chile: an unlayered cake), tarta (es) f (Spain standard usage), torta (es) f (Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela — in Chile: a layer cake)
    • Swahili: keki (sw)
    • Swedish: tårta (sv) c, kaka (sv) c
    • Tagalog: keyk
    • Tajik: кекс (tg) (keks), торт (tg) (tort), пирожное (pirožnoye), пирожнӣ (pirožnī)
    • Tamil: கேக் (kēk)
    • Taos: kèke’éna
    • Tatar: кекс (keks), торт (tort)
    • Telugu: కేక్ (te) (kēk)
    • Thai: เค้ก (th) (kéek)
    • Turkish: kek (tr)
    • Turkmen: tort, pirog
    • Ukrainian: торт m (tort) (large), ті́стечко n (tístečko) (small), кекс m (keks), пиро́жне n (pyróžne)
    • Urdu: کیک‎ f (kēk)
    • Uyghur: تورت(tort)
    • Uzbek: tort (uz), kunjara (uz), keks (uz), pirojniy (uz)
    • Vietnamese: bánh (vi), bánh ga tô
    • Volapük: kek (vo)
    • Walloon: wastea (wa)
    • Welsh: teisen (cy) f, cacen (cy)
    • Yiddish: קוכן‎ m (kukhn)

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