Meaning of the word bitten

ˈbɪtn past p. от bite

p.p. от bite

bitten p. p. от bite;
to be ~ with зажечься (чем-л.) ;
once bitten twice shy посл. = обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду;
пуганая ворона (и) куста боится

bitten p. p. от bite;
to be ~ with зажечься (чем-л.) ;
once bitten twice shy посл. = обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть и на воду;
пуганая ворона (и) куста боится

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «bitten» в других словарях:

  • Bitten — Bitten, verb. irreg. act. Imperf. ich bath, Mittelwort gebethen, Imperat. bitte. 1) Die Erweisung eines Guten als eine Wohlthat oder Gefälligkeit von jemanden verlangen. Einen bitten. Einen um etwas bitten, und etwas von einem bitten. Fußfällig,… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • bitten — Vst. std. (8. Jh.), mhd. bitten, ahd. bitten, as. biddian Stammwort. Aus g. * bed ja Vst. bitten , auch in gt. bidjan, anord. biđja, ae. biddan, afr. bidda, bidia. Das germanische Verb entspricht in allen lautlichen und morphologischen… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • bitten — bitten: Das gemeingerm. Verb mhd., ahd. bitten, got. bidjan, aengl. biddan, schwed. bedja hängt wahrscheinlich zusammen mit mhd. beiten, ahd. beitten »zwingen, drängen, fordern«, got. baidjan »zwingen«, aengl. bæ̅dan »zwingen, bedrängen,… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • bitten — V. (Grundstufe) sich mit einem Wunsch an jmdn. wenden Beispiele: Er bat mich um Verzeihung. Darf ich um Ruhe bitten? Mein Freund bat mich mitzukommen. bitten V. (Aufbaustufe) jmdn. zu einem Besuch einladen Beispiel: Sie haben uns zum Mittagessen… …   Extremes Deutsch

  • Bitten — (Søndervig,Дания) Категория отеля: Адрес: 6950 Søndervig, Дания Описание …   Каталог отелей

  • Bitten — Bit ten, a. (Bot.) Terminating abruptly, as if bitten off; premorse. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bitten um — [Wichtig (Rating 3200 5600)] Auch: • fragen nach Bsp.: • Er muss noch mal um Hilfe bitten. • Hat sie nach einem Hotel im Stadtzentrum gefragt? …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • bitten — bitten, bittet, bat, hat gebeten Darf ich Sie bitten, kurz zuzuhören? …   Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer

  • Bitten — Bit ten, p. p. of {Bite}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bitten — the past participle of bite1 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bitten — pp. of BITE (Cf. bite) …   Etymology dictionary

укушенный, покусанный, искусанный

неправильный глагол

- p. p. от bite

Мои примеры


to be bitten with smth. — увлечься чем-л. (ид.)  
be bitten — зажечься  
be frost-bitten — обмораживать  
flea-bitten — искусанный блохами; поношенный; засаленный  
frost-bitten — испорченный морозом; побитый морозом; отмороженный  
had it been a snake it would have bitten you — ты не видишь того, что лежит у тебя под носом  
hunger-bitten — страдающий от голода; истощённый; голодающий  
frost bitten — обмороженный  
with a piece bitten off — надкушенный  
to be frost-bitten — обмораживать  

Примеры с переводом

Once bitten twice shy.

Пуганая ворона (и) куста боится.

He was bitten by a snake.

Его укусила змея.

He was bitten by his pet dog.

Его покусала его собака.

She should have bitten her tongue.

Ей следовало бы прикусить язычок /помалкивать/. / Лучше бы она промолчала.

The dog’s been badly bitten by fleas.

Собаку сильно искусали блохи.

The patient had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

Больной был укушен ядовитой змеёй.

She’s got the fitness bug. / She’s been bitten by the fitness bug.

Она помешана на фитнесе.

I think I’ve been bitten.

По-моему, меня покусали.

Her fingernails were bitten to the quick.

Ногти у неё были обкусаны до мяса.

She was bitten on the ankle by a poisonous snake.

Ядовитая змея укусила ее за щиколотку.

The hooves of the galloping horses had bitten deep into the soft earth.

Копыта скачущих лошадей глубоко впечатались в мягкую землю.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her nails were bitten to the quick.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

And, his blog, bitten is definitely worth a look — I check it out about once a week. renewbee ❋ Unknown (2009)

As attractive as it sounds, the risk of a major liability should something go wrong and an allergic person – guilty or not – be bitten is just too great. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Ok, putting them back half bitten is something only I thought I did. ❋ Unknown (2007)

The fashion photographer Steven Meisel and I have worked together often throughout the years, and he coined bitten lips as a term. ❋ Laura Mercier (2006)

Well, it appears that once bitten is twice shy: Morrison’s released his follow-up effort on his Web site well in advance of the album’s release — presumably in hopes that fans, at least, will give it a listen before the tastemakers weigh in. ❋ Unknown (2007)

“You got her a job,” Sylvie said, each word bitten off, hard and distinct. ❋ Jennifer Weiner (2010)

When we first meet him, he has already had his throat cut or bitten, which is spurting blood and yet it took him ten minutes to die. ❋ Unknown (2010)

           Darrell said this with a growl, each word bitten off in anger. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So far, no agents have bitten, which is a shame because I have all the wealth of experience that you gain from being two years older than Katherine Schwarzenegger. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This is more likely to happen the more people are bitten, that is, the more time they spend outside in rural areas from dusk to dawn. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Kleist’s word for pleading is bitten, which is etymologically related to both betteln and Bett. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The wooden image of justice over the door of the city marshal had had the arm that held the sword bitten off. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

There are some parts of a horse, which he cannot conveniently rub, when they itch, as about the shoulder, which he can neither bite with his teeth, nor scratch with his hind foot; when this part itches, he goes to another horse, and gently bites him in the part which he wishes to be bitten, which is immediately done by his intelligent friend. ❋ Erasmus Darwin (1766)

That which he relied upon as his strength (his wealth, power, pomp, friends, and the hardiness of his own spirit) shall fail him in the time of need, and be hunger-bitten, that is, it shall do him no more service than a famished man, pining away for hunger, would do in work or war. ❋ Unknown (1721)

Actually I remember a space-vampire episode where Erin Gray tried to explain to Buck what it was like being «bitten» and she purred the line «oh Buck, it feeeeels sooooo goooooood.» ❋ Unknown (2008)

The purity thing – the whole debate whether Bella should be «bitten» or whether that would corrupt her – is also an issue. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The goal of the humans is to survive the zombie attack by not being «bitten» and turned into a zombie. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In an agonizing twist of fate, Mick was «bitten» 60 years ago by his new bride, the seductive and beguiling Coraline (Amber Valletta, «Hitch»). ❋ Unknown (2007)

All of this occurred in a fraction of a second, the novice shooter often not even knowing what had «bitten» him. ❋ Connelly, Michael, 1956- (2005)

I really want a [bitten] for [my birthday], I was able to fly my bitten today, I have two [bittens] in my bed ❋ Sleeping Starfish (2017)

«[Its cold] [as balls] out here I need my [bittens]!! ❋ Jab’s (2011)

Have you heard of [the band] Dirty [Loops]? I just heard about them and I’m totally [bitten by the kitten]. I’ve been listening to them non-stop! ❋ Jjr2 (2022)

David was [bitten up] last night.
[Sanders] bit [Shannon] up last night.
Jessica is getting bitten up tonight. ❋ Shark10101 (2007)

him: yo that girl is snake bitten[other guy]: what do you mean
him: everyone she has dated broke up with her or [cheated], her parents even got [divorced] because of her
other guy: damn. that’s harsh. ❋ Oh Man (2019)

«Whats a matter with you, dude?»
«[Im ok], I think I just got bitten by the cobra.»
«Oh, you mean you just going to pass out for a few minutes.»
«Ya, that’s it then I’m going to [get right] back up again and start eating again cause I’m a hungry [little bastard].» ❋ Dman82 (2012)

once bitten is the best [movie] ever made. [vampire] fans will especially [like it] ❋ Laurennnnnnnnn (2006)

[Let me get this straight]. You flew to Las Vegas, won £100,000 in a celebrity poker game, met [Peter Crouch], got invited to his wedding, got with one of the groomsmen, and then two of the [bridesmaids], and only now you’re ringing to tell me you might be late for work?
What can I say? Bitten by the bat. ❋ The Bat7 (2011)

Person 1: can I have some [Hubba]
Person 2: sure
Person 1: *bites out of side*
Person 2: *See’s [bitten Hubba bubba]*
Person 2: *Fucking dies from [odc]* ❋ Fucking Dies (2019)

On my [trip] to [Ontario] [my friend] almost got in a fight with some flea-bitten goose! ❋ Mark K. Smith (2005)

    • See Also:
      • bitmap font
      • Bitola
      • Bitolj
      • bitonal
      • bitonality
      • bitser
      • bitstock
      • bitstream
      • bitsy
      • bitt
      • bitten
      • bitter
      • bitter almond
      • bitter almond oil
      • bitter apple
      • bitter cassava
      • bitter cress
      • bitter dock
      • bitter end
      • bitter herb
      • bitter lake
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v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

bit•ten /ˈbɪtən/USA pronunciation  

  1. a pp. of bite.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(bitn),USA pronunciation v. 

  1. a pp. of bite. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

bitten /ˈbɪtən/ vb

  1. the past participle of bite

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

bite /baɪt/USA pronunciation  
v., bit/bɪt/USA pronunciation  bit•ten /ˈbɪtən/USA pronunciation  or bit, bit•ing, n. 

  1. to cut or tear with the teeth:[+ object]The cat bit me.[+ into + object]The cat bit into my arm.
  2. to cut (something) off with the teeth;
    sever: [+ off + object]bit off a piece of meat.[+ object + off]bit a piece off.
  3. to grip with the teeth:[+ object]Our hero bit the rope and hung off the cliff by his teeth.
  4. (of an insect) to sting: [+ object]bitten by a mosquito.[no object]The flies are biting today.
  5. to cause to sting:[+ object]faces bitten by the icy wind.
  6. to take firm hold (of): [+ object]studded tires that bite the road.[no object]When you feel the gears beginning to bite, let up on the clutch.
  7. Sport[no object]
    • (of fish) to take bait (and hence get caught):Are the fish biting today?
    • to respond to an offer or suggestion:It was a pretty good offer, but she didn’t bite.

n. [countable]

  1. an act of biting.
  2. a wound made by biting:The doctors treated several dog bites.
  3. a cutting, stinging, or nipping effect:That wine had quite a bite to it.
  4. a piece bitten off:Chew each bite carefully.
  5. a small meal:[usually singular]Let’s go out for a bite.
  6. a morsel of food:I’ll have a little bite of your salmon.
  7. a portion demanded or taken: a big bite of my paycheck.
  8. Dentistrythe way the upper and lower teeth come together:The orthodontist said I needed work to correct my bite.


  1. Idiomsbite off more than one can chew, to attempt something that exceeds one’s ability:Writing a novel was biting off more than he could chew.
  2. Idioms bite one’s tongue, to suppress one’s anger:I thought I might lose my temper so I bit my tongue instead.
  3. Idioms bite someone’s head off, to respond with anger to someone’s question or comment:When the students asked for more time to write their papers, the teacher nearly bit their heads off.
  4. Idioms bite the bullet. See bullet (def. 6).
  5. Idioms bite the dust. See dust (def. 14).
  6. Idioms bite the hand that feeds one, to repay kindness with malice or injury:I had helped him throughout his career, but when he got into trouble he turned and bit the hand that fed him.
  7. Idioms put the bite on, [+ object][Slang.]to try to borrow or get money from:Let’s put the bite on auntie, she’s got plenty of dough.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(bīt),USA pronunciation v., bit, bit•ten or bit, bit•ing, n. 

  1. to cut, wound, or tear with the teeth:She bit the apple greedily. The lion bit his trainer.
  2. to grip or hold with the teeth:Stop biting your lip!
  3. to sting, as does an insect.
  4. to cause to smart or sting:an icy wind that bit our faces.
  5. to sever with the teeth (often fol. by off):Don’t bite your nails. The child bit off a large piece of the candy bar.
  6. to start to eat (often fol. by into):She bit into her steak.
  7. to clamp the teeth firmly on or around (often fol. by on):He bit hard on the stick while they removed the bullet from his leg.
  8. Informal Terms
    • to take advantage of;
      deceive:I got bitten in a mail-order swindle.
    • to annoy or upset;
      anger:What’s biting you, sorehead?

  9. to eat into or corrode, as does an acid.
  10. to cut or pierce with, or as with, a weapon:The sword split his helmet and bit him fatally.
  11. Fine Art[Etching.]to etch with acid (a copper or other surface) in such parts as are left bare of a protective coating.
  12. to take firm hold or act effectively on:We need a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries.
  13. [Archaic.]to make a decided impression on;


  1. to press the teeth into something;
    attack with the jaws, bill, sting, etc.;
    snap:Does your parrot bite?
  2. Sport[Angling.](of fish) to take bait:The fish aren’t biting today.
  3. to accept an offer or suggestion, esp. one intended to trick or deceive:I knew it was a mistake, but I bit anyway.
  4. Informal Termsto admit defeat in guessing:I’ll bite, who is it?
  5. to act effectively;
    hold:This wood is so dry the screws don’t bite.
  6. Slang Termsto be notably repellent, disappointing, poor, etc.;
  7. Idioms bite off more than one can chew, to attempt something that exceeds one’s capacity:In trying to build a house by himself, he bit off more than he could chew.
  8. Idioms bite someone’s head off, to respond with anger or impatience to someone’s question or comment:He’ll bite your head off if you ask for anything.
  9. Idioms bite the bullet. See bullet (def. 6).
  10. Idioms bite the dust. See dust (def. 14).
  11. Idioms bite the hand that feeds one, to repay kindness with malice or injury:When he berates his boss, he is biting the hand that feeds him.


  1. an act of biting.
  2. a wound made by biting:a deep bite.
  3. a cutting, stinging, or nipping effect:the bite of an icy wind; the bite of whiskey on the tongue.
  4. a piece bitten off:Chew each bite carefully.
  5. a small meal:Let’s have a bite before the theater.
  6. a portion severed from the whole:the government’s weekly bite of my paycheck.
  7. a morsel of food:not a bite to eat.
  8. the occlusion of one’s teeth:The dentist said I had a good bite.
  9. Mechanical Engineering[Mach.]
    • Mechanical Engineeringthe catch or hold that one object or one part of a mechanical apparatus has on another.
    • Mechanical Engineeringa surface brought into contact to obtain a hold or grip, as in a lathe chuck or similar device.
    • Mechanical Engineeringthe amount of material that a mechanical shovel or the like can carry at one time.

  10. sharpness;
    effectiveness:The bite of his story is spoiled by his slovenly style.
  11. the roughness of the surface of a file.
  12. Metallurgythe maximum angle, measured from the center of a roll in a rolling mill, between a perpendicular and a line to the point of contact where a given object to be rolled will enter between the rolls.
  13. Idioms, Slang Terms put the bite on, [Slang.]
    • to solicit or attempt to borrow money or something of value from.
    • to press for money, as in extortion:They found out about his prison record and began to put the bite on him.

  • bef. 1000; Middle English biten, Old English bītan; cognate with Old High German bīzan (German beissen), Gothic beitan, Old Norse bīta; akin to Latin findere to split

bita•ble, bitea•ble, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged gnaw, chew, nip.
    • 27.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mouthful, morsel, taste; scrap, crumb, dab.
    • 28.See corresponding entry in Unabridged snack, nosh.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

bite /baɪt/ vb (bites, biting, bit, bitten)

  1. to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws
  2. (of animals, insects, etc) to injure by puncturing or tearing (the skin or flesh) with the teeth, fangs, etc, esp as a natural characteristic
  3. (transitive) to cut or penetrate, as with a knife
  4. (of corrosive material such as acid) to eat away or into
  5. to smart or cause to smart; sting
  6. (intransitive) (of a fish) to take or attempt to take the bait or lure
  7. to take firm hold of or act effectively upon
  8. (transitive) informal to annoy or worry: what’s biting her?
  9. (often passive) slang to cheat
  10. (transitive) often followed by for: Austral NZ slang to ask (for); scrounge from
  11. bite the dust
    See dust
  12. put the bite on someoneAustral slang to ask someone for money


  1. the act of biting
  2. a thing or amount bitten off
  3. a wound, bruise, or sting inflicted by biting
  4. an attempt by a fish to take the bait or lure
  5. a light meal; snack
  6. a cutting, stinging, or smarting sensation
  7. the angle or manner of contact between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed naturally

Etymology: Old English bītan; related to Latin findere to split, Sanskrit bhedati he splits

ˈbiter n

bitten‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Meaning bitten

What does bitten mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word bitten. You can also add a definition of bitten yourself




past participle of bite.





(n) a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person(n) a small amount of solid food; a mouthful(n) a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect’s stinger into skin(n) a light info [..]





Imposed upon, let in, made to suffer loss. “I was terribly bitten in that affair.” I suffered great loss. To bite is to cheat or suffer retaliation. Thus, Pope says, “The ro [..]





goh|bitten, fromgem-pro|*bidjan?, fromine-pro|*g??ed?-. Compareine-pro|*g??ed?-





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