- окруженный
- находящийся в определенных условиях, в определенном положении
- арх. расположенный, помещенный
- поставленный в (какие-л.) условия
- помогать, оказывать помощь, содействие; быть полезным
Мои примеры
hard bested — в тяжелом положении; в опасности
well bested — в хорошем положении
Примеры с переводом
At last she’s bested her card-playing mother at the game of hearts.
Наконец она превзошла свою картёжницу-мать в игре в червы.
Возможные однокоренные слова
best — лучший, больший, лучше всего, больше всего, провести, перехитрить
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
взял верх над
удалось превзойти
выиграла у
He bested you with strength, your greatness.
Смотри, он превзошёл тебя в силе, с твоей-то мощью.
The prince conceded his son had bested him at the sport.
Принц признал, что сын превзошел его в спорте.
To become head of state he created a new political movement and bested five former prime ministers and presidents.
Чтобы стать главой французского государства, он создал новое политическое движение и обошел пятерых бывших премьер-министров и президентов.
One area in which Fun clearly bested its rival was in its close connection to popular theatre.
Одна из областей, где Fun обошел своего конкурента, была тесно связана с театром.
He bested me fair and square.
Он победил меня в честной схватке.
And you bested me in battle.
Now, he’s already bested one of your order, so I’d recommend substance over style.
Пока что он уже победил одного из вашего ордена, так что я советую предпочесть стилю суть.
However, his young opponent bested him in the second round.
Тем не менее молодой боксёр победил его во 2-ом раунде.
He bested me because there was witch-force at Tuono basin.
Он победил меня с помощью колдовства.
He bested 15 other candidates in the Republican primary, most of whom were governors and senators.
Он победил на праймериз 15 республиканских кандидатов, большинство из которых были губернаторами и сенаторами.
Your plot against Crassus — you have been bested by more devious mind.
Твой план против Красса… тебя превзошёл разум похитрее.
The facts are, you were bested by a Kelso.
Факты говорят, что тебя обошел Келсо.
The G200 bested the older Millennium II in almost every area except extremely high resolutions.
G200 превзошел старый Millennium II почти в каждой области, кроме крайне высоких разрешений.
An AI recently bested humans at the Stanford reading comprehension test.
ИИ недавно превзошел людей в тесте по чтению в Стэнфорде.
Weibo, the Chinese blogging site, even created a computer that bested Google and Microsoft in an artificial intelligence competition in May.
Так, Weibo, китайский сайт-блог, даже создал компьютер, который превзошел Google и Microsoft на соревновании по искусственному интеллекту.
He has bested notable martial artists such as Batman and fought Richard Dragon to a standstill.
Он превзошел заметных мастеров боевых искусств, таких как Бэтмэн и боролся с Ричардом Дрэгоном.
In this case life bested work.
Proud to have bested this group.
Мы гордимся тем, что собрали эту группу.
As I said, only one man ever bested it.
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Meaning of BESTED in English
adj. defeated, overcome; outdone (in a contest)
Explanatory English dictionary bed edition.
Толковый словарь английского языка Редакция bed.
Defenition of the word bested
- defeated in a competition
Synonyms for the word bested
- beaten
- defeated
- outdone
- vanquished
- worsted
Similar words in the bested
- bested
- defeated
See other words
- What is outdistances
- The definition of engulfing
- The interpretation of the word engulfs
- What is meant by outrun
- The lexical meaning hand on
- The dictionary meaning of the word buttressed
- The grammatical meaning of the word engulfed
- Meaning of the word taking place
- Literal and figurative meaning of the word in the works
- The origin of the word al fresco
- Synonym for the word outshines
- Antonyms for the word open-air
- Homonyms for the word out-of-doors
- Hyponyms for the word in the open
- Holonyms for the word in the open air
- Hypernyms for the word most excellent
- Proverbs and sayings for the word handing over
- Translation of the word in other languages besting
bested meaning
- VerbBFbestSGbestsPRbesting
- simple past tense and past participle of best.
- Variant of bestead.
- simple past tense and past participle of best.
- More Examples
- Used in the Middle of Sentence
- It is best to immobilize the injury until a doctor can examine it.
- Kew is best known as the location of the Royal Botanic Gardens, now a World Heritage Site, and the National Archives
- Talented filmmaker Susanne Bier […] keeps control over the storms of melodrama that swirl in this rich weepie, a 2006 Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Language Film. — Review of After the Wedding
- Used in the Beginning of Sentence
- Best sources lean red meat, poultry, fish, dark green, leafy vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
- Best Excuse for a Wandering Mind: SNARRY!, Jason Isaacs, Alan Rickman
- Used in the Ending of Sentence
- Parents get after their children to do homework for the best.
- Used in the Middle of Sentence
- Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
- Verbs
- Verb forms
- Participles
- Past participles
- Past participles
- Verb simple past forms
- Participles
- Verb forms
- Verbs
Other Vocabulary
Look-Alike Words
- en bestem
- en bestep
- en bester
- en rested
- en tested
Source: Wiktionary
Meaning of bested for the defined word.
Grammatically, this word «bested» is a verb, more specifically, a verb form.
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite ➨ Versatile