Meaning of the word acquired

приобретенный, благоприобретенный, нажитый


- благоприобретенный

acquired taste — благоприобретенный вкус; привитая склонность
alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste — пристрастие к спиртному вырабатывается постепенно
acquired character /characteristic/ — биол. приобретённые свойства

- мед. приобретённый (о заболевании; в отличие от врождённого)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

They acquired a new pet.

Они завели нового питомца.

The old word has acquired a new meaning.

Старое слово приобрело новый смысл.

The team acquired three new players this year.

Команда в этом году приобрела трёх новых игроков.

He acquired a strong liking for sports.

Он пристрастился к спорту.

I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese.

Я приобрёл поверхностное знание китайского языка.

The normal way in which nationality is acquired is through birth.

Естественный путь приобретения гражданства — это факт рождения в данной стране.

Her voice had lately acquired a coarseness.

За последнее время голос ее огрубел.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

That is a newly acquired habit.

He had acquired a taste for adventure.

He passively acquired the reputation of being a snob, and acquiesced to it …

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Возможные однокоренные слова

acquirer  — покупатель
acquiring  — приобретение, приобретающий, покупающий
acquirable  — достижимый
unacquired  — неприобретенный, природный, прирожденный


: gained by or as a result of effort or experience


: attained as a new or added characteristic, trait, or ability

It has been theorized that the acquired tolerance to peppers’ heat reported by those who enjoy repeated meals of blistering hot peppers is caused by the killing of pain receptors in the mouth.The Columbia (Missouri) Daily Tribune

: such as


: being or relating to a physical or behavioral characteristic or trait arising in response to the action of the environment on an organism

This is clearly a claim on behalf of the Lamarckian idea that members of a species can inherit behavioral characteristics developed by their ancestors, that is, that acquired traits can be biologically transmitted.David McNally


of a disease or medical condition

: developed after birth : not congenital or hereditary

Rheumatic fever is currently uncommon in most developed countries, but it remains the leading cause of acquired heart disease among children in many resource-poor areas …Michael R. Wessels

Word History

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of acquired was
in the 15th century

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“Acquired.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged



1) благоприобретённый

acquired character — биол. приобретённые свойства

Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «acquired» в других словарях:

  • acquired — adj. 1. 1 (Biol.) gotten through environmental forces. Contrasted with {inherited}. acquired characteristics cannot be passed on noninheritable (vs. inheritable), nonheritable Syn: nurtural [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • acquired — (adj.) c.1600, gained by effort, pp. adjective from ACQUIRE (Cf. acquire). Of diseases, occurring after birth, thus not dependent on heredity, 1842 (opposed to congenital). Acquired taste is attested from 1734 …   Etymology dictionary

  • acquired — acquired; un·acquired; …   English syllables

  • Acquired — Anything that is not present at birth but develops some time later. In medicine, the word acquired implies new or added. An acquired condition is new in the sense that it is not genetic (inherited) and added in the sense that was not present at… …   Medical dictionary

  • acquired — Having purchased or otherwise obtained title, ownership, or possession, including, in the absence of a statutory restriction upon the meaning, a taking by descent, 3 Arn J2d Aliens § 31. Having obtained possession under a lease. State ex rel.… …   Ballentine’s law dictionary

  • Acquired — Acquire Ac*quire , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Acquired}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Acquiring}.] [L. acquirere, acquisitum; ad + quarere to seek for. In OE. was a verb aqueren, fr. the same, through OF. aquerre. See {Quest}..] To gain, usually by one s own… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • acquired — adj. Acquired is used with these nouns: ↑characteristic, ↑immunity, ↑taste …   Collocations dictionary

  • acquired — Developed in response to the environment, not inherited, such as a character trait (acquired characteristic) resulting from environmental effect(s). cf acclimatization …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • acquired — adjective gotten through environmental forces (Freq. 1) acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on • Similar to: ↑noninheritable, ↑nonheritable …   Useful english dictionary

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome — Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, auch Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (englisch für „erworbenes Immundefektsyndrom“), zumeist abgekürzt als AIDS oder Aids benannt, bezeichnet eine spezifische Kombination von Symptomen, die beim Menschen in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Acquired vision — is the phenomenon of a blind person gaining the ability to see, usually as a result of medical treatment.MedicalThe first known case of acquired vision is in 1728, of a blind 13 year old boy by William Cheselden.In 1960, Maurice von Senden… …   Wikipedia

The adjective acquired describes something you’re not born with: you gain or develop it later in life, like your acquired taste for coffee

Acquired comes from the Latin word acquirere, meaning «to seek in addition to.» You may the verb acquire, meaning «to get or obtain,» as in your habit of acquiring pairs of sneakers. So, something acquired is something you have gotten, not something you always had. For example, if you have an acquired habit of reading novels, this is something that developed over time. After all, you weren’t born reading!

Definitions of acquired

  1. adjective

    gotten through environmental forces

    acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on”


    nonheritable, noninheritable

    not inheritable

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  • 1 English
    • 1.1 Pronunciation
    • 1.2 Verb
    • 1.3 Adjective
      • 1.3.1 Derived terms
      • 1.3.2 Translations



  • (General American) IPA(key): /əˈkwaɪɹd/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /əˈkwaɪəd/
  • Rhymes: -aɪə(ɹ)d
  • Hyphenation: ac‧quired



  1. simple past tense and past participle of acquire


acquired (not comparable)

  1. (medicine) Developed after birth; not congenital.

Derived terms[edit]

  • acquired characteristic
  • acquired disorder
  • acquired immune deficiency syndrome


Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia.




1. Gained by one’s own efforts.

2. Of or relating to a disease, condition, or characteristic that is not congenital but develops after birth.

3. Resulting from exposure to something, such as an antigen or antibiotic.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. obtained, through buying or being given

2. obtained by learning

3. having developed, esp during the course of one’s day-to-day life or experience. See also acquired taste

4. used to describe something one is starting to suffer from

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. acquired - gotten through environmental forcesacquired — gotten through environmental forces; «acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[əˈkwaɪəd] adjacquisito/a
it’s an acquired taste → è una cosa che si impara ad apprezzare

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


a. adquirido-a; contraído-a;

___ reflexreflejo condicionado.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

Meaning Acquired

What does Acquired mean? Here you find 9 meanings of the word Acquired. You can also add a definition of Acquired yourself




Not inherited, or present at birth (congenital), but developing after birth. For example, AIDS is an acquired, not an inherited, form of immune deficiency.





c. 1600, «gained by effort,» past participle adjective from acquire. Of diseases, «occurring after birth, thus not dependent on heredity,» 1842 (opposed to congenital). Acquired ta [..]





adjective. Expressing a reply, form of conduct, concept, or data that has been discovered or even created based on experiences instead of being natural.





  Developed in response to the environment, not inherited, such as a character trait (acquired characteristic) resulting from environmental effect(s). cf





(adj) gotten through environmental forces





Conditions that are not inborn and that develop during the animal’s life.





A disease or condition/characteristic that is not congenital but develops after birth; common acquired conditions include stroke/CVA, brain injury, brain tumour, dementia, motor neurone disease (MND), [..]





In medicine, the word acquired means new or added. New in the sense that it is not genetic (inherited) and added in the sense that is was not congenital (present at birth) but came along later. For example, AIDS is an acquired, not a genetic form of immune deficiency. (12 Dec 1998)






acquired — перевод на русский

To live better, to own things I couldn’t afford, to acquire this good taste you enjoy and which I’m reluctant to give up.

Чтобы жить лучше, наслаждаться жизнью, приобрести этот тонкий вкус, от которого будет нелегко отказаться.

Mister Rolling would like to acquire the right of ownership for this invention.

Мистеру Роллингу желательно приобрести право собственности на это изобретение.

It takes generations to acquire it.

Требуются поколения, чтобы приобрести его

And you can’t acquire grace.

Невозможно приобрести грацию.

I worked most of my life to acquire and catalog… these priceless pieces that you see before you.

Я потратил большую часть жизни на то, чтобы приобрести и упорядочить бесценные сокровища, которые вы видите перед собой.

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A family that can help you acquire the industrial acreage you’re looking for.

Семья, которая поможет вам получить промышленный участок, который вы ищете.

If it has taken so long for the solar system to acquire it why was not one of us of the outer galaxies asked to provide it?

Если столько понадобилось Солнечной Системе, чтобы получить его, почему вы не попросили о помощи ни одну из внешних галактик?

Transporting down to surface of planet Rigel-12 to acquire replacement lithium crystals.

Мы транспортируемся на поверхность Ригеля-12 чтобы получить новые кристаллы лития.

The motion under discussion relates to Corleone Group’s proposal to acquire 100,000,000 newly issued Class A voting shares.

Рассматриваемое ходатайство… касается предложения группы Корлеоне вложить 1 00 миллионов в новые акции класса А и получить контроль над компанией.

acquired by giving a lemon bitter to suck to the Child?

…чтобы получить ее, Ребенку дали пососать кусочек лимона… — Вы не покинуты…

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It had, by that time, acquired a coat of black enamel so that it looked nothing more than a fairly interesting black statuette.

И еще, к тому времени, сокол приобрел покрытие из черной эмали, чтобы он выглядел ничем более, как интересной статуэткой из черного камня.

I acquired it legally, sir, and these people wish to buy it.

Я приобрел ее законым путем, сэр, и эти господа желают ее купить.

What have you acquired in twenty years, besides your scars?

— Что ты приобрёл за двадцать лет, кроме своих шрамов?

You know, I acquired that ulster from Gilbert and Sullivan.

Знаете, я приобрёл этот плащ у Гилберта и Салливана.

Since I have acquired some immunity, perhaps the others…

Поскольку я приобрел некоторый иммунитет, может, другие…

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Once the Idol has acquired fame, he must behave and talk like anybody would imagine he would behave if he had been a success.

Как только Идол приобретает известность… Он должен вести себя… И разговаривать так, чтобы никто не мог предположить, что он на самом деле другой…

Depending on where it is, or when it crops up, each card acquires an almost poignant density.

В зависимости от местонахождения или результата перемещения, каждая карта приобретает почти осязаемую плотность.

«‘How does President Rambal-Cochet acquire his properties? . «‘

Как мсье Рамбаль-Коше приобретает собственность.

The ‘self’ leaving the previous ‘body’, acquires a new one ln the formation of five Oblations:

Я покидающее старое «тело» приобретает новое Вера,Луна,Дождь,Пища,Семя как утверждается в Упанишадах

— Raste killed the dreaded Darffot. He’s acquired a fearsome magic deadly to the rest of us.

— Охотник, который убивает ужасного Дарфота, приобретает страшную силу смертельную для всех остальных.

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The knowledge I acquired in the good old bank I applied to my problems in the infantry.

Знания, приобретенный мной в старом добром банке,.. ..я применял в своей службе пехотинца.

So he has acquired immune deficiency syndrome probably…

Значит, у него приобретенный иммунодефицит, а именно…

It’s an acquired taste.

Это — приобретенный вкус.

A little talent I acquired.

Небольшой приобретенный талант.

Because language is something that people acquire.

Язык — навык приобретённый.

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Listen, How would you like to acquire a little land around Bordeux?

Скажи-ка, ты случайно не хочешь купить земли в районе Альби?

You can acquire the land for what we paid for it.

Ты можешь купить землю по цене, которую мы за неё заплатили.

He desires the one thing his wealth can’t acquire, the prime ministership.

Ему нужно то, что нельзя купить — пост премьер-министра.

that if Duggan can be made to acquire this diamond, you and she may then repay him with his own goddamn money.

что если заставить Даггана купить этот алмаз, вы с ней можете расплатиться с ним его собственными деньгами.

So, you, Duke Perkins and Reverend Coggins conspired to acquire a vast amount of propane?

Значит, вы, Дюк Перкинс и Священник Коггинс сговорились купить большую партию пропана?

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I believed, along with the cardinal… that we could do far more good in this world… by becoming self-supporting… which, of course, implied acquiring property. No!

Я уверовал, как и кардинал что мы сможем действовать куда лучше в этом мире став самодостаточными что, конечно же, подразумевает приобретение некоторой недвижимости.

Acquiring anything valuable always involves a certain amount of risk… and I believe that that knife is valuable… in more ways than one.

Приобретение любой ценной вещи подразумевает риск а я думаю, что этот нож очень ценный и весьма.

I love her as a collector does his most prized item. Once acquired, it becomes his sole reason to live.

И я люблю ее так, как коллекционер обхаживает наиболее драгоценный… экспонат своей коллекции, находка и приобретение которого являлись исключительным смыслом его существования.

Anything worth acquiring… usually does.

Как и любое другое ценное приобретение.

I have spent a cool grand on acquiring the resumption of an equitable temperature.

А я потратил косарь на приобретение возвращения приемлимой температуры.

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My agents in Singapore have obtained copies of letters to British government from certain persons wishing to acquire interests in Siam or parts thereof.

мои агенты в Сингапуре достали копии писем правительству Британии от лиц, которые желали бы заполучить часть Сиама.

Due to some fault, I was also able to acquire the Draags’ knowledge.

Случайность позволила мне заполучить знания Tраагов

We’re not trying to acquire laborers.

Мы не стараемся заполучить рабочих.

Use any means necessary to acquire technology to help Earth in the battle against the Goa’uld or other unforeseen aggressors.

Используя любые необходимые средства, заполучить технологии, которые помогут Земле в битве против Гоаулдов или иных неожиданных агрессоров.

much blood has been spilt to acquire it i pray that mine will be the last

Много крови было пролито, чтобы заполучить его, и я молюсь, чтобы моя была последней.

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Anyway, we have the means of acquiring weapons

С другой стороны, у нас есть способ добыть оружие.

If someone can show me another way to acquire naqahdah, I’m listening.

Теперь, если кто-то сможет мне показать другое решение, чтобы добыть наквадака или сможет сделать линейный крейсер без этого, я слушаю.

You’ll assist Carina in acquiring the rock.

Вы поможете Карине добыть камень.

Gentlemen, this next items something that we went to a great deal of trouble to acquire.

Господа, чтобы добыть следующий лот, нам пришлось пережить много неприятностей.

If you want your execution to proceed, then you must acquire more of this drug from your neighboring states.

Если вы хотите осуществить свою казнь тогда вы должны добыть этот прпарат в соседних штатах.

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Did you acquire it?


Where did you acquire it?

Где вы это достали?

We had acquired some ice cream somehow, and we decided that it would be good to store the ice cream in his undergarments on his person.

Мы каким-то образом достали мороженое, и решили, что будет забавно спрятать мороженое в его подштанниках надетых на нем.

And now, with the help of the real boy you’ve acquired, We can take our first steps.

Теперь, с помощью настоящего мальчика, что вы достали, мы сделаем первые шаги.

You seem quite excited after having acquired that footage?

что запись достали?

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Romanian citizenship cannot be withdrawn if acquired by birth.

Однако гражданство Румынии не подлежит отмене, если оно было получено по праву рождения.

The unique expertise acquired in this public/private partnership has provided Kedrion special opportunities and responsibilities.

Уникальный опыт, приобретенный в таком партнерстве государственного и частного сектора, предоставил Компании Kedrion как особые возможности, так и особую ответственность.

Furthermore, the numbers of frames needed for a correct diagnosis is 1/25 of the actually acquired data: excess acquired data improve diagnostic reliability.

Кроме того, количество кадров, необходимых для правильной диагностики, составляет 1/25 фактически полученных данных: данные, полученные сверх этого значения, только улучшают диагностическую надежность.

The prerequisite for admission is secondary education acquired in Estonia or a corresponding level of education acquired in a foreign state.

Условием приема является среднее образование, приобретенный в Эстонии или соответствующий уровень образования, полученного в иностранном государстве.

Congenital form is observed immediately after the birth of the child, acquired acquired appears over time in a weakened part of the abdominal wall.

Врожденная форма наблюдается сразу после появления ребенка на свет, приобретенная появляется со временем в ослабленном участке стенки живота.

After the acquired acquired rubella form, a child develops a strong immunity, so re-infection happens extremely rarely.

После перенесенной приобретенной формы краснухи у ребенка формируется стойкий иммунитет, поэтому повторное заражение случается крайне редко.

Typically, though, Fleet discards acquired applications.

Тем не менее, Fleet, как правило, отказывается от приобретенных в результате слияния прикладных программ.

Smoking cigarettes is one of the most life-threatening harmful habits ever acquired.

Курение сигарет считается одной из самых опасных для жизни вредных привычек, когда-либо приобретенных человеком.

Spouses have equal rights over property acquired during marriage.

Супруги имеют равные права на имущество, приобретенное во время брака.

There are several versions of how they acquired the land.

Существует несколько различных версий о том, как ему досталась эта собственность.

We have acquired good combat experience lately.

Мы за последнее время получили достаточно большой боевой опыт.

Claims made that they were acquired with stolen money.

И следователи заявляли, что это было куплено на ворованные деньги.

About facilities that can be acquired in future.

А также имущества, которое может быть приобретено в будущем.

Email addresses of customers and possible customers could be gathered or acquired.

Адреса электронной почты пользователей и потенциальных клиентов могут быть собраны вручную или приобретены в сети.

However, not every skill can be easily acquired.

Тем не менее, не все эти умения легко поддаются освоению.

Swapping goods for another was how people acquired what they needed.

Обмен — это только один из способов, которыми люди приобретают то, в чем они нуждаются.

For properties that were acquired after 1994, that is irrelevant.

Для свойств, которые были приобретены после 1994 года, это не имеет значения.

All that they acquired through corruption is now useless to them.

Все, что они приобрели в результате коррупции — теперь бесполезно для них.

Sometimes he acquired medical documents instead of citizens.

Кроме того, иногда он сам приобретал медицинские документы вместо граждан.

This applies to the property that is acquired after the marriage.

Это относится только к тому имуществу, которое было приобретено после совершения брака.

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What Is The Meaning Of Acquired?

What Is The Meaning Of Acquired?

The meaning of the term acquired is, to buy or obtain something for oneself. The term acquired can also be synonymous to other words such as obtain, get, receive, gain, earn, win, etc. In a simpler definition, we can also explain the term acquired as, to obtain or begin to have something.

The term acquired also has its various abbreviated forms such as acquired taste, acquired characteristics, acquired knowledge, etc. You can study all the abbreviated forms of the term acquired as given below:

Acquired Taste: The explanation of term acquired taste is, it is an admiration for something doubtfully to be enjoyed by a person who has not had considerable exposure to it.

Acquired Characteristics: The definition of the term acquired characteristic is that it is a non-heritable change in a function or structure of a living biotic material caused after birth by disease, wound, accident, conscious moderation, variation, repeated use, disuse, or misuse, or any other environmental influences.

Acquired Knowledge: The term acquired knowledge can be defined as it is the key to acquire small chunks of knowledge and then apply them in different ways.

To acquire something in your life gives you great pleasure, as it has all your efforts carrying behind achieving or acquiring success.

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Examples Of Using The Word Acquire Are:

  1. The requirement to acquire or manufacture extra landing craft for the enlarged operation meant that the invasion had to be detained to June.
  2. He would later win the school English prize and the school reading award, authorizing him to finally acquire the third volume.
  3. Schools became more numerous during the Empire and enlarged the opportunities for children to acquire an education.
  4. In such an occurrence, even some more distant cousins could acquire the land, though they gained less than closer kin.
  5. It had no funds to acquire the property, and public fund-raising was undertaken and contributed to the council.
  6. It causes manufacture to chase paths which it would not follow unless the economy were to acquire an increase in stuff goods.
  7. Having reached success in the Cardiff region, they decided to spend some time traveling around Ireland, to acquire a wider musical experience.
  8. The low height of the radar mast makes it strenuous to acquire and lock onto a target while keeping a safe distance.
  9. The beneficiary can then acquire the almanac and examine the satellites it should listen for.
  10. On 26 February 2014, it was reported that Stena Line would acquire the Celtic Link ferry favor from Rosslare to Cherbourg, France.


What Is The Full Meaning Of Acquire?

ac·​quire ə-ˈkwīr. acquired; acquiring. : to come into possession, ownership, or control of : obtain as one’s own.

What Is An Example Of Acquired?

in medicine, the word acquired means new or added. New in the sense that it is not genetic (inherited) and added in the sense that is was not congenital (present at birth) but came along later. For example, aids is an acquired, not a genetic form of immune deficiency.

What Does It Mean When Someone Is Acquired?

: gained by or as a result of effort or experience. acquired wealth. acquired knowledge. : attained as a new or added characteristic, trait, or ability. an acquired taste.

How Do You Acquire Something?

To acquire means to get or come to own something. You acquire an education by your own effort. You acquire a painting by paying for it or by someone giving it to you. You acquire a sense of calm in crisis through experience.

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