Meaning of phrase take my word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

поверить мне на слово

положиться на мое слово

принимайте мои слова

верить моему слову

даю вам слово

даю слово

помяните мое слово

честное слово

верить мне на слово

поверьте на слово

поверь на слово

веришь мне на слово

придется мне поверить


Or you could take my word.

I guess that you will just have to take my word that what I am saying is true. .

In these cases you can take my word for them — or not.

That said, you may take my word for this — or not.

Don’t take my word on that, you know, consult your own attorney.

Well, you could take my word, or you could return the memories that the Dark One stole.

With regard to children, take my word, they will find what to do in this place!

Now, you just have to take my word; I’m just a man.

Take my word, you’ve never seen anyone like me.

Anyone interested in this question shouldn’t take my word.

Don’t even take my word, do your homework.

Don’t just take my word for these things.

Son, you must take my word.

So you’ll have to take my word.

Ask some other evangelist; just don’t take my word.

Спросите у какого-нибудь другого евангелиста, не принимайте только мое слово.

Please do not simply take my word or dismiss my claims about these very serious problems, read the research.

Пожалуйста, не принимайте или отклоняйте мои слова по поводу этих очень серьезных проблем, читайте научные исследования.

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take my word — перевод на русский

But I’ll take your word for it.

Но поверю тебе на слово. Мистер!

— I’ll take your word for it.

— Я поверю тебе на слово.

Oh, yeah, I’m definitely gonna take your word for it.

О, разумеется, я поверю тебе на слово.

Well, no offense if I don’t take your word for it.

Хорошо. Без обид, если я не поверю тебе на слово.

I’ll take your word for it.

Я поверю тебе на слово.

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Well, I had no way of counting’ the miles, Mr. Morgan, but I’ll take your word for it.

Ну, мистер Морган, мили я не считал, но верю вам на слово.

No need to take my word for it — see for yourself, midnight.

Нет необходимости верить мне на слово — вы увидите сами, в полночь.

Well you don’t have to take my word for it.

Ну тебе не придется верить мне на слово. — Нет? Дамы и господа, минуту внимания, пожалуйста.

Superintendent Wheeler, I realise that one of the four people in that room must be guilty. Naturally, I don’t expect you to simply take my word that I am not that person.

Инспектор Виллер, я понимаю, что один из четверых в этой комнате виновен, разумеется, не жду, что мне поверят на слово, но хотя бы не намекайте, что я лгу.

I had two. The first rule about counting my drinks is that you don’t take my word for it because I lie.

Первое правило в подсчёте выпитых мною рюмок состоит в том, чтобы не верить мне на слово, потому что я вру.

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But you don’t have to take my word for it.

Но вам не обязаны верить мне на слово.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Но не надо верить мне на слово.

You don’t have to take my word for it.

Ты не обязана верить мне на слово.

But don’t take my word for it.

Но необязательно верить мне на слово.

You don’t have to take my word for it.

Знаешь, ты не обязана верить мне на слово.

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Take my word for it. You’re sounding a little bit nuts.

Поверь мне, очень похоже что ты слегка двинулся.


Поверь мне – это намного труднее, чем кажется.

If Ryan finds out you’re lying to him about something this important, take my word for it, he’s gone.

Если Райан узнает, что ты его обманываешь в таком важном деле, поверь мне, он уйдет.

Because when it comes to money, take my word, they’re very serious.

Потому что когда доходит до денег, поверь мне, они становятся очень серьёзными.

take my word, little girl for I’ve been around long enough to know there is no escape from predeterm… we make our own fate old man

Поверь мне, девочка, я много прожил, и знаю наверняка, что от предначертанного не сбеж… Мы сами творим свою судьбу, старикан

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Madam, if you’d rather not take my word, it’s all right.

Что ж, если вы мне не верите, тогда ладно.

Oh, right, I’m on trial here because you can’t take my word for it!

О, отлично, я оказывается под следствием из-за того, что вы мне не верите!

If you don’t take my word for it, you just ask the good Inspector Drake here.

Если вы не верите мне, спросите и хорошо Инспектор Дрейк.

If you won’t take my word for it… take his.

Если Вы не верите мне, поверьте его словам.

Well, you’re taking her word over mine!

Ты веришь ей больше, чем мне!

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Stephanie, take my word for it, I didn’t want to go out with that fellow Kopeikine, he’s a pest!

Стефани, даю тебе слово, у меня не было никакого желания следовать за этим Копейкиным, …этим занудой

But you can take my word for it.

Даю тебе слово.

He will do Allah’s work, take my word for it.

Он будет занят богоугодным делом, даю тебе слово.

take my word for it.

Даю тебе слово.

For now, take my word for it.

Сейчас же, даю тебе слово.

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You’ll have to take my word for that.

Тебе придется поверить мне на слово.

You have to take my word for it.

Вам придется поверить мне на слово.

You’ll have to take my word for it.

Тебе придется поверить мне на слово.

Oh, then you just have to take my word for it.

Ну, тогда придётся поверить мне на слово.

I’ll take your word for it.

Мне придется поверить тебе на слово.

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Maybe he took my words to heart.

Возможно, он принял мои слова близко к сердцу.

You took my words to heart, did you?

Ты принял мои слова близко к сердцу, да?

I got scared and wanted to go to her, but then I thought she’d understand that I took her words seriously.

Хотел пойти к ней, но подумал, что это будет выглядеть, будто я принял ее слова всерьез.

I’m sorry, I had no idea he would take my words literally.

Извините, я не предполагал, что он примет мои слова буквально.

If I’d known you would take my words seriously, I would’ve chosen them more carefully.

Если бы я знал, что ты так близко к сердцу примешь мои слова то подбирал бы их тщательнее.

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Then you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Тогда тебе просто придется мне поверить.

And we don’t have a VCR anymore so you’ll have to take my word for it.

И видика у нас больше нет, так что придется мне поверить.

You’re just gonna have to take my word on that.

Вам просто придется мне поверить.

So, we’ll just… have to take their word for it.

Так что нам придётся в это поверить.

We have to take your word!

Придётся тебе поверить!

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You can take my word for it.

Могу дать вам честное слово. — Хорошо.

Take my word for it, we’re on the up and up!

Честное слово, Альфред! А теперь — за дело!

Take my word for it, there’s no cash on the premises.

Честное слово. У нас нет никаких наличных денег.

Just take my word for it.

Просто честное слово.

— You can take my word, because there’s only one lying’ asshole on this call.

— Даю своё честное слово. Уж кто из нас двоих брехло, так это ты.

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Смотрите также

  • поверю тебе на слово
  • слово
  • верить мне на слово
  • поверь мне
  • мне не верите
  • даю тебе слово
  • придётся поверить мне на слово
  • принял мои слова
  • придётся мне поверить
  • честное слово

take (one’s) word

(redirected from take my word)

Idioms browser

  • take it with one
  • take it/things easy
  • take it/things one day at a time
  • take its course
  • take its toll
  • take kindly to
  • take kindly to (something)
  • take leave
  • take leave of
  • take leave of (one’s) senses
  • take leave of (someone or something)
  • take leave of senses
  • take leave of your senses
  • take liberties
  • take liberties with
  • take liberties with (someone or something)
  • take life
  • take life as it comes
  • take life in hands
  • take lumps
  • take lying down
  • take matters into (one’s) own hands
  • take matters into your own hands
  • take me to your leader
  • take medicine
  • take my word
  • take my word for it
  • take names
  • take no account of (someone or something)
  • take no for an answer
  • take no for an answer, not
  • take no notice of (something or someone)
  • take no part in/of (something)
  • take no prisoners
  • take no stock in
  • take no stock in (something)
  • take note
  • take note (of someone or something)
  • take note of
  • take note of (something)
  • take note of something
  • take notes
  • take notice (of someone or something)
  • take notice of
  • take occasion
  • take off
  • take off (one’s) hat (to someone or something)
  • take off after (someone or something)
  • take off from
  • take off from (something or some place)
  • take off from work

Full browser

  • take my life in her hands
  • take my life in her own hands
  • take my life in his hands
  • take my life in his own hands
  • take my life in my hands
  • take my life in my own hands
  • take my life in our hands
  • take my life in our own hands
  • take my life in their hands
  • take my life in their own hands
  • take my life in your hands
  • take my life in your own hands
  • take my lumps
  • take my measure
  • take my medicine
  • take my mind off
  • take my name in vain
  • take my own life
  • take my own sweet time
  • take my part
  • take my pick of
  • take my picture
  • take my place
  • take my point
  • take my seat
  • take my side
  • take my sweet time
  • take my temperature
  • Take My Time
  • take my turn
  • take my word
  • take my word for
  • Take My Word for It
  • Take My Word for It
  • take my word on it
  • take myself off
  • take name in vain
  • take name in vain
  • take name in vain
  • take name in vain
  • take names
  • take naps
  • take new turns
  • take no account of
  • take no account of (someone or something)
  • take no account of her
  • take no account of him
  • take no account of me
  • take no account of someone
  • take no account of something
  • take no account of them
  • take no account of us
  • take no account of you
  • Take No Days Off
  • take no for an answer
  • take no for an answer, not
  • take no notice
  • take no notice of
  • take no notice of (something or someone)
  • take no notice of someone
  • take no notice of something

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Take my word
in a sentence and their translations

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That’s a shame, you’re going to have to take my word for it.

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Just take my word for it, and give her a little bit of space.

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Thus says the Lord: Take My Word seriously. Read

My Word!

Study the bible.

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But, take my word for it, it doesn’t work miracles on your next bonus.


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What does my word mean in slang?

used to express surprise or astonishment.

Do not take my word for it meaning?

Originally Answered: What does this phrase mean: “Don’t take my word for it”? The phrase is “Don’t take my word for it,” and it means you needn’t believe what I say; you can check it for yourself. Maybe by asking somebody else, or by googling it.

What does it mean to say my word?

expression of surprise or dismay

My word is defined as an expression of surprise or dismay and it is the equivalent of saying “my gosh” or “my goodness.” An example of my word is when you see ten bushels of strawberries and say “My word, that is a lot of strawberries!” interjection.

How do you say I’ll take your word for it?

I’ll take your word for it!: I will believe you, trust you (without needing any more evidence)!

What does you took the words right out of my mouth mean?

Definition of take the words right out of someone’s mouth

: to say exactly what someone was thinking I agree! You took the words right out of my mouth!

What is a word for take back?

In this page you can discover 27 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take back, like: recant, bring-back, retrieve, draw in, withdraw, repossess, retire, back down, recall, remove and take.

When people give you their word?

give (someone) (one’s) word

To make a serious promise, assurance, or vow (to someone). I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to have this matter resolved by next week. You gave your word that you’d be there, so don’t even think about backing out now.

Will take you up on your offer?

If you take someone up on their offer or invitation, you accept it. If you take a person up on something, you ask them to explain something that they have just said or done, for example because you think it is wrong or strange.

Is a promise the same as giving your word?

4 Answers. Show activity on this post. There’s not a lot of difference. However, “You have my word” could be construed to imply that you have previously (already) promised (given your word) and this statement is a reaffirmation of what was said before, whereas “I promise” implies that you are just now giving your word.

What do you call someone who always keeps their promises?

A man who keeps promises, who can be trusted, as in You can count on Rudy—he’s a man of his word. This expression, which uses word in the sense of “a promise or undertaking,” was first recorded in 1542.

What do you call someone who is true to their word?

Synonyms:honest, sincere, fine, genuine, decent, truthful, principled, irreproachable, good, upstanding.

What is it called when someone keeps their word?

According to Merriam-Webster, a mensch is ‘a person of integrity and honour. ‘

What is it called when someone never keeps their word?

A liar if you want a simple term. If it is someone who regularly makes promises and doesn’t live up to them they are a renegger.

When someone has the ability to do something they are?

Choose the Right Synonym for ability

ability and talent mean physical or mental power to do or accomplish something. ability may be used of an inborn power to do something especially well. Many athletes have the ability to run fast. talent is used for an unusual ability to create things.

What do you call someone who sticks to their beliefs?

An ideologue is someone who has very strong beliefs or opinions and stubbornly sticks to them no matter what. An ideologue will insist they’re right even when evidence suggests they might be wrong.

Can you trust someone who doesn’t keep their word?

Integrity is a moral principle based on honesty and truthfulness of one’s actions. Doing what you say will do demonstrates integrity. Failing to do so signals you can’t be trusted to keep your word.

Why Do Broken promises hurt?

Broken promises can harm your relationship since doing so can make your partner lose their trust in you. Moreover, frequently breaking your promises can also make your partner consider you as someone who doesn’t keep their word, affecting your relationship as a whole.

Do narcissists keep their promises?

Essentially, the manipulator will take very little action, if any, towards keeping their promises. Instead, they will keep promising and using other forms of coercive control, passive and active abuse, until you find yourself in such a state that it is easier to go along with whatever the manipulator wants.

What do you call a person who breaks promises?

renege Add to list Share. To renege is to go back on your word or fail to keep a promise. Not quite lying, reneging is more a sin of omission — failing to do what you said you would. The Latin negāre means “to deny,” so by reneging on your word, you are denying someone whatever you promised them.

How do you deal with empty promises?

What advice do you get? People are quick to advise. “You shouldn’t be so gullible.” “Get back at her, promise something and don’t deliver. Then she’ll see how it feels.” “Don’t tell anyone, just ignore it.” “Tell everyone what he did, and how he treated you.”

How does a narcissist react when they can’t control you?

Narcissists also gaslight or practice master manipulation, weakening and destabilizing their victims; finally, they utilize positive and negative emotions or moments to trick others. When a narcissist can’t control you, they’ll likely feel threatened, react with anger, and they might even start threatening you.

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