Math word for the day

Opening your daily math lesson with a Math Word Problem of the Day is an excellent way to set the stage for learning. We all know that word problems are difficult for young learners to grasp, even when the mathematical operation portion of the problem is basic.

Incorporate these first grade math word problems one day at a time at the start of your math block to build confidence, critical thinking skills, and a learning community. Students will get used to reading slowly for meaning, while also identifying key information. Encourage students to write out equations and draw pictures to explain their thinking, since this helps them see the light when they are stuck!

Topics covered include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison. All you need to do is post one of these first grade math word problems on your whiteboard or projector screen. Then let kids take it from there!

Want this entire set of word problems in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here.

1. I had 6 pencils, and my teacher gave me 4 more. How many pencils do I have now?

I had 6 pencils, and my teacher gave me 4 more. How many pencils do I have now?

2. Gina’s dog got 3 treats on Sunday and 0 treats on Monday. How many treats did Gina’s puppy get in all?

3. Joel went to the zoo with his family. During the first hour he was there he saw a bear, 2 tigers, and 3 lions. How many animals did Joel see in his first hour at the zoo?

Joel went to the zoo with his family. During the first hour he was there he saw a bear, 2 tigers, and 3 lions. How many animals did Joel see in his first hour at the zoo?

4. Jackson sorted his toy cars by color. He has 6 blue cars, 5 green cars, and 4 black cars. How many cars does Jackson have in all?

Jackson sorted his toy cars by color. He has 6 blue cars, 5 green cars, and 4 black cars. How many cars does Jackson have in all?

5. Ben has 2 green balloons and 4 yellow balloons. How many balloons does he have altogether?

Ben has 2 green balloons and 4 yellow balloons. How many balloons does he have altogether?

6. There are 3 kids in the Clark family. Tina is 3, Joshua is 4, and Samantha is 7. If you add up all their ages, what is the sum of the Clark kids?

There are 3 kids in the Clark family. Tina is 3, Joshua is 4, and Samantha is 7. If you add up all their ages, what is the sum of the Clark kids?

7. If you go for a swim and 6 of your friends come along, how many friends are swimming in total?

If you go for a swim and 6 of your friends come along, how many friends are swimming in total?

8. Rachel’s mom had some flowers in a vase. 3 of the flowers wilted and Rachel’s mom took them out of the vase. Now there are 5 flowers in the vase. How many flowers were in the vase to start with?

Rachel’s mom had some flowers in a vase. 3 of the flowers wilted and Rachel’s mom took them out of the vase. Now there are 5 flowers in the vase. How many flowers were in the vase to start with?

9. Hayden’s cat had a litter of kittens. 3 kittens were gray, 2 kittens were spotted, and 7 kittens were black. How many kittens did Hayden’s cat have?

Hayden’s cat had a litter of kittens. 3 kittens were gray, 2 kittens were spotted, and 7 kittens were black. How many kittens did Hayden’s cat have?

10. Pedro brought in 3 red leaves and 6 yellow leaves from the playground. How many leaves does he have in all?

Pedro brought in 3 red leaves and 6 yellow leaves from the playground. How many leaves does he have in all?

11. Gabriella read 3 books on Monday, 6 books on Tuesday, and 4 books on Wednesday. How many books did Gabriella read in all?

Gabriella read 3 books on Monday, 6 books on Tuesday, and 4 books on Wednesday. How many books did Gabriella read in all?

12. If you have 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a bunny. How many cute little noses do they have altogether?

If you have 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a bunny. How many cute little noses do they have altogether?

13. If there are 3 inches of snow on the ground in the morning and we get 3 more inches of snow by dinner time. How many inches of snow did we get that day?

If there are 3 inches of snow on the ground in the morning and we get 3 more inches of snow by dinner time. How many inches of snow did we get that day?

14. My cat has 4 paws and my brother’s dog has 4 paws. How many paws are there in all?

My cat has 4 paws and my brother's dog has 4 paws. How many paws are there in all?

15. I had 10 pennies, but I lost 2 of them. How many pennies do I have now?

I had 10 pennies, but I lost 2 of them. How many pennies do I have now?

16. Santiago read 7 books over the summer. Ryan read 5 books. How many more books did Santiago read than Ryan?

Santiago read 7 books over the summer. Ryan read 5 books. How many more books did Santiago read than Ryan?

17. Andrew put 10 stickers on his notebook. When he got to school he noticed some of the stickers had fallen off. Now Andrew only has 6 stickers on his notebook. How many stickers fell off Andrew’s notebook?

Andrew put 10 stickers on his notebook. When he got to school he noticed some of the stickers had fallen off. Now Andrew only has 6 stickers on his notebook. How many stickers fell off Andrew’s notebook?

18. Nicole likes to help her mom pick tomatoes from their garden. She counted 9 tomatoes in the garden. 6 tomatoes were red and the rest were green. Nicole and her mom picked all the red tomatoes. How many green tomatoes did Nicole and her mom leave in the garden?

Nicole likes to help her mom pick tomatoes from their garden. She counted 9 tomatoes in the garden. 6 tomatoes were red and the rest were green. Nicole and her mom picked all the red tomatoes. How many green tomatoes did Nicole and her mom leave in the garden?

19. My sister and I have 20 pennies. If my sister has 10 pennies, how many pennies do I have?

My sister and I have 20 pennies. If my sister has 10 pennies, how many pennies do I have?

20. The zoo had 8 tigers. 3 of the tigers moved to another zoo. How many tigers were left?

The zoo had 8 tigers. 3 of the tigers moved to another zoo. How many tigers were left?

21. Esther read 3 poems. Magenna read some more poems. Altogether they read 7 poems. How many poems did Magenna read?

Esther read 3 poems. Magenna read some more poems. Altogether they read 7 poems. How many poems did Magenna read?

22. Haley’s dad bought 8 cheeseburgers. Haley ate 1 of them. How many cheeseburgers does Haley’s dad have left?

Haley’s dad bought 8 cheeseburgers. Haley ate 1 of them. How many cheeseburgers does Haley’s dad have left?

23. If you boil 7 eggs in water, and the number of eggs that float is one more than the number that sink, how many eggs float?

If you boil 7 eggs in water, and the number of eggs that float is one more than the number that sink, how many eggs float?

24. Rasheed loves to eat jellybeans. His favorite jellybeans are the yellow ones. There were 12 jellybeans in his bag. Rasheed removed all the yellow jellybeans and ate them, leaving 6 jellybeans in his bag. How many yellow jellybeans did Rasheed eat?

Rasheed loves to eat jellybeans. His favorite jellybeans are the yellow ones. There were 12 jellybeans in his bag. Rasheed removed all the yellow jellybeans and ate them, leaving 6 jellybeans in his bag. How many yellow jellybeans did Rasheed eat

25. The gym teacher had 5 basketballs. The next week the gym teacher got some new basketballs. Now the gym teacher has 9 basketballs. How many new basketballs did the gym teacher get?

The gym teacher had 5 basketballs. The next week the gym teacher got some new basketballs. Now the gym teacher has 9 basketballs. How many new basketballs did the gym teacher get?

26. Jamal has 6 toy airplanes and his brother has 4 toy airplanes. How many more toy airplanes does Jamal have than his brother?

Jamal has 6 toy airplanes and his brother has 4 toy airplanes. How many more toy airplanes does Jamal have than his brother?

27. Antonio has some marbles. His brother Alex gives him 5 more. Now Antonio has 8 marbles. How many marbles did Antonio have to begin with?

Antonio has some marbles. His brother Alex gives him 5 more. Now Antonio has 8 marbles. How many marbles did Antonio have to begin with?

28. If you have an 8-pack of crayons and you give your friend 3 of them to use during drawing time. How many crayons do you have in your pack now?

If you have an 8-pack of crayons and you give your friend 3 of them to use during drawing time. How many crayons do you have in your pack now?

29. Emily has 4 pink erasers and some white erasers. She has 7 erasers in all. How many white erasers does Emily have?

Emily has 4 pink erasers and some white erasers. She has 7 erasers in all. How many white erasers does Emily have?

30. Angel serves pizza at her birthday party. The pizza has 12 slices. 8 slices of pizza are eaten by Angel and her guests. How many slices of pizza are left?

Angel serves pizza at her birthday party. The pizza has 12 slices. 8 slices of pizza are eaten by Angel and her guests. How many slices of pizza are left?

31. If you have 9 toys on the floor and your little brother has 6 toys on the floor. How many more toys on the floor do you have?

If you have 9 toys on the floor and your little brother has 6 toys on the floor. How many more toys on the floor do you have?

32. There are 8 windows in the classroom. Some of the windows have decorations on them, 2 of them don’t have any directions. How many windows have decorations?

There are 8 windows in the classroom. Some of the windows have decorations on them, 2 of them don’t have any directions. How many windows have decorations?

33. On Saturday, you brought home some fish from the pet store. If 15 of your 18 fish have stripes. How many of your fish are without strips?

On Saturday, you brought home some fish from the pet store. If 15 of your 18 fish have stripes. How many of your fish are without strips?

34. 8 birds flew to the top of a fence. Some birds flew away and 6 birds stayed. How many birds flew away?

8 birds flew to the top of a fence. Some birds flew away and 6 birds stayed. How many birds flew away?

35. There were 6 books on Noah’s shelf. Olivia took some of the books. Now there are 2 books on the shelf. How many books did Olivia take?

There were 6 books on Noah’s shelf. Olivia took some of the books. Now there are 2 books on the shelf. How many books did Olivia take?

36. Ethan has some folders in his backpack and 4 folders in his desk. He has 8 folders altogether. How many folders are in his backpack?

Ethan has some folders in his backpack and 4 folders in his desk. He has 8 folders altogether. How many folders are in his backpack?

37. Liam has 8 t-shirts. 5 of them have superheroes on them, and the rest are solid colors. How many of Liam’s t-shirts are solid colors?

Liam has 8 t-shirts. 5 of them have superheroes on them, and the rest are solid colors. How many of Liam’s t-shirts are solid colors?

38. Mary was putting together a 20 piece puzzle. After she finished, she discovered that only 18 pieces were there. How many pieces were missing?

Mary was putting together a 20 piece puzzle. After she finished, she discovered that only 18 pieces were there. How many pieces were missing?

39. Nicholas has 7 cousins. Some of his cousins are girls and 3 of his cousins are boys. How many girl cousins does Nicholas have?

Nicholas has 7 cousins. Some of his cousins are girls and 3 of his cousins are boys. How many girl cousins does Nicholas have?

40. It snowed for 6 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Tuesday. How many more hours did it snow on Monday?

It snowed for 6 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Tuesday. How many more hours did it snow on Monday?

41. Charlie’s mom baked 12 chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Charlie ate 2 cookies and his mom and 1 cookie. How many chocolate cookies were left?

Charlie’s mom baked 12 chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Charlie ate 2 cookies and his mom and 1 cookie. How many chocolate cookies were left?

42. Melanie has 16 purple pens. Dante has 10 blue pens. Melanie has ____ more pens than Dante has.

Melanie has 16 purple pens. Dante has 10 blue pens. Melanie has ____ more pens than Dante has.

43. Sofia has 75 pennies in her bank. How many more pennies will she need to have 100 pennies in her bank?

Sofia has 75 pennies in her bank. How many more pennies will she need to have 100 pennies in her bank?

44. There were 9 cups of soda on the table. Some of the cups were knocked over, and 6 were still standing. How many cups of soda were knocked over?

There were 9 cups of soda on the table. Some of the cups were knocked over, and 6 were still standing. How many cups of soda were knocked over?

45. Griffin has 20 board games. Some were under his bed, and 15 were in his closet. How many board games were under Griffin’s bed?

Griffin has 20 board games. Some were under his bed, and 15 were in his closet. How many board games were under Griffin’s bed?

46. Antonio spotted 3 deer sitting at the top of a hill, but all he could see were their eyes. How many eyes did Antonio see in all?

Antonio spotted 3 deer sitting at the top of a hill, but all he could see were their eyes. How many eyes did Antonio see in all?

47. Desmond saw 5 bunnies. He counted all of their ears. How many bunny ears did Desmond count?

Desmond saw 5 bunnies. He counted all of their ears. How many bunny ears did Desmond count?

48. Katie counted all of her toes, and then she counted all her mom’s toes. How many toes did Katie count altogether?

Katie counted all of her toes, and then she counted all her mom’s toes. How many toes did Katie count altogether?

49. Which weighs more? A 15-pound red fox or a 24-pound wild turkey?

Which weighs more? A 15-pound red fox or a 24-pound wild turkey?

50. Which weighs more: a 150-pound white-tailed deer or a 110-pound kangaroo?

Which weighs more: a 150-pound white-tailed deer or a 110-pound kangaroo?

Enjoying these first grade math word problems? Check out our first grade hub for even more resources.

Get a PPT version of these word problems.

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Opening your daily math lesson with a Fourth Grade Math Word Problem of the Day is an excellent way to set the stage for learning! Incorporate them at the start of your math block to build confidence, critical thinking skills, and a learning community. Students will get used to reading for meaning, while also identifying key information. Encourage students to write out equations and draw pictures to explain their thinking, since this helps them see the light when they are stuck!

Topics in these fourth grade math word problems cover patterns & place value, addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, and comparisons. If you’d like even more math word problems, we publish them daily on our kid-friendly site: the Daily Classroom Hub. Make sure to bookmark the link!

Want this entire set of word problems in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here. All you need to do is post one of the problems on your whiteboard or projector screen. Then let kids take it from there.

1. Jill wrote the number 730,918. She challenged Jane to rearrange the digits to create the highest possible number. What number did Jane make?

2. Marcus was given this puzzling pattern and asked to complete it. Which two numbers should he should write next?
4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, ___, ___

Marcus was given this puzzling pattern and asked to complete it. Which two numbers should he should write next?

3. Mr. Mathematica gave his class these digits: 1, 5, 7, 9, 2, 8, and 5. He asked them to make the smallest number possible using every digit once. What would that number be?

Mr. Mathematica gave his class these digits: 1, 5, 7, 9, 2, 8, and 5. He asked them to make the smallest number possible using every digit once. What would that number be?

4. The detectives found this number pattern as part of the code on a keypad to unlock a vault. 27, 26, 24, 23, 21, __, __. What are the last two numbers they should punch in?

The detectives found this number pattern as part of the code on a keypad to unlock a vault. 27, 26, 24, 23, 21, __, __. What are the last two numbers they should punch in?

5. Tom’s bicycle cost $50 more than Bob’s bicycle. Bob’s bicycle cost $180. How much did Tom’s bicycle cost?

Tom’s bicycle cost $50 more than Bob’s bicycle. Bob’s bicycle cost $180. How much did Tom’s bicycle cost?

6. Randy bought 2 baseball hats for $5.25 each. He also bought 2 wrist bands for $2.50 each. How much money did he spend?

Randy bought 2 baseball hats for $5.25 each. He also bought 2 wrist bands for $2.50 each. How much money did he spend?

7. Lots of birds were spotted at the new bird feeder. There were 12 sparrows, 15 crows, 8 orioles, 3 squirrels, and 9 cardinals. How many birds were there in all?

Lots of birds were spotted at the new bird feeder. There were 12 sparrows, 15 crows, 8 orioles, 3 squirrels, and 9 cardinals. How many birds were there in all?

8. There were lots of visitors to the town history museum this past winter. There were 75 in December, 98 in January, and 69 in February. How many visitors did the museum have this past winter in total?

There were lots of visitors to the town history museum this past winter. There were 75 in December, 98 in January, and 69 in February. How many visitors did the museum have this past winter in total?

9. Luis was setting up his new office. He bought a new computer for $350. He also bought a printer for $99 and two ink cartridges for $37 each. How much did he spend?

Luis was setting up his new office. He bought a new computer for $350. He also bought a printer for $99 and two ink cartridges for $37 each. How much did he spend?

10. There was a big sale at the Super Duper Shoe Store for 3 days. They sold 87 pairs of shoes on Friday, 95 pairs of shoes on Saturday, and 83 pairs of shoes on Sunday. How many pairs of shoes were sold all together?

There was a big sale at the Super Duper Shoe Store for 3 days. They sold 87 pairs of shoes on Friday, 95 pairs of shoes on Saturday, and 83 pairs of shoes on Sunday. How many pairs of shoes were sold all together?

11. Pia had a huge sticker collection. She had 280 stickers. Her friend, Jen, had 155 stickers in her collection. How many more stickers did Pia have than Jen?

12. Robyn scored a total of 155 points in basketball this season for the Tarrytown Tigers. She had 30 rebounds as well. Last season she scored 106 points. How many more points did she score this season than last season?

Robyn scored a total of 155 points in basketball this season for the Tarrytown Tigers. She had 30 rebounds as well. Last season she scored 106 points. How many more points did she score this season than last season?

13. John went to lunch at the Cool Cat Cafe. He spent $1.25 on a juice drink and $5.50 on a sandwich. He also bought a brownie for 99 cents. He gave the cashier a $20 bill. How much change did he get?

John went to lunch at the Cool Cat Cafe. He spent $1.25 on a juice drink and $5.50 on a sandwich. He also bought a brownie for 99 cents. He gave the cashier a $20 bill. How much change did he get?

14. Race Car Ralph drove 1,000 miles in the big cross-country auto race. 775 of those miles were with his dog, Speedy, in the car. The rest of the way, he drove alone. How many miles did Ralph drive without Speedy?

Race Car Ralph drove 1,000 miles in the big cross-country auto race. 775 of those miles were with his dog, Speedy, in the car. The rest of the way, he drove alone. How many miles did Ralph drive without Speedy?

15. Best Baked Bakery baked 10,250 holiday cookies. They sold almost all of them. Only 56 were left. How many holiday cookies did they sell?

Best Baked Bakery baked 10,250 holiday cookies. They sold almost all of them. Only 56 were left. How many holiday cookies did they sell?

16. There were 3 cats and 4 geese in the barnyard. How many total legs were there?

There were 3 cats and 4 geese in the barnyard. How many total legs were there?

17. Donna picks 5 apples every minute in the orchard. How many apples does she pick in 20 minutes?

Donna picks 5 apples every minute in the orchard. How many apples does she pick in 20 minutes?

18. Morris the magician pulled 2 doves out of his hat, twice as many rabbits as doves, and 4 times as many mice as rabbits. How many animals did he pull out of his hat?

Morris the magician pulled 2 doves out of his hat, twice as many rabbits as doves, and 4 times as many mice as rabbits. How many animals did he pull out of his hat?

19. Tina is making pizzas for 15 guests. If each person (including Tina) is expected to eat 2 slices, how many 8-slice pizzas should Tina make?

Tina is making pizzas for 15 guests. If each person (including Tina) is expected to eat 2 slices, how many 8-slice pizzas should Tina make?

20. Chef Charlie is decorating a birthday cake with a circle of berries. He has 6 strawberries and would like to put 5 blueberries between each strawberry. How many blueberries does he need?

Chef Charlie is decorating a birthday cake with a circle of berries. He has 6 strawberries and would like to put 5 blueberries between each strawberry. How many blueberries does he need?

22. To make a winter stew, Jamal needs 3 pounds of sweet potatoes. If they cost $1.29 per pound, what will it cost to buy enough sweet potatoes?

To make a winter stew, Jamal needs 3 pounds of sweet potatoes. If they cost $1.29 per pound, what will it cost to buy enough sweet potatoes?

22. The Hotel Swanky has 10 floors. Each floor has 16 guest rooms. There is also a ballroom, two meeting rooms, and a restaurant. How many guest rooms are in the hotel?

The Hotel Swanky has 10 floors. Each floor has 16 guest rooms. There is also a ballroom, two meeting rooms, and a restaurant. How many guest rooms are in the hotel?

23. Mrs. Mason got a new bookcase for the library and filled it with books. There were 6 shelves. The top two shelves had 50 books on each shelf. The bottom four shelves had 75 books on each shelf. How many books were there in the new bookcase?

Mrs. Mason got a new bookcase for the library and filled it with books. There were 6 shelves. The top two shelves had 50 books on each shelf. The bottom four shelves had 75 books on each shelf. How many books were there in the new bookcase?

24. The cafeteria ordered 6 packs of jumbo chocolate chip cookies and 3 packs of brownies. Each pack of cookies had 12 cookies in it. They sold 45 cookies and 30 brownies. How many cookies are left?

The cafeteria ordered 6 packs of jumbo chocolate chip cookies and 3 packs of brownies. Each pack of cookies had 12 cookies in it. They sold 45 cookies and 30 brownies. How many cookies are left?

25. The new elementary school has 30 desks in each classroom. There are four classrooms for each grade. There are 5 grades in the school. How many desks are there in the school?

The new elementary school has 30 desks in each classroom. There are four classrooms for each grade. There are 5 grades in the school. How many desks are there in the school?

26. Gina planted six rows of carrots in her garden. Each row had 30 carrots. Rabbits ate half of her carrots. How many carrots did she have left?

Gina planted six rows of carrots in her garden. Each row had 30 carrots. Rabbits ate half of her carrots. How many carrots did she have left?

27. Jack planted a magic bean. The bean plant that grew was 1 foot tall on the first day. Then it doubled in height each day. How tall was the plant on the fifth day?

Jack planted a magic bean. The bean plant that grew was 1 foot tall on the first day. Then it doubled in height each day. How tall was the plant on the fifth day?

28. Big Brain University bought 15 new supercomputers and 50 printers. Each supercomputer cost $5,300. A printer cost $100. How much did the university spend buying new computers?

Big Brain University bought 15 new supercomputers and 50 printers. Each supercomputer cost $5,300. A printer cost $100. How much did the university spend buying new computers?

29. The new golf course had 3 tournaments every month this year. The course is open 12 months a year. Each tournament was limited to 101 golfers and was full. How many golfers played in the tournaments all together this year?

The new golf course had 3 tournaments every month this year. The course is open 12 months a year. Each tournament was limited to 101 golfers and was full. How many golfers played in the tournaments all together this year?

30. The school office printer can print 200 pages every 10 minutes. If the printer runs for an hour straight, how many pages can it print?

The school office printer can print 200 pages every 10 minutes. If the printer runs for an hour straight, how many pages can it print?

31. Lucia makes beaded bracelets. Each bracelet has 12 beads on it. She made 55 bracelets for each of the school fairs. The school had 3 fairs. How many bracelets did Lucia make?

Lucia makes beaded bracelets. Each bracelet has 12 beads on it. She made 55 bracelets for each of the school fairs. The school had 3 fairs. How many bracelets did Lucia make?

32. Sammy Speedball is a pitcher for the Boogaloo Bearcats. He practiced his pitching on Saturday for an hour in the morning and an hour after dinner. He threw 20 pitches every 30 minutes. How many practice pitches did Sammy throw on Saturday?

Sammy Speedball is a pitcher for the Boogaloo Bearcats. He practiced his pitching on Saturday for an hour in the morning and an hour after dinner. He threw 20 pitches every 30 minutes. How many practice pitches did Sammy throw on Saturday?

33. Serena had 35 cherries. She gave 8 to each of her sisters. She still has 3 left over. How many sisters does Serena have?

Serena had 35 cherries. She gave 8 to each of her sisters. She still has 3 left over. How many sisters does Serena have?

34. The new teacher was giving out pencils to her class for the year. She wanted to give them out evenly. She had 15 packs of pencils with 10 pencils in each pack. She had 20 students. How many pencils should each student get? How many pencils would be left over?

The new teacher was giving out pencils to her class for the year. She wanted to give them out evenly. She had 15 packs of pencils with 10 pencils in each pack. She had 20 students. How many pencils should each student get? How many pencils would be left over?

35. 150 kids signed up for the summer soccer league. There are going to be ten teams, and the Dragons are one of the teams. Each team has 3 coaches and they want an equal number of players on each team. How many players should be on the Dragons?

150 kids signed up for the summer soccer league. There are going to be ten teams, and the Dragons are one of the teams. Each team has 3 coaches and they want an equal number of players on each team. How many players should be on the Dragons?

36. The Wonderful Widget Company produces 480 widgets every day. They have 6 widget making machines running every day, with each machine making equal amounts of widgets. The company runs six days a week. How many widgets does each machine make?

The Wonderful Widget Company produces 480 widgets every day. They have 6 widget making machines running every day, with each machine making equal amounts of widgets. The company runs six days a week. How many widgets does each machine make?

37. Farmer Fran has 35 hens. Each hen lays a dozen eggs a day. Fran packs the eggs into packs of ten. How many packs of eggs does she pack per day?

Farmer Fran has 35 hens. Each hen lays a dozen eggs a day. Fran packs the eggs into packs of ten. How many packs of eggs does she pack per day?

38. ReadOn Publishers gives free books to schools every year on the last day of the year. They have 900 books for this year’s giveaway. 18 schools have applied for the free books. How many should each school get if they are evenly distributed?

ReadOn Publishers gives free books to schools every year on the last day of the year. They have 900 books for this year’s giveaway. 18 schools have applied for the free books. How many should each school get if they are evenly distributed?

39. Coach Cindy is meeting with each player for practice individually. Each player will get 15 minutes with the coach. Coach Cindy has 2 hours for this on Saturday. How many players can she meet with?

Coach Cindy is meeting with each player for practice individually. Each player will get 15 minutes with the coach. Coach Cindy has 2 hours for this on Saturday. How many players can she meet with?

40. Dr. Bea Well has 120 patients. ¼ of them wear glasses. How many of her patients don’t wear glasses?

Dr. Bea Well has 120 patients. ¼ of them wear glasses. How many of her patients don’t wear glasses?

41. Lucy has 24 stuffed animals. She loves elephants, and one-third of her stuffed animals are elephants. Half of the elephants are gray. How many elephants does she have?

Lucy has 24 stuffed animals. She loves elephants, and one-third of her stuffed animals are elephants. Half of the elephants are gray. How many elephants does she have?

42. Annie collects seashells. She has 120 shells in her collection. They are from both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. ¾ of the shells are from the Atlantic Ocean. How many shells are from the Pacific Ocean?

Annie collects seashells. She has 120 shells in her collection. They are from both the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. ¾ of the shells are from the Atlantic Ocean. How many shells are from the Pacific Ocean?

43. Bill has 7/8 of his homework done. Andy has 9/10 of his homework done. They have the same amount of homework. Who has more homework done?

Bill has 7/8 of his homework done. Andy has 9/10 of his homework done. They have the same amount of homework. Who has more homework done?

44. Jose was offered 2/5 of a jumbo chocolate bar or 3/6 of the same bar. He loves chocolate. Which should he choose if he wants the most chocolate?

Jose was offered 2/5 of a jumbo chocolate bar or 3/6 of the same bar. He loves chocolate. Which should he choose if he wants the most chocolate?

45. Janelle has 6 notebooks for school. Donnie has 1/3 more than Janelle. How many notebooks do Janelle and Donnie have all together?

Janelle has 6 notebooks for school. Donnie has 1/3 more than Janelle. How many notebooks do Janelle and Donnie have all together?

46. Tonya found two small interesting stones. The black one weighs 0.3 of an ounce. The red one weighs 0.09 of an ounce. Which stone weighs more?

Tonya found two small interesting stones. The black one weighs 0.3 of an ounce. The red one weighs 0.09 of an ounce. Which stone weighs more?

47. Leah has a baseball bat that is 2 and a half feet long. Bryson has a bat that is 28 inches long and another one that is 2 feet and 5 inches long. Who has the longest bat?

Leah has a baseball bat that is 2 and a half feet long. Bryson has a bat that is 28 inches long and another one that is 2 feet and 5 inches long. Who has the longest bat?

48. Mr. Smith’s class collected coins in a big jar for 6 months. Their coins weighed 2 pounds and 8 ounces. Ms. Smith’s class did the same thing. Their coins weighed 2 ½ pounds. Whose coins weighed more?

Mr. Smith’s class collected coins in a big jar for 6 months. Their coins weighed 2 pounds and 8 ounces. Ms. Smith’s class did the same thing. Their coins weighed 2 ½ pounds. Whose coins weighed more?

49. The track team was practicing for the big meet. Tim ran for 25 minutes every day for 5 days. Tom ran an hour every day for 3 days. Who spent the most time running?

The track team was practicing for the big meet. Tim ran for 25 minutes every day for 5 days. Tom ran an hour every day for 3 days. Who spent the most time running?

50. The Jones family left for the airport at 10:00 a.m. for vacation. Their flight leaves at 12:30 p.m. They stopped twice for 10 minutes each time. They got to the airport at 11:30 p.m. How much time did they spend driving?

The Jones family left for the airport at 10:00 a.m. for vacation. Their flight leaves at 12:30 p.m. They stopped twice for 10 minutes each time. They got to the airport at 11:30 p.m. How much time did they spend driving?

Enjoying these fourth grade math word problems? Check out our fourth grade hub for even more resources.

Get a PPT version of these word problems.

Confession: It was my first year teaching and one month before the state test, I realized that I had failed to expose my students to enough word problems for them to be successful and confident with them. I was so caught up in the pacing guide and using the math textbook that I failed to make the math real world and situational for my students. Big mistake on my part and I had to spend the next month doubling down on word problems to make up for it.

Since that first year, I have learned a lot and started introducing word problems of the day as part of my math review or mini-lessons. On this post, I am sharing a free word problem of the day starter pack for you to use the first 20 days of school! This free word problem starter pack for 4th and 5th grade will set you on the right path of regular word problem practice and you won’t make the same mistake I did!

I touched on this a bit already but here are some more benefits of using a word problem of the day routine in your classroom:

  • Continually exposes your students to word problems in a variety of contexts and with a variety of operations.
  • When you use skill-based sets, you can ensure you only expose your students to word problems with skills they have been taught.
  • Regular practice with word problem will lead to greater student success and, more importantly, confidence.
  • Word problems will be a normal part of instruction and not seen as difficult or hard by students.

About the Word Problem of the Day Starter Pack

What skills are covered?

There are two versions, labeled Set A and Set B.

Set A has problems for addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers and basic multiplication and division problems. There are also five multi-step problems. This set is ideal for the beginning of 4th grade (or the beginning of 5th graders who struggle with math).

Set B has problems for addition and subtraction with 6-digit numbers and multi-digit multiplication and division (multiplying by 1-digit only and dividing with 1-digit divisors). There are also five multi-step problems. This set is ideal for the beginning of 5th grade.

Word problem of the day is a great way to incorporate word problems into your instruction on a regular basis. Grab these FREE word problem of the day starter packs for 4th and 5th grade on this post.

About the Format

Each set is available in three formats.

One problem per page format: This format works well for projecting the problems via a smartboard or printing them out to place at a math center.

One problem per page with student workspace: This format works well for giving each student a word problem daily. There is ample space for the students to organize and show their work.

One week per page: This format works well for paper-saving classrooms. All of the word problems for the week are on one page.

Word problem of the day is a great way to incorporate word problems into your instruction on a regular basis. Grab these FREE word problem of the day starter packs for 4th and 5th grade on this post.

Using Review Skills to Begin the Year

I use the first month of school to really set the expectations and model for the students what I expect when they are solving word problems (read more about how we show the love with word problems here).

And it is so important that when teaching expectations and modeling a process, you use review skills that the students are already familiar with and have achieved mastery with. It is incredibly difficulty to try and teach students how you want them to solve a word problem using a math skill that they have not mastered yet. It will frustrate them and take away from the focus.

For that reason, I use these word problem of the day starter packs that contain skills from the previous grade level. This allows students to focus on the routine of solving a word problem daily and the process you want them to take before, during, and after solving a word problem.

Word problem of the day is a great way to incorporate word problems into your instruction on a regular basis. Grab these FREE word problem of the day starter packs for 4th and 5th grade on this post.

Word Problem of the Day Routine

Speaking of the process, here is a brief run-down of how I use word problem of the day:

  1. I read the word problem and tell the students to focus on what is happening in the word problem.
  2. I ask for volunteers to reread the word problem and this time we focus on what the word problem is asking us.
  3. I ask 1-2 volunteers to retell the word problem in their own words.
  4. As a class, we restate the question into a sentence with a blank for the answer (this really ensures we know what the question is asking us).
  5. I give the students 1-2 minutes of private think time to think about how they will solve the problem.
  6. The students then get another 3-5 minutes of independent time to solve the problem. As the students are solving the problem, I monitor their understanding, ask guiding questions, and look for examples to share.
  7. We share what we think the answer is, how we got the answer, how we know it is correct, and the we plug it into our sentence (from step 4) and see if it makes sense.

The entire process takes about 15 minutes but is so valuable…and it does speed up as the year goes on and you can eliminate some of the steps.

How do I get the FREE word problem of the day starter pack?

Just put your email address in the box below and the starter packs (both Set A and Set B) will be sent to your inbox!

FREE Word Problem of the Day Packs

Join my email list to get the Word Problem of the Day Starter Packs for FREE! If you are already on my email list, you can sign up again for this freebie without getting duplicate emails. 🙂

Where can I buy more word problem of the day packs to continue this?

Once you finish with the starter packs, I have grade level sets available for purchase so you can continue your word problem of the day routine all year.  The bundles include three main sets with three sets inside of the main sets for a total of 180 word problems. And the best parts are that the third set of each main set contains multi-step problems AND the sets are skill-based so you can ensure your students are only seeing word problems for skills you have taught. You can also mix and match the sets as you please.

the study of numbers and algebraic formulas

My favorite subject in school is math.

My favorite subject in school is math.

a numeral used to count the amount

The numbers 11 and 17 are both prime numbers.

The numbers 11 and 17 are both prime numbers.

numbers that are not divisible by two

The number 11 is an example of an odd number.

The number 11 is an example of an odd number.

numbers that can be divided by two

The number 8 is an example of an even number.

The number 8 is an example of an even number.

add two or more numbers together

Five plus five equals ten.

Five plus five equals ten.

subtract two or more numbers

Eight minus one is seven.

Eight minus one is seven.

multiple two or more numbers

Three times three is nine.

Three times three is nine.

to separate a number into other numbers

Ten divided by two is five.

Ten divided by two is five.

Five plus five equals ten.

Five plus five equals ten.

a punctuation mark used to show decimals

a number expressed as a part of a hundred

Fifty percent of twelve is six.

Fifty percent of twelve is six.

a number left over after division

If you divide fourteen by three, the quotient is four with a remainder of two.

If you divide fourteen by three, the quotient is four with a remainder of two.

a set procedure used in mathematics

Do you know the formula for the volume of a sphere?

Do you know the formula for the volume of a sphere?

an expression in mathematics used to show equality

The student solved the equation.

The student solved the equation.

not consistent, can take different values

In math problems, the variables are usually represented by the letters «x» and «y.»

In math problems, the variables are usually represented by the letters «x» and «y.»

If we simplify the equation, the solution is obvious.

If we simplify the equation, the solution is obvious.

a mathematical term used to show the relation between two sets

A function represents the relationship between two variables.

A function represents the relationship between two variables.

Can you calculate the cost of the groceries?

Can you calculate the cost of the groceries?

When converted into a fraction, seventy-five percent becomes three-fourths.

When converted into a fraction, seventy-five percent becomes three-fourths.

50% of an amount, two parts divided equally

The recipe called for one and a half teaspoons of sugar.

The recipe called for one and a half teaspoons of sugar.

Math is a unique subject that builds logical thinking and analytical reasoning skills. It is one of the most precious skill sets which we can acquire in life, but it does not come easily to learn everyone. Many students find math boring because they do not realize it. As well, Math is a vital topic that can be challenging for learners of all generations. As a father or mother, you seemingly want to support your child understand math and succeed in the class.

Mathematics is the language of science, which deals with numbers and includes the study of such topics as quantity and structure. It’s also a media to significant thinking and problem solving,

This article will introduce you to the list of math words that start with a to z which may help you improve your mathematical fluency and vocabulary skill. So, try to check all the segments of math words to boost your mathematical skills.

Most Common Math Words:

Mathematical words are the most basic words in mathematics. Without learning mathematical words, it can be difficult to understand math. So, in this part, we will discuss the most common math words which help you to grow your math skill. 

  • Percentage
  • Calculus
  • Factor
  • Addition
  • Odd Number
  • Even Number
  • Logarithm
  • Division
  • Subtraction
  • Root
  • Ratio
  • Decimal
  • Equation
  • Prime Number
  • Multiplication
  • Function
  • Set
  • Degree
  • Triangle
  • Square Root
  • Variable
  • Logarithm
  • Factorial
  • Acute Angle
  • Constant
  • Vector
  • Circle
  • Formula
  • Average
  • Equations

Math Words Starting With A:

Absolute Value Account Addend
Acute Angle Algebra Add
Additive Inverse Amplitude And
Adjacent Angle Altitude Angle
Analog Clock Apex Arcsec
Apothem Arc Axes
Arctan Arcsin Area
Axis Attribute Arithmetic
Area of Shape Arccos Average

Math Words That Begin With B:

Bernoulli Trials Bearing Binomial
Bar Graph Base Brackets
Boxplot Box

Math Words Beginning With C:

Compression Cusp Composite
Cardinality Cylinder Circumference
Cartesian Form Curve Calculus
Circle Identities Cuboid Cone
Circumcircle Countable Clockwise
Complex Plane Constant Complement
Common Multiple Coupon Coincident
Central Angle Catenary Collinear
Cevian Chord Circle
Decagon Data Diameter
Data Point Degree Disk
Del Operator Degenerate Distance
Denominator Dimensions Divisibility
Domain Diverge Double Root

Math Words Starting With E:

Eccentricity Ellipse Expand
Elements Equation Experiment
Empty Set Evaluate Exponent
Extremum Expression

Math Words That Start With F:

Factorfrequency Focus Finite
Falling Bodies Formula Fractal
Factor Tree Flip Fraction

Math Words That Start With G:

Gambling Odds Gaussian Integer Glide
Geometric Mean Geometry Gcf

Math Words That Start With H:

Horizontal Axis Height Half-life
Harmonic Mean Horizontal Hypotenuse
Harmonic Series Hypothesis

Math Words That Start With I:

Imaginary Part Inequality Integrand
Improper Integral Integers Interest
Icosahedron Input Values Intersection
Invariant Inverse Function Inverse

Math Words That Start With J:

Joint Variation Jacobian
Julia Sets Jump

Math Words That Start With K:

Kilogram Kilobyte
Kilometer Kite

Math Words That Start With L:

Leading Term Linear Fit Line
Latus Rectum Lcm Legs
Lateral Area Line Graph Locus
Linear Regression Law of Sines Linear
Local Minimum Lsrl Logarithm

Math Words That Begin With M:

Matrix Inverse Magnitude Mesh
Matrix Addition Mean Mode
Measurement Maximize Minimize
Model Multiplicity Modulo

Math Words That Start With N:

Net Yardage Neighborhood Nonagon
Natural Domain Notation Noncollinear
Negative Number Nonnegative Null Set

Math Words That Start With O:

Octahedron Octagon Ordinate
Oblique Cone Oblique Outlier
Obtuse Angle Octants Odd Number
Obtuse Triangle Origin Outcome
Open Interval Oblique Prism Oval

Math Words That Start With P:

Polyhedron Parabola Per Annum
Polar Curves Proof Polynomial
Paired Data Parametrize Perimeter
Parallelogram Power Rule Prime Number
Parentheses Pentagon Pie Graph
Periodic Motion Power Plane
Percent Percentile Proper Fraction
Perfect Square Polar Axis Pyramid

Math Words That Start With Q:

Quadrant Quadrants Quartiles
Quadrangle Quintuple Quotient
Quadratic Quotient Qed

Math Words That Start With R:

Rational Equation Ratio Ray
Radian Range Reciprocal
Radius Radicand Relation
Radical Residual Remainder
Reflection Root Rules Right Prism

Math Words That Start With S:

Set Model Solution Spheroid
Sample Space Set Spiral
Sequence Solid Scale Factor
Simplifying Solve Semicircle
Solution Set Scaling Segment
Scaffolding Surface Second
Secant Line Square Surd
Square Root Subset Stemplot
Step Function Sure Event

Math Words That Start With T:

Tangent Line Theta (θ Θ) Term
Tautochrone Torus Theorem
Tetrahedron Tan Triangle
Tessellate Transversal Tessellation
Tree Diagram Trapezium Triangulation
Trichotomy Trig

Math Words That Start With U:

Uncountably Infinite Unit Rate Union
Unit Fractions Undecagon Unit Circle
Uncountable Uniform Upsilon (υ Υ)

Math Words That Start With V:

Venn Diagram Variable Vertex
Vertical Axis Volume Vector
Velocity Vertical Variable

Math Words That Start With W:

Washer Method Washer
Whole Numbers Wavelength

Math Words That Start With X:

X-intercept X-axis

Math Words That Start With Y:

Y-intercept Y-axis

Math Words That Start With Z:

Z-intercept Zero Slope Zero Pair



We seem you are so happy to get this post. Because of this post, we have included a list of commonly used math words that are helpful for students to learn logical thinking.

Hey, I’m Luna Moncada. I’m an English Instructor at Dhaka University. I Completed My Master’s in English at Dhaka University and Working 8 Years as an English Instructor. So, In This Website, I Try To Share Huge Resources Of Vocabulary and English Related Things.

Choose your grade level and you’ll jump to a page with hundreds of practice word problems, one for each day of the school year. (These pages are in-progress. We’ll keep adding more until we have 30 weeks/150 worksheets per grade level.)

Daily Word Problem Worksheets

Daily Word Problems

Kindergarten (Level K)

In Kindergarten, daily math word problem series will allow children to practice counting numbers to 20, comparing numbers (using more, most, fewest, etc.), adding and subtracting within 10, and identifying basic shapes.

Grade 1 (Level A)

Daily word problem worksheets for 1st grade students. Most problems require basic addition or subtraction. There are also occasional problems related to counting money and skip counting.

Grade 2 (Level B)

This page has 2nd grade daily math word problems. At this level, we have both single-step and multi-step problems. Single, double, and triple-digit addition and subtraction are frequently featured. Other skills include elapsed time, counting money, and repeated addition (multiplication).

Grade 3 (Level C)

In third grade, students will be presented with 2, 3, and 4-digit addition and subtraction problems, as well as questions involving basic multiplication, basic division, place value, counting money, tables & charts, and fractions.

Grade 4 (Level D)

In 4th grade, the daily word problems will consist of more multi-step math, covering operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. There will also be questions related to place value, angles, graphs, and measurement conversions.

Grade 5 (Level E)

These 5th grade daily math worksheets continue to build on elementary math skills. Multi-step problems cover operations with whole numbers, as well as fractions and decimals. Understanding place value, calculating measurements, and reading charts and graphs are among the other skills covered in these worksheets.

Math Buzz

This is a different set of daily review worksheets, featuring a variety of math skills. Each day, students have 5 math questions to answer. Not all problems are word problems in this set.

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