Match the words with its definition there is one extra word

Jules Verne Match the words with their definitions. There is one extra definition.
involving more than one country
continuing for many years
extremely intelligent or skilled
bigger in value, amount, or number

Match the words below with the definitions. There is one extra word

art gallery aquarium botanical gardens castle cathedral fountain harbour opera house ruins safari park theme park

1 This is a place where you can see fish and other creatures that live in water. _______________ 2 These are the broken parts of a building or an old town. _______________
3 This is a place where plants and trees are grown for scientific study. _______________
4 This is a big old building with thick walls built to protect people inside. _______________
5 You can find this type of water feature in parks or gardens. _______________
6 You can drive through this place and see wild animals. _______________
7 This is a place with lots of entertainment and fun things to do. _______________
8 You can see famous paintings here. _______________
9 This is a good place to go if you enjoy a particular kind of music. _______________
10 A very large church. _______________



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Match the words to the definitions. one word is extra.

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Match the words to the definitions. one word is extra.



Английский язык


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14 Май, 18

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14 Май, 18



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Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Match the words with their definitions. There is one extra definitions ​

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Match the words with their definitions. There is one extra definitions ​

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