Match the words to make up word combinations translate them into russian

Make up word combinations. Translate them into Russian.

1. career

2. job

3. part-time

4. fill

5. applied

6. job

7. advanced

8. join

a. employment

b. English

c. upon request

d. hunting

e. the company

f. goals

g. qualification

h. a position

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Главная » Английский язык » Make up word combinations. Translate them into Russian. 1. career 2. job 3. part-time 4. fill 5. applied 6. job 7. advanced 8. join a. employment b. English c. upon request d. hunting e. the company f. goals g. qualification h. a position

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  1. controlled
    a) panel

  2. payload
    b) landing

  3. space
    c) vehicle

  4. solar
    d) module

  5. habitation
    e) escape

  6. reentry
    f) fairing

  7. emergency
    g) device

  8. autonomous
    h) station

  9. launch
    i) flight

  10. inflatable
    j) capsule

b) Make up some sentences
with your word combinations.

Focus on Writing

1. Read the following words to form meaningful sentences.

A/the/capsule/behind/be/special/ module/

2. Body/ the
Kliper/one/of/aerodynamic/rudders/ and/features/two/

3. Will/

4. A/be/spacecraft/the
Kliper/there/ winged/will/ version/of.

5. Module/
the/a/habitation/module/be/ service/by/will/surrounded.


Imagine that you have to prepare a report for the Scientific and
Technical Conference of Students. The topic of your report is “
Reusable Spacecraft”. You may need to read the texts “Space
Shuttle Program” “Shuttle Buran” and “Kliper” again. The
following expressions might be helpful:

  • In my opinion ….

  • I really think that ….

  • I am sure …

  • For example …

  • In comparison with …

  • Similarly


The International Space

Preparing to Read

1. Look
at the picture and write down some facts that you know about the
International Space Station. Compare them with your partner. Try to
answer the following questions:

1. What
purpose is the International Space Station intended for?

2. How is it constructed?

3. What difficulties are the
designers of the International Space Station faced with?


1. Skim the text and
highlight all the adjectives describing the International Space

2. Read
the text and write out the words and word combinations you don’t
know, try to guess their meaning from the context. Compare your notes
with your partners.

International Space Station

The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest and most complex
international scientific project in history. The station will
represent a move of unprecedented scale off the home planet. The
International Space Station draws upon the scientific and
technological resources of 16 nations: US, Canada, Japan, Russia, 11
nations of the European Space Agency and Brazil.
More than four times as large as the Russian Mir space station, the
completed International Space Station will have a mass of about
1,040,000 pounds. It will measure 356 feet across and 290 feet long,
with almost an acre of solar panels to provide electrical power to
six state-of-the-art laboratories.

The station will be in an orbit at an altitude of 250 statute miles
with an inclination of 51.6 degrees. This orbit allows the station to
be reached by the launch vehicles of all the international partners
to provide a capability for the delivery of crews and supplies. The
orbit also provides excellent Earth observations with coverage of 85
percent of the globe and over flight of 95 percent of the population.
By the end of this year, about 500,000 pounds of station components
will be have been built at factories around the world.
The international partners, Canada, Japan, the European Space Agency,
and Russia, will contribute the following key elements to the
International Space Station:
— Canada is providing a 55-foot-long
robotic arm to be used for assembly and maintenance tasks on the
International Space Station.
— The European Space Agency is
building a pressurized laboratory to be launched on the Space Shuttle
and logistics transport vehicles to be launched on the Ariane 5
launch vehicle.
— Japan is building a laboratory with an attached
exposed exterior platform for experiments as well as logistics
transport vehicles.
— Russia is providing two research modules;
an early living section called the Service Module with its own life
support and habitation systems; a science power platform of solar
arrays that can supply about 20 kilowatts of electrical power;
logistics transport vehicles; and Soyuz spacecraft for crew return.

The ISS, when completed, will be essentially made of a set of
communicating pressurized modules connected to a truss,
on which four large pairs of photovoltaic modules are attached. The
pressurized modules and the truss will be perpendicular: the truss
spanning from starboard to port and the habitable zone extending on
the aft-forward axis.

The ISS Environmental Control and Life Support System provides or
controls elements such as atmospheric pressure, oxygen levels, water,
and fire extinguishing, among other things. The highest priority for
the life support system is the ISS atmosphere, but the system also
collects, processes, and stores water and waste used and produced by
the crew. For example, the system recycles fluid from the sink,
shower, and condensation.

Currently the ISS consists of only four main pressurized modules; two
Russian modules Zarya
and Zvezda
and two US modules Destiny
and Node
Zarya was the first module launched by a Proton
in November 1998, followed by a shuttle mission that connected Zarya
with Node 1, the first of three node modules, 2 weeks after Zarya had
been launched.

The first phase of the International Space Station, the Shuttle-Mir
Program, began in 1995 and involved more than two years of continuous
stays by astronauts aboard the Russian Mir Space Station and nine
Shuttle-Mir docking missions. Knowledge was gained in technology,
international space operations and scientific research. Engineers got
knowledge and experience through Shuttle-Mir that could not be
achieved any other way. That included valuable experience in
international crew training activities; the operation of an
international space program; and the challenges of long duration
spaceflight for astronauts and ground control. Dealing with the
real-time challenges experienced during Shuttle-Mir missions also has
resulted in an unprecedented cooperation and trust between the U.S.
and Russian space programs, and that cooperation and trust has
enhanced the development of the International Space Station.

Comprehension Check

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
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  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
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  • Животные и растения
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  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


1. discover a) station 2. modern b) rhythms 3. means c) progress 4. musical d) cities 5. overcome e) important 6. underground f) new things 7. coach g) tour 8. technological h) of transportation i) distance

1 ответ:



1. discover f) new things — окрывать новое

2. modern d) cities — современные города

3. means h) of transportation — транспортные средства

4. musical b) rhythms — музыкальные ритмы

5. overcome  i) distance — преодолеть дистанцию

6. underground a) station — подземная станция

7. coach g) tour — автобусная экскурсия

8. technological  c) progress  — технологический прогресс

e) important  — важный

Читайте также

<em>My favorite style of music. Each person has their own tastes their interests, as well their feelings towards certain things. </em><span><em>I’m 19 years old, from childhood I liked to listen to different music, now when I grew up, I like to just one style of music — it DubStep.Mnogoe time I listen to music through the music I moug express all their music should chuvstva.Stil life vy everyone because you can not live without music.

 Нуу Как то так = )</em></span>

I have two pets.They are cats.Their names are Ben and Tommy.Ben is old and Tommy is one.Ben likes to sleep and Tommy likes to play with his ball,run and jump.I play with my cats.My mother feeds Ben and Tommy in the afternoon.Здесь записала нужную форму глаголов!

Дорогая Джулли,
Спасибо тебе за твоё письмо. Я так же хочу рассказать тебе как мы праздновали новый год. 31 декабря мой папа и я украшали новогоднюю ёлку. Моя мама готовила специальный новогодний пирог. В полночь мы поздравили …
И нашли свои подарки под ёлкой. Я получила новый мобильный телефон. Потом мы установили фейверк на открытом воздухе, пели весёлые песни….
Я была счастлива
Я наслаждалась своим новогодним подарком
Пиши мне чаще
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Аля.

Там не все слова подставляла,если что.

She is the kindnest person I’ve ever seen. My grandmother is really wonderful. C

he threw the papers into the bin.

i don’t speak english well.

mrs jones hides her money under the bed.

you didn’t pack the suitcase carefully.

i left some momey on this shelf this morning.

you’ll have to get a loan from the bank.

the phone woke me up in the middle of the night.

you shouldn’t walk in the park at night.

you should eat your food slowly.

my term begins in october.

i quickly read your article in the bed last night.

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