Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: dnksks
отвечу, только балы выстави
Автор ответа: azumidellone229
1 — b
2 — d
3 — i
4 — h
5 — g
6 — c
7 — a
8 — f
9 — e
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Интересные вопросы
Предмет: Физкультура и спорт,
автор: Misha1212132324
как научиться прыгать через козла?
3 года назад
Предмет: Литература,
автор: oksanazvarich05
Чому образи Одіссея та Пенелопи називають «вічними»? Поясніть.
3 года назад
Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: kazaryanyooutube
A(2; 7) и D (4;-1). Тогда координаты точки О — середины отрезка AD будут равны.
3 года назад
Предмет: Математика,
автор: timyr18
помогите пожалуйста
6 лет назад
Предмет: Математика,
автор: Typop
За один урок 4А изготавливает 60ёлочных игрушек а 4Б 40 за сколько уроков оба класса изготовят 200 игрушек
6 лет назад
Все категории
- Фотография и видеосъемка
- Знания
- Другое
- Гороскопы, магия, гадания
- Общество и политика
- Образование
- Путешествия и туризм
- Искусство и культура
- Города и страны
- Строительство и ремонт
- Работа и карьера
- Спорт
- Стиль и красота
- Юридическая консультация
- Компьютеры и интернет
- Товары и услуги
- Темы для взрослых
- Семья и дом
- Животные и растения
- Еда и кулинария
- Здоровье и медицина
- Авто и мото
- Бизнес и финансы
- Философия, непознанное
- Досуг и развлечения
- Знакомства, любовь, отношения
- Наука и техника
2.Go to
І вариант
1. Match the words to make up word combinations. (8 points
1. Brush
a) TV
b) teeth
c) school
4. Have
d) music
5. Go to
e) lessons at school
f) breakfast
7. Have
g) bed
8. Listen to
h) sports
2. Put th
‘s in the correct order to make sentences. (14 point
1 ответ:
<em><u>1</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>Задание</u></em>
<em>1.</em><em> </em><em>Brush</em><em> </em><em>teeth</em>
<em>2.</em><em> </em><em>Go</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>school</em>
<em>3.</em><em> </em><em>Play</em><em> </em><em>sports</em>
<em>4.</em><em> </em><em>Have</em><em> </em><em>lessons</em><em> </em><em>at</em><em> </em><em>school</em><em> </em>
<em>5.</em><em> </em><em>Go</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>bed</em><em> </em>
<em>6.</em><em> </em><em>Watch</em><em> </em><em>TV</em>
<em>7.</em><em> </em><em>Have</em><em> </em><em>breakfast</em><em> </em>
<em>8.</em><em> </em><em>Listen</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>music</em>
<em> </em><em> </em><em><u>2</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>Задание</u></em>
<em>1.</em><em> </em><em>Does</em><em> </em><em>she</em><em> </em><em>go</em><em> </em><em>to</em><em> </em><em>(</em><em>school</em><em>)</em><em>?</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em> </em>
Читайте также
1) If he read 50 pages a day, his vocabulary would increase greatly. — 2 тип (ситуация в настоящем или будущем)
Played. Так как нету у слова play 2 формы
1)to consist<u><em> of </em></u>several parts.
2)to border <u><em>on</em></u> many countries.
3)to be washed <em><u>by</u></em> seas.
4)to be rich <em><u>in</u></em> natural resources.
5)to be surrounded <u><em>by </em></u>water.
6)to be covered <u><em>with</em></u> forests.
<span>7)to be divided <em><u>into</u></em> three parts.</span>
1 We’re allowed to use calculators in maths exams.
2 When I bend down my back hurts.
3 My baby nephew waved to me when he left with his mum.
4 Actors usually bow at the end of a play.
<span>5 Sometimes racism is a problem in a multi-racial society. </span>
1 Законопроект (проэкт закона) был отклонен центральными властями (центральными органами власти) или Центральные власти отклонили законопроект. Видовременная форма — Present Perfect Залог — страдательный — Passive Voice
2 Водитель был лишен водительских прав за нарушения закона (из-за правонарушения) или Водителя лишили водительских прав по причине правонарушения Past Indefinite Passive Voice
3 Рефератный журнал, посвященный механической продукции, выходит (выпускается) 2 раза в месяц DEALS — Present Indefinite Active Voice ; IS RELEASED -Present Indefinite Passive Voice (сказуемое)
4 Горячая вода обеспечивается (предоставляется) отелем 24 часа в сутки или Отель обеспечивается горячей водой 24 часа в сутки Present Indefinite Passive Voice
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Испанский язык: теория и методика обучения иностранному языку в образовательной организации»
Курс повышения квалификации «Специфика преподавания испанского языка с учетом требований ФГОС»
Курс повышения квалификации «Специфика преподавания китайского языка с учетом требований ФГОС»
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика билингвального обучения иностранным языкам»
Курс повышения квалификации «Организация кросс-культурной адаптации иностранных студентов в образовательных организациях в сфере профессионального образования»
Курс повышения квалификации «Специфика преподавания русского языка как иностранного»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Организация деятельности секретаря руководителя со знанием английского языка»
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Module 4. Day
after day
4A. Day in, Day out
Match the words to make up word combinations. Use them in
sentences of your own.
Brush TV
to teeth
Listen |
dinner |
Have |
sports |
You are Harry Potter’s best friend. Tell about his
everyday life. Use the information from the quiz on p. 36, SB.
What do you do first in the day? Number the activities in
the correct order for you.
___have lunch ___have
___have a shower ___watch
___go to school ___get
___have breakfast ___read
a book
___play computer games ___do
___go home ___get
___go to bed ___play
4. Make
questions to the answers.
1. ________________________________________________________________
He usually has tea and toast for
He always gets up at seven o’clock.
She often goes to school by bus.
4. ________________________________________________________________
He often plays Quidditch in his free time.
5. ________________________________________________________________
I usually go to bed at eleven o’clock.
5. Read the sentences. Make them negative.
1. Harry Potter lives with his family.
2. Harry Potter goes to Muggles’ School.
3. Harry usually
has breakfast in the Forbidden Forest.
4. Harry studies
Herbology at the greenhouse once a week.
5. Harry studies the night skies every Monday morning.
6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. always/London/to/go/we/spring/in.
2. usually/stay/we/a/hotel/in.
3. never/our/with/grandparents/come/us.
4. we/restaurant/go/a/often/we/to/the/evenings/in.
7. Read the
words and put them in the correct column.
Goes, sleeps, studies, plays, catches,
cooks, fixes, washes, cries, reads, kicks, laughs, swims, wakes, listens, gets,
blushes, meets, watches.
/s/ |
/z/ |
/iz/ |
Write a short paragraph about your mom’s/dad’s typical
Thursday. Use the words and word combinations from ex. 3.
4 B. How about…?
Find ten TV programmes. Write them out and translate.
S |
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1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________
2. Name
things that are…
• Exciting
• Delicious
• Disgusting
• Interesting
…for you and
explain why.
E.g. I think spiders
and snakes are disgusting. They look awful and make me feel frightened.
Carry out a survey. Make a list of TV programmes and
interview your classmates, family members and friends – what their favourite TV
programmes on the list are. Make a pie chart.
Read the dialogue on p. 39, SB. Look at the sentences and
mark them T – true and F – false.
• There’s
a new horror on at the Rex. ___
• David
doesn’t like comedies. ___
• David
likes thrillers. ___
• They
decide to watch a sitcom. ___
• They
meet at 8-30 at David’s place. ___
• They
will have some pizza. ___
5. Write
short answers to the questions.
• Do
you like summer holidays? – ______________________________.
• Does
your friend like skiing? – ________________________________.
• Does
your dad/mom like sports? – _________________________________.
• Do
you speak French? – _______________________________.
• Do
your parents speak English? – ______________________________.
6. Complete
the sentence with am, is, are, do or does.
• I
___ a student.
• ____
she like her job?
• Where
___ you live?
• ____
Moscow exciting?
• Why
____ you want to learn English?
• We
____ Russian.
• What
____ he do at weekends?
4 C. My favourite day
1. Translate
the following words:
• Set
off – ____________________
• Meet
up with – ____________________
• Arrive
at – ___________________
• Put
up a tent – _____________________
• Tie
knots – ___________________
• Climbing
– __________________
• Tell
stories – ______________________
2. Correct
the sentences. (Use the text on p. 40, SB)
• Sunday
is a perfect day for Ann.
• She
gets up at 10 o’clock and has a big portion of porridge.
• Then,
she puts on her favourite dress.
• In
the forest their Scout leader asks them to show how to play darts.
• At
6 o’clock they cook dinner in the microwave oven.
• Before
they go to sleep they play PSP.
Culture corner
1. Complete and answer the questions to the text on p.
41, SB.
• James
works hard at school, ______ he?
• _____
he get on well with his family?
• What
____ his favourite singers?
• He
doesn’t like computers, ____ he?
• ____
he get extra money for good marks at school or if he help his mom?
• Where
____ James live?
• ____
he from London?
English in use
1. Translate
the sentences into English.
• Боюсь
у меня не получится сходить сегодня в кино.
• _____________________________________________________________
• Тогда
может быть в четверг вечером?
• _____________________________________________________________
• Ты
завтра свободна?
• _____________________________________________________________
• Надеюсь,
ты вскоре поправишься.
• _____________________________________________________________
• Когда
бы ты хотела встретиться?
• _____________________________________________________________
• Давай,
скажем, в 12-30 возле музея?
• _____________________________________________________________
2. Read the
words and pair them.
Lid, beat, din, peat, pick, hid,
lead, dean, Rick, peak, heed, eat, bit, pit, wreak, it.
/i:/ |
/i/ |
3. Read the
sentences and record yourself.
It’s the limit! (Это уж слишком!)
Willie’s quick-witted. (Вилли очень умен.)
It isn’t his business, is it? (Ведь
это не его дело, правда?)
Kitty is thin-skinned and Minnie is thick-skinned. (Китти – легко ранимый
человек, а Минни не отличается чувствительностью.)
Extremes meet. (Крайности сходятся.)
A pea for a bean. (Отказ от малого
в надежде на большее.)
Steve is eager to please the teacher.
(Стив старается угодить учителю.) He speaks Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese
with equal ease. (Он говорит покитайски, по-японски и по-португальски с одинаковой
Module 4
Brush teeth
Go to bed
Play sports
Have breakfast
Go to school
Have dinner
Watch TV
Listen to music
Have lessons at school
3. What do you do first in the
day? Number the activities in the correct order for you.
6 |
12 have dinner |
2 |
11 watch TV |
5 |
1 get up |
4 |
13 read a book |
10 |
9 do homework |
8 |
3 |
14 |
7 play sports |
1. What does he
usually have for breakfast?
2. What time does
he get up?
3. How does she
often get to school?
4. What does he
often do in his free time?
When do you usually go to bed?
1. Harry Potter
doesn’t live with his family.
2. Harry Potter
doesn’t go to Muggles’ School.
3. Harry doesn’t
have breakfast in the Forbidden Forest.
4. Harry doesn’t
study Herbology at the greenhouse once a week.
5. Harry doesn’t
study the night skies every Monday morning.
1. We always go to
London in spring.
2. We usually stay
in a hotel.
3. Our
grandparents never come with us.
4. We often go to
a restaurant in the evenings.
/s/ |
/z/ |
/iz/ |
sleeps |
Goes |
studies |
cooks |
plays |
catches |
kicks |
cries |
fixes |
laughs |
reads |
washes |
wakes |
swims |
blushes |
gets |
listens |
watches |
meets |
4 B. How about…?
S |
Q |
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Z |
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H |
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W |
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E |
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H |
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P |
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W |
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H |
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W |
• There’s
a new horror on at the Rex. __F_
• David
doesn’t like comedies. _F__
• David
likes thrillers. _F__
• They
decide to watch a sitcom. _T__
• They
meet at 8-30 at David’s place. _F__
• They
will have some pizza. __T_
• Yes,
I do./No, I don’t.
• Yes,
he does./No, he doesn’t.
• Yes,
he does./No, he doesn’t.
• Yes,
I do./No, I don’t.
• Yes,
they do./No, they don’t.
I am a student.
Does she like her job?
Where do you live?
Is Moscow exciting?
Why do you want to learn English?
We are Russian.
• What
does he do at weekends?
4 C. My favourite day
• отправляться
(в путь)
• встречаться
• прибыть
• установить
• завязывать
• взбираться
• рассказывать
• Saturday
is a perfect day for Ann.
• She
gets up at 9 o’clock and has a big breakfast.
• Then,
she puts on her special uniform.
• In
the forest their Scout leader teaches new things.
• At
6 o’clock they cook dinner on the campfire.
• Before
they go to sleep they tell stories.
Culture corner
James works hard at school, doesn’t he? – Yes. He does.
• Does
he get on well with his family? – Yes, he does. But sometimes he argues with
his brothers.
What are his favourite singers? – McFly, Avril Lavigne,
Beyonce, Mis-teeq.
He doesn’t like computers, does he? – Yes, he does.
• Does
he get extra money for good marks at school or if he help his mom? – He gets
his extra money if he helps his mom.
Where does James live? – He lives in a semi-detached
• Is
he from London? – No, he isn’t. He is from Hampshire.
English in use
1. Translate the sentences into English.
• I’m
afraid I can’t make it to the cinema tonight.
• How
about Thursday night then?
• Are
you free tomorrow?
• Hope
you feel better soon.
• When
would you like to meet?
• Shall
we say 12:30 near the Museum?
/i:/ |
/i/ |
beat |
bit |
peat |
pit |
lead |
Lid |
dean |
din |
peak |
pick |
heed |
hid |
eat |
it |
wreak |
Rick |
Module Test 4.
Match the words to make up word combinations.
Go to
Go to
Listen to
lessons at school
Complete the types of TV programmes.
1. _ i t _ _ _
2. _ e _ _
3. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _
4. _ a _ _ s _ _ _
5. _ c _ _ _ c _ f _ _ _ _ _ _
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. always/London/to/go/we/spring/in
2. usually/stay/we/a/hotel/in
3. never/our/with/grandparents/come/us
4. we/restaurant/go/a/often/we/to/the/evenings/in
Write short answers to the questions.
Do you like summer holidays? – ______________________________.
Does your friend like skiing? – ________________________________.
Does your dad/mom like sports? – _________________________________.
Do you speak French? – _______________________________.
Do your parents speak English? – ______________________________.
Underline the correct word.
I have my breakfast before/when I brush my teeth.
I get up then/when my alarm clock rings.
On Saturdays we have lunch and then/before we go shopping.
He watches a film on TV; after that/and he goes to bed.
They always leave out food for the cat before/and they leave the house.
Choose the correct response.
Are you free tonight?
Shall we say nine at my place?
Would you like to come to the concert with us tomorrow?
How about going to the theatre?
I’m afraid I can’t come tonight
A Ok, we’ll do it some other time.
B Yes, I’d love to.
C Sounds great! What time?
D Sure, see you later.
E I think so, why?