Match the words to make phrases and word expressions

Test Module 2

  1. Match the words and phrases to make expressions:
  1. Dig deep                                                  
  2. Household
  3. Martial
  4. Estate
  5. Get out
  6. French
  7. Make ends
  8. Splash out
  9. Make up
  10. Shopping

a) Spree

b) Meet

c) Arts

d) Of breath

e) Funny stories

f) In one’s pockets

g) Agent

h) Chores

i) Windows

j) On expensive things

  1. Match the words in the box with their definitions. There are four extra words which  

you do not need to use.

 suburban       inexperience       heap            novel         nursery         dreadful    

 bang              occasion             funnily         cross         intention        poetry

  1. unpleasant, very poor in quality;                                        
  2. a sudden loud noise, such as the noise of an explosion;                                                                        
  3. angry or irritated;                        
  4. a big amount of something;  
  5. situated outside the city centre;                                  
  6. a long written story about imaginary people and events ;
  7. a room where children sleep or play;  
  8. little knowledge about a particular area or situation;  
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
  1. She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.
  2. They seemed __________ (know) each other’s thoughts before they spoke.
  3. John is afraid of __________(fly).
  4. I don’t mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.
  5. It’s cold outside. You’d better __________ (take) your coat.
  6. We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.
  7. She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.
  8. I would like __________ (meet) that writer.
  9. I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.
  10. This crossword is impossible __________ (do).
  11. They couldn’t __________ (find) the way easily.
  12. The English teacher doesn’t let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.
  1. Fill in the correct preposition:

  1. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:
  1. Agventurous people get a lot of ………………………..going skydiving or rafting.           ENJOY
  2. In the USA ……………………Day is celebrated on July 4.                                                    INDEPEND       
  3.  We wish you the fastest ……………………..                                                                         RECOVER
  4. Please, express your  ………………………..with  new rules directly.                                  DISAGREE
  5. Jack stared at Helen in ……………………………                                                                      AMAZE       
  6. Stay in our comfortable …………………… and relax in style!                                            ACCOMMODATE 
  1. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st:
  1. I don’t really love going to basketball matches.

keen      I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

  1. French painting is up to her liking.

fond      She ………………………. French painting.

  1. My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy       My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

  1. Lucy is pleased with her son’s achievements.

proud       Lucy’s ………………………. achievements.

  1. In fact, I can’t cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible      I am really …………………….  

  1. Read the text and match the headings:



Task 1

1-f, 2-h, 3-c, 4-g, 5-d, 6-I, 7-b, 8-j, 9-e,10-a.

Task 2

               1-dredful, 2-bang, 3-cross, 4-heap, 5-suburban, 6-novel, 7-nursery, 8-inexperience.

              Task 3

               1-interrupting, 2-to know, 3-flying, 4-lending, return, 5-take, 6-do/doing, 7-receiving, 8-to meet,

               9-playing, 10-to do, 11-find, 12-use.

              Task 4

              2-down, 3-up, 4-after, 5-off, 6-over, 7-off.

              Task 5

              1-enjoyment, 2-independence, 3-recovery, 4-disagreement, 5-amazement, 6-accommodation.

              Task 6

              1-keen on going, 2-is fond of, 3-is crazy about playing, 4-proud of her son’s, 5-terrible at cooking.

              Task 7

               1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d,5-b.

Match the words in the box with their definitions.
There are four extra words which  you do not need to use.


 bang              occasion  

1.      unpleasant, very
poor in quality;                                        

2.      a sudden loud
noise, such as the noise of an explosion;               

3.      angry or

4.      a big amount of something;  

5.      situated outside
the city centre;                                  

6.      a long written
story about imaginary people and events ;

7.      a room where
children sleep or play;  

8.      little knowledge
about a particular area or situation; 

3.      Put
the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare

1.      She
apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.

2.      They
seemed __________ (know) each other’s thoughts before they spoke.

3.      John is
afraid of __________(fly).

4.      I don’t
mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it
to me next week.

5.      It’s
cold outside. You’d better __________ (take) your coat.

6.      We saw
them __________ (do) all the damage.

7.      She
enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.

8.      I would
like __________ (meet) that writer.

9.      I
stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.

10.  This crossword is
impossible __________ (do).

11.  They couldn’t
__________ (find) the way easily.

12.  The English
teacher doesn’t let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

Fill in the correct preposition:

5.      Fill
in the correct word derived from the word in bold:

1.    Agventurous
people get a lot of ………………………..going skydiving or rafting.  ENJOY

2.    In
the USA ……………………Day is celebrated on July 4.    DEPEND        

3.     We
wish you the fastest ……………………..         RECOVER

4.    Please,
express your  ………………………..with  new rules directly.     DISAGREE

5.    Jack
stared at Helen in ……………………………         AMAZE       

6.    Stay
in our comfortable …………………… and relax in style!        ACCOMMODATE 

7.      Complete
the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as
the 1st:

1.      I
don’t really love going to basketball matches.

keen      I’m
……………………….. to basketball matches.

2.      French
painting is up to her liking.

She ………………………. French painting.

3.      My
younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

4.      Lucy
is pleased with her son’s achievements.

proud       Lucy’s
………………………. achievements.

5.      In
fact, I can’t cook at all. I burn everything.

  I am really ……………………. 

8.      Read
the text and match the headings:



1.      1-f,
2-h, 3-c, 4-g, 5-d, 6-I, 7-b, 8-j, 9-e, 10-a.

 1.dreadful   2. bang  3.cross 4. heap 5.suburban 6. novel 7. nursery 8. inexperience

             3.    1.
interrupting know  3. flying   4. lending, return 5. Take  6. do/doing 

             8. to meet 
9. Playing    10. to do  11.find 12. use.

2. down  3.up  4. After  5. Off  6. Over  7. Off

1.enjoyment   2. independence  3.recovery   4.disagreement  5.amazement  6. accommodation.

1. keen on going fond of crazy about
playing 4.proud of her son’s 5. terrible at cooking.

             7.  1-c,
2-e, 3-a, 4-d,5-b.



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Match the words to make word expressions


lunch,up,on computer,a DVD,the shopping,jogging,to school,dinner

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Ответы и объяснения 2



Go shopping — идти по магазинам (шопинг)
Go to school — идти в школу
Have lunch — есть ланч
Do dinner — делать ужин
Work on computer — работать за компьтером
Cut up — Резать
Watch a DVD — смотреть дивиди
Get jogging — бегать трусцой
Можно и по-другому



Go to lunch — идти на обед
Get up — вставать
Work on computer — работать на компьютере
Watch a DVD — смотреть DVD
Go to school — идти в школу
Have dinner — иметь обед
Do the shopping — делать покупки
Go the jogging — идти на пробежку
Cut up — разрезать

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Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Match the words to make word expressions Go, go, have, do, work, cut, watch, get lunch, up, on computer, a DVD, the shopping, jogging, to …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Match the words to make word expressions Go, go, have, do, work, cut, watch, get lunch, up, on computer, a DVD, the shopping, jogging, to school, dinner

Match the words to make word expressions


lunch,up,on computer,a DVD,the shopping,jogging,to school,dinner

Английский язык


(41 баллов)

28 Май, 18





1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

5. Match the words to make word expressions: 1. Go A. the shopping 2. do B. to bed 3. have C. a cup of tea 4. go D. breakfast 5. have E. up 6. do F. homework 7. get G. dinner 8. eat H. to school​

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1 год назад

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


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Но если пришлёшь фотку я тебе может отвечу

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5. Match the words to make word expressions: 1. Go A. the shopping 2. do B. to bed 3. have C. a cup of tea 4. go D. breakfast 5. have E. up 6. do F. homework 7. get G. dinner 8. eat H. to school​

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