Match the words in two columns to get meaningful word combinations make

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 


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  • Для посетителей из стран СНГ есть возможно задать вопросы по таким предметам как Украинский язык, Белорусский язык, Казакхский язык, Узбекский язык, Кыргызский язык.
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    Вопрос от пользователя

    Match the words in two columns to get meaningful word combinations.
    make friends
    compulsory uniform

    Ответ от эксперта

    1-d) make friends — завести друзей
    2-g) report card — журнал успеваемости
    3-b) bright student — студенты полные энтузиазма
    4-h) elective subject — факультативный предмет
    5-j) be homesick — тосковать
    6-i) be left behind — отставать
    7-e) school identity — школьная индивидуальность
    8-a) compulsory uniform — обязательная школьная форма
    9-c) belong to a school — принадлежать школе
    10-f) note from parents — записка от родителей

    Present Perfect
    Биболетова 10 класс Unit 1 Section 1 p. 11-13 ex. 13, 15, 16, 17

    Grammar focus – Present Perfect (Revision) – Настоящее совершенное время (повторение)

    Ex. 13 Use the words below to make sentences about Wendy. Consult the rules in the “Grammar references” (page 180) if necessary. Используя слова, данные ниже, составьте предложения о Венди. Посмотрите правило на странице 180.

    1 Wendy has just moved to a new school. – Венди только что перешла в новую школу.
    2 She has already made lots of friends. – У нее уже появилось много друзей.
    3 She got lost on her first day at school. — Она заблудилась в ее первый день в школе.
    4 She has been at the new school for two months. — Она находится в новой школе в течение двух месяцев.

    Present perfect (Revision) – Настоящее совершенное время (повторение)
    The present perfect is used to connect the past and the present. Настоящее совершенное время используется для соединения прошлого и настоящего. (Проще говоря, настоящее совершенное время это РЕЗУЛЬТАТ)

    The present perfect is used: Настоящее совершенное время используется:

    • To describe an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with state verbs, e.g. know, have, like, be, etc. Для описания действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени, особенно с глаголами состояния, например знать, иметь, нравиться, быть и т.д.

    I have known Mark for ten years. — Я знаю Марка уже десять лет.
    We have been in this class since we were 7 years old. – Мы учимся в этом классе с семи лет.

    • To describe an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The action is more important than the exact time. Для описания действия, которое произошло в неустановленное время в прошлом. Действие важнее точного времени.

    He has been in Italy twice. — Он был в Италии дважды.
    I have never done skateboarding. – Я никогда не катался на скейтборде.

    • To describe an action within a time period which has not yet finished at the moment of speaking, e.g. today, this week, this year, etc. Для описания действия в течение периода времени, который еще не закончился на момент разговора, например, сегодня, на этой неделе, в этом году, и т.д.

    Have you seen Mary today? – Ты сегодня видел Мэри?
    I haven’t been to class this week. — Я не был в классе на этой неделе.

    Ex. 15 PRONUNCIATION FOCUS: STRONG AND WEAK HAVE. (сильный и слабый глагол have)
    Read the rules, listen to the sentences and mark strong and weak have. Прочитайте правила, послушайте предложения и определите сильный и слабый глагол have.
    Then practise saying the following sentences. Затем произнесите следующие предложения.
    Have is strong if it stands alone without a main verb. It is weak in the question form. Have is often contracted (’ve) in statements if it is followed by a main verb. Have является сильным, если он стоит один без главного глагола. Он будет слабым в вопросительных предложениях. Have часто имеет сокращение (’ve) если за ним следует главный глагол.

    1 Have you just finished your work? — Вы только что закончили работу?
    2 They haven’t lived here for years. — Они не жили здесь много лет.
    3 She’s worked in the bank for five years. – Она работает в банке пять лет.
    4 Would you like something to eat? — I have just had something to eat. — Хотите что-нибудь поесть? — Я только что поел.
    5 I’ve worked hard this week. — Я упорно трудился на этой неделе.
    6 It has rained a lot this year. – В этом году было много дождей.
    7 We haven’t seen her today. — Мы не видели ее сегодня.
    8 They’ve seen that film six times. — Они видели этот фильм шесть раз.
    9 It has happened several times already. — Это произошло уже несколько раз.
    10 Have you got a spare pen? — I don’t think I have. — У вас есть запасная ручка? — Я не думаю, что есть.
    11 We’ve eaten at that restaurant many times. — Мы ели в этом ресторане много раз.
    12 Has he just left? — Неужели он только что ушел?
    13 Someone has eaten my soup! — Кто-то съел мой суп!
    14 She’s studied Japanese, Russian and English. – Она изучала японский, русский и английский.

    Ex. 16 Read what these students say about their schools and choose the best options to define the words in bold. Прочитайте что эти студенты говорят о своих школах и выберите лучшее значение слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.

    My school is very far from the place where I live so I have to use public transport to get there. But I’m glad I’m a day student and come home every day. A friend of mine is a boarder and she is often homesick. — Моя школа находится очень далеко от того места, где я живу, поэтому мне приходится пользоваться общественным транспортом, чтобы добраться туда. Но я рада, что я дневной студент и возвращаюсь домой каждый день. Одна из моих подруг пансионер и она часто скучает по дому.

    a “boarder” is a student who … пансионер это студент, который
    a) Lives at school – живет в школе
    b)Suffers at school — страдает в школе

    “to be homesick” means: — тосковать по дому значит
    a) to want to go out – хотеть выйти
    b) to miss one’s home – скучать по дому

    In our school if you are particularly bright, you are offered a scholarship. В нашей школе если вы особенно умны, то вам предложат стипендию.

    “bright” means: — увлеченный, яркий, умный
    a) enthusiastic — полный энтузиазма
    b) intelligent – умный

    “scholarship” means: — стипендия значит
    a) money an organisation gives you so that you can study at a school – деньги, которые организация дает вам, чтобы вы могли учиться в школе
    b) money you earn – деньги, которые ты зарабатываешь

    In my school class sizes are very large, which results in some students being left behind or almost ignored. Every student would get more attention if classes were smaller. – В моей школе классы очень большие, что приводит к тому, что некоторые студенты отстают или полностью игнорируются.

    “to be left behind” means: — отставать занчит
    a) to be as good as all the others – быть таким же хорошим, как и все остальные
    b) to be slower than others – быть медленнее, чем другие

    Because my school doesn’t have a uniform, students do not really feel they have a school identity and so they simply don’t care. I’m sure a compulsory uniform would help us develop more pride in our school. – Из-за того что в моей школе нет формы, студенты не чувствуют свою школьную индивидуальность и их это просто не волнует. Я уверена, что обязательная форма поможет нам больше гордиться нашей школой.

    If something is “compulsory”, — если что-то обязательное
    a) you can choose whether to do it or not. – ты можешь выбрать делать это или нет
    b) you must do it. – ты должен это делать

    Ex. 17 Match the words in two columns to get meaningful word combinations. Соедини слова из двух колонок, чтобы получить значимые словосочетания.

    1 make d) friends — подружиться
    2 report g) card — табель успеваемости
    3 bright b) student – умный студент
    4 elective h) subject – предмет по выбору
    5 be j) homesick – тосковать по дому
    6 be i) left behind — отставать
    7 school e) identity – школьная индивидуальность (школьная принадлежность)
    8 compulsory a) uniform – обязательная форма
    9 belong c) to a school – принадлежать школе
    10 note f) from parents – записка от родителей

    Match the words in the two columns to get word combinations. Write your own sentences with them.
    1) fast food
    2) regular
    3) to do
    4) no smoke
    5) a quick
    6) junk

    a) a lot of good

    b) learner

    c) without fire

    d) restaurant

    e) food

    f) meals

    ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 6. Step 1. Номер №8


    Перевод задания
    Сопоставь слова в двух столбцах, чтобы получить словосочетания. Напиши свои собственные предложения с ними.
    1) пища быстрого приготовления
    2) регулярный
    3) делать
    4) нет дыма
    5) быстрый
    6) неполноценная

    много хорошего


    без огня




    1 – d, 2 – f, 3 – a, 4 – c, 5 – b, 6 – e.
    1) There are many fast food restaurants in the place where I live.
    2) It is healthy to have regular meals.
    3) You have to do a lot of good to keep yourself fit.
    4) Factories and plants pollute our seas and oceans and I believe that there is no smoke without fire.
    5) I am a quick learner, I learn English rather quickly.
    6) If you eat junk food regularly you will become obese.

    Перевод ответа
    1) В том месте, где я живу, есть много ресторанов быстрого питания.
    2) Полезно регулярно питаться.
    3) Вы должны делать много хорошего для того, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме.
    4) Фабрики и заводы загрязняют наши моря и океаны, и я считаю, что нет дыма без огня.
    5) Я быстро учусь, довольно быстро учу английский.
    6) Если вы регулярно употребляете вредную пищу, вы будете страдать ожирением.

    Входная контрольная
    работа по английскому языку (
    I четверть)

    10 класс

    V — I

    1. Match the words
    with the definitions.

    trendy                   a) much better than ordinary; excellent

    2) in favor
    of             b) a symbol that represents an organization or company

    outstanding           c) extremely fashionable

    logo                       d) organize and control something (e.g. time or

    manage                  e) to support something / someone

    2. Find the right

    A lady was late
    (1) the concert. When she (2) the concert (3). She entered (4) the hall and (5)
    her seat. The orchestra (6) some music. She had listened for a while before she
    (7) her neighbour: «What (8)?  — «(9) symphony», — he answered. «Oh, dear! I (10)
    the first eight!» —

    exclaimed the

    1. A — to, B —
    for, C – at, D — in.

    2. A – come, B –
    comes, C – came, D – had come.

    3. A – is already
    beginning, B – is already begun, C – had begun yet, D – had already begun.

    4. A – in, B –
    into, C – to, D — —.

    5. A – finded, B –
    found, C – founded, D – was found.

    6. A – was
    playing, B – was played, C – had played, D – has been playing.

    7. A – had asked,
    B – asked, C – would ask, D – ask.

    8. A – do they
    play, B – they are playing, C – they have played, D – are they playing.

    9. A – the nine, B
    – ninth, C – the ninth, D – a ninth.

    10. A – have
    missed, B – had missed, C – was missed, D – am missing.

    3. Put the words
    in the appropriate forms. Then transfer your answers to the table.

    Many girls dream of a career as
    ice_________(1).                        SCATE

    The costumers and_______(2) movements make
    it                      GRACE

    seem a very_______(3) thing to do. What’s
    more,                        ROMANCE

    ice skating attracts huge numbers of fans.

    Carolina Kostner is one of the champions.

    rolina is ______(4) slim, but she has to
    watch                               NATURAL

    her diet and make sure she eats right
    food. Carolina

    is usually in bed by 9 p.m. She travels
    with her


    Word / Words


    Word / Words











    family so she doesn’t
    feel______(5).                                              LONE

    4. Complete the

    1) If I were you,

    2) She would help
    him with his maths if _________________________________________.

    3) I wish I could

    4) I wish I were
    in the country _________________________________________________.

    Входная контрольная
    работа по английскому языку (
    I четверть)

    10 класс


    Match the words in two columns to get meaningful word combinations.

    make                 a) subject

    elective              b) name

    to express         c) friends

    brand                d) your protest

    modern             e) pop songster

    Write the tense using in these sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
    (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past

    1) I
    saw him last week.

    2) The
    rain has already stopped.

    3) They
    make the best chocolate in the world.

    We are having an English lesson now.

    They had bought this house by his birthday.

    Put the words in the right order and make the sentences.

    so, arguments, There, many, are, uniforms, about, school.

    of, the, Some, national, school, have, countries, policies, uniforms, about.

    you, Do, clothes, fashionable, like?

    music, always, Classical, me, relax, makes, feel, to, and, happy.

    make, sports, can, you, organized, and, Doing, you, healthy, more, help, get.

    Учреждение образования «ПГГ 2»

    Тестовые упражнения на закрепление и контроль лексико-грамматических знаний

    9 класс

    Автор и составитель:

    учитель английского языка

    Лапеко И.О.

    Полоцк, 2012

    Печатается по решению методического совета

    УО «Полоцкая государственная гимназия №2»

    Автор и составитель: учитель английского языка

    УО «Полоцкая государственная гимназия №2» Лапеко Инна Олеговна

    Рецензент: заместитель директора по учебно-методической работе

    УО «Полоцкая государственная гимназия №2» Валюшкина Светлана Михайловна

    Лапеко И.О.

    Тестовые упражнения на закрепление и контроль лексико-грамматических знаний для 9 класса .- Полоцк.: ПГГ №2, 2012. — —-с

    В сборник вошли тесты и упражнения по английскому языку для учащихся девятых классов, к учебнику Л.М. Лапицкой 2011. Задания составлены с учетом содержания программы учебного предмета «Английский язык» для учащихся 9 класса с целью актуализации знаний учащихся и формирования положительной мотивации к изучению предмета.

    г. Полоцк

    пр-т Ф.Скорины, 33 т 42-23-64

    [email protected]

    Вместо предисловия

    Выполнение разнообразных тестовых упражнений — необходимый вид деятельности при обучении учащихся иностранному языку, а также при подготовке учащихся выпускников и сдаче централизованного тестирования. Поэтому настоящий сборник, на наш взгляд, должен помочь проверить имеющиеся знания и умения учащихся и наметить эффективные пути для исправления ошибок.

    Сборник включает в себя упражнения на отработку грамматического материала, а также тесты для контроля лексико-грамматических знаний учащихся девятого класса к разделам учебного пособия Л.М.Лапицкой 2011.

    Сборник рекомендуется преподавателям английского языка в качестве дополнительного пособия для отработки лексического и грамматического материала. Он также может быть использован учащимися для самостоятельной работы.

    В первой части сборника даны упражнения для закрепления грамматических знаний. Выполнение этих упражнений обеспечивает не только знание грамматического материала, но и, что более важно, приобретении навыков грамотной речи. Объяснение соответствующих грамматических явлений можно найти в конце учебного пособия Л.М.Лапицкой 2011.

    Тесты на проверку лексико-грамматических знаний построены по принципу от простого к сложному, где в первых двух заданиях за каждый правильный ответ дается от 0,5 до 1 балла. В заданиях на перевод за каждое правильное предложение дается 2 балла. Максимальное количество баллов за тест от 30-50.

    Ключи к упражнениям находятся в конце пособия.

    Представленные в сборнике материалы помогут учителю, не затрачивая лишних усилий, успешно провести закрепление и контроль лексико-грамматических знаний среди учащихся 9-ых классов.

    Unit 1

    I. Present Continuous or Future Simple?

    1. Diane isn’t free on Saturday. She (work).

    2. I (go) to a party tomorrow night.

    3. I think Jenny (get) the job.

    4. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine (come) to see me.

    5. Have you decided where to go for your holidays? — Yes, I (go) to Italy.

    6. There’s no need to be afraid of the dog. It (hurt) you.

    II. Complete the sentences using Future Simple or be going to

    1. — Why are you turning on the television? — I (watch) the news.

    2. Oh, I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money. — Haven’t you? Well, don’t worry. I (lend) you some money.

    3. — I’ve got a headache. — Have you? Wait a second and I (get) an aspirin for you.

    4. — Why are you filling that bucket with water? — I (wash) the car.

    5. — I’ve decided to repaint this room. — Oh, have you? What colour you (paint) it?

    6. — Where are you going? Are you going shopping? — Yes, I (buy) something for dinner.

    7. — I don’t know how to use this camera. — It’s easy. I (show) you.

    8. — What would you like to eat? — I (have) a sandwich, please.

    9. — Did you post that letter for me? — Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I (do) it now.

    10. — Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? — Yes, everything is planned. He (do) a computer programming course.

    Unit 2

    I. Fill in the correct possessive pronouns

    1. This book belongs to me. This is … book.

    2. The man put … hand into pocket.

    3. The cat ate … food.

    4. She took out … purse and gave it to me.

    5. My husband never wears … glasses.

    6. This is their car. That other car is … too.

    7. May I introduce to you one of … colleagues?

    8. There were a lot of people coming back from … work.

    9. Every season is beautiful in … own way.

    10. They would like a house of … own.

    11. I’ll try… best, I promise.

    12. Each country has … own customs.

    13. He cut … finger this evening.

    14. Lend me … pen, I’ve lost … .

    15. They’re going to London with some students of … .

    16. This is not my pencil, … is red.

    17. I haven’t got a pen. Can you give me … ?

    18. Take off … coat, please.

    19. I saw them. This is … car.

    20. Ann is married. … husband works in a bank.

    Unit 3


    1. Choose the correct adverb form from the given choices

      1. Annie sang the (loudest, most loud) of them all.

      2. The younger children listened (most excitedly, more excitedly) than their older brothers.

      3. Sonia sings (softly, more softly).

      4. Some of them practice (harder, more harder) than others.

      5. Danny writes the (most legibly, more legibly) among his classmates.

    1. Read each sentence carefully. Write the correct form of the adverb in parenthesis.

    1. Of all the members, he arrived the … . (late)

    2. Lisa organizes her report … than the others. (systematically)

    3. Angel’s friend speaks … . (intelligently)

    4. Nicole joins the contest … . (excitedly)

    5. Mothers treat their children … than fathers. (patiently)

    Unit 4

    I. Choose the correct variant

    1. Please give me … copy of the magazine.

    a) other b) another c) the other d) others

    2. I see only five boys here. Where are … ones?

    a) another b) others c) the others d) the other

    3. There were seven people on the beach; two of them were bathing, …were playing volleyball.

    a) the others b) another c) others d) other

    4.1 can give you only a small dictionary, I have got no … .

    a) the other b) another c) other d) the others

    5. Two of their guests left rather early, … stayed till midnight.

    a) the other b) another c) the others d) other

    6. Well, kid, … fifty yards and you will be at home.

    a) another b) other c) the other d) others

    7. There have been two oranges on the table. One is here, and where is … ?

    a) another b) the other c) others d) other

    8. I’m going to stay here for … few days.

    a) the other b) others c) the others d) another

    9.1 think you should choose … colour. This one is too dark.

    a) other b) another c) the other d) others

    10. Why is he so selfish? He never thinks about … .

    a) other b) the other c) others d) the others

    II. Make the direct sentences reported

    1. John:»Mandy is at home.»

    2. Max:»Frank often reads a book.»

    3. Susan:»I’m watching TV.»

    4. Simon:»David was ill.»

    5. Peggy:»The girls helped in the house.»
    6. Richard:»I am going to ride a skateboard.»
    7. Stephen and Claire:»We have cleaned the windows.»
    8. Charles:»I didn’t have time to do my homework.»
    9. Mrs Jones:»My mother will be 50 years old.»

    10. Jean:»The boss must sign the letter.»

    III. Make the direct sentences reported

    1. Andrew:»Clean the blue bike!»

    2. Jessica:»Write a text message!»

    3. Teacher:»Don’t forget your homework!»
    4. Nelly:»Help Peter’s sister!»

    5. Fred:»Wash your hands!»

    6. Jamie:»Don’t eat so much junk food!»
    7. Anna:»Open the window!»
    8. Karen:»Don’t play football in the garden!»
    9. Victoria:»Check your e-mails!»

    10. Mike:»Don’t shout at Peter!»

    IV. Make the direct sentences reported

    1. Christopher:»Do you want to dance?»
    2. Betty:»When did you come?»

    3. Mark:»Has John arrived?»
    4. Ronald:»Where does Maria park her car?»
    5. Elisabeth:»Did you watch the latest film?»

    6. Mandy:»Can I help you?»

    7. Andrew:»Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?»
    8. Justin:»What are you doing?»

    9. Frank:»How much pocket money does Lisa get?»
    10. Anne:»Must I do the shopping?»

    Unit 5

    I. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form

    1. Many accidents (caused/are caused) by dangerous driving.

    2. А cinema is а place where films (show/are shown).

    3. People (aren’t used/don’t use) this road very often.

    4. This house (built/was built) in 1930.

    5. This situation is serious. Something must (do/be done) before it’s too late.

    6. My car (has disappeared/has been disappeared).

    7. Have you heard the news? The President (has shot/has been shot).

    8. А new supermarket (will be built/will built) here next year.

    9. (in а shop) ‘Can I help you, madam?’ ‘No, thank you. I (am serving/am being served).’

    10. When I came to the party, John (had already been gone/ had already gone) home.

    II. Active or passive? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

    1. The computer (use) at the moment.

    2. Your house looks different. You (paint) it?

    3. Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

    4. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water.

    5. When we got to the stadium, we found out that the game (cancel). So we couldn’t see the match.

    6. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

    7. The letter (post) a week ago but it (arrive) yesterday.

    8. Ann couldn’t use her office yesterday. It (redecorate) the whole day.

    9. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, Ann will be in her office. She (work) then.

    10. Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring up) by their grandparents.

    Unit 6

    I. Put in must, can’t or may (might)

    1. You’ve been travelling all day. You … be tired.

    2. That restaurant … be very good. It’s always full of people.

    3. That restaurant … be very good. It’s always empty.

    4. I’m sure I gave you the key. You … have it. Have you looked in your bag?

    5. You are going on holiday next week. You … be looking forward for it.

    6. It rained every day during their holiday, so they … have had a very nice time.

    7. Congratulations on passing your exam. You … be very pleased.

    8. You got here very quickly. You … have walked very fast.

    9. Bill and Sue always travel business class, so they … be short of money.

    10. Kate didn’t answer the telephone. She … have been asleep.

    II. Give the correct form of the infinitive

    1. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I must (drop) it somewhere.

    2. They haven’t lived here for very long. They can’t (know) many people.

    3. Ted isn’t at work today. He must (be) ill.

    4. Ted wasn’t at work last week. He must (be) ill.

    5. (the doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It can’t (be) Mary. She is still at work.

    6. Sarah knows a lot about films. She must … (go) to the cinema a lot.

    7. Look. James is putting on his hat and coat. He must (go) out.

    8. I left my bike outside the house last might and now it has gone. Somebody must (steal) it.

    9. Amy was in a very difficult situation when she lost her job. It can’t (be) easy

    for her.

    10. There is a man walking behind us. He has been walking behind us for the last twenty minutes. He must (follow) us.

    Unit 7

    I. Fill in the gaps with the definite article where necessary

    1. Have you ever been to … British Museum?

    2. … Hyde Park is a very large park in the centre of London.

    3. Another park in central London is … St.Jame’s Park.

    4. … Grand Hotel is in … Baker Street.

    5. … Dublin Airport is situated about 12 kilometers from the city centre.

    6. Frank is a student at … Liverpool University.

    7. If you’re looking for a department store, I would recommend … Harrison’s.

    8. If you are looking for a place to have lunch, I would recommend … Ship Inn.

    9. … Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to … New York Harbour.

    10. You should go to … Science Museum. It’s very interesting.

    11. John works for … IBM now. He used to work for … British Telecom.

    12. «Which cinema are you going to this evening?» «… Classis».

    13. I’d like to go to Chine and see … Great Wall.

    14. «Which newspaper do you want?» «… Herald.»

    15. This book is published by … Cambridge University Press.

    Unit 8

    I. Fill in the gaps with articles if necessary, choose the right preposition

    1. … fax machine has speeded up inter-office communication.

    2. … E-mail have replaced … telegraph for most daily business transactions.

    3. The problem of controlling access to … Internet needs to be solved.

    4. She is not onby … phone today. She left it at home.

    5. Nowadays, people solve a lot of problems overon .. phone.

    6. Turn on … radio, please.

    7. I’ve heard a funny story on by … radio

    8. My friend has been working onin … radio for 5 years.

    9. We bought … new television.

    10. Don’t turn it onoff. I’m watching the news byon … television.

    11. Where is Ann. She is still overon … phone with her boyfriend.

    12. The only way to contact him is overby … radio.

    II. Complete the sentences using who or which

    1. The woman … is wearing the blue hat is Jane’s mother.

    2. The man … is carrying a briefcase is our teacher.

    3. This is the book … I borrowed from Lucy.

    4. I don’t like people … don’t listen to mu opinion.

    5. We visited the factory … produces sports shoes.

    6. These are the sunglasses … I bought yesterday.

    7. Products … are brought from other countries usually cost more.

    8. My brother … is in the army came to see us.

    III. Put in suitable relative pronoun when, where, why, who, whose, whom, which to complete the sentences.

    1. The town … I live has a population of 50.000 people.

    2. My friend Mike, … father is an architect, wants to be an engineer.

    3. The park … he usually goes running is across the road.

    4. I don’t know to … I should address this letter.

    5. I don’t know … things are these.

    6. I’ll tell you … I left the party so early.

    7. His friend, … name is Luis, speaks three languages.

    8. The computer, … he bought, is very expensive.

    9. People … live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

    10. She is not the person, with … I’d like to share my room.

    Unit 9

    I. Read the situations and write sentences with should shouldn’t. Give the correct form of the infinitive. Which of the sentences express criticism?

    1. I’m feeling sick. I ate too much. I shouldn’t (eat) so much.

    2. That man on the motorbike isn’t wearing a helmet. That’s dangerous. He should (wear) a helmet.

    3. When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn’t reserved one. We should (reserve) it beforehand.

    4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is 9 o’clock now, but the shop isn’t open yet. They should (open) it half an hour ago.

    5. The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Kate is doing 50. She should (drive) at the speed of 30.

    6. Laura gave me her address, but I didn’t write it down. Now I can’t remember it. I should (write) it down.

    7. I was driving behind another car. Suddenly, the driver in front stopped without warning. The driver in front should (warn) me.

    8. I walked into a wall. I wasn’t looking where I was going. I should (look) in front of me.

    Test on Unit I «Family»

    I. Give the synonyms

    1. quarrel

    2. energetic

    3. aquiline

    4. pasty

    5. curly

    II. Translate into English

    Цвет лица, сердцевидный, обворожительный, кормилец, строгий, усы, загорелый, курносый, веснушки, сплоченный

    III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions were necessary

    1. Mary always give me a hand … difficult situations.

    2. He is full … beans this morning — you can hardly keep him quiet.

    3. Sara is crazy … her dog. She plays with him for hours

    4. He works … home. That’s why he seldom meets his colleagues.

    5. You are so hot-tempered. Whom do you take …? — I was born that way.

    6. I was brought … to respect the law.

    7. You are always speaking about your problems! What do you think I am, some sort of a shoulder to cry …?

    8. He is not the person you can rely … . He is a liar.

    9. We often spend time surfing … the Internet.

    10. Treat other people … the same way you want to be treated.

    IV. Put the verbs into appropriate grammar form to express future actions

    1. I think I (buy) this jacket.

    2. I (meet) my friends tonight at the Ordeon.

    3. I hope she (come) tomorrow.

    4. We (buy) a new house.

    5. She (leave) Moscow for New York tonight.

    V. Translate from Russian into English

    1. У нас сплоченная семья: мы никогда не ссоримся и хорошо ладим.

    2. Я всегда могу поплакаться в плечо своей сестре.

    3. Моя мама — это человек, на которого я всегда могу положиться и поделиться своими эмоциями и проблемами.

    4. Я всегда чувствую себя защищенной и уверенной в кругу семьи.

    5. У моего дедушки широкий лоб и карие глаза, он носит усы, но не любит бороду.

    Test on Unit 2 «Interpersonal Relationships»

    I. Fill in the correct pronoun

    1. They are not reliable. He doubts … .

    2. I taught her. … learned it from … .

    3. We asked for his advice. … advised … not to come.

    4. He cut … finger this evening.

    5. Lend me … pen, I’ve lost … .

    II. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form

    1. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy.

    2. Four people (have killed/have been killed) in а train crash.

    3. А famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

    4. The house (bought/was bought) by а pop-star.

    5. Local police (have been arrested/have arrested) the bank robber.

    6. I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday.

    7. The room (will сlеаn/will be cleaned) later.

    8. ‘Did you go to the party?’ ‘No, I (didn’t invite/wasn’t invited).’

    9. It’s а big company. It (is employed/employs) two hundred people.

    10. Tom (has lost/has been lost) his key.

    III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary

    1. They didn’t know each other, they met … a blind date.

    2. Holidays are coming. We are looking … … seeing our Spanish friends again.

    3. Peter have already teamed … … his two classmates. They do the project together.

    4. Mary invited me to join … Tourist Club.

    5. The chitchat brings … friends together.

    6. Hanging … with my friends is my favourite pastime.

    7. Generally my friends are easy to deal … . I try to compromise and don’t quarrel … them.

    8. Most problems come … in friendship because we are too selfish.

    9. I’m passionate … rock music. But … the other hand, classical music is not bad as well.

    10. I treat my friends … the same way I want to be treated, that’s why we never fall … .

    IV. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Новый мальчик популярен среди одноклассников.

    2. Миша никогда не выдает секреты.

    3. Все спортсмены обычно хорошо сложены и мускулисты потому, что ведут здоровый образ жизни.

    4. Мальчишки любят прогуливать уроки и вечно попадают в передряги (наживают трудности).

    5. Мой друг всегда готов протянуть мне руку помощи.

    6. Катя очень общительна и легко заводит друзей.

    7. Мой друг постоянно висит на телефоне или в интернете.

    8. На этого человека всегда можно положиться.

    9. Я могу всегда попросить совета у мамы.

    10. Майкл и Элис — просто не разлей вода.

    Test on Unit 3 «Healthy Lifestyle»

    I. Match the words from the columns to make meaningful word combinations.

    1. irregular a. colours

    2. biological b. addiction

    3. withdrawal c. sleep pattern

    4. passive d. information

    5. carrying e. sessions

    6. fall f. smoker

    7. attach g. symptoms

    8. psychological h. clock

    9. stretching j. capacity

    10. artificial k. asleep

    II. Give a word or word combination to each definition

    1. a particular form of a bad health; a disease;

    2. a person who does or uses smth that he or she cannot give up

    3. (adj) causing a habit that people cannot give up;

    4. a substance obtained or used in chemistry;

    5. system of our body that prevent us from diseases;

    III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions

    1. Fast food doesn’t provide any benefits … the body.

    2. Mike participates … 3 strength training sessions every week.

    3. Before training, make sure you’ve warmed … enough.

    4. Bob has just recovered … a serious disease.

    5. A lot of harmful chemicals are breathed … the body while smoking a cigarette.

    6. Nicotine in tobacco gets … the brain … blood stream just 10 seconds after a person starts smoking.

    7. Vitamin C is destroyed … smoking.

    8. According … the statistic, smoking kills … (около) 5 million people a year.

    9. Lack … sleep can cause different health problems.

    10. It was difficult for her to get … the new theme to her students.

    IV. Translate into English

    1. Прежде чем делать упражнения на растяжку и гибкость, нужно хорошо разогреться.

    2. Очень важно знать свой пульс, уровень холестерина, кровяное давление, вес.

    3. Курение увеличивает риск заболеть раком, бронхитом, пневмонией или сердечным заболеванием.

    4. Стремись покупать (выбирай) молоко с низким содержанием жира и постное мясо.

    5. Фастфуд нарушает систему, регулирующую наш аппетит.

    Test on Unit 4 «Fashion»

    1. Make reported speech

    1. «I have no time for lunch today», said the boy to his mother.

    2. My brother said to me, «I`m going to become a doctor».

    3. The pupil said to the teacher, «I can do my homework after dinner».

    4. «Don`t worry over such a small thing», she said to me.

    5. «Please, don`t mention it to anybody», Mary said to her friend.

    6. He said to me, «Ring me up tomorrow».

    7. He said to me, «Do you often go to see your friends?»

    8. I said to my mother, «Did anybody come to see me?»

    9. Mother said to us, «What are you doing here?»

    10. He said to her, «Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?»

    1. Fill in the gaps with another/the other/the others/others

    1. The supermarket is on … side of the street.

    2. Please, give me … chance.

    3. Some people like to rest in their free time. … like to travel.

    4. There were 3 books on my table. One is here. Where are …?

    5. I don`t like these jeans. Have you got any other ones in … size?

    6. «Why is your car painted blue on one side and red on …?

    7. Kate was excellent, but her friend was … way round.

    8. I didn`t want to join them for a picnic; I had … fish to fry.

    9. I won’t say… word about it.

    10. This curtain material is cheap; on … hand the quality is poor.

    1. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Эта однотонная (без рисунка) юбка до колена очень тебе идет.

    2. Кожаные брюки — необходимая вещь в шкафу.

    3. Примерь эту клетчатую рубашку. Она подходит к твоим глазам.

    4. Когда холодно, застегивай куртку!

    5. Эти сапоги вышли из моды — выброси их (избавься от них).

    Test on Unit 5 «Weather and Climate»

    I. Give notions to the definitions

    1. (n) moisture that falls from the air to the ground;

    2. (n) the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere;

    3. (n) weight of air on the Earth’s surface;

    4. (n) the condition of atmosphere at a definite time and place;

    5. (n) the prediction of weather.

    II. Give synonyms to the words

    1. predict


    3. hot

    4. cold

    5. rain

    6. moderate

    7. humidity

    8. fog

    9. cloudy

    10. light rain

    III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary

    1. The water in the clouds can freeze and turn … little balls of ice.

    2. We got acquainted … famous meteorologists at the weather station.

    3. Our mood and health often depend … weather.

    4. The average day temperatures will range … 15 ºC … 20ºC.

    5. We gave … the idea to go for a walk because the weather was nasty.

    6. We tried to cheer …, but the weather was unbearable.

    7. It’s hard to deal … her today, she is … the weather.

    8. She is full … beans.

    9. She is carrying … an experiment at the moment.

    IV. Translate from Russian into English

    1. На метеорологической станции мы проводим различные эксперименты и исследования.

    2. Ее прогноз погоды был не совсем точный.

    3. В Беларуси умеренный мягкий климат с холодной зимой и теплым летом.

    4. На улице ливень, в такую погоду хороший хозяин собаку на улицу не выпустит (подходящая погода для уток).

    5. Он «друг на хорошую погоду», он не поможет тебе справиться с трудностями.

    6. Нет плохой погоды, есть плохая одежда.

    7. Вода испаряется в атмосферу, конденсируется и выпадает на землю.

    8. Белые медведи и моржи находятся под угрозой исчезновения.

    9. Жаркая погода оставляет меня равнодушной.

    10. Когда светит солнце, поверхность Земли нагревается.

    Test on Unit 6 » Natural Disasters»

    I. Make up meaningful word combinations

    1. reduce a. disaster

    2. global b. aid kit

    3. greenhouse c. food

    4. safety d. wall

    5. flash e. extinction

    6. defense f. rules

    7. natural g. effect

    8. first h. flood

    9. tinned j. emissions

    10. animal k. warming

    II. Fill in the gaps with necessary preposition

    1. If it is blizzard, it’s better to stay … home.

    2. Strong wind picked … people and cars and dropped them, blew … roofs, kiosks.

    3. The firefighters put … the fire.

    4. They were left … electricity.

    5. The heatwave caused shortages … water.

    6. The country couldn’t cope … the aftershocks of the disaster so they had to get aid … other countries.

    7. The electricity has gone … .

    8. We spent all day hanging … .

    III. Fill in the gaps with the modals may (might), must, can’t

    1. Perhaps, she is asleep now. She … be asleep now.

    2.That … be true! It’s absolutely impossible.

    3. I left my bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there anymore. Somebody … have stolen it.

    4. ‘I can’t find my umbrella.’ ‘You … have left it in the restaurant last night.’

    5. Ann was in a very difficult situation. It … have been easy for her.

    IV. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Сильный ливень в Беларуси нарушил движение транспорта в Минске.

    2. Во время грозы остерегайтесь высоких холмов, открытых полей и одиноких деревьев.

    3. Парниковый эффект является причиной глобального потепления.

    4. Деятельность человека приводит к исчезновению растений и животных.

    5. Утепляйте ваши окна и дома, используйте энергосберегающие лампочки и энергосберегающее оборудование, принимайте душ вместо ванны, сдавайте в переработку макулатуру, металл, пластик и стекло.

    Test on Unit 7 «Leisure Time»

    I. Complete the sentences with a word or two

    1. Money that you have to pay before visiting a museum is … .

    2. A humorous story or film full of amusing characters is a … .

    3. A film full of events, fights and shooting is an … .

    4. Free time spent out of work is … .

    5. Outdoor activity spent under water is … .

    II. Put the article where necessary

    1. … London Airport is famous for its planes.

    2. … Winter Palace is the most beautiful palace in Europe.

    3. I have never been to Bolshoy Theatre.

    4. … «Astoria» is a very comfortable hotel.

    5. You can see the Changing of the Guard every day outside … Buckingham Palace

    6. You can «meet» famous people as wax figures at … Madam Tussaud`s.

    7. All Englishmen read … Guardian.

    8. Did you visit … Tretyakov Gallery?

    9. … Kremlin is mostly visited by the foreign tourists.

    10. You can go for a walk along … Hyde Park.

    III. Fill in the gaps with preposition if necessary

    1. I prefer to hang … with my friends.

    2. The simplest way to avoid … boredom is to do something interesting.

    3. It is difficult sometimes to find a solution … a life problem.

    4. It hard to make a decision when your mind is … a mess.

    5. You should take … account that opening time is from 10am to 6pm.

    6. I’d like to find … about permanent exhibitions of the museum.

    7. You’ll never mistake chanterelles … mushmires.

    8. Visiting a museum will help you to learn so much … the past of our country.

    9. The exhibitions of the museum are dedicated … ecological problems.

    10. I was fascinated … the film from start to finish.

    IV. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Эта книга настоящий шедевр, она запала мне в душу (затронула).

    2. Этот фильм профессионально сыгран, его стоит посмотреть.

    3. Вязание, вышивание крестиком, шитье поможет вам приятно провести свой досуг и создать что-то новое, чем ты можешь гордиться.

    4. Новый фильм с Камерон Диас интригующий и захватывающий дух, но немного (a bit) девчачий.

    5. Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте музея и узнайте о выставках, рабочем времени, плате за вход и скидках.

    Test on Unit 8 «Means of Communication»

    I. Read the definition and give the notion

    1. (n) a language used for communication among people of different mother tongues;

    2. (v) to listen secretly to the private conversation of others;

    3. (n) the instant exchange of written messages between two or more people using different computers or mobile phones;

    4. (n) extreme force; actions or words intended to hurt or injure a person;

    5. (n) a telegraph code formerly used internationally for transmitting messages.

    II. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary

    1. Check whether you have plugged … .

    2. Parents should keep an eye … their children.

    3. Today a lot of teenagers get addicted … drugs or go … mugging.

    4. She went … staring at me without saying a word.

    5. Nowadays many people argue … the importance of modern means of communication.

    6. I got … collecting coins.

    7. Her behavior let me … .

    8. All my peers surf … the Internet all day long.

    9. She hardly tells the reality … fiction.

    10. The Internet usually slows … when a lot of people tune … .

    III. Put in a relative pronoun or adverb which best fits each space

    1990 was the year when I first went back to the small village … I was born. I was only three years old … my parents went to the USA, … I now consider my home. But I have always been curious to find out more about the place … we left more than ten years ago. I can’t explain the reason … I didn’t visit the land of my parents some years ago. The first impression I got when I arrived there was the heat, … was just awful. The people … were waiting for me at the airport were all friendly. They spoke of the time … I was a child as if it was yesterday. My grandfather, … eyes filled with tears when he saw me, with … I’ll stay during my visit looks exactly like my father.

    IV. Fill in the gaps with the articles if necessary

    1. … Xbox is a sixth generation video game.

    2. … television is an efficient source of information.

    3. … iPod is a portable media player.

    4. … railway is not fast but comfortable way of travelling.

    5. … Net ruins borders between different countries.

    V. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Все следует делать в пределах разумного.

    2. Жестокость на телевидение влияет на незрелую психику(mind) ребенка.

    3. Интернет и телевидение — ненадежные источники информации.

    4. Электронная почта и электронное общение в реальном времени заменили (вытеснили) живое (face-to-face) общение.

    5. Моя сестра не может не подслушивать мои телефонные разговоры.

    Test on Unit 9 «School Matters»

    I. Read the definitions, write the notion or phrase

    1. (n) a person who hurts or intimidates (запугивать) weaker people

    2. (adj) unable to read and write; uneducated

    3. (n) a public examination in a subject taken for the General Certificate of Education (GCE), usually at the age of 17-18

    4. (ph) a thing not easily understood; difficult task:

    5. (n) professional training.

    II. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary

    1. I was ill last week and now I have to catch … .

    2. You shouldn’t learn all … once before the exam.

    3. I am … sport, it helps me to keep fit.

    4. It’s better to learn … other people’s mistakes.

    5. I hung … with my friends yesterday and didn’t do my homework.

    6. Don’t forget to set … an alarm clock.

    7. Don’t surf … the Internet the night before the exam.

    8. I do my best to cope … difficulties.

    9. Mary participates … all school events.

    10. She made … her mind to become a doctor when she was 5.

    III. Fill in the gaps with do or make. Change the grammar form if necessary

    1. Can you … me a favour?

    2. I … an effort to improve my grade in Maths, but all in all I got F

    3. Don’t … a fuss of his marriage.

    4. I … my best at the exam and got an excellent mark.

    5. It always … sense to take care of your health.

    6. Don’t … noise! Father is working.

    7. She … her morning exercise every day.

    8. We … friends when I was in Italy.

    9. It doesn’t … any difference.

    10. She is … progress in English.

    IV. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Легче сказать чем сделать, это задание очень сложное («крепкий орешек»).

    2. Его исключили, потому что он не сдал экзамен.

    3. Она упустила шанс получить хорошее образование.

    4. У нее хорошее произношение, но она допускает много ошибок в правописании.

    5. В развивающихся странах много неграмотных людей.


    Unit 1


    1. is working

    2. am going.

    3. will get

    4. is coming

    5. am going

    6. won’t hurt


    1. am going to watch

    2. will lend

    3. will get

    4. am going to wash

    5. are you going to paint

    6. am going to buy

    7. will show

    8. will have

    9. will do

    10. is going to do

    Unit 2

    I. 1. my; 2. his, his; 3. its; 4. her; 5. his; 6. theirs; 7. my; 8. their; 9. its; 10. their; 11. my; 12. its 13. his; 14. your, mine; 15. theirs; 16. mine; 17. yours; 18. your; 19. their; 20. her

    Unit 3



    1. loudest

    2. more excitedly

    3. more softly

    4. harder

    5. most legibly


    1. latest

    2. more systematically

    3. (much) more intelligently

    4. most excitedly

    5. more patiently

    Unit 4



    2. d

    3. a

    4. b

    5. c

    6. a

    7. b

    8. d

    9. b

    10. c


    1. John said that Mandy was at home.

    2. Max told me that Frank often read a book.

    3. Susan said to me that she was watching TV.

    4. Simon said that David had been ill.

    5. Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.

    6. Richard said to me that he was going to ride a skateboard.

    7. Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.

    8. Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.

    9. Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.

    10. Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.


    1. Andrew told me to clean the blue bike.

    2. Jessica told me to write a text message.

    3. The teacher reminded me not to forget my homework

    4. Nelly told me to help Peter’s sister.

    5. Fred told me to wash my hands.

    6. Jamie reminded me not to eat so much junk food.

    7. Anna told me to open the window.

    8. Karen told me not to play football in the garden.

    9. Victoria told me to check my e-mails.

    10. Mike told me not to shout at Peter.


    1. Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.

    2. Betty wanted to know when I had come.

    3. Mark asked me if John had arrived.

    4. Ronald asked me where Maria parked her car.

    5. Elisabeth asked me if I had watched the latest film.

    6. Mandy wanted to know if she could help me.

    7. Andrew asked me if Mandy would have lunch with Sue.

    8. Justin asked me what I was doing.

    9. Frank wanted to know how much pocket money Lisa got.

    10. Anne asked if she had to do the shopping.

    Unit 5

    I. 1. are caused; 2. are shown; 3. don’t use; 4. was built; 5. be done; 6. has disappeared; 7. has been shot; 8. will be built; 9. am being served; 10. had already gone

    II. 1. is being used; 2. Have you painted; 3. covers; 4. is covered; 5. had been cancelled; 6. are locked; 7. was posted, arrived; 8. was being redecorated; 9. will be working; 10. died, were brought up;

    Unit 6


    1. must

    2. must

    3. can’t

    4. must

    5. must

    6. can’t

    7. must

    8. must

    9. can’t

    10. might


    1. have dropped

    2. know

    3. be

    4. have been

    5. be

    6. go

    7. be going

    8. have stolen

    9. have been

    10. have been following

    Unit 7


    1. the

    2. —

    3. —

    4. the, —

    5. —

    6. —

    7. —

    8. the

    9. the, the

    10. the

    11. — , —

    12. the

    13. the

    14. the

    15. —

    Unit 8


    1. the

    2. — , —

    3. the

    4. on the

    5. over the

    6. the

    7. on the

    8. in, —

    9. a

    10. off, on, —

    11. on the

    12. by, —


    1. who

    2. who

    3. which

    4. who

    5. which

    6. which

    7. which

    8. who


    1. where

    2. whose

    3. where

    4. whose

    5. whom

    6. why

    7. whose

    8. which

    9. who

    10. whom

    Unit 9


    1. have eaten

    2. be wearing

    3. have reserved

    4. have opened

    5. be driving

    6. have written

    7. have warned

    8. have looked

    Test on Unit 1


    1. fall out

    2. full of beans

    3. hooked

    4. pale

    5. wavy

    II. complexion, heart-shaped, charming, breadwinner, strict, moustache, (sun)tanned, turned-up, freckles, close knit


    1. in

    2. of

    3. about

    4. from

    5 after

    6. up

    7. on

    8. on

    9. —

    10. —


    1. will buy

    2. am meeting

    3. will come

    4. are going to buy

    5. is leaving


    1. We are a close knit family, we never quarrel and always get on well.

    2. My sister always gives me a shoulder to cry on.

    3. My mother is a person I can rely on and share my emotions and problems with.

    4. I always feel secure and confident with my family.

    5. My grandfather has a wide forehead and hazel eyes, he wears moustache but he doesn’t like beard.

    Test on Unit 2


    1. them

    2. she, me

    3. he, us

    4. his

    5. your, mine


    1. was written

    2. have been killed

    3. built

    4. was bought

    5. have arrested

    6. arrived

    7. will be cleaned

    8. wasn’t invited

    9. employs

    10. has lost


    1. on

    2. forward to

    3. up with

    4. —

    5. up

    6. out

    7. with

    8. up

    9. about, on

    10. — , out


    1. A new boy is very popular with his classmates.

    2. Mike never gives secrets away (lets the cat out of the bag).

    3. All sportsmen are usually well-built and muscular, because they lead a healthy way of life.

    4. Boys like to play truant and often get into troubles.

    5. My friend is always ready to lend me a helping hand (give me a hand).

    6. Kate is very outgoing and it’s easy for her to make friends.

    7. My friend is always on the phone or surfs the Internet.

    8. You can always rely on this person.

    9. I can always ask my mother for a piece of advice.

    10. Mike and Alice live in each other pockets.

    Test on Unit 3


    1. c

    2. h

    3. g

    4. f

    5. j

    6. k

    7. d

    8. b

    9. e

    10. a


    1. illness

    2. addict

    3. addictive

    4. chemical

    5. immune system


    1. to

    2. in

    3. up

    4. from

    5. in (into)

    6. to, through

    7. by

    8. to

    9. of

    10. across


    1. Before doing stretching or flexibility sessions you should warm up.

    2. It’s very important to know your heart rate, cholesterol level, blood pressure and weight.

    3. Smoking increases the risk of cancer, bronchitis, pneumonia or different heart diseases.

    4. Try to pick up low fat milk and lean meat.

    5. Fast food destroys our appetite control system.

    Test on Unit 4


    1. The boy said to his mother that he had no time for lunch that day.

    2. My brother said to me that he was going to become a doctor.

    3. The pupil said to his teacher that he could do his homework after dinner.

    4. She asked me not to worry about such a small thing.

    5. Mary asked her friend not to mention that to anybody.

    6. He asked me to ring him up next day.

    7. He asked me if I often went to see my friends.

    8. I asked my mother if anybody had come to see me.

    9. Mother asked us what we were doing here.

    10. He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays.


    1. the other

    2. another

    3. others

    4. the others

    5. another

    6. the other

    7. the other

    8. other

    9. another

    10. the other


    1. This knee-length plain skirt suits you.

    2. Leather trousers are a must in your wardrobe.

    3. Try this checked shirt on! It matches your eyes.

    4. Zip up (do up), when it’s cold.

    5. These boots are out of fashion — get rid of them.

    Test on Unit 5


    1. precipitation

    2. humidity

    3. pressure

    4. weather

    5. weather forecast


    1. forecast

    2. blowy, gusty, breezy

    3. boiling

    4. chilly

    5. shower

    6. temperate, mild

    7. dampness, moisture

    8. mist

    9. overcast, nasty

    10. drizzle


    1. into

    2. with

    3. on

    4. from, to

    5. up

    6. up

    7. with, under

    8. of

    9. out


    1. We conducted experiments and researches at the weather station.

    2. Her weather forecast wasn’t accurate.

    3. Belarus has moderate mild climate with cold winters and warm summers.

    4. It is raining heavily, lovely weather for ducks.

    5. He is a fair weather friend, he’ll never help you to weather the storm.

    6. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.

    7. Water evapourates into the atmosphere, condenses and falls on the ground.

    8. Polar bears and walruses are threatened (endangered) animals.

    9. Hot weather leaves me cool.

    10. When the sun shines, the surface of the Earth heats.

    Test on Unit 6


    1. j

    2. k

    3. g

    4. f

    5. h

    6. d

    7. a

    8. b

    9. c

    10. e


    1. at

    2. up, away

    3. out

    4. without

    5. of

    6. with, from

    7. out

    8. around


    1. might

    2. can’t

    3. must

    4. must

    5. can’t


    1. Heavy downpour disrupted traffic (transport work) in Minsk.

    2. During lightening stay away (avoid) high hills, open fields and lonely trees.

    3. The greenhouse effect causes global warming.

    4. Human activities lead to animal and plant extinction.

    5. Insulate your windows and houses; use energy saving bulbs (lamps) and equipment; take a shower instead of bath; recycle paper, metal, plastic and glass.

    Test on Unit 7


    1. admission fee

    2. comedy

    3. action

    4. leisure time

    5. scuba diving


    1. 1. —

    2. the

    3. the

    4. the

    5. the

    6. the

    7. the


    1. out

    2. —

    5. into

    6. out

    7. for

    8. about

    9. to

    10. by


    1. I was moved by this book, it’s a masterpiece.

    2. This film is well-acted and worth watching.

    3. Knitting, cross stitching, sewing will help you to pass your leisure time in a pleasant way and create something new you will be proud of.

    4. A new film with Cameron Dias is thrilling and breathtaking, but a bit girly.

    5. Sign up the museum website and learn about the exhibitions, opening times, admission fees and discounts.

    Test on Unit 8


    1. lingua franca

    2. eavesdrop

    3. instant messaging

    4. violence

    5. Morse’s Code


    1. into

    2. on

    3. to, out

    4. on

    5. about

    6. into

    7. down

    8. —

    9. from

    10. down, in

    III. where, when, which, that, why, which, who, when, whose, whom

    IV. 1. the 2.- 3.the 4.- 5. the


    1. Everything should be done within reasonable limits You should do everything within reasonable limits.

    2. Violence on TV affects child’s immature mind.

    3. The Internet and television are unreliable sources of information.

    4. E-mail and instant messaging replaced face-to-face communication.

    5. My sister couldn’t help eavesdropping my telephone conversations.

    Test on Unit 9


    1. a bully

    2. illiterate

    3. A level

    4. a hard nut to crack

    5. apprenticeship


    1. up

    2. at

    3. into

    4. from

    5. around

    6. —

    7. —

    8. with

    9. in

    10. up


    1. do

    2. made

    3. make

    4. did

    5. makes

    6. make

    7. does

    8. made

    9. make

    10. making


    1. It is easier said than done, this task is a hard nut to crack.

    2. He was expelled because he had failed the exam.

    3. She missed out on good education.

    4. Her pronunciation is good but she makes a lot of mistakes in spelling.

    5. There are a lot of illiterate people in developing countries.

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